• Published 7th Jun 2015
  • 11,286 Views, 411 Comments

The Nobody's Regret - Synthetic Soul

After I was Displaced, I found myself as Roxas from kingdom hearts, in the world of My Little Pony. I became good friends with Celestia and Luna. But after a tragic event unfolded, that I could have prevented, I sent myself into exile.

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It was a few days after Roxas’s confrontation with the other Human, and he had been taking that time to recuperate before he resumed his work. He currently sat in a corner of the Library, reading a book on Equestrian Magic.

‘First Heartless’s appear, now other humans, Hearts characters no less. But why now? It’s been a thousand years since I first arrived. What suddenly changed?’

“Oh hi Pinky, what’s up?” the faint greeting slightly registered as Roxas heard it, but he paid it no mind, and continued.

“Hi ya Twilight! I actually came to-“ Roxas blocked the rest out as he reached a new chapter in the book he was reading and marked a few notes in a journal he had started keeping. He was beginning to think that Equestrian Magic was not responsible for any of this, not the Heartless, and not his initial appearance in the world. Were those anomalies caused by another magical source? One belonging to his original world…or another? He needed to look into this. What else could happen in this world now that-

“Hi Roxy!” Roxas jerked for a brief moment as he looked up to see none other than Pinkie Pie bouncing in front of him with a wide smile.

“Uh, hi Pinkie Pie,” he replied. He stared at her for a few moments as she continued to bounce, showing no signs of recognizing the growing awkwardness.

“Uh, can I help you with something?” he asked. Pinkie responded in a quick burst.

“Well, I was just thinking, you’ve been here for a few days now, and I like to get to know everypony in town, but I don’t even know your birthday, but we can’t be best friends if I don’t know your birthday, so you gotta tell me what it is so I can plan a birthday party for you when your birthday arrives!”

“Oh, uh…I think it’s November, or maybe October, definitely one of those, probably,” he responded nonchalantly. With his eyes buried in his book, he failed to see that Pinkie’s jaw had hit the floor. Twilight was standing a few feet away, and even she looked shocked.

“YOU DON’T KNOW YOUR OWN BIRTHDAY?” screamed Pinkie Pie.

“No, I just forgot. I haven’t celebrated it in over a thousand years.”

“A THOUSAND YEARS?! A thousand years without a party cake and presents? How are you even alive right now!?” questioned Pinkie as she shook Roxas back and forth.

“Pinkie, give him some space,” asserted Twilight as she used her magic to yank the pink party pony off of the human.

“But but this is madness!” screamed Pinkie as she attempted to gallop as she floated. Roxas reeled back, starting to feel a little unsafe. He wasn’t sure if the mare was going to be able to control herself.

Pinkie continued to scramble before she seemed to calm. The manic energy in her eyes was replaced with a look of determination and resolve. Twilight felt it was safe to lower her back down to the ground, and did so. Pinkie took in a deep breath, before striking a dramatic pose in front the human.

“Roxy,” she began.

“Please don’t call me that-“

“I swear! By the moon and the stars in the sky that I shall throw you the biggest, best-est birthday party you’ve ever seen!” Pinkie disappeared, and reappeared behind Roxas, surprising him as she wrapped an arm round his shoulder.

“The magnitude and brilliance of this party shall be so spectacular that the Gods themselves will bow before its splendor! The stars will shake and the dead will rise just to cast their eyes upon it!”

“What?” muttered Roxas. Both Twilight and he had wide eyes as the looked at Pinkie, not quite sure how to process this. Suddenly Pinkie disappeared behind Roxas and reappeared in front of the library’s front door.

“Just you wait! This will rock your socks off!” Pinkie then threw the door open, and cartwheeled into the distance, disappearing.

“Should I be worried?” questioned Roxas.

“Umm….” Hummed Twilight. “Maybe.”

~Later that Night in the Unicorn Range~

A dim light shone through the closed window of a wooden travelers caravan as it sat parked within a small brush of tall oak trees. An extinguished fire sat in front of it, the remaining smoke distilling into the air. Inside the caravan, a light blue unicorn mare sat in front of what some might call a desk. She had a worried expression on her face as she divvied up her remaining gold bits.

She was running low; she barely had enough for an order of hayburger and fries. As it was, her food stock was nearly depleted. She felt a grumble in her stomach. Sighing, she reached into a rucksack and retrieved a single red apple.

“Last one,” she said to herself as she took a bite. “I’ll have to make due until I arrive in…” she trailed off as she used her hoof to find her destination on the map she had laid out in front of her. “…Ponyville.” She then began thinking about her act.

“I didn’t make many bits on my last show. I need to step up my game, I need to wow the audience!” She stood up and made her way to a small chipped mirror.

“Remember, confidence is key!” she told herself. She then began practicing her acting. “The Great and Powerful Trixie! The Great and Powerful Trixie!” she was attempting different inflections, trying to find the perfect method of presentation. Truly, she didn’t feel very powerful, or great. But she knew from years of scratching the brim that being humble is a death sentence. It was the ponies who took charge and presented themselves as the best in the world who succeeded…even if it wasn’t true.

“I am…the Great and Powerful…Trixie,” she told herself one last time. She then took in a deep breath, and made her way to her old hammock that hung in the corner. She finished off the single apple that comprised her dinner, and then chucked the core out the window. She then blew out her candle, and settled into bed.

“I’ll be in Ponyville by tomorrow. And everything is going to go well. Everything is going to be perfect.” She closed her eyes and started to drift off.

“Because I am…the great…and powerful…Trixie….” She was out.

Author's Note:

Thirty-One chapters down, only 2,400,292 more to go!

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Hope you're still enjoying the story. I'm starting to work on some original fiction, but I'm still updating on here when I can. Hope everyone's doing good! Bye!Bye!Byyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeesadsfasdfasdf.sdfsdfasfasdf.........