• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 10: Homecoming

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Train ride back to Ponyville

The next day

The ride back to Ponyville was thankfully an uneventful one this time, as the group seated at the caboose of the very same train that they’d protect three days ago. While most of them were talking with one another on various topics. Twilight however, had her mind set on another issue.


Flashback to the Dining hall

Last Night

“A book labeled as ‘X’… Is that all it said on it?” Princess Celestia asked her student Twilight told Celestia about her findings, only to receive a mysterious answer.

“Yes Princess, I was hoping that either of you would know what it is” Twilight used her magic on the list and levitated it to Celestia, as she made sure to circle the missing book and cross off the ones already accounted for.

Celestia inspected the scroll as Luna leaned over next to her sister to get a look at the document as well… both their eyes set on the circled name, their eyebrows furrowed as they tried to recollect from their memories. “This is rather troubling, it does seem familiar to me. However I can’t quite recall what the book was for.” Celestia said as she brought a hoof to her chin.

“Agreed sister, we must have come across this book before, but not as often… I sense… an uneasy feeling about it as well.” said Luna

“Likewise, Luna… This book held important information, that much is certain. And our enemy is in possession of it.”

“No problem, we just go and take the book back from those bad guys and beat them up if they say otherwise.” Rainbow said casually as she was in the middle of eating a makeshift sandwich she made out of the bread and other dishes that were served at the table.

“Ya’ll forgettin’ that we ain’t got clue where Chrysalis or Maleficent are hidin’ Applejack said then she took a bite out of an apple she was holding.

“And don’t forget that keyhole thingy, Sora said he had to find and lock that too before all those mean heartless do.” Pinkie was eager to say as she was refilling her plate with some more sweeter tasting dishes.

“Which again, we have no clue on where it is either.” Applejack shook her head.

"Would Chrysalis and Maleficent truly seek to destroy this world?” Rarity shuddered at the thought.

“Sora in the middle of his meal decided to stop for a moment to answer this. “I don’t think so. There’s not much to gain now for Maleficent’s sake and I’m sure the Queen doesn’t want to destroy the world she lives in either,” there were a few sighs of relief.

“However, just because they don’t want to destroy it doesn’t mean the heartless won’t stop looking for it,” Everyone was back to a worried state.

“But doesn’t Maleficent control them?” Fluttershy asked as she sunk under the table a little from listening to all this bad news.

“Not all of them, I’m afraid Fluttershy, Now that heartless are able to enter this world, we’ll see some wild ones going about hunting for hearts on their own soon. So don’t be surprised to see when you’re just strolling about.” Sora shook his head. However once he saw the long faces he flashed a smile. “It’s not as bad as you think. You see more of them out in the wilds then you would in civilized areas. However, it would be best to not walk alone at night unless you know how to defend yourself. Then after awhile you’ll kinda get used to it and see some patterns in their appearances.”

Celestia nodded, “A very wise plan, we can dispatch guards to patrol towns and settlements without their own protection for the time being until a better solution is made.”

“You have one in mind, Princess?” Twilight turned to her teacher

“It is not yet completed, it’s another project Yen Sid, my sister and I are working on,” Luna answered instead, “Should it be successful then at the very least, civilized areas will be a safe haven from the darkness.”

“Really? That sounds great! Maybe after its completed, it can also be used in some places like the Radiant Garden” Sora seemed excited to hear this but all enthusiasm left when he noticed Celestia’s head shaking.

“I’m afraid, that this project calls for the magic of this world only to make it work. I cannot guarantee that the same effect will apply on other worlds, I apologize.”

Sora slumped a bit after hearing the bad news, but then sat back up straight and smiled. “Well, it’s ok, they’ve been surviving well without it, and they have defenses of their own. So it’s no big deal.”

“I am glad to hear that,” Celestia returned the smile “Now back to the topic at hand. I have reason to believe that we might know where the keyhole would be.”

Everyone turned towards to the Sun Princess, most especially Sora, who nearly stood up, “You do?”

Celestia nodded, “It’s not concrete, and it’s not as pin point as we would like, but I sense you might find it or at the very least discover a hint in Everfree Forest”

“What makes you say this, sister?” Luna turned to her older sister with an eyebrow raised.

“Well, given what we know of the forest or lack thereof, and all the events that happened within it’s borders, I feel there would be a good place to start.”

“Well, that’s one issue, but what about the book and those two, Maleficent and Chrysalis?” Twilight asked.

“My men are out searching for them as we speak, and my sister and I will try our best to remember anything else about the book or find information about it. In the meantime however, I’m afraid we cannot act until we know more. For the time being atleast you can take on another important task until then.”

“Seems like we don’t have much of a choice,” Sora said He closed his eyes as he is contemplating on the situation, but then nodded and smiled, “Don’t worry princess, I promise we’ll find that keyhole and lock it for good.”

“I have every bit of confidence that you all will, Sora” Celestia gave a warm radiant smile in return, most likely relieved to hear those words from him.


Present Time

Twilight knew that Celestia was right, there was nothing they could do at the moment on finding the book or the ones that stole it, but she still felt that uneasy about leaving it at that. “There has to be SOMETHING that we haven’t tried yet,” she mumbled to herself

"How about looking out the window instead of the floor, before yer starin’ burns a hole?” Twilight immediately perked up and finds Applejack sitting across from her, wearing concerns on her face.

Twilight chuckled sheepishly, “Oh, uh hey, Applejack! W-when did you get here?”

Applejack simply shook her head. “Ah’ve been sittin’ here the whole ride, Twilight watchin’ ya stare at the floor lookin’ like you were gonna beat it up”

“Hehe, oh… W-was I now?” Twilight fidgeted in her seat.

"Twilight, Ah know yer still thinkin’ about that book, but ya can’t let every detail nag at you at the same time.” said Applejack.

Twilight felt a bit of shame for getting so worked up in front of her friends about it. “I know… it’s just, we know nothing about this book, what if whatever is written in the book could destroy Equestria as we know it? Or worse, the universe that I have yet to visit.”

“Have yet to visit?” Applejack was a bit surprised at that last sentence, but immediately start smirking, “Havin’ thoughts about travelin’ to the stars now, Twi?”

“At this, Twilight immediately covered her mouth. She let her inner thoughts slip out it seemed. “Well, it’s just that…” She looked around with an embarrassed look on her face. “I mean, doesn’t it fascinate you that there is so much more out there? I want to see it all… Some day” she added now a bit more confident in talking about it.

Applejack waved it off with a laugh, “Ah hear ya, sugarcube. Tell ya what, perhaps right now; ya just need to think about something else. Sora told me how ya wanted to explore more in ta’ the Keyblade and it’s connection to our elements. Why not plan out how yer gonna go about doing it?”

Without missing a beat Twilight replied, “I’ve already planned out a list of experiments to start with last night.”

“Ah figured that yeh would,” Applejack looked to the side with a defeated looking smile on her face.

"Besides, I don’t have time to even work on them yet. Once we get home, we need to prepare to enter Everfree Forest”

Rainbow Dash happened to overheard what Twilight said as she whipped her head to face the purple unicorn “What?! Already? We’re just about to get back home and already you wanna head off to Celestia knows where in that weird place?” her ranting grabbed everyone’s attention now.

Sora recalled fighting wooden wolves on his way to find the girls the last time he was there, judging from Rainbow’s outburst, there were stranger things yet to come from it.

“Yes, Rainbow. Once we get back home, we take a moment to take care of any urgent matters then we are to meet up at Fluttershy’s cottage to go back into the forest. Well prepared this time” Twilight stood firm on this. “It was a task given to us by Celestia, and I have every intention to complete it as soon as possible.

“Um, I’m sure she’ll be fine if we wait for a little while… Or until tomorrow… Or a week…” Fluttershy sinks lowly into her seat shuttering, who knows what may happen when they go back to that forest again.

“I was also hoping to get back to my current project, I’m sure this line of fashion will become all the rage once it’s completed,” Rarity adding in her vote of putting the mission off.

Pinkie giggled “But it’ll be so much fun, who knows what dangers and perils will come across”

“T-that’s what worries me” Fluttery added

“We could find fantastic treasures or amazing wonders, and take on powerful foes,” said Pinkie. Then she flips out of her seat, jumps with a high kick and made one-two punches while making karate noises.

“Well, I guess Pinkie’s onboard,” Sora chuckled as he watched her go

“You’re going as well, Sora?” Rarity asked after hearing his response. She wouldn’t blame him if he wanted to put it off for a little while longer.

Sora just gave a nod, “It’s my job after all to find the keyhole. Besides, I just got here a few days ago, It’s not like I have anywhere pressing to be right now.” That much was true, it had all been such a rush, Not much was figured out for Sora in terms of where he would be staying at, and what he could do whenever he’s not training or on missions.

“Well if that’s the case, then ah’ll have ta go too. Ah’m sure most of the work back at the farm should be near done by now anyway,” Applejack leaned back in her seat with a smile on her face, “Also, I would like to try out those gauntlets and see what they can really do,” And with that, another member to join Twilight’s expedition.

Rainbow couldn’t refuse to join now with things like this. She was more then eager to see Applejack’s new abilities, and was secretly hoping that maybe she would get a chance as well to merge and get some kind of cool weapon too. “Well, Someone’s gotta be there to get you all out of trouble, anyway. So I’m in too then”

With everybody else, even Sora, up for it now, Fluttershy and Rarity looked at each other, there was no way to refuse now. In unison the two them only sigh with a defeated look on their face. There was just no way to refuse now, to which Rarity responded, “Very well, only on the condition that we are allowed to take care of a some things first, as you’ve said before.”

“That’s only fair,” Twilight nodded, she then looked out the window. “Well, we’re ever everypony.” She immediately got out of her seat. Sure enough, they could see there home coming into view, as everyone, especially Rainbow Dash, felt eager to get off the train and go.


As the group stepped out of the train was already waiting at the station with a scroll in his hand. When he noticed his friends he rushed over “You’re back!”

Twilight went over and nuzzled her assistant, “Yes, it was a bit of a wild ride… Literally at one point, but it’s good to be home,” But then her smile turned to a frown. “But we can’t stay in town for long, we have another task to take on,” She then finally noticed the paper in his hand. “Spike, What’s that?” She used her magic to levitate it out of Spike’s grasp and unfurl it.

“Oh right! It’s a letter from the princess. Some things have been happening here as well. Just read it, you’ll see.”

Dear Spike,

Unfortunately I have forgotten to inform Twilight before she left and I am sure you have already noticed and asking questions, please relay this to her as soon as she arrives to Ponyville today. I have sent over some builders to Ponyville to build a very special training area for Sora. I have allowed them to scout the area for where they believe it best to be built. As soon as you can, could you locate them? The training area won’t be useful if you don’t know where it is after all.

Now, what makes it special? I’ll have to show you once it’s completed. It requires my sister and I to add in the “special” part of it. It should also come with an extension to act as Sora’s sleeping quarters. Rest assured that these are the constructors in Equestria and guarantee that it should all be completed within two days. Until then, I am appointing you to find a temporary place for Sora to reside in.

I wish you all the best of luck on your mission, but remember to rest when needed. A weary adventurer is a short lived one.

Princess Celestia

Twilight rolled the letter back up piqued with curiosity now. Sora as well since she read the letter aloud. “Wait, I get my own place? Really?!” He started to smile. Pretty psyched to find this construction site.

“It would seem so, the question is, where would they set up construction?” Twilight placed a hoof to her chin and looked around as if she would be able to spot it from the station.

“I can help with that” Spike raised his claw to get their attention. “Okay, Get this,” he started explaining.


“I can’t believe of all places, they choose to place it next to a library… MY LIBRARY!” Twilight watched in shock as she saw a bunch of hardhat and orange vest wearing ponies some yards down the dirt path from the Golden Oaks Library. The foundation and wooden vertical beams and flooring were already placed, they were definitely fast workers and all of them seemed devoted to complete the task, especially since it was a royal order from the Princess herself, and watching them was clear that they had no intention to cut any corners.

“Yeah, when I woke up this morning, there they were, hammering away. I didn’t get much information out of them, until the princess sent me the message.” Spike then smiled at Sora “I guess we’ll be neighbors then” He have a thumbs up.

Sora simply shrugged and nodded. “I’m fine with that, so long as there is roof over my head.”

Twilight already foresee the next two nights of loud hammering, sawing, and banging, followed by orders being barked at. Then, after all that, it’ll be replaced with battle cries and probably even more loud banging when Sora actually trains there, How could anyone get any reading done with all that noise? She then tried to shake those thoughts out of her head. Surely her mind was just over exaggerating, sure it may probably be loud for a while with the construction work, but she would probably be out of the house a lot during that time anyway.

“It’ll be fine, Twi. Besides, we’ll be busy anyway” Applejack patted the Librarian’s shoulder before she started making her way down the path to home. She was gonna check up on things before they had to go. Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity left the group to go to their separate ways to care of any chores or duties they had. Then Twilight went inside the Library that left only Sora Spike and Rainbow Dash.

Then Rainbow floated next to Keyblade Wielder and said “Soooo, Sora… wanna fuse?” Rainbow Dash asked with a rather large grin on her face

Spike looked over to Rainbow, his head tilted to the side a bit with a rather puzzled look, “Fuse what?”

Sora looked over to Rainbow with a curious look as well, “You want to do that now?”

“Well, duh! Twilights already off to go do, whatever it is she does in these situations. Lets try fusing,” the excitement in her voice sounded like it would make it crack any second.

“I don’t think it happens just like that, Rainbow,” Sora shrugged but laughed a bit from Rainbow’s eagerness.

Rainbow still pressed on, “Oh come on, how hard can it be? And then after we fuse, I’ll get some gauntlets or something right?” She shadowboxed in mid air when she asked.

Sora shook his still smiling. “Maybe? I’m not sure what happens after that. For all we know, maybe that was just a one time-”

“Um, excuse me, over here. Whats fusing together?” Spike waved his arms to grab their attention.

At this moment Sora turned to him. “Well, it kind of happened when we were at the castle, fighting heartless”

This was clearly all news to Spike, he didn’t hear anything about what went down when Sora and the girls rode the train off to Canterlot. “Wait, heartless at the castle? You’re kidding.”

Sora shook his head “I wish I was but the moment we left Ponyville, it was like one battle after another that day.”

Rainbow then chimed in “Yeah, We even had to fight on the train no less! We smoked them obviously, but those Heartless guys sure are relentless.”

Spike looked at the two of them eagerly with a look they both could translate easily.

“Alright, alright, I guess we got time anyway,” Sora sat on the ground as did Rainbow and Spike.

Rainbow began, “Ok, so it went like this”


Sweet Apple Acres
Some time later

Applejack had just arrived to her home noticing Big Mac at the barn walking into his, most likely to get a tool or storing something away.Granny seemed to be at the porch of the house talking with Applebloom about something until she noticed her granddaughter coming into view and waved at her, soon joined the little filly next to her. Applejack smiled and returned a wave as well before making her way down to the house.

Applejack met half way with a tackling hug by her sister. “Yer back! How was it? Did they tell ya who that Sora feller is? Is he a Super Knight? A Secret Agent? Tell me! Tell me” the filly was bouncing around her older sister with no intention to leave her sister alone until she had answered her.

“Whoa, whoa there,” Applejack caught her sister in mid air when she was in front of her, “Yer, talkin a mile a minute there. You trying to challenge Pinkie or something?” she laughed before setting Applebloom down who apparently wasn’t gonna let anything change the subject.

“Come on, ya promised, “ Applebloom gave a pouty face in hopes that would help suggest that she was serious to know.

Applejack sighed, “Right ah’ did, and I will, but I also promised the Princess to keep some things secret as well.”

Applebloom felt a little betrayed by this, but she knew full well that she couldn’t do anything about it since the Princess said so. That didn’t stop the her pout to turn into a depressing one as she groaned an “Aaawww….”


Hearing that word was a godsend to the little Filly as her eyes darted back up to her sister with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

“Ah’ think, there are SOME things that are okay to tell ya about,” Then Applejack put on a serious tone, “Also some you should know so ya stay safe and out of trouble,” And then she started walking towards the house. “Come on, Granny and Big Mac needs to hear this too.”

Applebloom followed close behind, as much as she really want to know, she hoped that it doesn’t take too long, since the CMC had a project of their own they were working on.


Back at the Carousel Boutique, Rarity was already at her house instructing the delivery ponies where to drop off her “souvenirs” from Canterlot. At the same time she was at her desk, looking over her rough drafts she made the night before they left for the castle. Now with a fresh look at her previous she could see changes and failures that she had never seen that night when she created them, there was constant erasing, redrawing, of the occasional crumpled up paper that was dumped in the waste bin by her desk. She was pressed for time so for any draft that was crumpled away to start over with would only have the simple bases covered and she would return to them when she had more free time.

“No, no, no this won’t do… Ugh and what was I possibly thinking with THAT?!” she another paper was crumpled and cast aside only for a new blank one to take it’s place,

“It barely covered anything special like his outfit.” She looked up at the drawings she made of Sora’s outfit and satchel, that one took a bit of trial and error to get right, but within time she got every last detail of it and drew a copy to make sure she understood it. This was an entirely new design of fashion that she had never seen. If you cannot replicate the designs then how would you ever hope to own it and expand to farther reaches of it? And another draft was partially erased only to replace those parts with a much finer design to them.


In Ponyville stood a building that looked like it was literally baked into existence then given frosting. For someone that didn’t know any better, they would even try to take bite out of it. This was Ponyville’s very own Sugarcube Corner. A Bakery and Confectionary, which Pinkie happened to work and live at. The front door bursts open with the eternally happy pink Mare calling out. “I’M BAAACK!” making sure anyone in the immediate area or the building could hear her before trotting in closing the door behind her as if nothing happened.

Behind the counter a tall lanky yellow stallion with an orange mane and tail named Carrot Cake. Judging by his apron, striped bow tie and paper hat, if being behind the counter didn’t say it, his outfit was sure to say he worked there. Which was correct since he‘s basically the co-owner of his wife. Cup Cake. He was in the middle was receiving pay from a customer picking up their order when Pinkie made her debut. Now with bits scattered everywhere he sighed but smiled anyway and replied “Welcome back, Pinkie. How was the trip?” he assured the customer that he would take care of the money allowing them to head on out.

“It was amazing! We were on a train and I celebrated a little filly’s birthday, and then there were heartless all on the train so we had to beat them up, and even more when we got to the castle-” She continued retelling all the events that happened, but still remembered to not say anything about Sora’s true identity.

But her mouth was going a mile a minute and Mr. Cake didn’t seem to quite catch all of it. However, he did see the expression on Pinkie’s face as genuine happiness, so over all it seemed like she had a good time, even the parts he remembered her saying she had to fight was a bit worrisome to him.

“Well, I’m glad you enjoyed yourself out there, and this Sora fella sounds like an upstanding pony. Now that I think about it. Wasn’t he the one we threw that big party for before the night before you left?” seeing her wildly nodding her head he continued, “Ah, I see, so that’s who they meant,” he held a hoof to his chin and looked on in thought

“That’s what WHO meant?” Pinkie now curious after listening to Cake’s previous response.

Once brought back to reality, he looked back to Pinkie and replied, “Oh, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, they’ve been awfully busy lately. I even remembered them talking to the mayor about something. They had also been asking around about Sora for some reason as well. Hopefully it’s not something that would land them into trouble… again.”

Pinkie was bouncing now after hearing this. “Oooh, sounds like they’re gonna do something super fun!” she then stopped when realization slapped her in the face. “Oh that’s right, I can’t stay for long, I gotta get ready to go.

“So soon?” Mr. Cake looked at the Pink mare with a bewildered look, “Didn’t you just get back?”

“Yup!” she smiled as she went up a flight of stairs, there were a few sounds of clanging and banging and a thud here and there before she came back down stairs. “Ok! Ready to go!”

“What did you get?” Mr. Cake asked as he noticed that she was carrying nothing at all.

“Oh, just re-supplying, I broke my last hockey stick during that train ride and one can never have too much whipped cream pie-” she then started listing off a multitude of things that he for the life of him couldn’t see, and he was sure he heard her say Kitchen Sink or something like that. “-and balloons! Just the basics really,” she giggled.


Fluttershy’s Cottage

Two hours later

Fluttershy was busy flying from one part of her home to the other, checking in on all the animals she was looking after. Even thought she trusted Angel to take care of things while she was gone, she couldn’t help but worry all the same, it was just her nature after all.

Fortunately everything went smoothly while she was gone. So, all that was left to do was feed them, take care of her chores and even chat. She seemed to be having a rather in depth conversation with a few birds that perched on her. “Yes, it was a very long day that day, however my friends were amazing, taking so many of those scary heartless, they didn’t give it a second thought when they fought them.”

One of the birds chirped at her.

“What? O-oh, I didn’t do anything, really. I just…. Kinda stood there and watched, I guess…” the cheery smile on her face faltered a bit.

Another one of the birds chirped.

“N-no, I didn’t fight at all, I’m not a fighter like any of them…”

The same bird responded.

“Um, how about we… talk about something else” Flutter shy looked away. Then on cue though the conversation ended when a familiar voice called out to her.

“Hey! Fluttershy!” It was Sora along with the rest of the girls, it seemed they all gathered together and decided to head over to her house since that’s where they would be starting at.

Fluttershy immediately got up form her sitting position as the birds flapped their wings and flew off her, “Um, Coming!” She said as loudly as possible, though to a regular pony, it was more like a somewhat barely louder speaking voice. She then turned to the birds and politely nodded her head. “Thanks for the chat, it was wonderful speaking with you, I hope you come again some day for some tea perhaps,” the birds seemed to chirp a response that Fluttershy smiled to before flying away, then she two turned around and headed out the door.

As she exited, the rest of her friends, who all seemed to be ready to go back to the spooky forest again, greeted her. Spike seemed to be joining them as well. The Purple dragon once again riding on Sora’s and looking eager to start this adventure, maybe just as excited as Pinkie. “Oh, hello Spike. You’re coming as well?”

“You bet! I want to help this time!” Spike had a determined look on his but smiled anyway. Sora was able to help me convince Twilight to let me.

Yeah, though she seemed to give me some rather threatening looks the whole way here Sora thought as he could still feel the icy cold stare of the librarian behind him, so he chose NOT to look back.

“Alright, the gangs all here, can we get this started already” Rainbow said with an annoyed look on her face. When Fluttershy went to question it.

Sora chuckled and spoke up. “Don’t mind her, she’s just not happy about how neither of us knows how to fuse together.”

“You tried to fuse with Sora, Rainbow?” Fluttershy looked a bit surprised.

Applejack walked up next to Sora and gave him a light jab “Turns out, Fusin’ becomes second nature to ya’ when ya learn to do it the first time.”

“You mean? You fused again?” Fluttershy was even more surprised now, remembering that time again when it first happened.

Pinkie Pie jumped in surprising everyone from coming out of nowhere, “Yeah, it was amazing, Applejack put on her gauntlet thingies and then her element shot right out of the shoulder part and then Sora went and grabbed it, and FWOOSH! Sorajack appears!!” She threw her fore hooves into the air and cheered.

Sora laughed “Pinkie we’re not calling it that,” Applejack simply shook her head as Rainbow rolled her eyes at it. “In any case, it looks like we can’t do it all the time,” Applejack called back her gauntlets and they could see the Applejack’s Element seemed to have lost a lot of it’s usual glow. “If I had to guess, I’d say, fusing kind of drains the batteries on the element, so it has to recharge for awhile before we can fuse again. Rainbow wanted us to demonstrate how we did it, and we were kind of curious if were actually able to. You can see how that turned out.”

“Some good news: Even though mah’ gem is out of commission, I can still use these things fer fightin’ still.

“It was so cool though!” Spike said with stars in his eyes. “You were all super tough and stuff, did all those powerful moves and-”

“Ahem” a voice grabbed everyone’s attention. It was Twilight who is carrying her own saddlebags, “We can discuss more on the way, and we should get going before it gets dark.” At this, everyone looked at the noonday sky, then they nod.

“Right, good point, Twilight. Shall we then?” Rarity said as they all faced the path leading deeper into the forest.

Sora took the first step forward, “Alright! Lets go find that keyhole!” He gave a rather confident tone in his voice and an unwavering smile.

Spike seeming to do the same, even pointed forward and then called, “Lets go!” He is getting caught up in Sora’s upbeat attitude on the situation.

The girls all looked at the Stallion and baby dragon, surprised how they showed no caution into entering this rather foreboding forest. However they had no choice but to follow after him.

And so, they traveled deeper into the forest, unaware of what’s to come.

Author's Note:

Alright! Just like Chapter 4 this one's kind of a prep chapter for whats to come. It was sort of my way taking care of some things and bringing up certain information for you guys to keep in mind about, as they entered the forest. Namely, the Fusion power. As awesome as I would LOVE to just go "FUSION POWER GO!" at everything they fight. It's pretty obvious that, super cool abilities and powers are not infinite and instant recharge.

Plus, I also want to show how as time goes on, the groups fighting styles change over time when they get their new gear and try to get used to them. As you will see in Chapter 11 when Applejack tries her's out. It's ok to say that much, since it's pretty obvious there gonna run into some fights in the forest. :ajsmug:

Now then. Onto the our last voting. Upon tallying up everyone's choices that participated on what romance path the story should go into. Including the ones that decided to PM me their choices as well. Hilariously, Option 2 and 3 tied. :rainbowlaugh:

So given the circumstances that was given. I decided to take into account the reasons, for those that commented their opinion after voting. Once I did, I started giving it some thought... and decided to just go with Option 3, since there is a lot of ground that various people would want covered, and cuz I'm too curious for my own good when I want to see what it would be like with other options.

Now with that settled. Some things I would like to make clear, to a certain few comments i received.

First off, yes there is gonna be romance, as it says one of the genre tags for this story, that's bound to happen.

Secondly, I am a big fan of SoraXKairi, that will never change, and it's pretty obvious that's how it's gonna turn out in the actual series, no need to put more emphasis on the inevitable. I'm writing this fiction with Sora falling in love with one of the mane 6 because... I'm just curious, hence my name. This story along with all future stories that I intend to make on this site is basically my own curiosity of what would happen if so and so had a crossover with MLP. this would mean in future stories, that some of them won't have any romance at all (In case you were gonna ask that as well). My mind wonders and imagine, and I write it down. But don't worry, in the future, there will be some clarity one the whole Kairi thing in the story as you can't just ignored what happened about it in the previous games. that is if your patient enough wait for that part to come out, cuz it's gonna be A WHILE before we touch up on that issue.

Lastly, I guess when I posted Chapter 8 out, there were some of you that were concerned about me, "rushing" the whole love thing. I can confidently say, you are in correct on that. As much as do love to see a good romance scene every now and then, It bugs me greatly when I come across one that happened in the span of fly's life. My goal in the romance area, is to have it be a rather slow growing one. That would also mean being closer friends with each other before the whole love thing as well.

Now, about the whole part where the girls showed some sort of feelings for Sora, rest assured, I had it set up as nothing more then innocent puppy love. The kind that appears when you see an attractive person and they say nice things to you, only for you to never see them again most likely, then you move on with your life. That kind of thing. I've seen friends do that, only for nothing to go anywhere after that and they stayed friends. I was basically following that. And yes there will be some moments in the future where you will see cute little "blushy" moments or whatever the term is called. that's a thing that happens. The actual Romance stuff, won't start till much later into the story. So you can relax on that. it's gonna be a long ride before we get to that area.

Alright, I think I've spoken enough, and sorry if it sounds like I was ranting, I was just a bit sad when some people thought I was gonna take the rode I am... not to particularly fond of. It was more just me kind of venting there. So Please take no offense if it did offend you in some way. If it did I am deeply and truly Sorry :fluttershysad: I have been told I can unintentionally come off as rude some times when I speak.

With that being said:

Next Chapter: Heartless and Manticores and Timberwolves, Oh my! (Inner Me: God I am so lame)

As always, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and look forward to future ones.

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