• Published 22nd May 2015
  • 7,578 Views, 1,562 Comments

It's OK to Be a Pony - David Silver

Lyra Heartstrings, transformation specialist and social worker for those who believe they were not born ponies. These are her therapy sessions, both in group and in private.

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23 - Escape

Lyra emerged from her meeting at once relieved that she hadn't done anything wrong, and yet terrified at what it meant for the future. Her mind hummed with how to break this information to her poor lost ponies without hurting them. As she walked back towards her office, a flustered looking Twilight ran up to her. "Lyra!"

"Huh? What's wrong, Princess?"

Twilight waved a hoof. "Just Twilight's fine, but one of your patients snuck into the castle and activated the portal."

Lyra tilted her head. "How do you know it was, you know, one of mine? I mean, if nopony was around to see it."

Twilight blinked. "You... have a point. Gather up your patients and see if anypony's missing. If they are, they jumped into the human world and could be in grave danger."

Lyra cringed a little. "If I had to guess who it might be..." She let out a low long sigh. "I would have let them go, but Luna said to keep them together, and here. Come with me, let's go check the once-human house together."

They trotted side-by-side through Ponyville to the house and Lyra knocked on the door. Little Lucy opened the door and looked up at them with a smile. "Hello Lyra, Twilight. How can I help you?"

Twilight inclined her head at Lucy. "Hello, Lucy. Can you do a quick headcount of everypony?"

Lucy looked confused at the request, but nodded and dashed off into the house.

"Well it wasn't her," said Lyra. "Good. I didn't think Lucy would do something that reckless. She's a good pony."

Lucy returned shortly. "Everyone but Sam's here. Sunny is visiting, if you're looking for her?"

Lyra sagged. Of course. "No no, you did fine. Thank you, Lucy."

After the door closed, Twilight turned towards Lyra. "You know who it was then?"

Lyra nodded. "He's increasingly dissatisfied with being a pony, or being in this world, or anything. He's mentioned the mirror world sounded better, even if not ideal."

Twilight frowned and tapped her chin. "Well... if he really wants to stay? He wouldn't, technically, be the first pony to do so."

Lyra sank to her belly. "Luna just told me to keep the once-humans from going to the mirror world. It's not even fair... if he can be happier there, I don't want to drag him back."

Twilight put a hoof on Lyra's shoulder and smiled. "Tell me what she told you. I'm sure we can work this out like rational ponies."

Lyra took a soft breath and nodded before she began to explain the theory about bubbles and how the once-humans came from another entire big bubble and their prospects for getting back home.

Twilight frowned a little. "That would be quite a challenge getting them back to the right place, but none of that explains why it would be harmful to let Sam remain in the mirror world if that's what he wants?"

Lyra pushed upright to her haunches. "I don't know? Can you... ask Luna? I really don't want to be the pony to drag him to Equestria against his will. That's..." she hung her head. "It would be the last failure between us, as friends."

Twilight shook Lyra by her shoulder lightly. "You know, I had my doubts about you, Lyra, but you really are taking this position seriously." She smiled. "As the princess of friendship, I can confidently say that I'm proud to have you as a neighbor."

Lyra smiled with uncertainty. "Thanks, Twilight. I'm just trying to do the right thing. Can you, after we settle this, stop others from sneaking through the portal? We really can't have this happening again."

Twilight rose and turned away. "I'll work on that, but first, I have a date with Luna, and we'll get those answers. For now, just continue as normal."

When Twilight was gone, the door peeked open and Lucy's head poked through to look at Lyra. "Miss Heartstrings, do you have a moment?"

Lyra turned to Lucy. "Hmm? Lyra's more than fine, Lucy. What's wrong?"

Lucy smiled. "Habit, sorry. It's about Cyrus. He's having a hard time adjusting on some levels, and easier on others. He didn't shrink quite as badly as I did I think? He was younger than I was at the time, and I think he really kind of likes the idyllic world you have here."

Lyra nodded lightly. "Most of that sounds like good news."

Lucy rolled a hoof. "He's perhaps too eager to dive right into being a full-grown pony for his own good. He likes his new body, a lot, but he's not eager to be a kid, er, foal. I'm afraid things will get very awkward when he tries to get a girlfriend and a job."

Lyra tilted her head. "Have you tried introducing him to other foals around his physical age to see how they get along?"

Lucy nodded quickly. "Sure have, but he's like me that way. They're cute and all, but too immature for either of us. I... realize one day they will be my peers, so I'm trying to be more outgoing with them anyway, and I'm proud to say I have a few friends now." She smiled with a simple look of satisfaction. "But I don't think Cyrus realizes this, or wants to 'degrade' himself."

Lyra sat on her haunches again and tapped at her chin with a hoof, considering. "Bring him with you, and introduce him to your own friends. I'm guessing they're some of the more mature foals around your age?"

Lucy chuckled a little, though it came out more like a giggle. "One of them, the other's a little nutball that I've grown fond of."

Lyra smiled brightly. "Even better. Try to include him, play with them all and make sure everypony's having a good time. Don't make it look like you're setting him up, just invite him along and have fun with him, and he'll get used to it, hopefully. Don't force him, but he has to be bored a little, so I don't think he'll say no to having some fun."

Lucy bobbed her head. "I'll do that." She held out a hoof, and Lyra met it with a soft clop. "We'll get through to him, don't worry."

Lyra wasn't used to her patients comforting her, and she chuckled at the odd feeling of it. "You're a real treasure, Lucy."

Author's Note:

Sam's gone rogue, Lucy's being helpful, and Cyrus needs to learn to just be a foal and enjoy it.

Lyra's a busy pony!

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