• Published 31st Dec 2015
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Second Chances, Many Changes - ASGeek2012

I used to be a human girl named Rachel. Now some self-appointed "Spirit of Chaos" (who surely has an ulterior motive) decided to "rescue" me from my fate and give me a second chance. Yeah, being a pastel pony in an insane world is SO much better.

  • ...

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Chapter 7 - What's In A Name?

I am human.

The thought is an odd one. Perhaps I am simply reminding myself that no matter how much I have been lurching through life on automatic since my mother died, I am still a human being with desires and ambitions. Yet that does not explain why I stand in the middle of this urban blight, where pale artificial light glimmers off brackish puddles, and grime hangs in the air like a miasma. What could possibly--

My cell phone warbles. Compared to the sepulchral dimness, the light from my phone is like a blazing sun. Yet I need not squint to read the text message glowing in stark black.

please come quick if you want to see


It ... it makes no sense. See what? Come to where? I don't even know where exactly I am.

No, wait! This is from Michelle! I've been trying to reach her all day! This is her apartment building!

"Michelle, I'm coming!" I yell as I bolt towards the door.

I take the stairs two at a time. It comes rushing back to me: Michelle shacking up in drug lord territory; the rumors about me on drugs; her refusing to answer texts or calls. Why did I not come sooner? Why was I standing out there on the street like a confused fool?

I leap off the stairs and hit the hallway at a dead run. I am almost at the door to Michelle's apartment when the hallway suddenly stretches, and my legs ache just from the effort to keep the ground I have already gained. Somehow, I manage to overtake it, and I am finally before the door. I am about to pound on it when I hear Michelle's voice.

"I love you ... I love you s-so much, l-like the little sister I never had ... b-but ..."

My eyes widen. Who is she talking to? I know she cared about me, but she never expressed anything like that. I knew of several other friends she had, but I had no idea she felt that way towards any of them.

"B-but ... you're ... you're d-doing something to me ... I don't know what it is ... wh-why ..."

"Michelle!" I scream. I start pounding on the door. "Michelle! Are you all right?! What's happening??"

I hear a loud thud, like something heavy -- or someone -- falling to the floor. I back up and throw my shoulder at the door, but it feels like hitting a brick wall.

"Why are you doing this to me?!" Michelle wails, and I have no more time. I need to get in. My heart is racing. I can't fail her again! I need to (SEE) get in before it's too late! "I thought you were my friend!"

I kick the door. I want to scream. I want to (SEE) reach her in time!

The door finally yields, and I burst inside. I gasp as I realize someone is standing ...


... no, wait ... I thought ...

There is no one but my friend, lying on the floor, writhing among the detritus of a drug addiction I never knew she had. It makes little sense, but these things never do. I drop to my knees by her side, but there is nothing I can do for her. She's dying, and it's my fault for not seeing the warning signs, for not reaching her in time.


I learned nothing from my mother's death. I likely had turned as much a blind eye towards Michelle as I had towards my mother. Now I sit crying by my dead friend clutching a useless pendant in my trembling hands.

I am back on the street again. I don't run this time. I let the pursuers close with me. Maybe this time they'll get it right. I tuck my head down to let the darkness take me.

The footsteps suddenly cease. I see silvery brilliance out of the corner of my eye. I lift my tear-stained face to a heavenly starry expanse and a bright silver moon. I flinch as I hear a clop of hooves.

I swallow hard and look to the side. A midnight blue alicorn gazes down at me.

"I still do not know what you are," she says softly. "But you are tortured by something you cannot grasp."

I slowly stand. "I-I ... what?"

"It is most odd. I cannot fathom what force is trying to help you. There is something strangely familiar about it, yet very ... alien."

I swallow hard. "I'm b-being helped?"

"Yes, but by what or who, I do not know." She pauses and takes a step closer. "But I do know who is preventing you from being helped."



My eyes flew open.

The room was dark, save for a single moonbeam which bathed the blanket in pale radiance. The moon itself was like a large baleful silver eye, cast down as if in judgment.

You are your only judge.

"What?!" I called out. "Who's there?! I ..."

This time I saw it.

I almost fell on my muzzle in my mad scramble to get out of bed and to the window. It was not an illusion. Right there, superimposed on the moon was the head of a midnight blue pony with a long tapering horn. As I stared in no small amount of awe and fear, it faded from view.

I stumbled back into bed, breathing hard, my heart pounding. If this had been Earth, I would be convinced that I was going insane. But on a world that itself seemed insane, I had no idea what to think, other than the possibility that the pony in my dream was real.

That scared me more than anything the dream itself could conjure.

I next awoke to sunlight.

I had no idea what time it was, as the room did not have a clock. From as bright as it was outside, it must have been some way into the morning. The dream seemed no less surreal by the light of day, but it had lost some of its edge. I could at least function without brooding over the imagery or the identity of that pony.

I managed to shower well enough unassisted. Using the hair-dryer was a bit of a challenge despite the handle being designed for hooves. I got myself dry, but my mane and tail were a bit poofy. I really needed to learn basic pony grooming. I never had this much hair to deal with in my life.

After putting the pendant back on, I was about as ready as I was going to be to face my third day as a pony. I opened the door and stepped into the hall.

"Good morning, Miss."

I flinched and stumbled back from the deep voice that sounded from my immediate left, my gaze falling on a rather muscular pegasus stallion wearing golden armor, one fore-leg curled around a long spear. I very nearly backed into his cohort, who flanked my door on the other side.

"Sorry to startle you, Miss," said the first pegasus. "You were still asleep when we were posted here and had orders not to wake you."

"There you are, sleepyhead!" came a familiar bubbly voice from down the hall.

I stepped away from the door and gazed down the passage. Pinkie Pie stood a short distance away, and next to her was Rarity (thankfully sans maid outfit and her hair back to normal). "Good morning, darling," said Rarity with a smile. She was levitating a rolled-up banner into place above the next door down. "Did you have a good rest?"

"Good morning," I said. "Um, yeah, more or less."

Rarity finished hooking the ends of the banner, giving it one final magical nudge to unroll it. A stylized yellow sun stood against a field of sky blue. "Give us a few minutes to finish with the decorations, and we can all head to the dining room for breakfast."

"And then we're gonna go into town after that!" Pinkie Pie said, bouncing once.

"I thought I had to stay in the castle for the duration of the summit," I said.

Rarity moved to the next door further down. I trotted a short distance to follow. The two pegasi guards followed, staying in formation just behind me. A second rolled-up banner glowed in Rarity's magical grip as she spoke. "The summit does not officially start until this afternoon when all the delegates arrive, so we have some time. Besides, you ought to have your mane and tail styled properly in case you run into somepony important."

I would have been perfectly content to stay holed up in my room for the duration.

"And this way you get to see Ponyville!" Pinkie said. "But we do have to take care of one eensie little thing before we go."

Rarity levitated the second banner into place. "Are you still going to insist on that this morning?"

"But what if we meet some of our friends? I need some way to introduce her."

"I really think we should wait to hear if Mayor Mare has discovered any information on her."

The banner unrolled. I would have only glanced at it if it had not been a large crescent moon set against midnight blue. Please let that be a coincidence.

"But I got the book here and everything," said Pinkie.

I tore my gaze from the banner in time to see Pinkie reach into her mane and pull out a book far larger than anything I thought could be hidden in a mane. The title of the book was "The Puntastic Guide to Foal Naming (Second Edition) by Pinkamena Diane Pie."

Oh, dear God.

Wait. Diane? Why the hell did that name translate to Equestrian and not Rachel??

Rarity trotted over to us. "Very well, but only if she consents to it." She turned to me. "So it's up to you. Would you like Pinkie to try to come up with a name? I do admit, it would be nice to have a form of address for you."

I had to agree with that sentiment myself. How bad could this be? I had already heard and read some rather silly names and nopony seemed to bat an eye at them. "Well, as long as I get to approve it."

"Of course, dear," said Rarity.

"Yippee!" Pinkie cried. She plopped herself down on her haunches and opened the book. "Hmm, let's see, important info first." She eyed me. "Blue fur, red and orange hair, sixteen, no cutie mark, from Manehattan, it's a Tuesday--"

Tuesday? What did that have to do with--

"--it's sunny, we're having pancakes for breakfast, some fruit on the side, pastries ... mmm, pastries ... sweet, tasty pastries ..."

"Pinkie, dear, please focus," said Rarity.

"Hey, this is all important stuff!" said Pinkie. She glanced at the book before looking at me. "Fruit Pastry!"

I glanced helplessly at Rarity.

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Pinkie, please, get on with it."

"I did!" Pinkie chirped. "Fruit Pastry is a great name!"

"Uh, no," I said.

"Try again, dear," said Rarity.

"Sweet Pastry, maybe?" Pinkie suggested.

"I don't think so," I said.

"Sweet Fruit?"


"Fruity Sweets?"

"Um, no."

"Fruity Orange?"

"Huh?? No!"

"Orange Cherry?"

"I don't think--"

"Cherry Delight?"


"Cherry Booty?"

"What?? No!"

"Cherry Mint?"

"That doesn't even make--"

"Minty Fresh?"

"Pinkie, stop--"

"Fresh Fruit!"


Pinkie pouted, and her hair actually seemed to deflate slightly. "Aw, I was just getting to the really good names."

Rarity peered down at the book. "Pinkie, are all these names based on food?"

"Well, heehee, maybe I was a little hungry when I wrote the book."

I face-hoofed. "Look, Pinkie, I appreciate this, but maybe this isn't going to work."

"I agree," said Rarity. "We should focus on more important matters." She turned to me. "For instance, despite the fact that we're going to the stylist this morning, I am tempted to help you brush your mane into something more manageable."

"I dunno, I kinda like her poofy look," Pinkie said as she closed the book.

"It just makes the colors seem all over the place."

"Oo, but I like it that way. Looks kinda swirly. Reminds me of these little candies we make at Sugarcube Corner sometimes. Cherry and orange fruit flavors all swirled together. Mmm, they're really good!" Pinkie suddenly gasped, and her hair popped out to full inflation. "That's it! I've got it! The perfect name for her! Candy Swirl!"

I blinked.

Candy Swirl?

Candy Swirl??

Okay, you know what? That's not half bad, especially compared to the other names. I used to know a girl named "Candy" back on Earth, so at least it wasn't totally alien.

Rarity smiled. "That actually does sound like a rather lovely name."

And the refined Rarity liked it. Sold. "I'm good with that, then."

"In that case, I suggest we head over to the dining hall."

Pinkie slipped the book into her mane. "Oh, but what about a banner for Queen Chrysalis' room?"

"Nopony can tell me if the changelings even have a flag," said Rarity. "I will see if I can put something together at the boutique while we're in town later. I was lucky to do what I have on such short notice."

"Short notice?" I asked.

"The summit was originally supposed to take place in Canterlot. Queen Chrysalis decided to change the venue to the Castle of Friendship two days ago." She paused. "I have to admit, I do wonder why Twilight did not ask me to help with the preparations when it was in Canterlot."

"She didn't ask me, either," said Pinkie. "Yeah, that was kinda strange."

"Well, I'm sure she had a good reason. Shall we go?"

The two guards were apparently not assigned to my room, but to me, personally. They followed me to the dining room and stood watch just outside the door. Other armored pegasi and some unicorns patrolled the hallways.

Twilight was already at the table, enjoying a cup of tea. After Rarity, Pinkie, and I took our places, that left only one more seat, which I assumed was for Spike given it was higher than the others.

"Will Fluttershy not be joining us?" Rarity asked.

"Well, it is Tuesday," said Twilight.

"Hmph! Considering what happened at the meeting last night, it would serve him right for her to cancel their weekly tea."

"Yes, but you know her, she won't."

"But she will miss out on the spa treatment." Rarity said. "I suppose it cannot be helped. We'll stop by her place afterward and see if she wants to join us."

"Somepony has a new naaaame!" Pinkie sang.

Twilight glanced at me. "Oh, did you remember your name?"

"Er, no, but Pinkie helped pick out one," I said.

"Go on, tell her!" Pinkie said, nudging me with her hoof. "You gotta start getting used to it!"

"The name we came up with was, uh, Candy Swirl."

I felt a little ridiculous saying it, but Twilight smiled. "That sounds like a perfectly fine name for you, Candy."

Hearing myself called that was even weirder, but I smiled just the same. "Thank you."

"Spike will have breakfast out in a few minutes. Would you like some tea in the meantime?"

Still no coffee? Maybe they didn't have that in Equestria. Then again, considering the perpetual manic energy machine in the shape of a pink mare that was Pinkie Pie, perhaps coffee was banned just to prevent her from getting her hooves on caffeine. I wanted something hot, so tea it was. "Yes, please."

"Some tea for me as well, Twilight, thank you," said Rarity. "So, Candy, dear -- so nice to finally have a name to call you by -- I thought I would show you my boutique after we are done with your spa treatment and mane styling. Hopefully Fluttershy can join us then."

"Oh, sure, I'd like to see it," I said as Twilight levitated cups before Rarity and I. I really was curious, to be honest.

"In fact, I would like to make something for you in case you wanted to attend any formal functions during the summit."

Well, that at least explained when ponies wore clothing. "I don't want to put you to a lot of trouble."

"Oh, it's no trouble at all."

"I really wasn't planning on any formal functions, to be honest," said Twilight as she poured tea into our cups in turn with her magic.

"Nonsense, darling, you have to have at least one formal dinner. How else are you going to introduce Candy to the princesses?"

"Um, really, I would not mind staying holed up in my room," I said.

Not that I was a stranger to formal functions. My mother had held them a lot. As I got older, I actually enjoyed attending them. By the time I was eleven, I started looking forward to them.

"But how are you going to have your cake and other goodies if you stay in your room?" Pinkie asked.

"I would just skip dessert, I guess?"

Pinkie gasped. "Skip dessert?? After you had to miss so many of them when you were out on the streets? You need extra desserts just to catch up!"

I had a feeling if I hung out with Pinkie too much, I would either seriously put on weight or be on a constant sugar rush.

"Besides, Twilight, wouldn't it be safer to have Candy and her pendant where she has many eyes on her?" said Rarity. "It would be a lot harder for any shenanigans to happen in that case."

Twilight sighed as she set down the teapot. "Rarity, I'm already feeling a little frazzled trying to keep track of everything else for the summit. I don't have time to prepare for a formal dinner!"

"Oh, I can take care of it, Twilight," said Pinkie. "Mr. and Mrs. Cake would be glad to help out, too."

"There you go, problem solved," Rarity said with a smile as she lifted her teacup with her magic.

I looked down at mine. I had not planned this out well. I felt silly asking for a straw for tea. Certainly there was a way to do this. Earth ponies and pegasi must have to do this all the time. Pinkie had held that book of hers between her hooves so easily earlier, so ...

Okay, I felt dumb. I had to stop thinking like a human and start thinking like a pony. The fact that the cup did not have the little ringlet for a finger should have given me a clue that I just had to use one more than the usual number of appendages to lift it.

"Is there a problem, dear?" Rarity said.

"Huh? Oh, no, I'm fine," I said. I carefully closed both my fore-hooves around the cup. It took a few tries to get the cup positioned correctly so that I had a good grip on it, but I managed to lift it and take a sip. It tasted ... flowery. That was the best way to describe it. Maybe infused with a bit of honey. I actually liked it.

"Candy, have you tried using your magic when you're not wearing your pendant?" Twilight asked. "When I examined it yesterday, I realized the reach of its magical energy does not extend that far. A few feet should be enough to eliminate any interference."

"Uh, no, I haven't tried that," I lied. "I promise I will later."

"I don't see any rush," said Rarity. "She is perfectly capable of using her hooves."

I silently thanked Rarity for the save. I really was starting to like her about as much as I did Fluttershy. Though I sensed Twilight had been hoping for the change in topic. She was sounding a little stressed out. I tried to help her a bit. "So will these guards be with me outside the castle as well?"

"Yes, you'll have two guards assigned to you at all times until the summit is over," said Twilight.

"Oo, but how do we know they're not changelings?" Pinkie asked.

Despite all her craziness, Pinkie Pie sometimes managed to say something insightful. I had been thinking the exact same thing.

"Not to worry," said Twilight. "I am going to be using my detection spell on everypony who enters the castle. I used it to scan every guard who arrived earlier this morning."

That definitely made me feel better.

"That reminds me. I heard from Mayor Mare earlier that the sheriff's stallions found the real Nurse Redheart. She's safe and sound now, but doesn't remember what happened to her."

"Oh, good!" Rarity said. "I was concerned for her myself."

"I'm glad to hear she's okay," I said. "She really was nice to me that first day at the hospital."

"I'll have to make sure to go cheer her up later!" said Pinkie.

"Breakfast is ready!" Spike called out from the kitchen.

I was glad to hear that, as now I was talking simply to drown out my rumbling stomach. I had to admit, the equine sense of smell was amazing. Pancakes had never smelled so good.

I did get a little self-conscious when I saw Rarity delicately eating her breakfast with a fork she held so expertly with her magic, carefully avoiding getting even the least speck of syrup or fruit on her muzzle. I felt a little bit like when I was a kid trying to impress my mother with my good table manners.

I was grateful for Pinkie Pie's presence. Her eating style was ... enthusiastic, let's just leave it at that. Despite having to dip my muzzle into my food, I still looked like the picture of elegance compared to her. Though I did find myself using a lot of napkins, especially anytime Rarity glanced at me.

I was startled by a rather loud crunch from across the table, and all I could do was stare. Spike had a plate of gemstones before him and he had just bitten into one. Seriously, he ate a gemstone like it was no harder than bread.

He noticed me looking at him and popped the rest of the gemstone into his mouth. "What?"

"Er, nothing, sorry," I said.

"No, wait, do I have something on me?" Spike brushed himself off with his claws. "I've been trying not to make a mess."

"Um, no, you're fine."

"Are you sure? Are my spines not straight?"

I gave him a wary look. Why was he so worried about this?

"Not to worry, my little Spikey-Wikey," Rarity said with a gentle smile. "You look absolutely fabulous this morning. A true gentledragon."

Did Rarity just call him by a pet name? And now Spike was blushing?

"I always try to look my best for you, Rarity," said Spike with a very overt look of puppy dog eyed affection.

O-kay, I had no idea whether to find that endearing or be totally creeped out by it.

The moment was spoiled when Spike's eyes widened, and his cheeks puffed out. He uttered a tremendous belch of green fire that made me flinch, and I nearly did a double-take when a scroll popped into existence from the flames and fell to the table.

Twilight levitated the scroll and unfolded it before her eyes. "This is from Princess Celestia. I had sent her a letter late last night before heading on to bed just to let her know what was going on."

"Anything you can share, Twilight?" Rarity asked.

"Just that she believes I'm handling things well concerning the summit and the pendant."

I heard a measure of relief in Twilight's voice. Perhaps this Princess Celestia was her superior? Or simply somepony she wanted to impress?

"She also states she and Princess Luna will be arriving at three this afternoon."

"What about Queen Chrysalis?" I asked.

"She'll arrive by nightfall."

"Well, I suppose she is technically royalty," said Rarity. "And thus entitled to be fashionably late."

Good. That way I could retire for the evening before she arrived and not risk running into her. At least from what I saw of the arrangements, she was going to be at the opposite end of the hallway from me.

"That will give me more time to come up with a banner for her," Rarity continued. "Not to mention it allows me to spend most of the morning with Candy."

I had to remind myself that was my name. It was another new anchor in this world. "Rachel" was slowly ceasing to exist. I supposed that was what I had thought I had wanted when I had agreed to this in the first place.

That might be another reason why I was reluctant to confess my origins. If I never had to do that, then I could just assume this new identity and leave the old one behind. The pendant was really the only thing holding me to the past. I know, I sounded like I was waffling, wanting one minute to preserve my old life and humanity, the next--

"Oh, I don't think there are any waffles this morning," Pinkie said. "Just pancakes."

"Wh-what?" I sputtered.

"So you'll just have to go pancaking instead. It's kinda like waffling, but more flat."

"But ... why did you even say that??"

"I dunno. Something I read, maybe?"

Twilight chuckled. "Don't worry, Candy, she's just being Pinkie Pie."

"I would also advise avoiding spending too much time trying to understand her," said Rarity with a smile. "It will only give you a headache."

I could have said that for a lot about this world.

Rarity dabbed a napkin against her muzzle -- not that it was needed considering how meticulous she had been through the whole meal -- and left her seat. "I need to freshen up a bit before we go. I will meet Candy and Pinkie by the main entrance."

Pinkie proceeded to finish off the rest of her breakfast in one massive bite. She looked like a pony-shaped chipmunk from the way her cheeks puffed out before she swallowed. "See ya in a bit, Candy!" she said as she slid off her seat and trotted away.

Twilight uttered a wistful sigh. "I wish I could go into town with the rest of you girls."

"It's okay, Twilight," I said. I managed a smile. "You've been really nice to me, letting me stay in your castle."

"It was my pleasure."

"I guess I shouldn't get too used to it, if I'm eventually going to move in with somepony else. Do you happen to know who I'll be fostered to?"

Spike smiled. "That would be none other than the beauti -- ow!"

Twilight had clopped her hoof against the back of his head. "Ah, actually, she wants that to be a surprise," said Twilight with a smile.

"You coulda told me that before," Spike grumbled.

"I did, but you apparently forgot in your enthusiasm," Twilight said out of the corner of her mouth.

Spike blushed. "Yeah, I did." He turned to me. "Forget I said anything!"


I supposed I should have been proud of myself that I had managed to put two and two together in that strange world and not come up with five, three, or fish. This would put everything I was going to experience that morning under a new light.

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