• Published 10th Sep 2015
  • 10,635 Views, 381 Comments

Mandatory Motherhood - dargondarkfire

Woke up, everyone's gone, and I'm some kind of alien horse. Well, not everyone, I did find another: a baby. A baby alien horse that treats me as her mother.

  • ...

Chapter3: May25-26

Mandatory Motherhood

Ch. 3

By DargonDarkFire

I’m sorry for missing the last couple of days. Starla has been a handful, or would that be hoofful? My foreleg is hurt, something bad happened… But something awesome happened as well! Or at least I think it’s awesome that it happened.

Looking at the bandage on my leg I can’t help but think about medical supplies, I have yet to make a supply run for them, and they won't last forever. They will either run out, expire, or get ruined by the elements within a few years. Starla keeps nuzzling and licking my bandages. I’m told that’s instinctual for a foal. Told by who? I’ll get to that. At least it shouldn’t take too long to heal. Sadly it isn’t just our medical needs that have a countdown clock.

As I took a shower earlier, it dawned on me that I don’t know when the water will cut out, or when the gas to heat said water is going to stop, or even the electricity to see what I’m doing in the shower. When those go so does the heater and air conditioning. I can’t get the thought of the smell of sweat soaked fur out of my head now.

We have some really hot summers here, and the winters can be even worse. I don’t think Starla will survive the winter here if we don’t find a place with solar power, or at least a wood pellet heating system. If we don’t we are going to have to move or somehow make a lot of modifications to a home here in town.

Since I’m on the topic of homes, I haven’t found anything in town or at the RV lots. I did find a flyer for an RV convention at the Camplex. We’ll check there tomorrow and if that’s a dead end then we’ll check the high income areas on the outskirts of town. We have plenty of time before winter, but we are running out of time before summer hits us.

Speaking of time running out, I think my internet’s usefulness is on its last leg. Google is spotty while Yahoo and MSN can’t connect. Most of my downloads are coming from torrent sites now, but even that is spotty since I need peers to download from. Lets look at the bright side, at least I won’t have to worry about spam from viagra dealers and Nigerian princes anymore.

Meals at home haven’t changed much; we have been eating the veggies and fruits in the coolers while I let Starla attempt to nurse herself from my teats. They’re starting to get sore now. On the next supply run I’m going to look for some bag balm, it’s good for sore human hands and cow udders, so it should work just as well on mine. No, I have teats, not udders! Don’t get the wrong idea! Er anyways… I only have a few more days worth of the breast milk I got from the hospital before I’ll have to switch Starla over to formula. It might be a good idea to mix the formula into the breast milk to ease her stomach into the new diet, I rather not have her puke her meals up from a sudden change in her diet.

The local dogs have been howling a lot more at night recently. They don’t sound threatening, just sad. I think they are crying for their owners to come back. Oh, I should tell you how Amore is doing since I’m on the topic of dogs.

I found that Amore has started forming her own pack. Some of the dogs were wary of me, but getting Amore off of her leash and bringing them the steaks from the nearby restaurant has gotten me on their good side. After having lunch with her pack (bagged premixed salad for myself and a bottle of milk for Starla), I just started talking to Amore about anything that came to mind, while keeping an eye on Starla while she played with the smaller dogs.

Don’t get me wrong, I may not mention it but I talk to Starla a lot too, but she doesn’t really understand what I say, she just likes hearing me talk. She does seem to understand that when I say ‘Starla’ I’m referring to her, and a firm ‘no’ means not to do something. I think I should stop saying Mama around her. If I find her mother and she hears Starla calls me Mama I have no clue what her real mother may do.

I have noticed a lot of changes in Amore and the other dogs as well. Even though she can’t reply back with words, the sounds and facial movements she makes relay her replies pretty well; eye rolls, groans, snorts, huffs, she even made a sound that sounded like laughing when I told her I miss being bigger than her, although I wasn’t that much taller than her as a human if she stood on her hind legs.

I think my favorite talks with Amore are the cute stories about Starla’s antics. I could tell Amore smiled when I told her the story about Starla stealing all the pillows in the house and building herself a cave with them. That was utterly adorable, but I‘m not sure how she stacked all the pillows so high when most of them are bigger than her. Starla has also claimed my little orange blanket as her own, I don’t mind so much, I still have my larger blanket with the image of a wolf on it. I thought Starla might be scared of it but I think the wolf reminds her of Amore so she just smiles when she looks at it.

One last thing about Amore’s pack. If I feel jealous of Starla being able to walk so easily, The dogs make me feel like a cripple. Not only do they move around so easily, I see them using their mouths to do things I used to easily do with my hands, like open a garbage can, or turn a doorknob. I even watched a dog unwrap a frozen steak. You heard me, the dog unwrapped the steak and then tossed the paper away into a garbage can.

I’ll admit it, I’m rambling, but it’s therapeutic. That is the reason I have this recorder in the first place. It’s not like I can just drive down to the nearest therapist’s office. Believe me, I checked a few of them around town to see if there were any doctor’s left behind.

I used the tailgate of the SUV to change Starla’s diaper before we left, which I attempted to do with robot claw on a stick. I have no clue what I was thinking when I tried that. Then I was stumped on how to dispose of the diaper. I used to consider myself smarter than a dog, but Amore’s pack made me feel stupid as a couple of them pushed a garbage can over to the side letting me scoot the diaper over the edge into the can, then they dropped a lid on top of it and pushed it away... Maybe I could get a couple of the dogs to help me out with each changing? That’s probably too much to ask.

I realized what time it was once I started the SUV: I had twenty minutes to get to the courthouse for the meet up time. It wasn’t actually changing Starla’s diaper that made me lose track of time. I had fallen asleep next to Amore earlier. The late nights must have taken a toll on me. I used to stay up late a lot before the transformation but my new body seems to like to wake up when the sun rises, and with Starla waking up almost every hour unless I’m right next to her, I can see why I took a quick snooze. Hmm I should note that despite my new wake up time, I don’t really seem to have a problem burning the midnight oil like I used too.

No one was at the courthouse when I arrived, but I know someone is in town, as every day I had found more food containers in front of the court house. And if that wasn’t enough evidence they left a (surprisingly well written) note on the front door saying I didn’t show up at the meeting time. I know I’m showing up on time, I had just rushed by car to get there in time. I wondered if they were using a broken watch or something. I unlocked the front doors the next day and left a note asking them to camp out inside the lobby or come to my home with the address to find me, I didn’t want to play hit and miss for the next couple of weeks. Speaking of unlocking doors, I’m going to need to do this to a lot of places for sake of convenience, no one else is around to do it for me now. Also there is not much difference between the taste of copper and brass. They both taste bad.

I mentioned in the note that I would check back later that night as well, I figured around midnight when the message plays would be good. I hoped Starla would be asleep that way I wouldn’t have to worry about keeping her under control while meeting a survivor, or maybe even an entire group!

With the courthouse done and my message left behind, I went to the large park in the center of town to think about my next plans. I laid down on my back to watch the clouds and let my mind take in the events from the past couple of days, Starla climbed onto my chest and tried nursing again. I thought she was hungry but after a few minutes she gave up turned around, gave the most adorable yawn I’ve ever seen and then took a nap on my chest, or rather my barrel. I could have died from how cute that was. She must have tired herself out from playing with the dogs earlier, she has been really calm (compared to her normal level of energy) since we said our goodbyes to Amore’s pack. Remembering Starla’s play time I suddenly realized something I should do while I’m here: practice moving.

Watching her sleep for a bit I carefully moved her off of my chest and under a tree and looked over the grassy field around me, It would be perfect to practice my new equine locomotion. Walking, trotting, and cantering. I think those are the words. There's this horse care site that's still up. Yeah, four gaits of a horse: walk, trot, canter and gallop. Anyway, it was embarrassing that most of the time Starla could move faster than me if she wanted to. But after practicing for a few hours, I’ve noticed that I’m better at walking now and I can move at a trot now without slamming my head into the ground. I can even canter for a few feet before I face planting, I definitely need more practice however. If things don‘t get too crazy I‘ll try to go there for a couple hours every day to practice.

I spent the rest of my evening searching for an RV with solar panels and… I already mentioned this didn’t I? let’s skip ahead then, yesterday pretty much followed the same routine, just different places to search and stores to raid. I hope the boredom of that being routine becomes the biggest worry, rather than something that could actually put us in danger.

I stopped at Smith’s on the way home to salvage whatever I could of their produce and grab some medical supplies. I didn’t bring the truck so I made some scratches on a notepad so I would remember what I needed to get. I just hope I can read my hoof writing when I need to read it, Holding a pen between my hooves is a very slow and sloppy way to write. That’s something else that will be easier to do once I can move things with my horn. The veggies were in decent shape with the misters and cooling system running, a lot of the fruit on display looked rather sad, but the produce in the back storage looked to be in better shape at least. We need to remember to get back there with the truck tomorrow. Storage, that’s another issue. I’m going to run out of room to store supplies at this rate. I’m probably going to need to find a bigger house or take over the upstairs apartments soon.

Bag Balm feels heavenly on sore teats by the way. Heh, If she heard me say that out loud, I would probably get chewed out.

When we got home, Starla fell asleep much faster than she had the other two days. Maybe the day was more tiring for her than the others, or maybe she was just more familiar with my home. While I was worried about the cause, it did give me some free time for once. I decided it was time to try my horn out again.

On the morning of my third day as a pony I woke up feeling like I had slept face first in a sandbox. After clearing my eyes I discovered that it wasn’t sand on my face and looking upwards for the culprit, I discovered it wasn’t sand, but drywall dust from a hole in my new ceiling sporting the remote I had tried to move last night. It was lodged in at an angle, pointing almost exactly at the spot it sat before I fell asleep. I was shocked, but at the same time I was excited, not only was I able to lift it but I moved it! Unfortunately it seems I strained myself and I passed out doing so, I’m lucky I didn’t hurt Starla or myself.

I had to get the hand vac and hold it with my mouth to clean the bed off. That was an unpleasant experience, my teeth were numb for a good ten minutes after that.

Maybe I should have started this log with this? A little past that now, I think it’s time to talk about what I learned about the energy that is now so much more abundant in the world. When I talked about it last time, I said that I realized this energy has been here since before I changed, but how do I explain this? The difference is like this: before I changed and the whole world seems to have been spirited away, this energy was akin to having a humidifier in the background, it was just there, you really didn’t notice it at all unless you were a bit different than most people and even then it was still just there. Now, it’s like an ocean compared to what it was, and you don’t even realize it until you pay attention to it. Like a noise in the background, you don’t even pay attention to it until you realize it’s there and then once you do it’s overwhelming until you get used to it.

During Starla’s second nap on the third day I tucked her into my bed then surrounded her with pillows so she didn’t accidentally roll off, before grabbing a bunch of random things around the house and made my way to the fenced in pool in the apartment complex’s courtyard. I laid out the items I brought which ranged from paper clips, pencils, sheets of paper, some arts and craft feathers, and a few pieces of silverware. This would make for a good place to practice moving things with my mind, Starla would be out of harm’s way and the large fence and cement foundation would keep me safe if I passed out again.

I’m not sure how to explain all this right now, but that should start to change soon. I started of getting my horn glowing like the previous night and after several sparking false starts I managed to draw the energy into my horn letting it glow a faint white. Just doing this caused me to sweat a bit, I figure that learning to do this as well as becoming capable of using this energy is going to be just like exercising. I need to strengthen the muscle and build up my stamina, or in this case strengthen my horn and expand my E-Tank. Hmm, I wonder if I’ll be able to eventually wall grapple while firing triple charged shots from my horn? An image of myself wearing armor with see through wings on my back while launching energy blasts at giant robots comes to mind, heh. Maybe I’ll try making something like that down the road, if anything I can at least look cool for Starla.

Err, back to my progress. After some experimenting I found it easiest if I just sort of imagined reaching out for whatever I wanted to pick up with a hand. My result varied greatly. I found my horn fizzling out early on and when I did manage to finally pick up a sheet of paper, I felt a rush from my horn and watched the paper shred into tiny pieces. This continued for a bit as I tried to figure out what was going on. A thought came to me I wasn’t limiting the flow, I was shredding or crushing everything I picked up because it was like I was literally opening up a fire hose as the energy flowed to the object I was trying to pick up.

It didn’t take me long after realizing this to find I was extremely light headed and the tremors of a bad migraine were starting up, so I decided that my ‘exercising’ was done for the day but I was happy for the small amount of progress I made, all that work didn’t help me get over the fact that I didn’t get to try lifting anything heavier than a feather. Oh well, another day another ounce maybe? I packed what remained of my materials into the bag I brought with me and headed back to the house.

Yesterday I made more progress, but not by much. I had my magic fizz out less often on me, but I did spark my horn more often. I managed to lift a feather for about three seconds before it turned into fuzz in the wind as I tried bringing it towards me. It seems I need to manage the power flow even more when moving an object around. It’s kind of like lifting it has set up a control valve to the energy flow but moving an object in any direction opens up another flood gate and I either crush or shred whatever I pick up.

I should have really stopped though, I was tired and sick of destroying what I tried to lift so I decided to try the cutlery. Singling out a fork I put everything else back into the bag and eyed the fork warily, everything else has been extremely light and the cutlery weighed probably half or maybe a fourth of what the remote weighed. I attempted to pick the fork up but I could only get it to shake a little bit, and I wasn’t happy with this progress. I got careless and let the floodgates open to try lifting the fragging piece of cutlery which caused it to slightly lift up as it wobbled and bounced before I saw a flash of silver and I passed out.

When I woke up it was raining, I was cold and wet, the fork was gone, and there was a thunderstorm booming overhead. I shook myself awake and after a quick search found that the fork was not lodged in my body, thank the maker, before I grabbed the bag I brought with me and clumsily made my way back to the house as quickly as I could on the wet grass. When I opened the door I could hear Starla bawling, it didn’t take long to find her as she was huddled up into the corner of my bed against the wall.

I’m not sure if it was instinctual or just my heart aching at the sight of her scared out of her mind that caused me to climb onto the bed and pull her into a protective embrace. I’m not even sure how long I held her while humming before she calmed down. It wasn’t until I noticed her trying to feed that I realized she had calmed down, the fur around her eyes was stained with tears but she smiled at me to let me know she was ok now. I think I need to make a safe area for her while I practice from now on, practicing while she naps may not be the best idea.

I discovered the greatest asset for changing diapers that night, a set of small salad tongs which gave me some grabbing power to work with, I was able to easily fold the sticky strips and even pick the diaper up and drop it into a bag with them without worrying about something getting in my mouth or fur, which was very much needed as Starla’s diaper was extra full. I remembered something as I was taking care of the diaper as well, Diaper Genies, a trash can made to hold diapers and seal the smell away till the bags are full, it was also clean and easy to change the bags. I would make a note to search the closets tomorrow and see if my cousin left hers here since my mother watched her daughter for a few weeks a couple months ago, if not I’m sure I can find one at the stores.

I don’t know if you, whoever is hearing or reading this, has taken care of babies before. But I classify their sleep and activities styles in three ways, children who sleep off and on through the day and night in short intervals, children who sleep in long intervals and then are awake for a random period of time, and children who will stay awake all day and then sleep at night. I’m fairly sure Starla falls into this last category, even though she does wake up constantly, my guess is because she expects me to stay beside her. I like this sleep schedule the most, and so did my mother as I and most of my cousins were much the same, however these babies have a wrench to throw at you, naps throw their sleep schedule out of whack.

I think tucking Starla back in every hour was easier than trying to manage the computer with her still running around full of energy. I have a pile of tablets and portable hard drives filled up with entertainment media, and I began to download more educational media onto the remaining ones. With sites starting to go dead and Starla running rampant I was being run ragged. Pot and pan drum solos, playing with shaving cream and a rinse, that was what the noise in my head was feeling like towards the end of it. I eventually got her to sit down for a bit with when I popped an old care bear’s tape into the guest room tv, this gave me a good half an hour to queue some more things up before I heard a crash as Starla knocked over the hampers. When I crawled into bed myself she curled up right next to me and slept the rest of the night.

Now for the rest of my log… Last night... I’m sorry, I have been avoiding this, I’m just going to say it. I wasn’t prepared for what happened last night, I might have avoided it if I hadn‘t ignored the nightmare I had the previous night.

I have dreams every night, but I usually forget what happened once I wake up, only to remember them if they actually happen. Even then, the events never happen exactly as they did in the dream, and this is the first time I have ever had one happen the day I woke up from said dream. On top of it all, after I changed into a pony I noticed that I’ve started to remember the dreams after I wake up.

I really need to get this off my chest however and stop putting this off. It started when the thunderstorm died down.

Starla refused to go to sleep even though the storm had ended and she was fed. She looked somewhat tired but that just made her even more adorable. Looking at the time it was approaching midnight and I had been pounding back the soda to stay up. It wasn’t likely I would find the person who was showing up and the rain probably destroyed my note but I was going to check anyways. I wish I could have left Starla behind but the thought of her being alone in the house again caused a sharp stabbing pain in my chest.

I quietly loaded her into the SUV and buckled her into the car seat, she was too tired to fuss and watched me load some things into the SUV. The diaper bag, the blue light emergency lamp my father had given me, some food, water, and a first aid kit went into the back of the SUV before we left. It had slipped my mind and I realized too late I had driven by Amore’s house on the way, I was worried I woke her and the rest of the dogs up. I hoped the lack of barking meant that I didn’t disturb anyone there.

The streets were still fairly well lit, but from what I could see down the streets I passed that the storm knocked out the power to everything north of the train tracks. Well I guess I should count myself lucky it didn’t happen on the south side. If it’s something the system can’t restore by itself, I have no clue how to do those kind of repairs.

The streets were empty and dark, the city didn’t put very many street lights on the residential streets. I saw a couple of cats who seemed to be eager to get off of the streets. It didn’t take me to long to get to the court house, everything was still lit up and the note only looked soggy rather than destroyed. I arrived a couple of minutes before midnight, and to my surprise I heard light snoring, Starla had evidently fell asleep on the ride over. I would keep that in mind the next time I can’t get her to fall asleep.

I waited until three in the morning and no one had showed up. I probably should have gone home, but I decided to stay and wait. Starla woke up once during that time. She rubbed her eyes while yawning then looked around before she spotted me. I thought she might cry but she just smiled and went back to sleep. I have to admit I was a little jealous of her and began to contemplate reclining the seat and going to sleep myself. I should have done that.

I decided to check inside to see if the person or group who was leaving me notes showed up and stayed inside. Before I reached the door to the building however I could have sworn I heard someone next to me say, “It’s not safe.” I dropped my lantern in surprise looking around everywhere, but no one was around. I chalked it up to being tired and the dead silence of the empty town. After searching the lobby and finding no signs of foot traffic other than my own, I decided it was time to head home.

I left the courthouse and started to make my way to the SUV until my ears moved. I flipped the switch on the lantern bathing the area around me in blue light as I glanced around thinking I heard a bush rustle “Hello is anyone there? Hello?”

I didn’t see or hear anyone so I shrugged my shoulders chocking it up to the wind and continued to walk, only to hear a somewhat panicked sounding voice tell me to, “Get back inside.”

I didn’t get to contemplate the voice. I made it halfway to the SUV before something black jumped onto the hood and began barking up a storm. I dropped my lantern from the sudden shock letting the light illuminate the shadowed canine that was challenging me. I prayed it was just a chihuahua, no such luck.

On the hood was what looked to be a rottweiler who looked very hungry, scratched up, and it wore the tattered remains of a police dog vest. It growled and barked at me with a feral look in its eyes. At that moment I realized I had done something really stupid. I should have just waited in the vehicle with Starla! My ears moved about erratically picking up incoming sounds, I would say it’s a weird feeling to have your ears move like radar dishes. I could even smell something in the air I hadn’t noticed before, I’m not really sure what it smelled like, it just made me feel fear. I noticed the sound of something charging, so I made a panicked decision and ducked down. I guess I made the right decision and I felt legs collide into my side pushing me to the side while whatever hit me flipped over me and went tumbling away.

I quickly got to my hooves to find myself surrounded by seven dogs including the rottweiler on the hood blocking me from getting to Starla. I then saw something that made a pit form in my stomach what had hit me and almost got my neck was a dog, not just any dog, but the dog that attacked and bit me in the neck in my dream. The previous night. If I hadn’t ducked he would have made that dream a reality! I was surrounded and I had no clue how to get out of this.

Both the rottweiler and myself suddenly noticed Starla screaming inside the vehicle he was perched on. The rottweiler barked and the other dogs stood still keeping an eye on me as it looked back and forth between me and Starla before it smiled wickedly with an insane glint in its eyes. He barked once and I heard the rattling metal from their collars.

I panicked stupidly tried to make a break for the SUV moving forward only to have a black lab jump at me and bite at my muzzle barely missing me. Before I realized what I was doing I had slammed my left foreleg into the lab‘s face sending it stumbling away.

Maybe it was adrenaline, or maybe it was instinct, but my body started moving on it’s own. I felt like I was on auto-pilot as I hunched forward then bucked a dog charging up behind. The impact my rear hooves made were followed by a sickening crunch as I sent the dog flying. At this point I didn’t pay any attention to location, numbers, or what dogs were what breed, I was focused solely on getting back to the SUV and getting out of there.

I heard glass cracking and a scream. I’m not sure if it came from me or Starla as I had grabbed another dog in a headlock with my forelegs while using it‘s thrashing momentum to send me horn first at another dog. Before I realized what happening I felt something ram into my side knocking me off my hooves followed by being pinned down by the dogs. I felt a set of teeth sink into my left foreleg before the owner of said teeth tried yanking me from the pile. I screamed from the pain, feeling the teeth sink in and begin to pull through skin and muscle.

Things happened so quickly after that I have a hard time recounting most of it. I saw Starla running towards me, I have no clue how she got unbuckled, or how she even got the SUV door open. I wasn’t sure if I felt rain or tears in my eyes as the rottweiler jumped from the car after her. I felt a dog resting its teeth against my neck ready to snuff out my life. I watched the large dog closing in on Starla and then…

And then I heard it, I heard Starla say Ma Ma, or at least I thought it did, a-and then everything just went white.

I was surprised I woke up, the early morning rays glinting in my eyes brought me back to the waking world. I had the most boring dream, I truthfully thought I was dead as I sat on black star filled nothingness staring at a giant white floating crystal with a blue fire inside of it. It was like a purgatory; I was glad to wake up. When my senses came back to me however the first thought that came to mind was Starla. I tried to spring up only to find myself being pushed down by something, it didn’t feel like a hand or a hoof or paw was keeping me down, more of something was just keeping me down. My mind was in too much of a panic over Starla to figure out what, it wasn’t until I heard a soft voice that some of the fear I had disappeared.

“Shh, settle down! You’re going to wake her up.”

I was confused until I noticed something moving against my chest and realized I was holding Starla in a death grip like embrace. The next thing I noticed was the feeling of warm furred bodies pressed up against me from behind and in front. I almost jumped in fright when I realized that they belonged to dogs. I probably would have if it wasn’t for whatever was holding me down. I settled down quickly when Amore’s muzzle popped into my face from the fuzzy body in front of me and started covering me with kisses. The dog behind me was the collie I saw in Amore’s pack, and a ways over by a red car was a poodle giving a death glare to the rottweiler who attacked us.

It took a moment for my mind to register it to be the same dog who attacked me and I really started freaking out. I felt myself being almost crushed down as whoever was nearby talked me down. I eventually did as a ice blue unicorn with a white and blue mane walked into my line of site and cheerfully said‒

“Hello! My name is Colgate!”

“Gah!!” I shouted as I fell off the bed in shock.

“Um Chris, why are you still up? And why are you monologuing about how we met?” She asked while staring at me laying upside down on the floor.

“I’m recording my journal, this is the only time when I can do it without Starla trying to play with the recorder.” I blinked at her then looked up at a sleepy Starla looking down at me from the edge of the bed. “Did you really need to shout your name and wake Starla up? Also weren’t you complaining about drinking too much before you went to bed?” I grumbled as I was lifted off the floor and set back onto the bed.

“I’m good now, but um… Can I sleep with you guys? It’s really quiet and kind of creepy sleeping alone in this town.” I didn’t get to respond before she climbed up onto the bed and curled up next to me, while shoving her head under my neck and letting out a relieved sigh.

“I guess…” She was already snoring before the words finished leaving my mouth. I sighed before laying my head down feeling Starla curl up against my free side as I pulled the recorder back over to me with a free hoof. I brushed Colgate’s mane out of my face with my bandaged leg, I couldn’t help but smell it as I did so. “She smells like early morning frost? ...She smells kinda nice.” I blushed and cleared my throat. "So... yeah, I found our fellow survivor... I think a question and answer session is due for the next journal entry. For now though, goodnight."

Author's Note:

It took forever but chapter 3 is now done.
If you spot anything we missed please let us know.

I Have some sad news, because of certain issues, which caused the chapter to take so long, Canary is no longer editing Mandatory Motherhood. It's now just Musketeer and I working on the story.
I am open to looking for another editor and or a prereader for help, having skype or discord is a big plus.

Also I'm still going to EverFree NorthWest 2016. so if your going feel free to find me and say high, get a hoof bump and hang out.