• Published 7th Jun 2015
  • 11,285 Views, 411 Comments

The Nobody's Regret - Synthetic Soul

After I was Displaced, I found myself as Roxas from kingdom hearts, in the world of My Little Pony. I became good friends with Celestia and Luna. But after a tragic event unfolded, that I could have prevented, I sent myself into exile.

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Twilight Sparkle and Spike the dragon waited at the Ponyville train station, with the former bouncing on her hooves in anticipation of he new arrival due to town.

“Twilight, I think you really need to calm down,” advised Spike.

“But, I’m too excited! I’m finally going to have a chance to study him!”

“You’re gonna weird him out, Twi. Besides aren’t you supposed to be helping him unwind, and make friends? I think that’d be pretty hard with you poking and prodding at him.”

“But, but science!” pleaded Twilight, stopping her hopping, and looking at Spike.

“No, Twilight,” answered Spike, deadpanned.

“Alright,” relented Twilight. “You’re probably right.”

“Probably?” questioned Spike with a raised eyebrow.

“Fine, you’re definitely right.” Spike smiled in triumph. The blow of the trains whistle alerted the two to the approaching Ponyville Express, making it’s way to the station.

“Here he comes. Try to make a good impression,” suggested Spike.

Roxas sat alone on a bench in the passengers’ section of the train. He kept to himself, and stared out the window, trying to ignore the weird looks he was getting from the pony passengers on the train. He watched the trees and mountains pass by, admiring the beauty of nature. But inside, he was a bit disgruntled.

‘Can’t believe the sisters want me to go on vacation. I didn’t think they’d be willing to let me out of their sight so soon. But this is probably a good thing. This is near where I saw that door to darkness. I can do some investigating into that here. And Tirek should be escaping from Tartarus soon. I can hunt him down when that happens. But I need to get back to Canterlot before Discord and Chrysalis show up.’

His thoughts were interrupted by the trains’ whistle. He saw Ponyville approaching fast. He could see two purple objects waiting on the platform. He assumed they were Twilight and Spike.

As the train pulled into the station, smoke obscured the air surrounding it. When the train slowed to a stop, Roxas got up from his seat. Ponies filed their way out of the train, with Roxas trailing behind them. He was the last one to leave the train. He stepped onto the train platform. As the other ponies left the station, Roxas saw Twilight and Spike waiting on the platform. He walked towards them, and stopped a few feet away.

“Roxas, it’s good to see you!” greeted Twilight in a burst of energy, before she quickly reigned herself in. Spike raised a claw in a friendly gesture.

“Hey!” he greeted.

“How’s it going?” said Roxas. The three stood there for an awkward few moments as Twilight focused on the nobody, studying him with her eyes. Roxas then broke the silence.

“So, where to?” he asked.

“Oh, right! Follow me! Us, I mean, follow us!”


The three then began walking, leaving the train station and making their way into town.

“I live in the Ponyville Library, and we have a spare bed put out for you! It’s not Canterlot Palace, but it’s not too shabby If I say so myself!” explained Twilight.

“That’ll be more than enough. I’ve gotten accustomed to sleeping on anything, rock, dirt, hay, broken glass-“

“Broken glass? Doesn’t that hurt?” asked Spike.

“Oh, absolutely,” replied Roxas.

“Is human skin extra thick and durable?” asked Twilight as she turned and trotted backwards excitedly.

“Nope,” he replied.

“Oh…ok,” she said.

“So is there anything you’re looking forward to doing here in Ponyville?” asked Spike.

“I was thinking about…exploring. Looking around the town, see what it has and stuff.” Roxas didn’t want to divulge his intent of scouring the Everfree forest for an escaped prisoner of Tartarus.

“Well, just be careful. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie have been on a pranking spree, and they’ve been hitting everyone in town! They even gave me hiccups! It was so bad I accidently sent every chapter of my erotic friend fiction to Celestia herself!”

“You’re what?” questioned Twilight with a quick head jerk.

“I uh…my…esoteric…fiend…finances….” Spike’s face turned as red an apple. Twilight stared at Spike with a suspicious glare as the three walked, before deciding to ignore the whole thing.

‘Pranks huh…I remember something like that from the show. There was something that happened but…I can’t remember,’thought Roxas.

The three then came to a stop as they now stood in front of the Golden Oaks Library.

“Well, here we are! Home sweet home!” She opened the door and the three walked in.

Roxas was amazed by what he saw. A house made in a tree was one thing in cartoons, but to see it for himself was another thing entirely. It was reminiscent of something one would see in an amusement park, or the Rainforest Café.

“So,” asked Roxas as he stepped in. “Is it awkward having your place of residence also be a public library?”

“What do you mean?” asked Spike.

“Well you know, anyone can just walk in here whenever they want. Even when you’re doing private stuff.”

“Oh no, it’s perfectly fine. There’s a clear distinction between our living space, and the library itself,” explained Twilight.

“Hmm. But I can see your bedroom from here, there’s no door. I think I can even see your bathroom,” said Roxas as he pointed up the stairs. Twilight looked to where Roxas was pointing, then back to Roxas. Then back to her room, and back to Roxas.

“Well…maybe it would be a good idea to install a door or two,” said Twilight, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

“So Roxas, I noticed you didn’t have any bags or luggage?”

“Yeah I didn’t really…have anything to bring, All my possessions, I keep in my room.” admitted Roxas.

“So you didn’t bring a toothbrush or anything?” asked Spike. The Human face palmed.

“I knew I was forgetting something!” Twilight and Spike chuckled.

“Sooooo,” questioned Twilight. “Can I take your coat?”

“No, I keep it on me,” explained Roxas.

“Don’t you ever take it off?” asked Twilight.


“Don’t you ever wash it?” asked Spike.


The three stood there in awkward silence.

“Well…. how about an official tour of the town?” offered Twilight.

“That’s OK, I’m sure you guys have stuff to do. I’ll go look around on my own.” Roxas made his way to the door.

“Oh, it’s no trouble! We’d be happy to do it!” exclaimed Twilight.

“It’s really ok, I think I can manage.”

“We have…literally nothing else to do….” trailed Twilight. Roxas stopped near the door and looked back at the two. They looked up at him with big puppy dog eyes that Roxas never thought he’d actually be able to see in real life.

‘I suppose I can start my search while everyone else is asleep.’

“Sure. Lead the way,” Roxas through open the door, and gestured towards the village outside. Twilight and Spike smiled, and made their way out the door.

‘I just nothing happens that will require my attention.’

Author's Note:

Here's a Christmas present for you you filthy animals. This is for all of those of you who were good this year. But unfortunately, some of you were bad. So because of you, yes YOU, yeah YOU specifically, staring at your screen with your distinctively greasy eyeballs, the next update won't happen for 26 years! You should be ashamed of that thing you did!

If you like the story, support me or I'll die:
