• Published 10th Sep 2015
  • 10,634 Views, 381 Comments

Mandatory Motherhood - dargondarkfire

Woke up, everyone's gone, and I'm some kind of alien horse. Well, not everyone, I did find another: a baby. A baby alien horse that treats me as her mother.

  • ...

Chapter8: June 26th

Author's Note:

This is so long over due, I am so sorry everyone.

Normally I would leave this at the bottom of the page, but I felt that I need to get this out first to my readers. First off this is the Largest chapter to date and a cross over with the story A Dragon's Trek to Michigan by Megaskullmon. I'm not directly linking the story as dragon's trek is a Mature rated story and I don't want to potentially break the no NSFW link rule. If you wish to read dragon's trek it's located just inside of his story list. Dragon's trek also takes place in Wyoming and the author lives a half hour away from where I currently reside. WARNING: Dragons trek is rated mature! there is a lot of wearinging and other mature themes.

Just so you know the very first draft was over 16000 words long. I tore out around 4k to use for another chapter and then cut out around another 4k via editing.

Unfortunately Holyme hasn't responded to any messages and this is the last chapter for my grammar editor, who still wishes to be anonymous. I have two potential people willing to help, so if things work out I hope to get things moving again.

As for my own life, I graduated but I can't find a job in town to use my degree in cyber security, not even a basic IT position. I have a few ideas in mind but I'm not sure where to start with them. I might post about them in my blog and if anyone has experience with them can give me any information/tips.

I really hope you enjoy this chapter. Maybe some people will notice the bread crumbs I have been leaving.:pinkiecrazy: I don't think anyone ever has who wasn't an editor.

As always if you notice mistakes, error, weird grammar or sentence structure. please message it to me with the paragraph it is in.

Mandatory Motherhood

By Dargondarkfire

Ch. 8

June 26th. “Chris, calm down.” Colgate patted my shoulder, as I drove us around, following the random trail of vehicles with scrapes and collision dents. “Look, the generator at the gas station didn’t blow up, and we replaced it with another one from that construction company. What are you going to do when you find them, if you even find them? They might not even be in town anymore.”

I slowed down a couple blocks from the courthouse. I was so frustrated at the random acts of vandalism all over town, I had forgotten that the culprit may be long gone.

I parked at the corner of East 6th Street and South Gillette Ave. and sighed. “You’re right. Sorry.”

Colgate smiled at me as she unbuckled herself and Starla. “It’s fine Crysta- Chris. But, hey, look it’s the apartment I was staying in, it’s just across the street. Let’s go get the thing I left behind before you forget.”

I let out a snort as Starla jumped on my back, before I closed the door. “Yes, miss I-forgot-something-important-but-I-won’t-say-what-it-is.”

“Chris… I-I just don’t want you to be upset. You will probably think it was stupid to come back if you knew.” She came around the corner of the SUV looking glum.

You made her feel bad.

“I… Um… I’m sorry. Even if it’s something insignificant to most people, it probably has sentimental value to you, right?” A sad smile crept onto Colgate’s face before vanishing and she started looking all around.

“Crystal, where is Starlight?” She asked, urgency rising in her voice.

I looked at my back and Starla was gone. ”Oh no, not again! Starla! Starla, where are you?!”

Colgate and I each took off down Gillette Ave., looking and calling for Starla. Colgate went towards the Junior High, while I went down towards the businesses.

It didn’t take me long to find Starla. However, she was using someone’s nose as a teething ring. She was chewing on the nose of a young black-scaled dragon, with a lime green-colored unicorn standing next to it, and both were staring at Starla in surprise. They noticed I was there and their eyes shift from Starla and onto me. “Starla! Bad girl! Let go of… the dragon’s nose?” I didn’t feel any fear that there was a dragon there. Okay, a little bit, but not some irrational fear to run. I felt a little bit of fear because Starla was biting it’s — um her — nose. No, I felt very embarrassed.

The dragon looked up. “Excuse me, miss could you please get this little monster off my nose?”

I looked at Starla, who continued to bite on the dragon’s nose and sighed in relief that it/she wasn’t upset and attacking. “Starla, no; please come here.” Starla continued to bite and pull on the scales of the dragon that she had discovered. I let out a louder sigh, this time in frustration, and began to step forward, but paused because I recalled Colgate saying something about some bad ponies, so I put effort into making my steps look like I haven't practiced. I Grabbed Starla between my hooves and attempted and pull her away while showing a strained smile. “Starla, sweetie, please let go of the dragon.” (This was embarrassing.)

Starla began to giggle and lost her grip on the dragon as a gold aura tickled her belly. A new voice spoke up from the side. “Hey there, little cutie. I know Russell has tough skin, but she isn’t a chew toy.” She stepped into sight from behind the Dragon, whose name is apparently Russell.

Starla squirmed and squealed, holding her hooves out toward Russell. “Starla, stop that, please. I know you still have teeth coming in, but peo—living things are not teething rings.” While Starla sulks in my hooves and whimpers, I look toward the newcomer. “Sorry about that. I have never seen her act like this before.”

"No worries. Russell is fine. Right, Russell?" The dragon turned her head to the mare, with a tired and irritated gaze. “What's with that look, Russell? We finally meet other people and you act like you don’t care?“

“ Lyra… I allowed you to come with me. I did not give you permission to speak for me or order me around.” The dragon said with anger in her voice. She sighed and looked at Starla for a few seconds before her lips curled into a smirk. “Ouch. Oh, the pain, your teeth hurt so much.”

Starla started to giggle and renewed her efforts to reach Russell. I groaned and told Russell, “Please be serious. She knows you’re playing.”

“It’s either this or angry. I used to be a human, then I woke up as a large lizard and this horsey started following me around like a disobedient puppy, also don’t let her drink or things get weird.”

Starla managed to wiggle free from my hooves and leapt at Russell, biting onto her nose once more. “Aieyah... I wish I had my hands back. Sorry.”

Russell’s smirk split into a grin as she began to laugh. “Haha. Oh no, you beat me young jedi. I am defeated.” She suddenly launched herself up and flipped over onto her back, which made me panic, but Starla managed to hold on until Russell came to a stop. Starla lost her hold and slid down Russell’s chin, and settled into the curve of her neck like a hammock.

I sighed in relief. My worries were soon renewed as Starla twisted around and bit down on the thinner hide of Russell's neck.

Russell blinked in shock. “ GAH! Ouch ouch! Not there, little one! OUCH!”

Starla immediately stopped and pulled her head up, looking ashamed and pouty with her ears folded back. “Awoob.”

Okay, now i’m scared. “Starla, come back here, please.” Starla looked at me before she slid off of Russell and scampered around to Russells face, and hugged her while making baby noises. “Um, sorry, Russell. Starla has developed the idea that hugs make ouchies feel better, and mean I’m sorry.”

Lyra fell to the ground laughing. “Oh, Russell, I think she likes you. You might be a good mother yet.”

Russell lifted Starla up with a clawed hand as she sleepily sat back up. She looked at Starla as if she just realized she was there, then turned to look at me with wide eyes. “Were you the one who wiped out the baby supply section at the grocery store in Buffalo?”

“Yes, that was us. Unfortunately, she can’t stomach human baby formula anymore. It is getting harder to feed her because of that.”

Lyra shoved her face into mine energetically. “ Have you tried cow’s milk?” Woah, too close! Wait, now that I get a good look at her, she looks kind of thin and rough.

I have to stop myself from staring at her. “Um, miss… Lyra? You do realize that all the milk at the stores has expired, right? Also, there are no dairy farms anywhere near here.” She doesn’t seem to have any local knowledge like Colgate. Is she another pony from that Equestria place?

She didn’t seem to hear most of what I said and kept rambling. “We saw some cows along the way here. You could just milk them.”

I looked at Russell to ask if Lyra was being serious. Russell was holding a claw over her face in a mix of embarrassment and annoyance at Lyra’s behavior, while Starla was climbing up and down Russell’s hand like it was playground equipment. Before anyone could say anything, Colgate made her presence known.

“Crystal! Did you find Starla? I heard some shouting from down the street and—” Colgate came around the corner of a car and froze, she scanned the scene taking everyone in until her eyes locked onto Lyra. “Lyra?!”

Lyra stared at Colgate. “H-hey, Minuette… It’s nice to see a familiar face. Why are you here?” She quickly glanced at Russell, who returned her look with a nasty glare.

I will admit I’m annoyed, angry, and somewhat shocked that I heard someone call Colgate by another name, but someone else was even more upset by this.

Lyra was dragged over to Colgate by her ear, which was wrapped in a golden aura. “Why am I here?! Why in Celestia’s name are you here?! Your jump location was in Whinnesotta! You should be hundreds of miles from here!” She leaned in and whispered, “Don’t use my real name! Use the nickname Pinkie gave me!” (I’m actually surprised the recorder picked this up.)

“Look, I am…” Lyra froze as she heard Russell let out a growl while she put Starla down. She quickly scurried under my legs while whimpering, “Oh no…”

Russell crouched down while snorting smoke out of her nose. “There are more of you here?! You hid this from me?! I thought I told you to stop hiding things from me, Lyra!”

“Russell, please calm down… Take deep, steady breaths. Be gentle and calm.”

“'Be gentle,' she says. ‘Be calm’ she says. Oh, that’s so easy for you, Lyra — isn't it?! One of my dogs has been missing for weeks, and considering the wild animals running loose she was probably eaten!” Russell starts stomping up and down the street, switching between a normal speaking tone and shouting at the top of her lungs in a frustrated rant. “And you know whose at fault for that? You! I took a nap and you couldn’t keep your eyes on them like I asked you to, could you?!”

Colgate’s own anger suddenly took the back burner and she slowly started to walk backwards, towards me.

“Russell, you were asleep for a week and your dogs…” Lyra tried to get her own point across, but Russell quickly got into Lyra’s face and huffed a cloud of smoke directly into it, causing her to cough and sputter, trying to get the soot out of her mouth.

“Also, you keep lying about everything, or you dodge my questions while acting like I said nothing. I woke up looking like this!” She motioned her claws from her head down as she spoke. “And then you show up out of nowhere like everything is perfectly normal! You use your magic like it's an everyday thing for *beep*’s sake!”

I could feel Starla hug herself up against my back leg as her whimpering grew louder. I wasn’t sure what to do, I had so many questions, everyone was upset, and it was making me upset! But what am I supposed to do? There is an angry dragon in front of me.

Russell slammed her forearms on the ground, causing Lyra to fall on her rear and crawl away from Russell, who pursued her as if she was going to bite Lyra’s head off. “Tell me everything right now, Lyra, or so help me I’m going to…!”

A sparking sound caught my attention. It sounded like a lit firecracker wick. I had an urge to check Starla and saw her horn was glowing and spraying small sparks. Something in me snapped and every piece of logic that told me to play it safe was tossed out the window as I shouted, "enough," and — apparently — smacked Russell. I don’t know if I did it literally or figuratively, they wouldn’t give me a straight answer when I asked later on, because she was looking at me with that expression that kids give their parents, when the parents do something they never thought they would do.

Colgate and Lyra were looking at me in shock. Apparently my own horn was starling to spark and it brought Colgate back to the present. “Crystal, please calm down. Everypony calm down, please. Lyra, calm your friend down. I know there is a lot of anger right now, but I really do not want to be vacuumed up, crushed, exploded, or turned into a cactus right now if Chris or Starla has a magic surge!”

Russell had begun to recover and her anger returned to her face, until she heard Colgate talk about explosions and cactuses. “Magic surge?”

“Yeah, that’s when a unicorn’s magic loses control, and the results can be unpredictable. Sometimes what happens is magic related to the unicorn’s special talent, and sometimes it can turn every pony within 60 feet into cactuses. That is just an example, of course.” Lyra’s horn glowed as she explained what magic surges are to a confused, but still upset dragoness. The door of a nearby truck opened and a large sheep dog, as well as a little white dog, rushed out and began barking at Russell. They yipped and bounced around her as if the dragon was a little girl who just returned from school. Russell visibly relaxed as she began to pet the little dog as the larger one ran back to the truck and returned with a small ball while whimpering at Russell, signalling that they wanted to play.

“Lyra...?” Russell asked as she turned to face the green unicorn. “Did I almost go on a rampage again?” She took the ball from the dog’s mouth, took aim, and tossed it down the street, prompting both dogs to chase after it. “I-I’m so sorry.” She seems scared of herself. “It’s hard to stay in control of myself.”

Russell and Lyra both noticed my eyes were still glowing for a few moments as Colgate continued to whisper reassurances to me, which was weird because I had already calmed down, but the glow hadn’t gone away. When my eyes stopped glowing they told me something weird: for a few seconds my irises were pink and my pupils white before they returned to the normal amber color that my transformation had left me with. “That is creepy. Does that normally happen?”

“I… don’t think so?” Colgate looked at Lyra in confusion, who shrugged. “We are not aware of any side effects like that, at least. Surges can have random effects, so it’s possible, maybe?” She gave me a hug as I felt Starla climb onto my back and cuddle into my neck. “It went away, so at least it wasn't permanent, Crystal.”

I sighed and hugged Colgate back. “I’m a little dizzy. can we find some place to sit down and have something to eat, please?” I looked at her and groaned. “And Colgate: I have said repeatedly that my name is Christopher, not Crystal.”

“Food sounds good,” Russell said. “Let me go get those amazing crystals with meat in them, and then we can go to that restaurant down the street.” She shot off down the street leave Colgate and I confused.

”She rushed off to fetch her… snack.” Lyra’s coat visibly turned a darker shade of green as she spoke.

Colgate looked at me in horror as we both realized what Russell was talking about. “We forgot to bury those, didn’t we?” she asked.

Lyra groaned and began walking off down the street. “I wish you had. If she isn’t eating gross things around me, she explains things to me in disturbing detail, which I never ask for.” She levitated a small box out of the truck and tossed it in front of us. “She ate a case of these before she realized what they were, then told me what they were and every possible use for them outside of what they were made for.”

I cringed while Colgate looked at the box in confusion. I guess wherever she came from didn’t have protection. Then Colgate said something that made me change my mind. “I don’t want to know why you are carrying around a box of condoms.” Colgate blinks before a deep blush forms on her face.

Lyra growled. “That's only because she randomly eats and takes things. She can’t help herself. She has cases of MREs, gas cans and water jugs in the trailer, and even more that she put in that city hall building. I can’t tell if she planned to give them to you, whoever shows up, or move into the place and make a nest.”

I was just about to question Lyra before a loud bark interrupted me. I witnessed Lyra’s eyes grow and her irises shrink to the size of marbles as Amore shot past me and tackled her to the ground. Amore began to sniff every inch of her before deciding she was safe and began to lick her face relentlessly.

Colgate grinned as she watched her friend drowning in dog kisses. “Oh… Say hello to Amore.”

Lyra was desperately trying to keep Amore’s tongue from getting into her mouth, she managed to get a hoof under her chin and shove Amore’s head up “A giant dog now?! Ick! Ok no more kisses please! Russell's dogs give me enough as is!”

Amore stopped for a few seconds, before she laid herself on top of Lyra, pinning her in place and then proceeded to renew her kisses, focusing on Lyra’s eyes and muzzle. Starla squealed in delight and jumped off of my back, quickly making her way over to Amore while shouting, “Queega” repeatedly.

Lyra wiggled her free hoof at us. “Save me!”

Colgate turned to me. “Um…”

I chuckled as Amore continued to greet Lyra. “She's fine. Colgate, you on the other hand... I would like some answers from. I understand you have your reasons to keep things from me, but surely you can tell me something.”

Colgate sighed. “I will think about what I can tell you, Chris. However, I can’t guarantee anything will be helpful.

Russell returned while chewing on a crystal. Her dogs happily ran around her large feet, with the smaller one holding the ball in his mouth. With a smirk, she said, “I feel sorry for you since you seem to have a history with Lyra,” As she laid a flower on Colgate’s head.

“I am not, gah, crazy!” Lyra shouted. “Somepony please get this giant dog off of me!”

“You destroyed the video game department in a store after I told you about them, Lyra. You’re crazy.” Russell pointed out. It took her a moment before she realized just how big Amore is and scooped her dogs up as they attempted to inspect Amore, and put them back into her truck.

Colgate sniffed the flower before answering. “Eh-heh. She’s a friend from school. And…” She paused as she considered Russell’s last remark. “What did you tell her about video games that would make her do that? I’ve watched some of the movies Chris has, and I can’t think of anything in one of those games that would be worse than what I watched.” She popped the flower into her mouth and began to happily eat it.

“I told her that a lot of games are violent, suggestive, brutal, and gory. I went into deep details on a few… And now that I think about it, that was probably a bad idea.”

Chris sighs, and Colgate blinks before groaning and saying, “Lyra, considering the situation we were told about in training and what we have experienced, I think you blew things out of proportion.” She pulls a treat out of her bags and whistled, causing Amore to sit up and follow Colgate down the street. “I think the movie that Chris showed me, DOOM, was worse.” She looks back at us. “There is a restaurant down the street called the chop house, right? Let’s see if there is anything salvageable there.”

"I agree," Russell said. "Also, I showed Lyra a lot of movies before my power went out. I showed her Judge Dread, Jurassic Park, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and other movies. I even showed her the movie ‘IT’.” Lyra shivered when that final movie was mentioned.

Lyra took off down the street. “Let’s go find food now!”

“They all float down here…” The dragon said. smirks as Lyra shivered and ran faster.

It wasn’t long before we were inside the restaurant. I had shredded the door lock before Colgate could get her dental tools out of her bag. “Chris, if you want anyone who shows up to be able to use these buildings as shelter, please stop destroying the locks.”

Lyra looked at Russell like a disappointed parent. “You should consider that as well, considering all the doors you’ve ripped off of buildings.”

Colgate looks at Lyra and they both let out a sigh.

I sulked in shame, and Starla giggled in response from atop Amore’s back. “Sorry...” I step through the door, only to hear flapping as Archie landed on one of Russell’s horns. “Archie, how many times have I told you? People are not perches.” He squawked and flapped his wings, sending a few small feathers flying.

Russell managed to snort one of the feathers up her nose and she began to sneeze. Lyra yelled at her to face away from the building, and she spun around just in time to launch a stream of fire down the street. Archie took after realizing that he was perched no a living flame thrower.

Starla giggled and clapped her hooves together, finding the display entertaining. However, Amore took off into the restaurant, yelping.

“I am suddenly glad I woke up as a unicorn and not a dragon… I would have burnt everything around me down.” I turned away from the flame display and headed to the kitchen to see what I could find.

“She has burned and ransacked several places in Buffalo,” Lyra commented.

Colgate raises an eyebrow. “Crystal is pretty methodical at her looting. She says it’s a habit from video games, and zombie movies. I had to learn to drive a small cargo truck because of the stuff she gathers and has to stay cold. She’s struggling to control her magic, though. She told me she sent a fork into orbit when she tried to figure things out herself, and I have watched her blow up a few objects as well. Before you ask: I am teaching her. I can’t leave her alone with a baby and no control over her magic.” She snickers. “She has blown up a diaper once already when she tried using magic to change Starla’s diaper, and it was a very full one. That was gross at the time, but it’s funny now that I think about it.”

Lyra blanched at the thought of an exploding diaper. “Ick. Well, I had to hide on the trailer to get here. She didn’t want me to come along despite the fact that she randomly falls asleep or loses control for long periods of time, and can’t take care of herself or her dogs when that happens.” She lets out a huff and crosses her forearms. “She acts like I’m useless and didn’t want me to come along.“

Colgate sighs and she climbs into a chair. “Lyra, you are hoof-full to deal with. I’m surprised your roommate hasn’t killed you. You eat other ponies’ food when they aren't looking, you sit in the weirdest way, you have your weird obsession that you think you've kept hidden but everyone knows about.”

"I did this for Bon Bon," Lyra mumbled as she took a seat next to Colgate. "She wanted me to amount to something, so I did this for her."

“That's why Twilight got you assigned to land in what she thought would be a big city east of here," Colgate reminded her, "so you would have an easier time finding someone. You had a hard time doing the spell in the tests, since your special talent is music. Did you know there was a betting pool against you in the training group?”

"Yes," Lyra replied, she crossed her hooves and scrunched her face up in iritation. “In fact, some of the others were bragging about their bets to me to try and get me to quit. But I made up my mind to follow through with it, so I kept going. I want to help Russell because I see some of myself in her, but she’s such a hoof-full!”

Colgate giggles. “You think Crystal isn’t? She almost…” Colgate blushed and shook her head. “She is just getting out of her first heat, and it was a bad one.”

“Colgate, how did you not notice the smell? Heat has to be a new experience for her; you know what some mares are willing to do when they can’t meet their needs.”

Colgate groans as she levitates Starla off of Amore and puts her into the high chair. Starla pouted until Colgate pulled a bottle and a carton of livestock formula out of her bags. “I did, but she acted normal at first, so I figured she was like other mares and had herself under control. Then she almost did something scary, but thanks to Starlight, here, she snapped back to her senses and took a cold shower.”

"Yeesh," Lyra responded, before changing the subject. “By the way: Why do you keep calling her Starla and Starlight and Chris by her name and Crystal? I did give Russell a name: Malla. She doesn't get upset at it. In fact, she welcomes it, she wants to forget her old life. But why do you keep going back and forth, and why do they call you Colgate? You could just give your real name.”

Colgate gave Lyra an annoyed look. “Are you forgetting about that cult, who the Princess thinks snuck over? I’m using the nickname Pinkie calls me to keep myself under wraps as best as I can. I have made a lot of mistakes trying to hide things. Crystal has found some things out, and then she pointed out my behavior throws off any attempts I have made to keep hidden!”

Colgate slammed her hoof on the table. “If we had run into any of them, I would have revealed myself without meaning to. I didn’t want to tell Crystal anything in case we ran into them, because if we did or ever do, her knowing anything could get her and Starlight killed. As for why I called them by those names… I just feel it fits them. Chris and Starla sounds so weird… But I’m trying to call them by their human names so we don’t get found out.”

“Maybe I should do that too, in case—gack!” Suddenly Russell grabs them out of their chairs and crushes them in a hug.

“Oh my gosh! You two are just so cute when you’re grouped together and talking and— Oh I could just hug you and squeeze you all day long!”

Colgate squeaks. “Oh, pony feathers.”

Lyra gasped. “Can’t breath...”

I walked out of the kitchen while pushing a cart with some cans of tomato soup and a bowl covered with a towel on top. I almost tripped as I caught sight of Russell hugging Colgate and Lyra. “Okay, then… Uh, Russell, can you set up a cook fire outside or find some way to heat up the grill? Otherwise we are going to be eating cold soup. If you don’t care that meat is rotten, the walk-in cooler is full of it.” I shakily levitate the bowl down to Amore, who sniffed it a few times before shoving her nose into it and began to chow down.

“I can do that!" Russell excitedly exclaimed. "I love to cook!” She plopped Colgate and Lyra back down into their chairs and grabbed the cart. “Everything you ponies do is just so adorable! And even more so when you do it together.” Russell winked at Chris before pushing the cart back into the kitchen and calling back, “You two must have shared a lot of hot coffee.”

I was going to ask about Russell's major change in attitude, but Colgate caught me off guard when she looked me in the eye with child-like curiosity and confusion before asking, “What does she mean by ‘shared hot coffee?’ You never drink coffee.” I blushed and buried my head in my hooves as I recalled something I almost did.

“Colgate, this is how Russell plays tricks on ponies. She has done it to me several times. So be careful… Her jokes can get out of hand and disgusting.” Lyra coughed. “I hope she doesn’t do anything to the soup.”

I took a seat on the other side of Starla and refilled her bottle. “I’m not sure what I missed. Colgate isn’t willing to tell me much because some evil people are out there, somewhere on earth; from wherever you guys are from. And they will kill anyone who’s from her group that they find, and if I know too much or show off my magic they may kill me as well.” I look at Colgate sadly. “She doesn’t act like anyone who turned into a pony, so it was probably a good thing she slipped up around me when she did.”

Colgate sighs. “I’m sorry Crys- er Chris. I don’t want to keep secrets from you. I’m not trained for combat, and many things that we know we were sworn to not tell to anyone on earth as part of our job.” She eyes Lyra, who just smiled at her in return.

“Can you at least tell me what your real name is and why you're calling yourself Colgate?” I look over at Lyra, who has suddenly decided that a painting of a horse on the wall was very interesting.

Colgate looked down at the table in thought for a few seconds before nodding. “I do owe you that much. My real name is Minuette. Lyra and I are somewhat well-known where we come from because of who some of our friends are. I also commuted every day from a city to a small town every day to do my job. Yes, I am really a dentist, and like you pointed out my special talent is not dentistry. I still love it, but…” She trailed off, looking at the symbol on her rear.

Lyra was about to pipe up but a glare from Colgate stopped her. “I would rather not talk about it. Let’s just say that my grades were not high enough to get approved for the classes that would have allowed me to practice my talent under normal circumstances.” Lyra tried to speak up again, only for Colgate to magically stuff a napkin into her mouth. “You may not tell them, Lyra. Yes, after years I was finally allowed to practice it, since it was needed for a project. I’m still not sure how you even found out I was on that project Lyra.” Lyra went back to her inspection of the painting.

She paused and blushed. “Oh, right, sorry. You wanted to know why I have been using the name Colgate, right? Colgate is a nickname a friend gave me. She's a little crazy and a very random pony, but she is really fun to be around and likes to make ponies smile. I decided to use it to keep myself hidden. I never realized that it was a toothpaste brand until I got here, however.”

Lyra was about to speak when the sound of a cart of plates shattering rang out of the kitchen, followed by angry roaring, which eventually led down to a loud sobbing. “She is at it again.” Lyra slid out of her seat and quickly made her way into the kitchen. She pushed a cart, with a steaming pot of soup on top, out of the kitchen doors before ducking back inside.

Colgate and I look towards the kitchen before I felt a tugging sense in my horn and Starla started bawling while trying to reach for her bottle. We had gotten so preoccupied with Russell and Lyra, and Starla had been so quiet that we had forgotten about her. Ugh! I’m such a bad mom… No! I’m not her mom—gah! Why do I think these things?! It’s like something is trying to rewrite my brain!”
That may not be far from the truth from what I can tell in here.

Er, anyways, Colgate’s magic was quicker than my forearms and she levitated the bottle to Starla, who quickly snatched it and started chugging it down so fast I thought the bottle’s top would snap off.

Lyra came back out looking spent. “She's fine. She just needs to reassert her pride.”

Colgate and I nod before Colgate speaks up. “Speaking of pride... Chris, why won’t you concede to being Starla’s mother already?”

I grumbled and looked away while crossing my arms. “I told you: she has her birth mother out there somewhere! I’m not going to claim someone else’s child as mine unless there is an extremely good reason that would warrant it. Also, I’m a guy stuck in a female body!”

Colgate rolls her eyes while petting Starla’s mane. “Those documents we found on her father at the hospital, and his house, are not reason enough?”

I smack my hoof onto the table, causing everyone to pause. “That man has nothing to do with this. He was off in South Africa during Starla’s birth, and with what he has done I hope he got eaten by a lion or something!” I sigh and look down. “Sorry, but Starla’s mother is still out there somewhere, and no matter what her father has done she still deserves to have a mother… her birth mother.”

Lyra stared at Chris. She was about to say something, but was interrupted by Russell smashing through the kitchen doors, who was chewing on a rotten rack of ribs. an apron hung off of her neck, which she had messily written ‘kiss the cook’ with ketchup. “And this is my life…”

Colgate looks between me and Russell. “I’m not trading with you, Lyra.” She levitates over the bowls and the soup. “By the way, you never told me why you’re here and not in Whinneapolis.” She paused for a moment, eyeing Lyra up and down. “Also, where are the saddlebags that Twilight gave you?”

“There was a security issue at my designated site, so the guards dropped me off in the middle of nowhere and left to handle it. I decided to make the jump there and ended up in Buffalo, Wyoming, where I met Malla stealing gas from cars. Then she stole my Saddlebags...”

Colgate stared at Lyra blankly. “Those were prototypes Twilight made; she entrusted those to us!”

“You mean those strange bags?” Russell said, picking at her teeth with a bone. “I took them from her because I didn’t trust them, so I placed them in a locked case in the truck. She used a sleeping spell on me and this is payback.”

Colgate smacks her head into the table repeatedly, causing starla to giggle. “I can’t believe this…”

“Look, I felt that arguing with a dragon was a bad idea, so I haven't been trying very hard to get them back.”

“Is Twilight that goody-goody princess of friendship you told me about, Lyra?” Russell asked.

Colgate scowled at Lyra, who gulped, before drinking down her soup straight from the bowl and wiping her mouth with a napkin. “Finish your food now, Lyra. You’re coming with me on an errand.”

Lyra shrunk back in her chair but quickly slurped down her soup, drinking it quickly before hopping down from her chair. She looks to Russell who just gave her a wicked smirk and mockingly said,. “Try to not blow anything else up, Lyra.”

Colgate used her magic to turn on a voice recorder that was hanging from a loop on her saddle bags as she walked out the front door.

I sighed. “She got interested in the recorder I use, and wanted to start her own audio journal.” Russell looked me over and spotted a similar recorder hanging on a makeshift set of saddlebags made from two entwined backpacks that were lying on the floor next to my chair, the red light flashed periodically, showing that it was currently recording.

Russell turned her head to the door with a sour grunt. “I will be happy when they're gone. They don’t belong in our world. But as long as they are here they make good tools.”

I listened to her as I kept an eye on Starla until I heard her call people tools. I must have tossed away my survival instinct and logical reasoning, because I snapped at her. “No one should ever be considered a tool! Not you, not me, and definitely not Colgate and Lyra! A tool would mean they are disposable, slaves, not worth anything!” Starla went silent. I don’t know if she was scared because of the tone of my voice or if she felt like I was protecting her from a predator.

To my surprise, Russell pushed herself away from me, with a look that said she was hurt and a little creeped out. “Whoa, I didn’t mean to offend you, Chris. I’m not sure why I said that, but they aren't human, you know.”

I shoved my blunt hoof into her nose and growled. “Not human? Not human?! Look at us; do we look human anymore, Russell?! What separates us from them? Birth species? I don’t think that matters anymore. How about culture, education, morals and ethics? I doubt theirs are that different from our own, minus the magic and multiple sentient species. You could put them into human bodies and I would think they were just visiting from another country, or maybe a different region of the US. Would you want to be treated like a ‘tool’ if you ended up somewhere you had no idea about?

She kept staring at my eyes and pushed herself out of my reach. “I… I see your point. You’re right! I’m sorry!” She sighed and looked very hurt “Why did I say that? I would never have said that when I was human.” The look on her face looked even more disturbed now as it switched back and forth from irritated to scared. “My *beeping beep*! These emotions and instincts with this new body! It’s like going through puberty again, but ten times worse because a delinquent teenager and a dominatrix slave driver keep fighting me for the wheel!”

Russell began to hyperventilate and I had to talk her down till her breathing was somewhat normal again. She curled up into a ball and rocked back and forth on her tail. She watched me for a bit before laying back on the floor and sighing. “I’m seriously messed up.” She clawed at her face while letting out a sound that was like a mix between a groan and growl, then heaved herself into a sitting position. “I know I've said some messed up things, Chris. Could you explain to me why you care for Colgate so much? Maybe it can help me straighten my head out.” She was eyeing me cautiously now. I’m starting to wonder if she is pregnant, with the way her mood is swinging.

I had to think for a bit to answer her question. I guess deep down I had grown really attached to Colgate. She was the first real friend I had made who wasn’t thousands of miles away and could only communicate with over the 'net, or web. “I truthfully… I would like Colgate to stay here, but I know that isn’t going to happen. As soon as she finds a leader she is going to leave. It hurts because she is the first person in a long time who didn’t want to be my friend solely to get something from me or use me for something.”

Russell’s eyes soften a bit but she still seemed unnerved. “Ahh, that’s sweet. Have you kissed her and told her how you felt yet?”

I growled. “I am not in lo—” I slapped my hand—er, hoof—down into Russell’s untouched bowl of soup, drenching my foreleg and soaking the table cloth.

She laughed and waved her clawed hands in the air. “I’m just teasing you, Chris. You know what? You’re lucky you got turned into a pony and not a fire-breathing dragon that has hoarding issues. These new emotions and instincts are a *BEEP* to resist. But, hey, you’re taking care of a baby and handling Colgate, maybe you would have this dragon thing down in no time.

Our conversation is interrupted as Archie swoops in, landing on the table and squawking while strutting around like he's the king of the roost. “What are you so excited about, Archie? Your feathers still haven't turned back to normal after Starla Zapped you when her magic went out of control.”

He screeched at me and strutted around the table some more. Amore looked up from laying next to Starla’s high chair and growled at Archie, who shrieked back at him. Amore sprang onto the table and lunged after Archie, sending the table’s contents flying and nearly bowling me off of the table as she chased him into the kitchen.

Russell caught me before I fell off, saving my head from having a meeting with the hard floor. I was about to thank her when she poked me in the nose with her clawed finger. It was kinda sharp. “By the way, could you cut out whatever magic trick you’re using to make your pupils pink? That is really creeping me out.”

I raised an eyebrow at her. “I’m not doing anything to my eyes, Russell.”

I must have blinked away whatever she thought she saw, as she started laughing and said I pulled a good prank on her. “Well, you got me good. So, tell me what it was like trying to hump the poor mare?” The dragon just said it like it was normal to converse about. I flipped what was left of the pot of soup onto her head with my magic and turned to check on Starla, who looked worried until I smiled at her. She must have thought I was upset with her.

Russell pulled the pot off of her head. “I deserved that,” she grumbled, setting the pot down. “So, what are you guys going to do now?”

I thought for a bit and sigh, unsure. “I truthfully wasn’t planning on coming back to town, but since I’m here I will probably gather some more things from home and then... I don’t know. I already raided the big stores in town and we haven't found anyone other than you. We might stick around a bit, for me to practice my magic some more, then—maybe—go to Casper, where there are more stores to get supplies from. We might head up to Billings, Montana, or maybe head south to Denver. They are both way outside of Colgate’s search-assigned zone, but I feel like whatever did this didn’t like any of the ‘leaders’ in Wyoming. I have some family in Washington state that I wouldn’t mind looking for as well, and I would also like to see if my uncle in South Dakota was left behind, but when I tried my mother’s cell phone no one answered any of the numbers I tried. No one has called her phone after all this time, so it’s unlikely any of them were left behind at this point. I’m—” I was interrupted as a bottle whapped Russell on the nose. I then noticed that Starla was giving us a pouty face just before a foal odor hit me. “Um… would you mind giving me a hand?”

Russell looked between Starla and me before she sniffed and her eyes shot open. “Sure. I have three nieces, so I used to do this all the time.” Russell rubbed the spot where the bottle had hit her. “The smell hurts more than the bottle.”

Colgate grumbled as she noticed that she was grinding her teeth. She had always told her patients not to do it, and here she was, guilty of the act. “I can’t believe you, Lyra. You used a sleep spell on someone outside of self-defense and without their consent. If we were back home you could face jail time for that!” She fumbled with the front door to the apartment building back up the hill, her anger making the task difficult.

Lyra didn’t seem to be listening. She looked down the hall and blinked before sniffing. “Do you smell smoke? I know Malla was in this building; she even laid in one of the beds.”

Colgate yelled out and spun around before bucking the door in. “Lyra, you are so dense! I think you could give Rainbow Dash and Applejack a run for their money! If she destroyed it I’m going to make you pay.” She raced into the building’s inner hallway, looking for the apartment she had camped in.

“Colgate... Look, I know I messed up, but I’m trying to make things right. I’m going to finish this job.”

Colgate was too worried to respond to Lyra at the moment. She wanted to chew her out, but first she needed to make sure Russell didn’t destroy or steal what she had forgotten. She ran down the corridor, past an apartment that was missing its door, the inside of which she vaguely registered was somewhat charred. In the next apartment, the one she stayed in, the door was shredded apart. “No, no; please still be here!” She created an orb of light to guide her, the light coming from the small windows just wasn’t enough to search with.

Lyra rushed in, and used her horn to help her look. “What are you looking for?”

Colgate tossed aside silk scarves and knick-knacks, looking over spots where things have gone missing. “Why did I pick the apartment that looks like Pinkie’s grandmother lived here? No, not there. Nope, not there either!” She began looking through a scorched vanity desk. The mirror was warped and black, and most of the jewelry she remembered being being on the desk was gone, but she didn’t care. She tossed away a toasted powder pad, then shouted loud enough to wake the dead “Yes! It’s still here!

Lyra coughed. “ Colgate.” She tried to say as she cleared the scorched power pad from her face. “What is it?”

Colgate clicked the switch and the decently large object popped open, revealing it to be a pocket watch with a pale blue light coming from inside gears and a picture of her family in the lid. “The very thing that I got my cutie mark from, and keeps my family close.”

Lyra coughed from the soot before sighing and rolling her eyes.

Colgate closed the lid and put her pocket watch into her saddlebags. “Lyra, I know it seems silly, but unlike you my special talent isn’t something I can just practice freely. that type of magic is strictly regulated. I didn’t have the grades in school to qualify for the classes that would grant me access to the training.”

Lyra sunk down and frowned. she had forgotten that not everypony can get training in their special talent sometimes. Colgate pulled her into a hug. “I’m sorry, Minuette.” She said softly, as tears began to leak from her eyes.

Colgate hugged Lyra tighter and began to rub her back. “It’s alright, Lyra. my special talent is rare so I was pulled into the project earlier than most of the ponies who were sent out searching this world.” It was then that she noticed how Lyra was a lot thinner than the last time she had seen her. She just chalked that up to not being around Bon Bon and eating sweets constantly.

Lyra snorted. “Wait, didn’t Twilight sneak you a few books from the archives?”

Colgate paused and squeezed Lyra till she made a sound like a rubber duck. “No, of course not. It’s not like Twilight went to Ponyville and I had to sneak into her tower and make it look like she forgot them when she left or anything… Now, come on, It’s probably time to change Starli— Starla’s diaper and I don’t trust Chris to use magic to change it. Last time she tried, it exploded and we used up most of our water to clean up the mess. You probably need to keep an eye on the mare you’re looking after as well.”

Lyra laughed and pushed off of Colgate. “Russell isn’t a mare, silly.”

Colgate started laughing herself. “Of course she's a mare, Lyra. Twilight calls Spike a colt, and he is a dragon. Now, come on: if we don’t hurry back, Chris might start acting like Russell’s mom without realizing it, and Russell will be wearing clothing and doing chores in exchange for cookies... Is it weird that I just imagined Chris walking around Celestia’s school with a baby version of Russell following her around, similar to Twilight and Spike?

Lyra cantered down the hallway and toward the building’s exit while smiling. “It was for a few seconds, until the same image popped into my head. Now, come on: let’s go give those mares a piece of our mind.

I snort and follow after her. “Oh, I have given her a piece of my mind, and she does the same to me. Honestly, I feel like she’s my mare friend sometimes, with how much we bicker. But I listen to her a lot, Lyra. We are not in Equestria and the environment is different. The weather isn’t under control of pegasi, and most of the animals are not tame or friendly.”

“I have experienced this first-hoof," Lyra responded. "I have almost been eaten by bears, wolves, and big cats already.” She left the building and shaded her eyes as she grew accustomed to sunlight again. “How are you at treating wounds? Russell has taken some gashes protecting me.”

Colgate sighed. “It’s not like I do much medical-wise, Lyra. I’m a dentist, not a doctor. Though I have gotten some practice from bandaging Chris up.”

Lyra smiled. “Anything is better than nothing. shall we go get my saddlebags, then?”

Colgate yanked Lyra back by her tail. “You think that is a good idea? You broke her trust, Lyra. you need to rebuild that bridge.”

Lyra frowned and nodded. “Yeah, you’re right… How about I show you the supplies Russell wants to leave in city hall?”

Colgate shook her head. “That will be up to Chris and Russell to discuss. I don’t think Chris will want her to leave any considering Russell’s size and appetite, especially with how lean you look. Don’t think I haven't noticed.”

Lyra sighs, nodding. “I have only eaten an MRE every two to three days. I’m afraid she might lose her temper since they belong to her family, or that she might eat me if she gets too hungry.”

Colgate held her breath for several seconds before letting out a long sigh. “Lyra, how long has this been going on?”

Lyra taps her hoof on the pavement. “Two weeks… Maybe longer...

I slap my hoof to my face and hiss. “Lyra, you need to eat! I’m going to talk to Chris about this. I think we need to be the one to give you food. I’m sure she will do it.

Lyra started to look pale. “She told me she was never like this as a human, so I’m sure if we all sat down and talked to her things will be fine. I can probably talk to her myself, even; no need to get you involved.”

Colgate stared at her friend and smiled. “I think you might be making excuses, Lyra. Just let us help, alright?” There is the sound of glass shattering as Russell bursts out of a nearby clothing store, with various articles of clothing and merchandise stands clinging to her.

Lyra blinks her eyes open widely. “Are you seeing this, to?”

Chris runs out after her, chasing her down the street with a broom in her mouth, causing Colgate’s jaw to drop. “I… Yes. But I feel like I saw this in a comic once.”

Lyra just stood there watching.

Colgate shook her head and laughed as Amore came out of the store with a feather duster in her mouth, Starla squealing in glee as she rode on her back. “If Chris doesn’t have a reason for this recorded, I doubt either of them will ever speak about it. But whatever the reason, Russell looked scared for her life.”

As they trotted down the street after them, they heard music coming from the store that talked about clowns. Chris’s note: the music was from an old children’s record player that had a record of the theme song for the old TV show Bozo the Clown on it, and Starla had somehow gotten it to play despite the lack of electricity.

“Russell!” Lyra shouted.

Colgate sighed. “What’s going on?.”

“She is scared of clowns and mimes.”

“Good thing Pinkie isn’t here, then.” I begin to trot after our weird friends. “Better go check on them.”

“Colgate…” Lyra called out. “I don’t feel so good.”

Colgate stopped and watched Lyra slow down and start wobblin. “Lyra?!”

Lyra collapsed and began panting. she looked even paler than she did a bit ago. She tried to get to her hooved, but fell over in the process.

Colgate ran back and pulled Lyra onto her back. “I should have realized this sooner. I’m going to get Chris to take us back to the RV and get some hearty food in you. Maybe I will have a talk with Russell as well.

Lyra didn’t answer, she had zoned out and began mumbling. ” Bon Bon.”