• Published 22nd May 2015
  • 7,578 Views, 1,562 Comments

It's OK to Be a Pony - David Silver

Lyra Heartstrings, transformation specialist and social worker for those who believe they were not born ponies. These are her therapy sessions, both in group and in private.

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5 - I'm not a Mare!

Lyra strolled along after Darrell. "So tell me more about your... time before now. When you believe you were not a pony, and not female?"

Darrell swiveled an ear towards Lyra, "You really want to know?"

Lyra nodded. "Of course. I want to know all about you. I'm your friend."

Darrell sank a little. "You just want to 'cure' me, but that's not the fix I need. I need to be a man again."

Lyra waved a hoof in the air as they ambled past the carrot stall. "Tell me about that. What was it like, being a stallion?"

Darrell was guarded, but Lyra expected that. She waited with a patient smile until she began to talk. "I didn't realize half of it until it was gone. I miss being able to aim when I piss. I miss being able to let off steam when I wanted to. I miss not feeling like I'm being sized up by every guy that comes into view."

Lyra looked perplexed. "Huh, I would have thought a stallion would be more leered at, not less. There are plenty of mares in town." She gestured widely at Ponyville. "Not as many stallions. Don't you remember that?"

Darrell frowned. "Not where I came from. There were plenty of guys, and girls, and do you have to keep calling them horse names?"

"We are horses." Lyra rolled her shoulders. "Well, ponies. I am a mare, and you are too."

"Not by choice." Darrell turned to face Lyra, pausing in her walk. "You're a wizard, right? I saw your degree."

Lyra nodded her head. "Sure am! I Specialize in transformations. That's how I found you. Somepony you were talking to thought you might have been transformed, but I couldn't find even the tiniest shred of that kind of magic on you."

Darrell put her hooves on Lyra's shoulders. "Well change that! Do your magic, and at least make me a guy again."

Gender dysphoria was not an alien concept to Lyra, and she pitied Darrell deeply. Even if she was convinced that she was really a pony, she may never be truly satisfied as a mare. "I could try, but it would only last a short time. You know, being a mare isn't all that bad."

Darrell flushed across her snout. "I went into heat! Heat!" She put her hooves back on the ground, only to stomp left and right on them, running in place. "Fix it... please. I'm begging."

Lyra sat down on her haunches. "Alright... Just remember it's only for a little while, and I want something in return."


Her eyes were so desperate, Lyra felt bad looking into them, but she didn't flinch away. "I want you to tell me what your life was like, everything you can remember. No crying, no fits."

Darrell glanced around. "Can we go back to your office first?"

They soon returned to Lyra's office. The quiet of it seemed to soothe Darrell a bit, but she was mostly fixated on Lyra's magic. "Can you do it now?"

Lyra nodded. "If you remember your side of the deal? I'll focus on keeping the spell going, and you focus on telling me the truth, all that you can remember." Lyra focused her magic and zapped her patient. Gender changing was no small feat, and she could feel a faint tension build instantly as she lifted the magical deadweight up.

Darrell squeaked and began to squirm as the changes came over her, now him. He raised a leg and peeked back at himself. "I'm whole again. I never thought I... would be so happy to see that, even if it is a horse dongle."

Lyra tapped her notepad. "This isn't easy. Your turn."

Darrell settled on his haunches, looking so much happier. Lyra wished for a moment she could just make her a him instead of having to go the hard way around and convince her to be happy being a her. Darrell began speaking of his past, words captured by a scribbling quill.

"I was born in a small nowhere town that barely warranted a sign to announce its existence. I worked with cows and horses. They were dirty and smelly, but they paid the bills, so I did my job." He sighed softly. "I never went to any fancy schools. Hell, I didn't finish regular school... I had a girlfriend though. She was real sweet-like. I was thinking about asking her to go on to the next step even."

Lyra rolled a hoof. "Did you have family? Tell me about them."

Darrell nodded. "Sure did! They were good people, and only lived a block away. Mind you, country blocks are pretty big, but it was still an easy trip." One of his hooves wandered down between his legs and Lyra softly swatted it away. A momentary sulk gave way to more words. "Anyway, everyone around me was pretty cool, except that jerk Zev. He can eat a dick and die."

Lyra raised her brows at the sudden strong language. "What did he do?"

Darrell snarled. "It's his fault I'm here. I was cleaning out the stalls, usual daily chore, and he shows up and starts messing with me. I tell him to buzz off, but he just won't lay off. I swear to god he just doesn't have a decent bone in his body. I snapped and shoved him, but he shoved back harder. I fell in a great big pile of horse shit, and came out the other end... lessened. I had hooves, and no willy, and I stank to high heaven. The ranch I worked for was gone, instead, bam, Ponyville."

Lyra began piecing the puzzle together. "Then you were found by Roseluck, ranting about your missing parts, fingers, genitals, all that, and she referred you to me."

Darrell bobbed his head quickly. "I just want to get back... I don't know if my girl's still waiting for me, but I want to see her again, and my folks, and my house..."

Lyra scrawled away, noting Darrell's agitation due to past coworker tension. Wild claims of relationship appear to defy logic, but perhaps gender is reversed? Posting her picture to the newspaper may yield returns if anypony knows her. "Darrell."


Lyra smiled gently. "Can you, without looking or touching, describe being male?"

His eyes wandered downwards, but he didn't cheat. His eyes returned to Lyra's smiling face quickly. "It usually doesn't feel like anything, but when you're worked up, it's like a coiled up spring between your legs. You feel stronger than anything, and being with a female when you're like that... it's the best thing. You put the hard part in the soft part, and when you get to the end, it's like the universe is contracted to a single point, and then it's all let go."

Lyra nodded slowly. She hadn't experimented with being a stallion much. Focusing on the magic, and exploring gender identities... She couldn't manage both. Suddenly a thought came to her! Darrell had obviously been male before. The way he sat, the satisfaction on his face, and the description he gave, but he wasn't born it. Someone had done it to him, er, her. She had been given a taste, and now she wanted it forever. It made perfect sense. Lyra scribbled her theory wildly. "You've been very good today, Darrell."

When she released the magic, Darrell knew instantly, and she made a piteous whinny of a cry. Lyra shook her head. "I'm really very sorry, but I can't keep that up." She tapped her chin. "If it means anything, however, I now believe that you were male before."

Her face brightened, a smile on her snout. "Does this mean you'll help me?"

"To be a stallion?" Lyra frowned a little. "I'm not sure I can. We'll explore that. For now, you are definitely a mare, and a pony. We should fully realize what we are before we seek to change that."

It wasn't the answer Darrell wanted, but he didn't fight her on it. Lyra offered a sweet in reward, and they parted with a friendly wave. She watched her emerge onto the street and amble away, heading to the small home Twilight had helped her obtain for them to share. Even the foal was with them, until her parents could be located. Lyra sighed with frustration. How hard could it be to find a crystal pony parent? They all lived in the same city...

Lyra put her things away and headed home herself. Tomorrow would be a new day to pry into these mysteries.

Author's Note:

Lyra's doing her best to do right by her patients, even if their stories seem so wild. There seems to be more truth in Darrell's past than she first figured. Does she treat species dysphoria or gender dysphoria first?

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