• Published 1st Oct 2015
  • 6,022 Views, 82 Comments

My Little Sunset: Magical Girl - madhat886

The changlings have taken over and all hope is long as none is left to stand against them. But in another world there is still one unicorn left. With the help of her old teacher's pet, Sunset must become the hero she always meant to be.

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Broken -

The lunch room was in a panic as Sunset lay on the floor bleeding to death as three of the hornet women stood over her. The leader reach down to pick up the crown still on the table with the bag that held the necklaces, when Philomena came flying down and peck at her face. This cause the leader to toss the crown sending it flying through the air landing under the table that five former friends are hiding under.

"The crown!" Pinkie said grabbing it before the hornet women knew where it went. "We got to get it to Sunset."

"Why?" Dash ask looking at the hornet women, two of which had chased the bird away, letting the leader and the other two to search for the crown. Sending students flying as they did so, Dash also saw that the leader held the bag with the necklaces.

"Sunset is the magical girl and once she has the crown on her head she'll be ok and be able to kick butt," Pinkie said.

"Why are we helping her?" Rarity ask.

"Because if we don't then what will those hornet women do next?" Applejack pointed out.

"They're worse then Sunset," Fluttershy said clutching her pet rabbit.

"Dash you're the fastest," Pinkie said handing her the crown.

"Right," Dash said putting the crown inside her shirt.

She waited as the hornet women searched for the crown to be far enough away from Sunset before making a break for it. She kept low as the hornet women toss tables and students in their search for the crown. Luckily she made it to Sunset who she found is still alive.

"Sunset wake up," Rainbow said as she places the crown on Sunset's head hoping that Pinkie is right.

As she did the crown and Sunset were engulfed in light that caught the attention of everyone in the lunch room. Far away from Canterlot 3 young women suddenly stop what they were doing as they stared at the pillar of light in the sky. They felt the magic coming from the pillar of light, magic that they haven't felt in years.

The light faded revealing Sunset now wore what looks to be a military uniform. A thigh length grey coat and matching pants with red and yellow highlights. She had on red tinted armor, gauntlets, boots, a metal chest plate and what looks like metal wings on her back. She wore a helmet in the shape of a unicorn with a glowing horn, in the place of the crown. She held a battle axe, its the length of her body and has a massive blade on it that run down about half the staff that it's attached to. That blade is attached to staff by thick metal clips that held the blade in place, while letting Sunset grasp it and use it like a staff if she needed to. (1)

"Sunset?" Dash ask seeing the once dying girl now restored and having transformed into what looks like a magical transformation. Only without the silly outfit those animes girls wore, or the plain fan service ones.

"Stay down. Things are going to get messy," Sunset said her rage boiling out of her in a red aura.

"Right," Dash said driving under a table not wanting any of that.

"So you still have some bark left in you," the leader said tossing the bag to her underling as she flew at Sunset ready to make sure she's dead this time.

Faster then it was possible with a weapon of that size, Sunset swung the battle axe down right on top of the leader of the changlings before she got close to her. The two flying hornet women stop their chase of Philomena and flew at Sunset. Seeing the two coming for her, Sunset cast a fireball at one of the hornet woman on her turning her into a fireball. She slammed into several tables before stopping dead on impact. The other hornet reached Sunset, who jump backwards as she swung down again. This time cutting off the head of her attacker.

The whole student body who are still on their feet catching everything on their phones gasp in shock seeing Sunset just taken three lives. The two remaining changlings took to the air flying back with the necklaces in the bag one of them held. Sunset testing her new wings flew after them.


Outside the School -

The flaming body of one of the changlings came crashing through the doors of the school followed by another holding a bag. The one who held the bag had used it's companion as a shield to save itself from the fireball. The last changling clutch the bag as she tried to crawl her way to the mirror right in front of her, when Sunset landed on top of her. And brought down her axe on the changling's head, then she picked up the bag realizing what they are after hearing the changlings calling them the elements. She only knew one thing back home that are called the elements.

"Well look at what we have here," Queen Chrysalis said her voice coming through the mirror.

Sunset look at the mirror surface of the horse statue that showed what's on the other side. Chrysalis in her natural changling form stood there with someone who Sunset hasn't seen in years. Celestia bond in magical chains that kept her from using her magic stood next to the changling queen. They're surrounded by an army of changlings, all ready to conquer a new world.

"Sunset," Celestia said as her eyes widen as she saw her former student on the other side of the mirror.

"I see you two know each other," Chrysalis said.

"So it is true. The changlings took over," Sunset said staring coldly at both the changlings and her former teacher.

"Yes, all thanks to your princess not listening to her student and allowing my changling army to invade," Chrysalis said.

"Other student?" Sunset ask looking at her teacher.

"Sunset, Sunset," Chrysalis said trying to remember where she heard the name before. "Oh yes Sunset Shimmer, the student she was grooming to become a new alicorn. That's before you progress too fast for her liking and when you went and tried to learn dark magic. She finally had the excuse to kick you out and replace you with a more suitable student who would always listen and obey without question. So she'll become the new princess instead of you."

"I was to become a princess?" Sunset ask shock as she looks to Celestia who look away from her gaze.

"You were just too powerful and would have become an alicorn sooner then she would have liked. And you weren't as easily manipulated as her second choice who did everything to please her and never question her. And one who wouldn't become too attached to her since unlike you she has a family of her own. She only saw you as a tool and never anything else. I learn it all from reading her mind while she was in her pod. I just took her out so she'll be able to see the last great hope dash in front of her," Chrysalis smiled.

"Well?" Sunset said as tears flowed down her cheeks. "Do you have anything to say? Anything at all Celestia?"

"Sunset, I feared that once you became an alicorn you'll go down the same path as my sister Luna. Becoming a dark reflection of yourself, I couldn't bare it, so that's why I held you back," Celestia said.

"So that's the reason you were afraid of what, I could have become. Why you stop visiting me and only coming when it's time to teach me," Sunset snap.

"Yes, I was scared of what you were becoming and when, I found you researching dark magic, I had to stop you before you become like my sister once was," Celestia said as she looks at her former student. "Sunset please use the elements and free me, together we can..."

"No," Sunset said looking up to meet her teacher's faces her eyes glaring through tears.

"Sunset?" Celestia ask seeing the hate coming from her.

"I said no. I'm no longer your student. You threw me away remember and replaced with a student who would be your new puppet," Sunset spat out.

"Sunset you were becoming...," Celestia was cut off again.

"A rebel. That's what they call it here in some places. A rebel who does what they do to get attention from their parent figure who doesn't spend enough time with them anymore," Sunset said.

"Sunset what do you mean?" Celestia ask.

"The whole reason, I became a rebel was that it was the only way to get your attention once you started to be scared of me. I had to act out just so that you'll spend time with me! That you only cared about me when, I mess things up," Sunset shouted.

"Sunset that's why, I wanted you to make friends," Celestia said.

"You still don't get it do you," Sunset said shaking with rage.

"What don't, I understand?" Celestia ask.

"YOU WERE MY MOTHER!" Sunset snaps.

Celestia's eyes widen hearing those words. Chrysalis stood by watching as events happen in front of her. And an idea formed in her head to make an ally to help with the conquest of the new world just waiting to be taken.

"I was living in the streets when you found me after my cutie mark appeared. I had no family, no parents... By the time, I was aware of the world, I was already alone. Then you found me. After, I accidentally started that fire with my magic to keep warm for the night. You came took me in and gave me a home. All, I wanted was to be your daughter, I did everything to please you. When you stop visiting me spending less and less time with me... I did everything to regain that attention you once gave me so that... I would no longer be just your... student... I... would be.. your... daughter... inste...," Sunset began crying as she couldn't finish what she was saying.

"Sunset...," Celestia said crying as well seeing what her student had always wanted and needed. Not a teacher but a mother which she wanted her to be.

"Sunset. There's no need for tears," Chrysalis said enjoying the heartbreak in front of her. It was a spice that made it so much sweeter then love. "Join me. I will give you what you need. A family. All you need to do is give me the elements and together we'll take this new world together. As a family."

Sunset look down at the bag containing the elements in the form of necklaces. And then to Celesita who is staring at her with pleading eyes, then to Chrysalis. She look over her shoulder to the crowd of her fellow students who have been watching everything being revealed to them.

"I have a better idea," Sunset said as she toss the bag in front of the mirror. "This portal on this statue is the only thing connecting both worlds together. And, I don't want anything to do with either of you!"

Sunset channeled everything into her axe, putting all of her magic into one attack. She brought down the axe onto the other necklaces breaking them into hundreds of pieces sending them flying across the world. The result of her destroying the elements in front of the mirror had the desired effects as she still remembers some of her past lessons in magic. The massive release of magic in front of a portal mirror would always result in both sides of the mirror, where you came from and the one that took you to the place you wanted to go. To both be destroyed at the same time. The last image of the world Sunset came from, was the sight of her teacher screaming something as the mirror of both worlds broke.

Sunset with the deed done fell to her knees drain of everything. She pulled helmet off with it turning back into a crown and her new outfit turning back into her bloody clothes. She felt so empty now, no rage, no sadness, just a hole of nothing in her. She just stared at the broken remains of the horse statue as the police arrived on the scene as well as other emergency services. With that one act she had destroyed the only gateway back to her world while saving this one from the changlings. Leaving her the last unicorn of a fallen kingdom to remain on this world.

Author's Note:

1 - The outfit and weapon are base on the weapon and armor that the lead female in the game trailer for Battlecry wore and used.