• Published 22nd May 2015
  • 7,578 Views, 1,562 Comments

It's OK to Be a Pony - David Silver

Lyra Heartstrings, transformation specialist and social worker for those who believe they were not born ponies. These are her therapy sessions, both in group and in private.

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37 - Stabilization

Sam stood on a raised platform. Twilight stood before him with thick goggles on, making wild notes with a floating quill. To the left, Luna stood stoically, and to the right, Celestia waited patiently. Sam wasn't sure how he felt being between all the rulers of Equestria like this. Oh wait... He turned around and saw the door open as Cadance trotted inside beside her husband, Shining Armor.

Sam sighed softly. "Is there something I should be doing?"

Cadance nodded to each princess in turn before smiling up at the once-human. "I was told you just need to focus on your original home. Don't worry, we're going to take care of this as quickly and smoothly as possible. Thank you for helping us."

Twilight bobbed her head. "Exactly right. You'll be a hero if this works properly." She pulled a large red lever and the room began to hum with power. "Let's say goodbye to random leaks and hello to stabilization!"

Luna nodded lightly. "It will be a pleasure to not see the dreams of other worlds intruding on my domain."

Celestia spread her wings. "Let's focus on the task at hand."

They all went quiet, leaving Sam to fidget while concentrating on the tasty deliciousness of a hamburger, lines at the DMV, television shows, and anything else that came to mind that felt especially 'human'.

Twilight pulled another lever and the room began to pulse, the humming growing deeper, making Sam's lungs seem to vibrate. He hoped that was intentional. The energy crackling in the air suddenly spiked, and Sam was knocked to the ground, slipping off the platform and crashing to the ground below. A swirling vortex yawned wide overhead. He could see fragments of Earth within. New York, Tokyo, was that Berlin?

Twilight cringed back a little. "It's not... going stable like it should..."

Sam hopped to his hooves and climbed quickly back up to the platform, focusing his mind intently on his old home, humble as it was. The swirling mess began to home in on a simple trailer parked quietly among so many others. The door opened. Who was that? He didn't recog--

His old wife stepped out beside the strange man and smiled at him. They kissed. Sam collapsed. Of course she'd move on. And he was dead. Dead and four-legged. Dead and forgotten. Dead...

"It's coming around!" shouted Twilight, though Sam didn't hear her, too busy crying about his lost life. The whirling storm condensed and became a new mirror portal, though it was framed in steel and plastic, and was square and rigid. At its base were lush greens and stones, softening its intimidating presence.

The hum died down, and all the princesses relaxed, no longer needing to donate their power. Twilight excitedly moved up to examine the door. "Everything coming and going has to go through this." She tapped the door lightly. "No more lost ponies or once-humans."

Celestia moved up to examine it as well even as she extended a wing to pat Twilight. "An excellent job. Sister, does the dream world appear more secure?"

Cadance frowned. "Aunties, Twi, can't you see somepony has paid a dear price for this?" All eyes turned to her, then followed her gaze to the crumpled form of Sam, sobbing quietly on the pedestal in the center of the room.

Twilight cringed with growing uncertainty. "Oh, uh... Sorry?"

Sam waved off Twilight's feeble words before slowly sitting up. "I saw... what I needed... to see." He looked down, tears overwhelming him again, but he didn't sob, just crying near silently.

Luna approached Celestia. "The dream world feels whole and well again. Twilight, you have done well, and Sam, your sacrifice will be known. What did you see that brought such despair to your heart?"

Cadance landed beside Sam and draped a pink wing over him. "You are not alone, Sam. I'm sorry you had to go through that, but you helped so many ponies today. Thank you. Thank you so much. You don't have to tell us what you saw if you don't want to, but you are a hero, Sam, and we will make time for you if ever you want it."

Sam looked up at Cadance, wiping off his eyes with a fetlock. "I want to... how? My choices are a doll land where I will be a king of children, or this world of horses." He pointed a hoof at the new human portal. "Or I could go there, but I'm dead there. Dead and gone. Would I appear in the ground? Would I be locked in my own coffin?" He shuddered in terror at the thought of it. "I can't... go anywhere that's really home."

Shining Armor stepped up to join his wife. "I was informed you were seeing a professional friend in Ponyville? Lyra Heartstrings? Did you want to talk with her?"

Sam clenched his teeth before sagging, punching the ground with a hoof impotently. "Yes... yes... I do want to talk to her. She can't know what I'm going through, but that stupid horse cares about me. I'll talk to her... I want to talk to Lucy too."

Shining glanced at Cadance quizzically. She shrugged back, not knowing who Lucy was at first, but then it clicked. "Wait, the crystal pony? Have you seen her recently? Is she well?"

Sam smiled a little. "Yeah... yeah she's fine... She's... a really special person."

Cadance frowned a little, spotting emotions a bit more swiftly than others. "Sam... she's too young for whatever I saw in your eyes."

Sam huffed. "Don't tell me what to do! She's older than I am."

Shining tilted his head a bit. "I... see? Perhaps we should all go to Ponyville and investigate this further."

Author's Note:

Sam's a hero! And maybe a pedophile? Cadance is concerned.

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