• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 13: If It Isn't One Thing

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Finally, Sora, Spike and the girls we’re back on track while they’re on their way to the ruins ahead. Of course, it was a bit of an awkwardly silent walk when they all realized that they forgotten about Spike, a very unhappy little dragon sitting on Sora’s back, arms folded and glaring at everybody.

You all have left me…” Spike said.

“Sorry, Spike. It was all sort of hectic and our minds weren’t all together, you know?” said Sora, pleading their case.

“Hmph,” Spike averted his gaze away from the keyblader.

Twilight trotted her way to the boys, “Come on, it was an honest mistake Spike, it won’t happen again, I promise.” She wore an apologetic smile hoping it would help the situation.

“Hmph,” Spike avoided Twilight’s face with his arms folded.

Twilight was drooping her head in defeat before she rose back up with an idea.

“Well, what if I promised that when we get home, I’ll also get you some gems?” She watched Spike’s head slowly turned towards her.

“What kind?”

Twilight responded with a knowing smile, “Your call.”

Spike’s head turned even more toward her direction. “How much?”

“How much you want?” Twilight asked.

Spike was silent for a moment, before finally turned his head to face her, “Thirty!”

Twilight surprised at the amount decided to haggle. “Fifteen!”



“Twenty-five, final offer!”

Seeing no ground for compromise she sighed, “Fine, I’ll get you twenty-five gems of your choice.”

Spike nodded, “Deal… You are forgiven,” said Spike. Then he looked ahead although he’s still a little mad.

Sora kept his eyes forward but he’s definitely curious about what they were talking about. Wow, Gems must be really cheap to get on this world… or easy to get! Then his thoughts recalled his time in Agrabah helping Aladdin get Jafar’s lamp.

Seeing that everything was slowly becoming quiet again, Sora decided to bring up a question to Twilight, “So basically, this is where the Princesses used to live a long time ago? Why move?” Sora asked.

Then Twilight replied, “I’m not really sure. I suppose I never actually thought of asking about that.Well, That’s just another question that reluctantly has to wait until we’re done here.”

“Yeah, it’s getting late, and it’s been a long day.” Rainbow yawned as her flying sagged every now and then from burning so much energy today.

“Well, the way things are lookin’ we might just have ta’ camp there fer the night.” Applejack constantly looked around, making sure there are no more surprises coming for them.

Rainbow groaned, “Really? At that dingy, broken castle? I’m sure Rarity would refuse the ide-” But then she noticed the sparkle in the fashionista’s eyes. Ok, whats with that look?

“On the contrary, Rainbow Dash, this is the perfect time to show that one can ‘camp’ out anywhere and still have all the comforts of home,” said Rarity.

Suddenly Pinkie Pie bounced over Rarity and slammed a giant bag between her and the others, with a loud thud. Causing a few of them to back pedal a little.

“Tada!” Pinkie stood on her on her hind legs again and lifted her arms in the air. “Rarity’s Super Special Camping kit!”

“What the? Where did that even come from?” Rainbow went from looking at the bag to looking at Rarity and Pinkie.

“Oh, I had Pinkie hold onto it for me,” Rarity simply replied.

“And where was that?!” said Rainbow before shooting her stunned expression at Pinkie. “Your mane?!”

“No, silly, I had to save some room for my emergency cupcakes, duh!” Pinkie giggled.

I love how she answered like it was possible at all. This thought ran through Sora’s mind as he noticed Twilight blinked the same way as Rainbow Dash.

“You know what? I don’t care anymore, my head hurts now, let’s just get there and make camp.” Rainbow turned and flew off toward the castle now more then ever did she want to get this all done.

“Well AJ, Rainbow, and Rarity have the right idea. It’s been a long day, and I’m not to fond of the idea of walking in this forest in the dark.” Twilight followed after Rainbow and Applejack down the trail.

“Yay! Camping! I got the marshmallows!” Pinkie pranced around Sora and Spike before running off to catch up with the others.

Fluttershy finally appearing from behind Sora and trailing behind Pinkie with a gentle smile on her face. “Camping out in nature sounds lovely. I wonder what night time animals we’ll get to meet.” Sora had to admit the idea of camping out kind of got him interested as well. He and Spike were about to head in that direction when Rarity called them over.

“Sora, Spike, could the two of you help me with something?”

Spike seemed to answer for the two of them as he was already off Sora’s back and standing in front of Rarity giving a salute. “Yes ma’am!” Sora cocked his head to the side at Spike’s sudden behavior but shrugged and made his way over to them.

“Uh, sure Rarity, what’s u-OOMPH!” He felt an enormous weight fall onto his back that nearly took him to the ground with it.

“Could you and Spike hold onto the bag for us? Apparently Pinkie already went on ahead before taking this and quite honestly I have no clue where she hid it in the first place.”

“Of course, Rarity it’ll be no trouble at all.” Spike gave a thumbs up. Anything to make his “maiden” happy after all.

Hey! Don’t I get a say in this? Sora’s eye twitched from Spike response but decided to say nothing and go with it. From the look of things, it didn’t take much for Sora to see that Spike really wanted to please Rarity in anyway he could.

“Oh thank you, you two are simply wonderful.” She hugged Spike who fell face first onto the ground in some sort of love daze afterwards wearing a goofy grin when she let go and trotted ahead to catch up with the others. Sora had to hold in his laughter, lest he would offend the lovestruck dragon.

“Well, let’s get going, lover boy.” After getting used to the weight he able to walk, though at a slower pace. he tapped his hoof on Spike’s head to bring him back to reality.

“Huh? O-oh, r-right.” Spike picked himself off the ground blushing at the nickname and looked at the bag, not even sure how he could help. “Oh… Sorry, Sora.” knowing he pretty much dragged his friend into this without asking.

Sora shook his head and laughed “Don’t worry about it. You can say we’re even now. You just make sure this doesn’t fall off my back. I can’t ‘magic’ it back on like Rarity or Twilight after all.” He pointed to the top of his head.

“Uh, right of course,” Spike stammered before running up beside him and walked along the path with him, pushing the back upright whenever it started sagging to one side. “So, Sora… Do you have one too?”

“One what?” Sora drew attention toward Spike wondering what he was getting at.

“You know…” Spike looked toward Rarity, “Somepony you like?”

That’s when it all clicked for Sora, “Oh, like your crush on Ra-” Two claws immediately covered his mouth.

“Shhhhh! Not so loud!” He practically yelled in a whispered tone. he pulled his claws away once he saw Sora nod, understanding the situation. With a sigh he asked “You could tell?”

Sora shrugged and smiled, “You're not exactly… the most subtle about it.” Spike immediately slumped covering his red face with his hands. “Hey, it’s okay. I understand the feeling. It’s not something you can just blurt right out in front of them after all.” Sora patted Spike on the head. Seeing him nod he continued, “So when did it happen?”

Spike looked ahead, making sure the girls were far ahead from earshot before he continued. “Well, when Twilight and I first came to Ponyville. It started out with a simple job, she and I go check on the preparations for the Summer Sun Festival in Ponyville. Amazingly enough that’s how Twilight and I got to meet our friends up there.” He pointed to the girls as they chatted away.

Sora then looked at the girls then resumed his attention toward Spike, “Huh? No kidding, they do seem pretty close.”

“Well with all the time and crazy things that’s happened to them. It be surprising if they weren’t.” Spike decided to keep his eye on the bag, every now and then running to one side and pushing it back upright whenever it started leaning. “I mean sure there were a lot of normal days… if you can call them normal, but every now and then they always get involved in some strange events as well.”

“Well seeing as they are the ‘Bearers of Harmony’ and all that, it seems like they’d do things normal peo-er-ponies wouldn’t be able to do.” Immediately Sora’s mind berated himself. Smooth…

But to his relief, Spike didn’t catch on that error. “Y-yeah, you have a point there, and we should be expecting even crazier things now with you here and all this heartless stuff going around.”

“I guess it comes with the job as well for my case,” Sora replied. They were silent for a moment before he continued. “Well, there still so much I do not know about this world. I suppose when we set up camp, you and the girls will find time to tell me your own stories.”

“Only if you tell me yours,” said Spike as he once again had to keep the bag from falling off.

“Heh, fair enough, though the girls already heard them all, so I’m not sure they would want to hear them again.” Sora looked ahead. All their talking distracted them from the distance, and distracted him from the bag’s weight, so it wasn’t long before he could finally see the entrance.

“If it is as exciting as what you do hear I know at least Rainbow would want to hear it again and- Hey!” Spike then immediately turned Sora glaring at him. “You totally dodged the question.” Spike now realized how far off track they were now.

Sora simply smiled and looked away. “Oh yeah? You don’t say.” Then he laughed causing the purple dragon making an annoyed look on his face.


Canterlot: Celestia’s Royal Chambers

The Princess of the Sun had been a very busy alicorn as of late. Recently, whenever Celestia could find time away from her Royal duties, she would make her way here and constantly consult with the mirror placed in her room. One would think this odd if they didn’t know what the mirror was even capable of. This mirror was able to do a few extraordinary things to be sure, but for now, she saw it fit to use it get in touch with an old friend of hers.

“Ah, Celestia, back again I see.” a familiar voice spoke through the other side of the mirror.

She smiled warmly and nodded, “Yes, I would like to continue, if you are willing, Yen Sid.”

The wizard on the other side held a smile before nodding in return. “Yes, I can see that eager look in your eyes. You have caught me at the perfect time for this actually as I have just finished taking care of some other duties of mine.”

Another nod of her head and she had a more serious look to show him. “It is my duty as a ruler to make sure my citizens are safe, so the sooner we get this figured out the better.”

“You speak truthfully, Your Highness,” said Yen Sid as he levitated some books over to his desk.

Celestia then started frowning at him. “Must you always say it in such a way. I’m not a little foal anymore.” Unfortunately for her, she instinctively started pouting to further hurt her case.

This caused the old wizard to chuckle before he continued, “Yes, I can see that. Not to worry, I am more than aware of how far you grown.” He had flipped through some pages in on book he placed on his desk before doing the same to another. “I take it that Sora has already paid a visit to your Castle, earlier?”

“Yes. He left early this morning with my student and her friends to search for the keyhole.”

“I see… it is good that he has already befriended them. Then again, that was always his strong suit.” Once all of the books he had were opened on the right pages he changed the subject to their current priority. “Alright, then, everything seems to be in order. Shall we begin?”

Celestia was hesitant for a moment before speaking again. “Are you sure it is fine to have him stay here on this world for so long? When the time comes for him to leave, he might receive some side effects or... he might even have trouble leaving at all?”

“Are you worried that you will not find the spell to revert him back?” Celestia breathed before she nodded very slowly. Then Yen Sid closed his eyes and contemplated on the question for a moment. “For my short time of getting to know Sora, and form the tales that have been told about him from his friends. Even if such a thing would happen, I am confident in my belief that he would overcome difficult challenges in time. By then when the time comes whether or not he will remain in that form, that would not stop him from doing what he believes is right.”

Celestia nodded, “Yes, I’ve only had a short time to know him, but even I can tell that he would continue on no matter the circumstance,” But she still felt uneasy. She may have made a grave error at her own fault with Sora that would keep back her promise to be able to change him back after all the good he’s done for her and her kingdom.

“For now, nothing can be done other than research and experimentation. If you do not give up, then you technically have not failed but rather just need time, correct?” He smiled seeing Celestia give hers in return.

“You are right, Master Yen Sid. It is too early for me to think like this anyway. Perhaps the next time my sister is free, she can join us in this discussion at another time.”

Yen Sid nodded, “That sounds like a perfect idea. So long as she doesn’t use that ‘voice’ again.” He laughed and soon Celestia joined him.

“Apologies, she still gets a little nervous whenever we speak with you. You’ve certainly done a lot for Equestria in the past and she is well aware of it.”

Yen Sid smiled yet shook his head. “I suppose it cannot be helped. Now, shall we TRULY begin where we left off, or do we have more to discuss.

“O-oh, of course. M-my apologies.” Celestia dipped her head before lifting it back up and her horn started glowing when she lifted her head up to look at him. “I would very much like to reach a solution to this problem.”

“My thoughts exactly. Now then, let’s start with some simple tests.” The two would be very busy that night and were more than eager to get right to it.


Old Castle Ruins

Half an hour later

Sora, Spike and the girls had finally reached their destination, much to Sora’s relief when the heavy pack was taken off his back as everyone except Twilight were now taking things from the bag to set up their “camping spot”. Twilight in the meantime was investigating the area for any clues on where the keyhole would be.

“Wow, Rarity, you sure packed this thing with everything.” Rainbow managed to dig out a neatly wrapped and packed tea set that was soon covered in a magical aura and floated out of her hooves towards Rarity.

“Oh, perfect timing, Rainbow. I believe it’s an appropriate time to warm up some tea,” said Rarity. Then she turned her face to her right. “How’s that fire coming along, Spike?”

Spike was at the center of soon to be campsite rearranging some logs to make a low pyramid in a small pit that he dug out. “Almost done, Rarity, just gotta put the stones around it.”

“Oh, let me help you with that, deary.” Rarity made her over to Spike levitating some rocks with her magic and set to work.

Sora was helping Applejack pitch a rather lavish looking tent that they managed to get out of the bag.

“Okay, Sora stake’s down.” Applejack was holding down the last stake to hammer in to keep the tent from flying off from a stray gust.

“Right!” Sora immediately set to work bashing the head of the stake to get the thing into the ground.

“Easy there, Pard’ner. Don’t wanna go hittin’ me in the process,” said Applejack with her face expressed concern.

“Relax I got this. We’ve been swinging a giant one around before remember? This is a cinch.” He raised the hammer a bit higher. He hoped that would get the job done in one slam. Then he swung the hammer down; charging for the top of the stake.

Thunk However he missed the stake; narrowly missing Applejack’s hoof by a centimeter. “Oops… hehe, sorry.”

Applejack didn’t took it too well. She looked at Sora with her piercing eyes, let go of the stake and held her hoof out. “Gimme the hammer, Sora!”

Fluttershy had been taking care of setting out the food, cooking ware, and first aid with Pinkie Pie. The latter already excited about deciding what to make. “Wow, Rarity got everything, milk, sugar, salt, eggs, spices, lots of fruits and veggies, stuff for tea, some pots and pans; It’s like we brought a kitchen with us!” Pinkie giggled at the possibilities.

“Oh yes, it is quite, extensive. Perhaps a stew would be a good idea. We can even get Applejack’s help on it. Since I’m sure she knows a few good recipes we can try.”

Pinkie gasped in surprise at the revelation. “We’ll be like a cooking team! I like the way you think Fluttershy.” Pinkie hugged her friend for a brief second before noticing Sora and Applejack finally finishing up the tent. “Oh, perfect timing! I’ll go get her now!” Then she was gone in pink blur, causing Fluttershy to be spun around in place by the force a few times, then she recovered from dizziness then she giggled at her friend’s eagerness.

Rainbow had finished with unloading the bag for everyone and was immediately bored now. She then noticed Twilight a good distance away from the camp inspecting the ruins, around them. “Yo Twi, whatcha up to?” She flew over to her.

“Isn’t it obvious, Rainbow?” Twilight stated. “I’m trying to find clues to where the keyhole might be. The camp set up seems to be covered by the others so I figured start working now, and give us a head start.” Twilight had a notepad and quill out in case anything important needed to be recorded.

“As diligent as ever, egghead.” Rainbow shook her head while watching her friend work. “It’s not like this place is going anywhere you know.”

“I am aware of that. I have to admit this all really fascinates me, you know?” Then a smile suddenly grew on Twilight’s face. “I was aware that there is so much more to the world we lived in, and had a feeling that there was even more things I don’t know out in the stars, but this? I never would’ve imagined to see such a connection between our world and what lies beyond. Like how our world has similarities to other worlds. Like having a keyhole as Sora would say, and that they are alive, in a sense, since they opened up paths for Sora when the old ones were closed up.”

“Yeah, I gotta admit all that sounds really cool. I know some places in Sora’s story I would love to visit.” Rainbow placed a hoof to her chin and gave it some thought.

“I know, and I want to see them all. Not only that, but that whole fusing thing Sora and Applejack can do! How does that work?! Why does it work?! Has the elements always had such a connection with the keyblade??! I have to study them when we get home! So even more reason we have to get this job done.”

Rainbow sighed as she did expected her bring up the elements eventually. No way Twilight would pass that up.

“Who knows, I might be able to find it around this corn-” She stopped in her tracks.

Concerned for her friend freezing up, she flew over to her. “What’s up?”

“Rainbow… Has that always been there?”

Rainbow decided to follow her gaze and was met with an unusual sight. A passage within the wall, lit with torches leading down a flight of stairs. “What the-” Rainbow cocked her head to the side. “It’s been awhile since we been here, but it be hard to miss that.”

“Not only that, but those lit torches could only mean that it was used recently.” Twilight stepped up to it.

“Wait… So you’re saying somepony came here before us?”

Twilight immediately became worried. “And they might still be down there.”


Sora looked down the long stairway “Well, it’s a long flight of stairs, but I can see the bottom at least.”

Rainbow hovered right above him. “Yeah, yeah, lots of stairs, let’s just get down there already, there could a bad guy down there.”

“Hold on Rainbow, we don’t know what we’re getting ourselves into,” said Twilight, “For all we know the pony could be lying in wait for us. I’d rather not run cluelessly into a trap.”

Fluttershy peeked into the passageway but immediately receded due to the eerie spooky vibes it was giving her. “Um, is it okay if we just stay up here and not worry about traps?”

“Of course not, otherwise this whole trip would be pointless.” Rainbow rebuttled with her shy friend.

“Actually, that may not be a bad idea?” Sora turned to face the others.

“What?! Are you having cold hooves or something about all this NOW?” Rainbow glared at Sora.

Sora simply shook his head. “No no, that’s not what I meant. Twilight has a point that there might be a trap waiting for us. It would probably be best if we separate into smaller groups, perhaps in pairs. and one of the pairs should wait here. In case things take a dive.”

“Ah have ta’ agree with Sora on that one.” Applejack walked up to the group and got a look at the stairway below. “It’ll be better if we space ourselves out a bit as well when we go down there, that way if a trap is set, the pair behind them will be able to help out.”

Sora nodded, “Sounds like a plan.”

“Alright so who pairs with who here?” Rainbow asked

“Well, It’s obvious that Sora should be up front, So Applejack as well.” Twilight suggested.

Both Sora and Applejack shook their heads in unison and said, “No go.” After a few seconds, they looked at each other surprised at what they just did. The rest of the girls found this odd; though Twilight seemed more intrigued about it.

Sora cleared his throat. “Um, I believe what AJ and I are getting at is that it probably isn’t the best idea to put, two strong powers in one pair, because if we do run into a trap, then we might not be out of commission in case there is something that activates to prevent others from freeing us.

Applejack looked at Sora again, then her eyebrow raised, “That’s… exactly what ah’ was thinkin’ too.”

Great, even more questions to add to the pile. Twilight sighed inwardly before shaking her head, “Very well, then let’s set it up like this: Sora and I will be the first pair, Applejack and Rarity will be second; Rainbow and Pinkie are third group and Fluttershy and Spike will remain up here and watch over the camp and the entrance.”

“What?!” Spike looked at the librarian. “You’re setting on the sidelines again. I can totally help.”

“You will be helping, Spike.” Twilight smiled.

“By being SAFE?” Spike folded his arms, expecting such an answer to come out of her mouth.

This caused the purple unicorn seize up just as she was about to reply, before recovering. “By keeping the camp safe. I mean who else is able to scare away any creatures with fire? I can think of no better than the one who can actually breathe fire after all.” She saw him falter a bit at that true fact. “And, Fluttershy will also need protecting, incase you two run across a scary animal she can’t soothe.” Spike seemed to no longer carry that pout on his face. Twilight looked at the others for help

Sora scratched his cheek, this kinda felt wrong but Twilight did bring up some good points. He sighed and spoke next. “She has a point you know. Fluttershy made it very clear she’s a pacifist on this.” Seeing the shy mare drooped he immediately raised a hoof toward her. “NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT, FLUTTERS! I’m just saying your strengths are meant for other things,” AAAAAAAAAAH! Me and my Big Dumb Mouth! Sora mentally kicked himself for not thinking of a better way to say it.

Applejack stepped in to help him out of that minefield. “Also, as a side note, you two can keep an eye on dinner since it’s already over the fire.” She looked over to the large stewpot hanging over the fire pit on a Tripod. “That thing needs ta’ be stirred every now and then or else the stew will burn.

Spike after much thought, and having another whiff of the air, heavy with the wonderful scent of whatever it was cooking in that pot. He slumped and sighed. “Fine.”

“Oh, thank you very much Spike. You’re just like a knight guarding our fort,” Rarity stated.

That got ‘em. Sora shook his head when he could already tell what would happen next.

The little dragon perked up, straightened himself out, and faced Sora and the girls, mostly at Rarity, with a salute and a confident grin. “You can count on me!”

“Perfect, now that that is all settled. Shall we get going?” said Twilight.

“Yay! Down the spooky staircase we go!” Pinkie is more than happy for another adventure before dinner.


Everyone sans Spike and Fluttershy descended down the staircase, only to walk down a long corridor. The pairs kept themselves spaced out. Far enough to not get caught with another pair that activated any booby traps, but close enough respond to them quickly.

“Do you think we’ll really find it here, Sora?” Twilight asked as she felt a chill run down her spine. This place definitely wasn’t doing a service to her nerves from how eerie it all felt. She couldn’t tell if the markings on the wall were writings, glyphs, or just some creepy patterns that whoever designed this corridor thought it be funny to put on.

“Dunno.” Sora shrugged.

This caused Twilight to stumble. “I suppose, I shouldn’t be surprised by that answer.”

“Hey, don’t worry about it. If anything, we know that there HAS to be something down here. SO I don’t think it’s pointless to be down here anyway.”

“I suppose…. It’s hard to believe you do this all the time though.”

“Yeah, sometimes I kind of wonder that myself. I mean, I was just a kid goofing off and building a raft with my friends one day, then suddenly, bam. I get thrown for a loop about what’s really out here. Then go off on a spaceship and having all these otherworldly adventures. Then finally, here I am.” Sora chuckled.

“Out in the stars again on a new world.” Twilight smiled at him.

“It’s always fun to travel, I guess… Oh hey I think I can finally see the end of this hallway.” He trotted head.

“Oh thank Celestia, we’re finally out of this creepy place.” She sighed before catching up to him. But then she noticed Sora stopped at the entrance and glaring at something. “Sora? Whats wrong?”


Rainbow couldn’t see much of what was going on ahead since they were so far apart from Sora and Twilight, so she just focused her gaze on Applejack and Rarity ahead of her. “Man, this place gives me the creeps. What’s the deal here? Why is this place so weird from the rest of the ruins?”

Pinkie was simply smiling while she trotted along. “Maybe it’s leads to a special room where a giant scary monster is all locked up for eternity or something.”

“Pinkie, I think this is one of the few times, where I want you to not say such a thing. I reeeaaallly don’t want to deal some ancient monster right now.” Whether or not it was Pinkie Pie just randomly drumming up an answer, it was best to give fate any ideas. That was Rainbow’s thought on the matter. She then noticed Applejack and Rarity start running ahead.

“Ooooh, what do you think happened?” Pinkie lifted her hoof over her eyes to try to see farther up ahead.

“Obviously, whatever it is, isn’t good. Come on Pinkie!”

Rainbow flew ahead but stopped when she heard Pinkie yell, “Wheeee!” When she turned around towards her hind, Pinkie was gone.

“Pinkie?! What the-Whoa!” She felt a strong suction pull her towards the ceiling, but instead expecting herself hitting against it, she she kept on getting pulled upward and into darkness before finally blacking out.

Then the next thing she knows, she’s on the floor; that much was for certain. She slowly got up to her hooves and shook her head to get the groggy feeling out of her mind. “Ugh… What happened?”

“Hey Rainbow!” She heard from her right. She immediately turned to see Pinkie waving at her.

“Pinkie! There you are, Where in Cele-” One here over to Pinkie she was stopped when her head ran into what looked like yet another barrier. “Ow!” She nursed her head and grumbled, “Again?! Man I hate those things!”

This was when she finally got a good look around. They were in a large room of some kind, she noticed Applejack and Rarity were here as well on her left. “Aj? Rares? What’s going on here?”

She then noticed the two of them gazing ahead; she looked in that direction to see Sora and Twilight. Unlike the four of them, they weren’t trapped in barriers, but they were staring down a being who stood between them and the girls.

“Who is that?” From what she could tell it was bipedal, but a ragged brown cloak covered it from the back so she couldn’t make anything else out. That’s when she heard a voice. A low one as it echoed the room.

”Well… Now that everyone is here. Let’s start the game.”

Author's Note:

Hey all.... Sorry for the late post. Real life kind of wrecks things for ya some times you know? We should be able to avoid it this time around though in future. :twilightblush:

Alright, about this Chapter: As I've said before, We're heading to a new kind of story arc. So some things would need to be brought up in the next chapter. This Chapter pretty much sets it up for that.

Now, about that mysterious guy... Can't really say much on him yet, I suppose I can in next Chapter, but for now I'll let your minds run on that issue for a bit.

Now although it'll be a new arc, I was kind of thinking, once it starts, it would be the perfect time for some "downtime Chapters" that's basically what I call those chapters where, it doesn't solely focus on the big things. they can be fun, they can be some kind of side adventure, they could bring up something that had been set on the side during the main plot. It will start at Chapter 15, and it'll last for a few chapters, 5 at most, it all depends how much I'll write in each chapter. Also, this does not mean that everything will always be peaceful during "downtime chapters". Sure some of them will be, but there will be others that will have a fight against something, heartless included.

With that said, these coming Chapters is also the perfect time for Sora to gain another element connection, don't you think?" :ajsmug: I'll admit... I'm kind of pumped to write it when I write it's chapter.

Not sure what else I'm allowed to say right now, so for now I'll end it here. Definitely will explain more in the next chapter.

Next Chapter: Learning some things about themselves.

Thank you, guys for reading this story. I said I would basically continue writing this story whether anyone reads it or not, so I honestly was not expecting so many people to enjoy reading it. It's kind of humbling really, hehe :pinkiesmile: I promise to make it as enjoyable for you guys to read as possible. You guys are great!

As Always, I hope you enjoyed this Chapter, and look forward to future ones.

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