• Published 22nd Aug 2015
  • 14,333 Views, 1,970 Comments

A Beautiful New Age - JDPrime22

As it is said, true peace can only be granted through countless innocent lives. In hindsight, the ponies were never that different from humans. Ultron’s plan is not over, and soon his strings will be severed for the last time.

  • ...

Epilogue 5-Excelsior

He heard a mystical sound emerge from his study, prompting his attention down the long, empty hallway. He slowed to a stop, spinning his head towards the door where the sound originated. Adjusting his large glasses, the old man gently strode down the hall towards the door.

Once he had arrived, the old man waited by the face of the door, staring into its brown color, all of the edges and swirls of the wood. Then he heard another sound, something similar to that of rustling paper. Or, in his case, rustling comic books.

So with that in mind, the old man turned the knob and entered his private study.

And within the dark room, the light and warmth of the fireplace giving the only indication that someone had been present before him, there hovered a mystical creature near the old man’s shelf. Its body curled like a serpent, its mismatched limbs floating alongside it. Two different horns lied atop its head, a pair of similar wings on its backside. As its dragon’s tail swished back and forth, the old man recognized something in the creature’s grip.

Something that belonged to him.

So, he cleared his throat, making it painfully obvious that the creature wasn’t alone anymore.

Its head shot up like a disturbed dog, its neck twisting around like that of an owl. The old man still wondered if the creature actually was part dog and owl. He wouldn’t doubt it. Instead, once its misshapen eyes landed on him, the creature’s grin grew twice as large, showing its fangs.

“Oh, hey Stan,” it said.

Stan Lee just shook his head, closing the door behind him.

“Seriously, Discord?” Stan asked, watching as the draconequus twirled in mid-air. “There’s a thing called knocking.”

The creature, known as Discord, blew a quick raspberry. He waved his lion’s paw in front of him, saying, “Oh, but where’s the fun in that? I know no other being who knows the definition of fun more than you!”

It took a moment, but after staring at the innocent and playful grin on Discord’s face, Stan couldn’t help but share one with him. “You bet your bottom, I do!” Stan said, pointing at Discord.

Pleased to see the cheerfulness of the situation spread, Discord yawned, floating back over to the book shelf…or…comic book shelf. He stared at the comic in his grip, placing it back where it belonged. He said, “Well, I’m just dropping in to return a little comic of yours. Lord knows I’ve made better use of it than you did. You wouldn’t believe the adventure I was just in!”

Discord spun around, and all he saw was that gleaming smile on Stan’s lips, followed by a strong and knowing: “Try me.”

“Well, perhaps another time, maybe next Tuesday for our annual game of chess in Central Park?” Discord asked, floating over and nearly hovering a foot or two in front of the old but wise, old man. Stan nodded, slapping his hands together.

“You know it, buddy!”

With that confirmation, Discord’s smile vanished alongside the rest of his form, an audible pop being the only sound resonating within the study. Once he knew he was alone, allowing the fireplace’s crackles to be the only remaining sound, Stan approached his personal collection of comic books. His finger trailed across the rows upon rows of nearly endless works, finally resting on the one that was misaligned. He pulled it out carefully, reading the title displayed in the fireplace’s light.

It was titled “Age of Ultron”, and Stan Lee only smiled at that.

“Another story ends…” he muttered, placing the comic back in its place. With that same finger, he held it above each comic he skimmed over, finally finding the one he desired, slowly pulling it out into the fire’s glow. Stan read the title in his mind, exhaling through his nose.

“…and another begins.”

He gripped the edges of the comic book, retreating over to his big leather chair in front of the fireplace. Sighing with content, Stan adjusted his glasses and flipped to the first page. He scratched his chin, flipping to the next. His frown slowly grew as each page turned, as each picture emerged and each expression was seen.

It became intolerable, unexcused. So much that Stan stopped and closed the book, reaching over to the desk on his right and plucking his phone off the solid oak. Flipping it open, Stan dialed the number and listened for the rings. It rung three times, only three, until someone finally answered.

Stan didn’t let him say “hello”. He didn’t give him any time to react. “JD, its Stan Lee.”

Flustered, JD replied, “M-Mr. Lee?! Oh, wow, um, i-it’s an honor, sir. I’m surprised you kept my number at all after I violently handed it to you back at Comic-Con.”

“Save the fanboying for later, kid. I want you to get over here and bring your pencils, your paper, and that fancy laptop of yours. You know where I live, right?”

“Got it memori—I-I mean, I’ll figure it out.

“Good…” He looked down to the Civil War comic in his palms, that same gleaming, knowing smile reflecting the burning fireplace. “We got a new story to tell…”

Author's Note:

And another story closes. Well, this was a fun ride, but it's time for me to check out for a while, maybe focus on school. Whatever free time I got I'll use it for writing. Maybe I'll post a little teaser here sooner or later. :raritywink:

Thank you all for sticking with me through this work, and I'll see you all next time.

Also, yes, I do have Stan Lee's number now. Shuck it nerds. :trollestia: (this is a joke, don't take it seriously :derpytongue2:)

Comments ( 161 )

:rainbowderp::pinkiegasp:Bwuh?! You have.... HOW THE HELL DID YOU EVEN GET IT!? You lucky dog you!

The story may be over, but this adventure of worlds colliding has just begun.... And we are the champions that follow and fight at the last light...

Now for our next Crossover.....Deadpool, unless you will be like Fox and make us demand it for over 10 years. :derpytongue2:

Also, yes, I do have Stan Lee's number now. Shuck it nerds.

You know what...Sure...Considering how youtubers get all the opportunities...It's not out of the question a good enough fanfic author can get some recognition from the Creator of material...

Also, yes, I do have Stan Lee's number now. Shuck it nerds.

....that's...not fair.
As we finally reach the end of this fine tale, I think this is where I'll do my comprehensive review.
I noticed quite a few parallels to the Age of Ultron movie. Like with Ultron deciding to destroy everyone, the ally turning on him once they realized how dangerous he was, etc. Pretty good, although I feel like Vision and the Wonder Twins were underutilized. Yes, it was kind of hard for everybody to go looking for them at once, but it seems almost like you didn't know what to do with them. Also, you didn't ever really explain what was wrong with the Mind Stone, mostly handwaving it away. Regarding the secrets that Celestia and Luna kept, it wasn't a bad idea, but it seems like the only purpose was to convince Ultron to kill all the ponies, and create a tiny divide between the Avengers and the ponies, which didn't even last that long. Also, what happened to Typhon?
Now, to move to a more positive note, it's not a bad story, even with these problems. You got the characters down, the fight scenes were well written, the dialogue was fantastic, and I liked the interactions. Like I said before, Tony/Twilight is hilarious. I think my favorite scene is Luna lifting Mjolnir, although I wish she'd done so in the final battle. Not to mention that seeing the Avengers, the Mane Six, Discord, Celestia, Luna, and Spike against the legions of hell itself was nothing but epic.
Reminds me even more of Age of Ultron: It has it's flaws, but at it's core, it's a well written story. I can't wait for the sequel.

Well shit. Forget about another Thanos teaser, this is way cooler!

Also, yes, I do have Stan Lee's number now. Shuck it nerds. :trollestia:

:rainbowderp: Give it to us. NOW.

Oh you lucky son of a bitch

You're not serious are you? Well that sounds wonderful! When does the sequel start?

You got Stan Lee's number?! God, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous! :trixieshiftleft:

Boy, what better way to end this story than with a Stan Lee cameo. And considering Stan had been calm when Discord appeared before him, I guess it's just another day at the office for him like that one time the real Spider-Man from the 90's animated series came to see him. What's next, Deadpool crashing Lauren Faust's office? :rainbowwild:

This story has been a good read! I loved "Avengers: Age of Ultron" despite some of it minor flaws and this felt like a faithful extention to it while also merging in somewhere in season 5 of MLP and slightly altering some story events to fit with the story. I felt Ultron's character development here was a lot more darker and better than how the film did it. I loved the interactions between the Avengers and ponies (especially between Tony and Twilight and my favourites chapters would have to be Chapter 16 (the slice of life chapter using ideas from the commenters), Chapter 19 (Twilight seeing Tony and Thor naked, that was funny!) and Chapter 44 (Hulkbuster and Hulk vs Tirek). I would say that I did feel that Wanda, Pietro and Vision were a bit underused considering that they don't have that much involvement until about halfway through the story, but you do make up for it when they do finally have their moments.

Good job on this, JD! I wish you luck on the sequel! Until then, you have a good break! :scootangel:

I'm not gonna say I'm really jealous. Either way, I live in Asia for God sakes.

And wow this was a real good end. But you have to mention AT LEAST mention in the sequel that Discord and Shining ate shawarma.



At long last! No Marvel story is complete without Stan "The Man" Lee.

7508650 Indeed. It has only just begun... :pinkiecrazy:

7508665 Deadpool is unfortunately not confirmed for the MCU yet, so can't use him. :fluttercry:

7508670 All things considered. :ajsmug:

7508750 Yes, but it might be a while.

7508757 I've noticed the problems with this story, and I seek to make the sequel better. And I'm saving Typhon for later. Definitely not done with him yet. :pinkiecrazy: Thanks for sticking with this ride till the end!

7508783 I'll give you the first number.


Good luck. :trollestia:

7508806 :derpytongue2:

7508891 Great review! Loved everything about it! Thanks a ton for reading and be sure to stick around for the sequel! :pinkiehappy:

7509028 I'll get working on it probably when Civil War is released on DVD.

7510241 Don't doubt it! Hopefully Fox and Marvel can make a deal...then maybe we can get some Deadpool action. :rainbowkiss: Thanks a ton for all the support and I'll see you next time!

7510432 Haha I'll definitely remember to.

7511961 I simply can't not use him. I'd get burned at the stake.

7512001 oh I feel like giving you the Finger for that remark

7512001 Happy to stick with it. It makes me so happy that somebody finally finished a long MCU/Friendship is Magic crossover. Like I said, don't worry about the problems. You did a great job.

7512144 Hey Mr. Motion, make me a potion, shake it all up with your mystery.

You're so awesomely awesome.

7512009 I has s question. I just rewatched Civil War and I am curious. What are you're thoughts? Here are mine.

Both factions have definite reasons for their choices. Tony wanted to sign the Accords because he felt guilty for all Ultron had done and that if no one keeps the Avengers in check, then what are they really? My only problem is that ONE person was all it took to convince him to sign. How could Tony let that one person at the beginning solidify his decision when there are tons of others who were grateful to him for helping him.

Steve's decision NOT to sign the Accords is understandable too. Steve fights for freedom, that's his whole reason for becoming Captain America. He believes that signing the Accords will result in him unable to direct his attention to what he really think needs it and that he may become used by someone with their own agendas.

Zemo is the most peculiar. Earlier I insulted him because of all he's done only to see his actions get justified. I get his reasons for wanting to destroy the Avengers and that he felt guilty for all the lives he's claimed. But he still did them anyway, proving his vengeance triumphs over conscience. Zemo may think he's done the right thing, but we all know that the Avengers are weaker than ever, how will they protect their world if it's just three? Which begs the question what will you do with Zemo in the sequel?

Overall, Captain America: Civil War kicked ass and had lots of moments that makes you think. But we can all agree on one thing: Thunderbolt Ross is the true asshole.

7515805 I think Tony would think more broad if anything. Yes, it did take one person for him to agree to the Accords, but I like to think of it as him knowing that many people did die, many people did lose loved ones like the woman who confronted him, and he sees all of that loss because of his mistakes.

Yes, I was on Captain America's side for the movie, but I was torn between the two as the film progressed on my first viewing. I see what Steve did and how much he sacrificed for his best friend, but I also feel for Tony having so much guilt over Ultron. Both sides have strong views, so there really isn't a good and bad side in this situation.

Zemo's gonna be an interesting character to work with. We'll see.

7522946 You said you're going to explore the Avenger's origin stories right? Because if Winter Soldier is in it, the ponies will need one. But did Spike really wield a HYDRA rifle and did Cap see it?

7523052 The origin stories are already written and finished, so I don't have to do much but explain them. Since the sequel will be a Captain America story, it's going to focus mainly on him and the struggles he'll go through with the ponies by his side. And yes, everything I've written in this story (besides the vision sequences) happened.

7525083 I can't wait. I actually had this idea where Winter Soldier goes berserk and after he gets fixed Cap turns to look at Rainbow Dash and gives off an expression that says "insult him, see what happens" with his eyes narrow.

Oh I don't know how I feel about the civil war one. Hated it when they fought each other, awesome, but hated it. Lol
So now the only question remains...when and how will the sequel go? Xp

7548018 I'll start working on the sequel after Civil War is released on Blu-Ray.

7554428 Let us take this moment to honor the fallen Americans that we fight so hard to protect. Keep it real Captain America.

Comment posted by MarioBrony deleted Sep 22nd, 2016

7525083 Best Avengers crossover EVER!!!! I hope the sequel is as good!! :heart::twilightsmile:

Heres my view of how the civil war will play out in the sequel and which side the ponies will take.
Team Iron Man with: Fluttershy, Twilight, and Pinkie pie.
Team Captain with: Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity.

7592304 Cool, what did i miss in terms of lineup?

7589707 I think Pinkie Pie and Rarity should switch places.

7593120 You really think so? please tell me why

7594550 I've always thought of Rarity as a bit of a rule follower. I think following a set of rules telling you when and where to operate would suit her more. Pinkie, on the other hand, is a more free spirited person. She'd probably think not waiting around to catch the bad guy would be more fun.

7594665 ok thanks i hope the story goes on very well Which side do you think spike, and/or Starlight (If she survived) would take

i hope the sequel comes real soon

7592304 2319304 Hey, I Think I Found Which MCU Film you should use for the sequel following the Captain America: Civil War Sequel....Question Reality....Change your Destiny....Save The World....DOCTOR STRANGE!!!

....Nuff Said.
with thanks,
from your biggest #1 Fan of all time in the history of all of existence,
Shane W.L. Nokes aka James S.K. Plasma aka Dark-Pulse/Darkimus-Primal
P.S. as well as Flashback Scenes to the 2015 film ant-man....

.....The End...For Now

7650648 what the fuck do you do Jackass besides arguing at people for no reason and for the record I only joined this site so that I can follow a good Godzilla Crossover that has good gualitys despite having ponies in it, don't go Bitching at some people just because they don't like the franchise, I get it that they can learn to forgive but that kind of forgiveness takes time to settle with not right off the bat, so forgive me for preferring Realism, who's the moron now bitch

7650648 What the Fuck do you do with your life Jackass besides insulting people with petty arguments, I only joined this site to follow on a Godzilla Crossover with good quality despite having ponies in it.

So don't Bitch at some people who don't like this Franchise or prefer stories with Realistic Personality it just show how much of a Hypocrite you are!

Who's the Moron now Bitch

Season 6 has officially ended!! I eagerly await the next story!!

You really have Stan Lee's number?! How did you get so personal with him? And did you tell him about your story?

This was a very good story.

.....if the notes are true then theree will be many who hate you.........

And yet another glorious creation by JD! This was a fantastic read, with a lot of good surprises and takes on the characters. I eagerly look forward to reading the sequel!

8649878 Thanks a ton! Hope you enjoy it! :rainbowkiss:


Finally got through this novel of a story, and I loved it! Very well done.

I’m a little ashamed it took me so long to come across it - I only found it a couple weeks ago. And I’m really surprised this doesn’t have more likes.

Awesome stuff!

Now then... onto the sequel!

8803769 Thanks a ton! Hope you enjoy the sequel!

And the guards are actually here..... unlike the movie where they all vanished without a trace while the Storm King attacked!!!

Discord and Stan Lee are friends.... why does that not surprise me.

"Also, yes, I do have Stan Lee's number now. Shuck it nerds."

Wait seriously!!!! How did you pull that off and more importantly.... does he know about this story?

And with that I finally finished this story and man what a story it was. Really great story!!! I thought the characters were in character, the action was great, and it was nice to see characters like the princesses and Discord join the fight.

Though I will admit if there's one problem I had with it it would probably be the dark past of Equestria. I get it was supposed to motivate Ultron to destroy Equus, but I feel like Ultron is the type of character that would have wanted to destroy it even without that dark past. After all Equestria isn't a perfect place in the show.

Still a great story though.

I do wonder what Starlight's going to do since she isn't Twilight's student here.

I do wonder how the ponies are going to handle Civil War. Too be honest I could see some ponies like Twilight not really taking sides and just want to stop the fighting.

8816603 Thanks a ton for reading! Hope you enjoy the sequel! :twilightsmile:

Yeah that, too, Typhon's here so, yrah.

Hey Celestia, I've got a message for you from Master Yoda: The greatest teacher, Failure is.

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