• Published 31st Dec 2015
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Second Chances, Many Changes - ASGeek2012

I used to be a human girl named Rachel. Now some self-appointed "Spirit of Chaos" (who surely has an ulterior motive) decided to "rescue" me from my fate and give me a second chance. Yeah, being a pastel pony in an insane world is SO much better.

  • ...

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Chapter 28 - A Conversation With Newer Friends

Rarity wanted to finish an order before the meeting, but thought it best I head directly to the castle. Fluttershy was the first to arrive, and as we sat in the dining hall, I burned with the need to tell her what had happened. I refrained at first, as I didn't want to tell the same tale twice, yet when she hugged me, it reminded me so much of those poignant moments I had just spent with Michelle that it nearly brought me to tears.

"Are you okay, Candy?" Fluttershy asked.

For once, I welcomed the question. I smiled and blinked until my vision cleared. "Yeah, I'm okay. I don't want to go into too much detail before the others arrive, but I did get to talk to Cherry."

Fluttershy uttered a small gasp, and her eyes shimmered. "Is ... i-is she a ghost?"

My knowledge of Equestrian culture was better but still not good enough to know how ponies felt about the spirits of the dead. Fluttershy's question was likely motivated more by her timidness than anything else. "She's much more real than that. I want to think of her as alive, even if she doesn't have a body."

"I just can't imagine living like that. If she could move around on her own, maybe that would be better." After a pause, she added in a tiny voice, "If a little scary."

I smiled and gave her a hug. "I don't think you'd find anything scary about her."

She slowly smiled. "I know I'm being silly."

"It's okay, really. I had no idea what to expect when Zecora proposed this."

"Is Zecora coming to the meeting?"

"No, she stayed behind to do more work on the potion," I said. "She wants to simplify it. Right now it takes several days to make, and she has to devote almost her whole time to it. Some of the ingredients are kinda rare, too."

I tried not to sound despondent. Hadn't Michelle sounded fairly confident that we would talk again soon? I wanted to ask Twilight if she had her own ideas beyond Zecora's complex potion, but she became rather withdrawn after we left the Everfree Forest, and she had retreated to her library almost as soon as we had arrived at the castle.

Fluttershy gave me a sympathetic smile. "I'm sure it will work out. I really do hope you get to talk to Cherry again."

I hesitated before giving her a weak smile.

She tilted her head. "Something wrong?"

Wow, that really was uncanny, no matter how many times it happened. Despite having learned to be more open, I sometimes needed a little prodding. At least now I didn't mind so much. "Fluttershy, are you ... are you upset at all that I haven't been by as often as I used to?"

Fluttershy appeared surprised. "Upset? No, why?"

"You don't feel like I've been ignoring you? I mean, I've been ... busy at the boutique lately." That had not been my first thought; the first words that had come to mind were "bonding with Rarity."

Fluttershy smiled. "Rarity thinks the world of you, Candy, and she's your fosterer. It only makes sense that you spend most of your time with her."

"But if I start talking to Cherry more often, then that takes away more time from us."

"Well, I'll miss not seeing you quite as much, but I understand."

"I just don't want you to think I'm replacing you with her."

Fluttershy uttered a soft gasp. "Oh, my, why would I think that?"

I had no answer. It all lay tangled with my own emotional struggle concerning the memory of my mother and how it fit into my relationship with Rarity. Michelle had given me a lot to think about; I understood in my head what I needed to do, but my heart still lagged behind.

Fluttershy smiled gently. "Friends don't replace each other, Candy. When you made friends with me, did I replace Cherry in your heart?"

I smiled faintly. "Of course not, but she was just a memory back then."

"It doesn't matter. Just because we don't do as much together doesn't mean we stop being friends." She looked thoughtful. "Think of my friendship with Rainbow Dash. There are very few activities that we both like to do, and our interests are really different, but we're still very good friends."

I did wonder how the six managed to remain such close friends with their wildly divergent personalities and interests. I supposed rescuing Equestria from danger several times over had a tendency to forge lasting friendships, but still.

I realized then how insular I had been as a child. I had many acquaintances but few friends. I supposed I had believed that having a loving mother and a good friend like Michelle were all I needed.

"So, no, Candy, I'm not worried that Cherry will replace me," said Fluttershy. "So long as you don't believe that."

I certainly didn't want it to happen. I treasured my friendship with Fluttershy. I considered all the six my friends, even Rainbow Dash and Applejack whom I rarely saw and generally didn't seek out day-to-day. Whether intentional or not, I had been using Fluttershy as a surrogate for Michelle, and I feared I'd throw her away now that I had Michelle back.

But did I really have her back? She couldn't appear to me whenever she wanted. I couldn't see, hear, or feel her anytime I wanted. But Fluttershy I could. Same with Rarity. She existed in the here and now, a tangible presence I could see, hear, and touch. As much as I loved my birth mother, she wasn't there, not even as a spirit. Why should I cling to someone who was no more than a memory? I had to learn how to remember her without letting it stop me from moving on.

I tried to take to heart what Michelle had said: I deserved some joy in my life.

"I'm working on it," I said softly. "I really am."

Fluttershy hugged me, dispelling most of my foolish notions and easing my fears. The timing was good; Twilight entered the room with Spike beside her. "Candy? The others have arrived. We're ready to start."

Fluttershy gave me a reassuring squeeze. "It'll be okay, Candy."

I nodded and smiled. Despite the tumult in my heart, I could start believing that.

As Applejack was still in Appleloosa, I had the privilege of sitting with the rest in their council room. The chair indeed felt more like a throne, dwarfing me and reminding me how I felt out of my league despite being among friends.

The cutie map which had been such a ubiquitous and even curious presence during my earlier stay now imposed a more serious atmosphere to my already dark tale concerning the changelings, as if everything said in this room somehow affected the fate of Equestria. Only the roots dangling from the ceiling and the beautiful crystal ornaments attached to them helped warm the mood a bit, but made me feel no less anxious.

I managed not to tear up when I spoke of Michelle. The chairs separated us enough that neither Rarity nor Fluttershy could easily comfort me. I tried to take Michelle's advice to heart and act in the more mature manner she had so lauded. An unnerving silence followed the conclusion of my tale as the other ponies looked towards Twilight.

Twilight brooded for a few moments before she finally said, "This changes everything."

"I'll say it does," said Rainbow Dash.

"I feel in a way like I have to start over and re-examine everything I thought I knew."

"I wouldn't quite go that far," said Rarity. "I can see several ways to proceed from here."

"Um, Rarity?" Spike began. "I don't think that's quite what she--"

Twilight stared at Rarity. "How can you say that?!"

Rarity looked nonplussed. "Well, it's obvious what we need to do. Ah ... isn't it?"

"It's not obvious in the least. I have no idea what to think of Starswirl or his intentions anymore!"

Spike sighed. "Yeah, that's what I thought."

"Wait, what?!" Rainbow cried. "All this time you've been talking about Starswirl the Bearded?"

"What else would I be talking about, Rainbow?"

Rainbow face-hoofed. "Um, hello! Deadly changeling still on the loose? Protecting Candy from her? Protecting her spirit-friend? You know, stuff that's actually important?"

"I'm not ignoring that," Twilight said in a softer voice. "I know it's very important. But please, let me finish my thought. I promise we'll come back to it."

Rainbow sighed. "Fine."

I sided with Rainbow Dash, as the prospect of a changeling going after me threatened to throw me back into the fear and paranoia that had so consumed my life during the summit. I wanted no part of that emotional turmoil again. Perhaps I had matured, but it didn't need to be put constantly to the test. My life didn't have to descend into a persistent trial by fire.

Twilight met the eyes of the other ponies as she spoke. "Everypony, please understand, for a very long time, Starswirl the Bearded has been something of a hero to me. Perhaps Princess Celestia was right when she said that he didn't understand friendship quite as I do, but he never did anything to intentionally harm anypony."

"Um, did he really harm anypony in making the pendant?" Fluttershy asked. "I mean, did he ever use it on anypony other than Cherry?"

"Since it appears that a spirit can't leave once it enters the pendant, likely not," said Twilight. "But what was his intention? Why create something to effectively imprison a living spirit?"

I shuddered. I had not wanted to think in those terms, though I had seen the implication myself. Michelle believed Starswirl to have been motivated by guilt; perhaps not as good as compassion, but better than any outright sinister intention.

I couldn't pin down my feelings about Starswirl. Maybe it would have been better if I had met him, even if it were only an avatar. Despite knowing what he looked like from portraits and such, he remained a faceless enigma.

"What about that stuff Candy said about Discord looking for it?" Spike said. "Maybe Starswirl wanted to trap him."

"Even with as complex a thaumic matrix as Starswirl created, it would never have contained that much chaotic energy, and Starswirl would've known that," said Twilight.

"But then why was Discord looking for it?" Rainbow said. "Why would he do that if he didn't think it could be used against him?"

My heart thumped when I recalled them telling me how Discord had invited himself to the meeting they had held during my stay at the castle. I glanced about as if expecting the draconequus to suddenly pop out of thin air. I was not in the proper mindset to deal with him.

"Um, I don't think that's it," Fluttershy said.

"Look, Flutters, I know you always defend him, but why else does he keep dodging your questions about it?"

Fluttershy sighed and lowered her gaze. "It just doesn't make sense to me. Why would he be worried about it? Nopony was threatening him, and he's been behaving himself."

Rainbow snorted and rolled her eyes.

"We're getting off the topic," Twilight declared.

"Really, Twi, what else is there to say?" Rainbow said. "Let's talk about something more important. Or better, let's stop all the talking and do something. I'd love a chance to take another whack at that changeling Sev-whats-its-face!"

"Sevfivtoo," said Rarity. "We don't even know where it is. Really, we should let Twilight finish."

"Thank you," said Twilight. "I still believe that knowing Starswirl's intent may be key to understanding the situation."

"Maybe Starswirl simply made a mistake," Fluttershy said.

Twilight's pupils shrank. "A mistake? What do you mean?"

"Well, Cherry told Candy that Starswirl was too embarrassed to talk about it. I know when I make a big mistake, I feel really embarrassed about it, too."

"That would be ... one really huge mistake, Fluttershy."

"I know." Fluttershy sighed. "And I know how highly you regard him, but all ponies make mistakes."

"Maybe she's right, Twilight," Spike said. "Didn't you tell me he had lots of failures early in his career?"

"Yes, Spike, but this pendant was made at the height of his skill," said Twilight. "He must've had some end result in mind, and we just don't know what it is."

"Unless it was like a leftover cake," Pinkie Pie chirped.

"Yes, unless it was like ... er ... what??"

Pinkie smiled. "You know, like that bit of leftover chocolate cake that you really don't want to be tempted by, so you shove it way, way back in the fridge. Then you forget about it for awhile, but eventually you find it again, and it calls to you. Tempting you with its rich chocolatey layers and thick, sweet frosting ... mmm, frosting ... tasty, creamy frosting ..."

"Oh, dear, she's having another frosting episode," Fluttershy said.

"Pinkie, darling, please focus," Rarity said.

Pinkie blinked rapidly and wiped the drool with a back of a hoof. "Anyway, where was I? Oo, frosting, right!"

"Can you please skip past that?" Rainbow said with a sigh.

"Okey-dokey! Anyway, you know you should finish that cake, but you never get around to it, and it just sits there, unfinished, really bothering you but something just keeps stopping you from eating it." Pinkie giggled. "Not that I ever have that problem, but some ponies do."

Silence. The others exchanged glances. Rainbow frowned and said, "That's it?"


"Pinkie, what the hay does that have to do with--?"

"No, wait, she has a point!" Twilight said.

The idea that a Pinkie Pie tangent had led to some revelation no longer surprised me. That I could actually start to unravel her logic, however, scared me a little.

"Maybe this is a situation similar to Starswirl's unfinished spell!" said Twilight.

Another silence settled over the others.

Spike's eyes slid back and forth. "Um, you mean the same spell that you finished which let you become an alicorn?"

My ears rose.

"Yes, exactly!" said Twilight, smiling.

"Ahem," said Rarity. "The same spell that swapped all our cutie marks around?"

I blinked. "She did what now?"

Twilight blushed. "Well, yes, but ..."

Rainbow folded her forelegs over her chest. "I don't like where this is going."

"Join the club," Spike murmured.

Twilight shook her head. "No, wait, it's not like that ..."

Fluttershy's ears drooped. "Um, I think I agree with Rainbow Dash and Spike."

Twilight snapped out her wings and thumped a fore-hoof on the table. "Listen to me! All I mean is that the situation is similar. Starswirl started this project, had some sort of end result in mind, but never finished it because he hit some sort of obstacle. I'm not intending to try to complete his research right now, other than to find a way to help Cherry manifest without the need for Zecora's potion. That alone may help me figure out what he was trying to do."

My ears drew back slightly, and I uttered a short gasp. She had already intended to help Michelle manifest? This should be good news, yet I saw only dubious looks from the others. I wished I understood the situation better. I knew only in very broad terms about how Twilight had gained her title via some feat of magic. I had not known it had involved Starswirl somehow.

Or that it had resulted in a magical accident. I kind of wished I hadn't learned that.

I placed a hoof over my pendant and lowered my gaze to it as I thought back to what Michelle had said, that not even Starswirl could create a new body for her. Yet here was Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Magic, who had completed a spell that Starswirl couldn't. Why wouldn't she be able to...?

I sighed. No, I had been down that road before when I had doubted her word that she couldn't break the binding magic of the pendant. If she had been able to create a new body for Michelle, wouldn't she have offered already? But what if that had been the intended result of Starswirl's research?

What if Twilight could indeed do what Starswirl couldn't?


My head jerked up at the sound of Fluttershy's voice. Only then did I realize everypony was looking at me. "I'm sorry?"

"You have the final say in what's done with the pendant," said Twilight.

I almost asked her. The words had formed in my head and nearly tumbled from my lips.

I clamped my mouth shut. No, not yet. If something could be done for Michelle, I refused to screw it up by rushing headlong into danger, especially if this foray into unknown magicks could precipitate another accident. I couldn't take the chance of doing something bad to Michelle that I would indeed be at least partially responsible for.

I lowered my hoof. "I want to help you figure this out but ... I'm not letting anything happen to this pendant that would endanger it or Cherry."

"I have no intention of doing so, Candy," Twilight said softly. "But I meant what I said. I want to help her manifest so you can talk to her more often."

I frowned. "And not just to find out more about Starswirl. I'm actually getting pretty tired of hearing his name. I almost wish I never had."

Thankfully, Rarity didn't call me out on my harsh tone. Twilight's eyes glistened. "I'm sorry if I seemed obsessed over him. He means a lot to me. But I'd never, ever consider him or his memory more important than the spirit of your friend. Or you."

I wanted to believe her, and none of her friends appeared anything less than convinced that Twilight's words rang true. When my eyes met those of Fluttershy, she gave me a small, encouraging smile. I remembered how Rarity had not hesitated to trust Twilight when she led us through the Everfree Forest.

And if Michelle had any chance of coming back for real, and if Twilight could do it ...

"All right," I said. "I'll let you do what you need to. I ... I trust you."

Twilight smiled. "Thank you."

"Now can we talk about the changeling?" Rainbow said.

"Yes, we should," said Twilight. "The first thing we need to do is protect Candy. I think it would be best that she remain in Ponyville for the foreseeable future."

My ears drooped. As much sense as it made, I had hoped that if an opportunity arose where Rarity needed to travel to Manehattan, I could tag along.

"But is that enough?" Rainbow said.

"This changeling Sevfivtoo sounds really dangerous," Fluttershy said.

"I have an idea," Twilight said. "Something similar to the spell that I had crafted to detect changeling mind magicks, but an improved version to fix the loophole Sevfivtoo found and tied to just Candy. I can set it to alert another pony if an attempt is made to affect Candy's mind."

"And who will it alert?" Rarity asked.

"Me, of course. It will also allow me to home in on her and teleport right to her location."

Rarity tapped her fore-hoof against her chin. "What of the Gala coming up? You said Princess Celestia asked you to help with the preparations."

"It's just within the range of my teleportation ability, so I think it'll be fine."

"Okay, great, that protects her head," said Rainbow. "What about her body?"

"Perhaps a shield spell?" Fluttershy suggested.

Twilight looked thoughtful. "Unfortunately, I don't believe Candy's magical ability is up to that level yet."

"No, it's not," I said.

"Move her into the castle again, then?" Spike suggested.

I swished my tail. "No, I don't want it to be like before. I don't want to be cooped up anywhere. No offense, Twilight, I did like living here, but it would feel like a prison to me now."

Spike smiled. "Even if I brought you more daffodils?"

I chuckled weakly. "Even then, Spike, but thank you."

"Just polish her pendant reeeal good!" Pinkie said. "Then it'll be so shiny she can blind anypony who tries to attack her."

Twilight smiled. "I don't think that would work, Pinkie, but you did give me an idea. I could tie a shield spell to her pendant. The casing is made of an alloy that itself can store magical energy, so I can do it without disturbing its inner workings. Candy would just need to visit me every few days so I can renew the spell. It'll be good for only one blow, but again, I can make it alert me so I can teleport to her."

"But will that be enough?" Fluttershy asked.

"Cherry said Sevfivtoo was pretty powerful," I said.

"Which we already knew to some extent," said Twilight.

"Can you make this shield thingie alert more than one pony?" Rainbow Dash said.

"I think so. Why?"

"Because I want a piece of this changeling, that's why!"

Twilight frowned. "This is not about picking a fight."

"But the more ponies who can show up, the better. 'Specially if this thing is supposed to be some super-drone or whatever."

Where I had already seen Rainbow's prowess at fighting a changeling -- including not being afraid to hit one disguised as a friend -- I felt more confident in her combat abilities than Twilight's.

"I believe Rainbow has a point," said Rarity. "And I would also insist on knowing if Candy were in danger, regardless of my lack of combat abilities."

That reassured me even more than the idea of Rainbow Dash leaping to my defense, and I gave Rarity a small smile.

"Let me see what I can do," Twilight said.

"Wasn't there a second changeling?" Fluttershy said. "Her name was, um, Wuntusix, I think."

"Cherry hardly said anything about it other than the name," I said.

"That was likely the smaller drone," said Twilight. "The one who impersonated Bon Bon that day Candy was at the spa with Rarity. She lured Strong Wing into a chase, and the other, stronger changeling Sevfivtoo stunned him and replaced him while he was briefly hidden from view."

"So do we need to worry about it, too?"

Twilight turned to Rainbow. "Are you sure you and the Wonderbolts saw Chrysalis and another changeling enter the portal?"

"Positive!" said Rainbow. "The Wonderbolts even hung out until you got there in case they tried to pull a fast one by coming right back when they thought we weren't looking."

"And I'm sure I had detected that two changelings used that portal circle before I dispelled it. So Wuntusix must have been the one who traveled with Chrysalis back to the badlands and left Sevfivtoo behind." Twilight sighed. "I have to admit, some of this doesn't add up."

"What's to add up?" Rainbow said. "Candy stopped the bug queen from getting the pendant, so she's trying again."

"But Chrysalis usually doesn't operate this way. She doesn't give her drones this much independent authority."

"But didn't she do that when she sent the changelings to Candy's world in the first place?" Spike asked.

"That's different," said Twilight. "She had no choice. She couldn't leave the hive herself for that long."

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Look, does it matter? That thing is out there, and we gotta hunt it down. Maybe the Crusaders had the right idea even if they were nuts to try it themselves."

Twilight nodded. "I want to find it, too, but it's going to be difficult. A brute force search is out, since it was able to disguise its camp from even my brother." She glanced around. "Unfortunately, I think that's all we can really do at the moment. I need to send a report to Princess Celestia and do some more research."

Rarity sighed. "I hate the feeling that we're being forced on the defensive, Twilight."

"So do I, but the alternative is to act rashly. We have to assume this drone is highly intelligent. We need to out-think it, but we can't do that without having some idea of its game plan."

Rainbow frowned. "Great, an egghead changeling. Just what the world needs."

Twilight hopped off her throne. "Thank you, everypony. And thank you, Candy, for talking to us."

I hopped down from my borrowed throne. "It's fine. I just hope this'll be over soon."

Rarity and Fluttershy stepped over to me, each giving me a hug in turn. I honestly had no idea what "over" meant. The end of the threat from the changeling? Learning what Starswirl intended in creating the pendant? Finding a way to give Michelle a second chance at a real life?

I shuddered. Rarity gave me a questioning look, but I shook my head. I really didn't know how to voice that last thought without sounding macabre. Or worse, being told it can't be done.

"Candy, I need some time to craft those spells," said Twilight. "Can you come by tomorrow morning? I should have it done by then."

"Sure," I said. "Thanks, Twilight."

"Does anypony want to stay for lunch?" Spike asked.

Rainbow flew from her throne. "Nah, I'm just gonna grab a hayburger. I promised AJ I'd give one of her groves some extra rain while she was gone."

"Oo, I'll stay!" Pinkie said as she bounced a few times.

"Okay, she counts for two," Spike murmured. "Or maybe three."

Rarity stepped forward. "I was planning on taking Candy out for lunch. You're welcome to join us, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy smiled. "I'd be happy to."

As we headed out of the castle, I turned to Rarity and asked, "So I've heard several ponies now mention this 'Gala' thing. What is it?"

Rarity smiled. "The Grand Galloping Gala, dear. A yearly banquet and celebration held in Canterlot. An affair that is very prestigious without being overly stuffy."

It sounded much like some of the social events my mother held that I had started attending when I was ten. "So who gets to go to this thing?"

"It's a fairly exclusive event. Princess Celestia herself sends out the invitations. She sent one to each of us, and we can all bring a date or a friend. I like to call it a 'plus one'."

My ears perked up. "Really? You can take anypony?"

She hesitated. "Ah, well, I've already promised Sweetie Belle I would take her."

My ears immediately drooped slightly despite my best efforts. "Oh, okay."

"I really am sorry, dear. You've told me how much you enjoyed that sort of thing when you were her age, but I had already promised her before you arrived."

"And I've already promised to take another friend," said Fluttershy sadly.

"It's okay." I forced a small smile. "Maybe next year."

So was that a stupid thing to be upset over? I had a powerful changeling out to get me, and I was peeved over some silly event I didn't really know anything about until a few moments ago?

Sometimes I hated being a "typical teenager."

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