• Published 24th Jul 2015
  • 57,477 Views, 2,284 Comments

New Beginnings - Hiver

A magical accident have a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

  • ...

Chapter 50

The morning of the wedding and I was bone dead tired. So much, in fact, that I went down to the castle kitchen and got some coffee. Tea just wasn't strong enough today.

Back home on Earth I would have used an energy drink. But this wasn't Earth, so I would have to make due with as strong coffee as I could get my hooves on, mixed with with enough sugar to make it count as syrup, not coffee.

I hate coffee.

But I didn't want to fall asleep during the ceremony.

In retrospect, staying up with Luna for most of the night might have been a bad idea. But she was unable to come to the wedding, so the least I could do was to keep her company. I did get a couple of hours of sleep, but nowhere near enough.

Raising the cup, I took a sip at the disgusting liquid, giving it a dubious look. Maybe it would be better to just gulp it down, get it over with. Like ripping off a bandaid.


Man, I really must be out of it if I didn't detect a batpony approach across the garden. They kind of stood out.

“Yes?” I asked, putting the cup down.

“I'm here to serve as your personal guard, sir. On orders from Princess Luna.”

I... didn't think that she would actually do that. Well, if it made her feel better, I suppose I could put up with it

He looked the same as any of the other pegasi in Lunas service. Dark grey coat, almost completely black mane, tail and black batlike wings.

Large, catlike eyes and fangs.

Of course, it was all an illusion. If he removed the armor, he would return to looking like a normal pegasus. It kept them all looking the same for security reasons.

I nodded. “What's your name?”

“Reliant Frost, sir.” He answered, shifting his wings.

“Reliant Frost.” I said. “Sorry about this. I suggested it to Princess Luna as a way to ease her mind during the heightened threat level. I didn't think she would actually go through with it.”

He smiled at that. “Don't worry about it, sir. It beats standing by a door.”

“I wouldn't count on it.” I countered before forcing myself to take another drink of the coffee. Better get it done before it went cold or it would be even worse. “Can I get you anything?”

“Not while on duty, sir.”

Nodding, I finished the cup before putting it down. “Well, we'd better go get my suit then, we have a wedding to get ready for.”

“Yes, sir.”


This entire 'being guarded' thing ended up being way less intrusive than I thought it would be.

Reliant Frost was good at what he did.

Hell, I knew he was there and I barely noticed him most of the day. Two steps back and one to my right, he stayed where he could keep a eye on things while staying out of my direct field of view.

Finishing adjusting the suit, I turned to my shadow. “How do I look?”

“You might want to adjust the collar, sir.”

Frowning, I checked and then folded it back down in the back. “Better?”

“Yes, sir.”

Nodding, I sighed. “Kitchen now, I think. Another cup of that accursed liquid. It wouldn't do to fall asleep during the wedding.”

“I would imagine not, sir.”

“How do you handle it?” I asked as we exited the guestroom, heading down the corridor. “Switching to the day, I mean?”

“I didn't, sir.” he clarified. “I was always on day duty. I previously patrolled Princess Luna's tower during day time.”


Well, that made sense. Even during the night Princess Celestia's guard patrolled her personal wing of the castle.

It made sense Luna would have the same arrangement on her tower and grounds.

...Swift better hope he ends up on day duty or Minuette won't be happy with him.

Finding the way down to the kitchen, I found it about as busy as I expected. Most of the castle was, in fact, there were ponies running around everywhere trying to get everything ready in time.

As I didn't really have anything to do, I did my best to keep out of everyone's way.

Not that I always succeeded.

I just barely managed to get out of the way of an orange earth pony, taking a cake out of one of the ovens.

“Careful there! I almost got the cake on yer fancy suit.” She said and quickly put it on the counter. “What can ah help ya with?”

“Oh... uhm... I'm just trying to get to the coffee? Things got a bit late last night and I don't want to fall asleep during the wedding.”

She grinned. “I'll get ya a cup.”

I nodded and then frowned. “I recognize you. Applejack, right?”'

“That's right. You are Twilight's friend, right? Page, something? Sugar?”

“Yes please. Some coffee in the sugar.”

She returned with the cup and I caught it in my magic, looking around the rather busy royal kitchens. “A bit stressful today, is it?”

“Yeah, no kidding. Trying to get everything ready in time and ah still need to go get changed.”

“Anything I can do to help?”

“Can't have ya mess up your fancy suit, now can we.” she answered and shook her head. “We're about done, about to go get ready. Now drink yer coffee and make sure ya don't fall asleep.”

“Yeah, that would be bad.”

With that, I thanked her for the horrible fluid and retreated from the kitchen so that I could stop being in the way.

Taking a sip I grimaced at the taste before I sighed and glanced at Reliant Frost. “Come on, let's find somewhere to stay out of everyone's way until the wedding starts.”

“Very well, sir.”

I guess the royal library would be empty. We could go there.