• Published 10th Sep 2015
  • 10,634 Views, 381 Comments

Mandatory Motherhood - dargondarkfire

Woke up, everyone's gone, and I'm some kind of alien horse. Well, not everyone, I did find another: a baby. A baby alien horse that treats me as her mother.

  • ...

Chapter15: July 22nd part2 (first edit run)

Mandatory Motherhood

By Dargondarkfire

Ch. 15

July 22nd continued. We had been driving around aimlessly for over an hour. I had convinced Nia to keep ahold of Starla, or at least try to as I drove us around. Starla kept running up to the windows on every side of the car, banging her little hooves on them while repeatedly calling for ‘Mama’. I had been so happy that Starla finally spoke and had hoped Chris would accept Starla as her daughter if Starla called her mama. I hadn’t expected Chris to just about blow up when it happened.

“Colgate - oof settle down Starla - are you sure you have no way to figure out where Chris went?” Nia was keeping hold of Starla, who was trying to push herself away using her rear hooves on Nia’s face.

“For the last time, no,” said Colgate. “I can’t just view the magic realm like my friend Twilight, I’m not even sure how Chris figured out how to do it so easily.”

I turned down a street to the left looking for any signs that Chris had arrived nearby: destroyed buildings, warped reality, animated objects.

Nia grunted as Starla suddenly flipped around and tried to get behind her.

“Really nothing?” she asked. “No special magical relics? Or maybe a GPS?”

“No, I have nothing of the sor-...” I eyed her in confusion before returning to my glancing around the streets while driving. “What is a Gee Pee Sss?”

“WHAT?!” Nia shouted. “Have you been living under a rock or something?!” She eyed me still trying to keep Starla still, she could see the hesitation in my eyes as I said ‘Of course I do’. “You really have no clue, do you? You are an odd person Colgate.”

I looked at her out of the corner of my eye briefly as I kept driving, I turned down a street on the right and Starla immediately tried pushing away from Nia toward the window. “I… I'm not from here.”

Nia grunted, managing to pull Starla into a hug causing her to wiggle around. “Well, I figured that much out. I haven’t seen you three around the city since I woke up around the start of June.”

Colgate let out a sigh. “No that isn’t what… I… hey mind if I ask you a question.”

Nia giggled in between Starla smacking her chin and trying to get away. “I mean, you clearly want to tell me something but you are not sure if you should or not, and you are tormented under possible threats from someone to not reveal them. But… Sure, go ahead.”

Colgate stopped the car and stared at Nia in a mix of confusion and horror, after a bit, she finally spoke. “How did you manage to hover in the air like that, and walk so well?”

Nia let out a giggle. “Oh I realized I had wings so I experimented and practiced. I can’t do much more than launch myself up a few stories, float in one spot for a bit, and glide. As for walking, I told you about my special cosplay right? Well, I had practice from before my change, hehehe… My turn now! How did you learn to lift things with your glowing horn?”

Colgate kept staring for a bit before sighing. “She's so similar… er, lift with my horn? Oh magic? Um well, Practice… and uh, I was born a unicorn.”

Nia gasped and pushed her face up to mine. “WWWHHHAAATTT!? Tell me more!”

Colgate sat silent for a bit before sighing and began driving again. “I will tell you some things but… I’m not supposed to say much of anything, so understand if I leave a lot out.

Nia saluted. “Okie-doki-agghhh.” She began to choke on her words as Starla pushed on her throat while trying to get away.

Colgate let out a chuckle at Starla’s antics.

A few hours later they were sitting in a park they had seen when driving past and were now having lunch in the shade of a large tree. However, Starla was so upset by Crystal's disappearance that she was struggling to keep any of the formula down.

Colgate groaned with tears in her eyes. “Starla, I know you don’t like it but all we can find is human baby formula. Please try to keep some of it down.”

Nia winced. “I’m glad that didn’t get on me, it would probably be a pain to get out of my fur… How long has she been on this baby formula?”

Colgate sighed as she rubbed Starla’s back who was now lying on her belly, lightly sobbing. “We were mixing some formula for foals with this one for a few days now since we were running out, but we ran out two nights ago. We hoped to wean her onto the human formula but it’s not working out…”

Nia sighed,. “First you dropped a bombshell on my life withand what’s going on betweenwith Chris and Starla, and now we have a starving baby on our hands. She… she didn’t throw up this much after breakfast!”

Colgate sighed. “She puked a little while you were getting the vehicle ready… I think she threw it all up because she's so upset now…”

They stayed silent for a while letting Starla recover. Once Starla regained her energy she immediately took off running in a straight line in the opposite direction they had come from screaming ‘mama!’

Colgate and Nia were in shock and slow to run after her. As soon as they started to get up. Amore, who had been laying nearby in the shade, took off after Starla, knocking the two mares off of their hooves. She quickly caught up to Starla and began jumping around her in a playful manner. Starla tried to get past her but kept getting knocked back by Amore licking her until Colgate and Nia caught up.

Nia scooped Starla up in her hooves, she struggled to push away from Nia in the direction she had been running in. “Got yah, you little wiggle worm.”

Colgate sighed in relief. “Thank you, Amore. You're a good girl.” She patted Amore’s head and watched as Starla struggled to get away. “Why did she run in that direction?” She watched as Nia managed to hold Starla with one leg and slowly walked towards the vehicle. Starla Continued to bend herself in the direction she had been running, and tried to get free. Colgate pondered for a moment then wondered, “Hey Nia, can you hold Starla up in different directions?

Nia stopped and looked at Colgate in confusion. “Uh, I guess? She’s a handful to hold at the moment but ok.” She managed to get Starla into both of her forelegs again and held her up in the air.

The mares watched as Starla twisted her head and reached out in that direction crying “Mama”.

Nia, looked at Colgate and smirked. “Starla is a Chris seeking radar?!” Her smile faded and she looked confused and intrigued. “How does that work?”

Colgate thought for a bit while scratching her chin. “Well… unicorn mares have a sorta connection to their foals, more so if their foal is also a unicorn. They can sense where their foals are and anticipate their needs better.”

Nia frowned. “But Chris isn’t Starla’s birth mother right? How do they have a connection?”

Colgate chuckled and rubbed the back of her head. “Well, I heard there is a spell that can link a unicorn mare to foals, but that didn’t happen here and Chris’s connection is unusually strong… maybe the spell on her…”

Nia looked at Colgate in confusion. “Chris used a spell to link her to Starla despite denying to be her mother.”

Colgate sighed and shook her head. “No… That would actually be an accident on Starla's part.”

Nia raised an eyebrow at this remark. “Say what now?”

Colgate waved a hoof and pointed at Starla’s horn. “Even foals can have magic surges. Remember how I told you the effect of magic surges usually wears off?” Nia nodded. “Well Archie used to be red and very colorful, he got zapped months ago which turned him blue, and he never went back to his rainbowy self. Chris got zapped right in the horn, and ever since they have had a connection. As I said, it's also unusually strong as Chris knows immediately when Starla soils her diapers even if she's a couple of buildings away.”

Nia turned Starla to face her and poke her nose into Starla’s. “And that strong connection goes both ways it seems. Hey Starla, can you guide us to Mama?”

Starla looked at Nia in confusion. “Mama?” She pointed in the same direction with her hoof.

Colgate pushed in smiling and nodded. “That’s right, help us find Mama. Point your hoof in the direction Mama is in.” She pointed her hoof in the direction Starla was pointing in.

Starla Screeched in glee and yelled “MAMA!”

Colgate whispered to Nia. “This is a big city. Even if she is pointing towards Chris it’s not like we can just go in a straight line.”

Nia chuckled and her antenna-like hair strands twitched. “I know this city pretty well. We just need to get a map from the truck stop and then drive to various areas in town, then we can triangulate the direction she points in and narrow the search area down.”

Colgate sighed. “I feel like there is a ‘but’ to this plan.”

Nia paused before speaking again. “That's as long as Chris doesn’t start moving around or worse teleports again.”

I wasn’t sure where I was or how long I had been there. There was a searing pain in my head coming from my horn.. I could neither think straight nor see well as the world was blurry. I could hear the voice in my head yelling at me that I had done something incredibly stupid again, and that I needed to focus and pull back together. I wasn’t sure what the voice meant at first but then I realized my right leg, which was laying in front of my face, was somewhat transparent.

I panicked and the pain increased as everything went white, I heard the voice screaming at me to focus or I would dissolve away into nothing. That made me panic even more and my vision went white with pain. When the pain receded and my vision returned to the blurry state, I noticed my surroundings were …different again.

The voice yelled at me to just focus on pulling myself back together. I tried various ways like imagining myself whole, my separated particles gathering back to me like a magnet, and trying to clench my muscles. Nothing worked, and each failure made me get more upset and worried thus leading to another whiteout and a location change.

When I could see again, after about the 12th time or so, I could see parts of me being transparent and away from my body. The voice seemed to sigh and told me to stop panicking and concentrate on my emotions, not on pulling my body back together, they would handle that part.

So I focused on breathing and calming myself. It took a fair bit of time but I finally calmed down and could see clearly again. I watched as a familiar light pink aura glowed around my horn and my limbs turned solid. I thanked the voice who grumbled at me for being a loose canon.

I took a deep breath but immediately gagged from the smell. Why was it only hitting me now? The voice told me my senses became fully functional after they finished getting me back together, and they sounded like they were holding back from barfing just like I was.

Other than the smell making me sick to my stomach, I actually felt relatively good after having a magic surge. The others I experienced had knocked me clean out. I wanted to come to terms with what had set off my mental meltdown, but the smell…. wherever I had ended up was really dark so I turned on my magic sight… and immediately wished I couldn’t see where I was.

From what my magical sight had shown me, I had a pretty good idea of where I had ended up, because there was only one large-scale commercial facility like this in the state and it was on the northern outskirts of Cheyenne. A beef processing plant all the rich ranchers used for their cattle. There were lots of dead cattle around me. The sight and smell of it broke my limit and I threw up. The voice in my head was making the same sound, luckily they couldn’t actually vomit.

After I finished heaving I made my way toward the entrance to the pen I had ended up in, I was close to the exit when I stumbled on something. Looking down I saw a head, not the head of a cow but of an antelope. "Why was the head of an antelope in a facility to process beef?" I wondered out loud. I noticed after a moment of looking around with my magic sight that it had claw marks and appeared to have been chewed on…

I got curious and looked over the corpses of the cows and noticed that many of them had been eaten away. As I wondered what had been eating everything and how long ago, I heard the sound of one of the bodies behind me getting shifted on the floor, causing my ears to swerve behind me. Without turning my head around I used my sight to inspect the noising area and held my breath.

Tearing a piece of decayed flesh from the cow was a large feline. Surrounded by three more minor but still large felines. At first, I thought I had ended up in the den of some mountain lions but… their build was completely wrong for mountain lions? My body froze as I realized from their body shape and build, that they were tigers! Flipping actual tigers! Why are there tigers in Cheyenne, Wyoming!?

I wondered why they hadn’t noticed I was there since they have real night vision and can smell prey. But After a moment the rotting stench pushed its way past the mental freakout I was having, and into my nose again. Oh right, the pungent smell of long dead cows was masking my scent. I slowly made my way to the pen’s exit using my sight to keep track of the four behind me and for any others that might be in this place. I reached the exit of the pen and was so happy to be a step closer to getting away from them that I didn’t realize the floor changed from dirt to tile, and that I wasn’t wearing my horse tennis shoes, (I wonder if anyone reading this remembers that I have those?) The clop of my foot on the tile echoed out around me.

I instantly froze in realization focusing on my hoof before turning my attention back to the tigers. The sound did indeed catch their attention and they all turned to look at me. I gulped and watched them get up from their meal and the voice told me to run. I didn’t argue and ran, thankful for two things Colgate taught me, how to walk and how to run, and that my sight let me see everything around me in total darkness and exactly where each tiger was and how they moved.

They must have been thinking how much better fresh tender pony would be than rigomortis cows because they made their way closer, licking their chops in a way that chilled me even in the stale heat. My way of moving threw them off at the start, they must have thought I would hit a dead end in the dark and get hurt so they took their time. I had a big lead by the time they realized I could easily tell where I was going after I passed through a doorway that separated the holding pen area from the processing facility.

They were gaining on me quickly, but I managed to slide on the floor as one leaped over me from the side. I threw open a set of heavy double doors then slammed shut behind me, before using my magic to throw several cabinets and tables in front of the door to barricade it.

I gasped for air as I looked around the room and was glad I had already thrown up, I was in a room full of rotten meat hanging from hooks some had rotted to the point it had melted into a puddle onto the floor, and the stench was so bad I had to find from passing out. Just Wonderful! I could hear the tigers clawing at the door behind me and tried to relax a bit. Looking around the room some more I noticed several exits in the room but the walls were too thick to peer past them actively. I figured the tigers would find their way into this room via other routes after they got bored of taking their anger out on the door. I focussed on gazing into each room past the other exits one at a time for any clues, one was a large freezer and another was an office. Neither would work unless I could get to the ceiling vents but I can’t fly so that was a no-go. One led into another room like this one, and the last 2 led into hallways.

I noticed one hall turned and sloped downwards and thought I would rather not get trapped in what might be an underground basement so I started making my way to the other hallways. I realized halfway to the door that the noises from my barricade had long since stopped and my body wanted to freeze in place.

The voice yelled at me to just go before I became cat food, so I booked it hearing a door creak back in the room as I got through the door I chose. I was in a real game of cat and mouse, warring feelings in the back of my mind only pushed away by fear and adrenaline, emotions that would have normally turned me into a mess hiding in the nearest corner I could find.

I ran down the hallway dodging around butcher carts, and halfway down the hall one of the tigers came charging through the door I had come from. I grabbed carts and threw them at the tiger. It jumped to the side with each one flung, and it had almost caught up to me as I reached the exit. I got lucky and caught it mid-leap with the cart next to the door. The tiger nearly jumped through the legs of the cart but its back legs got caught, and it went crashing into the ground face first giving me a chance to get through the swinging doors.

Once I breached the doors from the hall, I found myself in a butchering and packaging center. I trotted my way further in to build some distance from the tigers while using my magic sight to search for an exit. My eyes were starting to hurt from keeping it up for so long while panicking, but in the nearest wall, I noticed a door with an exit box above it and quickly made my way to it ready to separate myself from this butcher shop of horrors.

I was so focused on the exit that I hadn’t kept scanning the area, and as I reached for the push bar the voice in my head screamed to get back. I leapt away from the door, but tripped, throwing myself onto my back. I looked up in time to see the biggest of the tigers jump into the place I had been standing. The cat's jump knocked a shelf free and shoved over a cabinet creating a domino effect of falling objects which barred easy access to the door!

The tiger was right in my face at this point. I thought for sure I was going to be its next meal, but then the voice that had been haunting my head scoffed and my horn lit up pink, and the glass on the cabinet changed. I thought the voice was going to explode the glass out and pelt the tiger with it but instead, it almost looked like liquid as it reshaped into spikes before flying into the tiger’s rear.

The tiger had been distracted by my horn glowing and it stared at the appendage on my head in curiosity. The glass spikes assaulted its rear, causing it to swing around violently, smacking the bloody butt into me and sending me flying under a wrapping machine. The voice just screamed at me to keep moving as the tiger looked at the cabinet trying to figure out what had assaulted its striped rump.

As I made my way through the room I experienced close call after close call as I used the machinery to keep the tigers at bay. I managed to slip into a hallway and flung nearby cabinets into the door as a barricade. The tigers slammed into the door more aggressively than before which made me think that the door I came through might be the only entrance into this section, or at least the only one that won't take them a while to reach.

I was able to catch my breath, but my panic resumed as I heard the door splinter from a particularly hard impact, causing me to trot down the hallway. I now found myself to be in an area full of offices, and from what I could make out through my magic sight they were probably upper management. As I finally spotted an emergency exit, my ear twitched when I heard something in the farthest back office; my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to check it out.

Why didn’t I use the sight to check the room first? I am so stupid. I entered a swanky room, likely an executive suite, I was distracted by the mounted heads decorating the walls and was caught off guard as I was tackled to the ground. I started panicking and tried to get away as something licked me repeatedly. Then something else started licking me as well and I froze as one of them bit my ear. After a bit, I realized I wasn’t being eaten and managed to open my eyes and found two tiger cubs playing with me like a rag doll. I couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of this and managed to start petting them with my hooves which I could tell they enjoyed by the glow they gave off from the interaction.

I thought about sneaking these cubs away and raising them for a moment but thought they would be a handful as adults… and that I would be stealing them from their parents. That thought suddenly brought Starla to the front of my mind and I was hit by a swirl of emotions. I was hit by a desire to keep her away and a desire to keep her as my own, but there was something off about that feeling.

I was snapped back to reality when I heard an angry growling from across the room. My attention immediately snapped to a plush couch and a tiger pulling itself off and prowling toward me. I wanted to run but the cubs had decided to play again and pinned me down. The Tiger came up to me, growled angrily and bore its fangs toward me before it stopped and watched the cubs. Suddenly it started sniffing me and then stopped at my crotch area then let out a low growl causing the cubs to get off of me and hop over to its side.

I was very confused at first, my confusion rose further as it began pushing me out of the room and let out a growl and motioned its head forward. Ok so the tiger is letting me go, I’m not going to question it. I went back to the emergency exit and as if on cue, I heard the door I had barricaded explode and the cabinets were pushed away.

I heard them rushing down the hall so I lept and threw myself at the door’s release bar, flinging it open and I soared in the air. Then I realized I was soaring over the handrail and that I had been on the 4th floor of the building. So I thought to myself, this is how I die then as my momentum away from the building stopped and I began to fall.

Author's Note:

ch15 in here finally! Also it's my birthday! I hope you enjoy it! now I have to go to work and deal with people coming to town for a rodeo...

I bet you were not expecting this turn of events.

Comments ( 11 )

I do enjoy the names people give to their bookselves. :trollestia:

You know to spread everything, I don't see many mlp fics in other sites

Oh, well since this is a side story to the fimfic series ponies after people, it wouldn't make sense to post it elsewhere.

Equestria is another universe that colgate came from.
Will chris go there? That is something to find out down the line.

She doesn't kill the dogs because shes not really able to do anything that would alliw her to. At this pointbinnthe story most things she tries to levitate either rip apart or explode because she can't control her magic output.
There are also rules i must follow with mechanics of magic and such via starscribe the author of the ponies after people series and who authorizes stories to be in the universe. Levitating a living creature is difficult, even more so if they are unwilling.

Also thank you for pointing out an error. My editors all have busy lifes and they don't have a lot of time to check over the chapters. The more recent chapter haven't gotten much or any checking done because of their life situations. I have four editors btw.

The style switches around a little based on if shes actively recording during a situation or explaining what happened during the day.

Not sure what your confused on.

But to see which chapters you were making comments on i made an interesting discovery. All the story art is now viewable again? Did photobucket make some changes? Also i thought they deleted my account... this is weird... but acceptable.

aaaaaaaaa! what are you doing Chrystal?!? run out the door, not into the tiger's mouth! eeeeeeeee!

Hooray, new chapter!

Something I noticed that you might check for the final version of this chapter is the perspective consistency. There are some parts in the first section with Colgate, where it switches from first to third-person perspective, particularly in the dialogue (I'm guessing this wasn't intended).

Comment posted by dargondarkfire deleted Jul 25th, 2023

It is not supposed to be but it can get hard to tell sometimes. This may sound odd but it honestly can blur together and i don't notice. (I have fixed this poorly written reply! Sorry!)

Well, I read all the chapters that are out so far
I have to say, I'm really excited for the next one!

also, I really like the romance happening between Chris and Minuette where both don't want to admit to themselves that they clearly have a crush on eachother

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