• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
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David Silver

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Lyra Heartstrings, transformation specialist and social worker for those who believe they were not born ponies. These are her therapy sessions, both in group and in private.

With a little gentle guidance, these lost souls can rediscover the joys of being a pony, and let go of their foolish ideas. What sorts of trauma would drive anypony to throw away their identity?

Chapters (60)
Comments ( 1562 )

The legend of Lyra Heartstrings begins :pinkiecrazy:

Either that transformation magic detection spell isn't good enough, or it doesn't work on a body created Ex Nihilo.

I guess it all depends if they are Ex Nihilo from the world's perspective or if they did actually have a background here, with just new memories delusions.

Steven seems the most normal and laid back out of all of them. Very forgettable, which is probably why he was skipped when looking at the mirror.

Definitely a background pony for sure. Probably no coincidence Lyra only saw 6 ponies there instead of 7.

I can't tell who I want to :facehoof: at more, Lyra for not wanting her patients to relapse or Twilight for dismissing the entire thing based on hamburgers being served in schools, obviously they can't be made of meat. Therefore, these people ponies are obviously deranged.

6006582 Occam's Razor cuts dangerously.

Former teacher vs pony teacher, that has to be quite trying.

This is a wonderful satire examination of the various HiE tropes. I definitely look forward to more of Lyra's insightful theories and group events to help these poor ponies.

I think it's telling that it implies the ponies aren't sticking together outside the group sessions.

Well, this is most engaging thus far. Lyra treating species dysphoria? This is going to be all kinds of fun, especially when she finds that not only are the delusions all internally consistent, they're mutually consistent. Assuming, of course, that she can work through her very understandable confirmation bias.

(I have to wonder, though, what was with the monocle?)

Ah Lyra, breaking doctor-patient confidentiality so easily. Shame on you.
This is a very good start though.

6006557 On top of the possibilities of a subtle spell or created body, has the magic had enough time for the traces to fade? She didn't mention him having any trouble moving around, just using magic and picking things up.

Interesting spectrum. The gender shifted, the age shifted, more mundanely shifted, all at various stages of comfort and acceptance, though those might be quite be the right terms And that one guy you want to deck for seeming to take it way too easy. Darrell, Lucy and Thomas seem to be taking it the hardest, the former particularly understandable.

Comment posted by NicLove deleted Aug 9th, 2015

6006582 Twilight didn't have a chance to hit the biology segment of the library while she was at the school.

I'm with Lucy on the linguistic thing. While I do have a head canon explanation that builds from the rebuilding of pony society following Discord and efforts to keep the tribes from fracturing again, they have had enough time to ease 'people' back into the linguistic sphere.

6006641 It's a known fact that glasses make you smarter. Doctors agree.

That particular "pony's" case sounds awful familiar to Bruce's from Oh To Be Old Again. I can see that the "normal" ponies might have had the same reactions as the ponies in Oh To Be Old Again did, as most of that story is in Bruce's P.o.V. Interested to see the other few chapters...

6006931 I never read that one, for better or worse. I hope you're enjoying the story though!

The last was a mare, an earth pony. She squirmed a bit in place, looking shy. Lyra smiled at her. "No judgments, remember? Let's start with your name?"
"Uh... Darrell..."
The other ponies reacted oddly to Lyra. They seemed surprised by her name. Sam vocalized the concern. "That's not really a girl's name."
"I... I'm not really a girl... I was definitely a guy before, and a human. I..." She closed her legs quite purposefully. "I just want to go home."

Ah, the one sucker who endured the transformation most stories make their MC's go through...

Knowing my luck, I'd probably end up just like him (her).


It's not a bad idea. I was the one who suggested the idea, and both Humans In Equestria Club and chapter 30 of Oh To Be Old Again were the inspiration, but this author hadn't read either, so this is entirely his take on the prompt.

I, for one, am excited to see where this goes.

Lyra nodded slowly. "One of them keeps asking for a 'hamburger'."
Twilight brightened. "I remember those, they were delicious."
Lyra went pale. "You realize that, if my patient is accurate, is made of meat?"
Twilight went green and gagged. "Oh Celestia! Well it didn't taste like meat?" Not that Twilight had any idea what meat should taste like. "Maybe your patient is crazy after all. Meat, hmmph. Why would they serve that in a school?"

:rainbowlaugh: Ah I wish I had seen their faces.

... but I want to beat Twilight and Lyra up right now. "Let's just dismiss everything that may indicate they are telling the truth!" Jerks...

this is a great story, so far:rainbowlaugh:

6006641 I'm having fun writing this so far! I hope you'll all be here with me as we explore their pasts and perhaps their futures.

It's OK Be a Pony (forgive me this is like the first one of these I've done and editing isn't my strong suit)

Grammer score: 8 (not the best at locating this stuff but it seemed to be fine)

Pros: interesting premise, definitely something I haven't seen before.

pretty funny to well written

Cons: I'd like to see more of how these ponies got to Equestria (though we probably are going to find out) it is a mystery as they all have similar stories. IDK where your going to go with this but that's just something I'd like to see personally.

Comments: Not sure where you going with this but I find the mystery of how the people became ponies and got their intriguing, definitely would like to see more development in that. Otherwise I think the story looks great, great hook and interesting mystery.

Please review: Twilight's Final Journey http://www.fimfiction.net/story/262947/twilights-final-journey

6007287 Reading right now! I don't squelch on what I agree to do.

The earth pony named Sam peered into the mirror a moment before snorting. "I see a horse that can talk."

OH Really?

Thomas frowned sharply. "I see a butcher in a unicorn's body, and he looks hungry for a juicy steak, medium-rare."

...So do I, so do I.

Lyra made a soft negative noise. "Meat doesn't work well in ponies. What happened last time you tried some?"

Thomas crossed his forelegs. "It tasted great..."

"And then?"

Thomas shrunk in place. "I had the shits something awful." His voice was low and cowed.

Don't we all? Anyways, very Interesting story, will keep my eyes open for this.

6007322 Welcome aboard! Glad you like what we have so far. Feel free to drop ideas and thoughts.

6007345 And I like you :heart: Any favorite parts?

What surprises me is how the ponies(especially the filly) can't provide knowledge that would prove they were human, or at least not of their circumstance.

That filly was a college student nearing graduation. Wouldn't a bit of calculus prove the point? I mean how many little kids can do calculus? What about science? Start working with the periodic table of elements, how things bind together, the valences, then go into the fundamentals of the atoms and other baryons leptons etc.

I would have to believe that I could convince a pony beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was an outsider if put in that situation.

(I did give it a thumbs up because I find the concept interesting)

a interesting story that Is looking to be really fun.

6007508 Actually, she's been a teacher for over twenty years, as she says in the group meeting, meaning whatever she learned in college is likely faded to largely what she teaches, though I don't think she ever disclosed what subject that was. Though, yes, they could be spinning fantastical details. The question would be how much of it is relevant to Equestria. Do they even have atomic theory? A few mis-steps and it just sounds like you're making things up.

Welcome aboard the story! I love feedback, and I hope my reply makes sense.


I am 46 and I still retain enough math. It does depend somewhat upon how far they are, but as a FILLY the bar is lower. All you have to prove really is that you know more than you possibly could.

All you really need is proof. I could do statistics that would be able to resolve itself. I do not know how much they know about factorials and such...

Yes I keep going on about math. Thing is you are right about other things. I know about a television, but I couldn't make one from scratch. I might be able to manage a ball point pen if I could find the right ink. A lot of the problems with "inventing" native devices is that you can't get to step negative 3. You need the factory to make the aluminum etc.

Another thing that could work is music. If you knew a body of songs that did not exist, that would work much in your favor. Music is universal, and is not easy to compose. A filly with 50 unique songs that do not exist would be more than enough to be impossible. Lyra might also relate to it.

6007569 But couldn't you just be making up songs? I can make up random songs pretty well. Still, food for thought! Definately worth bringing up and addressing in future chapters. Cheerilee is certainly going to get a few new grey hairs dealing with this particular filly.

I sure hope so. for them its more like discarding a mask.

Well, at least he did not end as a little filly.


Well, ponies tend to do stupid things. like you know, trading Fluttershy away despite slavery being illegal?

6007659 ... this isn't your average everyday stupid. This is advanced stupid.


Well, the reason she knows a ton of math must be why she is in a class with older students?


Hence why I mentioned TRADING FLUTTERSHY AWAY!

Is that kind of stupid.

... you're running out of things to fall back on as explanations, ponies. In the case of Lucy, in particular. How long will it take for them to accept the truth? A question I will be timing as the chapters keep coming along. That or they'll just go "oh that's just them being crazy" like they did Pinkie Pie (but they had the reason of "if we try to find out what's wrong with her, she'll become a hydrogen bomb and destroy half or more of Equestria")

6007692 Though you admit it's not really out of character for them. I will be endeavoring to keep it at least somewhat reasonable.


6007659 Are we sure it's illegal? Twilight didn't exactly dismiss the trade out of hand...

6007718 Is it slavery when you agree to do a task? At best it's indentured servitude. She received something for the services rendered and had the option to say no.


Probably because she did not want to make a fuss about it. But A) Rainbow Dash did now own Fluttershy B) Fluttershy herseft did not agree. C) Sun and Moon, is like the writers wanted to see how dumb they can make Rainbow Dash be.

Also Twi is still too innocent and probably saw it as servitude instead of slavery.

But yeah, you can't just trade ponies away like that, is basically slavery.

6007702 Yes of course, you have to be reasonable with the characters. You are doing a good job, too, keep it up!

So, is he insane or actually a "huuu-maan" (whatever that is) from Amareica?

Haven't read a "Human" tagged fic in a while. I remember them all being terrible.
This one is not and thus I shall read it.

Sort of off topic, but didn't Fluttershy mention monkeys and chimpanzees existing once?

6007811 Sure. They didn't argue the existence of primates in general. Lyra didn't think Humans were more than a myth until Twilight validated them.

I mean, I believe in horses, but I wouldn't just be alright with a random person claiming they were a pony, and they had a horn with magic, really, believe me!

you are a pegasus, a pretty pegasus.

Heh, Raven's a brony.

Ewwww ... EqG! HiE fics in this vein works best if you ignore the EqG stuff. Not saying it won't work but Twi's 'reasoning' here is shody at best and just plain insane at worst (does Equestria not have carnivorous species - or just plain omnivorous sapient species even?). Also, something I noticed - you have points where you (as the author) talk directly to us (as readers) without it being part of the story. That's an awful explanation ... here, I'll point out the example from this page:

Confidentiality in Equestria did not work as it did on Earth, and neither saw anything wrong with sharing client files after the fact.

While this is undoubtedly true, instead of just having a direct reader-relation (Equestria vs. the reader's Earth), I would suggest coaching it in words the character focus is on. In this example, 'Confidentiality requirements being what they were, after-the-fact reporting was commonly accepted to help other ponies with similar conditions find help in coping with those conditions' or something. The point is, the statement you used spoke directly to our knowledge as readers of this actual Earth whereas the craptastic statement I used mentions almost the same information but coaches it in 'in-universe' terms and understanding.

Just a suggestion, really.

6008261 Tweaked, and nopony said that eating meat was impossible, just that ponies don't do it, and Twilight definitely does not do it, and no way did that 'burger' she ate contain meat, oh Celestia save me now! Yuck.

Horses have been known to eat meat. It might not be 'normal' but it's not awful to the horse - and sometimes, some humans would purposefully feed their mounts meat in order to supplement a poor diet. However, cultural norms can be the most ridiculous and idiotic of things that hide in pseudoscience - 'masturbation causes blindness!' is an example of THAT stupidity. I'm not 100% sure Twitwi would be asking why they served meat in school in EqG, however. I can totally see her feeling ill if she didn't know those burgers were meat - breaking a cultural taboo can do that - but it was the line about serving meat in schools that is throwing me.

It makes it seem that Twitwi is finding it difficult to believe the EqG school she was in served meat of any kind. "Maybe your patient is crazy after all. Meat, hmmph. Why would they serve that in a school?" That's the line BTW. Now obviously, we can't know for a fact what gryphons eat or anything barring a list of acceptable dishes from the producers but I think it's generally accepted that gryphons are is not carnivorous at least omnivorous. Surely Twitwi would know that gryphon schools serve meat. Even if she didn't know the human diet, it's not a huge stretch to see a school with specialized creatures needing specialized diets.

Maybe the dissonance is on my end - it's a single line and it's not that big a deal. And maybe Twitwi was so shocked at the thought of eating meat that she reflexively discarded the thought that the EqG world could have served her such. I guess I can see that, depending on how deep the cultural taboo goes. Anyway, I like the idea of this story. It's not perfect, some of the timing and flow seem wonky, but I like it.

6008356 Twilight assumed the alien culture obeyed that taboo. Is it reasonable? No. Is it something people do all the time? Yes.

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