• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 3: It's Party Time

As Always: Green text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red means to stop the music.
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Golden Oaks Library

The group had finally returned to Ponyville and Twilight had been thoroughly drilling Sora every question that came to her mind. He was happy to share some details, but some others we’re either too vague, or he wouldn’t answer it at all, at least not right now. As frustrating as that was for her, she was at least thankful that the most currently important questions were answered.

“Ok, let me get this straight” Twilight held up her notes in front of her with her magic. “Your name is Sora, you’re a Key Bearer from…” she sighed “far far away from here, and you’ve been asked by Princess Celestia to come to Equestria for some reason that you don’t even know yet.”

Sora gave a nod “Yup, though I do know what my first task is, and I‘m also here for training.” he drank some tea that was offered to him as they all gathered around Twilight‘s table. He was thankful that a lot of the food he seen so far seemed like food people would eat, but then he would come across a very equine dish, like the dandelion sandwich, and find it odd that he somehow enjoyed it. This added on more mystery to his form, though he had a theory in mind, but it didn’t make sense to him currently.

“Right, and your not going to tell us what your mission is or what your training for?” Twilight asked

“Well, not on the mission, but I can atleast tell you why I’m training.” Sora gave a smile, when he notice her perk up a little. “It’s to become a Keyblade Master”

“Keyblade Master?” Rarity who had been listening politely was curious. “Are you not already one?”

Sora shook his head “Not really, I have gotten pretty good at using a key blade but I can’t be recognized as a Master until I pass my Mark of Mastery Exam.” Applejack then started to speak up.

“So you’re a cadet?” She had adopted Pinkie’s Super Knight assumption about the Key Bearer. “Meanin’ there are more of you Keyblade fellas?”

“Well there are, but only a few that I know of. Apparently there were a lot of Keyblade Wielders a long time ago.” Sora figured it would be harmless if they knew that. “And I wouldn’t call myself a cadet, but I have been given the official title Hero.” He seemed to be proud of announcing that.

“ Hero?” Rainbow Dash scoffed “Notto be rude, but if I didn't see you fight earlier, you don't exactly look intimidating if you ask me.” effectively knocking a bit of wind out of his sails, figuratively.

Sora gave a sheepish smile while rubbing the back of his head. “Yeah, I guess so, hehe”

“We’re getting off track here, every pony.” Twilight grabbed everyone’s attention “Now those creatures we fought in the forest, they are called the Heartless?”

At this Sora nodded and had a slightly more serious tone then before. “They’re beings that quite literally don’t have hearts, though ironically enough that’s where they come out of. The darkness in um pony’s hearts.” He was oddly getting the hang of this way of speech much quicker then he had anticipated.

“No Hearts? But, what were those shiny heart shape thingies that came out of them whenever you smacked them into poofy black smoke?” Pinkie managed to ask that as she was still chewing on a cupcake she got out of her mane. Although Sora found this strange, no one else seemed to be commenting or giving her any weird looks, so he decided not to ask… Atleast for now.

“I’m glad you asked that.” Sora made sure everyone could here this important bit. “You see, like I said, the Heartless don’t have hearts. However, their goal is to basically take the hearts of everypony they come across.” This instigated a few gasps and looks of concern. “However, the Keyblade is the only known weapon to actually destroy them and release the heart they have captive inside them.”

Fluttershy raised her hoof as if she was in a class room “Excuse me, but um… what happens if we lost our hearts?” She had even more reason to not like these things now.

“Well, if you were to lose your heart, you become a heartless as well.” Sora said grimly. To say that every pony else in the room wasn’t taking that bit of information well might have been putting it mildly.

Rainbow spoke first “Whoa, whoa, whoa, buddy. We could’ve been turned into one of those weird guys back there.” At his nod, this sent a chill down her spine. A nasty thought of her turning into that smaller two legged heartless she saw did not sit well in her mind. Sora decided for the time being it would be best not to tell them about the nobodies, he didn’t want to give them more things to worry about. He decided to change the subject for a moment.

“If you guys don’t mind, I do have something to ask” Sora held a hoof to his chin. Now that he thought about it, they’ve been in such a rush to and from the forest that it was never brought up.

Twilight looked with interest “Uh, yes? What is it?”

Um, I don’t… know all your names, hehe” he gave a nervous chuckle as everyone looked at one another before they began laughing as well. He was glad that somewhat brightened the mood.

“Oh dear, you have a point, darling. All this excitement must‘ve swept us all up in the moment” Rarity stated as she eventually stifled her own giggling. Then sat up straight from her seat on the sofa. “Ahem, I am Rarity” she then took a hoof and flicked it across her mane, but it didn’t give off a snooty vibe at all “Ponyville’s one and only Fashion Designer and owner of the Carousel Boutique.”

A second later a familiar blue Pegasus flew in front of her. “Name’s Rainbow Dash: Fastest Flyer in Ponyville and all around amazing at everything” She posed in a very laidback, yet confident way that the hint of pride did not go unnoticed.

“If ya ain’t being lazy that is.” The Orange southern pony spoke up, causing Rainbow to break her confident look to a look of annoyance. “Howdy, ah’m Applejack” she tipped her hat. “Ah’ run Sweet Apple Acres with mah’ family, ain’t no better apple farm then ours.” Now she was the one giving a rather confident pose.

“Oh, Oh, My turn, my turn!” Pinkie waved her hoof high above her head trying to get Sora’s attention.

“Oh, I believe your… Pinkie Pie, right?” Sora asked. If anything it was hard to forget her name when she tackled him like that earlier.

“That’s right! Number one party pony! I also live and work at Sugarcube Corner, if your ever hungry and have a rumbly in your tumbly, stop on by. We have more then just honey!” she pointed a hoof at Sora, who was utterly surprised at hearing those last words she said “Every new pony that comes to Ponyville gets their very own “Welcome to Ponyville” Party from yours truly, my new spiky mane friend!” This caused Sora to smile and point to himself

“So I get a party, just because I’m new?” at Pinkie’s nod he responded “Wow, I’m up for that” Pinkie was bouncing now from his response with a big… well bigger grin on her face that wouldn’t be able to go away for awhile now.

Sora then turned to Fluttershy “Well, Since we’ve already met and talked for awhile.” He gave her a smile which she returned with a small but warm one. “Your Fluttershy, your very kind, you love animals so it’s no surprise that your Ponyville’s best Animal Caretaker” Sora added the “best” part in that introduction which caused the Shy yellow Pegasus to blush a little and hide her face with her mane, he figured that was run on thing where each of them were the best at what they do.

“O-oh, I wouldn’t say the best or anything l-like that” However that smile on her face only got a little bigger. “but, I do love to meet and take care of all kinds of animals”

“Ahem” both their attention was then pulled towards the the purple Unicorn in the room. “Well then, that just leaves me and Spike. I’m Twilight Sparkle, I’m technically Ponyville’s only librarian, so that makes me the best by default” She joked “I work and live here at Golden Oaks Library with my assistant Spike, here” she motioned toward Spike who was now waving at Sora. “Oh, but also I’m Princess Celestia’s student”

“Celestia? That’s the one you said that called for me, right? She takes in student‘s” Sora asked.

“Yes, the best and brightest!” Twilight was now the one showing pride, but was short lived when confusion grew onto her face “How do you not know that she was the one that asked for you?”

Sora gave a nervous chuckle “My own teacher likes to be cryptic and surprise us back at where I come from whenever he gets the opportunity to.” he rubbed the back of his neck “It’s like super old sage dude 101 or something.” he then just shrugged and shook his head.

Twilight put a hoof to her chin and thought about that, but figured it was better not to press about it. It was clear on the look of Sora’s face that he was clueless on the matter. “Well, now that we’ve all gotten acquainted, and that’s as far as your going to answer my questions for now, I guess we should all head home and get some rest, we have a big day tomorrow” Twilight started putting her notes away.

“Big day? For what?” Spike asked as he got up and was stretching. He had been sitting in the same spot longer then he had thought.

“Well Celestia did ask all of us to take Sora to Canterlot.” she looked over to Sora. “Apparently whatever it is your going to do here, Celestia wants us to know as well. Would you be willing to tell us everything by then.”

Sora thought for a second then smiled and gave a nod. “Sure, if she says so. Sorry I can’t tell you it all now, I honestly don’t fully understand why I can’t talk about it either.

Just then a very pink and bouncy mare hopped right passed them with a big smile on her face. “But before that!” she opened the front door to the now setting sun, but that wasn’t what caught everyone’s eyes. It was the crowd of ponies that seemed to be greeting them. Among them were a many tables lined up with snacks, cakes, and drinks. Balloons all over the place and some sort of stage and a turntable where a white unicorn, with two tone blue mane and tail and dark sunglasses resting in front of her eyes, just finish setting everything up. “We still gotta give our new friend Sora a “Welcome to Ponyville” Party!!” Pinkie stood on her hind hooves and raised her fore hooves high above her head in a cheer.

The group all seemed to share similar looks of surprise, though given their time being friends with Pinkie, Sora was the only one that was utterly clueless and shocked by all this. “W-wait, we’re having the party now? H-how, did you even do all this. You didn’t even leave the library, right?” Sora stepped out first and looked around at all the waving and smiling ponies, which he in turn hesitantly waved back to.

That’s when Applejack trotted past him. “It’s best not ta ask, sugarcube. This kinda thing is the norm when yer ‘round Pinkie.” She made her way to the snack bar. The other girls plus Spike all headed out the door as well to join the party. They’re initial astonishment from before, already gone. Sora just watched the rest of them go before getting one more look around. It made no sense, but from the looks of it, he guessed it didn’t matter. Besides, that cake looked really good, and he wondered what parties were like for ponies. He ran after them and that’s when the party really started. Especially when Pinkie went up to the white unicorn behind the turntable. “Hit it, Vinyl!”

The unicorn nodded and flipped the switch and got to work. The music flowed out the speakers and instantly filled area. The music was new for Sora, and yet at the same time, he felt like it wasn’t as foreign, so he it was no surprise before his head started bobbing to the beat, so were most of the crowd. Everyone was either dancing, chatting, eating, or for some of the not as active ponies, just enjoying the music and company. Pinkie Pie however, seemed to have suddenly vanished from sight, soon after, though it didn’t take long to see her again. After Vinyl’s song had ended, Pinkie was already on the stage. “How’s every pony feeling?!” When she received a group of cheers she continued. “Alright! Now this party is going be extra special! I had a special song that I’ve heard before and I‘ve been itching to use it! So it was perfect timing that our new friend and guest of honor, Sora should happen to crash into our little corner of Equestria!” The crowd expressed their excitement of a new song, unaware that what she said, literally was how it happened. At the mention of the key blader they all turned to Sora who was in the middle of munching on a cupcake watching the stage, which of course made him stop chewing and quickly swallowed what was in his mouth and give a sheepish smile. “Come on up, Sora!” Can’t get this started without you!” After all that, he couldn’t quite refuse so he made his way onto the stage.

“Alright, so what happens now?” Sora’s question was answered when Pinkie shouted out to the pony DJ.

“Ok, Vinyl play that record, karaoke version is you please!” Pinkie was on her hind legs, pointing a fore hoof at Vinyl Scratch while making a rather dynamic pose.

The DJ gave a nod and pulled out a different record that was simply titled Party Hard. She placed it on the record player and got it spinning. This time the music was definitely rock as it started off with a robotic voice saying “When it‘s time to party we will party hard“.

This was definitely a change of pace as this song was pumping energy into the crowd. It wasn’t long before there were some head banging here and there, Pinkie playing Air guitar, Sora couldn’t help but whip his head up and down to the beat as well. These guys really like to party! He was grinning as he was getting into it. His hoof was subconsciously stomping at every beat of the drums now. Pinkie was keeping track of the song as she was waiting for the right moment to jump at the front of the stage.

She pointed to the crowd as she started singing with the music, getting most of their attention.

“You work all night, and when you work it you feel all right,”

She then went back on all fours and trotted in place

“And when, when things stop feeling alright-”

That when the crowd repeated after her in unison with a “ALRIGHT!” it was almost as if it was all rehearsed.

“And everything is alright, cause we will never listen to your rules!”

“No!” the crowd responded in kind

“We will never do what others do!”

( crowd )

“Know what we want and we get it from you!” This was when Pinkie Pie wrapped a hoof around Sora‘s neck pulling him over to her as she used her other hoof to make what Sora believed to be a fist pump as she continued “Do what we like and we like what we do! SO LET‘S GET A PARTY GOING”

( crowd )

( Pinkie )

( crowd )


( crowd )


The crowd was now chanting “Party Hard” over and over as the music continued Everyone that was effected by the music was already dancing. Rainbow was flying above getting down in mid air, banging her head as she chanted as well. Applejack drinking from her cup, trying to look stoic, but her body said otherwise as it was going along with the beat. Twilight was given her own circle of space thanks to her “dancing”. Rarity and Fluttershy seemed to be the least into the music and were just watching everyone else as they had some punch and cake at one of the tables, Rarity didn’t think this kind of music was her cup of tea. Fluttershy did show interest since their new friend Sora was, but she still would’ve preferred a much more quiet party. Three certain fillies were also in the midst of the party bouncing around, they apparently were somehow able to crowd surf chanting with the rest of the party-goers.

Sora and Pinkie were now jamming out on stage. Sora, had no idea how everyone participating in the song were so well coordinated to it given that this is their first time hearing it, but that didn’t matter as he was having a lot of fun with his new friends. When the music started changing to get ready for another run at the chorus, Pinkie looked at Sora with a big grin on her face as if silently asking him a question that he knew the answer two. With his nod the two of them got jumped in unison to the front of the stage and sang at the same time.

(Sora and Pinkie)

“You! You fight that fight”

“And when you fight you feel alright!”

Sora had no clue how those words popped into his head, but just went with it for now. He’ll think about it with a calmer mind later

(Sora and Pinkie)
“But when, when things stop feeling alright-”


(Sora and Pinkie)
“And everything is alright, cause we will never listen to your rules!”


“We will never do what others do!”

( crowd )

(Sora and Pinkie)
“Know what we want and we get it from you!”

Sora managed to stand on his hind legs long enough to copy Pinkie as they both pointed a fore hoof toward the crowd and everyone sang the same thing

“Do what we like and we like what we do!

(Sora and Pinkie)

( crowd )

( Sora and Pinkie )

( crowd )

(Sora and Pinkie)

( crowd )


The now was constantly chanting “Party Hard” once again as the song was finally reaching it’s end. The energy was electric, it was a good sign that this party was going to last longer then anyone would’ve imagined.


A few hours into the evening

Sora had finally managed get away from the party after going all out in it. He needed to take a breather so he decided to rest at the side of the giant library tree, a good distance away from the gathering. He sat on his haunches and leaned against the tree, while releasing an exhausted sigh. “Man, those guys really like to party”

When he opened his eyes again he saw a cup being held to his face. Seeing that the one offering the drink to him was Fluttershy he simply took it and flashed a smile. “Pinkie really likes to make ponies happy, so making parties is what she believes is the best way to do that.” she landed on the ground and sat next to him. “Also, She seems to have a lot of fun planning them.” she giggled at that last part.

Sora nodded “Yeah, I have to agree with you there. She looked like she was having more fun then me, and I’m why we’re having a party.” he laughed and then took a sip from his cup. The punch was good. As Sora sat there and rested, the two of them had been starting conversations with one another. At one point, Fluttershy decided to ask a question that had been bugging her.

“Um… S-sora? I was um wondering, well… you see.” Asking him seemed to bring back her shy side in front of him. It seemed awkward to ask, given how many things he decided not to tell her or her friends and expected him to not even answer.

“What is it, Fluttershy?” Sora tilted his head to one side as he gazed at her fumbling with her words. He was curious now. Now he HAD to know what was on her mind.

She cringed abit when he asked “Well… you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to but um…… What does your cutie mark mean?”

Sora looked at her with an even more clueless face “My Cutie Mark?”

“Y-yes, well you see… when I brought you to my house when you were unconscious, I was um t-trying to check for any injuries you had, since I found you in a crater and all.” Fluttershy thought this would also be a perfect time to explain what she was doing when they first met. “after that I um was going to go get some help incase it was really serious, so um…. I sorta had to take off your jacket and saddlebags… o-only for a moment… a-and then I saw your Cutie Mark, and I was curious on what it was for and um… well” She was starting to trail off remembering the part where Sora woke up seeing her stare at his flank, a hint of embarrassment appeared on her cheeks when it slightly turned pink.

“Hey Fluttershy?” Sora spoke up

Fluttershy turned back to him, she didn’t expect the “lost” look on his face which caused her to blink and return a confused look herself.

“Whats a Cutie Mark?………”

Even while the party was going on, it was suddenly quiet between the two and lasted a few seconds longer then it should’ve been as Fluttershy eventually broke the silence “….. What?”


Unknown Location

You failed?!” A voice echoed throughout what looked like some form of underground meeting room. The one speaking was that tall pony like figure that had went to meet the woman that had appeared into the world. She would be known as Queen Chrysalis and the woman, none other then Maleficent. “You told me that the task would be simple with your army of the dark”

Maleficent did not pay the Queen’s outburst any heed as she calmly stood there as if she was running the show. “Indeed I have, and it would have been, but unfortunately that only applies if it was only them we had to worry about.”

“What are you talking about?” The Queen stomped her hoof. “What excuse could possibly redeem you from this failure?”

Maleficent simply bowed “My Queen, you must know, that I did not come from this world, and that there are others that can traverse other worlds as well.”

“Are you saying someone from where you came from came here and stopped you?” The Queen seemed like she wasn’t believing this, but she was slightly intrigued anyway.

“I would not say we came from the same world, but he can travel through out other worlds in his own way. Effortlessly appearing whenever he is not wanted. Eventually foiling any plans we would have.” Maleficent hint of malice in her tone did not go unnoticed by the Queen. Whoever this person was seemed to be a lot of trouble for them. And she would not have her plans ruined by some interloper that didn’t mind their own business.”

“Who is this fool that would make you abandon your mission?”

“His name…“ The woman lifted up a hand and with a spark of magic, a transparent image of Sora’s original form appeared in front of the queen, in a fighting stance wielding his Keyblade. This causing Chrysalis to take a step back from the sudden appearance and stance as all her defensive switches turned on. “Is Sora. Warrior of the light and chosen wielder of the Keyblade. He isn’t the only Keyblade user, but by far he is the most trifling one… And he is with these… Elements of Harmony, as you call them?”

Once Chrysalis realized that the figure in front of her was just a projection focused on it with her own eyes filled with anger and malice. This Sora was keeping her plans from coming into fruition. She was starting to wish that was the real one, so she could snuff out this light. “So what needs to be done?”

“A lot of things must be changed I’m afraid. He is able to take on the form of the sentient people of this land in order to hide among them. Fortunately, I’ve managed to get a good look at his new form.” the woman changed the image into what looked like Sora’s disguise form for this world.” At this the Queen Snorted

“This is his disguise, if this reflects his age, then he looks no older then those irksome elements. In fact that face of his almost makes him look like a foal.” The Queen thought this was all absurd.

“A word to the wise, dear queen… You are not the only one to dismiss him for his appearance. The boy is young, but he wields amazing power. I had once had an organization of the greatest villains from their own world” She then turned her attention to the Queen with fire in her eyes. “And he cut down every single one of them…. Including me” This brought the room to silence as the Queen did not know how to reply to that. “For now, a head on approach would not be wise. We will need to grab resources to strengthen our forces, and slow him down with the heartless. Until we are ready. We should leave him and Elements be.”

The Queen didn’t like the idea of running away from a Colt that looked like a bumbling naïve fool. However, judging by her cohorts words and expression, this warrior was not someone to mess with right now. She gave a long sigh. “Very Well…. What is our first move?”

The Maleficent dispersed the image and thought for a moment….. “I believe I am going to need some more information…. What holds the most knowledge of this world”

The Queen thought for a moment “There are certain to be a few places, but the one place I’m thinking of right now would be the Royal Library in Canterlot’s castle.”

“Then that should be our first stop.” Maleficent then turned to the side and opened up a portal to the corridors of Darkness.

“You seriously can’t think that we’d be able to just waltz right into the place without the Princesses, showing up to stop us, do you?” the Queen followed behind her.

“Not to worry, the key is to limit our presence as much as possible, and to throw out… a decoy. However, it will take some time” he turned to her. “to further aid our efforts, I feel it best to teach you how to use this path.” She gave a devious smile that the Queen returned with her own.

Well, where do we begin?

Author's Note:

So.... yeah..... that happened. I know I've seen it before in other fanfictions, the whole song and dance thing, seemed awkward for me. I can't write a song, so the best I could do was use Pinkie's "abilities" to use one I felt suited the situation. Hehe, Well atleast I don't have to do that again. Not that it's bad or anything for those that do like that kind of thing. I just don't think I that's something I would do. However, it did do it's job, so thats all that matters. Meanwhile with the villians. I wonder what they're up to? lol :ajsmug:

Next Chapter! Rise and Shine! Got a train to catch!

As Always, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and look forward to Future ones, fellow readers

Side note: you guys are awesome, I thank you for the comments. It definitely adds fuel to the fire for my writing :twilightsmile: You all rock!

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