• Published 1st Oct 2015
  • 6,018 Views, 82 Comments

My Little Sunset: Magical Girl - madhat886

The changlings have taken over and all hope is long as none is left to stand against them. But in another world there is still one unicorn left. With the help of her old teacher's pet, Sunset must become the hero she always meant to be.

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Chapter 18

Tomoko Kuroki is a legendary high-school girl with over fifty years' worth of romantic experience and over one hundred male admirers... in the otome gaming world. In the real world, she is an unattractive, lonely, creepy fifteen-year-old Otaku schoolgirl with severe self-esteem issues, so much so that she avoids all contact with her classmates. When she enters her first year of high school expecting her life to suddenly turn around, she is stunned when absolutely nothing changes. This forces her to take a hard look at herself for the first time, and resolve to become more sociable and popular. Which all went down hill for her, even if she is hanging out with her old friend Yuu Naruse and her other friend Kotomi Komiyama more.

Then while surfing the net she discover news footage of magical girls, real ones. Americans but still magical girls and even having a magical world where colorful ponies live with that girl Sunset being a pony who transformed into a human in this world. She watched the news and search online for anything about Sunset and her world. She learn alot from reading the blogs and webpages of the students and people around Sunset. Then she learn that there's a way for anyone to be a magic user, by finding a shard of one of the magical jewels that Sunset girl broke to seal the portal to her world. She made a vow to find a shard and become a magical girl.

And it's been months and she hasn't found even one shard. There is only one Japanese magical girl Wind Leaf who went to America to be train there, even going so far as getting a green card so that she can live there. Which means if she becomes a magical girl she can be the center of attention and be...

"Who am, I kidding. I'll never be a magical girl," Tomoko said slumping on her desk. "I'm just unattractive, lonely, creepy girl with self-esteem issues."

"Tomoko?" Hina Nemoto her classmate ask. She's the first person in Tomoko's class that Tomoko is able to talk to on a semi-regular basis.

"I'm just being honest with myself. I'll be the creepy office lady that people avoid talking to. I can be the one people go for refunds or something like that," Tomoko said as she looks down at her desk.

Then after awhile she notice that the classroom became silent. She raise her head and looks around to see she's the center of attention. Could this be it? Has her dreams of being popular became real?

"Tomoko you're glowing orange!" Hina shouted out. She and the rest of the class along with the teacher are all spellbound watching her glow.

"You're a magical girl!" a classmate shouted out.

"I'm what?" Tomoko looking down on herself and saw that she is glowing the color orange, before the light engulf her before fading away. (1)

When her classmates and teacher finally regain their sight they saw Tomoko had transform into a magical girl. But she wasn't like the magical girls that they been seeing on the news. Tomoko is now wearing a heavy brown cloak with bandages covering her whole body. Save for over her eyes, with long broken chains worn randomly over the bandages. Metal clasps are worn on her wrists, neck and ankles of the woman, though the chains connected to them are broken. She wore a breastplate with bat like wings, gauntlets, boots underneath her brown cloak, and on her head she wore a horse like helmet.

"What happen to me?" Tomoko ask before turning to look at her reflection in the window. Instead of a pretty magical girl as she had dream of, instead she saw what she seen in many of her anime and mangas. She place her hands which started glowing black on her desk and to her surprise the wood rotted away and the metal rusted to dust. She stared at her ruin desk before giggling then breaking out in a crackling laughter that's causing all of her classmates and teacher to be creep out by her. (2)

"Tomoko get a hold of yourself!" Hina shouted out as she and the other students back away from her. Many of them had taken out their phones and recorded what's happening to their classmate. And they all saw what she did to her desk just by touching it.

"I see that makes sense! I'm not popular or pretty enough to be a magical girl but instead I'm a dark magical girl!" Tomoko shouted out as a black aura surrounded her causing all that it touches to decay, creating a sphere around her of nothing. She spreads out her wings and flew off into the city where anything close enough to her decayed.


Ponyvile Army Base -

Inside a large walk in bird cage, Sunset and Celestia are with Philomena spending time with her. Celestia had been reading up on falconry and how to take care of large birds of prey. Sunset revealed that while phoenixes do eat fruits and seeds they do prey on live prey, mainly fish and rodents. And while they do burst into flames when they die of old age and be reborn into a younger form, it doesn't mean they can't be killed. And with Philomena being princesses Celestia's pet for hundreds of years, she is much smarter then the wild ones. Which is why the bird cage is heavily secured as Philomena has made it a habit to escape.

Celestia watched as Sunset held out her right arm with a falcon glove that allows Philomena to stand on her arm without her claws harming her. Both of them have been taking lessons from falcon trainer in how to handle Philomena. But of course seeing that Philomena is semi-sentient and Sunset grew up around her and already knew how to handle her. It was Philomena who stole the elements and brought them to Sunset in the first place. Which made Celestia wonder how smart the bird really is, as how she knew where to find Sunset in the first place. It's something that's been bothering both her and Sunset in how Philomena knew so much and able to somehow open the portal when it shouldn't had happen for a couple more months.

Speaking of Sunset both of them are still bond by the spell that Discord cast on them. But it is weakening as he said it would, as they can now be separated at 5 feet now. Which made things less awkward for both of them when it came to bathroom time. With how the bonding spell is weakening it shouldn't be more then a few more weeks before it's gone.

But that has allowed Celestia to get to know Sunset better and behind the top girl of the school mask she wears, found the crying child inside. The one that was created by the other Celestia throwing her out of the only home she ever knew and abandoning the child who only wanted the attention of the only mother she had ever known. Spitfire had help her in learning how to handle Sunset, having housed her with her family. Both her daughters had helped in opening Sunset up to sharing her real self. But it was up to her to free her from the shell she formed around herself and her abandonment issues. Celestia has been helping Sunset with the help of her sister Luna in letting go of the past and try to make a future for herself.

Celestia's cellphone rang and she answers it. "Hello?"

"Celestia you and Sunset get over to the training hall now," Spitfire said over the phone.

"Sunset looks like we're needed," Celestia said turning off the phone.

"Right," Sunset said as she pulls out a teleportation spell sending both of them to the training hall.

The training hall was crowded as usual with all of the magic users training themselves to master their powers. But right now all of the people in the room are watching the news which has a live fee of a magical girl on the rampage in Japan. Which is her walking or flying around with everything around in a radius of a couple of feet from her decaying. People are fleeing on foot abandoning their cars, or riding bikes both pedal and motor. The magic girl was taking her time as she would lash out with chains that covered her body, destroying stores and tossing cars into buildings. The police are sending the people running away from the magic girl and detouring traffic away from her. Swat teams are trying to stop her but their bullets decay to nothing before they even reach her, causing them to fall back.

"Ok there's a magical girl on the rampage in Japan. Why are we all just standing here?" Sunset ask.

"We're still waiting for the go ahead from the Japan government," Spitfire said. (3)

"A magical girl is on a rampage after loosing it when she gain her powers and they want us not to help?" Sunset ask.

"Yes the government there is right now having a meeting to decide what to do," Spitfire said.

"In other words what mom is saying we just sit back and wait till we're called in to handle things," Rainbow Dash said.

"Wow that new Shin Godzilla movie was right about how the Japanese government would handle something like this," Snips said.

"Having a meeting to decide what to do and all that red tape while the city is being attacked?" Little Strongheart ask.

"Yes that is something that would happen," Wind Leaf said being the transfer student from Japan.

"You are all apart of the U.S. military and the Japanese government doesn't like the idea of another country's troops fighting in Japan. And seeing that she isn't attacking the US embassy, we don't have enough cause to step in and help," Spitfire said.

"Wait we can't just go to Japan because we're American citizens but you Wind Leaf have a duel citizenship. You can go there and take care of the girl," Lavender Lace said.

"That's just asking for things to end badly. Leaf Wind is still learning to use her powers and has no training in fighting much less with another magic user. Not to mention her power set isn't suited for fighting, she's the healer with only her bow for defense. This new magic girl...," Sunset was saying.

"Her name is Tomoko Kuroki," Luna said who knows enough Japanese to get by, as in college her roommate was Japanese and she taught her enough Japanese to get by. She's been watching the videos Kuroki's classmates posted of her transformation and freak out.

"Tomoko has the power to decay objects which is my guess of what her power is. Which is the opposite of Wind Leaf's healing and the result of two different powers facing off with each other would be a sight to see but would be like what happen in the Superman movie, Man of Steel. Not to mention seeing that the girl Tomoko has no control of her powers and causing destruction simply by walking around, the only way to stop her is either by calming her down or me, Celestia, and Luna taking her down," Sunset said.

"Wait us?" Celestia ask.

"You and Luna are the strongest in terms of power and you two just need to create a bubble around her strong enough that her powers can't break it down," Sunset said. She is the most skilled of the Alicorn rank as there are only 3 counting herself, but both Celestia and Luna more mature bodies can handle the stress of their powers better then her. Which by her guess is that alicrons become stronger the older they become.

"We can just bubble her and talk her down," Luna said.

"I can do it!" Mona Parker shouted out. "She's a fellow bat pony like me."

"Nope," Luna said shaking her head.

"You're too young for that," Celestia said.

"This isn't like in fiction with kid heroes. You don't have plot armor and morel guardians keeping bad stuff from happening to you," Sunset adds.

"Unless we're really have our backs to the wall, you kids are just for support," Spitfire said.

"You are all still underage kids," Big Mac pointed out with him being the oldest at 18 and the only one who is being trained with the real soldiers as being 18 is the lowest age you can serve in the military.

"Besides till we have the go ahead from the Japan government. We can only stay here and watch," Spitfire said turning her attention back to the tv showing the chaos the magical girl is causing.

Author's Note:

1 - Tomoko only powered up her shard of honesty when she was honest about herself. And her becoming what looks like a dark magical girl since she is a bat pony, is something that someone like her would cause her to snap.

2 - Tomoko's power is decay and weapons are chains.

3 - In Shin Godzilla shows the prime minister and the cabinet wasting time in a meeting when they could had killed Godzilla but didn't as the bureaucrats stood in the way till it was too late. Which for those who live in Japan and been there long enough is something that would happen.

4 - Unlike in other fictions I'm going to try to show what would really happen if two superpowered beings fought each other in a crowded city. All those energy attacks and city destroying attacks don't just disappear when they miss their targets. Which is the reason why police and soldiers are train not to fire wildly at someone in a crowded area.