• Published 15th Aug 2015
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Full Friendship's Magic #1 (The Filly From Mitaly) - Reykatan

There are many mysteries behind the world of Friendship is Magic, all lost in history. Until one pony unlocks it.

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Scroll of Modesty Chapter 6: My Pinkie promise part 3

⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ✶✶✶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ✶✶✶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ✶✶✶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯

"Back at the restaurant, the pie siblings burned another baking. Lime and Marble quickly place the tray on the table next to the other burned bakes."

Uhhhggg I've had it! This is the third time we did this!

"The pie siblings surround the burnt baking. Pinkie then tastes it with her hoof." Hmmmm . . . . I think it's good enough! "Pinkie carries it to the table." Now, let's set up the plates.

Are you sure Pinkie? I mean it doesn't look good. "Lime pokes the burnt baking and Marble did the same." Or safe . . .

Uhhhhh Hmmmm.

Don't be silly Marble, I know what I'm doing. I followed all the steps in this book right here, see. "Pinkie shoves the recipe book at Lime." Since I want it to be special for cousin Pizza, I replace the cheese toppings with chocolate instead! Since it's her favorite.

Uhhh . . . Right. let me see that. "Lime takes the recipe and looks at it." Pinkie, how can you even read this?

Just a hunch really. And also my Pinkie sense will tell me what to do.

Ugghh!! This again?! "Marble taps Lime's shoulders and shakes her head." What?! I told you she's making that stuff up. Don't tell me you believe that?!

Oh! Hold on a second girls. "Her ears flop, eyes flutter, and knee twitch." It's a combo! that means my Pinkie sense tells us to look out for open doors. It must be cousin Pizza!

Pinkie really? When will you drop that? I told you once and I'll say it again! Your Pinkie sense is a load of-

"The front door burst open and startled the pie siblings. Pizza pie comes in, soaking wet with her long mane covering her face. She slowly walks up to Pinkie without saying a word."

You were saying?

"Limes crosses her hooves and looks away." Hmmp! Whatever!

. . . . . .

Oh! Hey, cousin! You're just in time for your I-I mean Surprise!

. . . . . . . .

I threw you this change your mind Surprise party just for you!!

. . . .

Check it, we got decorations. "Pinkie points at the dangling spoons and forks, tied onto a string above them."

. . . . . .

Food, "At the table, they are some leftover cupcakes from Custer's bakery."

. . . . . .

Music, "On the pile of frying pans and pots is Lime, holding two wooden spoons." Hit it!

Pinkie, I told you I don't know any music

Just hit it!

Sigh . . . Fine! "Lime pie taps the spoons together and starts hitting on the pans, making more noise than rhythm."

. . . . . .

Aaand, what's a party without cake? "Marble pie passes the tray to Pinkie. It's a half-baked chocolate Pizza in the shape of her head." Well, technically it isn't really a cake and, a little under bake, but still tastes good, and oh! I manage to make it look exactly like you since it's also a Pizza. "Pinkie giggled and smiles at her."

. . . . . . .

Soo, what do you think cousin Pizza?

A . . . . .

Do you love it?!

Ar- . . .


Are you kidding me? . . . What a load of nonsense.

Huh? . . . "Pinkie was stunned to hear her cousin's tone change." Uh . . C- Cousin, I-

You just show up, and you think you can just change how things work here?! This baking, this party, even this visit, are nothing but a waste of time!

B-But cousin, this is just my way to cheer you-

Cut the nonsense! I told you I don't do fun and I don't need any of it!

But I- . . . .

Can't you at least take a hint?! You're being a pain in the-

HEY! “Lime pie couldn't hold herself, seeing Pinkie getting yelled at. She walks up to Pizza pie, defending her sister.” Just who do you think you are, telling off my sister like that? If you don’t like to bond with us then fine, but don’t take it out on Pinkie!

What? So I'm the bad one now? Well, what about you two? both of you just let Pinkie do her crazy thing instead of stopping her, and to top it all up, neither of you care!

We do, but she insisted on throwing you this party! She wanted you to feel like you have more than just your Papa as family!

Hmmmm Mmmm.

Family? . . . . We haven't felt like a real family since Mama died. And you think this is gonna make a difference?! Huh?!

. . . . "Pinkie offers her cousin the chocolate Pizza they baked." Cousin . . . I-I . . . don't know what you've been going through, b-but I . . . . I can't stand seeing you like this! All you've ever done is do anything to make your Papa proud. But. . . . But what about you?! Are you happy with just that!? Y-You should be out there, doing what you want to do! Find your cutie mark and have fun-

I told you . . . . I don't need, anyone to tell me what to do! "Pizza slaps off the tray from Pinkie pie's hooves, and the chocolate pizza is splattered on the floor." I chose to be like this because I wanted to! No one forces me anything! So why don't you just leave, and MIND YOUR OWN LIFE!


Her heart stopped after hearing a familiar voice calling her. She turns around and sees her Papa standing behind her, furious at what he witnessed."

I told you to be on your best behavior. We were gone for hours and this is what you have to show me?!

Papa, this isn't w-what it looks like. . . Let me expl-

Explain? What exactly? That you didn’t take your responsibility seriously?

Papa I-

You made a mess in this kitchen, blaming your cousins, and you have the audacity to tell them to leave?!

B-But Papa-

I didn't raise you to be this rude! I thought you everything to be a fine young mare, but it seems like you're not interested at all.

Papa! "Pizza walks up to her Papa, holding his hoof, pleading." No Papa, I'm not rude. Really I'm not, it's just that-

No more excuses Pizzaniac. . . . Just go to your room.

Papa, I-

GO TO YOUR ROOM! "He pulls his hoof off of her and turns his back." You embarrassed me enough.

Pizza's tear runs down her cheeks. Devastated, she turned away and ran upstairs to her room. Slams the door on her way in. The pie siblings felt awful over what they'd done. Lime and Marble go up to their uncle.

Uncle Pasta wait! It wasn’t cousin Pizza's fault. We made a mess in the kitchen, we were just throwing her a party. She only tried to stop us, we didn’t listen and-

There is no need for an explanation. My daughter just can’t handle the responsibility I gave her. I'll apologize for her behavior earlier.

But it’s not like that-

Girls, that’s enough. “said Igneous pulling them away.” You girls already made a scene here.

But . . . But. . .

No buts, just do as you're told.

. . . . .

"Pasta carries a broom and passes one to Igneous." Brother, can you assist me in cleaning my daughter's mess? . . .

He nods and replies.” Sure thing Pasta. Let me take these kids to the living room first.“Igneous escorts his children out of the kitchen.” Now you kids just stay here ok and have some sweet bread while you wait.

But what about Pinkie? “They turn to Pinkie pie, as she slowly picks up the mess on the floor and places it back on the tray.” We can't just leave her like that?

Hmmmm Mmmm.

. . . . . “Igneous walks up to Pinkie and offers his hoof.” Come now Pinkie, your sisters are waiting for you.

. . . . "She wipes off her tears and nods." I made a mess out of things Dad. I-I'm sorry . .

There's no need to apologize dear, no one got hurt.

. . . . Cousin Pizza is . . . And it's all because I want to see her happy . . .

Sigh . . . . "Igneous lifts Pinkie's chin and looks at her." Now listen Pinkie. Sometimes, you can't change a ponies life that easily, especially when it's against their parents.

. . . .



This time, your cousin is hurt. And she needs somepony to cheer her up. " Igneous winks and smiles at Pinkie pie." Now, run along and-

"Pinkie then hugged her Dad in joy." Thank you Dad! I'm gonna do just that! And this time, I'll do it right! She carries the tray, heading up to Pizza's room."

Uh, where you going? “Lime and Marble are at the table, eating some sweet bread.” The table's right here.

Sorry girls, but I need to talk to Pizza. She needs me now more than ever!

"Lime shrugs and replies." Alright Pinkie, if you say so. Me and Marble will just stay here and finish off this sweet bread then.

MmmmHmmm . . .

Pinkie walks upstairs and reaches her cousins' room. She takes a deep breath and knocks on the door.

Cousin. . . I know you don't want to talk to me, but I got something to say. Something important . . . May I come in?

There was no reply from her cousin, so Pinkie stood outside of her room waiting. An hour later, Pinkie knocks on the door again.

Cousin. . . C-Can you hear me? "Pinkie grabs the knob and notices the door wasn't locked. She goes in and takes a peak." Cousin Pizza . . . Are you here- "As Pinkie looks around she finds the room empty, there's no sign of her cousin. The window next to the bed was open, and there was a blanket tied down outside. Pinkie exited the room and ran downstairs in a panic."

Sweetie, what's the matter? You've been up there for a while now.

"Pinkie's hooves were wobbling, trying to stand still." Dad. . Uncle Pasta . . . Its . . Its . . .

Calm down here, have a drink. "Pasta offers Pinkie a glass of lemonade." Are you ok? What happened?

"Pinkie takes a sip and replies." Its . . . Cousin . . . She's . . . She's gone!

"The colts were shocked, they immediately stood up from the table and starts looking around the restaurant. Minutes later, their search continues outside. They split into groups, making it faster to look for Pizza pie."

Pasta and Lime went to the south side of town." Pizzaniac! Where are you? Pizzaniac! Come home this instant!

Hey, Pizza pie! If you're still mad about the party, I'm sure you can throw a better one if your Papa's not around.

. . . . . "Pasta looks angrily at Lime pie."


"Igneous and Marble go North." Pizzaniac dear come home. Your Father and I are worried about you. Sweetie, any sign of your cousin?

"Marble shakes her head in response." Umm Hmmm.

Then let's keep looking, and we better hurry. It's getting dark.

Pinkie pie tries to retrace her step to where they'd passed earlier, calling out her name." Pizza! . . . . Cousin Pizza! . . . . Cousin! . . . . Where are you? . . . . Cousin! . . . . Cousin! Oh, where did you go? . . .

"Pinkie's voice gets everyone's attention, but they just keep their distance and ignore her. The new pony from earlier notices the pink filly yelling in town. Curious, he slowly walks up and taps her shoulder."

Excuse me, are you looking for somepony?

"Pinkie goes up to the pony's face." Oh yes I am! You see my cousin ran away from home and I'm trying to find her. Can you help me look? She looks sort of like me but with cheesy orange and tomato red color on her mane-

Cheesy orange? Red tomato mane? "The pony instantly figured out who the pink filly is describing." I think I know who you're talking about.

REALLY? Do you have any idea where she went?

I can't be sure, but knowing her through my friends, I think I know where she would go. Follow me.

"Pinkie follows the new pony to wear he assumed Pizza pie might be. Keeping his hope up, he leads the way with certainty."

I just hope I'm right. Danish and Carat said, whenever she's sad or wants to be alone, she always goes to that one place to clear her mind. This way, c'mon.

Right behind you eh- . . . . Uh . . . What's your name by the way-

We're here.

"The new pony points at the park. It's filled with fallen leaves blowing in the wind. There is a small hill just near the pond and on top of it is a single tree. The two ponies walk up, and as they do, they notice somepony sitting on the side of the tree. It's Pizza pie, facing the other way and looking at the view. The new pony tries to call her, but Pinkie pie runs up to her cousin."

. . . .

Cousin . . . It's me . . .

Oh, hey. . . . .

. . . . . So uh . . . .Your Papa, my Dad, and my sisters were looking for you. . . .

Oh . . .

. . . .So uh . . . you see . . . cousin you need to come back. . .

And what? . . . So I get scolded some more?

It's not like that . . . "Pinkie reaches to her cousin's shoulder." Your Papa is worried about you -

"Pizza slaps her cousins’ hoof off of her.” GO AWAY! Haven't you caused me enough trouble already?!

. . . . .

Just leave me alone. . .

. . . . . "Pinkie steps back and sits behind her." look. . . I’m sorry . . . . . For getting you in trouble, forcing you to do things, everything . . . I-I just . . . . I wanted to spend time with you. When I heard from my Dad that I got a cousin from Mitaly, I was so happy. I have another side of my family who I can share my happiness with.

. . . . . .

But when I met you . . . . I felt like you had given up on yourself. . . . You became like that because you wanted your Papa to be proud. . . . . But what about you? What do you want? What is it that makes you happy? . . .

. . . . I . . . .

. . . . . .

I don't know Pinkie. . . . Mama . . . was our happiness . . . She brings us together. I couldn't care less with what cutie mark I'll end up with as long as we're together, that's all it matters . . .

But cousin . . . . Happiness, doesn't stop from your Mama . . .

Huh? . . .

Happiness is up to you. No matter where, or who shares it with you. You need to find it, because right now . . . I'm giving you a chance to be happy again just like before, and I came all this way just for that.

Pizza’s eyes widen, tearing up after hearing Pinkie's words.” A chance . . . . For happiness? . . . .

That's right! "Pinkie offers her hoof to Pizza pie." It may not be the happiness you wanted, but this is the happiness you needed.

P-Pinkie . . . "She wipes her tears and takes her cousin's hoof." Thank you . . I never knew how much I needed to hear that . . .

You're very welcome and I'm super glad to hear it! "Pinkie closes in Pizza's face." Hmmmm . . Now that I got a good look at you, I just noticed something.

S-Something? What is it?

That we- . . . "Pinkie gives a warming smile at her cousin." We're kinda the same. We both had a rough start, We love our family, and both of us are looking for the things that make us happy! Aaand-

. . . . And what? . . .

. . . . Uh, I don't know. I kinda forgot the last one.

Pffttt . . . "Pizza pie laughs her lungs out." Is that right?

Yup! Oh, wait, now I remember! With all our similarities, all that's missing now is having the same mane and cutiemark! But what are the odds of that happening right?

PPffftt . . . . Yeah, that'll be the day!

"Pinkie giggled and puts her hoof around Pizza pie. The Pie cousins laugh and finally made up. The new pony watches them from afar, seeing the touching moment they had. He smiled and leaves them to bond."

You know what Pinkie. . .

What cousin?

That you're my chance for happiness. I'm glad you came to visit.

I embraced my cousin for the first time that day. All those years, I thought I was the only one who was struggling. I keep reminding myself that my happiness ended. But when Pinkie pie said that "Happiness gives chances", it hit me. I wasn't trying to move on, I was afraid to feel happy, because I knew it wouldn't last. But she doesn't think of that, but instead enjoys every minute if it, even if it's for a day. And that's where I admire her.

We went back home and apologized to Papa, Uncle, and my cousins for making them worried. It was late, and our Papas' allowed us to have a sleepover. We spend the night, playing until sunrise. For the first time, felt happy even it was for a short time. Morning came and, my Uncle and cousins were going back home.

We'll brother it’s been a fun visit, especially to the fillies here. “said Igneous while his children smiled.

Yes, your visit is quite something alright.

It sure is. “Igneous hugs Pasta in thanks.” I hope we can do this again real soon.

Likewise brother and thank you for your company.

As the brothers are saying their goodbyes. The fillies look at each other and do the same.

Well, cousins I guess this is goodbye.

Yeah, it is. “said Lime, carrying a basket of sweet bread.” And I'm sorry about earlier. You know, ditching you at the bakery and everything.

Hmmmm Mmmmm . .

No, I should be the one who says that. You're all just trying to help me. So I'm sorry for yelling at you guys.

"Lime pie pat Pizza's shoulder." Eh, it's ok. At least we had fun, right Marble?

"Marble gently pats Pizza's other shoulder." Hmmm Mmmm . . .

Good thing too, otherwise you three would get bored to tears. "The three of them smiled at each other." So uh, When will you visit again?

I don’t know. I mean this place is pretty far.“said Pinkie in a sad tone.” Someday I guess . . . .

Yeah. It took haft of Dad's earnings to just visit here.

Oh . . . I see . . . It's ok-

B-But we'll try to visit soon, like real soon! So don't be sad cousin!

Pinkie . . . .

The fillies went silent and their ears dropped. Lime and Marble pie look at each other and nod. They turn back to join their Dad and uncle, Leaving Pizza and Pinkie pie alone, giving them some time to talk.

. . . .

Hey, Pinkie. . .

Yeah? . . .

C-Can I make a promise?

Sure thing cousin. What is it?

. . . . "Pizza paused and stared at her cousin." W- . . . . W-When I get older, I wanna- . . . I wanna be just like you.

Huh? “Pinkie is surprised, after hearing what Pizza said.” W-What do you mean?

Listen, you were right, about everything. I did waste my time being like this! Should've been out there! Making friends, getting my cutie mark, and finding my happiness, but I didn't. .

. . . . .

And for that, I wanted to change it. Starting today!

By being just like me?

Yeah! And if I do that, then I can make friends and share my happiness too!

That's the spirit cousin! Share that ray of shine of yours! Even more, if you finally got your cutie mark!

Uh-huh! It won't be easy, but I won't stop until I get it! And when that happens . . . Let's . . . let’s live together!

Wha-What? . . . Live together?

Yeah, so everyday we can share our happiness with everypony! "Pizza holds both Pinkie pie's hooves tight." Cousin, your visit save me. So Thank you Pinkie, for not giving up on me. . .

Pinkie hugs her cousin tightly, tearing with joy.” Awww . . . . I'm glad that I did and I would never give up on you. Were cousins after all! So Thank you too, for meeting you.

Their Fathers and the two fillies watch them having a touching moment. Igneous and his children smile as Pasta looks at his daughter with a blank expression. Igneous noticed and didn't mind.

Then it’s settled. Once we’re all grown up and got your cutie mark, we can live together!

Yes, I’ll make sure I'll get one that suits me. It's a guaranteed promise!

Pinkie giggled.” Hey, let’s make this promise a special one.

Ok, how?

Well, let’s see . . . "Pinkie sits, folds her hooves, and thinks." Oh Oh!! I got it!

W-What? Did you come up with something?

Yeah! Cousin, stand up front and repeat after me.

Ah! Ok! "Pizza stands, facing her cousin confused." Now what-

Just follow what I do.

"Pizza follows Pinkie pie movement and repeats what she said." Cross my heart, Hope to cry, Stick a cupcake in my eye.They both laughed and held their hoof.

Great! Now our promise has been made.

What should we call it? “Pizza asked.

Hmmm . . . It has to be super special and only a few ponies can be trusted with it. Oh! How about A Pinkie promise?

I love it. Our first Pinkie promise. “The pie cousins hugged once more.” You can trust me on our promise cousin.

I'll look forward to it.

We say our goodbyes and they head back home. My Mama's side of the family was something else, especially my Pink cousin. I had fun having them, and I'm sure Mama would too. Their visit was like a dream, that I never want to wake up. And like all dreams, you need to. Now, I go back to who I was. My same old life resumes like nothing happened that day. But I'll never forget all the good times I had with them and I’ll never forget about my promise.

Days . . . Weeks. . . . Months. . . Years passed. I’ve grown to be a mature mare, but still haven’t gained a cutie mark. I tried looking, but no luck. I guess I can't find it here. But maybe this is a sign, that I should look for it somewhere else. I think it's about time, for me to fulfill our promise. But Papa doesn't allow it. I told him about my pinkie promise before, but he shrugged it off like I'd get over it as I got older. But I didn't, and I persuaded Papa to let me go.

NO! You are not leaving this house over some childish promise. "said Pasta raising his voice."

But Papa, I beg you. It's the promise cousin Pinkie and I made. I couldn't get my cutie mark here, I tried but I can't find it. I don't know why, but what if it's somewhere else? Wherever it is, I want to find it. And with cousin Pinkie will-

Pizzaniac Peach Pie. Are you hearing yourself just now? You’re thinking about leaving your home, going after something that isn't going to help to keep this family business alive. You got a meeting with Hoydy Toydy about your next modeling contract and your promise isn't going to save this restaurant. Do you think your happiness is better than your future!?

That’s your future for me, not mine.

Yes, but who is the one who agrees to it?

. . . .

Pizzaniac, I know how you feel-

Don’t call me that. And you don't know how I feel!

''Pasta is stunned as her daughter rebelled." D-Did you just raise your voice at me, young lady?!

You heard me, I don’t want anyone to call me by my full name!

It is the name me and your mother gave you. It’s who you are.

I am not some trophy daughter for you to show off to your friends and customers! I don't wanna be like this anymore! it’s not me Papa!

This is the best possible future I could give you Pizzaniac. It's what I worked hard for. Because someday you're going to take over this business! This is what’s best for you.

Best for me? . . . . Best for me?! “She stomps her hoof on the ground and angrily looks at her Papa.” I spent my life, doing everything you say. I sacrificed my fillyhood, by never leaving the house or making any friends! I did all those without complaints! You wanted me to be like this even if I didn't want to! And it's only because you can't get over our loss!

. . . . .

After Mama died, you couldn't smile anymore, and you kept blaming yourself. I couldn’t bear to see my Papa miserable, so I had to do something. I try to be a good daughter to you and hope I can make you smile again. No matter what it takes, even if I throw away my needs.

. . . . .

So now, I finally found my only happiness in years, and I wanted to follow it. But you won’t let me! Why Papa? Is it because it's not best for me? or are you just scared of losing me too?

You have no right to pin your own selfish needs towards me! You can't find happiness out there-

Selfish? . . . My happiness is up to me! And I'm not gonna let you, or anyone else decide what makes me happy!

!!! . . .

So if you can't see that, then you clearly don't care about me and my feelings!

. . . .

That was the only time I yelled at Papa. All the sadness that's building up inside, burst out of me like a volcano. And I finally got the courage to stand up for myself. Papa just stood there speechless, he didn't expect me to hear those words from me. But still, even if we argue all day, I won’t back down. I made a promise and I'm planning to keep it, no matter what. It may sound selfish to leave Papa. But this is something I want to prove to him, that I can be more than what he wants me to be.

Pizzaniac I . . .

. . . .

I-I'm . . . . I'm sorry. . .

. . . . . .

I'm sorry for raising my voice. I'm sorry for pushing you, and I'm sorry I didn't listen.

. . . . . . .

You were right. No matter how much I focus on working, No matter how much success we're getting, and no matter how hard you try. I- I couldn't smile like before. "Pasta walks up to the altar holding Mia's picture frame." Losing Mia was my fault, she wanted me to be by her side. But instead, I work through her last days, hoping to earn enough to save her.

Papa . . . .

I let my worries get my way from seeing your Mama say goodbye to us . . . I was torn . . . I was weak. To think raising you is something I can handle alone but, after hearing what you said. I realize now, that I'm not a good Father to you.

"Pasta leans on the wall crying, her daughter behind him watches. Pizza pie is torn after seeing her Papa break down. She set-aside her frustration and goes up to him, patting his back."

Papa . . . It wasn't your fault. You did all you can, to be a good Papa, and for helping Mama to stay longer with us. And also . . .

. . . . .

Mama left me her last works. . . She said-

Pizzaniac dear. Look after you Papa. He's strong on the outside, but soft on the inside. He will cry a lot when I'm gone. "Mia touched Pizza's cheeks and she held her mother's hoof." So try your best to make him happy, on what you can accomplish someday. Promise that . . .

. . . Mia s-said that? . . .

"Pizza gently nodded." That's why I didn't hear me complain. Because it's what I promised to Mama. I-I wanted to tell you, but I think I should wait until you're truly proud of me . . .

Sweetie . . . “Pasta hugged her daughter in shame All the things he's done were rewinding in his mind.” I . . . I'm so sorry that you had to be this way. I made you miss out on all opportunities to be a normal filly and even get your cutie mark.

. . . .

And of course, I'm proud of you, every single day. If your mother were here, I would've told her myself. Can you ever forgive me?

Pizza wiped her Papa’s tears and replied.” Well . . . you can start by calling me Pizza Pie. “She hugged her Papa and he hugged back.” I forgive you Papa. After all, we're family, even if it's just the two of us.

"Pasta softly chuckled." Not just the two of us. Give me your hoof.

"As she did, Pasta puts something on Pizza's hoof. She looks at it and sees, a train ticket to Equestria and a check allowance. She looks up to her Papa, smiling at her."

I knew about your promise to each other before. So I earned this in secret, in case the time is right. And that time is now. You fulfill your Mama's promise, so fulfill this one for your cousin.

. . . . .

You may go. Only, if you promise to mail me from time to time.

"Pizza's hoof shakes and her tears drop on the ticket. She smiles and gives her Papa a big hug." I-I'll tell you all about it when I get there. Thank you Papa.

Papa and I finally understand each other. It’s been years since we felt like a family again. And it's all thanks to cousin Pinkie. Days later, I say goodbye to Papa and some friends as I'm on my way to fulfill my Pinkie promise. My first stop in Equestria is on my uncle's rock farm. They were surprised to see me, Lime and Marble were the same as ever. I also finally got to meet my aunt and cousin Maud.

Back in Mitaly, I didn’t notice that cousin Pinkie already had her cutie mark. They told me she got hers after she threw a party at their farm, so I did the same thing. skipping forward and I finally got the same cutiemark as hers. But we didn't stop there, they also helped me with my look too.

Aunt and Uncle wrote a letter, telling Pinkie that I'm here and be moving to ponyville. What they didn't mention is how I look. We wanted it to be a surprise, not only I kept my promise, but also looked like cousin Pinkie as a part of it. And that’s the whole story. Why I’m here, where my nickname came from, got my cutie mark, and, how my life turned for the better.

"The ponies teared up from Pizza pie's touching story. Pinkie turns to her cousin, in tears and smiling. She gives Pizza pie a hug and she hugged back. After a few hours, It was late. The party ended, and the mares parted ways for the night.

Rainbow dash zooms out of the castle first.” Good night, thanks for the party you guys!

It was a nice story Pizza pie, thank you for sharing with us. “Fluttershy waves at the pie cousins while dragging Angel home.

Likewise, it was nice to hear your side of the story Sugar Cube. "said Applejack, shaking Pizza's hoof."

I agree, come by at my boutique sometime darling. And share more of your stories, especially the part where ponies there recognize my fabulous work-

Alright, that's enough naw Rairty. "Applejack pulls Rarity tail, dragging her home." The uptown mare needs a good rest. We'll see ya'll tomorrow.

Applejack let go of my tail this instant! W-We'll talk some other time dear.

Alright then, We’ll see you two tomorrow.

Twilight, Pinkie pie, and Pizza pie waves at them at the castle doors.

Well, this was quite a fun welcome party. I hope you enjoyed it Pizza pie.

I certainly did, plus sharing my life story helped me feel comfortable with my cousin's friends.

I gotta say, I'm amazed that you still hold on to a Pinkie promise. Even if it was years ago, you manage to remember and fulfill it too. You sure loved your cousin, Pizza pie.

That's right. "Pinkie leans onto her. Tired, Pinkie's eyes got heavy, and she couldn't stand up. Pizza giggled and replied." She saved me from myself, so why wouldn't I?

Twilight waves at Pizza pie, while carrying her tired cousin on her back. As they made it to Sugar Cube Corners, Mr. and Mrs. Cake were waiting outside. They were surprised to see two Pinkie pies walking towards them. As they got closer they immediately tell them apart. They welcome Pizza pie and introduce themselves. Later, Pinkie was put to bed by her cousin, then she went to her bed next to Pinkie's. Couldn't sleep, she pulls out a Paper and Quill from her pouch and started writing under the moonlight.

Dear Papa.

How are you? How is the restaurant? I hope it's going well over there. As for me, I'm finally at Equestria. Well, Ponyville to be specific. But I did stop by Uncle Igneous's farm, and reunite with cousin Marble and Lime pie. They haven't changed a bit either, I met Aunt Quartz and cousin Maud, they were nice too.

They said cousin Pinkie moved out of their home to find her happiness elsewhere. Sounds familiar huh? Anyway, I stayed there for a week, before getting ready to follow her to Ponyville. When we reunited, she was so happy she fell asleep first.

"Pizza pie looks over at her cousin, Pinkie pie is fast asleep while nomming on her pillow. Pizza quietly giggled and resumed writing."

She's still the same happy pink cousin when I first met her back home. . . . Thank you so much for trusting me with my decision. I miss you Papa, and I'll send you more letters to you as promised.

- Pizzaniac

"She folds her letter and hides it under the bed. She rolls over, facing the window, looking at the moon."

I hope things do go my way from now on.

⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ✶✶✶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ✶✶✶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ✶✶✶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯

~ End of chapter 6

Author's Note:

Happiness is up to you. As the wise young pink filly said to her cheesy cousin. Because in life, it's hard to balance two things: future and happiness. We sometimes do but more often, it's having to sacrifice one of them. In short, it's Pinkie pie change Pizza pie's life.

That concludes the lore behind the Pinkie look-alike. up next is holding on to it.

Comments ( 8 )

Hello, I read your story, well it is 'pleasant' although I note that this emotion comes from particular reasons not necessarily related to the story. Now returning to your writing, I see that you have put a lot of effort into it, even with images and everything, the prologue arouses interest, although well, later on there is not so much of that initial content. The body of the story is fine except for some parts where the descriptive interludes feel somewhat unnecessary but otherwise it reads normal. Give effort to your fanfic, success!

Thank you for the feedback, its been a while too. But as you mention on the extra words, I'm still learning when to add them. Same with the feeler parts. Before people pointed out that I need to describe the story more and did just that. Maybe over time I might balance it at some point. I appreciate that you mention it, i'll probably go back this and fix it.

Wow this OC's old AF. surprise this story is still going.


Yes, I worked back on it last year.

I set it like that for now. Just until I finish the 3rd arc. This was all revised from last year and I'm focusing on the story, I only have minimum spare time, due to irl.

Hey, I have read your stories earlier and I liked reading the story. I found a few spelling/grammar and punctuation errors but not that many, IIRC. However, the fact that you used quotes when explaining something instead of when the characters are talking was something that I had to get used to. In my opinion, if you want to pick up where you ended, I think you should watch for that. Moreover, I think the plot should be only in one story instead of multiple since the 2 stories didn't really put an end to the plot in those stories (if you know what I mean).

This is meant as constructive criticism and I'm not trying to sound mean or anything. I hope it can help you and like I said, I really liked the story. I'm looking forward to read more of this story.

I'm glad i got at least some feed back. Tbh i thought no was active enough to even leave feedback (since I've reposting threads for months). What that being said, I get what you mean by the swap of dialogue and plot is somewhere I started and was pointed out to me before. I will fix that part along with finding the right words to shorten the pronounce since I know is a mouthful to read.

Plot wise I decided to split it apart just so I'd be easier to keep track on what happens. (I'm going for by arcs) In short. I tried to keep it as one but it's hard to make a clear synopsis.

Thank you for the time to read the 1st arc. I understand that you had things that you prioritize and I respect that, and giving the time to look at my work is an honor and a privilege. Considering not many people read fanfics because of its long ended community.

As for your feed back, I did plan out the lore between the prologue and the protagonist. Its just the build up seems rather long and had to separate it by arc. Making it easy to follow up (for anyone's who's invested with the story.)

And I see what you mean by shorting some parts, I'll to do that on later chapters. Again thank you for the feedback.

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