• Member Since 20th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


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After the defeat of Tirek, Queen Chrysalis and Cozy Glow, all is well in the land of Equestria. Then one day, Pinkie Pie got a letter from her long-distant cousin named Pizzaniac Peach Pie (Pizza Pie). A mare who lives outside Equestria, in a place called Mitaly. Who's moving to Ponyville to live with her as promised long ago.


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F.B, I.G (new), Dev, and Y.T

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 19 )
Comment posted by CodenameWA deleted Dec 9th, 2023

7811306 I guess it's my fault. I kinda deleted it by accident though that I could undo it but the site doesn't have that feature. :fluttershyouch:


Just a pro tip. Even if you don't like the comments, keep them up or people will assume you deleted a bunch of comments you didn't like for the sake you didn't like them.

For all I know those comments could range from being a troll to actual criticism that you deleted because you don't like criticism. I have no context as to it and most people assume the latter opposed to the former.

7815054 I already know and I kept that in mind. If only I could undo it the deletion then it wouldn't bother me or the rest.


Well. There's always the classic "Forest Gump" line.

Shit happens

7815071 I guess next time I shouldn't compare facebook's comment feature to Fimfiction's. :twilightsheepish:.


Actually I got a few Ideas of how she sounds like.

My first thought was since Pinkie pie has that cartoonist bubble's voice, I wanted Pizza pie to sound little bit like her pink cousin. So I image her voice to be like Frida suarez from El-tigre with an Italian accent.


But then since I can't really make Pizza pie to be a 100% percent like Pinkie pie (after I decided to make her a unicorn), I was thinking of making her sound pretty serious at the same time keeping that frida-ish personality. So I got the idea of changing her out look, making her more relatable. And no character fits more than Kushieda Minori (english dubbed by: Christine Marie Cabanos).


With Frida's fun personality, Pizza pie can be with any friend she makes and can adjust with anyone just like Pinkie pie.

And with Kushieda's insecurity, she doubts from time to time, whether it's meeting new ponies or facing her troubles.

If you watch Toradora, you'll notice what kushieda's is like. I recommend you to watch the series, it's pretty good.

Hello, I read your story, well it is 'pleasant' although I note that this emotion comes from particular reasons not necessarily related to the story. Now returning to your writing, I see that you have put a lot of effort into it, even with images and everything, the prologue arouses interest, although well, later on there is not so much of that initial content. The body of the story is fine except for some parts where the descriptive interludes feel somewhat unnecessary but otherwise it reads normal. Give effort to your fanfic, success!

Thank you for the feedback, its been a while too. But as you mention on the extra words, I'm still learning when to add them. Same with the feeler parts. Before people pointed out that I need to describe the story more and did just that. Maybe over time I might balance it at some point. I appreciate that you mention it, i'll probably go back this and fix it.

Wow this OC's old AF. surprise this story is still going.

I think you put the quotes in the wrong place...

I set it like that for now. Just until I finish the 3rd arc. This was all revised from last year and I'm focusing on the story, I only have minimum spare time, due to irl.

Hey, I have read your stories earlier and I liked reading the story. I found a few spelling/grammar and punctuation errors but not that many, IIRC. However, the fact that you used quotes when explaining something instead of when the characters are talking was something that I had to get used to. In my opinion, if you want to pick up where you ended, I think you should watch for that. Moreover, I think the plot should be only in one story instead of multiple since the 2 stories didn't really put an end to the plot in those stories (if you know what I mean).

This is meant as constructive criticism and I'm not trying to sound mean or anything. I hope it can help you and like I said, I really liked the story. I'm looking forward to read more of this story.

I'm glad i got at least some feed back. Tbh i thought no was active enough to even leave feedback (since I've reposting threads for months). What that being said, I get what you mean by the swap of dialogue and plot is somewhere I started and was pointed out to me before. I will fix that part along with finding the right words to shorten the pronounce since I know is a mouthful to read.

Plot wise I decided to split it apart just so I'd be easier to keep track on what happens. (I'm going for by arcs) In short. I tried to keep it as one but it's hard to make a clear synopsis.

Sorry for getting back this late. I have hundreds of tabs and lost your story there for a couple weeks. For now, let me say 55k is a lot to ask for a review and feedback. It will take awhile, so expect it in a week give or take.

Also, some preliminary thoughts.

Considering the main premise of the story, Pinkie Pie having a secret cousin no one knew about, this prologue is pretty heavy with the foreshadow, but also mostly vague. I mean, it's ok to allude millennia of history that's probably gonna be important. You can totally do that if you have clear plans where to take the story, but only doing it in 300~ish words? That's extremely truncated. Give it a couple hundred more words, and you should be better off.

Looking forward to the rest of the story!

Thank you for the time to read the 1st arc. I understand that you had things that you prioritize and I respect that, and giving the time to look at my work is an honor and a privilege. Considering not many people read fanfics because of its long ended community.

As for your feed back, I did plan out the lore between the prologue and the protagonist. Its just the build up seems rather long and had to separate it by arc. Making it easy to follow up (for anyone's who's invested with the story.)

And I see what you mean by shorting some parts, I'll to do that on later chapters. Again thank you for the feedback.

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