Full Friendship's Magic #1 (The Filly From Mitaly)

by Reykatan

First published

There are many mysteries behind the world of Friendship is Magic, all lost in history. Until one pony unlocks it.

After the defeat of Tirek, Queen Chrysalis and Cozy Glow, all is well in the land of Equestria. Then one day, Pinkie Pie got a letter from her long-distant cousin named Pizzaniac Peach Pie (Pizza Pie). A mare who lives outside Equestria, in a place called Mitaly. Who's moving to Ponyville to live with her as promised long ago.


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F.B, I.G (new), Dev, and Y.T

Scroll of Modesty Chapter 0: Prologue

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Before Friendship, there was Harmony, before there was Harmony, there was Unity.

The elders used to tell young children stories about Equestria’s legends. During times of peace, the goddess of creation maintained the balance between Ponies, Griffins, Dragons, and all species living in the farthest lands. Then, everything suddenly changed when the outbreak of the Nightmares began.

Only the Elements of Unity, the first elements to exist at that time, were wielded by three powerful mares who could bring back the peace that once held. But when Equestria needed hope, they vanished.

As the nightmares nearly conquered Equestria, the father of chaos and master of magic created something no one had ever seen before. It was left described as a living power. Its capabilities are unknown, but in myth and rumors, it was said to have the potential to end the Nightmare uprising, should the elements of Unity fail. But just like the three mares, it disappeared. All hope was lost, and the reign of darkness lasted for millennia.

A thousand years later, two alicorn sisters discovered six new elements that appeared from an ancient tree in the Everfree Forest. No one knows how it got there, but some might say it's a replacement for the lost elements from the early eras. The sisters harnessed their magic and used it against the remaining threats in Equestria, until it reached the time when the two sisters would turn on each other.

After the elder sister vanquished her only sibling, she decided to pass down the elements to six ponies entrusted with its power. Today, the six elements, known as the Elements of Harmony, are wielded by six finest ponies. One of them is a young alicorn named Twilight Sparkle, a newly coronated princess of friendship living in a peaceful village called Ponyville. Along with her friends, they spread the magic of friendship all across Equestria.

Some have forgotten the legend of the elements of unity and the unknown living power ever existed. But just because it's forgotten, doesn't truly mean it's gone.

Scroll of Modesty Chapter 1: Secret Past (revised)

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Era of early harmony

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One stormy night on the rocky plains of Bad Lands, two alicorns fled for their lives as they were being chased. The elder and the young alicorn navigated through the cruel storm until they spotted a small cave not far from their view. They went inside the cave and remained quiet hoping that their chaser didn't spot them. Soaking wet, the young alicorn is terrified of what will happen to them.

What's going on? I- . . . I’m scared . . . why is he chasing us? Why is he so upset with you? Please, just tell me already . . .” The young alicorn held the elder alicorn's hoof tight, trembling in tears." Ho-How long do we have to hide here?

S-Shh . . . be quiet Luna . . . ” The elder alicorn quietly replied. “Everything's going to be alright, as long as we stay put.

He places his wing over to young Luna, keeping her warm. But she doesn't feel calm without knowing what's happening, she continues to ask questions.

What exactly happened between you two?

Luna, it isn’t your concern. This matter is between me and him only, so don't ask any more questions.

You're always hiding secrets. Why won’t you tell me?

Sigh”. . . The alicorn turns to Luna and rubs her head. ”Listen Luna . . . I apologize for dragging you into this mess. It’s just that it’s- . . . It's difficult to explain at the moment.

But . . .” Her ears dropped and she sat next to the alicorn.“Where exactly did you run off to all this time? You said that you'd go somewhere with him and return at the end of the season but you didn't.

The alicorn turns its head at the cave entrance. “Nowhere special. A lot of things happened since I left. Firstly, I had time to improve my alternative magic and with his help, I progressed faster. But along the way, I found something from the past that shouldn't be rediscovered. And when he knew about it, he tended to claim it for himself. I'm not sure what he's planning with it, but when it comes to him it's definitely for a bad intention.

Bad intention? What exactly did you find out there? I-

An explosion from outside the cave interrupts them. Luna hid under the alicorn's wing. The cave shakes from the force of the explosion. Outside, their chaser calls them out in the middle of the rain.

I know you’re out there somewhere. . .“ The chaser smirks and looks around. He spots a pile of boulders forming a hill. Without warning, he blasted it into dust and continued blasting everything else around him.”Sooner or later you’ll run out of places to hide, and once I find you . . . I won’t think twice about killing you in this place.

Keep your head down Luna!” The noise of the explosion from outside causes the rocks above to start to fall on them. The alicorn couldn't bear it, he stood up and slowly exited the cave.

W-where are you going?” Luna follows behind. “Y-you’re not planning on facing him on your own, are you? ” She grabs onto its tail pulling the alicorn.

I don’t have a choice Luna.” The alicorn pulls back its tail. ”I have to accept my faith and finish this mess once and for all.

What? No! “Luna then pulls the alicorn’s wing, trying to stop him.” You can’t! He’ll kill you out there!

He’ll kill both of us if we stay here. He doesn't know you're here, so this is a good chance for you to escape.” He pulls his wing back and continues to exit the cave.

No . . .

Luna I don't have time to argue-

I said No!” Luna uses her magic to block its way as her tears run down her cheeks. ”You're not running from me and big sis again!


You're always handling things on your own and hiding secrets.

Luna listen to me-

No! You can't leave me in the dark like this again! I'm bringing you back to big sister and settling this another day together!

There's no time! I need to-

Please . . . Don't do this . . .

From Luna’s tiring breath, the alicorn recalls their times together. Guilt weighs down on the alicorn but it proceeds to persuade Luna of its decision.

Luna this is something I must do for you to escape. I'm keeping you out of this conflict, so what I'm doing isn't reckless.” The alicorn smiles and pats Luna's head.”You don’t have to worry about me. . . everything’s going to be alright, I promise.

But . . .“ Luna looks at the alicorn's sincere face, she wipes her tears and nods. Then lowers her magic, releasing the alicorn. “Alright . . . I trust you . . .

Thank you Luna . . . .“ The alicorn reached down its pouch, pulling out two glowing scrolls. One is silver and the other a fiery gold. “Here, take these with you as you escape.

W-What are these?” Luna shields her eyes from the limiting light. “They’re so bright, I've never seen anything like this. . .

These are the scrolls he's trying to steal from me. Take them with you and keep them safe.” The alicorn opens Luna's hooves and gives her the scrolls. “Remember, No one must know about its existence. Otherwise, it could lead to a huge disaster if it was at the hands of him or anyone else.

Alright . . .” Luna holds on to the scrolls. “I should let Big sister know about this, she’ll find a way to-

NO! She mustn’t find out about this!” The alicorn grabs Luna's shoulder. “I told you, No one must ever know about these scrolls, or this whole situation ever happened to anyone! Not even Tia . . . Do you understand Luna?

I . . . . (But . . . I never kept any secrets from big sister before . . . and why doesn’t he want her to find out? Is there something about these scrolls that would make him lie? Does it have something to do with Big sister?)” The alicorn calls her name repeatedly. “Huh?!

Luna, Do I make myself clear?” The alicorn eagerly waits for Luna's response.

. . . . “ She looks at the scrolls and reluctantly replies. “Y-Yes . . . I’ll make sure to keep this a secret for myself. . .

Good to hear . . .” The explosion from outside reaches where they are. The alicorn turns its head and makes its way to the exit. “I should go now . . .

W-What are you planning to do? Huh?!” Luna is stopped by a sudden bright circle that appears underneath her hooves." W-wait! What is this?!" A seal is forming around her, cast by the alicorn. “I-I can't move!

And one more thing Luna. . .

. . . .

The alicorn looks back to Luna and smiles. “This isn’t fair well but . . . until we meet again. . .

No wait! I still need to know what's in these! . . wait! I-

The alicorn flies out of the cave, leaving Luna behind. It goes up to their chaser and settles their scores.

Oh! Finally, you show yourself.“ Said the chaser in relief. “You know, I was starting to get the feeling you got crushed on one of these boulders I pulverized.“ The chaser laughs menacingly. ” But who am I saying, it takes more than rocks to take down the likes of you. . .

The alicorn chuckled and replied. “At least you know who you're dealing with. . . Discord.

Discord gives an evil smile. “Hmmp! Still full of pride as always . . . Well, guess what? You can bring that pride of yours with you to the Grave!

The clash of two powerful beings has begun. The whole area crumbles down, as they exchange each other's hits while dodging. As their fight escalated, both of them refused to back down. Luna helplessly listens outside in the cave, while the magic seal is taking her away.

Please be ok . . . please come out of this alive . . . please . . .” Luna closes her eyes, hoping for the alicorns’ safety.

Both beings gave their all, trying to take each other down. The badlands are now full of craters and huge cracks, forming a small canyon. Irritated, Discord is having difficulties, dealing with the alicorn's swiftness and skills.

Alright! I had just about enough of this child’s play! ” He pulls out one of the alicorn’s spells and casts it against it. Krystállina féretro! (Crystal coffin)!”

What?! How can you- !!!

A bright seal appears above the alicorn, out of it is a small crystal marble falling on its back. Upon contact, the crystal ball rapidly grew in size. Crystallizing its wing and forcing the alicorn to fall from the sky. It keeps on growing from its body all the way to its head, completely immobilizing the alicorn.

Hmmm . . . Not bad, not bad at all. It's more effective than I thought.” Discord grins at his success in trapping the alicorn. “Luckily this is the only seal I managed to learn from your research room. And I have to say, it works fine against the caster. ” He laughs as he slowly approaches the alicorn, grabbing it by the neck. “Now, be a good pony and hand over the scrolls.

The alicorn smirks and replies. “Heh, it’s such a shame you went through all this trouble looking for something that’s no longer here.

Wh-What?!! “Discord pulls off the alicorn’s pouch and looks inside, only to find out that it is empty. Crumpling his claws on the pouch he looks back at the alicorn.” Where did you-

Oh, What's with that face?” Said the alicorn sarcastically. “Is the master of chaos putting all his anger out on an empty pouch? All because he couldn’t get what he wanted.

Discord grabs the alicorn's face with his claw. “Where is it? . . . WHERE DID YOU HIDE IT?!!

The alicorn chuckled as the crystal slowly covered what was left of its face, giving its last reply. “It’s somewhere you can’t find it . . .

You sneaky little. . . RAAGGHH!!” Discord threw the alicorn's crystallized body onto the pile of rocks. Burying it deep into the ground so no one would find it. The angry Draconiqous then curses the rain, his voice echoes all across the area. “I will find those scrolls, Even if I have to turn Equestria inside out! I swear to you!

Meanwhile, away from what remains of Bad Lands, Luna is successfully teleported to safety. She sobs at her friend's defeat, unable to help him.

I’m sorry . . I’m so so sorry . . .“ She looks at the glowing scrolls on her hoofs and holds them tight. “I’ll keep my promise, that no one will ever use these scrolls but me . . .” Luna gazes at the Moon as the wind blows through her mane. She puts the scrolls inside her pouch and flies off into the night sky.

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1500 years later (Present day)

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One sunny day at Ponyville. Just like any other day, all the ponies live their lives peacefully. Earth ponies are busy at their work, Pegasus soaring through the sky clearing clouds, Unicorns using their magic to clean the town hall, and the fillies playing around in the park. At Sugar Cube Corners, Mr. and Mrs. Cake are busy with their duties, baking and decorating cakes for their customer’s future events. Pinkie Pie is assisting by gathering all the party decorations while sneaking some cookies off the table. Everything was going smoothly. Then, there was a knock on the door.

Oh! oh! I’ll get it! Owhhff! . . . ” Pinkie pie tripped and fell on her hooves. ”I-I’m ok . . . ” She gets up and answers the door. When Pinkie Pie checks who it is, it’s the mail pony.

Tired from carrying a bag full of letters, the Mail Pony tips his hat at Pinkie. ”Good morning Miss Pie.

Oh hey Stamps. Stop calling me "Miss" already, just Pinkie Pie! How many times do I have to tell you?”

He laughs and replies.”Oh, I’m sorry Pinkie Pie, and I believe it’s the 47th time you told me.

Wow! You remembered!” Said Pinkie, who’s impressed with Stamps's memory, almost as much as she remembers everyone’s birthday. ”You’re pretty good at keeping track there Stamps.

Well, it’s nothing really . . .” Stamps grins, with his hoof on his back scratching off the compliment." Anyway I got a letter today. He reaches inside his bag looking for the letter. “I’ll hand it over as soon . . . as . . . I . . . find it. Darn, where is it. . .

Let me guess . . . is it another letter from our customers again? ” Pinkie replied sarcastically. “If it is, I’ll make sure to bring it to Mrs. Cake after she’s done with the baking. But honestly this week we got tons of letters from our customers planning out orders, and we’re still busy with one of the current ones. Boy, Oh boy, it sure is one busy week for us and-

While Pinkie is talking, Stamps finally gets the letter from his bag. He reads the envelope to confirm he got the right one. As he finishes he looks back at Pinkie, who's still babbling.

So if it’s another letter to Mrs. Cake I wouldn't be surprised, am I talking too much? Let me know if I talked too much cause I-

Oh no, it isn’t for Mrs. Cake Pinkie . . . This is a letter to you.“ He hands the letter to Pinkie Pie.

For me?” Pinkie reads the envelope. “Hey, It’s from Mom and Dad. Hmmm, it’s been a while since they sent me their last letter. I wonder what's it all about.“ She opens and starts reading the letter. To her surprise, Pinkie screams in joy and then hugs Stamps. “THIS, IS, THE BEST THING EVER!

Wh-What is P-Pinkie?? Said Stamp while freeing himself from Pinkie’s hug.

I can't believe it's happening! It's finally today!

Aacckk!! That's nice . . . B-But would you mind let g-

Gasp!” Pinkie gets up close to Stamp's face, squishing his cheeks. “I gotta let my friends know about this!! Oh! And thank you for the letter Stamps!

D-Dont mention it Pinkie . . .

My My. What's all this fuss about?" Mrs. Cake steps out of the kitchen. She sees Pinkie hopping while holding onto Stamp's cheeks. “Pinkie, what's going on here?

Oh! Mrs. Cake, Is it ok if I take my break now?

Uhhh . . . . A-Alright Pinkie, just be back after an-

She lets go of Stamps and dashes over to Twilight's castle, leaving a trail of smoke.

Hour . . . . Now what on Equestria is she excited about this time?" Mrs cake picks up the letter envelope from the ground. . . . .

Something amazing I'm sure.” Stamps replied as they both saw the cloud of dust heading through Ponyville.

Meanwhile in the tree castle. Princess Twilight and her friends were arranging one of the castle’s curtains, and replacing them with Rarity’s designs. But as always Applejack refuses and thinks that it’s too frilly, causing those two to argue.

For heaven’s sake Applejack! I’m telling you dear, these looked perfect in Twilight’s throne room. I should know, I'm the expert.” Rarity uses her magic to lift the curtains and place them onto one of the windows.

Well yah, but I say it ain't.” Applejack pulls Rarity’s curtains down as soon as she just hangs them in place. “I should know . . . you don't need no "expert" to do a little house cleanin.”

Rarity gets irritated by Applejack, but calmly replies.” Honestly Applejack, First of all: this is a Castle, not a Barn, and Second: you really don’t have any taste in fine interior decorating.

Offended, Applejack comments back to Rarity. “Well Excuse Me, for not having time to "frillerying" my own household! I just happen to be busy doing something that actually matters!

Gasp! Are you saying interior designing doesn’t matter to you?!

It matters if you ain't overdoing it all the time!

The two mares head-butted each other and tried to push one of them off.

The Only time I'm overdoing it, is when it comes to you and you're lack of taste!

Lack of taste?! Pssshhhh!!! Give me a break Rarity. You're the one who's being all picky with things. So that makes you a lack of taste!

"Oh! How dare you-"

Girls Stop!” Twilight uses her magic to separate them. ”It's just curtains, there’s nothing to make a fuzz about. And besides both of you have a point. The Castle should be neat and tidy.

Hah! see, told yah!” Applejack smirks and points at Rarity. ”Yup! That's right Twilight!

And it should also look eye-catching for every visitor we have.

Hah!” Rarity points at Applejack and smirks back. ”I agree with you Twilight 100%.

Either way, a balance between the two is in order. You two should know that because you're the experts.

. . . . .

Applejack and Rarity look at each other, they smile and nod.

Alright Twilight, we're sorry.

Suddenly, Fluttershy heard a galloping noise just outside the castle. She looks out the window and sees a cloud of dust heading towards them. She panicked and quickly walked over to her friends to warn them. “Um . . . girls . . . T-there something out there that you should see . . . .

In a minute Fluttershy. . .” Twilight turns back at Applejack and Rarity as she picks which curtain they agree to use.

Fluttershy repeats telling her friends about the danger. “Uh G-girls . . . I know this isn’t the time for me to cut in. . . B-but there’s a large scary cloud heading right at us-

For Pete’s sake, Fluttershy! Can’t you see they're in the middle of something important over there?” Said Rainbow dash while slacking some chips and reading Daring Do. “And what do you mean by scary clou- !!

The dust cloud finally reaches the castle and bursts through the front doors forcing it to open. Fogging the entrance hall, the ponies go up to the castle doors. They prepared themselves for whoever appeared out of the cloud of dust. As it clears up, they see Pinkie covered in dust coughing. She shakes off the dust and rushes towards her friends.

Girls! Girls! Girls! You would not believe what happened to me today!!” Pinkie hops in excitement around her friends.

Let me guess . . .Gummy stuck in the sink again?” Rainbow Dash sarcastically answered.

Pinkie giggled. “Oh, Rainbow you kidder you . . .But no! He’s only stuck between the gutters, but I pulled him out yesterday. But that's not it, c’mon guess something else!

Hmmmmm . . . Let's see . . . ” Rarity taps on her chin, thinking. “Ah, You had something delightful for breakfast this morning.

Well . . . . I don't think Apple Pie for breakfast is what you call delightful Rarity. It is tasty, but that's not it either! Guess some more! Oh! How about you Fluttershy?

Pinkie stares down at Fluttershy, making her uncomfortable to reply. “I . . . Uh . . . Well . . . Is it, uh. . . . . "Her eyes wander and turn to Twilight. “I-I think Twilight knows Pinkie . . . Why not ask her instead?

Twilight face hoofed and walked up to Pinkie. “Pinkie pie, we can’t think of anything else to guess. So can you Please tell us what’s got you all excited about?

Oh fine! you're no fun at this. . . Anyway . . . I got a letter from Mom and Dad which I never expected them to send me unless it’s Super SUPER Important! I wanted to write back because I missed them so So much! But I wasn’t sure what to reply . . . I was gonna greet back like: hi Mom and Dad or, Hey Mom and Dad or, or Howdy Ma and Pa, ok that last one sounded like Applejack saying that but stil-

Uhhhgggg!!” Rainbow dash yells at Pinkie. “Pinkie! Just give it to us straight! We don't have all day.

Well, actually Rainbow . . .” Applejack walks up to Pinkie and Rainbow dash. “We’re in the middle of a house cleani-

Castle Decorating!” Rarity corrects Applejack from the corner of the hall.

Like I Was Sayin!” She yells back at Rarity then turns back to Pinkie pie. ”We're doing a little cleanin around the castle up till sundown, so that means we had all day to listen to Pinkie here.

Whatever, just tell us what's the Big news is already Pinkie.

Oh, ok Rainbow . . . So anyway, I got a letter from Ma and Pa and it’s the best news I’ve ever received since I moved here! Look! You should read what it says.” Pinkie Pie gave the letter to Twilight. She looks at the letter and then at her friends, who are eager to know what it is. Twilight clears her throat and reads it out loud.

Ahem . . .

Our dearest Pinkamena

We first like you to know that me and your Pa missed you dearly since your last visit with the Apple family. And hope that you will come and visit us again soon. So today we have great news for you that we’re sure you’ll be happy to hear.

A special pony is moving to Ponyville to live with you this Friday. I know you two have been waiting for this moment to meet each other after so long. I’m sure you’re very familiar with who that special pony might be. If you have guessed it by now then you're right, it’s none other than-


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~ End of chapter 1

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Era of early harmony

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One stormy night on the rocky plains of Bad Lands, two alicorns fled for their lives as they were being chased. The elder and the young alicorn navigated through the cruel storm until they spotted a small cave not far from their view. They went inside the cave and remained quiet hoping that their chaser didn't spot them. Soaking wet, the young alicorn is terrified of what will happen to them.

What's going on? I- . . . I’m scared . . . why is he chasing us? Why is he so upset with you? Please, just tell me already . . .” The young alicorn held the elder alicorn's hoof tight, trembling in tears." Ho-How long do we have to hide here?

S-Shh . . . be quiet Luna . . . ” The elder alicorn quietly replied. “Everything's going to be alright, as long as we stay put.

He places his wing over to young Luna, keeping her warm. But she doesn't feel calm without knowing what's happening, she continues to ask questions.

What exactly happened between you two?

Luna, it isn’t your concern. This matter is between me and him only, so don't ask any more questions.

You're always hiding secrets. Why won’t you tell me?

Sigh”. . . The alicorn turns to Luna and rubs her head. ”Listen Luna . . . I apologize for dragging you into this mess. It’s just that it’s- . . . It's difficult to explain at the moment.

But . . .” Her ears dropped and she sat next to the alicorn.“Where exactly did you run off to all this time? You said that you'd go somewhere with him and return at the end of the season but you didn't.

The alicorn turns its head at the cave entrance. “Nowhere special. A lot of things happened since I left. Firstly, I had time to improve my alternative magic and with his help, I progressed faster. But along the way, I found something from the past that shouldn't be rediscovered. And when he knew about it, he tended to claim it for himself. I'm not sure what he's planning with it, but when it comes to him it's definitely for a bad intention.

Bad intention? What exactly did you find out there? I-

An explosion from outside the cave interrupts them. Luna hid under the alicorn's wing. The cave shakes from the force of the explosion. Outside, their chaser calls them out in the middle of the rain.

I know you’re out there somewhere. . .“ The chaser smirks and looks around. He spots a pile of boulders forming a hill. Without warning, he blasted it into dust and continued blasting everything else around him.”Sooner or later you’ll run out of places to hide, and once I find you . . . I won’t think twice about killing you in this place.

Keep your head down Luna!” The noise of the explosion from outside causes the rocks above to start to fall on them. The alicorn couldn't bear it, he stood up and slowly exited the cave.

W-where are you going?” Luna follows behind. “Y-you’re not planning on facing him on your own, are you? ” She grabs onto its tail pulling the alicorn.

I don’t have a choice Luna.” The alicorn pulls back its tail. ”I have to accept my faith and finish this mess once and for all.

What? No! “Luna then pulls the alicorn’s wing, trying to stop him.” You can’t! He’ll kill you out there!

He’ll kill both of us if we stay here. He doesn't know you're here, so this is a good chance for you to escape.” He pulls his wing back and continues to exit the cave.

No . . .

Luna I don't have time to argue-

I said No!” Luna uses her magic to block its way as her tears run down her cheeks. ”You're not running from me and big sis again!


You're always handling things on your own and hiding secrets.

Luna listen to me-

No! You can't leave me in the dark like this again! I'm bringing you back to big sister and settling this another day together!

There's no time! I need to-

Please . . . Don't do this . . .

From Luna’s tiring breath, the alicorn recalls their times together. Guilt weighs down on the alicorn but it proceeds to persuade Luna of its decision.

Luna this is something I must do for you to escape. I'm keeping you out of this conflict, so what I'm doing isn't reckless.”The alicorn smiles and pats Luna's head.”You don’t have to worry about me. . . everything’s going to be alright, I promise.

But . . .“ Luna looks at the alicorn's sincere face, she wipes her tears and nods. Then lowers her magic, releasing the alicorn. “Alright . . . I trust you . . .

Thank you Luna . . . .“ The alicorn reached down its pouch, pulling out two glowing scrolls. One is silver and the other a fiery gold. “Here, take these with you as you escape.

W-What are these?” Luna shields her eyes from the limiting light. “They’re so bright, I've never seen anything like this. . .

These are the scrolls he's trying to steal from me. Take them with you and keep them safe.” The alicorn opens Luna's hooves and gives her the scrolls. “Remember, No one must know about its existence. Otherwise, it could lead to a huge disaster if it was at the hands of him or anyone else.

Alright . . .” Luna holds on to the scrolls. “I should let Big sister know about this, she’ll find a way to-

NO! She mustn’t find out about this!” The alicorn grabs Luna's shoulder. “I told you, No one must ever know about these scrolls, or this whole situation ever happened to anyone! Not even Tia . . . Do you understand Luna?

I . . . . (But . . . I never kept any secrets from big sister before . . . and why doesn’t he want her to find out? Is there something about these scrolls that would make him lie? Does it have something to do with Big sister?)” The alicorn calls her name repeatedly. “Huh?!

Luna, Do I make myself clear?” The alicorn eagerly waits for Luna's response.

. . . . “ She looks at the scrolls and reluctantly replies. “Y-Yes . . . I’ll make sure to keep this a secret for myself. . .

Good to hear . . .” The explosion from outside reaches where they are. The alicorn turns its head and makes its way to the exit. “I should go now . . .

W-What are you planning to do? Huh?!” Luna is stopped by a sudden bright circle that appears underneath her hooves." W-wait! What is this?!" A seal is forming around her, cast by the alicorn. “I-I can't move!

And one more thing Luna. . .

. . . .

The alicorn looks back to Luna and smiles. “This isn’t fair well but . . . until we meet again. . .

No wait! I still need to know what's in these! . . wait! I-

The alicorn flies out of the cave, leaving Luna behind. It goes up to their chaser and settles their scores.

Oh! Finally, you show yourself.“ Said the chaser in relief. “You know, I was starting to get the feeling you got crushed on one of these boulders I pulverized.“ The chaser laughs menacingly. ” But who am I saying, it takes more than rocks to take down the likes of you. . .

The alicorn chuckled and replied. “At least you know who you're dealing with. . . Discord.

Discord gives an evil smile. “Hmmp! Still full of pride as always . . . Well, guess what? You can bring that pride of yours with you to the Grave!

The clash of two powerful beings has begun. The whole area crumbles down, as they exchange each other's hits while dodging. As their fight escalated, both of them refused to back down. Luna helplessly listens outside in the cave, while the magic seal is taking her away.

Please be ok . . . please come out of this alive . . . please . . .” Luna closes her eyes, hoping for the alicorns’ safety.

Both beings gave their all, trying to take each other down. The badlands is now full of craters and huge cracks, forming a small canyon. Irritated, Discord is having difficulties, dealing with the alicorn's swiftness and skills.

Alright! I had just about enough of this child’s play! ” He pulls out one of the alicorn’s spells and casts it against it. Krystállina féretro! (Crystal coffin)!”

What?! How can you- !!!

A bright seal appears above the alicorn, out of it is a small crystal marble falling on its back. Upon contact, the crystal ball rapidly grew in size. Crystallizing its wing and forcing the alicorn to fall from the sky. It keeps on growing from its body all the way to its head, completely immobilizing the alicorn.

Hmmm . . . Not bad, not bad at all. It's more effective than I thought.” Discord grins at his success of trapping the alicorn. “Luckily this is the only seal I managed to learn from your research room. And I have to say, it works fine against the caster. ” He laughs as he slowly approaches the alicorn, grabbing it by the neck. “Now, be a good pony and hand over the scrolls.

The alicorn smirks and replies. “Heh, it’s such a shame you went through all this trouble looking for something that’s no longer here.

Wh-What?!! “Discord pulls off the alicorn’s pouch and looks inside, only to find out that it is empty. Crumpling his claws on the pouch he looks back at the alicorn.” Where did you-

Oh, What's with that face?” Said the alicorn sarcastically. “Is the master of chaos putting all his anger out on an empty pouch? All because he couldn’t get what he wanted.

Discord grabs the alicorn's face with his claw. “Where is it? . . . WHERE DID YOU HIDE IT?!!

The alicorn chuckled as the crystal slowly covered what was left of its face, giving its last reply. “It’s somewhere you can’t find it . . .

You sneaky little. . . RAAGGHH!!” Discord threw the alicorn's crystallized body onto the pile of rocks. Burying it deep into the ground so no one would find it. The angry Draconiqous then curses the rain, his voice echoes all across the area. “I will find those scrolls, Even if I have to turn Equestria inside out! I swear to you!

Meanwhile, away from what remains of Bad Lands, Luna is successfully teleported to safety. She sobs at her friend's defeat, unable to help him.

I’m sorry . . I’m so so sorry . . .“ She looks at the glowing scrolls on her hoofs and holds them tight. “I’ll keep my promise, that no one will ever use these scrolls but me . . .” Luna gazes at the Moon as the wind blows through her mane. She puts the scrolls inside her pouch and flies off into the night sky.

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1500 years later (Present day)

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One sunny day at Ponyville. Just like any other day, all the ponies live their lives peacefully. Earth ponies are busy at their work, Pegasus soaring through the sky clearing clouds, Unicorns using their magic to clean the town hall, and the fillies playing around in the park. At Sugar Cube Corners, Mr. and Mrs. Cake are busy with their duties, baking and decorating cakes for their customer’s future events. Pinkie Pie is assisting by gathering all the party decorations while sneaking some cookies off the table. Everything was going smoothly. Then, there was a knock on the door.

Oh! oh! I’ll get it! Owhhff! . . . ” Pinkie pie tripped and fell on her hooves. ”I-I’m ok . . . ” She gets up and answers the door. When Pinkie Pie checks who it is, it’s the mail pony.

Tired from carrying a bag full of letters, the Mail Pony tips his hat at Pinkie. ”Good morning Miss Pie.

Oh hey Stamps. Stop calling me "Miss" already, just Pinkie Pie! How many times do I have to tell you?”

He laughs and replies.”Oh, I’m sorry Pinkie Pie, and I believe it’s the 47th time you told me.

Wow! You remembered!” Said Pinkie, who’s impressed with Stamps's memory, almost as much as she remembers everyone’s birthday. ”You’re pretty good at keeping track there Stamps.

Well, it’s nothing really . . .” Stamps grins, with his hoof on his back scratching off the compliment." Anyway I got a letter today. He reaches inside his bag looking for the letter. “I’ll hand it over as soon . . . as . . . I . . . find it. Darn, where is it. . .

Let me guess . . . is it another letter from our customers again? ” Pinkie replied sarcastically. “If it is, I’ll make sure to bring it to Mrs. Cake after she’s done with the baking. But honestly this week we got tons of letters from our customers planning out orders, and we’re still busy with one of the current ones. Boy, Oh boy, it sure is one busy week for us and-

While Pinkie is talking, Stamps finally gets the letter from his bag. He reads the envelope to confirm he got the right one. As he finishes he looks back at Pinkie, who's still babbling.

So if it’s another letter to Mrs. Cake I wouldn't be surprised, am I talking too much? Let me know if I talked too much cause I-

Oh no, it isn’t for Mrs. Cake Pinkie . . . This is a letter to you.“ He hands the letter to Pinkie Pie.

For me?” Pinkie reads the envelope. “Hey, It’s from Mom and Dad. Hmmm, it’s been a while since they sent me their last letter. I wonder what's it all about.“ She opens and starts reading the letter. To her surprise, Pinkie screams in joy then hugs Stamps. “THIS, IS, THE BEST THING EVER!

Wh-What is P-Pinkie?? Said Stamp while freeing himself from Pinkie’s hug.

I can't believe it's happening! It's finally today!

Aacckk!! That's nice . . . B-But would you mind let g-

Gasp!” Pinkie gets up close to Stamp's face, squishing his cheeks. “I gotta let my friends know about this!! Oh! And thank you for the letter Stamps!

D-Dont mention it Pinkie . . .

My My. What's all this fuss about?" Mrs. Cake steps out of the kitchen. She sees Pinkie hopping while holding onto Stamp's cheeks. “Pinkie, what's going on here?

Oh! Mrs. Cake, Is it ok if I take my break now?

Uhhh . . . . A-Alright Pinkie, just be back after an-

She lets go of Stamps and dashes over to Twilight's castle, leaving a trail of smoke.

Hour . . . . Now what on Equestria is she excited about this time?" Mrs cake picks up the letter envelope from the ground. . . . .

Something amazing I'm sure.” Stamps replied as they both saw the cloud of dust heading through Ponyville.

Meanwhile in the tree castle. Princess Twilight and her friends were arranging one of the castle’s curtains, and replacing them with Rarity’s designs. But as always Applejack refuses and thinks that it’s too frilly, causing those two to argue.

For heaven’s sake Applejack! I’m telling you dear, these looked perfect in Twilight’s throne room. I should know, I'm the expert.” Rarity uses her magic to lift the curtains and place them onto one of the windows.

Well yah, but I say it ain't.” Applejack pulls Rarity’s curtains down as soon as she just hangs them in place. “I should know . . . you don't need no "expert" to do a little house cleanin.”

Rarity gets irritated by Applejack, but calmly replies.” Honestly Applejack, First of all: this is a Castle, not a Barn, and Second: you really don’t have any taste in fine interior decorating.

Offended, Applejack comments back to Rarity. “Well Excuse Me, for not having time to "frillerying" my own household! I just happen to be busy doing something that actually matters!

Gasp! Are you saying interior designing doesn’t matter to you?!

It matters if you ain't overdoing it all the time!

The two mares head-butted each other and tried to push one of them off.

The Only time I'm overdoing it, is when it comes to you and you're lack of taste!

Lack of taste?! Pssshhhh!!! Give me a break Rarity. You're the one who's being all picky with things. So that makes you a lack of taste!

"Oh! How dare you-"

Girls Stop!” Twilight uses her magic to separate them. ”It's just curtains, there’s nothing to make a fuzz about. And besides both of you have a point. The Castle should be neat and tidy.

Hah! see, told yah!” Applejack smirks and points at Rarity. ”Yup! That's right Twilight!

And it should also look eye-catching for every visitor we have.

Hah!” Rarity points at Applejack and smirks back. ”I agree with you Twilight 100%.

Either way, a balance between the two is in order. You two should know that because you're the experts.

. . . . .

Applejack and Rarity look at each other, they smile and nod.

Alright Twilight, we're sorry.

Suddenly, Fluttershy heard a galloping noise just outside the castle. She looks out the window and sees a cloud of dust heading towards them. She panicked and quickly walked over to her friends to warn them. “Um . . . girls . . . T-there something out there that you should see . . . .

In a minute Fluttershy. . .” Twilight turns back at Applejack and Rarity as she picks which curtain they agree to use.

Fluttershy repeats telling her friends about the danger. “Uh G-girls . . . I know this isn’t the time for me to cut-in . . . B-but there’s a large scary cloud heading right at us-

For Pete’s sake, Fluttershy! Can’t you see they're in the middle of something important over there?” Said Rainbow dash while slacking some chips and reading Daring Do. “And what do you mean by scary clou- !!

The dust cloud finally reaches the castle and bursts through the front doors forcing it to open. Fogging the entrance hall, the ponies go up to the castle doors. They prepared themselves for whoever appeared out of the cloud of dust. As it clears up, they see Pinkie covered in dust coughing. She shakes off the dust and rushes towards her friends.

Girls! Girls! Girls! You would not believe what happened to me today!!” Pinkie hops in excitement around her friends.

Let me guess . . .Gummy stuck in the sink again?” Rainbow Dash sarcastically answered.

Pinkie giggled. “Oh, Rainbow you kidder you . . .But no! He’s only stuck between the gutters, but I pulled him out yesterday. But that's not it, c’mon guess something else!

Hmmmmm . . . Let's see . . . ” Rarity taps on her chin, thinking. “Ah, You had something delightful for breakfast this morning.

Well . . . . I don't think Apple Pie for breakfast is what you call delightful Rarity. It is tasty, but that's not it either! Guess some more! Oh! How about you Fluttershy?

Pinkie stares down at Fluttershy, making her uncomfortable to reply. “I . . . Uh . . . Well . . . Is it, uh. . . . . "Her eyes wonder and turns to Twilight. “I-I think Twilight knows Pinkie . . . Why not ask her instead?

Twilight face hoofed and walked up to Pinkie. “Pinkie pie, we can’t think of anything else to guess. So can you Please tell us what’s got you all excited about?

Oh fine! you're no fun at this. . . Anyway . . . I got a letter from Mom and Dad which I never expected them to send me unless it’s Super SUPER Important! I wanted to write back because I missed them so So much! But I wasn’t sure what to reply . . . I was gonna greet back like: hi Mom and Dad or, Hey Mom and Dad or, or Howdy Ma and Pa, ok that last one sounded like Applejack saying that but stil-

Uhhhgggg!!” Rainbow dash yells at Pinkie. “Pinkie! Just give it to us straight! We don't have all day.

Well, actually Rainbow . . .” Applejack walks up to Pinkie and Rainbow dash. “We’re in the middle of a house cleani-

Castle Decorating!” Rarity corrects Applejack from the corner of the hall.

Like I Was Sayin!” She turns yells back at Rarity then turns back to Pinkie pie. ”We're doing a little cleanin around the castle up till sundown, so that means we had all day to listen to Pinkie here.

Whatever, just tell us what's the Big new is already Pinkie.

Oh, ok Rainbow . . . So anyway, I got a letter from Ma and Pa and it’s the best news I’ve ever received since I moved here! Look! You should read what it says.” Pinkie Pie gave the letter to Twilight. She looks at the letter and then at her friends, who are eager to know what it is. Twilight clears her throat and reads it out loud.

Ahem . . .

Our dearest Pinkamena

We first like you to know that me and your Pa missed you dearly since your last visit with the Apple family. And hope that you will come and visit us again soon. So today we have great news for you that we’re sure you’ll be happy to hear.

A special pony is moving to Ponyville to live with you this Friday. I know you two have been waiting for this moment to meet each other after so long. I’m sure you’re very familiar with who that special pony might be. If you have guessed it by now then you're right, it’s none other than-


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~ End of chapter 1

Scroll of Modesty Chapter 2: Cousins (revised)

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After Twilight reads the letter, everyone is surprised that Pinkie Pie has an unknown cousin, who's moving into Ponyville to live with her. Knowing that they already met Maud Pie and knew about Pinkie’s other young siblings, they never expected that she might have a cousin.

My My Pinkie Pie. We didn't know you had a cousin.” Rarity asked, breaking the silence.

Oh yes! She lives in a super faraway place! As in outside Equestria! If I remember, it's somewhere at a place called Uhh. . .Milany? Uh no. . . . Mitanie? No what was it . . . Mivaline?” She repeatedly knocks her noggin. “Oooh what was it again ? . . .

Wait. P-Pinkie, you're not trying to say Mitaly aren't you?

Oh, that’s it! Mitaly! Good guess Twilight!” Pinkie giggled. “It’s a funny name for a city, don’t you girls think?

M-Mitaly?! D Mitaly?!” Rarity is shocked and she wobbles towards Pinkie pie. “Pinkie dear, are you saying your cousin is from M-Mitaly?!

Uhh, duh of course she is! Didn't you hear Twilight?” Pinkie pie gets close to Rarity, holding her still. “And last time I checked, she has a house there that works just like Sugar Cube Corners and-

Rarity then pulls Pinkie close to her face, and their noses touch. “YOU’VE BEEN THERE BEFORE?!

Again . . . Uhh, duh of course I have. It was nothing special or anything there just a bunch of old broken-down castles everywhere.

You mean Ruins . . .” Twilight answered. “That's what they called their Pinkie.

That's what I said Twil-

No, I mean Ruins, you know . . . . What remains of Pony-made architecture, structures that were once complete, as time went by over thousands of years?

Hmm, I'm pretty sure someone's castle broke down and didn't have the time or money to fix it.” cluelessly Pinkie said. “Talk about a bad investment over there am I right Rainbow? "She nudges her elbow at Rainbow dash. “Ah? Ah? Am I right Rainbow? Or Am I righ-

Ugghhh!! we're losing topic here!” She shrugs Pinkie Pie’s elbow off of her. ”What's so special about this Mitaly place Twilight?

Well, if you must know, Mitaly is known as one of the most ancient places in Equestria. Based on my small research, it’s where the first alicorns train themselves in battle during the time of shadows. It’s also the rarest place to visit due to its incredibly far distance from Equestria lands and-

Rarity cuts into Twilight's conversation. “It’s known for its magnificent qualities! The food, the art, its atmosphere, and Ah! Not to mention their en-genius designs of wardrobes! AHHH!” She spins around and leans over to Applejack's back. “It’d be like a dream to stay there, even for at least a day!

Uhh, I think that's enough day dreamin Rarity.” She pushes Rarity off her back. “So what's yo cousin like Pinkie?

Well, we're the same age that's for sure. Oh! And my sisters used to tell me that she's just like me If I ever learn proper manners. I don't know what they mean by that? . . .

Right, And I'm sure she's just as unique as you or your sister Maud too. . .” Rainbow dash replied sarcastically.

Rainbow!” Twilight yelled. “You weren't supposed to remind Pinkie how we don't get along with her relatives.

I know Twilight. It's just that, whenever Pinkie introduces us to one of her relatives. They're either boring, rough, or have super pony abilities, or all three.

Don't be ridiculous. I'm sure her cousin will be fine with us once we get to know her well, right Pinkie?

Yup! That's right Twilight.” Pinkie jumps in the middle of them. “You girls don't need to worry about anything. After all, Pizzaniac is the kind of mare who gets along with everypony!

Uhh . . . . Pizza who now?” Applejack asked. “Come again Sugarcube?

Oh, Pizzaniac is my cousin’s first name by the way. But her full name is Pizzaniac Peach Pie, and calling her by her full name makes my tongue twist." Pinkie giggled. “Soooo I always call her Pizza pie, because it's much easier. Don't you girls think so?

. . . . . .

Well, I-I think it's a wonderful nickname Pinkie pie.” Said Fluttershy calmly “And I'm sure your cousin is a very nice pony too, and we're all excited to meet her. . . .

You said it! Aaaaaand, you'll be the first five friends she'll make when she steps into Ponyville! AHHH!!!” Pinkie smiled and skips around her friends. ”I'm so nervoucited!!

So, how soon will your cousin be here Pinkie darling?” Rarity asked.

Oh, about three days from now, but who's counting? Gasp! I do! Sorry girls, I gotta go and plan for my cousin's welcome to Ponyville party!” Pinkie swoops out of the castle in a flash, then she swoops back in after a second. “Uh, you girls wouldn't mind if I skipped this one for today?

Sure Pinkie I don't see why n-

Neat! Thanks Twilight! bye!” Pinkie swoops out of the castle again, just as fast as how she arrived earlier.

Not . . . .

The ponies watch her leave with a trail of smoke behind and back to Ponyville just as she came.

W-Well she sure is excited about her cousin’s move to ponyville.

"This is Pinkie Pie we're talking about Fluttershy.” Said Rainbow dash, as she close the door. ”Pinkie pie's always excited when it comes to new ponies.

"Well, her cousin ain't new to her Rainbow. ." Applejack replied while sweeping off the dust. "And besides, it sounds like she hasn't seen her for like a couple of years or so. ."

But still, aren't you girls worried about this for a minute?

Rarity folds her designed curtains in a pile. “Why would we ever be worried Rainbow dear? It's not like things would change if Pinkie's cousin stayed in Ponyville.

Rarity's right Rainbow.” Twilight replied. “We'll just have to make a good impression and get to know her cousin better. This time, we won't let anything happen between them, like how it ended up with her sister Maud Pie.

They recall their time with Pinkie pie’s sibling Maud and feel terrible about their actions that day.

Alright! Let's get these curtains done and we'll have the castle ready for Pinkie's cousin's arrival. Chop chop girls.

Right!” The ponies replied and resumed back to cleaning the castle, not just for the upcoming occasion but also for their friends’ special sibling.

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Arrival day

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The ponies are waiting at the train station, sitting on the bench as Pinkie Pie skips around in excitement. She couldn't contain her joy, knowing in a couple of minutes, she'll be reuniting with her long distant cousin.

"AHHHH!! I- Can’t- Believe- It! The day is finally here girls, today's the day Pizza and I will live together! Oh! We’re gonna have such a great time!

"Pinkie . . .

"We're gonna play board games all the time! And going strolling around the park all the time!!

"Pinkie . . .

"We're gonna have a family pie picnic, but just the two of us!!

"Pinkie . . .

"And what's best of all is that we can get to do those things every day! Because she's staying in Ponyville! Forever and ever and ever and ever an-

"Pinkie Pie! Will you stay still?!” Twilight uses her magic to trap Pinkie Pie in a magic bubble. "We can't see your cousin when you're moving around so much.

"Sorry Twilight, but I'm super excited to meet my cousin again. Also moving around is the only way she would notice I'm in the station, waiting for her!” She bounces off and rolls around like a hamster in its ball.

"Just let her run loose Twilight.” Rainbow dash chills on the bench, wearing her sunglasses.

No use in calming her down. She's been excited since this morning.

Twilight sighs and rolls her eye. “Well I guess it can't be helped then, we might as well wait for her to stop. ” Twilight takes her seat and continues reading her book.

Oh, Pinkie darling.” Rarity calls out to Pinkie pie.” If I may ask, what was your cousin like before you met her?”

Oh, this I gotta hear.” Rainbow Dash closes in, eager to hear from Pinkie pie. “I bet she's one of those defy reality kind of pony or whatnot.

Shush! Don't mind Rainbow there Pinkie dear. So what is she like to you?

I don't mind at all. Uh, let's see . . . I remember Pizza is one elegant filly. Always on her best behavior, Always greets visitors and, always has her mane tied. Huh? I guess that's what my sisters meant by “we're the same” if I had manners.

I can't imagine you being like that Sugarcube . . .” Said Applejack as she tries to picture Pinkie pie with manners. “Nope, couldn't see it still.

Well me neither!” Pinkie giggled. “So anyway, She lives with her Papa name Pasta. He's my uncle by the way and a brother-in-law to my Dad! Like I said last time. Just like Sugar Cube Corners, she lives in her restaurant, they call it a Pizza parlor. Pretty weird if you think about it. Oh! As for the name . . . hmmmmm . . . . Let's see . . . . . What is it called again?" Pinkie repeatedly knocks her noggin. “Oh! I remember. It’s called Cheesy Round Caters.

A Pizza parlor called: “Cheesy? Round?” Really?

"I said hush Rainbow! Let Pinkie tell us more about her cousin. Continue dear.

"I know it's a silly name for a restaurant Rainbow. But it was always busy there and she always helps her Papa every day.

"Oh, that sounds tiring Pinkie . . .” Said Fluttershy while carrying her fruit basket. "B-But what about her Mother? Does she help too?

"About that . . . . . M-My aunt . . . . I-I mean . . . Her Mother . . . Well. . She was gone when cousin was still a young foal.

Oh, I-I'm sorry I asked . . . .

No, It’s ok Fluttershy. "Pinkie's ears drop and her smile fades." They don't seem to talk about my aunt when we visited. . . it's a sensitive topic, especially to cousin Pizza . . .”

I feel her Sugar cube, neither do I.” Said Applejack lowering her hat. ”Granny Smith keeps a lay low on the topic on how my parents died. Honestly, I wouldn't mind not remembering it. Only the good memories they had with us are all that matter. And I'm sure yo cousin does the same with her Mama too . . .

I hope so Applejack . . . . But still, we had a wonderful time when I visited her years ago. But now that she's coming to live with me in Ponyville . . . .I-I don't know if she's still the same ol Pizza pie I know. . .

Yeah, after what you told us about your cousin was like.” Rainbow dash replies sarcastically. “And pretty sure after all these years she’s now into the whole elegant and fashion stuff like Rarity over here.

Rarity overheard Rainbow dash and walks up to her. “Oh really Darling? Is there something you wish to tell me Rainbow dash?

Hey, I’m just saying since Pinkie Pie hasn't seen her cousin for a long time. So obviously, she changed into one of those “Non-fun” elegant ponies.

Oh? Sounds to me, you make it sound like it's a bad thing.

I wouldn't say that it's a bad thing, I’m just not comfortable dealing with elegant ponies.

Well. I don't know darling. Looks to me like it's more than just not “putting up” with any elegant ponies. I think you're also referring to me as well.

Woah! Just take it easy Rare's. Chill down . . . I didn't mean it like th-

No, Now that I think about it. I can tell you've been holding down a grudge against me whenever I ask you a favor to wear my works for me.

Well yeah! It's only because it takes you forever, to decide if your outfits are good enough, when I could be practicing flying for the Wonder-bolts recruitment!

You can't rush perfection Rainbow. Besides you're flying practice, is just nothing more than just you zooming around the place, messing up the clouds along the way!!

Hey! That still counts as practice!

How is making cloud angels count as practice?!

The two mares then head-butted one another, as both of them were getting each other's nerves.

Hey! Break it up will ya!” Applejack breaks in and pushes them apart. “We can’t be yall fightin like this, especially when Pinkie's cousins' gonna be here soon. So quit it!

Tell that to Rarity over here, She's overreacting about my honest opinion.

Well, that's some level of honesty you got there darling!

Girls stop fighting!” Twilight barge in their argument. “You can't be showing attitudes like this in public, especially on Pinkie's special day!

Hey, At least, I'm not the one who's being all paranoid over some opinion!

Gasp! I am not being paranoid over such little things!!

Well, you are right now!

As the ponies are quarreling, the train appears from the distance and is getting close to the station. Fluttershy flies over to her friends to tell them.

U-Umm Girls, the train is coming. Y-You can all stop fighting now, please-

I most certainly am not!

G-Girls the trains getting close to the station-

Are too!

Am not!

The train finally reached the station and slowly stopped. But the ponies are too distracted by their argument, and poor Fluttershy desperately tries to get their attention.

G-Girls the trains' already here, can we all stop fighting please-

Twilight, do something to make them stop.” Said Applejack as she tries separating Rarity and Rainbow dash apart.

Alright! I'm going to say this one last time to stop and- . . . H-Hey! Are you two even listening to me?! UHHGGG!!

Rarity and Rainbow dash are still arguing, while Twilight and Applejack tries to separate them, and Pinkie Pie still rolls around inside the bubble. With none of them noticed the train had arrived. Fluttershy had no choice but to step in, take a deep breath, and yell at them.


Fluttershy's voice echoed across the station and everyone including her friends, heard her and finally stopped fighting. They tilt their heads, look behind Fluttershy, and see the Train had arrived. The magic bubble pops, and Pinkie pie drops to the ground. She gets up and sees the train. She immediately jumps up and down, screaming and pointing.

She's here! She's Here!” Pinkie pie dashes towards the train, while the rest follows her."

Fluttershy, why didn't you tell us the train is already here?” Said Twilight, as she flew past Fluttershy.

But you we're . . . You see I was calling you girls. . . . You can't hear me. . . so I screamed and. . . . Nevermind . . .” Said Fluttershy frowning.

As they got close to the train, the door opened and steam came out, fogging the station. The ponies were coughing and covering their nose from the smoke, Pinkie pie walked past them and looked at the ponies who were getting off of the train.

Cousin! Cousin Pizza pie!! Can you hear me? It’s me Pinkie pie, I came to pick you up.” She looked and looked but no sign of her cousin. As the last ponies exit the train, she peeks inside and sees that the whole train is empty. “C-Cousin? . . . are you here?

. . . . . . .

The ponies looked at each other and felt bad for Pinkie pie. Seeing her sitting outside the door disappointed. They all up to her and try to cheer her up.

Pinkie are you ok? . . . .” Said Twilight patting Pinkie pie’s back. “Maybe she's on a different train.

. . . . Maybe . . . I thought for sure I see her right now.

Soon you will Pinkie pie, it’s still early in the afternoon. We had the whole day to wait for her.

Pinkie sighs in disappointment. “You’re right Twilight . . . I should be more patient

See there you go. Now, let's head back to the castle and get you something to eat first. We'll come back here as soon as we're full.

Ok . . . .

Pinkie's ears drop then turns back to her friends. The ponies felt bad and walked halfway towards her. As Pinkie goes up to them, suddenly someone grabs her shoulder. Pinkie looked behind and saw, a mare with a cheesy yellowish mane and a peach-colored coat, and a cutie mark much like hers. Like looking at a mirror, she can't believe her eyes, the mare standing right in front of her is.


Hey cousin Pinkie.

. . . . .

I'm here now just as promised. .

. . . . . . .

O-Oh! S-Sorry, it took so long to get here. I got to let go of a few things an-

Pinkie couldn't hold back her tears, she smiled at her cousin and gives her a big hug. “Y-You're here, you’re finally here . . . . I missed you so much cousin Pizza . .

I missed you too Pinkie . . .

And by the way . . . .

Yeah? . . .

You came just in time. . .

Good to hear . . . .

The ponies stand and witness a touching reunion between cousins. As they did, Rainbow dash noticed something unusual.

Uh, girls. Is it just me or does Pinkie's cousin look exactly like he-

Applejack stops Rainbow dash from saying anything else. “Just let them have their moment for now.

A reunion of two cousins living apart for years finally meet once again.

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~ End of chapter 2

Scroll of Modesty Chapter 3 : Just like her (revised)

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Oh, cousin! I'm so glad you’re finally here!

It’s good to finally be here Pinkie . . Now would you mind letting me g-

I've been waiting like forever to see you again! Do you feel the same? Do yah?

Not a day passes by, that wouldn't feel the same about it, an-

I knew it! I knew it! Now that you're here, we're going to have The Best Stay EVER!

Uh, Pinkie . . . ”Applejack walks up to the Pie cousins. ”Didn't mean to get in your way on your reunion but uh, I think your cousin could use a little air.

Little air? Oh!” Without realizing it, Pinkie pie is squishing her cousin too tight. She immediately lets go of her cousin. ”Whoops sorry about that cousin.

It's ok . . . I remember you hugged me that tight when we first met.

Oh yeah, I did, did I?

Uh, huh . . . I guess from now on I should get used to being hugged by you.” The two Pie cousins laugh while the rest looks at them.

Rainbow dash swoops in at the Pie cousins. ”OK then, now that's out of the way. Uh Pinkie, aren't you gonna introduce us to your cousin?

Oh right. Where are my manners? Cousin Pizza, these are my Best friends in Ponyville! Best friends in Ponyville meet my Best Pie cousin from Mitaly!

Welcome to Ponyville Pizza pie!” The ponies greeted Pizza pie with a warm smile, Pizza pie bows and greets back.

H-Hello, it's nice to meet you all.” Pizza pie leans over to her cousin. ”Pinkie. Are these your friends' cousin Marble and cousin Lime are talking about?

Yup, they sure are! This is Rainbow Dash, she's one of the fastest pegasi around! No pony could ever beat her in a race, she's also a member of the Wonderboltz, and Oh! Oh! She can also perform awesome tricks and even the amazing, spectacular, famous Sonic Rainboom!

Yup, that's me. Nice to meet you Pizza pie! And hey, if you wanna do something cool or awesome stuff, then I'm your mare for the job.

Oh, that’s sounds great.” Pizza pie hoof bumps at Rainbow dash. ”I'll look forward to it.

Applejack rolled her eyes.”Oh, brother . . .

This is Applejack. She lives in Sweet Apple Acres where the apple trees can be seen for miles and miles grown there! We sometimes helped her out by bucking all the apples making apple cider and selling them like hotcakes! She’s also the most honest and reliable pony in Equestria! And to that, you can say she's an apple to the core”.

Applejack tips her hat.”Please to meet ya Pizza pie. Hope you stopped by at the barn sometime. There, you taste some of my granny Smith's sweet apple pie. I guarantee you'll love it.

I'll take you up on your offer.”Pizza pie smiles and shakes hooves.”And nice to meet you Applejack.

Uh-oh, were you going?” Pinkie pulls in Fluttershy after she sees her slowly hiding behind the luggage. ”This shy mare here is Fluttershy,. She has all sorts of animals in her cottage at home. She talks to them, takes good care of them and sometimes ponies start calling her “the critter whisperer” behind her back.” Pinkie giggled.

Wa-Wait, they do? . . . . P-Pinkie, w-why didn't you say anythin-” Pinkie pie pushes Fluttershy facing Pizza pie. ”Oh! Uh . . . . U-Um hello, It's nice to meet you Pizza pie . . . And welcome to Ponyville.

Hi Fluttershy. Well, I got a pet too, but I only have one, who's been with me forever. Her name is Colours.” She grabs her pouch and looks inside for her pet.”Colours, come out and say hi to everyone.

From the pouch, outcomes a little chameleon crawled its way to Pizza's mane, staring at ponies with its ditzy eyes

OH! You brought Colours with you too?! That's super fantastic! Looks like Gummy here's gonna have a new little playmate.” Pinkie pie reaches in her mane and pulls out Gummy, nomming on it.

Awwww . . . Hello little one, you look soo cute. I-I barely seen anypony who has a chameleon pet before. . .

Well, she's cute all right, but sometimes she's a bit of a clutz.”Colours fall off Pizza's mane and into the ground. She bumps into Gummy who is just staring at her point-blank. ”She's also quite a hoof-full to handle.

Oh, I see . . . I-If you want, you can take Colours to my cottage to play with the other animals. I guarantee she'll make some new friends there. If it's alright with you I mean . . . .

Sure, sounds fun! Right Colours?” Colours just stared at gummy, eyes looking in different directions.”I think that's a yes.

Rarity steps forward and taps on Fluttershy’s shoulder. ”Um . . . If I may dear.

Oh, of course . . . Rarity.” Fluttershy moves aside carrying Colours. ”Excuse me Pizza pie but, may I borrow Colours for a while?

Sure thing Fluttershy. Colours be good ok?

Colours looked back at Pizza pie as she's carried away by Fluttershy.”Now let's get you something to eat . . . you must be starving.

Rarity walks up to Pizza pie, and politely introduces herself. ”Ehem, Hello, my name is Rarity. I too am Pinkie Pie's best friend. Now, you may not know but I do run a-

Fashion boutiques here in Ponyville, Canterlot, and Manehatten? Contain only the on-the-top styles of gowns and dresses designed by you truly.

Uhhh . . . . .” Rarity was surprised and left speechless. ”T-that's true, but H-how did you know I run a boutique? or even three of them?

Oh! Oh!” Pinkie pie bounces between Rarity and Pizza pie.”Is it a hunch of yours cousin?

Pizza pie nods and replies.”Well that, and I heard it from Lime, Marble, some ponies in the train, this pamphlet here,” Pizza pie shows the pamphlet of Rarity's boutique from her pouch. “and Photo finish told me.

Oh, I guess that makes sense. I mean else would you know-” Rarity suddenly drops the pamphlet in surprise. “P-P-Photo finish told you? Y-You know Photo finish?

Well yeah, I know her. She's one of my personal photographers in Mitaly. And also one of my closest friends there.

Closest friend, you say darling?” Rarity nervously replied.

She is. Since we were kids. She moves in with her family in Mitaly a few days after Cousin Pinkie pie's visit. She took photography classes till she gained her cutie mark. She and I met when we worked together on some projects.

A-And what is your occupation on that project may I ask?. . .

Oh, nothing major really, just a model and a spokes-mare to my Papa's restaurant.

Here Rarity, take a look at these!” Pinkie shoves a magazine at Rarity's face, with pictures of Pizza pie on the cover.”It just so happens this also comes with the letter from before. Luckily Mrs. Cake gave it to me as soon as I got home!

Rarity is surprised that her friend’s cousin had a top-class occupation. ”Oh, Wow you’re quite beautiful in this dear, especially the clothes your- ” She then notices something familiar from one of Pizza pie's pictures in the magazine. ”A-are those my designs you’re wearing darling?

Ah, that's right I did. Photo finish recommends wearing some of your designs during some shots. A lot of ponies like the dresses you made, they assume that we're close and you're making dresses for me just for those shoots.” Pizza pie smiles. “Hehe, so in short, you got a fan base back home.

I have a FA-FA-FANBASE?!- I-I mean, that sounds amazing. I-I didn’t know.” Rarity laughs awkwardly. “I'm sorry dear, but if you all excuse me just for a moment . . . .” She then turns around, taking a few steps, and faints on the ground.

Uhhh . . . . Is she always like that?” Pizza pie asked.

Rainbow dash flies over to check on Rarity.”Most likely when it comes to meeting a high-class pony, but she's fine.

Me high-class?” Pizza pie chuckled. ”No I'm not, aside from where I'm born. I'm just like anypony else. . .” As Pizza pie turns back to Pinkie pie, she sees Twilight standing behind her. ”Hey, you're Princess Twilight Sparkle am I right?

Twilight teleports in front of Pizza pie, introducing herself. ”The one and only, and as one of Pinkie pies' dearest friends, let me just say it is an honor to have you staying in Ponyville.

Aww shucks. . . . ” Pizza pie bows to Twilight. ”I'm no special pony to be welcomed by a Princess like you.

O-Oh, no need to bow Pizza.” Twilight lifts Pizza pie's hooves. ”And of course you are. After all, we are your cousin's best friends. We have to make a first good impression of ourselves.” Twilight leans behind Pizza pie and sees her friends. Fluttershy petting colours, Applejack fanning Rarity with her hat, and Rainbow dash pulls over a cloud and dumbs Rain on the both of them. ”Uhh . . . . P-Plus Pinkie Pie here even throw you a party on your arrival.

Twilight's right cousin.” Said Pinkie pie leaping over between them.”We made you the biggest welcome party ever!! Taking place right here, at The Biiiig Castle!” Pinkie pie grabs her cousin's head and points her at the tree castles. A beam of light flashes down on it, shining across Ponyville with all its harmonious glory.

The ponies reached the castle and Spike greeted them at the entrance and opened the castle doors. Pinkie pie drags her cousin inside, giving her a castle tour.

Here is the main hall, over here is the art gallery, hallways, the Library, Hallways, the Kitchen, more hallways, Twilight's personal library, Hallways with art glasses!

The ponies were following behind the pie cousins and Rainbow dash started to get impatient. ”Uhhgg. . . How much longer is this tour?! We've been walking for hours!

It’s only been for ten minutes, plus you're flying.” Twilight replied sarcastically. ”So stop complaining and have a little patience just for today.

WHATEVER! Just tell Pinkie pie to get on with the par-

And over here is the best part of the castle.” Pinkie shows Pizza pie the big door leading to the last room. She pushed it open and everyone walked in. ”The Friendship table!

The room is decorated with balloons, confetti, streamers, and a banner that says "Welcome cousin Pizza pie" with a drawn picture of herself. Pizza pie is surprised and happy to see it.

So, cousin, do you like it? Do ya? Do ya? Do ya?” Pinkie pie gets close to Pizza pie’s face smiling while her friends are behind her.

This . . . This is just Perfect. Thank you for setting this up cousin, I loved it. ” Pizza pie hugs her cousin tight.” You made me feel more welcome than ever.

I'm sooo glad you feel that way! I prepared it just as I used to throw you a party back at your home!

That's right you did and as always it’s spectacular. I'll this cherish moment just like before.

I bet you do, and now that we're all here.” Pinkie hops on top of the friendship table. ”Are you ponies ready to party rock?!


Good! Let's get this party started!” Pinkie pie pulls out her party cannon and fires it all over the room.

The ponies partied along with their new visitor. Everyone is laughing, playing, and dancing together. Hours pass, and the ponies sit in a circle facing a glowing lava lamp in the middle. Pinkie pie shares her adventures with her friends at Pizza pie.

And then everyone in Equestria showed up on top of the hill, all ready to face Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, and little miss whatsherface-"

Twilight face-hoofed and corrected Pinkie pe. ”For the last time Pinkie it's Cozy glow, COZZY GLOW.

Right, right. So anyway, everyone was there. We joined in too. It was a tough fight but we gave it our best. It didn't take longer than five minutes, we won! We took all the stolen magic and gave it back to everyone and we all lived happily ever after. The end.

After hearing Pinkie pie’s story, her friends look at each other and get awkwardly silent.

Uhh . . . ” Applejack leans over to Rarity. ”Did it really take five minutes?

At this point darling, I can't be bothered to question it.

Right. . . .

Pizza pie applauded at her cousin's stories. ”Wow, that's amazing cousin! I never knew you helped save Equestria countless times. So what happened to those three?

Oh, they were turned to stone so those meanies will never bother anyone again.

Uh, stone?” Pizza pie asked.

Yeah, you can see them somewhere at the center of Ponyville, serving as the new wishing well!

Yeah, a wishing well . . . . really?” Rainbow dash turns to Twilight. ”You could've handed them over to Princess Celestia or locked them in Tartarus or something.

I know it's silly Rainbow, but trust me, having them placed in plain sight is more certain that they are watched 24/7.” Twilight grabs her telescope and flies to the window. She peeks through using the telescope and sees ponies passing by, throwing bits at the pond surrounding it. ”Besides, I've done the math. All these villains are on the loose in the first place, because there's little supervision if they are placed somewhere isolated.

That's a mighty valid point Twilight.” Said Applejack.”Sometimes, the best way to keep an eye on danger is placing them in harm's way.

That seems like a risky move to me. Why not just get guards to keep an eye on them?

Oh please, Rainbow dash.” Said Rarity sipping a cup of tea. ”I thought you’re all about taking risks? Why the concern all of a sudden?

I know you're still mad at me from earlier Rarity.

Whatever do you mean darling?” Rarity raises her eye brow at Rainbow dash.

Uhhhggg, Whatever. But still, hello?!” Rainbow dash points out the window. ”Those three out there are one of the biggest threats in Equestria aside from Discord.

D-Discord?” Pizza pie nervously asked. “Discord who?

Oh, he's that one guy who has a head of a pony and mixed parts for a body. You can't miss him. He really lived up to his name as the Spirit of Chaos by just looking like that.


Yes Pizza pie. But he's not all bad. . . .” Said Fluttershy flying next to Pizza pie. ”N-Not like before I mean, he's been such a help to us and quite a sweetheart.

Applejack chuckled. ”My bad for laughing Sugar Cube but, Uhh . . . are you sure we're talkin about the same Discord Fluttershy? Cause he sure has a funny way of being helpful.

Applejack it's true. These past few days he hasn't used his magic to trick ponies. He really proved himself to be a fine citizen of Ponyville.

Welp, so long as you're around to lecture him.” Said Applejack, grabbing a cider from the table.. ”Best to keep remindin ya.

I-I guess. Say, why not I let you meet Discord Pizza pie? It'd be nice if the two of you knew each other-


. . . . . . . .

Uhh. . . I-I mean . . . I'd like to meet this Discord guy. But my focus today is to spend time with my cousin.” Pizza pie grabs Pinkie pie holding her shoulder. ”We got some catching up to do after all.

Yup, that's right! I even made a list for us to do!” Pinkie pie pulls out a list and unravels it. The end rolls to the ground and exits the room.

Oh ok then . . . Some other time I guess. . .

Neat. Uh . . . excuse me, but I gotta go to the little mares room. . . .” Pizza pie stood up and headed out of the room, she looked at both sides of the hallway confused. ”Uh . . . where is it exactly?

Oh, oh!” Pinkie pie hops towards her cousin. ”I'll show you where it is cousin. Sorry, girls we'll be back in just a minute.” Pinkie leads the way while Pizza pie follows behind her.

As the Pie cousins leave the room, the ponies look at each other and are curious about Pizza pie reaction earlier.

What was that all about?” Said Rainbow dash, breaking the silence.

What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

She just went full 1 80 on Fluttershy's offer to meet Discord. Not that it's a surprise or anything that no one wants to meet him.” Rainbow dash turns to Fluttershy. ”No offense I mean.

Oh, N-None taken Rainbow dash. It's just odd that Pizza pie would react that way.

Pretty sure she heard of Discord from Mitaly and got scared at the fact he’s just around the corner.

Oh, dear I never thought of that. Maybe I should give some time for them to meet. And besides Discord left a note saying he’d be away for a few days.

Applejack grabs the note from Fluttershy and reads it. “Hmmm . . . . “Gone off to see the word, be back in a few days” – Discord. Well, that’s reassuring, that’ll give Pizza pie some time to feel right at home here.
Indeed darling.” Said Rarity. “With him around, I’m sure he’ll be plotting something to prank the poor mare.

I don’t think he would Rarity." Said Twilight. "If Fluttershy said that he’s been behaving these past few weeks then I trust that he will make a good impression once they meet.

Rainbow dash yawns and replies. “Yeah right Twilight, whatever you say.

Meanwhile, the Pie cousins were walking past the hallways, heading to the bathroom. Pinkie pie continues to babble while Pizza pie follows behind.

How could I forget to show the bathrooms in my castle tour? It’s not like that important to know where it is, especially right now. Come to think of it, I don't think ponies ever mention any bathrooms at a tour, and funny that this castle is made of a crystal tree that turned into a castle because Twilight's old tree house burned down an-

(No . . . It couldn't be . . . here? Of all the places to be, why in Ponyville. . . .)” Pizza pie muffles, lost in thoughts.

Cousin? Cousin Pizza pie?” Pinkie waves her hoofs across to Pizza pie's face. ”Hello? Ponyville to cousin, come in cousin.

Huh?! huh?!” Pizza pie shakes her head and looks at Pinkie pie. ”Oh, S-Sorry . . . I wasn't paying attention.

Well, I was gonna say that we’re here.” Pinkie points at the bathroom door. ”Now, don't take long ok cousin? We gotta get back to the girls and share more stories.

Sure thing Pinkie. . .

After few minutes later, the Pie cousin returned to their friends who were waiting for them.

Sorry, it took so long girls.” Pinkie pie sat down and dropped a plate of cookies on the table. ”I had to grab something in the kitchen for us to munch on. ” Pinkie Giggled. ”Hope you don't mind Twilight?

It's alright Pinkie, just help yourselves.

The ponies each grabbed a piece and went back to their seats.

So uh, what did we miss?” Pizza pie asked.

Twilight lowers her book and replies. ”Nothing much, Just chatting about how close you and Pinkie are.

Why wouldn't we be close? I've been waiting to see cousin Pinkie again ever since. She's the reason I got to be who I am right now.” Pizza pie looks at her cousin and smiles. Pinkie pie smiles back with her teeth covered in cookie mush.

Well, I agree with ya Pizza.” Said Applejack, passing a napkin to Pinkie pie. ”It was fun having Pinkie here for a cousin.

Oh, Wait. So is Pinkie pie your cousin too Applejack?

Uhh. . . not to the point that it's true, it was a small misunderstanding. Long story short, one of Granny Smith's folks misread the family tree. So technically we aint from the same branch of the apple tree. . . .

Oh, that's too bad though. I can imagine what would the family name be.

The Apple Pie Family! JINX!!” They all laughed including Applejack and Pizza pie.

Ehem. . . Soo uhh, Pizza dear. I've been meaning to ask you. What made you decide to move to Ponyville in the first place?

Well Rarity, it’s a long story too. But in short, it was a promise I made to cousin back then. A promise I kept until the day we met again.

How sweet of you determined to keep such a promise to darling Pinkie. May I ask what that promise was dear?

Pizza pie sighs and stands up, pointing at herself. “It’s me. How I look like is my promise.

Uh, what?” Applejack replied. ” So, your promise is-

By looking just like Pinkie pie? ” Said Rainbow dash confused. ”You serious?

Yes, pretty serious.” Said Pizza pie in a straight face.

. . . . .

Sigh . . . . Don't pretend you don't notice it. I can tell from your faces earlier. You were confused when I stepped out of the train looking exactly like Pinkie pie.

. . . . . . . .

Well, I noticed it.” Rainbow dash bluntly replied, then got elbowed by Applejack.”WHAT?

Hmmmm. . . . ” Pinkie pie rubs her chin, thinking. ”I do remember you promised me that. But what I don't remember is if it was a pinkie promise . . .

It is a pinkie promise cousin. It was right after you headed home. In fact, it was our first pinkie promise too.

Ah! That's right! How could I forget the very first pinkie promise?!” Pinkie closes in Pizza's face. ”Hmm . . . . Come to think of it, you do look different than we last met. . .

Rainbow dash face-hoofed and replied. ”You just notice it now?!

I don't just look cousin different, I feel different too. So uh-

Pinkie pie then hugs her cousin tight.”Oh cousin, you're still sweet as ever! You haven't changed a bit! Well except for the part you look like me now but not as pink.

Really Pinkie? How come you haven't realized it earlier?

Well Twilight, I was so happy to see my cousin so much, that it didn't cross my mind that she gave herself a huge makeover!

. . . . .

As you expect from dear Pinkie pie, she doesn’t pay attention to others' appearance at first.” Rarity replied. ”Why I mean, this isn't the first time she's been this clueless.

I can tell when I first met her Rarity.” Pizza pie giggled. ”And with that, I guess you can say that “I am my own Pinkie pie”.

Wow! That's one way to think about it.” The Pie cousin laughs and hoof bumps. ”But still, I can't believe you did. Even our cutie marks are similar!” Pinkie pie looks closely at Pizza pie’s flanks, and comparing to hers. ”Yup, it's like you're my reflection come to life!

Uh . . . Yeah, reflection right.” Pizza awkwardly smiles at Pinkie. “It’s kinda embarrassing cousin, can we talk about something else?

The ponies look at each other, thinking the same question. They all nodded and looked at the Pie cousin. They pushed Applejack, letting her be the one to ask the question.

So, uhh . . . sugar cube, can I call you that?

Sure it's fine by me Applejack.

Uhh, Me and the girls were wondering how you and Pinkie pie met. I-I mean we just know from it from her letter that you were coming to Ponyville. And Not that I'm bein nosey between cousins, but just out of curiosity.

Yeah, and what made you think looking like Pinkie could make a good promise-

Twilight then bonks Rainbow dash with a book.”Haha, Sorry about Rainbow here. What she was trying to say is-

No, she's right. You all deserve a proper explanation about all this. It's no use in ignoring it. . . ”.

Oh, Darling it's fine if you're not ready to tell us. We'll just leave that aside-

No, you're my cousins’ friends so it's only fair for you girls to know the past me. . . . the old me. . .

. . . .

The ponies gathered together as Pizza pie sat in the center, all eager to listen to her story.

It all started when I was a little filly . . .

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10 years ago.

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I was a different pony. I acted different, sounded different, and even my mane was different. I live with Papa at our small Pizza parlor. Every day it was all work, work, work. Papa is a type of pony who's so busy, that he doesn’t spend time with his only child. Mama died when I was three, I couldn't remember what or if I was there when it happened. We only have a picture of her at our small altar where we offer food. Papa told me that Mama always fixes my mane whenever it gets messy, she even grooms it constantly to keep it neat and pretty. Papa helped too, it was one of the few times we spent together as a family.

Since then, Papa felt so sad, that he drowns all his focus at his restaurant. And what he wants from me is to be an elegant pony just like Mama was. Polite, Reliable, and, never complains. I don't know why, but if it's the only way to make Papa proud of me, I did it anyway. Even if it means giving up to be myself.

So every day during work, Papa lectures me on running the restaurant, being sophisticated, and having fine taste in dining. I listen to every word Papa says without any comments. I applied all my learnings and became the pony that he always wanted me to be. I wasn't comfortable with what I turned into, but seeing my Papa smile again was all that mattered.

From that, I completely put aside my needs, hobbies, and my happiness. I even gave up on finding my cutie mark. My only focus was helping Papa and nothing else. I don't have many friends, so I have all the time to work around at the restaurant. Not soon after, Papa applied me to an agency where I would start promoting our restaurant by modeling.

I appeared on some covers in Mitaly and became one of its top models. In short, I helped to make our restaurant the talk of the town. Customers are flowing in, almost daily. Because of that, we spend a lot of time making the orders as a family. I finally did it, I made my Papa proud of me. From then on, I never expected anything else anymore. Until one day everything changed.

Pizzaniac and her Papa are cataloging the ingredients until someone is knocking on the door. ”Pizzaniac dear, could you please get the door? I remember I changed the open sign to close. They must've not noticed it.

Yes, Papa.” She stood up from the table and went to the door. She opens the door without looking at who it is.” I'm sorry, but the restaurant is closed today. Please come back tomorrow and- ” As she looked up, it was an old gentle colt standing, and behind him were three fillies. The old colt walks up to her and responds.”

Hello, there little one. Is Mr. Pasta home?

Pizzaniac backs up and replies.”Uhh . . . I'm sorry but Papa's busy and-

Pizzaniac, what is taking you so long to get-” Pasta drops the ingredients on the floor, surprised at who's at the door. ”Igneous . . . . Igneous is that you?

Pasta! ” Igneous walks up to Pasta and gives him a big hug. ”It's been so long.

Indeed it has Igneous. H-How are you? Your last visit was at our wedding with Mia, though we don't talk much until the reception, it's good to see you, brother.

It's good to see you too. I'm sorry I haven't visited much, Mitaly is quite a far place to go just on a train ride.

I understand brother, but still, you manage to visit anyway.” The two colts laugh and hug once more. ”So what brings you here to Mitaly?

Other than missing my brother-in-law? Well, I got enough bits from my mining work to bring my little daughters anywhere. So I thought, why not use this opportunity to go visit Mitaly and see their distant uncle?

Oh, Igneous you haven't changed one bit. Always hardworking and a family pony.” He turns his head to the three fillies, leans down, and looks at them. ”So this must be your daughters.

The three fillies walk up to their uncle Pasta.

That's right. These are my sweet angels. Let me introduce them to you Pasta. This here is, Lime Stone Pie,

Hello, Uncle!

Marble Pie,

Mmmhmm . . .

And Pinkie Pie,

Hiiyaahh Uncle Pasta!

The three fillies smiled at their uncle with cheer.”We're so nice to meet you uncle!

Pasta smiled back and patted all three fillies. ”Igneous, you sure have such joyful children. They're so polite and adorable too.

Of course they are, I raised them well. I still do have one more daughter, but she's away on her rock studies and couldn't join us.

Oh is that so, that's amazing to hear. Well brother, I too raise a lovely daughter as well. Pizzaniac could you step up front, please?

Yes, Papa.” She walks up to her uncle and cousins. ”Ehem . . . Hello Uncle, Hello cousins. My name is Pizzaniac peach pie and it's nice to meet you all. “Pizzaniac gracefully bows to them, showing her elegance and manners.”

I introduce myself to them as politely as I can. I was so nervous, trying to not make a bad impression to my relatives. It was all so sudden too, never met or even heard of them before. When I looked up, one of my cousins smiled at me. It was the pink filly. Her smile is so bright, that she gives out that colorful vibe around her. She probably has the freedom she wanted to feel this happy. This is the first time I met a filly like her.

This is the time when I first met cousin Pinkie pie.

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~ End of chapter 3

Scroll of Modesty Chapter 4: My Pinkie promise part 1 (revised)

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I never expected this kind of visit. Papa never had the time to mention that I have relatives on my Mama's side of the family. So it caught me by surprise. I met my Uncle Igneous and three of my cousins. There's one more cousin, but I don't know who she is. Is she like these three? Or is she different from them? I wouldn't know, I'm an only child. Me and my pink cousin continued to look eye to eye. Like looking at a mirror, I see myself from her. It's strange, I don't know how to react to it, or what to say. I'll have to go with the flow for now.

"Pizzaniac? Pizzaniac? Pizzaniac.” Pasta taps her on the shoulder. ”Do you hear me?

Pizzaniac shakes her head and turns to her Father. "Huh? I mean . . . Yes, Papa?

"I said, kindly show our guests to the living room dear.

She nodded and replied. ”Yes Papa. Right this way please.

Igneous and the three fillies follow Pizzaniac to the living room. The walls are filled with pictures of the restaurant's history. And near the couch, there's a big portrait of Pizzaniac and Pasta. They were amazed at how successful their relative’s lives were. The three fillies ran towards the couch and jumped on it like a trampoline.

"Allow me uncle.” Pizzaniac pulls a chair for Igneous. ”Please have a seat.

"Thank you dear.” He pats her niece's head and takes a seat. ”You sure are a polite little missy.” He smiles kindly.

"Yes, she is. I raised her to do so.” Pasta brings a cup of tea to Igneous and a tray of cookies for the fillies. ”Please, help yourselves.

"Why thank you Pasta. Lime, Marble, Pinkie. Come over here and thank your uncle Pasta.

The fillies lined up and thank their uncle with a smile. ”Thank you, uncle!” They each grab a cookie and munch it down like hungry piglets, while Pizzaniac watches them from behind. Igneous notices his niece and offers her a piece.

Here you go dear.

Oh, thank you but it's okay uncle. I already ea-

Don't mind my daughter Igneous.” Pasta takes the cookie, placing it back on the tray. ”She doesn't eat sweets that much.

Aw, come now brother. All little fillies love to eat sweets,” Igneous said as he took another piece.”It's what they do.

But not my daughter.” Pasta stares down at Pizzaniac then she looks down. ”Besides, it's against her diet.

Diet? Why would she need a Diet?” Igneous curiously asked.

She needs to maintain her appearance once Pizzaniac is called by her agency. She's a model to this restaurant you see.

Oh is that right?” Igneous looked at her niece, sensing her discomfort towards her Father. “Do you think she enjoyed what you’re making her do?

She was the one who insisted on joining this agency. That’s how she’s devoted to our family business.

Looks to me brother, likes she’s scared to do the things she likes.

She likes to help this business to stay alive.

Why are you insisting her on having that kind mindset?

Because Pizzaniac is my daughter.

. . . .

The fillies stopped eating and stared at their uncles confused, while Pizzaniac remained silent. Pasta and Igneous look at each other, ending their discussion.

I'm sorry brother.” Igneous puts back the cookie. ”I didn't mean to be rude in your household.

No, I should be the one apologizing, I went too far. I've been stressed out lately with all the orders we need to do.” Pasta points at the counter table with orders from customers pilled up. ”And it's not getting any less. Ever since Pizzaniac won second place for this month's filly-modeling, we got all these orders pilled up.

I understand brother. And I didn't know your daughter had such a good reputation here.” He leans on Pizzaniac and smiled. ” You're quite a celebrity here.

Yes I-I am uncle. . . ” Pizzaniac blushes and gently smiles back. ”That's why I can't eat sweets. I have to keep myself healthy so I can help Papa.

Igneous chuckles and replies. ”I understand. You're quite joyful too, much like my daughter Pinkie pie.

They turned to Pinkie pie as she munched on more cookies from the tray, while her sisters watched.

Pinkie pie . . . . cousin Pinkie pie. . .

. . . . ” He looked at her niece, concerned. Then goes to Pasta, patting his back.”Now brother, you mustn't stress yourself so often. It's not good for you.

Sigh . . . . ” Pasta smiles and replies. ”I suppose you're right, I think I could use some fresh air.

Igneous turns his head at the fillies smiling, like nothing happened. But Pizzaniac's feels guilty about their argument earlier. Igneous is worried for her niece, and then he has an Idea. He turns to her daughters and winks at them and they wink back, having no clue as to what it means. But for Pinkie pie, she understands and knows exactly what her Father needs her to do.

Well, why don't we take this opportunity to stroll around town? It has been a while since I last saw Mitaly with Mia.

Uhh, Well . . . The place really hasn't changed a bit so there aren't any good places to go.

Now now, Pasta, It's been years since I last stepped here. The one thing I ever wanted from this visit was to take a nostalgic tour with my brother-in-law.

A tour you say? Aren’t your legs tired from all that walking?

Well, I am a bit exhausted but that doesn't stop me from feeling young.

Pasta laughs and pats Igneous' back. ”Look at you, still holding on to that youth of yours.

What can I say, I won't let my middle age get to me. What do you say, brother? Shall we head out?

Sigh. . Very well Igneous. Since you are my guest I wouldn't say no. Just let me speak to my Daughter.” Pasta looked at Pizzaniac and her cousins. He approaches her daughter and pats her head. “Now Pizzaniac, me and your uncle are going for a short walk around the city, so better entertain your cousins.

Pizzaniac nodded and replied. ”Yes Papa. I understand.

Be nice to them, Keep in mind that you're in charge of this restaurant.

Yes Papa. . .

And be on your best behavior. Show your cousin that you’re a well-mannered filly, do you understand?

. . . . Yes Papa.

The Pie siblings watch Pizzaniac being told by her father. They felt bad especially Pinkie pie, seeing her cousin unhappy. Then quickly smiling, she thought of an idea to lift Pizzaniac's spirits. Then, Igneous walks up to the Pie siblings as well.

Now listen here you three. We're a guest here so I want you to be on your best behavior too. Now you don't want to be like your cousin over there, being told her father won't you?

Lime Pie shakes her head and replies. “No Dad. We’ll behave, but I'm not sure about Pinkie here though. . .

Huh? Oh! Don't worry Dad. We'll sure to behave right Marble?

Marble looks at Pinkie pie and then at her Father. “Mmm . . . Hmmm . . .

See, we'll be fine, you can go on with your youthful stroll now.

Well, good. And Oh, one more thing. Pinkie pie come here.

Pinkie pie hops close to her Father. “Yes Dad?

Try to get close to your cousin. I don’t know why, but something tells me you’re the only one who can help her smile. She’s been through a lot of pressure in here, at least give her a fun time alright?

Pinkie pie turns to her cousin, looking stiff. Pinkie pie then smiled and replied. “Ok Dad, I’ll show cousin a fun-tastic time! You can count on me!

Good, just don’t take it too far alright?

Don’t worry Dad, I won’t.” Said Pinkie pie giggling.

Alright, then.” Igneous turns back to Pasta. ”Shall we get going, brother?

Give me a minute brother.” Pasta packs two bottles of water, placing it in his pouch. ”Ok, let’s go Igneous.

The two brothers waved at their children and they waved back. They open the door, exiting the restaurant. The fillies look out the window, watching the two colts walking away, heading to the city. Pinkie pie pops her head out of the window, still waving at her Father and Uncle.

Bye Dad! Bye Uncle Pasta! Enjoy your youthful stroll! Don't take too long. Oh! And bring back some snacks too!

Really Pinkie? Snacks already? We just ate.” Said Marble crossing her hoofs.

What? I get hungry after an hour.

You always get hungry and you eat most of the cookies!

But they’re so tasty I can’t help it!” Pinkie giggled. “Besides, I was gonna share.

Whatever Pinkie.” Lime turns to Marble pie. ”Even here, she just as random as she’s back home.

Hmmmm Mmmmm. . .

(What should I do? Papa left me here with my cousins as company. I'm not sure how to interact. I never had any ponies at my age staying over, unless they were customers. Should I ignore them? No, that'll be rude to them. Should I lay them down with ground rules? No, that would make them think I'm too bossy. This is hard, I can't think of anything!)

The Pie siblings turn their heads to Pizzaniac, looking at her.

(Oh great, they're staring at me. Now my cousins think I'm too good for them to talk to. I expected it that much, I mean I never even had friends, to begin with-) Whoooaaaa!! Hey!!

Pinkie pie suddenly pulled her cousin close to her and gave her a big hug. ”Cousin! I'm sooooooo glad I finally got to meet you!

Yes, yes same here, and out of nowhere too. Now can you let g-

You know, Dad used to tell us we had a cousin from the Pasta family. Which is strange really, because Pies wouldn't go well with any pasta, especially with strawberry filling. Do you think so too?

Yes, it's quite strange alright. But would you mind letting me g-

Now that I think about it, maybe we can make a Pie out of cheese instead! Oh! with a dash of veggies, tomato sauce too! Now, what do we call those kinds of Pie? Any ideas Lime?

Hmmmmm . . . I don't know.” Lime pie rubs her chin, thinking. ” Uhhh. . . P-Pizza Pie maybe-

Gasp! That's perfect Lime!! Let’s call it that! ” Pinkie pie hugs her cousin even tighter. ”See cousin, we came up with a pie name after you! Ah! That’s it! From now on we're gonna call you cousin Pizza pie!!

Uh, Hmmmmm . . . ” Marble taps Pinkie pie, pointing at their cousin, who’s struggling to free herself from Pinkie pie’s tight hug.

Oh!” Pinkie quickly lets go of Pizza pie. ” Whoops. . . . Sorry about that cousin Pizza pie.

Pizza pie coughs as she’s getting up. “Stop . . . calling me cough . . . Pizza pie! My full name is Pizzaniac peach pie, and it's not a hard name to remember.

Hey, don’t you go mad at us about it, Pinkie pie came up with it.” Said Lime pie. “Besides, she has full name too. Its Pinkanima Diane Pie.

Yeah, I don’t being called like that. It sounds so not fun, and besides that name suits you well.

Hmmm Mmmmm.

R-Really? No! I-I mean that sounds silly. I'm a filly who was raised to be a role model for this family restaurant! Having a name like that just doesn't fit my personality.

A model?” Lime walks around Pizza pie, looking at her. ”Sounds pancy to me.

Gasp! Pa-Pancy! Hey, modeling is professional work!! I get to help our restaurant by promoting it and with Papa's recipes, we're the told of the town! So modeling isn't a walk in a park.

Pffttt. . . Whatever then sheesh. Don't get so worked up about it.

I'm not!

Aw, c'mon cousin. Don't be so uptight. Lighten up, and have fun with us.

Fun?” Pizza looks at Pinkie pie with a grin on her face, then turns to Lime and Marble pie.”First of all, I don't do fun. Second Papa said that fun is nothing more than getting yourself in trouble, and Third-

GASP!” Pinkie pie grabs Pizza pie close to her face. ”You mean you never had fun around here?! Not even once?!

Yes, I don't.” Said Pizza pie pushes back Pinkie pie. ”Well, not anymore . . . .

What do you mean cousin?

Sigh . . . . Follow me.” Pizza pie walks out of the living room and her cousins follow her. “Ever since Mama is gone, everything wasn’t the same. Papa spends most of his days working, trying to distract himself.

. . . . .

But every night, I hear him crying in his room, holding Mama's picture. I couldn't do anything for Papa, I was useless at that time. So I decided to do something. I start learning how to be an elegant filly while helping around the restaurant. Then one day, I got an invitation to an agency to be a model. I didn't give it a second thought and gave it a try. After they chose me, we started to get some attention. Next thing I know, I made our restaurant popular thanks to my career.

. . . . . . .

Since then, Papa is proud of what I do, he was finally happy.” Pizza pie and her cousins entered a room leading to an altar, with her Mama's picture at the center. ”We made this altar of Mama, so she could see what me and Papa accomplished together as a family.

. . . . . .

Yeah, to answer your question, Yes, I don't do fun. . . . . because it’s a waste of time.

After hearing their cousin’s story, Pinkie Pie felt bad. ”. . . . Gee cousin . . . I-I didn't know. I-I’m sorry for what happened to Auntie. . .

I know . . . . So now you get it? This is more important than fun. Papa’s approval is more important than having fun.

Pinkie pie looked at her cousin straight in the face and replied. “No, I don’t believe you.

W-What?! Didn't you hear what I just said? I don't ha-

I know what you said! All this modeling, politeness, and elegant acting. It’s just for fancy pants stuff! None of it is fun and you know it!

I told you I don’t need fun-

Yes you do! And as long as I'm around, you're going to learn how to loosen up and have fun. Now, where's your cutie mark?

My what?” Said Pizza pie nervously.

Pinkie pie circles around her cousin like a puppy, while Pizza pie avoids letting Pinkie pie get behind her. ”Your cutie mark silly! Everypony knows that a cutie mark tells a pony what they enjoy doing. This also means that a pony's cutie mark is the one thing they had fun doing. So, show us that mark.

That sounds ridiculous! There's no way tha- H-HEY!!

Pizza pie turns around and she sees Lime pie trying to lift her, robe covering her flank. She gets frantic and pushes Lime pie away.

Hey! that hurt, what gives?!

W-What gives?! What gives is you're trying to pull off my skirt!

You mean a robe.” Said Lime pie sarcasticly.

Whatever! Look, having a cutie mark has nothing to do with fun. It only marks the one thing you're good at.

Aaaannd whatever you're good at means it'd be fun doing it! No more excuses cousin, show us your flank!

Lime pie looks distaste at Pinkie pie. ”That sounded wrong Pinkie . . .

What sounded Oh-oh!” Pinkie pie giggled. ”W-Whoopsie! What I was saying is, what's your cutie mark cousin Pizza?

!!. . . ” Flustered, Pizza pie glares at Pinkie and replies. ”I can't tell you that.

Aw, why not?

Because . . .

Because what?

Because, Uh . . .

Because she doesn't have a cutiemark yet.

Yes, that's righ- W-Wait how did you- AAAAHH!!-

Lime pie got behind Pizza pie without her notice, and lifted her robe. ”Yep, that explains the robe alright-

Pizza pie quickly pushed Lime pie and pulled back her robe. Embarrassed, she turns to a corner and faces the wall.

Cousin . .

No, don't look at me. I’m a joke.

What are you talking about cousin? No you’re not a-

Yes I am! . . . . I’ve been doing modeling and helping at the restaurant, I’d just thought that I’d get my cutie mark from either one, but it’s been almost a year. . . . And it’s embarrassing to keep wearing this just to hide it.

Aw, c'mon now, it’s not that embarrassing. Maybe you’re just a late bloomer.

Lime's right cousin. I mean, it took me longer to get my cutie mark.” Pinkie pie then pulls in Marble pie, squishing her cheeks. ”Even our baby sister here gets hers last. isn't that right baby sis?

Marble pushed away Pinkie pie and nodded. ”Mmmm Hmmm . . .

. . . . . . .

Pinkie pie slowly goes close to Pizza pie. ”Listen cousin I-

It’s ironic isn’t it? . . . That somepony like me should’ve had one by now. . . .

. . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . I-I guess what I'm doing doesn't fit me at all, even if I'm good at it . . . .

Well, that only means one thing cousin.

Oh yeah Pinkie?” Lime pie asked. ”That what?

That what she’s doing isn’t fun at all, and there’s still a chance for cousin to get her cutie mark!

Look, I already told you, I don’t need fun-

Yet it’s your only shot.” Pinkie pie pulls Pizza pie out of the corner. ”Being a big help for your Papa is good and all, but you have to think outside the box if you want to get your cutie mark. Aaaaannd today's your lucky day because we’re gonna help you find it together!

H-Help me? Oh- No thank you. I'm fine with just waitin-

No butts! As I said as long as I'm around, I will help you get a cutie mark!

So any ideas where to start looking Pinkie.” Lime asked.

Hmmm . . . . Well anywhere than here is better. Now ‘cmon!” Pinkie pie grabs Pizza pie's hoof and smiles. ”We got a cutie mark to find!

No! Wait Papa said we can't leave the R-Restuaaa!!!!

Pinkie pie drags Pizza pie out of the restaurant and into town as Lime and Marble Pie follow them from behind.”

(I don't get her at all. Why is she so persuasive to make me have fun? I already told her that I don't have time for that anymore, but she wouldn't listen!)” Pizza looks at her cousin while pulling her. ”(Cousin, just what are you trying to prove?)

Oh! Pit stop!” Pinkie pie stops in front of a bakery and ran inside. She glues her face to the glass counter, staring at some of the sweets displayed as Pizza pie tries to free herself from Pinkie’s grip.

Let go of me cousin Pinkie! Papa might see us, we'll be in big trouble!

Oh, Don't worry cousin, we’re just getting a quick snack. This won't take long.” Pinkie pie continues to scan through all the sweets.

Minutes later, Pinkie pie ordered one dozen muffins. Mesmerized by its delectable appearance, Pinkie pie’s mouth starts to water. She then, grabs a cupcake in each hoof and digs in, while Pizza pie nervously looks outside the window.

Cousin Pinkie please, we really have to get back at the res-acckt!” Pinkie pie shoves a cupcake into her cousin's mouth. Pizza pie chokes then quickly spits it out on the floor. ”Pfftaaach!! W- What are you trying to do? Choke me?!

Uh, No, I was trying to make you eat a cupcake silly. So, did it taste good or what?

Or what? I couldn't taste it when you just shove it in my mouth! And didn't you hear what Papa said? I'm not interested in sweets!

That’s a lame excuse.” Lime and Marble pie walking the bakery. ”What are you an old lady or something Pizza?

No! It's just that Papa wouldn't allow me to have some anymore.

Oh, c'mon! Can you believe this Marble? Even her Papa controls her eating habits. Talk about sad right?

Marble nods and replied. ”Hmmmm . . . . Mmmm. . . .

. . . . .

That's what your Papa said, not you cousin.” Said Pinkie pie. “It wouldn't hurt to try, so c'mon give it a taste. I know you'll love it.

Pinkie pie offers another cupcake to her cousin. Pizza pie stares at the cupcake as her father’s voice echoes in her mind, the things she’s not allowed to do. Then, she looks at Pinkie pie with a warm smile, waiting for her to take her offer. Pizza pie smiled, took the cupcake from Pinkie pie's hoof, and gently tasted it.

So, what do you think?

Mmm. . .Hmm. . . I-It tastes good. I mean, it's really good. I know what it tastes like, but savoring one is way more delicious!

See, I knew you'd love it. Nobody can resist a delectable taste of a cupcake.” Said Pinkie pie, as she munched down more cupcakes.

And it's chocolate too, Hmmmmm!!! I love chocolate.” Pizza pie takes another chocolate cupcake before Lime pie tries to grab it.

Hey! That was mine!

Pinkie pie shoves another cupcake at Lime pie's mouth, calming her down. ”Wow, you like chocolate too cousin?

Oh, yes. It's been my favorite, I never had chocolate since Mama made- . . . . Since we had some before . . . You know . . . As a family . . .

Aw, cheer up cousin. We’re here, we can be a family and have a fun time together!

Pizza pie smiles and replies. ”T-Thanks Pinkie . . . ” Then, she looked at the cupcake she took and gave it over to Marble pie. ”Here you go cousin Marble, take it.

. . . . ” Marble takes the cupcake from Pizza pie and smiles at her.” Mmmm Hmmm . . .

See there you go. Now let's finish up this cupcake and we'll get you your cutie mark cousin! Now, let's dig in!

The Pie siblings continue eating their sweets, smiling and laughing without a care in the world. Just as Pizza pie enjoys her cousins' company, she looks out the window and spots her father and uncle walking on the other side. They crossed the road and headed their way to the bakery. She dropped her cupcake and started to panic.

Oh no! Everyone get down!” Pizza pie quickly drags her cousins under the table.

Hey! What gives?! Why'd you pull us dow-

Shhh!! Be quiet cousin Lime. Papa and uncle Igneous are outside.

Really!? Where?” Pinkie pie peeks out of the table, but Pizza pie drags her back in.

Are you insane?! If Papa sees you then we're gonna be in a world of trouble, especially me!

You know, you worried too much even though we're having a good time.

Be quiet! Now, stay here while I'll check if they're still outside.

Pizza slowly peeks out of the table and looks outside the window, hoping her father and uncle went past the bakery. The pie siblings under the table continue eating the rest of their desserts as they wait.

Wow, she sure is paranoid when it comes to her Papa, right Pinkie?” Said Lime pie sarcastically.

Maybe . . . . . ” Pinkie pie turns to her cousin while looking out the window and worries for her sake. ”. . . . Lime, Marble, we need to help cousin find her cutie mark today.

Ah gee Pinkie, can't we just let fate decide on this one?” Said Lime pie calmly. “I mean she did say she'll find it eventually.

But what if she gets a bad cutie mark? One that she'll end up doing for the rest of her life?!

I'm sure her being uptight for a cutie mark isn't that bad. Besides, she's good at it already.

I'm serious Lime, this is the only time we can visit cousin Pizza pie. Who knows when will we come back?

Hmmmm Mmmm.

Ok, well. Do you have any bright ideas then Pinkie?

Hmmmm . . . . I don’t know. . . .” Pinkie rubs her chin, thinking. “Oh! Oh! How about the same way how I got mine!

You mean, she throws us a party? Heh, as if she'll ever do that, with her being paranoid in all.” Said Lime sarcastically. “That’s likely gonna happen.

No, I mean, we should have a surprise party for her. Yeah! that's it!

What?! How would that work?

Think about it, cousin Pizza pie never does anything fun right?

Yeah . . .

And parties are considered the source of all fun right?

Hmmm Mmmm.

Sooooo, if we throw a party for her. She'll have so much fun, that it'll spark her interest in finding her cutie mark again! Even if she can't get it today, We can at least give her the passion she needs to find it on her own!

That doesn't make sense at all. . . . But what the heck, we're in.

Hmmm Mmmm.

Wow, this is a first, Marble here is all fired up. So, where do you wanna throw it Pinkie?

Back at uncle's restaurant silly, it has all the stuff we need to throw one! But it has to be a surprise otherwise it won’t work.

But how are we going to do that if we're next to her?” The Pie siblings turn to Pizza pie, still looking out the window.

We'll just sneak out while cousin isn't looking.

Heh, couldn't say it better than myself.” Lime pie lifts the table cloth on the other side, looking back at Pizza pie if she notices. ”Alright, let's go before she notices.

The Pie sibling slowly sneaked out of the table and exited the bakery. Pinkie pie looked at the table, feeling bad for leaving Pizza pie behind. ”Sorry about this cousin, but you'll thank us later once we throw you this party and get you your spark back.

Pizza pie sees her father and uncle just chatting outside. They pass the bakery, and quickly hide under the window, unaware of her presence. As they were gone from Pizza pie view, she went back under the table in relief.

Ok, the coast is clear cousins. We stayed here for long enough, need to head back to the restauran-” As Pizza pie lifts the table cloth, her cousins are gone. ”Cousin Pinkie? Cousin Lime? Cousin Marble? Oh no, this is bad! Where did they run off?!

⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ✶✶✶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ✶✶✶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ✶✶✶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯

~ End of chapter 4

Scroll of Modesty Chapter 5: My Pinkie promise part 2 (revised)

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Pizza pie looked all over the bakery but they were gone. She panicked and tried to sneak out to find them outside. As she got close to the exit, a voice stopped her.

Ehem. . .

Eeckk!!” She turns around and sees the baker standing behind her, crossing his hooves. ”Oh, H-Hello. . . I-I just realized that . . I-I left my wallet at home. . . And I was gonna go home and get it. . . So, uh . . .

The baker approaches her, leaning his face, and glares at Pizza pie. ”Hmm . . .

Uh, well how about uh . . .” She looks at the floor, avoiding eye contact with the baker. ”I can you uh . . put it in a tab?

The baker lifts her chin up. As soon as he got a good look at her, the baker instantly recognized the filly. ”Oh! I know that mane anywhere. . . You're Pizzaniac, Mia and Pasta's little girl.” said the baker.

Huh? Uh. . . do I know you?” Pizza pie asked.

Oh, right. You were still little when we met.” The baker takes off his hat and introduces himself. “I'm Custer, you're Papa's best colt.

Custer?. . . .Where did I hear that name-” She instantly recalls a young colt in her Parent’s wedding album. ”Wait! I remembered! You were next to Papa in the wedding pictures!

Yes, I was.” Custer smiles. “It was a memorable moment too.

I'm sorry if I didn't recognize you Mr. Custe-

Suddenly, the chimes from the door rang and two customers walked in. It's her Father and Uncle, Pizza pie slid under the table. Custer is confused, wondering why the filly is acting strange until he sees Pasta walking in.

Then one customer asked me about my home. He said “Your home is rather exquisite. Tell me how much is your roof cost?” I told him “Nothing, they're On the house.”

Both the colts chuckled as they reached the counter. “Oh, Pasta, you crack me up. It's still hard to believe that you have a sense of humor.

What can I say, I can be funny at times. So don't let this strict face fool you.

Oh yes, sir Pasta is quite a comedian when he's not stressed.” Custer walks up to the counter facing the two colts.

That's right. Igneous, you remember Custer? He and his father made the cake for my wedding. He was also my best colt.

Ah yes, it's been a while since I last saw you young colt.” Said Igneous. “How could I forget my brother-in-law’s best colt and his famous cake?

Shucks Mr. Igneous, I only helped my father bake it. I'm still grateful that you liked the cake.

Well, of course we do. It was the key piece of the reception. You certainly live up to your cutie mark.

Thank you, Mr. Pasta, and Mr. Igneous, that means a lot. And since I run my father's bakery now, I have to step up my game every day.

I admire your devotion Custer, your father raised you well.” Said Pasta proudly. “That's why making you my best colt is a good choice.

Really? I mean . . .” Custer scratches his head, flattered by their compliments. ”I-It was an honor to be one too.

If only my daughter could learn a thing or two from you.” Said Pasta stroking his chin. “Hmmm Say, how about you be her baking tutor?

A tutor me?” Custer replied surprised. “I don’t think I have the time sir.

That shouldn’t be a problem. Given the spare time she has, it would be a big help. At least she can do more than just entertain customers and list down orders. If that is, there aren't any photoshoots scheduled for her.

Gee, I'm not sure about that Brother.” Said Igneous. “Wouldn’t that take away your daughter's freedom and time to play with her friends?

Friends? Please Igneous, success comes first when you have a reputation. Pizzaniac is already committed to being the next in line in my business. And besides, she doesn't have any friends to begin with.

Pizza pie overheard their conversation. Her ears dropped and tears fell down her cheeks. She tries to avoid making a sound, despite hearing the hurtful words her Father says.

Brother, maybe the reason why she doesn't have any friends is because you don't allow her to have time for herself.

Look Igneous, we’re not discussing it again. Pizzaniac is my daughter and what I’m doing is what’s good for her.

Custer felt awkward having to listen to the two colts. He slowly walks away and goes back to the kitchen to pick up some pastries.

You’re right. I’m sorry again brother, I don't mean to judge your parenting-.” Said igneous.

It's fine brother, I understand. . . ” Pasta replied. “Let's get some bread and we’ll be on our way. Custer, can we have some sweet bread to go?

Oh, uh yes sir, right away.

Pizza pie peeks at the counter, seeing her father spitefully staring at her uncle. She feels terrible after hearing about her uncle's concern for her. Minutes later, Custer brought out a batch of freshly sweet bread to Pasta. They pay for their order and leave the bakery. Just as they left, She crawled out of the table. After what happened earlier, she feels ashamed and can't face her godfather.

Pizzaniac . . .

So now you know how Papa treats me every day. . .

No, I wasn't thinking about that. I'm sure your Papa has his reasons.

. . . . .

And of course, didn't mean what he sai-

Yes, he did. Papa was never the same after we lost Mama . . .

Custer approaches Pizza pie, comforting her. “. . . . Are you okay at least?

Yes, I'm fine . . . Don't worry.” She wiped her tears and smiled. ”Again, I'm sorry for barging here Mr. Custer . . .

Mr.? Oh no, Custer is just fine.” He gently pats Pizza pie's head. ”Besides, I hardly see you go to this side of town. So it just surprises me that you came in here with some friends.

Oh, they're not my friends, they're my cousins. Their Uncle Igneous's children, I was just dragged in here by one of- MY COUSINS!!” Pizza pie panics and paces back and forth. “Oh, did you see which way did they go?

Hmmm . . . Well, I saw those three sneak out and headed in that direction.” Custer points at the road, leading to the canals.

Oh! Ok got it. I wish I could stay and talk some more, but I need to find my cousins.

Oh, it's fine Pizzaniac, some other time then. Now run along.

Pizza pie nods and smiles. ”It's nice to meet you again Mr da-I mean Custer.

Don't mention it. Just stop by whenever you're free, alright?

Uh, huh I will. And Oh, I'll pay back the cupcakes we ea-

No worries Pizzaniac, it's on the house.

R-really? But I feel bad-

Consider it as a gift. Your Mama would've done the same.

. . . . Ok, if you say so. . . Thank you so much.

You're very welcome.

Pizza pie bows to Custer and quickly exits the bakery. He waves at the filly as she leaves, but his concern for her still bothers him.

(Poor filly, hopefully, things will turn out okay for her. . .)

Pizza pie heads her way to the canals, as Custer said. She avoids the main road, fearing that her Papa and uncle might see her. Then she sees a shortcut just ahead of her. Without hesitation, she went in and ran past some trash on the sides.

Those three good for nothing! I can't believe they just left me like that! What if Papa and Uncle Igneous got home and realized that were gone?! How can I explain to them that I lost my cousins in the city?! Papa would think that I'm not capable of handling things on my own . . . I can't believe I let this all happen?! I'm so Stupid! STUPID!! STUPID!! STUP-WHOAA!!"

Without looking, Pizza pie ran into some fillies just as she exited the shortcut. They fall to the ground in a daze and try to stand up.

Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was in a hurry, I wasn't looking and-

As she looks up, she recognizes the fillies. Two young colts and one mare. The fillies stared back and recognized her too.

Oh! Look who it is, look who it is.” One of the colts walks up to Pizza pie. He had a short curly mane with gold ingots for a cutie mark. ”It's the Uptown mare.

Pizza replies in a dead tone. ”Hey Carat.

Carat puts his hooves over her shoulders. ”Hey, what's with the attitude? We haven't seen you since the last photoshoot. How you've been pie?

Get off!” Pizza pie pushes Carat back. ”First of all, it's only been four days second, quit calling me pie!

Aww c'mon now, that's a fitting nickname for you. Since calling you by your first name sounds like it came from a tongue twister.

I'm telling you a thousand times, it's not a hard name to pronounce! It's Pizzaniac, Pizza-niac, get it right!

Pfft, whatever pie. Say, what are you doing out here anyway?

Uh, nothing.” Pizza pie nervously replies. ”I was just uh . . . strolling! that's right. Just strolling.

. . . In the alley?” The two colts look at each other confused. ”Are you for real?

I was just taking a shortcut, it's none of your business!

Whoa, just take it easy pie. I was just asking.

Well, you're getting on my nerves Carat.” Pizza pie then noticed the other colt behind Carat. She leans aside to see who it is. ”Who's he?

Oh! him.” Carat pulls his friend next to him. ”He's the new pony in town. We were just showing him around. His name is C-

Yeah, don't care. Look, I'm in a hurry okay? I need to get home before-

Before what?” The third filly walks up to Pizza pie. She wears a blue beret on her long creamy blond mane, vanilla white coat, and a Danish pastry for a cutiemark. ”Wow Pie. Way to give a first impression to a newcomer. You sure live up to your title of uptown mare.



The two young mares locked eyes, both glaring at each other. While the young colts felt the atmosphere changing by just looking at them.

I see you're still your Papa's trophy child.

And I see you're still stuck in third place.

Heh, Third place isn't so bad since I'm not under my parent's approval. It's just me and my talents that got me this far.

Funny. Considering a blank flank like me does the same thing, but better. No talents, just confidence.

Confidence? That's a funny way to pronounce “Luck.”

Funny again.” Pizza pie smirks. ”You call it luck, I call it in your face.

The static between the two fillies gets intense as they continue glaring at each other, while the two colts feel petrified.

Tch!! You're so full of yourself, just because things go your way! Unlike you, some of the fillies don’t try to make it a competition like you do.

You have no idea how wrong you are.” Pizza pie muffles while look away.

What was that?

I said, you're in my way, so move!

Carat steps in between the fillies, breaking the tension. ”Alright, Alright. You ladies got an act for each other but c'mon, just drop it for once? Dani you gotta stop pushing Pie’s buttons like that. And Pie you need to learn how to be humble.

Her humble? As if she can be one. Ever since she got second place, Pie's done nothing but rub it in my face!

Speak for yourself Danishya, you've been treating me like garbage from the start! It's only fair to boast what I achieved.

Like that matters, you’re only doing this just to keep your Papa’s rundown of a restaurant running. So it only makes sense you boast about it.

. . . . .

I’m surprised you didn’t get a cutie mark of it, it sure is hay suits you well- AAHH! My mane!

You take that back!

Pizza pie suddenly pulls Danishya’s mane out of anger. Then Carat immediately steps in and breaks up the fight between the two young fillies. As the three of them were preoccupied, Carat's friend smelled something off from across the block. He turns to his friends and walks up to Carat, pulling his tail.

Uh, Carat. . .

Not now.

He pulls Carat's tail a second time. ”Carat did you sme-

I’m little busy here.

Irritated, he pulls Carat's tail one more time. ”Seriously, just listen!

The last pull made Carat fall on his flank. ”What!? Can’t you see that I’m breaking them up-

He pulls in Carat's head and points him towards the smell. ”You smell that?

Carat sniffs the air and immediately picks up the scent. ”Yeah, I smell it too. Uhhhhggg!! What is that? It smells like burning dough.

Dough?” Pizza pie let’s go of Danishya, pushes Carat aside and sniffs the air. ”It is dough, b-but where's it coming from?

I think it's coming from over there.” Carat points in the direction where the smell is coming from. ”Huh, Hey Pie. Isn't that where your house is at?

Well yes, Carat. But that doesn't mean that burning dough smell is coming from my house. I mean honestly, the only one who lives there is me, my Papa, and, MY COUSINS!!

Pfft, really Pie?” Said Danishya fixing her mane. “That has to be your saddest excuse yet. So now you're telling us you have cousins visiting? Like anyone else would be related to you, you're obviously ly- H-HEY!!

Pizza pie Ignores Danishya, pushing her and Carat out of her way. “Sorry, but I gotta get home. I'll see you guys at the next photoshoot. Oh! And also, Danishya you're a swine, and I'll deal with you later.

What did you call me-

Carat you're obnoxious and stop calling me Pie,


and New pony . . . .

Oh! huh?

Pizza pie gives a warming smile at him and replies. ”I'm sorry about earlier and nice to meet you.

. . . L-Likewise . . .

As Pizza pie leaves the fillies behind and quickly heads home, Carat's friend blushes, waving at Pizza pie until she fades in the distance.

Swine?! tch!! The nerve of that pony!

Yeah, you shouldn’t have said that to her. You know she takes it personally about her Papa’s restaurant Dani.

Don't call me that Carat! And it’s hard to feel sorry for her if all she does is show off how good she is. It’s not my fault she can’t get a cutie mark at anything she does.

Uh-huh, But still you need to lay off with the smack talk, especially if you wanna reach the top one on this month's filly models.

I will. And this time, things will be different. I won't lose to her again!

That’s the spirit Dani! Guess we’re gonna have a fierce competition am I right Co-” Carat turns to his friend, who still staring at the road. Curious, Carat walks to his friend and taps his shoulder. ”Hey, you ok bud?

Huh?! OH- Ah, yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Are we good to go?.

Yep. There’s lots of good places we like to show you, so you better remember which way is which.

Carat's friend slowly nods. ”Y-Yeah, I’ll make sure to remember-

You two! What are you waiting for? let's go!” Said Danishya whos ahead of them waiting. ”I don't have all day you know!

Alright, Dani hold up.

Carat, for the last time, stop with the nicknames!

Carat and his friend start following Danishya. But the young colt looks back at the road behind him. Carat noticed his friend was acting off and worried.

Hey! What's with you today?” Said Carat. "You've been acting weird."

Oh, N-Nothing don’t mind me.” He continues following Carat, as his mind wonders about the blank flank mare. ”Say Carat. Is that Pie filly always like that?

Who Pizzaniac? Nah, she's nice once you get to know her, we just caught her in a bad mood that's all.

Ah I see. . . But What does Danishya mean by “She’s only models for their restaurant”?

Well, you see . . . It's just that, her Dad makes her feel like she's doing everything wrong.

Her Dad?

Yup. Pie thinks if she models for their restaurant, she is worth something to her Dad. Which to me is just silly, because she gives up her time to be just a normal filly and having a cutie mark by now.

. . . . .

sigh . . . Sometimes I think, that Pie’s more of a pet than daughter.

Wow, that’s tough. . . . I-I didn’t know-

But one day, Pie could at least have the guts to stand up for herself. She needs to tell her Dad that she needs to do the things she wants. You get what I mean?

Yeah, I do Carat. . . I hope things will work out. I-I mean I like to know her more.

Well, If she's free after her photoshoot that is. But that'll be the day.

Hey! Well, you two quit yapping and hurry up?!” Danishya reach the top of the hill. Tapping her hoof, as she waits for the two young colts. ”I got better things to do today, so c’mon.

Sheesh!! Dani I said we're coming.

Carat, I swear to you as soon as you get up here, I'm gonna push you down this hill if you call me Dani one more time.

Yeah, yeah.” Carat muffles. “Better add in the next Uptown mare in your title list while you're at it.

What was that?

Said you should look for a good place to eat while you're up there.

Carat’s friend chuckled behind his back as they walked up the hill and continued their trip around town. Meanwhile, at Pizza pie's home, the Pie siblings were preparing their little surprise party for their only cousin. The kitchen is covered in flour, wet dough, and mushed chocolate. Pinkie pie carries a tray of fresh dough and places it in the oven. Her two sisters were getting anxious about her idea and approached her.

Uh, you sure you know what you're doing Pinkie? I mean we never bake a Pizza in our whole life.

Hmm Mmmm.

Then this will be our first, one that Cousin Pizza will enjoy!” Said Pinkie pie then pulled her siblings in front of the oven. ”Now you two just keep an eye on it while I get some plates.

W-What?! You're gonna let us watch it baked?

Uh, duh. I can't keep an eye on it while I'm preparing the rest of the surprise Lime.

I don't get you Pinkie. Do we really need to do this?

Hmmm Mmmmm.

You're right Marble. We're just causing trouble for Pizza pie. I mean did you see how strict her Dad is to her?

Pinkie pie puts down the plates and turns to her sisters. ”You don't get it you two, cousin's life is been nothing but dull. All she does here is do as Uncle Pasta told her, and she never gets a chance to be herself. . . . By throwing her this party, she'll realize that she's more than she is today. She can be anything she ever wanted!

But Pinkie-

Oh, I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees her surprise!

I'm gonna give them a furious look on my face when I find out they're behind this!” Pizza pie gallops as fast as she can, following the smell of burning dough. But up ahead, she sees a crowd of ponies blocking the road. She slides in and passes through.

Oy! What the-

Excuse me.


Pardon me sir.

Oh! Watch it!

Just passing through.

Watch where you're going you foal!

Oh, Sorry.

Pizza pie made it out of the crowd and reached the canal. It's a split of two lands and a river way in the middle. Boats of different sizes sails along the currents. She looks both ways, looking for a nearby bridge.

Wait. Where's the bridge?! It should be right here- Owh!” She face-hoofs and just realizes. ”Oh, of course! The shortcut doesn't lead me to one! UUUUHHHHGGGG! !!! Now what?” She slowly walks to the edge, drops a pebble and watches it fall into the river. ”Darnet! I don't have a choice!

Pizza pie turns around and gives herself some distance. She sets her sight on the other side of the canal. Anxious, she takes a deep breath and gets in position.

Sigh . . . Alright, I can do this, I can do this . . .

Time slows down, her heartbeat pounds and the ticking sound from the town clock gets loud. As it strikes twelve, She bolted towards the riverside. She quickly picks up speed as she gets closer to the edge, then she immediately launches herself up in the air and miraculously lands on the first boat.

Phew . . . That was nuts.” She looks up and sees the rest of the way ahead. ”Ok ok, again!” She gets ready and jumps on another boat. Leap after leap, the wind blows through her mane. She feels exhilarated with each jump she takes. “This . . . . feels like . . . . . Fun! I never felt this free in my life! This is amazing! ” Pizza pie sees the riverside just a few feet away. ” Ok, no time to get all excited now. I'm almost there.

With a smirk on her face, she continues. Her mane gets undone in mid-air and lands on the last boat. But the distance between her and the other side is twice as far as she imagines. Eager to get across, she shrugs off her doubts and gets ready. Without hesitation, she runs out of the boat and takes one huge leap. Stretching her front hooves as she can to reach the edge.

I'm gonna make it! I'm gonna make it! I'm gonna- H-Huh?!” As Pizza pie is about to land, she sees her Father and her Uncle Igneous walking along the side just in front of her. She quickly closes her hoofs, fails to grab the edge, and falls into the river.”AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!

A scream followed by a big splash caught one of the Colts' attention. ”Brother did you hear that?” Said Igneous looking around.

Hear what brother?

I heard there was a scream and a splash.” Igneous and Pasta looked down the river and saw nothing.

You must be tired from all this walking.” Said Pasta “How about we take a sit in the park first, and let our hooves rest?

I guess you’re right brother. Let’s do that.

The Colts walk away and head their way to the park. Without knowing the shenanigans their daughters were up to.

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~ End of chapter 5

Scroll of Modesty Chapter 6: My Pinkie promise part 3

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"Back at the restaurant, the pie siblings burned another baking. Lime and Marble quickly place the tray on the table next to the other burned bakes."

Uhhhggg I've had it! This is the third time we did this!

"The pie siblings surround the burnt baking. Pinkie then tastes it with her hoof." Hmmmm . . . . I think it's good enough! "Pinkie carries it to the table." Now, let's set up the plates.

Are you sure Pinkie? I mean it doesn't look good. "Lime pokes the burnt baking and Marble did the same." Or safe . . .

Uhhhhh Hmmmm.

Don't be silly Marble, I know what I'm doing. I followed all the steps in this book right here, see. "Pinkie shoves the recipe book at Lime." Since I want it to be special for cousin Pizza, I replace the cheese toppings with chocolate instead! Since it's her favorite.

Uhhh . . . Right. let me see that. "Lime takes the recipe and looks at it." Pinkie, how can you even read this?

Just a hunch really. And also my Pinkie sense will tell me what to do.

Ugghh!! This again?! "Marble taps Lime's shoulders and shakes her head." What?! I told you she's making that stuff up. Don't tell me you believe that?!

Oh! Hold on a second girls. "Her ears flop, eyes flutter, and knee twitch." It's a combo! that means my Pinkie sense tells us to look out for open doors. It must be cousin Pizza!

Pinkie really? When will you drop that? I told you once and I'll say it again! Your Pinkie sense is a load of-

"The front door burst open and startled the pie siblings. Pizza pie comes in, soaking wet with her long mane covering her face. She slowly walks up to Pinkie without saying a word."

You were saying?

"Limes crosses her hooves and looks away." Hmmp! Whatever!

. . . . . .

Oh! Hey, cousin! You're just in time for your I-I mean Surprise!

. . . . . . . .

I threw you this change your mind Surprise party just for you!!

. . . .

Check it, we got decorations. "Pinkie points at the dangling spoons and forks, tied onto a string above them."

. . . . . .

Food, "At the table, they are some leftover cupcakes from Custer's bakery."

. . . . . .

Music, "On the pile of frying pans and pots is Lime, holding two wooden spoons." Hit it!

Pinkie, I told you I don't know any music

Just hit it!

Sigh . . . Fine! "Lime pie taps the spoons together and starts hitting on the pans, making more noise than rhythm."

. . . . . .

Aaand, what's a party without cake? "Marble pie passes the tray to Pinkie. It's a half-baked chocolate Pizza in the shape of her head." Well, technically it isn't really a cake and, a little under bake, but still tastes good, and oh! I manage to make it look exactly like you since it's also a Pizza. "Pinkie giggled and smiles at her."

. . . . . . .

Soo, what do you think cousin Pizza?

A . . . . .

Do you love it?!

Ar- . . .


Are you kidding me? . . . What a load of nonsense.

Huh? . . . "Pinkie was stunned to hear her cousin's tone change." Uh . . C- Cousin, I-

You just show up, and you think you can just change how things work here?! This baking, this party, even this visit, are nothing but a waste of time!

B-But cousin, this is just my way to cheer you-

Cut the nonsense! I told you I don't do fun and I don't need any of it!

But I- . . . .

Can't you at least take a hint?! You're being a pain in the-

HEY! “Lime pie couldn't hold herself, seeing Pinkie getting yelled at. She walks up to Pizza pie, defending her sister.” Just who do you think you are, telling off my sister like that? If you don’t like to bond with us then fine, but don’t take it out on Pinkie!

What? So I'm the bad one now? Well, what about you two? both of you just let Pinkie do her crazy thing instead of stopping her, and to top it all up, neither of you care!

We do, but she insisted on throwing you this party! She wanted you to feel like you have more than just your Papa as family!

Hmmmm Mmmm.

Family? . . . . We haven't felt like a real family since Mama died. And you think this is gonna make a difference?! Huh?!

. . . . "Pinkie offers her cousin the chocolate Pizza they baked." Cousin . . . I-I . . . don't know what you've been going through, b-but I . . . . I can't stand seeing you like this! All you've ever done is do anything to make your Papa proud. But. . . . But what about you?! Are you happy with just that!? Y-You should be out there, doing what you want to do! Find your cutie mark and have fun-

I told you . . . . I don't need, anyone to tell me what to do! "Pizza slaps off the tray from Pinkie pie's hooves, and the chocolate pizza is splattered on the floor." I chose to be like this because I wanted to! No one forces me anything! So why don't you just leave, and MIND YOUR OWN LIFE!


Her heart stopped after hearing a familiar voice calling her. She turns around and sees her Papa standing behind her, furious at what he witnessed."

I told you to be on your best behavior. We were gone for hours and this is what you have to show me?!

Papa, this isn't w-what it looks like. . . Let me expl-

Explain? What exactly? That you didn’t take your responsibility seriously?

Papa I-

You made a mess in this kitchen, blaming your cousins, and you have the audacity to tell them to leave?!

B-But Papa-

I didn't raise you to be this rude! I thought you everything to be a fine young mare, but it seems like you're not interested at all.

Papa! "Pizza walks up to her Papa, holding his hoof, pleading." No Papa, I'm not rude. Really I'm not, it's just that-

No more excuses Pizzaniac. . . . Just go to your room.

Papa, I-

GO TO YOUR ROOM! "He pulls his hoof off of her and turns his back." You embarrassed me enough.

Pizza's tear runs down her cheeks. Devastated, she turned away and ran upstairs to her room. Slams the door on her way in. The pie siblings felt awful over what they'd done. Lime and Marble go up to their uncle.

Uncle Pasta wait! It wasn’t cousin Pizza's fault. We made a mess in the kitchen, we were just throwing her a party. She only tried to stop us, we didn’t listen and-

There is no need for an explanation. My daughter just can’t handle the responsibility I gave her. I'll apologize for her behavior earlier.

But it’s not like that-

Girls, that’s enough. “said Igneous pulling them away.” You girls already made a scene here.

But . . . But. . .

No buts, just do as you're told.

. . . . .

"Pasta carries a broom and passes one to Igneous." Brother, can you assist me in cleaning my daughter's mess? . . .

He nods and replies.” Sure thing Pasta. Let me take these kids to the living room first.“Igneous escorts his children out of the kitchen.” Now you kids just stay here ok and have some sweet bread while you wait.

But what about Pinkie? “They turn to Pinkie pie, as she slowly picks up the mess on the floor and places it back on the tray.” We can't just leave her like that?

Hmmmm Mmmm.

. . . . . “Igneous walks up to Pinkie and offers his hoof.” Come now Pinkie, your sisters are waiting for you.

. . . . "She wipes off her tears and nods." I made a mess out of things Dad. I-I'm sorry . .

There's no need to apologize dear, no one got hurt.

. . . . Cousin Pizza is . . . And it's all because I want to see her happy . . .

Sigh . . . . "Igneous lifts Pinkie's chin and looks at her." Now listen Pinkie. Sometimes, you can't change a ponies life that easily, especially when it's against their parents.

. . . .



This time, your cousin is hurt. And she needs somepony to cheer her up. " Igneous winks and smiles at Pinkie pie." Now, run along and-

"Pinkie then hugged her Dad in joy." Thank you Dad! I'm gonna do just that! And this time, I'll do it right! She carries the tray, heading up to Pizza's room."

Uh, where you going? “Lime and Marble are at the table, eating some sweet bread.” The table's right here.

Sorry girls, but I need to talk to Pizza. She needs me now more than ever!

"Lime shrugs and replies." Alright Pinkie, if you say so. Me and Marble will just stay here and finish off this sweet bread then.

MmmmHmmm . . .

Pinkie walks upstairs and reaches her cousins' room. She takes a deep breath and knocks on the door.

Cousin. . . I know you don't want to talk to me, but I got something to say. Something important . . . May I come in?

There was no reply from her cousin, so Pinkie stood outside of her room waiting. An hour later, Pinkie knocks on the door again.

Cousin. . . C-Can you hear me? "Pinkie grabs the knob and notices the door wasn't locked. She goes in and takes a peak." Cousin Pizza . . . Are you here- "As Pinkie looks around she finds the room empty, there's no sign of her cousin. The window next to the bed was open, and there was a blanket tied down outside. Pinkie exited the room and ran downstairs in a panic."

Sweetie, what's the matter? You've been up there for a while now.

"Pinkie's hooves were wobbling, trying to stand still." Dad. . Uncle Pasta . . . Its . . Its . . .

Calm down here, have a drink. "Pasta offers Pinkie a glass of lemonade." Are you ok? What happened?

"Pinkie takes a sip and replies." Its . . . Cousin . . . She's . . . She's gone!

"The colts were shocked, they immediately stood up from the table and starts looking around the restaurant. Minutes later, their search continues outside. They split into groups, making it faster to look for Pizza pie."

Pasta and Lime went to the south side of town." Pizzaniac! Where are you? Pizzaniac! Come home this instant!

Hey, Pizza pie! If you're still mad about the party, I'm sure you can throw a better one if your Papa's not around.

. . . . . "Pasta looks angrily at Lime pie."


"Igneous and Marble go North." Pizzaniac dear come home. Your Father and I are worried about you. Sweetie, any sign of your cousin?

"Marble shakes her head in response." Umm Hmmm.

Then let's keep looking, and we better hurry. It's getting dark.

Pinkie pie tries to retrace her step to where they'd passed earlier, calling out her name." Pizza! . . . . Cousin Pizza! . . . . Cousin! . . . . Where are you? . . . . Cousin! . . . . Cousin! Oh, where did you go? . . .

"Pinkie's voice gets everyone's attention, but they just keep their distance and ignore her. The new pony from earlier notices the pink filly yelling in town. Curious, he slowly walks up and taps her shoulder."

Excuse me, are you looking for somepony?

"Pinkie goes up to the pony's face." Oh yes I am! You see my cousin ran away from home and I'm trying to find her. Can you help me look? She looks sort of like me but with cheesy orange and tomato red color on her mane-

Cheesy orange? Red tomato mane? "The pony instantly figured out who the pink filly is describing." I think I know who you're talking about.

REALLY? Do you have any idea where she went?

I can't be sure, but knowing her through my friends, I think I know where she would go. Follow me.

"Pinkie follows the new pony to wear he assumed Pizza pie might be. Keeping his hope up, he leads the way with certainty."

I just hope I'm right. Danish and Carat said, whenever she's sad or wants to be alone, she always goes to that one place to clear her mind. This way, c'mon.

Right behind you eh- . . . . Uh . . . What's your name by the way-

We're here.

"The new pony points at the park. It's filled with fallen leaves blowing in the wind. There is a small hill just near the pond and on top of it is a single tree. The two ponies walk up, and as they do, they notice somepony sitting on the side of the tree. It's Pizza pie, facing the other way and looking at the view. The new pony tries to call her, but Pinkie pie runs up to her cousin."

. . . .

Cousin . . . It's me . . .

Oh, hey. . . . .

. . . . . So uh . . . .Your Papa, my Dad, and my sisters were looking for you. . . .

Oh . . .

. . . .So uh . . . you see . . . cousin you need to come back. . .

And what? . . . So I get scolded some more?

It's not like that . . . "Pinkie reaches to her cousin's shoulder." Your Papa is worried about you -

"Pizza slaps her cousins’ hoof off of her.” GO AWAY! Haven't you caused me enough trouble already?!

. . . . .

Just leave me alone. . .

. . . . . "Pinkie steps back and sits behind her." look. . . I’m sorry . . . . . For getting you in trouble, forcing you to do things, everything . . . I-I just . . . . I wanted to spend time with you. When I heard from my Dad that I got a cousin from Mitaly, I was so happy. I have another side of my family who I can share my happiness with.

. . . . . .

But when I met you . . . . I felt like you had given up on yourself. . . . You became like that because you wanted your Papa to be proud. . . . . But what about you? What do you want? What is it that makes you happy? . . .

. . . . I . . . .

. . . . . .

I don't know Pinkie. . . . Mama . . . was our happiness . . . She brings us together. I couldn't care less with what cutie mark I'll end up with as long as we're together, that's all it matters . . .

But cousin . . . . Happiness, doesn't stop from your Mama . . .

Huh? . . .

Happiness is up to you. No matter where, or who shares it with you. You need to find it, because right now . . . I'm giving you a chance to be happy again just like before, and I came all this way just for that.

Pizza’s eyes widen, tearing up after hearing Pinkie's words.” A chance . . . . For happiness? . . . .

That's right! "Pinkie offers her hoof to Pizza pie." It may not be the happiness you wanted, but this is the happiness you needed.

P-Pinkie . . . "She wipes her tears and takes her cousin's hoof." Thank you . . I never knew how much I needed to hear that . . .

You're very welcome and I'm super glad to hear it! "Pinkie closes in Pizza's face." Hmmmm . . Now that I got a good look at you, I just noticed something.

S-Something? What is it?

That we- . . . "Pinkie gives a warming smile at her cousin." We're kinda the same. We both had a rough start, We love our family, and both of us are looking for the things that make us happy! Aaand-

. . . . And what? . . .

. . . . Uh, I don't know. I kinda forgot the last one.

Pffttt . . . "Pizza pie laughs her lungs out." Is that right?

Yup! Oh, wait, now I remember! With all our similarities, all that's missing now is having the same mane and cutiemark! But what are the odds of that happening right?

PPffftt . . . . Yeah, that'll be the day!

"Pinkie giggled and puts her hoof around Pizza pie. The Pie cousins laugh and finally made up. The new pony watches them from afar, seeing the touching moment they had. He smiled and leaves them to bond."

You know what Pinkie. . .

What cousin?

That you're my chance for happiness. I'm glad you came to visit.

I embraced my cousin for the first time that day. All those years, I thought I was the only one who was struggling. I keep reminding myself that my happiness ended. But when Pinkie pie said that "Happiness gives chances", it hit me. I wasn't trying to move on, I was afraid to feel happy, because I knew it wouldn't last. But she doesn't think of that, but instead enjoys every minute if it, even if it's for a day. And that's where I admire her.

We went back home and apologized to Papa, Uncle, and my cousins for making them worried. It was late, and our Papas' allowed us to have a sleepover. We spend the night, playing until sunrise. For the first time, felt happy even it was for a short time. Morning came and, my Uncle and cousins were going back home.

We'll brother it’s been a fun visit, especially to the fillies here. “said Igneous while his children smiled.

Yes, your visit is quite something alright.

It sure is. “Igneous hugs Pasta in thanks.” I hope we can do this again real soon.

Likewise brother and thank you for your company.

As the brothers are saying their goodbyes. The fillies look at each other and do the same.

Well, cousins I guess this is goodbye.

Yeah, it is. “said Lime, carrying a basket of sweet bread.” And I'm sorry about earlier. You know, ditching you at the bakery and everything.

Hmmmm Mmmmm . .

No, I should be the one who says that. You're all just trying to help me. So I'm sorry for yelling at you guys.

"Lime pie pat Pizza's shoulder." Eh, it's ok. At least we had fun, right Marble?

"Marble gently pats Pizza's other shoulder." Hmmm Mmmm . . .

Good thing too, otherwise you three would get bored to tears. "The three of them smiled at each other." So uh, When will you visit again?

I don’t know. I mean this place is pretty far.“said Pinkie in a sad tone.” Someday I guess . . . .

Yeah. It took haft of Dad's earnings to just visit here.

Oh . . . I see . . . It's ok-

B-But we'll try to visit soon, like real soon! So don't be sad cousin!

Pinkie . . . .

The fillies went silent and their ears dropped. Lime and Marble pie look at each other and nod. They turn back to join their Dad and uncle, Leaving Pizza and Pinkie pie alone, giving them some time to talk.

. . . .

Hey, Pinkie. . .

Yeah? . . .

C-Can I make a promise?

Sure thing cousin. What is it?

. . . . "Pizza paused and stared at her cousin." W- . . . . W-When I get older, I wanna- . . . I wanna be just like you.

Huh? “Pinkie is surprised, after hearing what Pizza said.” W-What do you mean?

Listen, you were right, about everything. I did waste my time being like this! Should've been out there! Making friends, getting my cutie mark, and finding my happiness, but I didn't. .

. . . . .

And for that, I wanted to change it. Starting today!

By being just like me?

Yeah! And if I do that, then I can make friends and share my happiness too!

That's the spirit cousin! Share that ray of shine of yours! Even more, if you finally got your cutie mark!

Uh-huh! It won't be easy, but I won't stop until I get it! And when that happens . . . Let's . . . let’s live together!

Wha-What? . . . Live together?

Yeah, so everyday we can share our happiness with everypony! "Pizza holds both Pinkie pie's hooves tight." Cousin, your visit save me. So Thank you Pinkie, for not giving up on me. . .

Pinkie hugs her cousin tightly, tearing with joy.” Awww . . . . I'm glad that I did and I would never give up on you. Were cousins after all! So Thank you too, for meeting you.

Their Fathers and the two fillies watch them having a touching moment. Igneous and his children smile as Pasta looks at his daughter with a blank expression. Igneous noticed and didn't mind.

Then it’s settled. Once we’re all grown up and got your cutie mark, we can live together!

Yes, I’ll make sure I'll get one that suits me. It's a guaranteed promise!

Pinkie giggled.” Hey, let’s make this promise a special one.

Ok, how?

Well, let’s see . . . "Pinkie sits, folds her hooves, and thinks." Oh Oh!! I got it!

W-What? Did you come up with something?

Yeah! Cousin, stand up front and repeat after me.

Ah! Ok! "Pizza stands, facing her cousin confused." Now what-

Just follow what I do.

"Pizza follows Pinkie pie movement and repeats what she said." Cross my heart, Hope to cry, Stick a cupcake in my eye.They both laughed and held their hoof.

Great! Now our promise has been made.

What should we call it? “Pizza asked.

Hmmm . . . It has to be super special and only a few ponies can be trusted with it. Oh! How about A Pinkie promise?

I love it. Our first Pinkie promise. “The pie cousins hugged once more.” You can trust me on our promise cousin.

I'll look forward to it.

We say our goodbyes and they head back home. My Mama's side of the family was something else, especially my Pink cousin. I had fun having them, and I'm sure Mama would too. Their visit was like a dream, that I never want to wake up. And like all dreams, you need to. Now, I go back to who I was. My same old life resumes like nothing happened that day. But I'll never forget all the good times I had with them and I’ll never forget about my promise.

Days . . . Weeks. . . . Months. . . Years passed. I’ve grown to be a mature mare, but still haven’t gained a cutie mark. I tried looking, but no luck. I guess I can't find it here. But maybe this is a sign, that I should look for it somewhere else. I think it's about time, for me to fulfill our promise. But Papa doesn't allow it. I told him about my pinkie promise before, but he shrugged it off like I'd get over it as I got older. But I didn't, and I persuaded Papa to let me go.

NO! You are not leaving this house over some childish promise. "said Pasta raising his voice."

But Papa, I beg you. It's the promise cousin Pinkie and I made. I couldn't get my cutie mark here, I tried but I can't find it. I don't know why, but what if it's somewhere else? Wherever it is, I want to find it. And with cousin Pinkie will-

Pizzaniac Peach Pie. Are you hearing yourself just now? You’re thinking about leaving your home, going after something that isn't going to help to keep this family business alive. You got a meeting with Hoydy Toydy about your next modeling contract and your promise isn't going to save this restaurant. Do you think your happiness is better than your future!?

That’s your future for me, not mine.

Yes, but who is the one who agrees to it?

. . . .

Pizzaniac, I know how you feel-

Don’t call me that. And you don't know how I feel!

''Pasta is stunned as her daughter rebelled." D-Did you just raise your voice at me, young lady?!

You heard me, I don’t want anyone to call me by my full name!

It is the name me and your mother gave you. It’s who you are.

I am not some trophy daughter for you to show off to your friends and customers! I don't wanna be like this anymore! it’s not me Papa!

This is the best possible future I could give you Pizzaniac. It's what I worked hard for. Because someday you're going to take over this business! This is what’s best for you.

Best for me? . . . . Best for me?! “She stomps her hoof on the ground and angrily looks at her Papa.” I spent my life, doing everything you say. I sacrificed my fillyhood, by never leaving the house or making any friends! I did all those without complaints! You wanted me to be like this even if I didn't want to! And it's only because you can't get over our loss!

. . . . .

After Mama died, you couldn't smile anymore, and you kept blaming yourself. I couldn’t bear to see my Papa miserable, so I had to do something. I try to be a good daughter to you and hope I can make you smile again. No matter what it takes, even if I throw away my needs.

. . . . .

So now, I finally found my only happiness in years, and I wanted to follow it. But you won’t let me! Why Papa? Is it because it's not best for me? or are you just scared of losing me too?

You have no right to pin your own selfish needs towards me! You can't find happiness out there-

Selfish? . . . My happiness is up to me! And I'm not gonna let you, or anyone else decide what makes me happy!

!!! . . .

So if you can't see that, then you clearly don't care about me and my feelings!

. . . .

That was the only time I yelled at Papa. All the sadness that's building up inside, burst out of me like a volcano. And I finally got the courage to stand up for myself. Papa just stood there speechless, he didn't expect me to hear those words from me. But still, even if we argue all day, I won’t back down. I made a promise and I'm planning to keep it, no matter what. It may sound selfish to leave Papa. But this is something I want to prove to him, that I can be more than what he wants me to be.

Pizzaniac I . . .

. . . .

I-I'm . . . . I'm sorry. . .

. . . . . .

I'm sorry for raising my voice. I'm sorry for pushing you, and I'm sorry I didn't listen.

. . . . . . .

You were right. No matter how much I focus on working, No matter how much success we're getting, and no matter how hard you try. I- I couldn't smile like before. "Pasta walks up to the altar holding Mia's picture frame." Losing Mia was my fault, she wanted me to be by her side. But instead, I work through her last days, hoping to earn enough to save her.

Papa . . . .

I let my worries get my way from seeing your Mama say goodbye to us . . . I was torn . . . I was weak. To think raising you is something I can handle alone but, after hearing what you said. I realize now, that I'm not a good Father to you.

"Pasta leans on the wall crying, her daughter behind him watches. Pizza pie is torn after seeing her Papa break down. She set-aside her frustration and goes up to him, patting his back."

Papa . . . It wasn't your fault. You did all you can, to be a good Papa, and for helping Mama to stay longer with us. And also . . .

. . . . .

Mama left me her last works. . . She said-

Pizzaniac dear. Look after you Papa. He's strong on the outside, but soft on the inside. He will cry a lot when I'm gone. "Mia touched Pizza's cheeks and she held her mother's hoof." So try your best to make him happy, on what you can accomplish someday. Promise that . . .

. . . Mia s-said that? . . .

"Pizza gently nodded." That's why I didn't hear me complain. Because it's what I promised to Mama. I-I wanted to tell you, but I think I should wait until you're truly proud of me . . .

Sweetie . . . “Pasta hugged her daughter in shame All the things he's done were rewinding in his mind.” I . . . I'm so sorry that you had to be this way. I made you miss out on all opportunities to be a normal filly and even get your cutie mark.

. . . .

And of course, I'm proud of you, every single day. If your mother were here, I would've told her myself. Can you ever forgive me?

Pizza wiped her Papa’s tears and replied.” Well . . . you can start by calling me Pizza Pie. “She hugged her Papa and he hugged back.” I forgive you Papa. After all, we're family, even if it's just the two of us.

"Pasta softly chuckled." Not just the two of us. Give me your hoof.

"As she did, Pasta puts something on Pizza's hoof. She looks at it and sees, a train ticket to Equestria and a check allowance. She looks up to her Papa, smiling at her."

I knew about your promise to each other before. So I earned this in secret, in case the time is right. And that time is now. You fulfill your Mama's promise, so fulfill this one for your cousin.

. . . . .

You may go. Only, if you promise to mail me from time to time.

"Pizza's hoof shakes and her tears drop on the ticket. She smiles and gives her Papa a big hug." I-I'll tell you all about it when I get there. Thank you Papa.

Papa and I finally understand each other. It’s been years since we felt like a family again. And it's all thanks to cousin Pinkie. Days later, I say goodbye to Papa and some friends as I'm on my way to fulfill my Pinkie promise. My first stop in Equestria is on my uncle's rock farm. They were surprised to see me, Lime and Marble were the same as ever. I also finally got to meet my aunt and cousin Maud.

Back in Mitaly, I didn’t notice that cousin Pinkie already had her cutie mark. They told me she got hers after she threw a party at their farm, so I did the same thing. skipping forward and I finally got the same cutiemark as hers. But we didn't stop there, they also helped me with my look too.

Aunt and Uncle wrote a letter, telling Pinkie that I'm here and be moving to ponyville. What they didn't mention is how I look. We wanted it to be a surprise, not only I kept my promise, but also looked like cousin Pinkie as a part of it. And that’s the whole story. Why I’m here, where my nickname came from, got my cutie mark, and, how my life turned for the better.

"The ponies teared up from Pizza pie's touching story. Pinkie turns to her cousin, in tears and smiling. She gives Pizza pie a hug and she hugged back. After a few hours, It was late. The party ended, and the mares parted ways for the night.

Rainbow dash zooms out of the castle first.” Good night, thanks for the party you guys!

It was a nice story Pizza pie, thank you for sharing with us. “Fluttershy waves at the pie cousins while dragging Angel home.

Likewise, it was nice to hear your side of the story Sugar Cube. "said Applejack, shaking Pizza's hoof."

I agree, come by at my boutique sometime darling. And share more of your stories, especially the part where ponies there recognize my fabulous work-

Alright, that's enough naw Rairty. "Applejack pulls Rarity tail, dragging her home." The uptown mare needs a good rest. We'll see ya'll tomorrow.

Applejack let go of my tail this instant! W-We'll talk some other time dear.

Alright then, We’ll see you two tomorrow.

Twilight, Pinkie pie, and Pizza pie waves at them at the castle doors.

Well, this was quite a fun welcome party. I hope you enjoyed it Pizza pie.

I certainly did, plus sharing my life story helped me feel comfortable with my cousin's friends.

I gotta say, I'm amazed that you still hold on to a Pinkie promise. Even if it was years ago, you manage to remember and fulfill it too. You sure loved your cousin, Pizza pie.

That's right. "Pinkie leans onto her. Tired, Pinkie's eyes got heavy, and she couldn't stand up. Pizza giggled and replied." She saved me from myself, so why wouldn't I?

Twilight waves at Pizza pie, while carrying her tired cousin on her back. As they made it to Sugar Cube Corners, Mr. and Mrs. Cake were waiting outside. They were surprised to see two Pinkie pies walking towards them. As they got closer they immediately tell them apart. They welcome Pizza pie and introduce themselves. Later, Pinkie was put to bed by her cousin, then she went to her bed next to Pinkie's. Couldn't sleep, she pulls out a Paper and Quill from her pouch and started writing under the moonlight.

Dear Papa.

How are you? How is the restaurant? I hope it's going well over there. As for me, I'm finally at Equestria. Well, Ponyville to be specific. But I did stop by Uncle Igneous's farm, and reunite with cousin Marble and Lime pie. They haven't changed a bit either, I met Aunt Quartz and cousin Maud, they were nice too.

They said cousin Pinkie moved out of their home to find her happiness elsewhere. Sounds familiar huh? Anyway, I stayed there for a week, before getting ready to follow her to Ponyville. When we reunited, she was so happy she fell asleep first.

"Pizza pie looks over at her cousin, Pinkie pie is fast asleep while nomming on her pillow. Pizza quietly giggled and resumed writing."

She's still the same happy pink cousin when I first met her back home. . . . Thank you so much for trusting me with my decision. I miss you Papa, and I'll send you more letters to you as promised.

- Pizzaniac

"She folds her letter and hides it under the bed. She rolls over, facing the window, looking at the moon."

I hope things do go my way from now on.

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~ End of chapter 6