• Published 31st Dec 2015
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Second Chances, Many Changes - ASGeek2012

I used to be a human girl named Rachel. Now some self-appointed "Spirit of Chaos" (who surely has an ulterior motive) decided to "rescue" me from my fate and give me a second chance. Yeah, being a pastel pony in an insane world is SO much better.

  • ...

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Chapter 14 - Hurt

"So what do you have planned for today, Candy?"

I barely registered Spike's voice, even when he had addressed me directly, until Rarity gently nudged me. I looked up from my barely half-finished breakfast and cast my gaze on the smiling young dragon. "Oh, um, I was going to spend at least part of the day at the boutique. After that, I don't know."

Rarity smiled. "I thought perhaps we would top off the morning with lunch at that new café which opened recently. They've already received rave reviews from the more upper crust of Ponyville society. Afterward, we would return to the boutique until it's time to pick up Sweetie Belle from school."

Spike's eyes widened. "You're gonna spend the entire day away from the castle?"

He reflected a bit of my own alarm, but likely for entirely different reasons. Chrysalis had said she would name the time and place when I had to give her the pendant (if I gave it to her), and I assumed I had to be in the castle for that.

"Well, why not, darling?" said Rarity. "I'm sure Candy is not interested in some stuffy summit meeting."

"There is the little matter of studying her pendant," Twilight said in a low voice.

I debated seizing on that as a means of returning to the castle earlier, but that meant opening the door to my other fears.

I glanced towards the end of the table. Princess Celestia had joined us for breakfast. She and Spike had arrived together, the latter scurrying off into the kitchen to prepare the meal. She had initially engaged us in conversation -- well, I mostly listened and made myself as unobtrusive as possible -- but she had since fallen silent, sedately eating her meal, utensils held in the golden glow of her horn. Her eyes were downcast, as if she were lost in thought.

"Yeah, there's that!" Spike said. "And ... um ... well, I did like having lunch with her. I wouldn't mind doing it again."

That ... had been unexpected. He must have sensed my surprise in the look I gave him, as he blushed faintly.

Rarity gave Spike a half-lidded look. "Oh? Do I have some competition for my Spike-Wikey's affections?"

I nearly choked on my bite of apple. I heard a faint giggle from the end of the table. Celestia had not looked up, but a small smile graced her muzzle.

Spike's blush deepened. "I didn't mean that! I just ... um ... I dunno, maybe Candy wanted more daffodils? Not that I'm trying to bribe her aga ... I mean, I never bribed her before! Not that this is a bribe, either! Nope!"

Both Twilight and Rarity stared at him. My sides hurt from suppressed laughter.

"Um ... wh-what I mean is ... I thought ... Candy never got a proper tour of the castle."

"Spike, we're trying to hold a summit," Twilight said. "Maybe this should wait until it's over?"

"But by then Candy will be fostered to--"

Twilight jabbed a hoof into his side.

"Ack! I mean, well, the summit doesn't start until three, right?"

"Spike is correct," Celestia finally spoke. "I wanted Luna to get at least some sleep."

Sleep? I guess it made sense that Luna was nocturnal.

"So why not have her come back here for lunch?" Spike said. "Then she can do your thing with the pendant, I can take her to the, er, I mean, take her on the tour, and we're all good!" He paused, his eyes shifting from side to side. "Um, right?"

Seriously, what was up with Spike? Good God, I hope he didn't really have some sort of crush on me! That was the last thing I needed.


He had almost spilled something again, hadn't he? Spike may be a great assistant to Twilight, but a master of subtlety he was not. He wanted me to be somewhere that afternoon. Had Chrysalis gone through him? Was that when I was supposed to make my decision regarding the pendant? That really did not seem at all like something Spike would do.

I had to admit, Spike had managed to make me like him without really trying. I would not mind spending more time with him.

"Candy, it really is up to you what you wish to do with your day," said Rarity. "I certainly will not force you. And the café will always be there."

"I want to head back to the castle for lunch," I said. "And the tour."

Spike smiled and gave me a thumb's up gesture.

"And you'll let me examine the pendant?" Twilight said hopefully.

"We'll see," I said in a low voice.

Twilight sighed but said nothing in protest. Rarity glanced between Twilight and I, but also remained silent.

Yeah, whatever was going to happen, it was going to be on my terms, ponies.

Fluttershy awaited us just outside the castle. She gave me a warm smile. I had trouble returning it, but I managed.

If I asked Fluttershy why she was friends with Discord, would the answer make any sense? Would I even accept it if it did? I remembered what I had promised I would do if I ever met Discord again. For awhile, I believed I could temper that response. He had saved my life, after all. Finding out the pendant itself had set the chain of events in motion changed everything. The pendant had originated in Equestria. Equestria was responsible for me being in Equestria. Wasn't that what it really came down to?

"Candy?" came Fluttershy's tentative voice as we trotted into town, my guards closely bringing up the rear.

I turned my head towards her. "Huh?"

"Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine," I replied in a more curt voice than intended. "Why?"

"You just seem kind of quiet this morning."

"I do admit, you do seem a little out of sorts today," said Rarity. "Is there something you need to talk to us about?"

I glanced between them. They both had hopeful looks on their faces. Were they expecting me to say something specific? Was Chrysalis right about them already knowing what I was, and all they needed was for me to confirm it?

"I ... um ... n-no, nothing." I sighed. "Sorry, I had some trouble sleeping last night."

"Goodness, I'm sorry about that," said Fluttershy.

"The essences from the spa not working for you then?" asked Rarity.

I could have face-hoofed. I had forgotten all about them. They still sat unopened in the vanity back in my room. God, I had been so out of it. "Um, no, not really."

"I do hope this summit does not take too long," said Rarity. "We will all be better off when it's done."

For once, I could agree. Maybe I would be gone before it concluded, if the outcome really mattered that little to me.

A round building rose within a circular clearing near the center of town, just over a bridge which crossed a small stream, and Rarity guided us towards it. It looked impressive and central enough to be the Town Hall. I was ready to follow her in when Rarity turned to face me. "Ah, if you didn't mind waiting out here with Fluttershy, Candy, I will only be a minute."

"Oh, um, sure," I said.

Rarity smiled and trotted inside.

I glanced at Fluttershy. She still had a troubled look in her eyes, yet I had to give voice to my earlier thoughts. "Fluttershy, I wanted to ask you about Discord."

Her pupils shrank a bit. "Oh, um, what about him?"

"You're supposed to be reforming him, right?"

"Yes, that's right."


Fluttershy blinked. "How?"

"Yes, how?" I knew I risked revealing my ignorance about facts that might be widely known, and that perhaps had prompted Fluttershy's uneasy look. Of course, it had nothing to do with my accusing tone of voice.

"I'm trying to show him how important friendship is," said Fluttershy.

I waited. "Uh ... that's it?"

"Well, maybe that's over-simplifying a bit. It's through friendship that he learns to use his powers for good."

I had the urge to ask her to define what "good" meant in this context, but I refrained. "Does he tell you everything he does when you're not around?"

"Not always."

"Does he at least explain why he does ... what he does?"

Fluttershy hesitated and averted her gaze, scraping a fore-hoof. "Um, he can be a little evasive sometimes."

"So how do you really know he's serious? How do you know he's not just pretending to--"

I flinched when she snapped her gaze back to mine. "Discord sometimes makes mistakes. He doesn't always get it right. He's new to friendship. He's dealing with completely new feelings, new motivations, and a new world view. That's hard. He's trying to fit into a place he never was before and not be forced to give up who he is."

I stood in shocked silence, her eyes locked to mine. I had never heard Fluttershy speak with such passion before, even if still in her soft, gentle voice.

New feelings. New motivations. New world view. Trying to fit in and not lose who I am. Yeah, I wouldn't know anything about that, would I?

Wait, no. It wasn't entirely the same. It was not a fair comparison at all. I didn't have the ability to affect the destinies of others. I didn't snatch people from other universes. What could possibly motivate somepony like Fluttershy to do that for a creature of such power and such whimsy unless she were like Chrysalis had said, either beguiled or gullible? Nopony was that kind.

We both jumped when a voice suddenly roared from inside Town Hall, "A WHAT has been filed against it?!"

My eyes widened. I swore the ground actually shook. "Was that ... was that Rarity??"

"Kindly allow me the courtesy to decide where the fault lies!" Rarity's voice thundered forth, making several nearby ponies turn their heads. "Now what are the reasons for this inane challenge?!"

"Oh, dear," Fluttershy murmured.

"That is patently absurd! I filed all the proper papers!"

"What the hay?!" came a raspy voice from above. Rainbow Dash flew down and hovered nearby. "You can hear her halfway to Cloudsdale!"

This could not possibly be about my ...

"She is a FILLY, not the spawn of Tirek!"

Fluttershy whimpered and hid her face behind her hair.

"Oo, what's going on?" said Pinkie Pie as she bounced over.

"ENOUGH! I demand to know who is responsible for this!"

Pinkie pouted. "Aww, Rarity is ripping somepony else a new one, and I wasn't invited! Again!"

"Ugh, that INSUFFERABLE mare!" Rarity boomed. "It is little wonder Sweetie Belle complains about that mare's daughter to no end! Fine. Let her have her petty little challenge. I've stared down greater beasts than her in my day, and the only thing she has that's more impressive than them is her BIG MOUTH! GOOD DAY!!"

"Tarnation!" came Applejack's voice as she trotted over, a set of saddlebags over her barrel. "What the hay is Rarity goin' on about?"

"That's what I wanted to know!" Rainbow said.

"Take cover!" Pinkie cried, who was now wearing a pith helmet. "She's coming out!"

I very nearly expected to see Rarity transformed into some sort of wild-eyed monster, yet out trotted the same dignified mare with the always well-coiffed mane, a serene smile on her face. She stopped short when she saw everypony staring at her and blushed faintly. "Oh, dear. I do hope I didn't make too much of a scene."

"I-is everything okay?" Fluttershy said in a tentative voice.

"Ah, well," Rarity began as she trotted forward. "Merely a minor bureaucratic delay on a certain legal proceeding. Nothing to fret about."

So it was about my being fostered. Somepony had raised a stink about it, and Rarity ...

Well ...

A duty, right? Just a duty? She was just ... really adamant about it. My mother could be that way about business deals she absolutely wanted. This had to be no different, right? Nopony was that generous.

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "You sure 'bout that, sugarcube?"

Rarity uttered an exasperated sigh. "Really, Applejack, I have this under control. I simply need to make a few, ah, discreet inquiries to see if I can get around that insuff ... er ... concerned citizen's challenge."

"Let me know if you need me to, you know, lean on anypony," said Rainbow.

"Absolutely not, Rainbow! You should be ashamed for even thinking that."

"Oo, I'll lean on them, too!" Pinkie said.

Rarity gasped. "You, Pinkie? Resort to such ... ruffian tactics?"

"Huh? I meant I'd lean on them until they fell over, then tickle them silly until they gave in!" Pinkie said with a smile. "That's what you were thinking, right, Dashie?"

Rainbow face-hoofed.

"Enough," said Rarity as she joined Fluttershy and I. "I have this well in hoof. Now, we should have been at the boutique fifteen minutes ago. Let's go."

The sense of familiarity instilled merely by the distinctive aroma of fabric foiled my hopes of maintaining any sort of emotional distance. Smells, sights, and sounds conspired to force a sense of comfort with my surroundings while I stood in the back room of the Carousel Boutique. For once, enhanced equine senses were more a bane than a blessing.

Equine. I had to keep that at the forefront of my mind. I still inhabited a body contrary to my birthright. Whatever sense of comfort or familiarity had accumulated in the past few days could not change that. I remained a stranger in a strange land, furthermore in a strange body.

Like Chrysalis had hammered home, I was not one of them.

I watched Rarity work. Her aplomb with magic sparked the same sense of wonder, even if the same smile failed to cross my muzzle as it had the day before. I viewed everything through a new critical lens. Scissors cut perfect lines and shapes, thread speared the eyelet of the needle on the first go, needle flowed through fabric like a fish through water, but I fought not to envy skills that I would never have before my time in Equestria was done.

I watched a dress come to life, as elegant as any my mother might have produced. When my mother still made dresses by hand, my youth limited my appreciation to simply noting the pretty colors. In a single day with Rarity I had attained a far greater appreciation and sheer want for what my mother could do.


Had done.

How many times had I slipped up in tense when talking about my mother? Or Michelle? How often had I talked about them as if I had just seen them last week? My head still insisted in living in a past world that no longer existed. For a brief time, I believed Equestria to be the solution, but it was really just a bigger part of the problem.

Equestria was my past, thanks to the pendant. And if I wanted to get away from my past, I had to get away from this world as well.


I blinked. "Huh?"

Rarity had stopped her work. Nothing floated in the air like it might were this a simple pause to ask me a brief question. Her eyes regarded me with sad concern. "Are you quite sure you have nothing you want to talk to me about?"

I clenched my teeth. I wished she had left me alone. Yes, I had plenty to talk about. Whether I should was the real question.

"Candy, are you angry with me about something?" Rarity asked.

I didn't have an answer for her. So I asked her something instead. "Rarity, are you intending to foster me?"

Rarity's pupils shrank slightly, perhaps not shocked, but surprised. She gave me a weak smile. "I suppose there's no point in keeping it from you any further," she said in a soft voice. "I was intending for it to be a surprise once the summit was over. Yes, I am."


Rarity hesitated. "I'm sorry?"

"It's a simple question," I said in a tense voice. "Why do you want to foster me?"

She hesitated again. A knot formed in the pit of my stomach. Would she tell me the truth? That some magical map summoned her? That it was her duty? I might even appreciate her honesty; it would make the break with her -- and Equestria -- easier.

"I don't have a simple answer for you, Candy," said Rarity.

Of course. Nothing was simple. "Do you have any answer for me?" I demanded.

Rarity's horn glowed briefly as she levitated the spectacles from her muzzle and set them aside. "The reason I was prompted to start the process is not the same as the reason I continued the process."

Prompted to start the process. I had been right. Chrysalis had been right.

"I strongly feel the second reason is more important than the first," Rarity said.

Part of me screamed she was wrong, that the difference made her gesture completely worthless. I quelled it for the time being. "G-go on," I said in a small voice.

"The second reason is ... I care for you, Candy."

"You don't even know who I really am!" I yelled. "How can you say that?!"

"Maybe I know you more than you think."

My heart thumped. "Are you saying ... y-you know about my real past?"


Fear demanded I call her a liar. I suppressed it through sheer force of will and remained silent.

"I'm saying it doesn't matter. What matters is who I see now. And the pony I see now is one I want to have a chance to flourish, to grow, to become a beautiful mare in spirit as well as body, a chance you won't get if you're left alone."

I swallowed hard. "Y-you're not my mother," I breathed.

"No, I'm not," said Rarity in a subdued voice. "And it would be unconscionably presumptuous of me to ever expect to replace her. I would not even expect you to call me by that term of endearment, nor would I ever insist on it. I did not foal you, therefore I did not earn it."

My throat closed up. It wasn't supposed to go this way.

Rarity took a step towards me. "Candy ... I'd like to think we ... we connected, at least a little. Maybe I assumed too much. I sometimes do that. Please tell me if this is so."

I forced myself to take a breath. I could tell her that we failed to connect, but then I would be the liar. Lying had all but exhausted me. "No, Rarity, we did. I really did enjoy my time with you yesterday."

"But I'm still sensing something is wrong."

Everything was wrong! Why couldn't she see that?!

"Candy, please tell me the truth," said Rarity in a pained voice. "Do you want me to foster you?"

Stop asking me questions I didn't want to answer!

"What difference does that make?" I snapped. "Somepony obviously doesn't!"

"What are you ... oh ... the Town Hall."

"Yes, the Town Hall!" I said in a mocking voice. "What about that?"

"When I said I had that well in hoof, I meant it," Rarity said in a firm voice. "You need not worry about it."

"But it means somepony doesn't want me here!"

"Their opinion doesn't matter, not to me."

"But I don't want to cause--"

"Stop right there!" Rarity said, holding up a hoof.

I fell silent, more out of shock at her forcefulness than anything else.

"If this incident with the delay in my application is the only reason you wish to reject me as a fosterer, you are worrying yourself over nothing. I had told you that I tended not to claim special privilege for being an Element-bearer, but if it means overcoming this hurdle, I will claim it! And Twilight is a Princess of Equestria. She used her authority to take temporary custody of you, and she will use her authority again to help me if it is needed."

I swallowed hard and trembled.

Rarity's eyes glistened, and she said in a softer voice, "But if there is some other reason you don't want me, please ... say it. Don't give me false hope."

I stared, my mouth slightly agape.

False hope ...

She made it sound like she really ...


I didn't care what the real reasons were behind the legal challenge. It was my way out. The easy way. The way that let me avoid a real decision. I didn't have to hurt anypony. The blame would be on somepony else.

What if I had given the pendant to Chrysalis the night before? Would I have been on Earth and back in my human body already? Would this all have been just a memory? But, no, I had been the coward. Again. "Not yet" was not a decision, just a delay. "I need to think" I had said, except I never do.

Desperation compelled me to lump Rarity in with the rest. Far easier to label a group than deal with individuals. Yet the idea burned an ache into my heart I could not ignore.

I wanted to answer so I didn't have to lie or hurt her in any way. I thought I had accomplished that when I finally replied in a very soft voice, "Not one you would find valid, anyway."

Rarity contemplated me for a moment, her eyes glistening. She finally nodded slowly. "Would you do me a f-favor, Candy?" she said with a small, trembling smile. "Can you relieve Fluttershy of minding the store for a short while and send her back here? I, um, have an alteration of a dress of hers that I need to discuss."

"Oh, um, sure," I said.

"Just tell any new customers that I will be out sh-shortly."

She had furnished an excuse for me to step away and let my emotions settle, or so it had appeared. If I had heard the catch in her voice, it had not registered. Or more likely, as I tended to do, I didn't want to hear it.

I reported to the front of the store and informed Fluttershy of Rarity's request. She looked a bit confused, but gave me a subdued look and headed back. I took a deep breath. I felt I had handled that the best I could. I had not had an emotional breakdown, and I gave Rarity an answer that seemed to satisfy her without having to outright lie.

Leaves rustled softly in a nearby tree through an open window. My steps clopped crisply against the floor behind the counter as I paced. My mother used to say that if you could hear your own footsteps in a store, the store was not busy enough. I wondered if that translated to hooves as well.

A pegasus mare entered the store. One of my guards followed her in and took up position near the door. "Rarity will be out shortly," I said. She nodded and proceeded to browse through the designs on display. An earth mare arrived next, and I repeated the mantra. She simply paced slowly about.

Imagery flashing before my mind's eye threatened to overcome reality, where my twelve year old self stood behind the counter of one of my mother's stores. My mother had asked me if I could see myself working in a place like this. I never really gave her a firm answer, as uncertain as my still childlike outlook had been.

The same question now filled me with a sense of longing.

Finally, I heard hooves behind me. "Ah, thank you, Candy," came Rarity's voice, now more steady.

I turned and froze, my reply lost. Her eyes glistened, and her mascara had run a bit, a tiny amount that might go unnoticed on another pony, but for Rarity ...

"Candy, it's getting late in the morning, and I appear to be getting busy," she said in a neutral voice, but it quavered slightly. "Fluttershy is willing to take you to the castle if you wish to return. That will give you time to freshen up before lunch."

"Um, okay," I said. "Rarity, are you ...?"

Before I could complete the question, she turned away and trotted over to a customer. Her lips quivered a few times before finally supporting a proper smile.

I stared, dumbstruck.

"Candy?" Fluttershy prompted.

I turned my head. She gave me a sad look. "Um, did something just--?"

"I think we better leave," Fluttershy said softly.


"Please," she said in a low, urgent voice.

I swallowed hard and nodded. I trotted out the door and struggled not to glance backwards in a silent, belated bid for forgiveness that I likely did not deserve.

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