• Published 22nd Aug 2015
  • 14,333 Views, 1,970 Comments

A Beautiful New Age - JDPrime22

As it is said, true peace can only be granted through countless innocent lives. In hindsight, the ponies were never that different from humans. Ultron’s plan is not over, and soon his strings will be severed for the last time.

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Chapter 9-Speed Demon


The sudden scream was enough to jolt Rainbow Dash awake from her daily nap.

“Huh? Who dat? Where’s the…? Huh?”

A montage of gibberish flooded out of the Pegasus’ jaw the moment she pushed herself upwards. Her pillow, previously stuck to her forehead, fell flat beneath her, allowing Rainbow to scan her room for threats. Her cloud walls remained untouched, unscathed by whatever had created the noise. It sounded so close. So close to where she felt it as she slept.

But there was nothing. Nothing to catch her interest, nothing to keep her worried, nothing to keep her away from her relaxing slumber. Yawning, Rainbow Dash lowered herself back onto her cushion, sighing contently once her head made contact with the pillow. A small smile graced her features, visions slowly drifting off to the dream world once more.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

“Rainbow Daaaaaassshhhh!” a cheery voice sang from where Rainbow presumed to be the front door, to where she presumed a certain pink pony to be waiting. Her eyes shot open, red veins filling with white, and a groan erupting from the bottom of her throat.

She kicked away the blankets, plopping down onto the floor with eyes barely open. Feeling too lazy, she spread her wings and flapped in a lackadaisical action out of her room and down her steps all the way to the front door, where Pinkie was constantly knocking nonstop. The knocking quickly got on Rainbow’s nerve, the mare already grinding her teeth the moment her hoof grabbed the door handle.

“This better be important, Pinkie Pie!” Rainbow Dash yelled, anger fuming through her breath. She swung the door open, being greeted with, of course, Pinkie floating a few feet above her with a bundle of balloons tied to her back. It was unusual, but the unusual was normal for Rainbow.

While Rainbow’s heavy bags were clearly shown under her eyelids, Pinkie gasped greatly, swinging her forelegs about wildly.

“Oh, my gosh! Rainbow Dash! I’m so glad it was actually you this time who answered the door! I had to check like five other floating houses before I finally found yours!” Pinkie screamed, her little balloons somehow keeping her afloat.

Rainbow’s neck craned back, her eyebrow rising. “Pinkie…what are you…? There aren’t any other floating—!” she began to argue, but stopped and realized it was fruitless. “Ah, forget it! Just what are you doing here? I was trying to sleep!”

Taking in a deep breath, Pinkie began to speak with a smile brighter than Celestia’s afternoon sun.

She said, “Okay, so it all started when I ran out of baking powder! And you know how the little Cakes are without Aunty Pinkie Pie there to entertain them with baking powder! Hee hee! Anyway, I went to the market to buy some more, said hi to Berry Punch and Miss Cheerilee, asked her how the students were doing, asked her about Apple Bloom’s grades and all that crazy stuff—!”


“Hold on!” she wined. “I was just getting to the good part!”

“The only ‘good part’ about this conversation is when it ends!” Rainbow shouted, her hoof gripping the door handle. She continued, glaring down the innocent, blue eyes. “Now hurry and tell me why you woke me up from my day off!”

Pinkie Pie rolled her eyes, the balloons atop her back swaying against the light breeze. “Well, duh! I bumped into Applejack when I was in the market. We talked a little, I told her about Apple Bloom’s grades, she kept rambling on about some meteor hitting Ponyville, and then I felt it!”

“Felt what?” Rainbow asked, then stopped and backtracked. “Wait…what?! A meteor hitting Ponyville?!”

Pinkie recreated her actions, though they weren’t genuine and appeared awkward. “Twitchy twitch, leg quiver, and finally a glob of spit to the dirt…or Applejack’s face since she got in the way! Do you even know what that means?!”

“Aside from spitting in AJ’s face…no,” Rainbow said, a bit uneasy. “But what about the—?”

Pinkie stared at her friend as if she was mentally unstable. She screamed, “It means I had to round up all of my friends! Applejack’s waiting right below us, and Fluttershy’s too busy taking care of her new human friends. So, we came to get you so we can all get Twilight and Rarity, you know…like friends would do!”

Pinkie’s mouth was covered in blue, Rainbow’s angry and tired eyes goring into Pinkie’s innocent ones. Their noses touched, Rainbow speaking in a low tone.

“What about the meteor, Pinkie?! What happened to Ponyville?!”

Pinkie Pie scoffed, pushing Rainbow’s hoof away. “That’s why I’m rounding you all together in the first place, silly filly! We’re gonna go throw that metal alien that crash-landed in the center of town a party!” After studying the look on Rainbow’s face, Pinkie raised a brow this time. “Are you telling me you missed that guy falling out of the sky?! You’d have to be some kind of blind lawyer to miss that!”

She floated back, studying her pink hoof with a look of carelessness filling her gaze. It was so quick, so unlike Pinkie to change her demeanor like that. Then again, it was Pinkie. Why would Rainbow ever question that? She stared on, the information she was given trying so hard to break Rainbow’s philosophy on what was right and wrong, what made sense and what didn’t. It was only Pinkie Pie to bring this kind of news, the kind that made Rainbow question reality.

With a yawn, Pinkie muttered, “Oh, yeah…there’s also a green rage monster destroying Ponyville.”


Roughly pushing Pinkie aside—which didn’t mean much to the floating mare as she just bobbed up and down in mid-air with a joyous smile on her lips—Rainbow Dash stepped outside to be greeted by the rising sun. From where she stood, she could see carriages and fruit stands and other massive objects being flung into the air as if they were weightless. As Pinkie mentioned, a monster was destroying Ponyville, and the destruction and the screams all emerged from the town.

Those screams were all drowned out by an ear-splitting roar, one so loud that Rainbow could feel its vibrations in her bloodstream. For just the briefest of moments, Rainbow allowed a chill to crawl up her spine. It was just a brief moment.

Once the roar ceased, a faint call came from below, earning both mares’ interests.

“Rainbow Dash! You get yer lazy rump out here this instant, missy!”

Groaning, Rainbow flew over to the edge of her flying fortress, a particular orange pony standing several yards below her. Her glare was strong, her voice even stronger, but that didn’t faze Rainbow Dash as she retorted with a yell of her own.

“Okay, Mom! I was just about to fly off and save Ponyville, but then I realized I’d have to be dragging around two deadweight ponies. By the time I got there, all of Ponyville would’ve been wiped out!” Applejack’s jaw dropped from that response, her face growing hotter.

Deadweight ponies?!” Applejack screamed. “You better get down here ta say that ta mah face, Rainbow Dash!”

She really wasn’t in the mood for this. She already got woken up from her big day off, and now she had to deal with all of this bull? Rainbow spread her wings, her glare fierce, but suddenly stopped when Pinkie appeared from behind her, her balloons keeping her afloat.

STOP!” Pinkie screamed, halting the actions of the two mares. She pointed towards Ponyville, eyes wide and body twitching about. She quickly explained, “We can all fight later in the sequel! For now, we have to get back to Ponyville and get the metal alien party started! If we make it there early, I’ll have enough time to prepare a rage monster party! Two parties for the price of one! I will not lose this opportunity again!”

The silence that hung between the three carried on for numerous, uncountable seconds. Thankfully, the silence didn’t last long. A collection of screams broke out again from the village, earning the group’s interests.

Sighing, Applejack pulled back her hat and said, “Pinkie’s somewhat right. No need ta fight now of all times. We need ta focus our efforts and save Ponyville!”

The weariness in Rainbow’s anger-ridden gaze suddenly vanished, instead replaced by the same old fire and intensity she always had. She smiled, nodding to Applejack below and shouting, “Lead the way, Applejack! Pinkie and I will follow!”

Applejack nodded back, a determined smiled graciously gracing her lips as she took off to the direction of Ponyville. Rainbow Dash spread her wings, leaping from her cloud home and catching almost instantly. She took off down near Applejack’s trail, leaving behind a lone Pinkie Pie hovering by five balloons.

That didn’t matter. Pinkie giggled and whipped out a small fan. She turned it on and slowly…slowly made her approach closer to Ponyville.

The weak wind felt good against Rainbow’s face, finalizing all the strength she needed for the challenge ahead. A monster was destroying Ponyville, a meteor had struck it earlier, and Pinkie rambled on about some metal alien. Overall, it just felt like any other day in Ponyville. But it felt different today. Today, on her day off, she was actually going to do something fun, like pounding the face in on whatever dumb monster thought it was good idea to stumble into her town.

Sooner or later, Rainbow Dash would be leading the charge, Applejack seemingly just becoming an orange dot over the hill. There she would be, Rainbow Dash, the hero of Ponyville and monster slayer. The mere thought of it brought a smirk to the mare’s face, only for it to instantly vanish once she was knocked into a nearby cloud.

Like…really hard.

Rainbow stuck her head out on the opposite side, her flank and tail still residing on her point of entry. She coughed for a brief moment, spitting out cloud dust and eyeing her surroundings, hopefully to catch a glimpse at what had just attacked her.

She saw it. Some of it, actually.

Whatever it was, it bore a red cape and broke across the afternoon skies at breakneck speeds, its wave actually feeling like bits and bolts of electricity coursing through the air and Rainbow’s mane. She shivered, teeth chattering once the caped creature quickly made its approach to the flying carriages and screaming ponies. Ponyville.

Her glare returned, teeth halting their chattering and instead choosing to grind together in anger. Whatever it was, it had the nerve to actually knock her into a cloud! Her, Rainbow Dash, the fastest flyer in Equestria! Her anger boiled, ready to blow, and Pinkie’s coverage of the situation helped to unleash that anger.

“Wow! That guy sure was fast! In fact, he was probably the fastest flyer in the world! I’d hate to be the pony that has to compete with that guy!” Pinkie shouted, her tiny fan pushing her slowly past the cloud Rainbow was lodged into.

Rainbow pushed herself out of the cloud. She hovered mid-air, eyes searching and locating the red dot that kept at its pace of approaching Ponyville. It wasn’t slowing down. Good. Rainbow just needed to catch up.

She frowned, blowing a strand of mane from her vision and muttered, “Fastest flyer in the world, huh?”

Pinkie Pie was blown aside, all of her balloons popping the moment the rainbow trail past her by. She clutched onto her little fan, screaming as she fell to the ground, but landing safely as a cat would. She eyed the heavens, catching sight of the rainbow trail quickly approach Ponyville with speeds Pinkie had yet to witness.

She gasped the moment the rainbow trail blasted by the caped figure, knocking said figure into the nearby lake with a splash nearly twenty feet high.

Thor slowly raised his head above the water, spitting the lake water out of his mouth.

The golden hair that stuck against his forehead blocked his vision, nearly obscuring the rainbow trail as it made its escape towards the screams of terror. It was the same rainbow trail that cut off his flight pattern, making him lose his grip around Mjølnir and forcing him to plummet to the only area the rainbow had knocked him towards.

A lake. A filthy, fish-ridden, scum-infested lake. It didn’t help that it was a rainbow that was strong enough to cut him off. A rainbow of all things.

“I hate this world…” Thor muttered, hearing several gasps from his left. Spinning about, Thor caught three younger looking equines staring at him from the lake’s edge with eyes far too big for their skulls to hope to contain.

The first one was an orange-colored Pegasus with a rough, purple mane. The second, a unicorn, Thor presumed, had a whiter coat, a soft pink and purple mixed mane to go with the coat. The last one was a yellow equine, possibly just a regular filly due to its lack of wings or a horn. The only distinguishing factor it had to the other two was its red bow and mane. All three sat together, all three eyed him with jaws slacked, and all three screamed in absolute terror and made a run for it.

He really didn’t want to care. Thor really didn’t want that to get to his nerves. He steadily exited the lake, water spilling from his armor and damp cape as he stepped into the dirt. From where he stood, he could see Mjølnir indented within the nearest tree, the same tree the three equines resided under before they retreated as fast as their little legs could push.

The Asgardian stuck out his palm, the hammer instantly flying outwards and landing in his grasp. He spun around, facing the same roars as he heard earlier.


And then he stopped. Slowly spinning back around, Thor caught the source of the new sounds. It came from the tree, the same tree he ripped his hammer out of. A massive hole remained in the side of the tree, several more cracks appearing around its base. It tipped, threatening even further. Right for him. Right where he was standing.

“I really hate this world,” Thor deadpanned as his vision was filled with tree branches and broken sparrow eggs.

Author's Note:

Can you spot the not-so-subtle references?

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