• Published 24th Jul 2015
  • 57,479 Views, 2,284 Comments

New Beginnings - Hiver

A magical accident have a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

  • ...

Chapter 44

Day 556.

Winter is over. It's amazing how fast the seasons change here. It's literally snowy one day and then the next Celestia's sun shines warmer, the leaves begin to grow on the trees and the birds start chirping.

I don't think I will ever get over that.

That, however, meant that there is another holiday coming up in a couple of days soon. One I find more terrifying than Nightmare Night.

Hearts and Hooves Day.

I had to do something for Luna. It just felt... wrong not to. I mean, it's not like she is my marefriend or anything, but she is my best friend.


Page, signing out.


Daring Doo jumped for her rope, her hooves scrambling to grab it but it was slippery from the wet jungle air and she slid slowly down the slippery slope into the abyss below. Just as she felt the...

The guard cleared his throat and I looked up from where I had been sitting on the couch in the small side room, putting the book away, moments before the door to the throne room opened and Luna walked out, a pair of guards following her discretely.

She gave me a surprised look when she spotted me, “Page? What are you doing here? It's really late.”

I smiled and jumped of the couch to trot up to her, “Early, actually. I got up an hour or so ago. So how was night court?”

It was technically closer to early than late as it was around four in the morning.

Luna gave a curious look, “Slow. Eight petitioners today, one case of 'who owned a property' they didn't want to take it to the courts.”

“Anything interesting?” I asked as I walked along, the guards very carefully ignoring my presence.

“...Nothing especially.” she said as she eyed me, “What are you up to?”

“Who, me?”

Luna narrowed eyes suspiciously at me, “Yes, you.”

“Are you free? As I understand it, it is time for your dinner now.”

She nodded, “Yes... I'm actually on my way to the dinner hall now. Why?”

I smiled up at her, “Want to come with me instead?”

“Very well...” she answered, following me as I turned the corner, her guards scrambling to keep up, “Where are we going?”

“You will see. So who got the property?” I asked, hoping to distract her.

Luna frowned, “Oh. Neither. Neither could prove they owned it, so it defaulted to the crown.”

I snorted at that, “I can't imagine they were happy with that!”

She grinned, “They were not. I suspect my sister will get several angry letters about it, but it that is how the law is written.” she said before she sighed, “It seems people are not used to having a second ruler.”

“There was a thousand years without one. It will take some time to get used to... more than a couple of years.” I said with a shrug as we exited the castle and onto the castle grounds.

Luna shifted her wings with a rustle of feathers, “I suppose.” she said as she followed me out onto the grass, “Where are we going?”

I grinned, “I'm leading you to an ambush of zombie ninja pirate assassins. Down with the tyrannical government and all that.”

Her guards actually tensed up at that but Luna giggled, “Are you sure you have the right sister?”

Turning I gave her a theatrical look as if to look closer, “Curses! Foiled again!”

That got a laugh from her, “You shouldn't tease my guards like that.” she then chided me as we rounded a couple of bushes to reveal a blanket and a basket of food I prepared earlier.

“So... what do you think?” I asked a bit nervously, “I just figured.. It's Hearts and Hooves Day and I just... kind of wanted to do something special for my best friend.”

“I love it.” Luna replied softly and gave my closest ear a nuzzle, “Thank you.”

“...Wait until you try the food before you thank me.” I said, flicking my ear before looking up at her, “I'm not the best in the world at cooking, but even I shouldn't be able to screw up a salad and some sandwiches too badly.... but no guarantees.”

Luna grinned and settled down at the blanket, “I am sure it will be perfectly fine.”

I looked around, noticing that her guards had gone up into smoke before I settled down to unpack the food and cider.

It really wasn't anything special. A variety of sandwiches and the closest I had so far been able to get to a proper pasta salad.

Luna reached to pick a sandwich up with her magic, her field sparkling against mine before I let go. She peeked into the sandwich, “Tomato, cucumber and hay. Nice.” she murmured and took a bite with a smile, “I think you underestimate your cooking abilities.”

“Bow to my ability to make simple sandwiches. Hey, would this make it possible for me to put 'royal chef' on my resume?”

She stuck her tongue out at me for that one, “I think there are a bit more qualifications than 'tricked royalty into eating a thing I made one time'.”

I grinned and relaxed, getting a sandwich for myself, “So what else do you have planned for today?”

“Not overly much until I lower the moon. I had planned to do some paperwork, but nothing especially urg...” before she went cross eyed as I tapped my hoof against her nose.


Her eyes went wide, “W-what?” she stuttered in surprise as she stared at me.

I just smiled and carefully reached out with my hoof and she followed it with her eyes before I tapped her nose gently again, “Boop.”

“Did you just 'boop' the royal nose!?” she exclaimed in mock outrage.

Grinning, I slowly inched my hoof closer again.

Luna narrowed her eyes at me, “Don't you dare...”


She pounced!