• Published 22nd Aug 2015
  • 14,333 Views, 1,970 Comments

A Beautiful New Age - JDPrime22

As it is said, true peace can only be granted through countless innocent lives. In hindsight, the ponies were never that different from humans. Ultron’s plan is not over, and soon his strings will be severed for the last time.

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Chapter 5-God of Blunder

Thor Odinson awoke spitting up his own blood.

His lungs ached. So bad. Desperately trying to breathe in resulted in a fit of coughs, the dirt in front of him painted dark crimson. Slowly, he lifted up his neck, groaning in pain as he brought up his wrist and wiped the side of his mouth. Nearly his entire forearm was covered red from the action.

The Asgardian used his thumb to wipe his mouth, noticing little to no blood. He’d gotten the majority of it for now. His eyes abandoned the sight of his thumb and focused on his surroundings.

From the sight of it, he appeared to be trapped within a dark forest, little sunlight breaking through from above. Vines stretched across his vision, tangled around tree limbs and hanging limply from the darkness above and around. Groaning, he planted his fists into the dirt, pushing himself up until he rose to his knees.

Thor lifted up his head, small strands of sunlight hitting his eyesight.

He instantly shut his eyes. Doing so forced quick memories to spur past his gaze. Thor placed his palm against his forehead, grinding his teeth together.

Visions of the fall returned. He could see a black void, so big and vicious that it sucked him inside no matter how hard he tried to get away. Others were taken as well, but they were blurred, mere abstracts of their true selves. The air rushing past his ears and into his face felt so real, just as much as the falling bodies joining him in the free fall to the colorful earth below. His comrades…

Thor’s eyes shot open.

He remembered.

He remembered the mighty Mjølnir flying into his grasp by his command, granting him flight only when he swung the hammer around and around, pushing him straight forward through the blurring clouds and bright sunlight. There he was. Agent Barton falling to his demise, so close to reaching the ground. He shot forward, grasped the tiny man into his arms, and landed safely, albeit with a tumble in the forest floor.

There was still one other. Still falling. He swung his hammer around and around, eyes glaring up to the heavens to see a particular soldier nearly reach the treetops. Not yet. Not while he was still grasping consciousness. He remembered blasting apart hundreds of tree limbs just to reach his target. Barely scraping the tree tops, Thor roared one final time before he tackled the soldier in mid-air, the two crashing down in a mix of limbs and blood.

And that was it.

Which meant…

“Rogers…can you hear me?” the Son of Odin finally asked, his breathing growing heavier by the second. Still on his knees, he scanned the forest foliage, noticing the massive hole several yards away from him leading straight up, presumably where he and the mortal man had made first impact. He continued looking around, finally spotting the soldier lying a few feet away from him.

“Oh, no…”

Thor quickly shot up, spinning around and making his way to the prone man. He fell to one knee, already beginning to assess the damage his mortal friend had acquired. A large gash made itself present on Roger’s right abdomen, blood leaking profusely from the horrid wound and spewing onto his uniform. Thor cringed, but sighed with relief. Blood that was still flowing meant the heart was still pumping.

Pressing his palm against the wound, Thor shook his head, bringing his worried gaze over to the man’s face. “You will be fine, my friend. It is a flesh wound. We just need to acquire some assistance, is all.” Rogers’ expression remained the same. Eyes closed and lifeless.

A powerful and haunting howl captured the Asgardian’s attention very quickly, causing him to flinch and scan the dark trees surrounding them. “I fear we will not find it here,” he muttered, standing back up with his cape swaying to the side. Thor caught something shimmering in the bushes, and for a moment he thought it to be Mjølnir. He reached down, gripped the side of the object and yanked it free.

It was the Captain’s shield.

Another spine-chilling howl. Sighing, he placed the weapon right atop Rogers’ chest, bending down to grip the man’s forearm. “I will find us a suitable resting ground for the time being. Rest now, my friend,” Thor told him calmingly, moving forward and dragging the limp body of Steve Rogers right into darkness.

Odinson marched on, making sure to crush sharp twigs to allow the Captain some sort of comfort until he found somewhere safe. He pushed tree limbs aside, ripping down a tangle of vines until he found it. He had entered an opening within the cluster of trees, a large pond resting near the edge of the tree lines. Thor managed a tiny grin to tug at his lips.

With hardly any effort, the Asgardian dragged the wounded Super Soldier over to the edge of the shimmering pond. He could already see fish beneath the water’s mirror edge scatter once their shadows fell over them. That mattered not. Thor reached down, plucked the shield from Rogers’ chest and set it to the side.

He kneeled down, both hands digging into the cool water. He sighed, already wiping the dried blood from his wrist. Cupping his hands together, Thor splashed his face and moaned with content, the coolness calming his nerves and his skin. He cupped his hands once more, levitating the dripping pool over to the Captain’s head.

“Awake, my friend. We have much to discuss,” Thor said, splashing the man’s face. Steve Rogers jolted up, yelling in agony the moment he did so. He placed both palms near the target wound, his teeth grinding together and face contorted into several images of pain.

Ah! God! Ahh…” Rogers groaned.

“It is getting worse,” a heavy voice noted, capturing the eyes of the injured man. Steve instantly noticed Thor kneeling down near a pond, his face wet and gaze focused not on him but where it hurt. He winced heavily, taking his palms off the wound to see his gloves smothered in dark red.

“You are in dire need of medical attention.”

Steve nodded, biting his lip. “Looks like it,” he breathed, eyes shooting up and around. “…Where are we?”

Thor muttered something incoherent, bringing up his wet palm to scratch his stubble. “We must have landed somewhere deep into the forests of Sokovia. You and Barton were the only ones I managed to rescue in time. I cannot speak for the others.”

The God of Thunder sighed heavily while simultaneously scratching the back of his head. Steve turned his head towards him. “That still does not explain the vortex that appeared after I blew apart the—”

And then he instantly dropped his gaze.

Thor shook his head, eyeing Rogers’ low stare. “Listen to me… I do not embrace the decision any more than you do, but we had no other choice.”

“Really?” Steve asked, slowly nodding his head, keeping his hard stare forward and away from the Asgardian. “You taking advice from Stark now?”

“It was my choice, not his!”

“Does it make any difference?!” Rogers shouted, placing his palms against his abdomen once more. He pursed his lips tight, staring up into nothing until finally bringing his gaze back to Thor. “All that matters is that hundreds of innocent people died. Hundreds…of innocent people. By our hands. How can we protect the world when we let the blood of innocent lives fall onto us?”

“What difference does it make?” Thor asked, almost breathless. He slowly stood up, eyeing the prone soldier with wounded eyes. He said, “You do not believe I to be one with loss? You do not think I regret the decision I made? Because I do!”

Steve’s jaw dropped, shallow breathing flowing in and out.

Thor continued, shaking his head and narrowing his eyes. “We are the protectors of Earth, the very world that holds my dear Jane…and billions of others. How can I go about with the weight of such loss when I can bear such little?”

The Captain dropped his gaze. “You can’t put weight on human life. Every bit, every single life is precious. And we just tossed it aside as if it was nothing.”

“I feel for the hundreds lost, my friend. But you cannot tell me that the extinction of mankind would be any less than what has already been done.”

The silence drifted on between the two Avengers, bringing forth the music of the demented forest. The music waded in and out, up and around, surrounding the two in its dark embrace. Steve kept his gaze centered on Thor, their eyes locking, connecting, and intertwining. He saw the sorrow, the absolute loss of color in Thor’s once powerful vision. He saw all that he needed to.

Thor watched his comrade prop himself up on his right elbow, cringing only once. The man sighed, shaking his head before clenching his bloody palm into a fist.

“There’s always a choice…” Steve managed to croak, staring up at Thor with sorrow-filled eyes. He muttered, “You know that, right?”

Thor nodded, holding out his hand to the man. “More than I ever could,” he told him.

Steve began to reach forward, but stopped when a quiet rustling appeared from behind the caped god. Thor just so happened to hear the rustling as well, spinning about and facing the dark foliage where it made itself announced. The leaves amongst the fields of bushes began to stir more violently.

“What is it?” the Captain asked, struggling to see passed Thor’s red cape.

“Trouble,” Thor stated, jamming out his right forearm, fingers outstretched.

The rustling became more excited, pushing past low tree limbs and snapping them in the process. Thor kept his glare centered on the area of the movement, his fingers flexing in and out over and over again. It should be any moment now…the moment whenever the foul creature stuck its miserable head out of the bushes and struck.

It appeared. Through the dark bushes, a pair of glowing yellow eyes stared down the two.

Thor bared his teeth. Any moment now…

Any moment for the creature to emerge and—

A pair of hooves stepped out from the bushes, pushing forward until a cloaked figure broke through the darkness and entered the light. Thor, his hand still outstretched, caught slight traces of gold lined around the foreleg and neck of the small creature. Steve leaned over, eyes narrowing to witness their visitor.

It reached forward and pulled down the hood. The yellow eyes disappeared, replaced only with a pair of strong cyan.

“For what reason were you yelling? I heard the both of you all the way from my dwelling.”

Thor kept his gaze centered on the figure, the strange animal that had just spoken to them. His lips shut, hiding his teeth, and only his gaze remained, unbroken and willing to stare on. Thor knew what it was. From the forelegs to the pronounced muzzle, to the mane and tail, Thor quickly realized something…

He had no idea animals from Earth could talk.

“…A talking…horse…?” Thor muttered, lowering his arm and earning a curious eyebrow to rise from their visitor.

“Zebra,” Captain America corrected, though the disbelief in his breath was strong.

Thor couldn’t respond in time. A hammer broke through the trees and smacked him right in the side of the head, sending the God of Thunder into blackness.

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