• Published 10th Sep 2015
  • 10,633 Views, 381 Comments

Mandatory Motherhood - dargondarkfire

Woke up, everyone's gone, and I'm some kind of alien horse. Well, not everyone, I did find another: a baby. A baby alien horse that treats me as her mother.

  • ...

Ch. Intermission 1

Mandatory Motherhood

By Dargondarkfire

Ch. Intermission 1

I watched Russell plop a large couch down under an outdoor canopy. “I’m not sure this is going to be any fun, Russell. I don’t have hands anymore.”

Russell laughed, as she adjusted the couch to face the tv she had carried back from Walmart. “Well, you'll have to get better at magic, and fast too, or I'm going to have a great time kicking your beep from here to next week.”

I sighed as I looked at the Nintendo 64 she had pulled out of her truck. If it wasn’t for the yellowed stickers stuck to it, I would have thought Russell had stolen mine from the RV. She would have made a big mess if she tried that, however. “Super Smash Bros?”

“Best game ever made for the N64!” She proclaimed, as she went about connecting everything. Russell had gotten bored and irritated while helping me turn the courthouse into a shelter for anyone who might show up.

I looked over to Colgate who was playing with Starla, she responded without even looking at us. “I’m not sure how these things work, but from what you explained about these controllers, I think it will be the perfect way to practice until I can get some things together.”

I grumbled and stared at the controller Russell just plugged in. “And what if my magic makes the controller shatter or blow up?”

Russel smirked and dumped over a large cardboard box, out of which spilled a small mountain of controllers. “I raided the pawn shops. Can you believe one of them wanted $150 per controller? That’s highway robbery!”

I sighed. “Alright. I haven't scratched my gamer itch in awhile. Let’s give it a shot”

I have been wondering what these games are that you miss playing so much.

I looked over to Colgate with a smug grin. “Well, you're about to find out Colgate.”

She turned to face me and gave a puzzled look. “I’m about to find out what?”

I was about to tell her what she just said but noticed Russell giving me a weird look, so I dropped the issue.

Bah you Russell! Bah, you! Clearly, I was having trouble for the first several hours of playing smash. Russell managed all the menu selection, which also meant she was picking my character for me. She wouldn’t let me pick anyone other than Pikachu. Normally, I would like playing as the electric mouse in a game of smash, and I could pull off some annoying maneuvers with the little guy. But it’s not fun when I can barely make him move! Then again, it wouldn’t be different for any other character, would it?

“Ha! I won again! Maybe we should raise the stakes and start betting things.” She proclaimed, and then started listing off things she would like until Lyra, who had wobbled outside to watch Starla while Colgate made dinner, gave her the stink eye.

Which I’ll admit was impressive, as she was currently buried under three dogs who were all trying to lick her face. Kinda wonder if she tastes like sweet limes or something for them to keep doing this to her. Or maybe Russell’s dogs were just following Amore’s lead as she seemed to have had a small pack with them. They seemed to do everything she wanted, well the little one sometimes tries to do things to her with hilarious consequences. Russell was worried at first but after the twelfth time, she just rolled her eyes and focused on the game.

“I swear I’m going to come back!” I bellowed which got Starla to start squeaking happily.

Russell laughed as she used Link’ smash attack to send me flying out of the zone.

Everyone had gone to bed. I couldn’t sleep, I have barely slept in weeks. The dreams I keep having are too much to bear. So I practiced, while everyone rested.

I’m looking into it.

I looked at the door of the RV, but didn’t see anyone. “Ugh, Russell is that… you?” I looked around and didn’t see anyone except Amore who was laying on the other side of the couch. “I need to find a way to sleep without having dreams, the lack of sleep is getting to me.”

I was getting progressively better. It was a good thing that Russell had a box of controllers, I had broken six of them since I started playing. The current one was cracked but I had been using it for the last five hours, the others only lasted about two at the most.

I’m not sure when I passed out, but I went from looking at the tv screen to the crystal man cave. It had been a while since I had last been here. Though I knew it probably wouldn’t be any different from last time. That spinning star-shaped crystal in the center of the room would start wailing and crying for help until everything shattered away to wake me up. I sighed and thought about just sitting there until it ran its course, but a thought came to mind ‘Why don’t I just go to the crystal before it happens?’

As I reached the crystal the wailing began. It was so loud I thought my eardrums would burst, so I did the first thing that came to mind and touched it with my hoof. This was not the best idea I’ve ever had.

The wailing stopped and was replaced with the sound of people screaming mixed with the sound of roaring flames. I was no longer in the crystal man cave but in a grassy field with buildings that looked of roman design, some partially collapsed and burning. Transparent figures of ponies ran past me, they were the source of the screaming. I couldn't figure out why they were so panicked. Surely not from the fires, right?

I didn’t have to wait long for my answer as dark shadowy figures moved into sight, some came from around the corners and doorways of buildings, others seemed to manifest from the darkness and smoke. I remembered a dream I had a few times of seeing dark smokey mist, like a wall or tidal wave that chased me until it caught me, and I drowned in its darkness.

These things were not a wall of waves however, some appeared to be a pony in shape, wielding what I assume to be weapons. Others moved like fluid, or like their body was made of gusts of wind, or burned like fire. I heard a gurgling sound behind me, which caused me to look back and see a lumbering shadow with tendril like appendages sprouting from its body. It’s gurgling turned into a growl as it lunged at me and reactively I kicked at it.

[I’m sorry.]

I woke up to a loud yelp and the sound of something snapping.

Russel was laughing while Colgate and Lyra scolded me. A small pack of feral dogs had shown up while I was passed out. Amore had woken up when they got near and kept them at bay, but one had snuck around to attack me, only to receive a kick in the ribs as I woke up from my dream. The pack ran off after that, though it was probably because of the shouting from inside the RV shortly after I kicked my attacker.

I managed to convince Colgate into letting me have breakfast before we started our work for the day.

That night Russell sat staring at the screen slacked jawed. I had gotten considerably better last night, so much so I was pleased with myself. Or I would be, if I wasn’t in third place. Starla just shouted and waved her fore legs around. She didn’t really understand what was happening on the screen, but she found it entertaining.

Meanwhile, Lyra was trying to get Colgate to stop doing a victory dance to mock us. Normally I wouldn’t be upset over losing. But 20 games in a row, to someone who has never played? And is using Jigglypuff?!

We were not prepared when Russell lost it and bit into the tv. No one was prepared when she flipped her head to the sky and lightning sprayed out of her mouth. Starla thought it was entertaining at least. I was just relieved she didn’t blow out the generator, or fry any of the electronics nearby.

Author's Note:

Sorry everyone I haven't been keeping you up to date. I work retail and with the current situation well... I often come home eat then go brain dead and stare at walls or ceilings until I go to sleep; When my brain isn't in sleep mode I auto pilot into reading a book, watch netflix/vrv or playing a game till I fall asleep.

I know some of, many of, or maybe even all of you are stuck in your homes, maybe even without jobs at the moment. I have been trying to get myself to write but it has been difficult. because of April 1st, with various people posting jokes and pranks on the net I got an idea.

At first it was going to be an April fools chapter. But then I thought about what to do, I realized that I need real context to the story in some way as well as something fun and maybe a bit spooky. Or maybe it is April fools joke still? though a late one now... Or maybe I'm pulling a Kojima on you and telling your something in the story that you wont understand until much later :pinkiecrazy:

also Appldash5 sorry I haven't gotten back to you. things have been... yeah.:pinkiesad2: