• Published 22nd Aug 2015
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A Beautiful New Age - JDPrime22

As it is said, true peace can only be granted through countless innocent lives. In hindsight, the ponies were never that different from humans. Ultron’s plan is not over, and soon his strings will be severed for the last time.

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Chapter 21-Another Gala, Another Bloodbath

Spike brought the carriage to halt, his reptilian eyes lingering over to his far left to envy the pure, alluring lights and festivities down the road, across the bridge, and into the Grand Galloping Gala. Ponies, dressed and fitted to the fullest in their greatest and most stunning attire lined the road leading up to the front gates.

“Well, another Gala…” Spike muttered, his sentence lingering as he hopped off the coach’s position on the carriage. He paid the fine stallions their dues—bits given to him from Twilight, of course—and approached the carriage doors.

He straightened his tie, a nervous sweat building at his forehead.

“Another chance to impress Rarity,” he finished, claw extending and opening the carriage door to release its occupants. The young dragon stepped aside, bowing politely as the group made their exit.

Righteous driving, little dragon dude.”

The first two to exit were, unmistakably, Fluttershy and her guest Tree Hugger. The two wore stunning dresses; Tree Hugger’s being a little laid-back while Fluttershy’s was simple yet gorgeous in its peacock-type design. Spike gave each of them nod, eyes shifting over to the open door.

A trio of fillies nearly trampled over one another, as if they challenged each other to be the first one outside, which they probably did. As Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo pushed each other off, their eyes gleamed like the stars in the night sky, the smiles growing wider than their faces could hold.

“We’re here! We’re here! We’re here!” the Cutie Mark Crusaders triumphed, hopping around in a circle and performing small, victory dances. Spike chuckled a bit, turning his head back to the carriage.

Applejack’s hoof met the concrete. She, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity, all fancied up in their gorgeous dresses, stood side by side as they all made their exit. Both Rainbow Dash and Applejack merely rolled their eyes at the adorable scene before them. Rarity wasn’t having any of it.

“Ease yourself, dear sister,” Rarity mumbled, stumbling forward and nearly tripping over herself. She yawned, heavy bags building under her eyelids. “We can…yawn…act like barbarians back home. But for now I’d like for you to be on your best…behavior…”

She shut her eyes, slightly leaning back and forth as a few, soft snores escaped her.

While the Crusaders simply exchanged a few glances between each other, shrugging it off and racing one another to the front gates, Applejack stirred Rarity awake, chuckling a bit as the unicorn flinched back from her touch.

“And I expect the upmost—!”

She stopped. She stared straight ahead. Her little sister was gone, already racing past Fluttershy and Tree Hugger. Both Applejack and Rainbow laughed this time, the orange mare draping her hoof on Rarity’s shoulder.

“Let ‘em have some fun, Rares. A night like this only comes once a year,” Applejack drawled, leading the weary unicorn to their destination.

Rainbow Dash caught up with them. “And don’t pass out on us just yet, Rarity! We got plans tonight…”

Rarity yawned once more, yet she still wore a confident smile. “Alright…just for you girls…and my sister,” Rarity confirmed for herself. Her smile fell, realization kicking in. She had spent every last second designing, stitching, and finalizing the suits and dresses for each of her friends, pony and human alike. And of course Asgardian. They were in such a rush that even the designer didn’t get to see her work on full display.

What would the reactions be? How would Canterlot and all the finest of ponyfolk see their alien visitors for the first time? Would it be good? Would it be bad? Rarity was biting her lip just thinking about it, her head swiveling backwards. Both Applejack and Rainbow followed her actions.

“Oh, this isn’t good! This isn’t good one bit!” she whined. “What was I thinking creating the attire on the day of the Gala? Oh, no! They must look horrid! What will the fine citizens of Canterlot think of the…”

Pinkie, Maud, and Twilight exited the carriage while Rarity rambled on with her dying sentence, leaving only the remaining six to make their escape. The first was—predictably—Tony Stark, making his official reveal with a suit tailored and prime to his wanting. It was black as night, a tie to go just with it, and golden cuff links at the wrists.

Stepping out next was Clint Barton, sporting tinted sunglasses with a suit to match Stark’s. He exited the carriage with a confident smirk, adjusting his tie and standing next to the billionaire. Barton nodded to Stark, who smiled and raised his eyebrows curiously back to the carriage.

Out next stepped the God of Thunder himself. His outfit was slightly different than the others, still holding the traditional black suit and shoes. However, he wore a red tie to mirror the braid in his long, golden hair that hung on his back like a ponytail. He observed both Stark and Barton, smiling to them and gripping Mjølnir ever so lighter.

The next Avenger was the First Avenger himself. Steve Rogers bent low to avoid the low roof of the carriage, straightening up to adjust his red tie. Out of all the suits shared amongst Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Rogers’ was the most colorful. Along with his red tie, he wore a white shirt directly underneath, covered altogether by a blue jacket. It was his choice. Red, white, and blue.

Alongside the Captain, Doctor Banner made his exit, wearing a simple black and white suit similar to both Stark’s and Barton’s. Instead, he chose a bowtie. No one even knew why. Still, the man smiled, observing the colorful fireworks bursting in the distance, the images dancing across his eyesight. He spun his head back to the carriage door, holding out his hand.

A soft, fragile palm landed into his. He gently led her outside. Rarity gasped, eyes widening at the sheer sight of it. Her work. Her…beautiful work.

Holding onto his hand, Natasha Romanoff made her first steps out into the open. Several bystanders turned their heads. Even Spike gawked at the flowing and vibrant colors the dress evoked. It was simply exquisite, magnificent even, and Natasha couldn’t hold back her smile.

Her flowing, tan dress covered her ankles and feet, stretching nearly three feet behind her. From the lower waist to the chest, the alluring, tan fabric hugged her skin and held no supports on the shoulders. The straps rested lower than that, decorated by colorful gemstones that glistened and shined in Luna’s moonlight. Her orange hair was curled to perfection, red lipstick applied gently to the woman’s lips. Together, both Bruce and Natasha approached the rest of the Avengers, earning several nods for confirmation from each other.

They all turned to Rarity, expecting some sort of reaction.

“…absolutely…incredible…works of artistry…”

Rarity appeared to be on the verge of collapsing, if near exhaustion from creating the dresses and witnessing her work admired by all who passed wasn’t enough, than the sight of it could have well been the knockout punch. But it wasn’t, thankfully, as both Applejack and Rainbow Dash guided the weary mare down the road and across the bridge.

As the stallions lead the carriage over to the parking area, the Gala’s fresh guests stood outside in the chilly air, observing their surroundings and one another with keen interest. Pinkie offered Twilight a quick hug, to which she responded in full, and watched as the pink mare and her older sister made their way to the front gates. Twilight smiled, spinning her neck back.

“Okay, are you all ready?” she asked.

Thor was the first to respond. He held out his arms wide, yelling, “Let us celebrate this grand occasion until we can no longer see straight! Fresh drinks all around!” Several ponies turned their way, some giggling and even whispering to one another.

Twilight caught this, shushing the Asgardian and saying, “No, Thor! The Grand Galloping Gala is a prestigious and high-class event. There will be no drinking any alcoholic beverages while I’m running the show.”

Casting his disheartened gaze towards the Alicorn as he walked by, Thor faced the road fully and smiled, reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out a small vial. His eyes shifted mysteriously, clutching onto the vial almost as tightly as he held Mjølnir.

“Well, it is a good thing I always come prepared,” he whispered.

Twilight watched him leave, turning her attention back to the others. With a confirmed nod, the group moved forward down the road, quickly approaching the front gates. Twilight walked alongside Stark, the duo stepping onto the bridge before the others could.

She leaned over, speaking in an assuring tone. “I don’t want you to feel pressured, Mr. Stark. There could be many ponies asking you several questions. I mean, if you thought I was bad…”

The man just shrugged. “I enjoy the attention,” he replied.

Twilight snorted. They all passed the bridge, pushing forward into the massive structure.

“Well, I sure hope you’re not lying to me this time. Because you’ll get attention. You’ll get a lot of attention,” Twilight finalized, standing in front of the group of five and blocking their path. They all stopped, watching intently as the Princess before them bowed politely.

“I have work to see through with Princess Celestia,” Twilight stated, bringing up her head and smiling at the group. She gestured her eyes over to the ballroom, the area with the most screams once Thor entered unannounced. “You can all go and mingle in the meantime. We’ll join you all later.”

She spun around to make her escape, eyes staring intently to the stairs leading up to her old mentor and fellow princess. However, her actions were halted, her body ceasing once the voice called out to her from behind.


The Alicorn looked back from the first steps, noticing the group giving her friendly smiles, the kind that warmed the mare’s heart. It was Steve who spoke out, the soldier gesturing to each of his team. “We just want to say…thank you,” he concluded, precisely and accurately.

“For everything,” Barton added, his eyes glistening from behind the dark shades.

Banner looked around. “All of this…even after everything. We can’t thank you or your friends enough for how you’ve been helping us in this difficult time.”

Stark stepped forward. He smirked. “We really do appreciate everything you’ve done.”

It was probably the most sincere thing she had ever heard Tony tell her. With butterflies racing in her stomach and her eyes on the verge of shedding a few tears, Twilight simply waved it off like it was nothing, smiling as saying, “You’re all very welcome. We’re glad to help friends. Now, go and have the best night of your lives!”

“Amen to that!” Stark agreed, turning his head over to the ballroom. He adjusted his cuff links, smile growing by the second. Time to show the ponies of Canterlot the why he reigned supreme.

“We’re here! We’re here! We made it to the Gala!” the Crusaders cheered in unison as they entered the ballroom, only earning an amused glance between the two mares watching over them. Rainbow Dash and Applejack to be exact.

Rarity was fast asleep by a near table, her cheek pressed against the table while her snores became lost in the midst of the Gala’s occupants.

While Pegasi commandeered the near ceiling, the most distinguished and renowned of Canterlot’s finest citizens conversed with one another, speaking of their latest grand achievements and activities weeks prior to the Gala. Laughter was shared amongst the drinks handed out, numerous conversations taking up and blocking out the smooth music.

It was a night of magic, getting together with friends, and chatting with some of Canterlot’s finest citizens. It was a night that simply couldn’t go wrong. Discord made his way into the ballroom, dropping a glistening diamond into the awaiting mouth of the Smooze.

Discord pushed up his orange top hat with his cane, scanning the room with his twisted, yellow gaze. The ballroom was filled with well-dressed individuals, almost completely ignoring the Spirit of Chaos himself stroll into the Gala. It was surprising, yes, especially to Discord, how nopony seemed to notice his presence. But that wasn’t his mission.

His mission was to find Fluttershy, and make her as jealous as possible.

He searched to and fro for the yellow Pegasus and her new friend what’s her face. As he observed the Gala’s gullible guests, he caught sight of six…very strange creatures. They were spread out amongst the classes, chatting with numerous ponies or simply having a drink and lying back in their seats. Even then there seemed to be a crowd around them.

He couldn’t put his talon on what they were exactly, and he couldn’t care long enough to find out. He made his way into the ballroom, planting his cane down with every step forward, the Smooze following close behind and leaving a trail of green slime across the dance floor.

A collection of nearby laughter caught the draconequus’ attention, prompting his head to swivel over to the far right. There, he could see several ponies—all of which much to pompous to be acting the way they were—laughing and gurgling down their drinks as they circled around the nearest table, a table where one of the six creatures stood. An amusing grin tugged at his lips as he observed each pony trying their luck at lifting the abnormally large hammer resting on the table.

A weakened stallion, his mind ablaze, pulled with all his might on the hammer’s handle. The crowd cheered him on, drinks and laughter spilling all around. Thor calmly took a sip from his punch, chuckling all the while.

The stallion reared back, performing a backflip as he fell from the table, earning a massive groan from the crowd followed by numerous giggles. The hammer remained frozen, unmoved by all who had dared to lift the weapon.

“There has to be some kind of dark magic behind this fascinating weapon, or something that you refuse to tell us about!” a unicorn stallion with a monocle dangling from his ear mentioned, poking the hammer with his hoof. As the failed contestant rose to all four hooves, rubbing the back of his head, the unicorn turned back to Thor, instantly taking notice of the amused grin gracing his features.

Thor took a long sip from his punch, shivering as the liquid traveled down his throat. He chuckled, nearly spitting out his punch. “For what reason would I need to lie, my friend? It is simple! Either you are worthy or not!”

“Well, can you at least tell us why the punch you offered us tastes so much different…and better than it usually did?” a tipsy mare asked, leaning on her forelegs as she gazed lovingly at the Asgardian.

With mysterious eyes flickering back and forth, Thor reached into his coat pocket and plucked out the small vial, opening it and pouring its contents into his cup. “That is for me to know and for Princess Twilight never to find out,” he said.

“Cheers to that!” Soarin’ shouted, his voice muffled in drunkenness. He held out his cup in the air, to which Thor and many others participated in. They all tapped their glasses, chugging down their drinks with Soarin’ falling flat onto his back. With that, the table exploded into laughter.

“Just what is so funny over here?”

And just like that, Thor’s blood froze. He slowly spun around, his smile quickly vanishing once Princess Luna—dressed as beautiful as her own night sky—approached the table, a curious smile etched onto her lips.

Spitfire placed her empty glass back onto the table, licking her lips and eyes widening at the Princess’ arrival. “Princess Luna, Your Majesty,” she exclaimed, drunken mind processing an incredible idea. She pointed her hoof to the large hammer in the center of the table, shouting with impaired speech, “You’ve got to try and lift this—!”

It was instantly plucked from the table, shocking numerous mares and stallions, Luna herself included. Thor clutched Mjølnir close to his heart as if he never wanted to let it go. He quickly said, “Well, that seems to be the drink calling out to me. Anyone else need a refill? No? Very well!”

He retreated back to the punch bowl as fast as he could, leaving behind several confused ponies, especially Luna. The drunken stupor in the majority’s eyes turned to the Princess, watching with little attention as her ears fell flat.

“Was it something we said?” Luna muttered sadly.

Discord took a step back to allow the strange creature with the hammer to swiftly move past him. He watched as the creature escaped in sanctuary to the refreshments table, but even then Discord had lost all interest in his adventures. He adjusted his hat, eyes closed as he prepared to take another step forward.

And then he opened his eyes and nearly ran into two more of them.

Celestia, did they let every single creature known or unknown to ponykind into the Gala nowadays? From behind the draconequus, the Smooze belched out green slime.

“Hey, watch where you’re go…iiinnn…” Discord began to deprecate, yet his sentence fell flat as his twisted gaze landed on the beautiful form to the first creature’s right. The female, eyes wide with confusion and shock, took a step backwards alongside her companion. Discord grew a corny grin, taking off his hat which revealed his disarranged horns.

With an improved attitude, Discord greeted with a grin and asked, “My, my, who might this delicate creature be?”

Bruce Banner began to let his body relax once the strange monstrosity looked down upon them with a calming gaze. He could feel Natasha’s iron grip around his arm loosen just a tad. For a girl of her size, she sure did pinch hard. But his mind wasn’t on that as of yet, it was still reeling on the fact that a creature with numerous body parts arranged in a crude puzzle stood three feet in front of them.

It asked a question, its alluring eyes turned to Natasha.

Noticing that his date couldn’t seem to respond in time, Banner took it upon himself to speak for her. “Oh, well, yes, her name is Natasha Romanoff and we were just about to—”

“Miss Romanoff!” the creature exclaimed, pushing Banner none too gently aside.

He lingered by her right, smiling brightly and saying, “It is truly an honor to meet someone with a little higher standard of class, especially from a bunch of…um…eh…”

“Humans,” Banner clarified, dusting himself off.

Discord snapped his fingers. “Yes, just the word I was looking for! Oh, but where are my manners? Discord! Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. It is my pleasure,” he mused, snatching Natasha’s palm and kissing her knuckles. Natasha forced a smile, but it instantly died once her eyes set on the green pile of blob moving slowly towards her.

“Oh, I think someone likes you, or the jewels on your dress!” Discord playfully exclaimed, floating over to wrap his extended claw around the blob’s body. “Miss Romanoff, I’d like you to meet the Smooze. He’s a guy with just as much of class as you, I suppose.”

The Smooze burped and wobbled back and forth, its growing mouth leaning towards Natasha’s dress. Before it could get any closer, Natasha stepped away, rejoining Banner’s side once more.

“It’s nice to meet you both, really it is,” Natasha said with forced enthusiasm, both of which Discord and Smooze completely sidestepped. She slipped her forearm around Bruce’s, this time smiling as she leaned ever so closer to his body.

“But I’m afraid our conversation will have to be cut short. My date and I need a little…privacy from all these distractions.”

Discord’s alluring grin returned, this time offering some suggestive eyes to the mix.

“Well, well, don’t let little ol’ me get in the way of young romance.” He wrapped his tail around the Smooze’s form, dragging the green slime beast away from the couple’s path, though it still left a plentiful pile of ooze on the floor.

Banner faced Discord’s grinning face. “Thank you,” he deadpanned, though the draconequus didn’t catch on it. Tightening his grip around Natasha’s arm, the two moved around the slime and made their way to the exit. The doors were already opened, thankfully, as they were mere feet away, allowing Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight to enter at long last, having ended the greeting.

Twilight noticed how close the two were, and smiled and stepped aside to let the two pass by. Banner and Natasha showed their appreciation by nodding to the two Princesses, moving swiftly past and closing the doors behind them.

Discord offered little attention, his grin fading away and replaced only by a deepening frown. He continued on his mission…that lasted about three more seconds. From where he and the Smooze stood, he could notice Fluttershy and what’s her face chatting and giggling together at the far off table. Discord’s smile returned, his hands shaking with delight.

His mission was over! Time to rub it in what’s her face’s…face.

But before he could even take that first step…

Ahhh!” Unhand me you foul—!”


The musical portion of the Grand Galloping Gala reached an abrupt halt, several ponies lowering their instruments and turning their attention to the doors.


The doors that led out to the gardens.


All conversations ended. The ballroom had fallen prey to silence. Sweet, deathly silence. Steve Rogers, having engrossed a group of love-stricken mares with one of his tales of how he brought down HYDRA ended his tale at a cliffhanger, his dangerous gaze lingering towards the doors. Tony Stark, Clint Barton, and Thor all faced the same direction, each one of them holding a cup of punch near and or around their pony friends.


Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stood side by side, eyeing the doors as cautiously as did Twilight and her friends. Spike motioned himself closer Applejack, who wrapped her foreleg around Apple Bloom. Pinkie and her older sister Maud found themselves with a worried Sweetie Belle clinging onto their dresses, Rainbow Dash facing the same fate with Scootaloo. Fluttershy remained further in the back of the room, her and Tree Hugger staring at the doors intently.

Even Discord spun his neck around as an owl would. The Smooze just sloshed back and forth. Rarity continued snoring at the back of the ballroom.

With unrealistic speeds, the doors burst open and the flying form of Prince Blueblood shot through. His screaming body landed directly into the Smooze’s back. Luckily, the Smooze was kind enough to lurch the pony up, leaving a shell-shocked Blueblood lying quivering and covered in bruises, blood and ooze alike.

Several gasps echoed across the ballroom, but none matched up to Twilight’s or any of her friends’ the moment the next figure stepped past the doors.

A pale, pink hoof landed on the carpet.

All leading up to the venomous smile and twin violet irises.

Starlight Glimmer’s smile broadened. Twilight and her near friends all gasped.

“Are we too late for the party?” she asked, voice so very low.

A second being surfaced from behind. Steve Rogers shot up faster than a bullet from a chamber, immediately clenching his fists and hardening his gaze. Tony Stark’s mouth fell, as did his drink as it shattered into a thousand pieces onto the ballroom floor.

Ultron’s smile mirrored Starlight’s. His red eyes shifted across all the innocent occupants and landed on a specific group of individuals. And just like that, his smile died.

“You know, I believe we made it just in time.”

Natasha never had a date before.

Ever since her early childhood, she was taken away to the Red Room Academy and trained for years to kill, to become a weapon. A weapon someone just needed to point in the right direction. The KGB, for starters. Then S.H.I.E.L.D. offered her sanctity, a new life, a fresh start. Like that would mean anything to her.

The sterilization was exact, precise. It ensured no distractions, only solidifying her stance as a weapon, an assassin. There would be no time for slowing down, for making friends, for becoming something so much more than that. So she never dated. She never found a reason to.

But as she was led, forearm intertwined with Bruce’s, through the corridors of the massive castle until they came to an open balcony, Natasha couldn’t lie when she felt a tad bit giddy. She could’ve been blushing, though it was difficult with what little light there was. Banner brought her right into the moonlight, an amusing smile growing on his lips.

Yep. Definitely blushing.

“This spot’s perfect,” Natasha mumbled, stopping right by the balcony’s edge. Banner nodded.

“It is, isn’t it?”

Upon noticing his change of tone, Natasha turned his way, almost chuckling at his facial expression. He looked anywhere but where she stood, a faint sweat building against his forehead.

Natasha tightened her grip around his forearm. “Bruce, you don’t need to be so nervous around me.”

The man almost chuckled. Almost. “Who’s nervous?”

“Who was that big, strong fighter that asked to be a plus one to the terrifying Gala?” Natasha mused, leaning forward as the chilly night air pushed against the two, threatening to cool her.

Banner felt the coolness against his face, sighing with a soft grin. “You must have me mistaken for someone who enjoys that,” he replied, voice drowned in near silence.

“Which is why I was the one who asked you?”

Bruce shook his head. “No need to add salt to the wound.”

Seconds ticked away, the gentle rhythm of night’s music pulsating across the breeze. The stars twinkled above, causing Natasha’s soft gaze to flicker to and fro, eventually falling across the moon’s brightness and arrive to her date’s face.

“Bruce, is…something wrong?”

He tried to shrug it off, hiding his face. “I’m fine, Natasha.”

“No, you’re not,” she muttered with concern filling her tone. The Widow turned his way. “I can tell. And I’ve been thinking…”

“Why don’t you leave the thinking to me?” Bruce said, breaking his arm away from hers. He took a step to the left, building the distance between the two. He added, “I’ll leave the killing for someone who enjoys that.”

“Is that all you think of me?” Natasha asked, voice low and injured. “A killer?”

“Aren’t we all?”

“You’re letting him get to you. We both know Ultron was deluded.”

“Was he?”


Banner shook his head, lips pursing as his eyelids shut so very tight. “Humanity builds itself up, believes itself to rise up from their failures. And here we are. The Avengers. A ticking time bomb. You can’t really believe that humanity can improve when all it does is break down further and further. I try, Natasha. I really do. But it’s hard to believe in the people who promised so much only to take away everything you built.”

His voice snapped, breaking off into near blubbering. Natasha took a step back, a cold chill racing up her spine. It wasn’t from the breeze. She knew what it was.


Bruce leaned forward, planting his face into his palms.

She read his entire file so long ago and hadn’t forgotten to that day.

“It’s not your fault.”

“It might as well be.”

“You’ve been pushing yourself away, Bruce, for so long. From me,” she whispered, pushing herself towards him with a palm outstretched. It landed on his shoulder. “Please, it’s time to stop. To let go. To move on. I tried, every opportunity to try and get closer to you and you just keep backing off, as if what we had didn’t mean anything to you.”

Banner shook his head. “What do we even have, Natasha?”

“I…I was honestly hoping you would know,” Natasha admitted, a nervous blush burning against her cheeks. Banner just shook his head again, gaze falling. She continued, not missing a beat. “About us. About what we had. Because I can feel it, Bruce.”

“Then tell me!”

Natasha backed away. Bruce stared her down, eyes filled with anger and want, pain and confusion. And yet he stood before her, trying desperately to hold in the building tears, the threatening screams. He just wanted answers; the same answers even to someone of his knowledge had no clear sense of.

“Tell me what that kiss back on Novi Grad really meant!”

And not even the Widow could find a clear answer.

What had it meant?

Was it for him to bring out the Other Guy? Just part of the mission? Just for the safety of humanity and nothing more? Part of her wanted to say that, but dared not to lest she completely lose him, not after what her heart led her on to believe.

So, what had it meant?


She struggled with her words, eyes completely locked with his. She didn’t even notice the Ultron Sentry slowly rising up behind her, its blaster aimed for her back.

Banner did.

Look out!”

He gripped her shoulders, twisting her aside as a heated blast of energy impaled his backside. Bruce screamed out in agony, losing his balance and falling right atop of the poor woman. She yelped as her bottom and back fell to the cold marble, Bruce’s face landing right in her bosom.

They both looked at each other. Natasha could see his eyes show signs of pain before they filled with signs of green.

“Going green?” she gulped, spotting the sentry’s blaster glowing once more.

Banner nodded, eyeing his suit.

“Rarity’s gonna try and kill me.”

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