• Published 24th Jul 2015
  • 57,482 Views, 2,284 Comments

New Beginnings - Hiver

A magical accident have a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

  • ...

Chapter 14

Day 180.

Half a year since I saw another human being. Funny that, I didn't realize that until just now. I have discussed things with the researchers, Celestia and Luna. None of them have any idea where to even start.

I'm never getting back home, am I?



Dropping the quill on the page, I sighed and let my head drop onto the table. I might as well face it. I'm never getting back to earth.


Never seeing my family and friends again.


I thumped my head against the table again.

Never. Ever.

Sitting up again I looked out my small window, letting out a long, slow sigh.

I was trapped in Equestria and I was stuck as a unicorn. I was never getting back to human, was I?

I frowned at that. Well, I suppose I'm technically not 'stuck' as a unicorn. With this much magic around, it should be possible to turn me into something else if I really wanted that.

Maybe not human, I doubt they had the specifications other than possibly the images I've shown Luna. But I'm sure they could at least get me into the 'great ape' family.

Chuckling at that, I let my head drop again. Well, that would get me hands again, but I couldn't help but think that the telekinesis was a upgrade on those.

So yeah, I'm stuck as a unicorn, anything else would be a downgrade unless I can go back to human. I frowned at that thought and sighed again.

Would I actually go back to human if I could? If I could go home, then yes, I didn't exactly have a burning desire to end up on a government's vivisection table.

But if I was still stuck in Equestria?

I didn't know. I honestly couldn't... I didn't know. Standing out would be the worst thing... I had no idea where I would get clothes from. Then there was the matter of magic.

I was not very good at it, but I could do basic stuff. Light, Warmth. A spell to automatically make my bed. Worked hard for that spell.

Couldn't help but love that one. Hated doing that by hand... hoof.

No. Even if they could get me back to human... unless they could also get me home I wouldn't take it.

That realization made me sigh and get up to look out the window, putting my hooves against the windowsill, looking down on the ponies walking past a story below.

I suppose if there was a different world and body to be transferred to and transformed into, this one was not too bad. Abilities similar, if not superior, to my old body and... this world was really rather nice.

Sure, I read about dangerous creatures out in the world, but that's on the frontier, far, far away. I'm in the capital, about as far away from that as you could possibly get.

Not like it was lacking in modern conveniences either. Indoor plumbing, magical stove and icebox. If I had gotten a choice, I might even have volunteered to move here. Well, if there had been internet anyway.

Likely would have stayed as a bipedal omnivore though, but I might have moved here if given the choice.

My horn clicked against the glass and I glanced up at the sun. Well, unless I knew about the screwy astrophysics here.

...Is it still astrophysics if it didn't work according to physics?

Shaking my head in annoyance, I pulled back and headed to the kitchen to grab a apple. The fact that I no longer had a job didn't exactly help my mood.

I had liked that job, so now I had more time to... not be distracted than I liked.

I suppose I could visit Luna... but two problems with that plan. One, I didn't feel like company today, Two, she was sleeping. Too early in the day.

I needed to find more friends, but honestly, I was never that good at it. Making friends that is. ...I wasn't in the mood for that either.

Taking another bite of the apple, I briefly considered visiting the library. No, no studying today. I'll just make a cup of tea and curl up on the bed with a adventure novel and forget about the world.

A knock on the door however pulled me from my somewhat depressing thoughts and I frowned in annoyance before walking over to pull it open, “Yes?”

The mail pony held out a letter, “Blank Page? Letter for you.”

Letter? Who would send me letters?

Oh, it was likely from the publisher.

“Thank you.” I said and took it from him, floating it over to me before I gave him a nod, “Have a nice day.”

“You too, s...” I slammed the door shut before he could finish, considering tossing the letter onto the table to deal with later but that would just be pushing possible problems forward so, with a sigh, I ripped it open to check what it said.
