• Published 15th Aug 2015
  • 1,236 Views, 19 Comments

Full Friendship's Magic #1 (The Filly From Mitaly) - Reykatan

There are many mysteries behind the world of Friendship is Magic, all lost in history. Until one pony unlocks it.

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Scroll of Modesty Chapter 4: My Pinkie promise part 1 (revised)

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I never expected this kind of visit. Papa never had the time to mention that I have relatives on my Mama's side of the family. So it caught me by surprise. I met my Uncle Igneous and three of my cousins. There's one more cousin, but I don't know who she is. Is she like these three? Or is she different from them? I wouldn't know, I'm an only child. Me and my pink cousin continued to look eye to eye. Like looking at a mirror, I see myself from her. It's strange, I don't know how to react to it, or what to say. I'll have to go with the flow for now.

"Pizzaniac? Pizzaniac? Pizzaniac.” Pasta taps her on the shoulder. ”Do you hear me?

Pizzaniac shakes her head and turns to her Father. "Huh? I mean . . . Yes, Papa?

"I said, kindly show our guests to the living room dear.

She nodded and replied. ”Yes Papa. Right this way please.

Igneous and the three fillies follow Pizzaniac to the living room. The walls are filled with pictures of the restaurant's history. And near the couch, there's a big portrait of Pizzaniac and Pasta. They were amazed at how successful their relative’s lives were. The three fillies ran towards the couch and jumped on it like a trampoline.

"Allow me uncle.” Pizzaniac pulls a chair for Igneous. ”Please have a seat.

"Thank you dear.” He pats her niece's head and takes a seat. ”You sure are a polite little missy.” He smiles kindly.

"Yes, she is. I raised her to do so.” Pasta brings a cup of tea to Igneous and a tray of cookies for the fillies. ”Please, help yourselves.

"Why thank you Pasta. Lime, Marble, Pinkie. Come over here and thank your uncle Pasta.

The fillies lined up and thank their uncle with a smile. ”Thank you, uncle!” They each grab a cookie and munch it down like hungry piglets, while Pizzaniac watches them from behind. Igneous notices his niece and offers her a piece.

Here you go dear.

Oh, thank you but it's okay uncle. I already ea-

Don't mind my daughter Igneous.” Pasta takes the cookie, placing it back on the tray. ”She doesn't eat sweets that much.

Aw, come now brother. All little fillies love to eat sweets,” Igneous said as he took another piece.”It's what they do.

But not my daughter.” Pasta stares down at Pizzaniac then she looks down. ”Besides, it's against her diet.

Diet? Why would she need a Diet?” Igneous curiously asked.

She needs to maintain her appearance once Pizzaniac is called by her agency. She's a model to this restaurant you see.

Oh is that right?” Igneous looked at her niece, sensing her discomfort towards her Father. “Do you think she enjoyed what you’re making her do?

She was the one who insisted on joining this agency. That’s how she’s devoted to our family business.

Looks to me brother, likes she’s scared to do the things she likes.

She likes to help this business to stay alive.

Why are you insisting her on having that kind mindset?

Because Pizzaniac is my daughter.

. . . .

The fillies stopped eating and stared at their uncles confused, while Pizzaniac remained silent. Pasta and Igneous look at each other, ending their discussion.

I'm sorry brother.” Igneous puts back the cookie. ”I didn't mean to be rude in your household.

No, I should be the one apologizing, I went too far. I've been stressed out lately with all the orders we need to do.” Pasta points at the counter table with orders from customers pilled up. ”And it's not getting any less. Ever since Pizzaniac won second place for this month's filly-modeling, we got all these orders pilled up.

I understand brother. And I didn't know your daughter had such a good reputation here.” He leans on Pizzaniac and smiled. ” You're quite a celebrity here.

Yes I-I am uncle. . . ” Pizzaniac blushes and gently smiles back. ”That's why I can't eat sweets. I have to keep myself healthy so I can help Papa.

Igneous chuckles and replies. ”I understand. You're quite joyful too, much like my daughter Pinkie pie.

They turned to Pinkie pie as she munched on more cookies from the tray, while her sisters watched.

Pinkie pie . . . . cousin Pinkie pie. . .

. . . . ” He looked at her niece, concerned. Then goes to Pasta, patting his back.”Now brother, you mustn't stress yourself so often. It's not good for you.

Sigh . . . . ” Pasta smiles and replies. ”I suppose you're right, I think I could use some fresh air.

Igneous turns his head at the fillies smiling, like nothing happened. But Pizzaniac's feels guilty about their argument earlier. Igneous is worried for her niece, and then he has an Idea. He turns to her daughters and winks at them and they wink back, having no clue as to what it means. But for Pinkie pie, she understands and knows exactly what her Father needs her to do.

Well, why don't we take this opportunity to stroll around town? It has been a while since I last saw Mitaly with Mia.

Uhh, Well . . . The place really hasn't changed a bit so there aren't any good places to go.

Now now, Pasta, It's been years since I last stepped here. The one thing I ever wanted from this visit was to take a nostalgic tour with my brother-in-law.

A tour you say? Aren’t your legs tired from all that walking?

Well, I am a bit exhausted but that doesn't stop me from feeling young.

Pasta laughs and pats Igneous' back. ”Look at you, still holding on to that youth of yours.

What can I say, I won't let my middle age get to me. What do you say, brother? Shall we head out?

Sigh. . Very well Igneous. Since you are my guest I wouldn't say no. Just let me speak to my Daughter.” Pasta looked at Pizzaniac and her cousins. He approaches her daughter and pats her head. “Now Pizzaniac, me and your uncle are going for a short walk around the city, so better entertain your cousins.

Pizzaniac nodded and replied. ”Yes Papa. I understand.

Be nice to them, Keep in mind that you're in charge of this restaurant.

Yes Papa. . .

And be on your best behavior. Show your cousin that you’re a well-mannered filly, do you understand?

. . . . Yes Papa.

The Pie siblings watch Pizzaniac being told by her father. They felt bad especially Pinkie pie, seeing her cousin unhappy. Then quickly smiling, she thought of an idea to lift Pizzaniac's spirits. Then, Igneous walks up to the Pie siblings as well.

Now listen here you three. We're a guest here so I want you to be on your best behavior too. Now you don't want to be like your cousin over there, being told her father won't you?

Lime Pie shakes her head and replies. “No Dad. We’ll behave, but I'm not sure about Pinkie here though. . .

Huh? Oh! Don't worry Dad. We'll sure to behave right Marble?

Marble looks at Pinkie pie and then at her Father. “Mmm . . . Hmmm . . .

See, we'll be fine, you can go on with your youthful stroll now.

Well, good. And Oh, one more thing. Pinkie pie come here.

Pinkie pie hops close to her Father. “Yes Dad?

Try to get close to your cousin. I don’t know why, but something tells me you’re the only one who can help her smile. She’s been through a lot of pressure in here, at least give her a fun time alright?

Pinkie pie turns to her cousin, looking stiff. Pinkie pie then smiled and replied. “Ok Dad, I’ll show cousin a fun-tastic time! You can count on me!

Good, just don’t take it too far alright?

Don’t worry Dad, I won’t.” Said Pinkie pie giggling.

Alright, then.” Igneous turns back to Pasta. ”Shall we get going, brother?

Give me a minute brother.” Pasta packs two bottles of water, placing it in his pouch. ”Ok, let’s go Igneous.

The two brothers waved at their children and they waved back. They open the door, exiting the restaurant. The fillies look out the window, watching the two colts walking away, heading to the city. Pinkie pie pops her head out of the window, still waving at her Father and Uncle.

Bye Dad! Bye Uncle Pasta! Enjoy your youthful stroll! Don't take too long. Oh! And bring back some snacks too!

Really Pinkie? Snacks already? We just ate.” Said Marble crossing her hoofs.

What? I get hungry after an hour.

You always get hungry and you eat most of the cookies!

But they’re so tasty I can’t help it!” Pinkie giggled. “Besides, I was gonna share.

Whatever Pinkie.” Lime turns to Marble pie. ”Even here, she just as random as she’s back home.

Hmmmm Mmmmm. . .

(What should I do? Papa left me here with my cousins as company. I'm not sure how to interact. I never had any ponies at my age staying over, unless they were customers. Should I ignore them? No, that'll be rude to them. Should I lay them down with ground rules? No, that would make them think I'm too bossy. This is hard, I can't think of anything!)

The Pie siblings turn their heads to Pizzaniac, looking at her.

(Oh great, they're staring at me. Now my cousins think I'm too good for them to talk to. I expected it that much, I mean I never even had friends, to begin with-) Whoooaaaa!! Hey!!

Pinkie pie suddenly pulled her cousin close to her and gave her a big hug. ”Cousin! I'm sooooooo glad I finally got to meet you!

Yes, yes same here, and out of nowhere too. Now can you let g-

You know, Dad used to tell us we had a cousin from the Pasta family. Which is strange really, because Pies wouldn't go well with any pasta, especially with strawberry filling. Do you think so too?

Yes, it's quite strange alright. But would you mind letting me g-

Now that I think about it, maybe we can make a Pie out of cheese instead! Oh! with a dash of veggies, tomato sauce too! Now, what do we call those kinds of Pie? Any ideas Lime?

Hmmmmm . . . I don't know.” Lime pie rubs her chin, thinking. ” Uhhh. . . P-Pizza Pie maybe-

Gasp! That's perfect Lime!! Let’s call it that! ” Pinkie pie hugs her cousin even tighter. ”See cousin, we came up with a pie name after you! Ah! That’s it! From now on we're gonna call you cousin Pizza pie!!

Uh, Hmmmmm . . . ” Marble taps Pinkie pie, pointing at their cousin, who’s struggling to free herself from Pinkie pie’s tight hug.

Oh!” Pinkie quickly lets go of Pizza pie. ” Whoops. . . . Sorry about that cousin Pizza pie.

Pizza pie coughs as she’s getting up. “Stop . . . calling me cough . . . Pizza pie! My full name is Pizzaniac peach pie, and it's not a hard name to remember.

Hey, don’t you go mad at us about it, Pinkie pie came up with it.” Said Lime pie. “Besides, she has full name too. Its Pinkanima Diane Pie.

Yeah, I don’t being called like that. It sounds so not fun, and besides that name suits you well.

Hmmm Mmmmm.

R-Really? No! I-I mean that sounds silly. I'm a filly who was raised to be a role model for this family restaurant! Having a name like that just doesn't fit my personality.

A model?” Lime walks around Pizza pie, looking at her. ”Sounds pancy to me.

Gasp! Pa-Pancy! Hey, modeling is professional work!! I get to help our restaurant by promoting it and with Papa's recipes, we're the told of the town! So modeling isn't a walk in a park.

Pffttt. . . Whatever then sheesh. Don't get so worked up about it.

I'm not!

Aw, c'mon cousin. Don't be so uptight. Lighten up, and have fun with us.

Fun?” Pizza looks at Pinkie pie with a grin on her face, then turns to Lime and Marble pie.”First of all, I don't do fun. Second Papa said that fun is nothing more than getting yourself in trouble, and Third-

GASP!” Pinkie pie grabs Pizza pie close to her face. ”You mean you never had fun around here?! Not even once?!

Yes, I don't.” Said Pizza pie pushes back Pinkie pie. ”Well, not anymore . . . .

What do you mean cousin?

Sigh . . . . Follow me.” Pizza pie walks out of the living room and her cousins follow her. “Ever since Mama is gone, everything wasn’t the same. Papa spends most of his days working, trying to distract himself.

. . . . .

But every night, I hear him crying in his room, holding Mama's picture. I couldn't do anything for Papa, I was useless at that time. So I decided to do something. I start learning how to be an elegant filly while helping around the restaurant. Then one day, I got an invitation to an agency to be a model. I didn't give it a second thought and gave it a try. After they chose me, we started to get some attention. Next thing I know, I made our restaurant popular thanks to my career.

. . . . . . .

Since then, Papa is proud of what I do, he was finally happy.” Pizza pie and her cousins entered a room leading to an altar, with her Mama's picture at the center. ”We made this altar of Mama, so she could see what me and Papa accomplished together as a family.

. . . . . .

Yeah, to answer your question, Yes, I don't do fun. . . . . because it’s a waste of time.

After hearing their cousin’s story, Pinkie Pie felt bad. ”. . . . Gee cousin . . . I-I didn't know. I-I’m sorry for what happened to Auntie. . .

I know . . . . So now you get it? This is more important than fun. Papa’s approval is more important than having fun.

Pinkie pie looked at her cousin straight in the face and replied. “No, I don’t believe you.

W-What?! Didn't you hear what I just said? I don't ha-

I know what you said! All this modeling, politeness, and elegant acting. It’s just for fancy pants stuff! None of it is fun and you know it!

I told you I don’t need fun-

Yes you do! And as long as I'm around, you're going to learn how to loosen up and have fun. Now, where's your cutie mark?

My what?” Said Pizza pie nervously.

Pinkie pie circles around her cousin like a puppy, while Pizza pie avoids letting Pinkie pie get behind her. ”Your cutie mark silly! Everypony knows that a cutie mark tells a pony what they enjoy doing. This also means that a pony's cutie mark is the one thing they had fun doing. So, show us that mark.

That sounds ridiculous! There's no way tha- H-HEY!!

Pizza pie turns around and she sees Lime pie trying to lift her, robe covering her flank. She gets frantic and pushes Lime pie away.

Hey! that hurt, what gives?!

W-What gives?! What gives is you're trying to pull off my skirt!

You mean a robe.” Said Lime pie sarcasticly.

Whatever! Look, having a cutie mark has nothing to do with fun. It only marks the one thing you're good at.

Aaaannd whatever you're good at means it'd be fun doing it! No more excuses cousin, show us your flank!

Lime pie looks distaste at Pinkie pie. ”That sounded wrong Pinkie . . .

What sounded Oh-oh!” Pinkie pie giggled. ”W-Whoopsie! What I was saying is, what's your cutie mark cousin Pizza?

!!. . . ” Flustered, Pizza pie glares at Pinkie and replies. ”I can't tell you that.

Aw, why not?

Because . . .

Because what?

Because, Uh . . .

Because she doesn't have a cutiemark yet.

Yes, that's righ- W-Wait how did you- AAAAHH!!-

Lime pie got behind Pizza pie without her notice, and lifted her robe. ”Yep, that explains the robe alright-

Pizza pie quickly pushed Lime pie and pulled back her robe. Embarrassed, she turns to a corner and faces the wall.

Cousin . .

No, don't look at me. I’m a joke.

What are you talking about cousin? No you’re not a-

Yes I am! . . . . I’ve been doing modeling and helping at the restaurant, I’d just thought that I’d get my cutie mark from either one, but it’s been almost a year. . . . And it’s embarrassing to keep wearing this just to hide it.

Aw, c'mon now, it’s not that embarrassing. Maybe you’re just a late bloomer.

Lime's right cousin. I mean, it took me longer to get my cutie mark.” Pinkie pie then pulls in Marble pie, squishing her cheeks. ”Even our baby sister here gets hers last. isn't that right baby sis?

Marble pushed away Pinkie pie and nodded. ”Mmmm Hmmm . . .

. . . . . . .

Pinkie pie slowly goes close to Pizza pie. ”Listen cousin I-

It’s ironic isn’t it? . . . That somepony like me should’ve had one by now. . . .

. . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . I-I guess what I'm doing doesn't fit me at all, even if I'm good at it . . . .

Well, that only means one thing cousin.

Oh yeah Pinkie?” Lime pie asked. ”That what?

That what she’s doing isn’t fun at all, and there’s still a chance for cousin to get her cutie mark!

Look, I already told you, I don’t need fun-

Yet it’s your only shot.” Pinkie pie pulls Pizza pie out of the corner. ”Being a big help for your Papa is good and all, but you have to think outside the box if you want to get your cutie mark. Aaaaannd today's your lucky day because we’re gonna help you find it together!

H-Help me? Oh- No thank you. I'm fine with just waitin-

No butts! As I said as long as I'm around, I will help you get a cutie mark!

So any ideas where to start looking Pinkie.” Lime asked.

Hmmm . . . . Well anywhere than here is better. Now ‘cmon!” Pinkie pie grabs Pizza pie's hoof and smiles. ”We got a cutie mark to find!

No! Wait Papa said we can't leave the R-Restuaaa!!!!

Pinkie pie drags Pizza pie out of the restaurant and into town as Lime and Marble Pie follow them from behind.”

(I don't get her at all. Why is she so persuasive to make me have fun? I already told her that I don't have time for that anymore, but she wouldn't listen!)” Pizza looks at her cousin while pulling her. ”(Cousin, just what are you trying to prove?)

Oh! Pit stop!” Pinkie pie stops in front of a bakery and ran inside. She glues her face to the glass counter, staring at some of the sweets displayed as Pizza pie tries to free herself from Pinkie’s grip.

Let go of me cousin Pinkie! Papa might see us, we'll be in big trouble!

Oh, Don't worry cousin, we’re just getting a quick snack. This won't take long.” Pinkie pie continues to scan through all the sweets.

Minutes later, Pinkie pie ordered one dozen muffins. Mesmerized by its delectable appearance, Pinkie pie’s mouth starts to water. She then, grabs a cupcake in each hoof and digs in, while Pizza pie nervously looks outside the window.

Cousin Pinkie please, we really have to get back at the res-acckt!” Pinkie pie shoves a cupcake into her cousin's mouth. Pizza pie chokes then quickly spits it out on the floor. ”Pfftaaach!! W- What are you trying to do? Choke me?!

Uh, No, I was trying to make you eat a cupcake silly. So, did it taste good or what?

Or what? I couldn't taste it when you just shove it in my mouth! And didn't you hear what Papa said? I'm not interested in sweets!

That’s a lame excuse.” Lime and Marble pie walking the bakery. ”What are you an old lady or something Pizza?

No! It's just that Papa wouldn't allow me to have some anymore.

Oh, c'mon! Can you believe this Marble? Even her Papa controls her eating habits. Talk about sad right?

Marble nods and replied. ”Hmmmm . . . . Mmmm. . . .

. . . . .

That's what your Papa said, not you cousin.” Said Pinkie pie. “It wouldn't hurt to try, so c'mon give it a taste. I know you'll love it.

Pinkie pie offers another cupcake to her cousin. Pizza pie stares at the cupcake as her father’s voice echoes in her mind, the things she’s not allowed to do. Then, she looks at Pinkie pie with a warm smile, waiting for her to take her offer. Pizza pie smiled, took the cupcake from Pinkie pie's hoof, and gently tasted it.

So, what do you think?

Mmm. . .Hmm. . . I-It tastes good. I mean, it's really good. I know what it tastes like, but savoring one is way more delicious!

See, I knew you'd love it. Nobody can resist a delectable taste of a cupcake.” Said Pinkie pie, as she munched down more cupcakes.

And it's chocolate too, Hmmmmm!!! I love chocolate.” Pizza pie takes another chocolate cupcake before Lime pie tries to grab it.

Hey! That was mine!

Pinkie pie shoves another cupcake at Lime pie's mouth, calming her down. ”Wow, you like chocolate too cousin?

Oh, yes. It's been my favorite, I never had chocolate since Mama made- . . . . Since we had some before . . . You know . . . As a family . . .

Aw, cheer up cousin. We’re here, we can be a family and have a fun time together!

Pizza pie smiles and replies. ”T-Thanks Pinkie . . . ” Then, she looked at the cupcake she took and gave it over to Marble pie. ”Here you go cousin Marble, take it.

. . . . ” Marble takes the cupcake from Pizza pie and smiles at her.” Mmmm Hmmm . . .

See there you go. Now let's finish up this cupcake and we'll get you your cutie mark cousin! Now, let's dig in!

The Pie siblings continue eating their sweets, smiling and laughing without a care in the world. Just as Pizza pie enjoys her cousins' company, she looks out the window and spots her father and uncle walking on the other side. They crossed the road and headed their way to the bakery. She dropped her cupcake and started to panic.

Oh no! Everyone get down!” Pizza pie quickly drags her cousins under the table.

Hey! What gives?! Why'd you pull us dow-

Shhh!! Be quiet cousin Lime. Papa and uncle Igneous are outside.

Really!? Where?” Pinkie pie peeks out of the table, but Pizza pie drags her back in.

Are you insane?! If Papa sees you then we're gonna be in a world of trouble, especially me!

You know, you worried too much even though we're having a good time.

Be quiet! Now, stay here while I'll check if they're still outside.

Pizza slowly peeks out of the table and looks outside the window, hoping her father and uncle went past the bakery. The pie siblings under the table continue eating the rest of their desserts as they wait.

Wow, she sure is paranoid when it comes to her Papa, right Pinkie?” Said Lime pie sarcastically.

Maybe . . . . . ” Pinkie pie turns to her cousin while looking out the window and worries for her sake. ”. . . . Lime, Marble, we need to help cousin find her cutie mark today.

Ah gee Pinkie, can't we just let fate decide on this one?” Said Lime pie calmly. “I mean she did say she'll find it eventually.

But what if she gets a bad cutie mark? One that she'll end up doing for the rest of her life?!

I'm sure her being uptight for a cutie mark isn't that bad. Besides, she's good at it already.

I'm serious Lime, this is the only time we can visit cousin Pizza pie. Who knows when will we come back?

Hmmmm Mmmm.

Ok, well. Do you have any bright ideas then Pinkie?

Hmmmm . . . . I don’t know. . . .” Pinkie rubs her chin, thinking. “Oh! Oh! How about the same way how I got mine!

You mean, she throws us a party? Heh, as if she'll ever do that, with her being paranoid in all.” Said Lime sarcastically. “That’s likely gonna happen.

No, I mean, we should have a surprise party for her. Yeah! that's it!

What?! How would that work?

Think about it, cousin Pizza pie never does anything fun right?

Yeah . . .

And parties are considered the source of all fun right?

Hmmm Mmmm.

Sooooo, if we throw a party for her. She'll have so much fun, that it'll spark her interest in finding her cutie mark again! Even if she can't get it today, We can at least give her the passion she needs to find it on her own!

That doesn't make sense at all. . . . But what the heck, we're in.

Hmmm Mmmm.

Wow, this is a first, Marble here is all fired up. So, where do you wanna throw it Pinkie?

Back at uncle's restaurant silly, it has all the stuff we need to throw one! But it has to be a surprise otherwise it won’t work.

But how are we going to do that if we're next to her?” The Pie siblings turn to Pizza pie, still looking out the window.

We'll just sneak out while cousin isn't looking.

Heh, couldn't say it better than myself.” Lime pie lifts the table cloth on the other side, looking back at Pizza pie if she notices. ”Alright, let's go before she notices.

The Pie sibling slowly sneaked out of the table and exited the bakery. Pinkie pie looked at the table, feeling bad for leaving Pizza pie behind. ”Sorry about this cousin, but you'll thank us later once we throw you this party and get you your spark back.

Pizza pie sees her father and uncle just chatting outside. They pass the bakery, and quickly hide under the window, unaware of her presence. As they were gone from Pizza pie view, she went back under the table in relief.

Ok, the coast is clear cousins. We stayed here for long enough, need to head back to the restauran-” As Pizza pie lifts the table cloth, her cousins are gone. ”Cousin Pinkie? Cousin Lime? Cousin Marble? Oh no, this is bad! Where did they run off?!

⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ✶✶✶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ✶✶✶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ✶✶✶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯

~ End of chapter 4

Author's Note:

As fillies, Pinkie pie, and Pizza pie are two different ponies. Lifewise, they were born in different places, one is raised on a rock farm, the other in a fancy restaurant. One lives her life with cheer, and the other lives under her Papa's rule. In short, no matter how similar the two are on the outside but they can never be the same on the inside.