• Published 1st Oct 2015
  • 6,022 Views, 82 Comments

My Little Sunset: Magical Girl - madhat886

The changlings have taken over and all hope is long as none is left to stand against them. But in another world there is still one unicorn left. With the help of her old teacher's pet, Sunset must become the hero she always meant to be.

  • ...

Chapter 13

Canterlot City that connected to Ponyvile by urban growth, is the business center of the area. It also connected to Ponyvile by a lay line of magic that a magic pump was built on on drawing magic. The new source of energy is now helping to power the both the city and ponyvile. Sunset has been helping in the research going on with the magic pumps and how magic works. She has also told them that now that the lay lines are now have magic flowing through them again that magical gemstones which are build up of magic in the ground would be growing around them. Which are like normal gemstones but are used both as food for dragons and for magical items. (1) And with the magic pumps working a train magic user can make any soil fertile. Sunset had already displayed this by making a farm field close to a working magic pump very fertile and the crops to mature fast.

Which she said is the reason why Equestria exports food in exchange for imports with other countries. Equestria is more pristine and beautiful then other countries, mainly because of that fact. They didn't extract anything from the ground except for basic foodstuffs, some wood and the gems that the magic in the ground made grow. There are few factories in Equestria and they were small discrete things that made finished products. The only big factory she knows of is the weather and rainbow factory in Cloudsdale.

"Equestria's main source of income is food?" Twilight ask who is still asking questions about life in the other world whenever she has a chance to talk with Sunset.

Both of them are in one of the school buses with the other magic students heading for the magic base. Sunset is sitting with Twilight while talking with Lightning Hussar and Wind Leaf who are sitting across her. They were talking about her world when Sunset let out the main source of income of her country.

"Rock's grow out of the ground because of magic?" Maud ask as her family owns a rock quarry and operates it.

"And it's going to happen here too?" Limestone ask. Her shy and soft spoken sister Marble sat next to her.

"Yes with the magic pumps working," Sunset said.

"Gemstones!" Rarity ask with sparkles in her eyes. While she doesn't like her awful mining magical outfit, she does still like using gems in her designs, well fake ones anyways.

"Why are you so excited?

"Yes but magical ones not the normal ones. Once you all learn how to use magic you'll be able to sense if its magical or not," Sunset said.

"So all ponies can sense magic?" Twilight ask.

"Yes but only unicorns who been train like me also since magic is everywhere in my world, you have to focus yourself to sense it. But here where there's so little magic around, I can sense big spikes in magic," Sunset said.

"Wait is that how you found me?" Maxine ask.

"With you playing around with time magic how could I not. That storm rip a hole in time and space releasing a massive surge of magic. You're lucky I managed to stop it," Sunset said.

"Wait wouldn't messing around with time cause damage to the time and space stuff?" Derpy ask.

"Where you think the storm came from," Sunset said. "Sam you seen what your power does so you can only ever use it as a last resort."

"Or to stop someone from dying," Chloe said as Maxine has done that in the past to save her.

"Yes but...," Sunset began saying before she could continue her eyes snap wide open as she sense a massive wave of magical energy and it's coming from... all around her.

"Sunset what's the matter?" Twilight ask seeing the look on her face.

"WE NEED TO GET TO THE ARMY BASE NOW!" Sunset shouted out.

"Sunset?" Celestia ask confuse of her outburst.

"I felt a get spike in magic coming all around me. It's either many magic users awakening at once or... the Changelings finally created a portal machine," Sunset said.

"I'll call mom!" Rainbow said as she reach for her cellphone it it started ringing and she answered it seeing it's her mom. "Mom? Portals all over? We're heading to the base right now."

"What do we do?" Twilight ask scared.

"Survive," Sunset said.


Russia -

Changelings came pouring out of the portal that appeared in the tunnels of the metro and flew down the tracks to the station with people waiting there. The Changelings spotting the humans quickly attack with many different abilities that their new forms gave them. The Changelings have change their bodies thanks to all the energy they been getting from the ponies and the new form they have gotten from the world they're invading now, has given them an upgrade. They gain abilities from other insects and bugs and new classes for the hive. (1)

People ran up to the street level of the city with the Changelings following closely behind them. The Changelings grab the fleeing humans and carried them back to the portal where they would join the ponies as food. The police around the area tried to fight back but found their bullets mostly useless as the exoskeletons of the Changelings prevented most of the bullets from really hurting them, with only some lucky and well place shots hitting the less protected parts. But those loses didn't mean much as the Changelings quickly zerg rush the police with their sheer weight of numbers.

In the Army Base that is doing research on magic, General Ironwing was alerted to the attack. He ordered all soldiers around the area to converge to the city under attack. He walk into the research center where Jammer Head and the other researchers are doing tests on Fading Light who is in her magical form inside a test chamber.

"Jammer Head get Fading Light out of the testing chamber. The Changelings have invaded," General Ironwing ordered.

"They're here?" Fading Light ask through the speaker.

"Yes. The plan is that the regular army will push back the Changelings and locate the portal where they're coming form. Then you'll be transported as close to the portal and then seal it off by using your magic on it. According to Sunset that's how to seal them off. Time to test it out," Irongwing said.

"Yes sir," Fading Light said.

"And try to capture some live Changelings," Jammer Head adds.

"Have they appeared elsewhere?" Fading Light ask.

"The reports says only in one place in our country right now. We need to think of ourselves before we do anything," Ironwing said as a soldier ran inside the room.

"Sir the portal just closed but the Changelings that came out are still here. And we got a report that the portal just open in England," the soldier reported.

"The portal the Changelings have must only be able to open one portal at a time then. There be new magical girls appearing in the places the portals open at. They won't just stay hidden with all of this happening," Jammer Head said.

"They're not going to last long if they try alone," Fading Light said.


England -

A young woman dress as a royal palace guard and armed with a musket with a bayonet, stood in front of the palace as the Changeling invaders swarm towards it. She is Redheart who discovered she gain magical power of fire. She hid her powers and train herself for the Changelings. And now the Changelings have come and it's up to her to stop them. She gather as much information about the Changelings and about magic. The students from the school that Sunset Shimmer goes to posted what they heard and she read through them to learn as well as what else she could learn from the net and the news. What she understands is that the portal they're coming from would be closed off with a big burst of magic namely her using a magic attack on it. Now she's staring at the on coming swarm of Changelings, the Royal guards have already gathered behind any cover they could setup or could find and are firing their weapons at the horde. It's time for her to show the world what she's made out of.

She raised her musket and fired a massive fireball at the swarm that incinerated all the Changelings and the ones close to the massive fireball. She smiled seeing what she has done. This is it her time to shine, she'll would lead the charge to push back the Changelings and save England.

The Changelings that remained fired downwards upon the young woman who's standing out in the open with nothing for her to hide behind.


India -

A young woman floated above the crowd pushing and shoving their way in a blind panic, many trampling those who fallen to death. Changelings had appeared coming out of one of the temples and are slaughtering and capturing as many people as they could. The young woman is Ivory Twist a magical girl with the power of wind. She is dress in robes of an ancient priestess with metal wings attached to the breastplate she's wearing. She had hidden herself after learning she had magic as she didn't want any attention, never using it and never learning to control her powers. But with the invasion and the deaths of her family when an energy beam destroyed their small apartment she didn't had anything to lose.

She burst out of the ruins of the building that was my once her home and began unleashing her wind all around her. Which caught many people who are trying to run away in its wake. They were pick up by the powerful winds and toss into the air or were struck by one of the many flying objects that were also were pick up by the wind. At the center of the twisting winds the magical girl of India made her rage felt.


China -

Fighting in the city was chaotic as the city was covered in smog which the defending humans found it hard to find the Changelings in as well as breathing. While the Changelings found the smog to be nothing more then fog for them being immune to the harmful effects of the smog. Many times the defending soldiers found themselves killing their civilians or each other and then attack by the Changelings who darted in and out of their view, using the smog to play cat and mouse.

A young woman dress in the ancient armor of a Three Kingdom era soldier with a unicorn style helmet, step out of the military transport. She is Fan Frost a magical girl with the power of Ice and is armed with a sword. After she first displayed her powers she was quickly taken from her family and place into a army base. Where she was taught and train to use her powers to fight for her country. The government quickly took care of anyone who saw her transform into a magical girl and covered it up. For a year she's been subjected to training from hell and commands drilled into her head. She is now a soldier who would follow any order. She was ordered to attack the Changelings and she did so. Displaying brutal force and cold blooded combat, not caring about anything but the orders she was given. The security forces with her followed her as she cut deeply into the ranks of the Changelings not caring about anything but the mission. Even as the soldiers with her were killed off and she was cut off from support and the Changelings surrounded her cutting off any kind of escape she continue to follow the orders she was given. (2)


Mexico -

The Changelings flew through the portal and into the streets of Mexico City attacking anyone they see. The police thanks to fighting the drug rings quickly responded with heavy firepower, halting the horde from Zerg rushing everything in their path. A young woman enter the fray as she slam head first into the mass of Changelings. She is dress in a white and pick luchador outfit with a white mask that cover everything but her eyes and lower face. She is very large in her magical form standing over 10 feet and is flesh been turn into metal. Her name is Erma Metal and she is also armed with large cannon in the style of the black powder days. Which is large and heavy enough that when she isn't using the heavy firepower of her magical cannon she is using it as a club.


Taiwan -

The defense force of Taiwan open fired on the Changelings coming from a portal that open in the sky. With them on the defense against mainland China they have always been prepared to fight off invaders. While that was happening their truck card was put into play to seal off the portal. After the world learn that magic is real and that the magic shards was spread out around the world, many countries began searching for them. The shards were drawn to areas with a strong magical source, and while America got the lion share of the shards because it was in the center of the blast, other countries did gain some shards. The governments began programs to find anyone who gain magic or using the shards they did found, find the ones who can use them.

Taiwan did that and using the sole shard they found they search for anyone who could use it and they did. Riding on top of a cloud dress in gold plate armor that covered every inch of her body with a unicorn helmet and wielded a spear with a metal orb where the spearhead poke out of. She is Ion Storm with the power of clouds which allowed her to create any type of cloud she wants and control what those types of clouds can do. Which she does as she unleashes lightning from the storm clouds she created filling the sky with lightning that blasted hundreds of Changelings out of the sky. With the sky free of Changelings she channel magical lightning with her spear and fired a massive bolt at the open portal, but it close before the bolt hit. Leaving her to fight the Changelings that are attacking the island country.


Equestria -

Queen Chrysalis watch as another horde of Changelings each lead by a Breeder to start a new hive on the other world. The portal didn't open to the right place on the other world but it is the right one. She's been sending a horde of a 1000 Changelings with a Breeder to spread out her forces then close the portal and then open it again to a different place of the other world. But she also learned from the Changelings that came back with the beings of the other world from the old books she read are called humans, that they're much more trouble then the ponies. She sent groups of Changelings to go with the horde to grab humans and fly back here with them. While not as strong as her Changelings, they make it up with the weapons they have created. One of the Changelings gave her the small weapon a human wearing some kind of uniform, which she guess is a guard used on him. The projectiles that the weapon fire, didn't get through the Changeling's exoskeleton, but others weren't that lucky. The weapon didn't use any magic but smelling it, reminded her of a firecracker.

"Continue to gather humans and bring them back here and be on the look out for anymore of these weapons," Chrysalis said turning to the humans being lead away by the Changelings who caught them.

"My Queen is this wise? Sending a horde through the portal with these humans being able to fight us like this?" one Breeder ask.

"Yet us see how they're doing," Chrysalis said as she made the portal open a viewing widow to the places that portal already open at. Something she made sure the unicorns mages understood that she wanted to be able to use it like a window that's only one way, or their families would be killed in front of them. She look through it to see how things are going for the invasion force.


Russia -

Fading Light lead the final push that broke the Changelings making them flee for their lives. She was drop by copter to the area under attack and with the army supporting her, broke the Changeling horde. The Changeling's attacks couldn't harm her or even push her back, while her power could harm them. She became a damage sponge, taking hits and getting all the Changeling's to pay attention to her while the army attack them from all sides without having to worry about harming her. The Changelings broke once the Breeder was killed leaving them leaderless and what remain fled for their lives. Fading Light smiled inside her armor suit as she shows the world what a well train soldier turn magical girl can do, as people are taking pictures and filming everything.


England -

"Well that cunt ask for it. Isn't that right Frankie Rag?" a young woman dress as punk rocker with purple and pink hair ask to her companion. She's carrying her guitar with the edges being shaped like an axe. Her power is shockwaves which anytime she impacts anything she can created a shockwave which she can focus into a wide or narrow point.

"She did try, Pink Punk," a shorter glasses wearing girl said. She is dress in a patch together overcoat that hides all but her head from view as it reaches down to her feet, even the sleeves are so long that they hide her hands. She is at the same eye level as her much taller friend thanks to the fact of her two long rainbow colored scarves she's wearing around her neck. Her power is control over cloths, which she can control them anyway she wants. Which she is using her two scarf ends as tentacles, as she and her friend hide in an alleyway and saw how that other magical girl tried to rally the palace guards but was cut down by the Changelings.

"Well we can't let her death go to waste then," Pink Punk said to her friend.

"Lets," Frankie Rag said as she opens her coat as she made it enlarge to 3 times it's size and her friend hops inside. She them pops her head into her now bigger coat like a turtle and the open bottom of her coat closed as will as the top part making it look like a four legging cloth spider thing.

In the spider mode both girls leap onto the roof tops of the city and the top part open wide enough for a shockwave blast to come out of it like a cannon. The shockwave cause many in the effective range of the blast to fall out of the sky. The Changelings open fire on the spider thing which the opening where the blast came from quickly closed, and all the energy blasts from the Changelings struck but did no damage to the spider cloth thing. Inside the coat Frankie could see everything that is happening outside as she use her scarf tentacles for movement and harden her coat as much as she could like a tank. As she did that Pink wait for an opening before shouting for Frankie to open the coat up for her to fire a shockwave.

Seeing this and the fall of one magical girl already the palace guards and the arm forces nearby rallied and push back the Changelings.


India -

Ivory Twist continued to channel her rage into the storm she created, making tornadoes appear through her effective range of her power. She didn't care how many people she's killing and how much damage she is doing to her city. All she wanted was for the world to know her rage and lost. That was the last thought in her head as multiple sniper rounds struck her from the police units who had gathered around her and took her out before she destroyed more of the city. The remaining Changelings and their Breeder flew off heading for the jungle to hide and regroup. Leaving a city in ruins behind them, with the arm forces too busy with the wake of the storm one magical girl caused.


China -

The Breeder gathered what's left of her hive and flew off but not alone. While they're force to leave all the humans behind, they did have one prize. The magic ice user who froze many of their numbers till they managed to pin her down and injected her with their poison which cause her whole body to become paralyzed. They disappeared inside the smog that covered the city, which the army couldn't see through and wouldn't know the Changelings are gone till it was too late to follow them.


Mexico -

Erma Metal lifted the body of the fallen Breeder over her head to the cheers of the arm forces and the people around her. She had cut through the ranks of the Changeling horde to the largest Changeling who she figures to be the leader. She killed the Breeder which caused the Changelings to flee from the battlefield.


Taiwan -

Ion Storm stood in front of a cheering crowd with the Breeder the leader of the Changelings at her feet. The Breeder is still alive but unable to move after she was zap by lightning. The Changelings with her tried to protect her and flee with her but were all cut down by the defense force of Taiwan and Ion Storm's lightning storm that zap any flying Changeling. Now the surviving Changelings are now being rounded up and restrain by the humans they thought would be as easy as the ponies.


Equestria -

"Yes better make sure there are some isolated areas to make a stronghold for use later," Chrysalis said as she zaps the portal with her magic making it open where there isn't a human city around. The humans are stronger then she thought but she remembers the stories of Megan who came from that world and it made sense why she was able to handle the monsters of the past coming from a world like that. She would make strong holds and have the Breeders start preparing with some special Changeling eggs, to handle the humans. Yes the Changelings are powerful in their new forms but thanks to some magical items and all the food they have now, they can make improvements to the Changeling by making a warrior class.


France -

The portal open inside the catacombs lined with human skeletons that lay beneath the city of Paris. The Changelings began exploring the tunnels which even the humans up above have no idea how many and how far they spread out. The Changelings did find some humans in the tunnels and quickly capture them. The Breeder leading them decided to make the tunnels their base and for them to find a way to the surface. (3)


Germany -

Another portal open in the dense forest and Changelings came out of it. They would find a safe spot to build their hive and prepare for war with the humans. Their orders were to first make a hive and then take human forms and learn all they can about the humans and how they fight. So the next time they attack they be ready for them.


Middle East -

The Changeling horde finding themselves in a desert quickly began digging. They used their magic to dig deep into the earth where they be safe from the heat of the sun and be safe from being detected by the humans. They like the other two hordes would gather information and build up their numbers. Their queen would be opening portals all over this world to setup more hives so if they're found the other hives would finish what they began.


America -

Spitfire flying high in the sky saw the portal opening and fired her magic gun at it. She learn from Sunset how to detect magic and how to pinpoint where it is. She had quickly transformed into her magical form and took to the skies along with jets and helicopters ready to bring the fight to the Changelings. She was nearby when she felt the portal opening and quickly inform all the air units in the sky where it is, by the com she's wearing. Her gun can fire magic like a normal gun but she learn it can also charge up a shot to increase it's power, like in the Megaman games. Her charge shot she's been holding since she's been in the air was fired at the portal before any Changelings could get through, and like with the statue portal when Sunset destroyed the other elements was destroyed once her shot hit it.

"This is Spitfire target has been destroyed. I repeat target has been destroyed. No hostiles got through the portal," Spitfire reported to the command center.

"The students made it safely to the base," command center told her.

"Good," Spitfire said worried about her daughters and the other students.

"Be on guard there maybe more then one portal," command center reported back to her.

"Over and out," Spitfire said.


Equestria -

Queen Chrysalis growled as the portal machine was damaged from the magical overload from the other side of the portal. But unlike last time the portal machine was only damaged not destroyed like the mirror, she made sure the unicorn made it stronger to prevent it from being completely destroyed. She bark out orders for the unicorns to start repairing the machine, she them turn her attention to Celestia.

"Well princess it looks like those humans are far stronger then your little ponies. But it's no matter, they will fall and your former student will too," Chrysalis said to the former ruler.

"She won't fall to the likes of you," Celestia said.

"She will and you'll watch as, I'll kill her in front of you," Chrysalis said to her and then walk away as her Changelings took her and the other princesses away.

In her mind she's deep in thought as she plans her next step. The humans wouldn't be as easy as the weak ponies who depend on those 6 young ponies to protect them. But of course the humans would be able to strengthen her Changelings. She would learn all she can from the humans and once they fall, the rest of this world will fall too.

She turns to her Changelings with her. "Have the unicorns start building more portal machines. We'll be prepared and ready for those humans next time."

"Yes our queen," the Changelings said as they flew off to give the order. Chrysalis smiled as there wouldn't be just one portal next time but many as many as the unicorns can build before the new Changeling brood of warrior class are ready to fight. (4)


Author's Note:

1 - Gemstones in Equestria are the build up of magic in the ground and are magical in nature. They're valuable to ponies to use in magic and grounding them up to make things out of it. The dragons are able to eat the gems because they're just crystallized magic that has been build up over time. Gemstones aren't the only form it takes as some rocks are also grown by the magic in the ground. Which explains Pinkie Pie's family rock farm as why else would they farm rocks if they can't be renewed after harvesting. Seeing it's a magical world would it really be surprising that some rocks and gemstones grow thanks to magic?

2 - 3 examples what would happen when reality ensures with magic users. Someone who learn to use their powers and tries to be a hero without thinking of tactics. Then what happens when someone who never learn to use their powers suddenly use them in a crowded city. And what happens when you turn someone into a weapon who can only blindly follow orders.

3 - The Paris catacombs have many parts of it that are either cut off or are just too unsafe for anyone to visit.

4 - The Changeling now come in different classes thanks to all the food they been getting. Almost all of them have the same powers, changing shape, flight, and fighting beams of energy from their horns. The Classes come in the different types of insects and bugs.

Queen - Chrysalis is the current queen and the strongest.

Breeders - The Egg layers of the Hive and command the lower classes when Chrysalis isn't around. They setup smaller hives from the main one. They're the same size as Chrysalis is and are very strong and powerful.

Hornet Class - The most common type and the bulk of the Changeling Hives. Their claws are razor sharp and can inject poison.

Scorpion Class - Wingless but is twice as big as a normal Changeling, has thicker armor and stronger. They can travel underground and their tails stringer can spray out acid that can eat through most things.

Beetle Class - Are large flying tanks. They're slower flyers then other flyers but their heavy armor and strength make up for that.

Bomber Beetles - Like the Beetle Class but their horns with a nozzle like opening. They spray out two different chemical compounds that burst into flames.

Spider Class - Have six arms and have wings. They can fire webs from their arms.

Dragonfly Class - Are like the Hornets but are able to survive both in the air and water. They have extendable jaws that can punch through most things.

Crab Class - Huge and heavily armored are walking tanks with claws that can tear through metal. Like the pistol shrimp can create bubbles with its claws which implode within a millisecond. The bubble heats up the surrounding water to a temperature of nearly 4700 C nearly as hot as the surface of the sun when it collapses, producing a shockwave that can kill small fishes at short range. They can do it on land as well giving them a long range sonic attack.

Sea Scorpion Class - Are the largest Changelings who are the size of a fully grown dragon. They are few in numbers thanks to the amount of food and time needed for one to grow full size. Are like the smaller Crab class and like them are heavily armored and are flightless. They depend on their sheer size and strength to fight foes. They like their smaller counterparts can fire beams of energy from their horns which is much larger and more powerful thanks to their sheer size. And like the smaller Scorpion Class have stinger tails that spray acid.