• Published 7th Jun 2015
  • 11,287 Views, 411 Comments

The Nobody's Regret - Synthetic Soul

After I was Displaced, I found myself as Roxas from kingdom hearts, in the world of My Little Pony. I became good friends with Celestia and Luna. But after a tragic event unfolded, that I could have prevented, I sent myself into exile.

  • ...


Ponyville was officially the place to be. Lined with streamers, decorated with balloons, and music playing through the air, this once quaint little village was now livelier than Canterlot. Ponies from nearby tows migrated to attend Princess Luna’s welcome home party.

It was a pleasure for Celestia to show her younger sister the new world she had just rejoined. Luna, for being as out of place as she felt, was doing pretty well for someone in her social situation. But, the two never left each other’s sides, neither wanting to lose sight of the other, after so much time apart.

After conversing with a pony who had congratulated Celestia on her sisters’ return, the princess scanned the area for her long lost friend, Roxas. After a few glances, she caught sight of his black coat standing out in the colorful town. He was on the other side of the party, leaning against a building with his arms crossed, looking down at the ground with a stern expression.

‘What could be bothering him? This is a happy occasion…’ she thought. She was about to go over and talk to him, when out of the corner of her eye, she saw her lavender coated student making a beeline towards him. ‘Hmm…maybe some friendly conversation will help him. Though I hope it isn’t just Twilight poking and prodding him for science.’

Roxas leaned against a building, caught up in his own thoughts.

‘A dark doorway…I’m sure that’s what it was.... I’m supposed to be the only one who can use them. But I saw it! And that presence I felt…it wasn’t a good one. It couldn’t be Tirek…Chrysalis either…maybe it was Sombra? But he’s not supposed to return until much later…. Once this party is over, I should start investigating.’


Roxas was brought out of his trance when he heard the voice of Twilight Sparkle standing in front of him.

“Oh, uh…hi,” he replied.

“You…you’re Roxas, right?” she asked.


“And you…you’ve known Princess Celestia and Luna for, well, FOREVER, right?”

“I guess over a thousand years could be considered forever, yeah.”

“What are you!” questioned Twilight loudly, not being able to contain her excitement anymore.

“What am I?” he questioned.

“Yes! I’ve never seen a creature like you before! What are you, what’s your species?”

“I’m human,” he replied.

“Wow! In all my readings, I’ve never heard of any sort of creature called a ‘human’ before! Why is that? Where are the other humans? Where do you come from?” Twilights asked in a flurry of excitement.

“Actually, I’m one of a kind,” he replied. Twilight retreated, and looked up at Roxas in shock.

“One of a kind? You mean there aren’t any others?” Roxas shook his head.

“So…you’re an endangered species?”

“I…suppose so….” In a quick motion, Twilight grasped Roxas by the waist in a firm hug.

“You must be preserved,” she said in an eerily calm tone.

“Ok, gettin’ weird, need my personal space!” said Roxas, quickly getting out of the unicorns grasp.

“I’m sorry,” apologized Twilight looking regretful. “It’s just, I kind of try to learn everything I can about…well, everything! To know that someone like you exists, completely omitted from all historical records, well, I got overwhelmed!”

‘No historical records? Strange.’

“It’s uh, understandable. No harm done.”

‘I’m gonna have to watch her. I’d forgotten just how neurotic she was.’

“So, can I ask you a question?”

“Umm….I guess?” replied Roxas, unsure.

“Can you use magic?” asked Twilight.

“Yes, I can.”

“And that big key of yours? Is that magic too?”

“My Keyblade?” questioned Roxas, summoning the weapon in his hand. “Yes, it is.”

“I’ve never seen a weapon like that before!”

“Well, I’m the only one who can use it.”

“Really? So is it enchanted? Does your magic create it?”

“Actually, it IS my magic. It’s a weapon tied to my heart, and a key to fight the darkness. You can only use it if it chooses you to wield it.”

Twilight stepped back, with a gasp.


“I…I don’t know if I’d go that far, but it is a pretty incredible thing.”

“Amazing,” awed Twilight.

As Twilight conversed with Roxas, five ponies approached from the side.

“Twilight!” called Applejack. Twilight and Roxas turned to see the other five members of the mane six approaching.

“Oh, hi guys!” Twilight quickly trotted over to the group. The group started conversing, as Roxas stood on the sidelines watching them. He then turned his attention to Celestia and Luna. He wondered if he should go over and talk to them before he left. He stood up straight, and was about to go talk to them, when he heard himself being called from Twilights group.

“Hey, uh, big black guy!”

“Excuse me?” questioned Roxas, turning to see Rainbow Dash addressing him.

“You know, uh, you’re big and you’re wearing black, right?” she questioned, put off by Roxas’s reaction.

“Oh, uh…yeah, what can I do for you?”

‘Different world, different rules,’ he thought to himself.

“You look familiar…have I seen you before?” questioned Rainbow.

“I don’t think so,” he replied.

“Are you sure, because I definitely feel like I’ve seen you before.”

“I don’t thi-“

“Wait, I know!” burst Pinkie Pie. “You were following us on our adventure!” Roxas’s eyes went wide.

“What are you talking about Pinkie?” questioned Rarity.

“My Pinkie sense! I got this weird feeling while we were going through the Everfree forest! I got this feeling we were being watched! And now looking at him, I get the same feeling!”

“Wow,” uttered Roxas, amazed at the pink pony’s near psychic power. Rainbow Dash looked instantly suspicious.

“What are you, some kinda stalker?” she questioned.

“What, no!” responded Roxas, turning to face the group, with his hands planted in front of him.

“I wasn’t stalking you! I just…I needed to make sure you made it through the forest safely. You were…you were the only way Luna would be able to come back.”

“You knew what was going on? That we were the element bearers?” questioned Applejack.


“We didn’t even know that!” shouted Rainbow Dash, flying right up to Roxas’s face. Roxas started to panic, looking around himself for a way out of this situation. Luckily, one came in the form of the two Alicorn princesses, approaching the group.

Luna galloped forward, and grabbed Roxas in a hug. After a moment, Roxas returned the gesture.

“So, how are you all getting along?” questioned Celestia.

Rainbow was about to speak, before Twilight cut her off.

“Great! We’ve been getting to know each other pretty well!”

“That’s great!” said Celestia. Luna disengaged from the hug, and returned to Celestia’s side.

“Roxas, may we speak with you?” questioned Luna.

“Yeah, sure,” replied the human. The three walked away from the mane six.

“Why’d you interrupt me? I was gonna ask how that guy knew we were the element bearers!” hissed Rainbow to Twilight.

“Because he’s never going to open up to us if we put him on the defensive! I think there’s a lot we can learn from him, but we can’t be too aggressive about it,” replied Twilight.

Rainbow grumbled and crossed her arms.

“Fine,” she relented.

Roxas and the princesses walked over to a more secluded part of the town to talk in private.

“So what’s going on?” he asked.

“Roxas, it is so good to see you again!” said Celestia. Her happiness turned to mournful after a few seconds though. “But, I have to ask…where have you been all these years?”

A sharp jolt ran through Roxas’s spine. He wasn’t prepared for this question, though he definitely should’ve been.

“I just…I…I couldn’t face you. Like I said, it was my faul-“

“No it wasn’t!” asserted Luna. “Roxas, no one was to blame for Nightmare Moon but me! You are not at fault.”

Roxas relented.

“Well, regardless, that was the reason.” The two sisters looked at each other, before each placing an arm around Roxas’s back in a three-person hug.

“I can’t imagine what it must have been like, carrying that guilt for so long,” said Celestia.

“Out of the three of us, I think I suffered the least,” replied Roxas. The two sisters disengaged.

‘He’s changed so much. He so much more negative now. What happened to that joy and optimism he was so famous for?’ thought Celestia.

“Well, I’m just glad to that the three of us are together now!” said Celestia.

“As am I,” added Luna.

“Roxas,” stated Celestia, looking at Roxas in the eye.

“I’m bringing Luna back with me to Canterlot. We’d like you to come with us.”

Roxas looked surprised. Then sad.

“I uh…I’m not sure…”

“Why not?” questioned Luna.

“It’s just that…It’s been so long since…since…”

“Please Roxas,” pleaded Luna, placing a hoof on his shoulder. “We’ve missed you so much!”

‘I’ve been a traveler for so long. It’s been a while since I’ve settled down in one place. And what about that…being? I have to find them, and see if they’re a threat.’

Roxas was about to tell them that he couldn’t, when he saw the pleading look in both their eyes.

‘I can’t say no to that…besides…I have missed them. Maybe I can stay for a while.’


“Yay!” cried Luna, as the two princesses cheered. Luna began leading Roxas away by the hand, as the three began making their ways towards the party.

“It will be just like old times!” said Celestia.

“Yeah,” replied Roxas.

“Just like old times.”

Author's Note:

New chapter, you better all be grateful! If you aren't so help me, to the moon with ya ass!

Tip Jar: Buymeacoffee Ko-Fi

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