• Published 1st Oct 2015
  • 6,022 Views, 82 Comments

My Little Sunset: Magical Girl - madhat886

The changlings have taken over and all hope is long as none is left to stand against them. But in another world there is still one unicorn left. With the help of her old teacher's pet, Sunset must become the hero she always meant to be.

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Time goes on

It's been 6 months since the event at Canterlot Highschool. Spitfire stood in front of a board of top ranking officials with the President watching from an open channel. She had a projector set up for her presentation. Since Sunset has been responding to her better then others she has been placed as her guardian. With her being the mother of two daughters she has the experience to deal with Sunset better then most others. Spitfire had watched the exchange between Sunset and Princess Celestia, it had hit her straight in the guts. Both of her daughters have their father while she was on duty but seeing Sunset breaking down. Child expects have been called in to help Sunset who has withdrawn from the world. She has been working with them answering all question but seeing the dead eye child in front of her and remembering the girl that drove her daughter Rainbow Dash crazy... She had to fight off the images of her own daughter in Sunset's place.

"After much testing we have discovered that the crown is made out of a metal that can't be found on our world. Or the gem stones on it," Spitfire said bringing up a picture of the crown. "The lab boy have discovered that the crown emits a strange energy. Some of them have tried to put on the crown but as Ms. Shimmer had stated only she has the magic needed to use it."

A new image came up showing Sunset.

"Sunset Shimmer formally a unicorn from the world named Earth by the races of that world and has been dub Earth 2 here. The test that have been done on her, have revealed that the transformation is a complete one that has turn her into a perfectly normal human for her age."

A new image of Sunset transformed came up.

"Sunset once she transforms into her magical form is a different matter. She has name her form Horizon."

A picture of Sunset lifting an army jeep over her head is shown.

"Her strength is much greater as it seems that while in her magical form she has her old pony strength. Which is the baseline for her strength boost. Testing has shown that her strength is something out of the comics, with the limit she can lift without hurting herself is at 10 tons. The same strength limit as Spider-Man in the Marvel comics."

A new image of Sunset flying taken by a drone is shown.

"Her top flight speed is at march 18 faster then anything we have in the air. She also has the reflexes to make full use of her speed. She can't maintain this speed for long however as it drain her of energy. The upper limits that she is able to go is that she is able to go into space."

An image of Sunset's magical uniform is shown.

"We haven't been able to test what her uniform is made out of. It doesn't come off. The only removable part is the helmet that the crown transforms into when worn. And only when Sunset does it as we have tried and it doesn't come off unless she's the one who does it. So testing how well suited the armor is at protecting Sunset is a tricky thing. We have discovered that while the helmet does leave her face expose, there is a magical force field that not only protects her but also allows her to survive in space. She is also able to survive underwater."

An image of Sunset using her magic. Followed by others, one with her casting fireballs that destroyed a tank, another creating a barrier around her protecting her from machine gun fire, and one where she transforms objects from one thing to another.

"Her magic is far stronger then normal unicorns as her special talent which takes the form of what's called a cutie mark that appears on her flank when she was a unicorn. The sun symbol she wore on her shirt is what he cutie mark looked like. Telekinesis to levitate or move objects is the most common power for unicorns. Sunset has shown a wide range of spell casting, ranging from attack spells to teleporting. A full list is written on the report. The spell casting requires concentration and effort, since Sunset's talent is in magic she is able to use more spells and use more magic then what a normal unicorn is able to do." (1)

The screen turned off.

"Right now Sunset is doing well but the child expects that have been called in are worried about her mental health. With what she's been through, they fear that something in her might snap. And seeing what she can do, the last thing we need is for her to have that one bad day that causes her to snap."

"What do they recommend?" the President ask.

"She needs a stable family environment and be allow back into a normal life setting, being around kids her own age and make friends," Spitfire said. "I have already started it by having my daughter Rainbow Dash come to the base and spend some time with Sunset. Right now Sunset is in a deep depression and is being treated for it."

"You think that wise?" one of the brass ask.

"There are guards watching them all the time. Rainbow had leap at the chance to talk with Sunset about her magic, asking her all about it and if she can be taught to do it as well," Spitfire said. "Besides, I have read plenty of comics where treating the person with superpowers and seeing them as nothing more then an enemy or a weapon always ends badly. Without the crown she can't use her full powers and her magic is very limited before she tries herself out. The last thing we need so some government official who thinks everyone but them are trying to destroy this country go and mess around with Sunset, as seen so often in works of fiction. Everyone here should remember she is just a 16 year old girl with deep emotional wounds that needs someone to help her through this time. What we don't need is to create a ticking time bomb waiting to be set off. "

"You have a family in mind?" one of the brass ask.

"My family," Spitfire said. "She already knows my family and she has attached herself to me as emotional support. She has come to trust me and, I'm already a mother of two daughters. Me and my husband will be able to handle her needs with the kids help. The new school year is starting up. So she'll be going back to her old school of Canterlot."

"Alright she'll be place in your care," the President said.

"Thank you," Spitfire said.

"What about the Changlings if they do decide to reopen the portal?" one of the brass ask.

"Sunset will be train to be able to handle herself in battle like a soldier. The basic training is out of the question right now as any drill sergeant yelling at her would result in a messy affair. One sergeant tried that on Sunset to whip her out of her depression. It resulted in him being lifted up in the air and drop to the ground with Sunset increasing the height of the the fall each time. I managed to stop her with Mr. Dumbbell receiving two broken arms and several crack ribs. She is in a very delicate emotional state right now. And will lash out if press too hard," Spitfire said. She remember running up to Sunset as she was lifting sergeant Dumbbell again to drop him, pulling her into a hug, calming her down.

"We seen the report," one of the brass said.

"Sunset can't be treated as a soldier as she is still underage and we don't use child soldiers. And what kind of mental damage it will do to her at this age. She is the only magic user we have and if the portal is reopen will be the only one who can close them. She explained that the portals can be destroyed by releasing a massive burst of magic in front of it, as she did by destroying the other elements," Spitfire said.

"What about the bird that came from the other world?" one of the brass ask.

"We also finally tracked down and contain the phoenix name Philemena. She has been discover having a higher then normal body temperature and more intelligent then a bird of the same size. She is being kept in a large bird cage on the base with Sunset being her care taker. It will help in both of their mental well being," Spitfire reported.

"What about the Changlings bodies?" the brass ask.

"The lab are still going over them. But what they learn so far is that they're cold blooded, and bodies suggest to be much stronger then a human. Their exoskeletons have been tested and are resistant to small firearms, heavier firearms are shown to be effected. Since they are shape shifters they would be able to blend in, but since they are cold blooded a heat scan can show who's a changling. It is untested but the logical is sound. We should be able to handle the Changlings when they come, So unlike in fiction where the military is useless and they have to depend on emotional young teens to save the day, we don't. And while using magic for combat might be amazing, but we already have effective weapons that are battle proven. Besides it didn't help the ponies with the changlings," Spitfire reported. (2)

"Does Sunset have any idea why Equestria? They must had some defenses and a standing army," one of the brass ask.

"Sunset thought about it and thinks it's because everyone there is too dependent on the princess. It's a side effect of being ruled by immortal near goddess. The princess would be hesitant to change things from what they remember when she was younger, and due to her both intentional and unintentional influence on society there. All it takes is the slightest hint of dissatisfaction or boredom with an idea for the general populace to discard or outright ignore it. Sunset remembers how what would have been the first radio was cast aside when the princess showed no interest in it because it did something that magic already could. The army from what she remembers is more for show, as the other countries are peaceful with Equestria. The Royal guards and the airforce name the Wonderbolts haven't been in a real battle for centuries. They're more of a police force then an army. So after their princess was defeated all of them just fell over," Spitfire explains. (4)

"What about the other countries?" another brass ask.

"There are several powerful countries around Equestria that would draw the Changlings attention away from us or keep them from actively seeking to invade us. The Centaur kingdom which unlike the old stories here the upper body is more of a minotaur then human. Who share their kingdom with the Gargoyles who they can interbreed with. The Dragons who live in the north. There are several Griffon and Minotaur kingdoms. All of them would put up more of a fight then the ponies did. If we're lucky it would keep the Changlings from sending an army here as they would be busy keeping the country they already taken," Spitfire said.

"If there isn't anything else. Send me reports on any new updates," the president said turning off the com link.


Elsewhere -

The shards of the destroyed Elements didn't just disappear but were shattered to the winds. Sending them flying across the world in some cases. The shards gathered around the areas with a strong magic field or people who most represents the element they were once apart of.

"Hey guys look what, I found," Moma Parker aka Mona the vampire said as she run up to her two friends. They're meeting inside their clubhouse all dress up in their costumes.

"What is it?" Charley Bones aka Zapman ask.

"I found these," Mona said as she held up three small shards of what look like from gems.

"Cool," Lily Duncan aka Princess Giant said staring at the shards. The shards came in three different colors, pink, purple and blue.

"What color do you want?" Mona ask.

"We can have one?" Charley ask.

"Sure," Mona answers.

"I'll take this one," Lily said as she takes the pink one and took her crown off to see where she can place it. She tap it on the crown when the shard glowed and sank into the crown's plastic embedding itself into it.

"Wow did you see that?" Charley ask.

"Let me try," Mona said as she takes the purple shard and tries it on her cape. And like before the shard glowed and became apart of her cape.

"The shards must be magical. I know they're from those magical elements that Sunset Shimmer destroyed," Lily said.

"Cool," Charley said as he used the last shard on his watergun and it too merged with it.

"So how do we use magic?" Lily ask.

"Good question," Mona said as she has no idea. (3)


Under the Sea -

Rikki Chadwick who became a mermaid with the ability to boil water swam with her friends. Each of them found a strange shard while swimming, that seemed to glow when they touch them. The one she found is red.

Emma Gilbert with the ability to freeze water. The shard she found is orange.

Cleo Sertori who has the ability to control water. The shard she found is purple.

They don't know what they found but they felt something when they touch them so they carried the shards back with them. Wondering what they have found and why are they felt strange when they hold them. It felt like they had more energy as they swam through the sea. (5)


Author's Note:

1 - Seeing that few unicorns have been shown to be able to teleport let alone casting spells. In this fic the only unicorns who are able to powerful magic are the ones with the cutie marks for magic.

2 - Unlike the shows where the arm forces are useless in this fic they're not. Bullets can kill changlings and modern tech like inferred goggles can see through the Changlings shape changing trick as they're cold blooded like insects are. The exoskeletons of the Changlings are able to withstand bullets but heavy firepower will get through their shells. And the magical girls will only be called in if there's no other way. As they're the only ones who can seal any portals. Like in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

3 - Unlike in other fictions just because someone has a magical item it doesn't mean they can just use it. Sunset can because she already knows how to use magic. Also even if one finds a shard or an item with a shard in it doesn't mean it will just work for them. People need to have some magic in them or is strong in the element of the shard.

4 - I haven't seen the royal guards or the Wonderbolts doing anything but getting their butts kick. Namely the Wonderbolts all the time. And they never showed up to help at all with all the big bads. And when they did they got beaten. And the Wonderbolts all they seem to do is put on air shows.

5 - Got any ideas for some crossovers give me your idea. The rules are is that 1- no magical girl animes. 2 - other animes are ok as long as it doesn't have magic in it or takes place in a different world setting. 3 - I would like slice of life ones where there is no magic or something far out that would never happen in real life.