Full Friendship's Magic #1 (The Filly From Mitaly)

by Reykatan

Scroll of Modesty Chapter 2: Cousins (revised)

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After Twilight reads the letter, everyone is surprised that Pinkie Pie has an unknown cousin, who's moving into Ponyville to live with her. Knowing that they already met Maud Pie and knew about Pinkie’s other young siblings, they never expected that she might have a cousin.

My My Pinkie Pie. We didn't know you had a cousin.” Rarity asked, breaking the silence.

Oh yes! She lives in a super faraway place! As in outside Equestria! If I remember, it's somewhere at a place called Uhh. . .Milany? Uh no. . . . Mitanie? No what was it . . . Mivaline?” She repeatedly knocks her noggin. “Oooh what was it again ? . . .

Wait. P-Pinkie, you're not trying to say Mitaly aren't you?

Oh, that’s it! Mitaly! Good guess Twilight!” Pinkie giggled. “It’s a funny name for a city, don’t you girls think?

M-Mitaly?! D Mitaly?!” Rarity is shocked and she wobbles towards Pinkie pie. “Pinkie dear, are you saying your cousin is from M-Mitaly?!

Uhh, duh of course she is! Didn't you hear Twilight?” Pinkie pie gets close to Rarity, holding her still. “And last time I checked, she has a house there that works just like Sugar Cube Corners and-

Rarity then pulls Pinkie close to her face, and their noses touch. “YOU’VE BEEN THERE BEFORE?!

Again . . . Uhh, duh of course I have. It was nothing special or anything there just a bunch of old broken-down castles everywhere.

You mean Ruins . . .” Twilight answered. “That's what they called their Pinkie.

That's what I said Twil-

No, I mean Ruins, you know . . . . What remains of Pony-made architecture, structures that were once complete, as time went by over thousands of years?

Hmm, I'm pretty sure someone's castle broke down and didn't have the time or money to fix it.” cluelessly Pinkie said. “Talk about a bad investment over there am I right Rainbow? "She nudges her elbow at Rainbow dash. “Ah? Ah? Am I right Rainbow? Or Am I righ-

Ugghhh!! we're losing topic here!” She shrugs Pinkie Pie’s elbow off of her. ”What's so special about this Mitaly place Twilight?

Well, if you must know, Mitaly is known as one of the most ancient places in Equestria. Based on my small research, it’s where the first alicorns train themselves in battle during the time of shadows. It’s also the rarest place to visit due to its incredibly far distance from Equestria lands and-

Rarity cuts into Twilight's conversation. “It’s known for its magnificent qualities! The food, the art, its atmosphere, and Ah! Not to mention their en-genius designs of wardrobes! AHHH!” She spins around and leans over to Applejack's back. “It’d be like a dream to stay there, even for at least a day!

Uhh, I think that's enough day dreamin Rarity.” She pushes Rarity off her back. “So what's yo cousin like Pinkie?

Well, we're the same age that's for sure. Oh! And my sisters used to tell me that she's just like me If I ever learn proper manners. I don't know what they mean by that? . . .

Right, And I'm sure she's just as unique as you or your sister Maud too. . .” Rainbow dash replied sarcastically.

Rainbow!” Twilight yelled. “You weren't supposed to remind Pinkie how we don't get along with her relatives.

I know Twilight. It's just that, whenever Pinkie introduces us to one of her relatives. They're either boring, rough, or have super pony abilities, or all three.

Don't be ridiculous. I'm sure her cousin will be fine with us once we get to know her well, right Pinkie?

Yup! That's right Twilight.” Pinkie jumps in the middle of them. “You girls don't need to worry about anything. After all, Pizzaniac is the kind of mare who gets along with everypony!

Uhh . . . . Pizza who now?” Applejack asked. “Come again Sugarcube?

Oh, Pizzaniac is my cousin’s first name by the way. But her full name is Pizzaniac Peach Pie, and calling her by her full name makes my tongue twist." Pinkie giggled. “Soooo I always call her Pizza pie, because it's much easier. Don't you girls think so?

. . . . . .

Well, I-I think it's a wonderful nickname Pinkie pie.” Said Fluttershy calmly “And I'm sure your cousin is a very nice pony too, and we're all excited to meet her. . . .

You said it! Aaaaaand, you'll be the first five friends she'll make when she steps into Ponyville! AHHH!!!” Pinkie smiled and skips around her friends. ”I'm so nervoucited!!

So, how soon will your cousin be here Pinkie darling?” Rarity asked.

Oh, about three days from now, but who's counting? Gasp! I do! Sorry girls, I gotta go and plan for my cousin's welcome to Ponyville party!” Pinkie swoops out of the castle in a flash, then she swoops back in after a second. “Uh, you girls wouldn't mind if I skipped this one for today?

Sure Pinkie I don't see why n-

Neat! Thanks Twilight! bye!” Pinkie swoops out of the castle again, just as fast as how she arrived earlier.

Not . . . .

The ponies watch her leave with a trail of smoke behind and back to Ponyville just as she came.

W-Well she sure is excited about her cousin’s move to ponyville.

"This is Pinkie Pie we're talking about Fluttershy.” Said Rainbow dash, as she close the door. ”Pinkie pie's always excited when it comes to new ponies.

"Well, her cousin ain't new to her Rainbow. ." Applejack replied while sweeping off the dust. "And besides, it sounds like she hasn't seen her for like a couple of years or so. ."

But still, aren't you girls worried about this for a minute?

Rarity folds her designed curtains in a pile. “Why would we ever be worried Rainbow dear? It's not like things would change if Pinkie's cousin stayed in Ponyville.

Rarity's right Rainbow.” Twilight replied. “We'll just have to make a good impression and get to know her cousin better. This time, we won't let anything happen between them, like how it ended up with her sister Maud Pie.

They recall their time with Pinkie pie’s sibling Maud and feel terrible about their actions that day.

Alright! Let's get these curtains done and we'll have the castle ready for Pinkie's cousin's arrival. Chop chop girls.

Right!” The ponies replied and resumed back to cleaning the castle, not just for the upcoming occasion but also for their friends’ special sibling.

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Arrival day

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The ponies are waiting at the train station, sitting on the bench as Pinkie Pie skips around in excitement. She couldn't contain her joy, knowing in a couple of minutes, she'll be reuniting with her long distant cousin.

"AHHHH!! I- Can’t- Believe- It! The day is finally here girls, today's the day Pizza and I will live together! Oh! We’re gonna have such a great time!

"Pinkie . . .

"We're gonna play board games all the time! And going strolling around the park all the time!!

"Pinkie . . .

"We're gonna have a family pie picnic, but just the two of us!!

"Pinkie . . .

"And what's best of all is that we can get to do those things every day! Because she's staying in Ponyville! Forever and ever and ever and ever an-

"Pinkie Pie! Will you stay still?!” Twilight uses her magic to trap Pinkie Pie in a magic bubble. "We can't see your cousin when you're moving around so much.

"Sorry Twilight, but I'm super excited to meet my cousin again. Also moving around is the only way she would notice I'm in the station, waiting for her!” She bounces off and rolls around like a hamster in its ball.

"Just let her run loose Twilight.” Rainbow dash chills on the bench, wearing her sunglasses.

No use in calming her down. She's been excited since this morning.

Twilight sighs and rolls her eye. “Well I guess it can't be helped then, we might as well wait for her to stop. ” Twilight takes her seat and continues reading her book.

Oh, Pinkie darling.” Rarity calls out to Pinkie pie.” If I may ask, what was your cousin like before you met her?”

Oh, this I gotta hear.” Rainbow Dash closes in, eager to hear from Pinkie pie. “I bet she's one of those defy reality kind of pony or whatnot.

Shush! Don't mind Rainbow there Pinkie dear. So what is she like to you?

I don't mind at all. Uh, let's see . . . I remember Pizza is one elegant filly. Always on her best behavior, Always greets visitors and, always has her mane tied. Huh? I guess that's what my sisters meant by “we're the same” if I had manners.

I can't imagine you being like that Sugarcube . . .” Said Applejack as she tries to picture Pinkie pie with manners. “Nope, couldn't see it still.

Well me neither!” Pinkie giggled. “So anyway, She lives with her Papa name Pasta. He's my uncle by the way and a brother-in-law to my Dad! Like I said last time. Just like Sugar Cube Corners, she lives in her restaurant, they call it a Pizza parlor. Pretty weird if you think about it. Oh! As for the name . . . hmmmmm . . . . Let's see . . . . . What is it called again?" Pinkie repeatedly knocks her noggin. “Oh! I remember. It’s called Cheesy Round Caters.

A Pizza parlor called: “Cheesy? Round?” Really?

"I said hush Rainbow! Let Pinkie tell us more about her cousin. Continue dear.

"I know it's a silly name for a restaurant Rainbow. But it was always busy there and she always helps her Papa every day.

"Oh, that sounds tiring Pinkie . . .” Said Fluttershy while carrying her fruit basket. "B-But what about her Mother? Does she help too?

"About that . . . . . M-My aunt . . . . I-I mean . . . Her Mother . . . Well. . She was gone when cousin was still a young foal.

Oh, I-I'm sorry I asked . . . .

No, It’s ok Fluttershy. "Pinkie's ears drop and her smile fades." They don't seem to talk about my aunt when we visited. . . it's a sensitive topic, especially to cousin Pizza . . .”

I feel her Sugar cube, neither do I.” Said Applejack lowering her hat. ”Granny Smith keeps a lay low on the topic on how my parents died. Honestly, I wouldn't mind not remembering it. Only the good memories they had with us are all that matter. And I'm sure yo cousin does the same with her Mama too . . .

I hope so Applejack . . . . But still, we had a wonderful time when I visited her years ago. But now that she's coming to live with me in Ponyville . . . .I-I don't know if she's still the same ol Pizza pie I know. . .

Yeah, after what you told us about your cousin was like.” Rainbow dash replies sarcastically. “And pretty sure after all these years she’s now into the whole elegant and fashion stuff like Rarity over here.

Rarity overheard Rainbow dash and walks up to her. “Oh really Darling? Is there something you wish to tell me Rainbow dash?

Hey, I’m just saying since Pinkie Pie hasn't seen her cousin for a long time. So obviously, she changed into one of those “Non-fun” elegant ponies.

Oh? Sounds to me, you make it sound like it's a bad thing.

I wouldn't say that it's a bad thing, I’m just not comfortable dealing with elegant ponies.

Well. I don't know darling. Looks to me like it's more than just not “putting up” with any elegant ponies. I think you're also referring to me as well.

Woah! Just take it easy Rare's. Chill down . . . I didn't mean it like th-

No, Now that I think about it. I can tell you've been holding down a grudge against me whenever I ask you a favor to wear my works for me.

Well yeah! It's only because it takes you forever, to decide if your outfits are good enough, when I could be practicing flying for the Wonder-bolts recruitment!

You can't rush perfection Rainbow. Besides you're flying practice, is just nothing more than just you zooming around the place, messing up the clouds along the way!!

Hey! That still counts as practice!

How is making cloud angels count as practice?!

The two mares then head-butted one another, as both of them were getting each other's nerves.

Hey! Break it up will ya!” Applejack breaks in and pushes them apart. “We can’t be yall fightin like this, especially when Pinkie's cousins' gonna be here soon. So quit it!

Tell that to Rarity over here, She's overreacting about my honest opinion.

Well, that's some level of honesty you got there darling!

Girls stop fighting!” Twilight barge in their argument. “You can't be showing attitudes like this in public, especially on Pinkie's special day!

Hey, At least, I'm not the one who's being all paranoid over some opinion!

Gasp! I am not being paranoid over such little things!!

Well, you are right now!

As the ponies are quarreling, the train appears from the distance and is getting close to the station. Fluttershy flies over to her friends to tell them.

U-Umm Girls, the train is coming. Y-You can all stop fighting now, please-

I most certainly am not!

G-Girls the trains getting close to the station-

Are too!

Am not!

The train finally reached the station and slowly stopped. But the ponies are too distracted by their argument, and poor Fluttershy desperately tries to get their attention.

G-Girls the trains' already here, can we all stop fighting please-

Twilight, do something to make them stop.” Said Applejack as she tries separating Rarity and Rainbow dash apart.

Alright! I'm going to say this one last time to stop and- . . . H-Hey! Are you two even listening to me?! UHHGGG!!

Rarity and Rainbow dash are still arguing, while Twilight and Applejack tries to separate them, and Pinkie Pie still rolls around inside the bubble. With none of them noticed the train had arrived. Fluttershy had no choice but to step in, take a deep breath, and yell at them.


Fluttershy's voice echoed across the station and everyone including her friends, heard her and finally stopped fighting. They tilt their heads, look behind Fluttershy, and see the Train had arrived. The magic bubble pops, and Pinkie pie drops to the ground. She gets up and sees the train. She immediately jumps up and down, screaming and pointing.

She's here! She's Here!” Pinkie pie dashes towards the train, while the rest follows her."

Fluttershy, why didn't you tell us the train is already here?” Said Twilight, as she flew past Fluttershy.

But you we're . . . You see I was calling you girls. . . . You can't hear me. . . so I screamed and. . . . Nevermind . . .” Said Fluttershy frowning.

As they got close to the train, the door opened and steam came out, fogging the station. The ponies were coughing and covering their nose from the smoke, Pinkie pie walked past them and looked at the ponies who were getting off of the train.

Cousin! Cousin Pizza pie!! Can you hear me? It’s me Pinkie pie, I came to pick you up.” She looked and looked but no sign of her cousin. As the last ponies exit the train, she peeks inside and sees that the whole train is empty. “C-Cousin? . . . are you here?

. . . . . . .

The ponies looked at each other and felt bad for Pinkie pie. Seeing her sitting outside the door disappointed. They all up to her and try to cheer her up.

Pinkie are you ok? . . . .” Said Twilight patting Pinkie pie’s back. “Maybe she's on a different train.

. . . . Maybe . . . I thought for sure I see her right now.

Soon you will Pinkie pie, it’s still early in the afternoon. We had the whole day to wait for her.

Pinkie sighs in disappointment. “You’re right Twilight . . . I should be more patient

See there you go. Now, let's head back to the castle and get you something to eat first. We'll come back here as soon as we're full.

Ok . . . .

Pinkie's ears drop then turns back to her friends. The ponies felt bad and walked halfway towards her. As Pinkie goes up to them, suddenly someone grabs her shoulder. Pinkie looked behind and saw, a mare with a cheesy yellowish mane and a peach-colored coat, and a cutie mark much like hers. Like looking at a mirror, she can't believe her eyes, the mare standing right in front of her is.


Hey cousin Pinkie.

. . . . .

I'm here now just as promised. .

. . . . . . .

O-Oh! S-Sorry, it took so long to get here. I got to let go of a few things an-

Pinkie couldn't hold back her tears, she smiled at her cousin and gives her a big hug. “Y-You're here, you’re finally here . . . . I missed you so much cousin Pizza . .

I missed you too Pinkie . . .

And by the way . . . .

Yeah? . . .

You came just in time. . .

Good to hear . . . .

The ponies stand and witness a touching reunion between cousins. As they did, Rainbow dash noticed something unusual.

Uh, girls. Is it just me or does Pinkie's cousin look exactly like he-

Applejack stops Rainbow dash from saying anything else. “Just let them have their moment for now.

A reunion of two cousins living apart for years finally meet once again.

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~ End of chapter 2