• Published 24th Jul 2015
  • 57,344 Views, 2,283 Comments

New Beginnings - Hiver

A magical accident have a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

  • ...

Chapter 8

Day 82

Welp, today was interesting. I had the day off from the store and as usual, I spent it in the library. I read up on ponies in general... as in biology.

Came across something interesting... mares outnumber stallions by an average of two point seven to one.

That should not be happening, they are mammals. Mammals as a rule end up at a 1:1 ratio... or very close to it. Humans are something like hundred and one males for every hundred females, at least at birth. At adulthood, females outnumber males.

Mostly due to the males doing stupid shit to impress said females.

That wasn't the case with ponies of any of the subspecies. There were a clear female majority at birth.

Which made me wonder exactly how that affected relationships and families... hell, society in general.

An afternoon of study (note to future self: Be more careful about picking research materials. Trashy romance novels seemed like an okay and easy place to start, but they were not. There is such a thing that once read can not be unread.) and this is what I learned:

One: While females outnumber males and it's not uncommon to see stallions in relationships with more than one mare, it is not the complete norm either. Much, much more common than among humans, though. But still not common enough that I would have actually noticed without looking it up at the library.

Two: You have a much higher degree of female/female romantic relationships than humans. You know, considering the social demographics, I really should have seen that one coming. It's not uncommon that a couple such as that seeks out a male friend when they want children.

Three: I have completely misread a great fucking number of social cues.

Example: I saw a mare give another a nuzzle on my way home from work yesterday. It thought that kind of thing was the equivalent of a light hug. Yeah, I was wrong. They were basically doing a more public version of making out... with hints of more.

Four: The question that comes to mind is... what the fuck have I been showing these ponies that I didn't intend to? I have been reacting to stuff like a human. At best, I likely look really odd. At worst, I might be seen as a raving pervert.

I feel like quoting Doctor Mordin Solus: “Implications unpleasant.”

I am so, so glad that at least I'm starting to get my fucking language under control. ...When speaking out loud at least.

I need somepony I can talk about this stuff with, somepony local.

Page signing off to go hide under his bed until the blush goes down.



I crossed my front legs and sighed as I shifted one paper to the next box. I needed to get this done! If I don't the beaver won't get its apple and then the plane won't land.

Handing the full box to the talking banana, it hit me over the head with the fish and then wandered off.

“This is very strange.” a voice said and I started, turning around to see the Princess of the Moon standing behind me, looking around the clearing. “Even for dreams.”

I stared at her for a long moment. “Princess Luna?”

She smiled. “We were curious. We have just resumed our duties in watching over the dreams of our subjects. We wondered if yours differed from normal ponies.”


“You are just a dream, right?”

The princess shook her head. “No, We are quite real. However, there is no need for alarm. We are the princess of the night, dreams fall under our purview and We never reveal what We see to others. We... were curious of what a human might dream of.”

I was unsure whether I should feel outraged by the invasion of my privacy or terrified that she could just casually jump into my head.

“...Princess, that could have been dangerous. And I'm not sure you wish to be here anyway, it's a silly place.”

And at times, somewhat perverted.

She looked amused. “So We see. Is this an average dream? It remind Us of... an unpleasant time.”

I eyed the desk and jumped off the chair. “...No, this was more nonsense than usual. But even so, there is a risk you would walk in on... other stuff. Things we might both rather not have you see.”

She actually giggled at that. “We are very aware of what can go on in dreams, Blank Page. We very much doubt that has changed for the last thousand years.”

Shaking my head, I stretched before looking up at her, pointing my hoof at her. “I'm still not convinced that you are not a figment conjured up by my subconscious.”

Luna flicked her ears. “How about We send you a message tomorrow? Would that be evidence enough?”

“Yeah, I guess that would work.”

She nodded. “Then We will do so.” She looked thoughtful and continued; “This is your world?” she asked as she looked around.

I frowned in thought before I looked around the clearing with her. “This is my dream right... I can control it?”

“If you focus, you can. Most ponies have some control over their own dreams, even if they do not always realize it.”

“...If you want, I could try to show you some of where I'm from. This is probably the only way I will be able to do it... and you did say that you were curious, Princess.”

“We would like that.”