• Published 7th Jun 2015
  • 11,287 Views, 411 Comments

The Nobody's Regret - Synthetic Soul

After I was Displaced, I found myself as Roxas from kingdom hearts, in the world of My Little Pony. I became good friends with Celestia and Luna. But after a tragic event unfolded, that I could have prevented, I sent myself into exile.

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When I awoke from unconsciousness, I expected to find myself looking at the ceiling of a hospital room, or at the faces of people gathered around me in the convention hall. Instead, I found myself gazing at complete darkness. It was confusing, for a minute I thought I had hit my head too hard, and I’d gone blind.

But then, I felt air pushing at me from below. It felt as if I was falling. I started to panic and tried to right myself upward, but my flailing merely spun me around, as if I was in a vacuum. But then, out of my control, my body began to adjust itself, so that my feet were down, and my head was up. When I landed (If I landed at all) I expected to fall with enough force to injure, or kill myself. But instead, I gently landed on the floor that I could not see.

When I felt myself standing, I looked around, but could see nothing but darkness. I was afraid to take another step forward, at the risk that I would fall off of something, and start falling again. So I just stood there. Maybe it was for a few seconds, maybe it was a few minutes, I couldn’t tell. But eventually, when I felt as if I was going to be trapped in the darkness forever, I was greeted with a voice. It was like nothing I’d ever heard before; it was neither male nor female.

“You will change history,” said the voice.

“Who said that!” I questioned, only to gasp at the sound of my voice. It was different, not necessarily older, or younger, just different. It sounded a tad deeper, but still sounded teenaged. It sounded almost like…

“But nothing will change.”

“Where are you? Show yourself!” I commanded. I couldn’t pinpoint which direction the voice was coming from, it sounded as if it was coming from everywhere at once.

“You will lose what is most important too you, but you will not miss it.”

“What are you talking about? What is going on?”

“You will find it in pain, and darkness.” At this point, I gave up on trying to communicate with the voice.

“But in the end, your light will always shine.” As soon as the voice finished its sentence, a white light shooting up from below blinded me. I raised my hand to cover my eyes, but it still shot through, making it hard to see. Even when I shut my eyes, I could still see the light through my eyelids. But after about 10 seconds, the light subsided, but was still enough to illuminate the area I was in.

I looked down, to see that I was standing on a large, circular platform. There were images on it, though I couldn’t make them out, do to the size of the platform. I looked around, trying to find the source of the voice, but I still couldn’t see anyone. In fact, aside from the platform, I was still in complete darkness.

“Your journey begins now.”

“What are you-“ but before I could finish my sentence, I felt the sensation of unconsciousness overcome me again. “Not again,” I said, my words slurring, as I fell to the ground again, to be met again by blackness.

For a second time that day (or so I thought), I found myself stir from unconsciousness. Only this time, when I awoke, I was greeted by sight. I felt the familiar feeling of grass against my face. I pushed myself up, getting to my feet. I wobbled, and nearly lost balance as the blood rushed to or from my head, causing me to become light headed, but thankfully I did not fall over.

Once I had myself steady, I took a look at my surroundings. I appeared to be in what looked like a dark forest. Every which way I turned, all I could see were trees, and darkness.

“How the hell did I get here?” I asked myself. I honestly had no idea. I felt like I was about to pass out again, this time from the confusion of being in a forest. I raised a hand to my head, and noticed that it was still cloaked in my black glove.

It was then that I saw that I was still in my costume. I took a look at myself to see that I was indeed still dressed as Roxas, but what surprised me was my costume. It was 100% accurate! The chains were completely accurate, and there were two zippers, meaning I actually had some legroom.

I had no idea what had happened to my costume, but I didn’t have time to ponder, because no sooner had I checked my costume, did I hear the sound of growls. I turned around to see that in the darkness, there where several sets of glowing yellow eyes. I took a step back, slowly, as not to provoke the predators that were now stalking me.

Slowly, the beasts stepped out of the cover of darkness, to reveal themselves. I expected wolves, or mountain lions. What I did not expect was to see large wolves made entirely out of wood.

My eyes widened in alarm and surprise. These were…they were Timber Wolves! But those didn’t exist, except in…Equestria. But that was impossible, Equestria was made up! But as I was wondering just what was going on, the wolves were now fully revealed, showing that there were three of them. I was roused from my thoughts by the sight of the three predators advancing on me.

I decided that I’d figure all this out when I wasn’t in mortal danger. Now glad that my costume had been modified, I turned around and sprinted as fast as I could. The moment I did, the wolves gave chase. I maneuvered through the trees, leaping over obstacles, trying to get away, but no matter what I did, the wolves didn’t’ falter.

As I ran, I eventually reached a dead end, in the form of a cliff. I turned around and looked at the wolves, to see them slowly closing in on me. I looked around, trying to find a way to get away, or to defend myself. I looked, and saw a medium sized stick lying on the ground. I picked it up, and held it in front of me. The Timber Wolves didn’t seem to be intimidated by my makeshift weapon. They continued their advance.

I decided that the last thing they’d expect was for me to go on the offensive, so that’s what I did. I readied my stick, and charged. The wolves seemed surprised; I took my stick and swung it at one of the wolves. Unfortunately it didn’t seem to bother the wolf much. It spun around, and wacked me with its tail, sending me flying back. I landed with a thud, the stick flying out of my hand.

I landed with a thud on the ground. One of the wolves charged me, hoping to take advantage of my fall. My eyes widened, this was the end! I shut my eyes, and in an attempt to save myself, I swung my right hand, hoping to bash the wolf. I expected to feel my fist collide with something, but in stead I heard the sound of wood smashing. Slowly, I opened my eyes to see the wolf that had attacked me, now lying on the ground a few feet away.

I was confused as to what had happened. I turned my head to look at my hand, and my eyes widened at what I saw. In my hand, was…a Keyblade. It was the one I had bought at the convention, the accurate wooden one. Only, when I felt it, it felt more like metal, than wood. I pondered as to how this Keyblade was in my hand, and it appeared the wolves were wondering too. But they quickly got over it, and started advancing on me. I got up, and held my Keyblade in front of me.

The wolf that I knocked down got up again, and seemed to be angry, because he charged me again. I reared back by blade, and swung, smacking the wolf in the face, knocking it so far, it fell off the cliff. I was surprised; I didn’t think I had enough strength to do that! I turned my attention to the other wolves, and saw them advancing on me. I swung my blade, but the wolf I was aiming at dodged. I swung at the other, but it dodged too.

I rolled forward, and swung my blade at one of the wolves, causing it to shatter. Then I spun backward, and hit the other, causing it to shatter as well. I took a step back, but I knew that this wasn’t the end. The pieces of wood and brush started to vibrate, and the pieces rose from the ground, combining together, to make a new larger wolf.

There was no way I could whack this thing enough to defeat it. The only thing that could defeat this thing was fire. But how was I going to get ahold of that? I found myself wishing for fire, more than anything in the world.

“Damn it, I need FIRE!” I yelled. To my surprise a blast of fire shot from the tip of the blade, onto the ground, causing the ground to ignite. My eyes widened in surprise. Did I do that? I looked at my Keyblade, and then back to the wolf, who was eyeing the fire with caution. I looked back to the Keyblade, and pondered. What if…maybe…. I pointed my weapon at the wolf, and yelled; “FIRE!” in an instant a blast of fire launched towards the wooden beast, igniting it!

The Timber wolf cried out in pain, and began flailing around, and running around. Not watching where it was going, the wolf ran strait off the edge of the cliff, plummeting to its doom. I walked to the edge of the cliff, and looked down, seeing the burning pile of wood lying on the ground. I took a moment to compose myself, but was surprised to find that I didn’t really need to. I was alarmed at the prospect of dying, but now that I think about it, I didn’t really feel all that much fear.

I really did not know why, but I felt it didn’t really matter at the moment. I had more important things to worry about, like how I had ended up in Equestria, and how I became what I believed to be Roxas. But most importantly, I wanted to find Ponyville, and meet the mane six. So I set out to continue my adventure.