• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 32: Heffalumps and Woozels

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On the Pages of Pooh’s story book

Sora was now pacing around in deep thought. They have checked nearly everywhere, but there was still no sign of Pooh or any of the others. Not even Gopher appeared in all their searching. “I just don’t get it. Where could they have gone?”

“Well, where else haven’t we looked?” Twilight asked pacing right behind him. “Do you think they’re in trouble?”

Sora shook his head. “I certainly hope not… but I’m starting to have my doubts.” He looked around on the page they stood on. “Where haven’t we visited before…. Ah!” There on the distant edge of the book was a picture that depicted a rather spooky looking cave. It was the one place they never bothered to look, so there wasn’t much choice. “Come on, there’s one last place we have to check.” He then walked past her toward the image.

Twilight followed close behind and merely blinked before suddenly they were facing the mouth of a creepy looking cavern. “We’re… not going in there are we?” She mentally reprimanded herself for such a stupid question.

“It’s the only place we haven’t looked, Twi.”

“Of course…” Her gaze never left the cave but she quickly followed Sora close behind. You are fine, you’ve dealt with creepy places before. This is nothing, You enter the Everfree Forest so easily. This is no different! She thought in an attempt to build her resolve and morale. There was truth to what she said, however she couldn’t shake this feeling that this cave should creep her out. She would look on to Sora and he didn’t seem to so much as flinch at stepping in. Shouldn’t she be the same? It’s just a cave after all and she can logically answer anything that might go bump in the dark in caves.


Twilight dashed Logic to the side as she shrieked briefly before hiding behind Sora and clinging onto his jacket. Sora just looked back at his friend. “Twilight? You alright?” He looked around to find any immediate danger, but came up with nothing. “Whatever that was, I think it was an echo from further in.”

“Y-yes, Just an echo… Heh… maybe it was one of your friends? Yes, that has to be it.” She nodded before forcing her hands to let go of Sora’s jacket. Thoroughly embarrassed with how she reacted to the situation causing a return of that trademark blush of hers.

“I certainly hope so.” He replied as he followed the direction of the echo. After a bit of walking the bumps started up again and Twilight was quick to get behind Sora and get ready to bolt at the first sign of trouble.

Sora could tell they were getting closer to the source now that it was getting louder. They rounded a bend in the tunnel only to see a large shadow cast upon the far wall. “There!” Twilight squeaked and ducked behind her friend waiting for… whatever to happen… When nothing did she opened her eyes to see Sora casually walking up to the shadow. She was about to call out to him when she heard him say something. “Silly ol’ Bear, been looking all over for you and you’re just stuck again?” She then watched the owner of the big shadow step into view from behind some rubble. It was a pudgy, tan colored bipedal creature with one of those “Hunny” pots stuck to his head.

It then spoke. “Oh! Why I know that voice anywhere.” It echoed from within the jar. “Why hello there Sora, it’s lovely to see you again… only, it would seem I can’t see you again at the moment.” He then gave a laugh that to Twilight felt like it should be iconic and lovable. “Or much of anything else I suppose… Um if you don’t mind?” He tapped his paw on the Hunny Pot a few times.

Sora just chuckled and shook his head. “Sure, no problem” He then picked up the creature with a huff. Then Sora began to spin with it. Once he was spinning fast enough he was now holding the creature by it’s legs and spinning faster and faster.

Twilight had no idea what they were attempting to do but she felt like she should hide behind something for some reason. When she found a large enough boulder she took her own mental advice and waited behind it, peeking out every now and then to see more of what the two were planning. It didn’t take long for her to find out when the pot on the creature’s head finally flew off and careened toward her boulder, where it promptly smashed into pieces making her yelp and flinch back behind cover for a moment.

Sora took one last spin before moving and pulling his arms towards himself and with a twirl and gentle toss into the air. Sora caught the creature in his arm as they smiled for a job well done. The creature then spoke. “Ah, much better, I believe I prefer seeing you rather than unseeing you when we speak.” It nodded innocently to itself.

Sora just laughed before setting it back on it’s feet. “I have to agree with you on that Pooh bear.” After all was said and done and everyone calmed down Sora decided to get straight to the point. “So, Pooh? What are you doing here?”

Pooh turned toward Sora, folding his arms and smiling confidently. “What am I doing here?” He laughed a little… then that confident expression immediately vanished and was replaced by a bewildered one as he looked to Sora. “What am I doing here, Sora?”

“That’s what I want to ask you!” He chuckled a little at his friend’s silliness. Twilight just walked up next to Sora in confusion from the whole scene.

“You do?” Pooh asks, then took his paw and tapped it across his head repeatedly. “Think Think Think…. Oh yes, Hm hm, I was-oh!” He smiled. “I was hiding with everyone else.”

“Hiding?” Both Twilight and Sora said in unison.

“Hiding from what?” Sora continued as he looked around. “And where is everybody?”

“They’re hiding too.” Pooh answered casually.

“From what?” Twilight stepped forward, but then remembered her standing in all this and moved back with an apologetic look on her face. “S-sorry, I shouldn’t be so quick to ask questions when we’ve just met like this.”

Sora facepalmed. “Oh right, I forgot.” He laughed for a moment before looking back at Pooh while he gestured toward Twilight. “Pooh, this is my friend Twilight.”

Twilight courteously bowed toward the silly bear. “A pleasure to meet you.”

“The pleasure is all mine, Twilight.” Pooh just gave his well known laugh and acted pretty casual about all this. Of course knowing him long enough, this wouldn’t be surprising. “Any friend of Sora’s is….” He thought for a moment.

“Is a friend of mine?” Sora attempted to finish.

“Ah yes! Any friend of Sora’s is a friend of Sora’s.” Pooh nodded at his wordplay. “Oh and I do hope that a friend of Sora’s wouldn’t mind being my friend as well… Especially if they wouldn’t mind sharing a small smackeral of honey.”

Twilight was speechless at this, while Sora just shook his head and laughed. In time Twilight returned to reality and replied. “Uh, sure, honey does go well with tea after all.” She suggested.

“Oh I most certainly agree Twilight.” The bear replied.

Sora then decided to step in. “Ok, before we get any more side tracked,” he turned to Pooh, “Pooh, can you show us where everyone else is?”

“Why certainly, Sora.” Pooh turned around toward the depths of the cave. “As soon as I remember where they were hiding.” Just as he said this Pooh was tackled by an orange and black striped blur, tumbling with it a few feet before landing on his back and looking up at his attacker.

“Hiya buddy bear! I found you!” The being was actually a rather happy looking tiger of some sort smiling down at Pooh as if he had just won some kind of competition.

“Oh, why thank you, Tigger, I did not know I went somewhere.” Pooh answered casually. Now Twilight couldn’t help but hold her mouth to stifle a giggle at Pooh’s silly response.

“No problem, the others were worried sick.” the Tiger then stood up and called out into the depths of the cave, “Hey everyone, I found him!” A few seconds later Sora and Twilight could see a group of other animals coming out from the darkness. A small piglet, a gopher wearing a mining helmet with a lit flashlight on it, a rather large rabbit, around the same size as the tiger in fact, an owl that was a similar size, along with a Kangaroo hopping along with a smaller one that Twilight assumed was her son hopping ahead of her to meet up with Pooh and the tiger named Tigger.

“Oh p-p-p-p-pooh! We were so worried when you disappeared like that, W-w-w-we almost thought they got you for sure.” The little piglet ran up to Pooh and the tiger. He definitely struck Twilight as the timid type, similar to her friend Fluttershy, but adorably small.

That was when the rabbit spoke. “Definitely. Pooh Bear, you shouldn’t go off on your own like that. Not while they’re still out there somewhere.”

“Um, if I may ask.” Twilight asked, but upon hearing an unfamiliar voice among them the rest of the group gasped and froze up look toward her. They would’ve bolted right then and there if not for the figure standing next to her, one that they all recognized instantly.

“Hey! It’s Sora, and some lady!” The baby kangaroo pointed out towards the two.

“Hey everyone!” Sora met them halfway with a smile and wave. “Been looking all over for you guys. Couldn’t find you anywhere.”

The mother kangaroo held a hand to her face. “Oh we’re terribly sorry dear, we all ran to this cave the moment all these strange things started happening.”

“Strange things?” Sora knelt down to their level.

“Sss-fweet-strange nuthin!” Another voice, this one came from the gopher that seemed to whistle his “S”es. “Why it’sss-fweet-s all the work of thosss-fweet-se Heffalumpsss-fweet-s and Woozelsss-fweet-s it isss-fweet-s!”

“Heffalumps and Woozels?” Twilight finally decided to join the group. FINALLY everyone took notice of her… well they already did, but finding Pooh and seeing Sora again sort of diminished her big reveal to them.

“Oh! Terribly sorry, it appears we have a guest among us.” Spoke the Owl who then turned to the Key bearer. “A friend of your’s Sora?”

“Oh right!” He stood back up. “Everyone, this is my friend Twilight Sparkle. She wanted to join me when I decided to come back here in the Hundred Acre Wood.” He gestured to Twilight who gave a very polite bow to them.

“Oh um, it’s nice to meet you all.”

Sora then gestured toward the others. “Twilight these are my friends from around here. This is Owl.”

The Owl gave a bow in return. “Greetings, madame.”

“This is Miss Kanga,” The mother kangaroo smiled and gave a nod as the smaller kangaroo hopped back to her, “and her son Roo.” roo smiled and gave a wave.

“A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Sparkle.”


Sora then gestured toward the gopher with the mining hat. “This guy is gopher, he makes tunnels under the forest floor.”

“Yer darn tootin sss-fweet-sonny’ Why I got a whole sss-fweet-system of tunnelsss-fweet-s throughout the whole hundred acre wood.” Gopher stood proudly at the mention of his work.

Sora decided to move on to the next member of the group. “This one is Rabbit, he cares alot about his garden.”

“Why indeed I do, and I’ve grown a lovely crop this year… I do hope to get back to it soon. Oh, but it is a pleasure to meet you as well Ms. Sparkle.” Rabbit gave a polite bow.

“Oh please, just Twilight is fine. You’re Sora’s friends after all.” Twilight waved it off.

Sora moved on to the smallest one of the bunch. Twilight would’ve mistaken the little pig for a baby if she didn’t hear his voice already. Sora was about to speak before Pooh beat him too it. “And this is my dear friend Piglet.”

“O-oh um, h-h-how do you do?” The little guy fumbled with his paws a bit but still held a genuine smile towards her. It was outright adorable. Now she knew Fluttershy would’ve loved visiting this place. ( :pinkiesmile: I know right?! *looks at the Author* ) ( Author: I know right?! *looks at a certain editor* :3 ) ( Editor: Hey, don’t look at me! Making decisions like that is your job. *joins Pinkie in looking at the author* )(Fair Enough...)

Pooh then turned to Twilight and whispered loudly. “We make sure he’s inside his home on Windsdays.”

“Windsdays?” Twilight blinked.

Sora waved it off. “I’ll tell you later, next up we have-” He couldn’t finish as Twilight was then tackled by the very same orange and black striped blur before tumbling and landing in a similar position as pooh did. On her back, looking up at happy looking tiger with a silly grin on his face.

“Next is me! The name’s Tigger, T-I-Double Guh-ER, that spells Tigger! Hoo hoo hoo hoooo!”

“Uh, h-hello Tigger, nice to meet you as well.”

Tigger finally got off her and allowed her to get up as he bounced around her. “Likewise My purple hair! Say you wouldn’t happened to like bouncing now, do you?”

Twilight watched him bounce on his tail in circles around her and sighed “Well, I do have a friend that you would definitely get along with in that area”

Finally on the list of friends, Sora directed to what seemed like a depressed looking donkey to Twilight. “And this is Eeyore.”

The donkey glumly nodded. “Thanks for noticin’. Don’t worry about what I can do, wouldn’t want to get your hopes up when it’s nuthin at all.”

Sora scratched his cheek. “For someone that’s always sad it’s kinda hard to get a read on the guy.”

“I can imagine why, what happened to his tail?” Twilight stated pointing at the donkey’s behind. Sure enough, no tail.

“You lost your tail again Eeyore?” Sora asked.

“Again?” Twilight was surprised how Sora just said that like it was an everyday thing.

The donkey simply replied. “Musta lost it during all that runnin’ in terror. Course you don’t have to worry about it none. Wouldn’t want to bother ya about it.”

After taking a better look at the group Twilight had to admit, save for Rabbit and Owl they looked more like Stuffed animals than actual ones. Large, talking stuffed animals.

“Yeah, getting back to that, you said something about Heffalumps and Woozels?” Sora asked.

Rabbit nodded. “Exactly. A Lot of strange things have been going on here in the woods and those terrifying creatures are definitely the cause.”

“After our Honey, no doubt.” Pooh exclaimed as he hugged the empty honey pot that was previously stuck to his head.

Rabbit continued. “So we all agreed to grab all our honey and hide it in this cave”

Sora folded his arms. “Creatures that steal honey?… I never heard of them before.”

“Well, aren’t you the lucky one.” Gopher replied as he was busy inspecting the cave now, his interest going back to what he can dig.

“Not so lucky anymore, now that the hundred acre would is infestibible with’em.” Tigger bounced by making spins and extending his arms out to emphasize his words. “And you’re stuck here with us, now. Better get comfy.”

“But we looked all over the forest and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, other than your disappearances.” Twilight brought up as she casually dodged the bouncing tiger.

“Oh, then does that mean they’re gone?” Piglet asked, hoping against hope that the horrible creatures would have gotten bored and left the woods entirely.

“Not likely.” Rabbit shook his head. “Why I bet they’re just hiding, and waiting for us to come out so they can trap us.” He hammered his fist onto his other paw.

“Oh d-d-d-d-dear.” Piglet went to hiding behind Pooh now.

“What makes you guys think they’re out there?” Sora asked.

“Like we said before Sora, a lot of strange things have been happening lately here in the woods, and not to mention Piglet actually saw one of them.”

“You did, Piglet?” Sora turned the little guy who was still shivering behind Pooh.

“I uh, I-I did indeed, when I went over to Pooh’s house, I saw it.” He peeked out for a moment before ducking back into hiding.

Sora folded his arms and started thinking. “We were there earlier and didn’t see anything though.” He mumbled to himself. Twilight then approached him.

“You don’t suppose it’s the heartless do you?” She whispered to him.

Sora just shook his head. “It can’t be, heartless never come here.”

“But the same was said about Equestria, and look at it now. Citizens can’t even leave towns or cities without protection.” She replied.

Sora opened his mouth to reply, but closed it. She had a point. What would make Pooh’s story book any different than any other world that got infested with heartless? He then gave a nod and opened his eyes. “Alright, how about this. We go out and see what you guys were talking about. Then we’ll decide if it’s heffalumps or not.”

“And Woozels!” Added Twilight, to which Sora rolled his eyes.

“Right, and Woozels.”

The group all looked at each other before Pooh walked over to Sora. “I hope you don’t mind if I join you, it’s a bit too dark in here.” He then gave a soft laugh. “And perhaps there is some honey we may have forgotten out there as well. I’ll be sure to keep them in a safe place.”

“Would that be in here?” Sora smirked poking at the bear’s tummy eliciting another laugh from the bear.

“Why yes, how did you know?” Pooh asked genuinely surprised.

“Just a hunch.” Sora laughed shaking his head. Twilight couldn’t help giggle as well. She had to admit that things seemed more simple in the storybook, but she soon realized that wasn’t a bad thing. She joined Sora as he made for the exit. “Alright everyone, we’re heading out now. You can stay here if you're scared, but we’ll need someone to guide us to these ‘Strange happenings’ you all have been talking about.”


Rabbit’s House


Sora, Twilight and Pooh made their way to their first stop in their investigation, Rabbit’s. In tow with them was the owner of said fine establishment. “Ok Rabbit, so what spooked you here?” Sora asked bluntly.

“It was right over there.” He pointed toward his garden. “One moment, I was just minding my own business tending to my vegetables when I heard a strange sound.”

“Ok, then what?” Twilight asked as she looked around the garden again.

“When I turned to check what it was I saw one of those fiends leave my garden and run behind my house!”

“Really?” Sora asked. “How’d they get into your garden without you knowing?” Sora was already making his way across the garden.

“Your guess is as good as mine, I have very good hearing after all.” Rabbit replied twitching his ears a few times.

Twilight followed close behind Sora. “So what did you do after that?”

“Well naturally I was about to investigate when Pooh and Piglet made their way over to my home, warning me of the Heffalumps and Woozels invading the forest. After that I ran straight into my house, grabbed every last drop of honey I had and followed them out to get everyone else.”

Pooh, who was following behind the group had somehow gotten ahold of a new pot of honey. He was happy to back up Rabbit’s claim while scooping out another pawful of his favorite treat. “Oh yes, I remember that part. Rabbit can be move very quickly when his things are being taken.” He made another scoop only to nom on a bare... Well, bear paw. Thus indicating his new pot of honey had run dry of it’s sweet golden reserves. However he would still double check by looking into the pot anyway. Just to be sure after all.

When Sora rounded the corner of the tree house he took a good look around. “Well… I don’t see much back here other than some junk lying around.”

“Impossible, I keep my residence nice and tidy, there is no junk lying around my home.” Rabbit folded his arms, scoffing at the mere assumption that he was a slob.

“Well, I don’t know what to tell you rabbit, there’s some stuff just lying around back here.” Sora looked back at his friends. When they made their way over to him, Rabbit was surprised to see a jacket, a Pumpkin, some old gardening tools, and an old top hat scattered here and there in his backyard.

“But, but, how could this be? I know for certain this place was clean last time I saw it…. Wait… wait a minute, I know this stuff… it’s my scarecrow!” Rabbit ran past them to get a closer look.

“Your scarecrow? I never noticed you had one before.” Sora stated.

“Neither have I.” Pooh added, however his focus was back on his honey pot as he turned it upside down and shook it vertically as if some hidden honey was stuck inside.

“Well it was new one, I just set it up the very day this whole mess started.” Rabbit stated as he started gathering everything. “Would you all be kind enough to help me grab all this and set it back up again?”

“Oh, uh, sure.” Sora replied as he, Twilight and Pooh started grabbing what they could find. After some time they were back in the garden with Rabbit’s scarecrow rebuilt and placed in in it’s original position.

“There, much better. It’s my new defense those blasted crows.” Upon taking a closer look at the scarecrow, one would notice it was a bit lacking. It was set up to look like a person alright, but there was just something that seemed to make it look more of a fake then the real deal. Well, even more than the average scarecrow at any rate. It was at this moment that a bunch of crows landed on the arms of the scarecrow. “What the?! No, no, no, no, NO! That’s not a place for you to roost! It’s supposed to scare you!” Rabbit ran up and started scaring the crows away.

“Not to be rude, uh Mr. Rabbit, but this scarecrow of yours doesn’t seem like it would do the job.” Twilight examined it.

“Well, what could I possibly be missing then?”

“A face is a good start.” Sora stated walking up to it. The scarecrow indeed had a blank pumpkin face.

“I suppose…” Rabbit came back to get a better look at it, then sighed.

Side Quest: Looks like Rabbit could use some help getting his new scarecrow to work. Maybe you’ll find something in your adventures later to help him with that. Perhaps the other girls might know what to do... It might even help figure out what’s really going on in the hundred acre wood…

Sora folded his arms and took a step back. “Well, at least your scarecrow is back in place.” He then looked around. “And other than that the whole place looks like no one has been here, nor has any of your stuff been taken… I think it’s ok to come back home Rabbit.”

Twilight nodded at this as she took another look at their surroundings. Rabbit gave it some thought but soon sighed. “I… Suppose you’re right. I’ve been meaning to find some reason to come back anyway. My garden needs to be tended to perfection after all... But I’m leaving my hunny with the others, just incase those fiends decide to come back to finish the job.

“But Rabbit, I don’t think crows very much care for Honey.” Pooh stated… then instantly clutched his empty Honey Pot. “Or do they…”

“No, not the crows Pooh, the Heffalumps and Woozels!” Rabbit groaned.

“Heffalumps and Woozels?! Where?!” Pooh was now on full alert for a foe that wasn’t even there.

The rest of the groups just seemed to sigh and shake their heads before Sora spoke. “Don’t worry Pooh, there’s none here. Let’s get moving, we can check out the other spots and have everyone back home in no time.” The rest of the group agreed and made their way out of the garden.

Their next stop was Kanga and Roo’s house. According to rabbit, Roo had heard a strange sound when he was bouncing around with Tigger. Upon searching for the source, they were startled when his bedroom window was opened and something burst out of it in a flash of light before vanishing. Upon entering said bedroom, they noticed everything was a mess. Apparently Roo was glad his mother saw that they were outside the whole time or she would’ve thought he didn’t clean his room. That was when Pooh, Piglet and Rabbit arrived carrying a bunch of honey pots to warn them of the heffalumps and woozels.

After that they had investigated Pooh’s house. A familiar start for his story, he heard a strange sound as well when he was doing his morning stoutness exercises. Before he knew it a gust of wind seemed to blow him and some of his honey pots out of the house. When he got up and tried to open his door, he found that it was stuck. This intrigued Twilight and Sora the most. When they arrived, Sora made an attempt on the door and true to form it was actually… or locked, looking through the small window they could see nothing blocking the doorway. When Sora decided to force his way in it took a few tries of ramming into the door, but when he busted it open he was nearly blown back off his feet as an abnormal gust of wind shot out from the house, pushing him and the door back and causing everyone else to take cover.

This unnerved Twilight for some reason, but she remained quiet about it for now. Once the wind died down, the house seemed to be empty and back to normal. They soon declared it safe for pooh to move back in. That was when they made their final trip, Piglet’s House.

Piglet had claimed to have actually seen the heffalumps and woozels when he was tending to his home. Upon arrival everything seemed normal, whatever it was that Piglet saw it wasn’t there now. Piglet had claimed to have seen a creature skulking around his house before suddenly the entire house shook as if someone was trying to move it. For the most part it seemed that nothing they said would convince the little guy to go back to it, so it was better to have him stay with Pooh for now.

Sora, Twilight, Pooh and Rabbit stood in front of Piglet’s house deep in thought. So far none of this was making sense for the human and ex-pony. All they had to go on was what the others claimed and what they themselves saw and/or experienced during the investigation. However, it was obvious that they couldn’t rule all this out as their overactive imagination.

“Well, I guess for now this is all we can do… I have to take Twilight back, so we’ll have try again next time.” Sora stated while looking apologetic.

Twilight gave a bow. “Apologies, I lost track of time. This was meant to be a shorter visit for me since I have other business to attend to.”

“Oh it’s quite alright, we’ll be sure to tell the others what we’ve found.” Rabbit waved it off.

“I do hope this won’t be the last time seeing you, Twilight.” Pooh smiled, oblivious to their previous investigations.

Twilight was surprised at first that they would even want to see her again, but that immediately became a smile. “Of course, Pooh. I’ll even bring my other friends here too next time.”

“Oh that would be most lovely, the more friends the better!” Pooh laughed then noticed his other friends were showing up. He and Rabbit gave a wave before heading over to them, leaving Sora and Twilight to wave goodbye and finally make their exit.

The walk back to the pages was relatively quiet as the two of them were deep in thought. About halfway on their way home, Sora decided to speak his mind. “This is all sounding pretty weird.”

Twilight nodded. “Yes, I can’t pin anything concrete on what’s been happening with everyone… but Pooh’s house was different…”

“Yeah… When I forced Pooh’s door open that weird wind thing happened.”

Twilight nodded. “Sora… I’m not sure what it is… but I must confess during that time I felt… something familiar about it. I’m not sure what it could be though, but it’s been nagging me the whole time.”

Sora walked in silence for a moment contemplating it… “Well… this wasn’t exactly how I’d thought we’d spend the day in here.”

“Yes, I did expect this either.” She then looked at herself. “In more ways than one...” She looked at her palm and flexed her fingers a few times. “Though I must admit, being a human is… an interesting experience.”

Sora laughed. “Yeah, I figured after seeing you running around touching everything in sight.” He said with a cheeky grin.

Twilight immediately blushed, looking away and brushing some of her hair to the side of her face. “Eheheh, yeah… Sorry… It was such a shock and all.”

“Don’t worry about it. I suppose I felt something similar when went to Atlantica for the first time.” Sora smiled and reminisced.

Twilight turned to him. “So… it’s.. It’s ok if I’m able to come back here? Really?”

Sora raised an eyebrow at her strange question and looked at her. “Yeah, you don’t really have to ask. Pooh would love to see you again, who am I to stop that… besides, I thought I’d invite the other girls too. I figured Fluttershy would get a kick out of this place the most.

Twilight rapidly nodded with a big grin on her face. “Definitely. Oh, we should set up a special trip back here with them. Perhaps even a picnic! There is much educational value to actually going into a book!”

Sora laughed and tried to calm her down. “I like the idea, but let’s deal with the new issues we found out here first and then worry about that picnic.

“O-oh, yes, right. *ahem* Of course.” She cleared her throat and regained her composure. “I agree, I want to help them as well. I’ll start looking things up and talking to Merlin once we reach the library.”

As if on cue the glowing compass symbol was now just in front of them. Sora smiled. “Right, hopefully it’s nothing to worry about.” He said while allowing Twilight to step on it first. He received a poke to his nose.

“Don’t jinx it, Buster.” She smirked before walking past him. She then took one last look at her human body, took a deep breath... then stepped on the glowing symbol. It didn’t take long before it started lifting her off the ground and into the sky where she vanished in a blink of light.

Sora smiled and looked back at the pop up image of Pooh’s house…. Then faced forward and stepped on the compass symbol as well.

In time Sora and the girls would come to visit this world a lot more.

Author's Note:

Okay! First Post under the 3 week window..... I like it. leaves me room to write m other stories and play video games and other IRL Stuff, and Let me Tell ya. This chapter here, needed to the extra TLC. I know I've played the game and gone into Pooh's book many times before. But I wanted to be absolutely thorough that whatever character I was writing, I got their personality right. So what did that involve?

Two Days on the internet watching this:

*sings along* I don't care if I become 100 years old, I would still watch this show.

So yeah, that kinda sent me on a nostalgia trip, BUT it did help me get a reminder of how Pooh and his friends would act like in this CHapter.... Even Gopher. Seriously the guy whistles EVERY "S" I like the character but for the stories sake I'll be avoiding making him speak as much as possible from now on. and if he does have to speak, it be short and sweet.

Anyway, now that we've had our fun in the hundred acre woods (For now...). I can move on to the other things I wanted to write about during the downtime arc. Still have 3 girls to fuse after all and Sora does have that job of his too. I hope I did this chapter justice, I was completely fickle with myself about it, the editors could agree from how slow I worked on it at the beginning.

Next Chapter: Role Model

As Always, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and look forward to future ones.

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