• Published 15th Mar 2015
  • 2,581 Views, 61 Comments

Twilight Sparkle The Pokémon Heroine of White - TwilightXLuna

In the world of Pokémon and Ponies two young fillies will meet at a large castle and become great friends but they will be torn apart by evil. One of them will help to save the world of Ponies and Pokémon from the evil group.

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Chapter 15 - The Lost and The Found (Unedited)

Author's Note:

Happy New Year

I hope you all have a great year of 2018
Hears to all we have done over 2017 and
what we will do in 2018 have fun and a
great time and I hope you like the new
chapter the last two should be out soon
after this one maybe later this week.

TwilightXLuna out :heart::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

Luna coughed, emerging from a giant hole in a wall, trying to clear the dusty air with Twilight's hat. There was smoke coming from the entrance of the cave. That was because of Twilight's Pokémon, who were once again arguing with each other. Zoroark ran out of the cave, his hair a complete mess and coughing just like Lunas.

"These Pokémon are a hoofful! How can Twilight put up with those crazy mankeys??!" Zoroark growled, coughing and swatting the air. Twilight's Pokémon were still in the cave, arguing and trying to find their way out of the dark cave. Zoroark rolled his eyes, with smoke still coming from the cave he stuck his head inside and yelled at them. "HEY! WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT NO FIGHTING!?"

Suddenly, out of nowhere, he was knocked to the ground when Scootaloo was thrown out of the cave. "Damn it! THAT'S IT!" Zoroark set Scootaloo down, and walked into the cave looking ready to kill somebody. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!? Get outside!! NOW!!!" All of them stopped arguing and scrambled outside, some of them flying out of the dark place and lay in a piled heap. Zoroark dusted his hands, coming out of the cave, the smoke had stopped and everything was clear.

"Zoroark. A little less harsh, my friend." Luna smiled crookedly, watching Twilight's Pokémon get up and stare at Luna.

"They were asking for it." Zoroark growled, crossing his furry arms over his chest. "These Pokémon have to learn to control themselves!"

"Arguing is good for us. It indicates a healthy relationship~! As family, we understand each other more by disagreeing with certain things." Moondancer grinned, pulling all of his pals together. All of them smiled and grinned the same way, like a little family.

"Twilight says it builds stronger relationships! But trying not to anger ourselves is the key to a more united family!" Scootaloo chirped. "You should try it sometime! Then again, you and Twilight do it all the time!" Zoroark smirked knowingly at Luna, nudging her on her sides. The young mare's cheeks turned several different shades of pink.

"So. We look in Canterlot City, and then what's your plan?" Sunset said, asking Luna the question.

Luna cleared her throat before speaking. "I believe that we search for Twilight around Canterlot, and if we find nothing here, then we search in another City." Zoroark took that moment to transform into Luna and grinned evilly at the real one.

"We shall look for thy fallen angel And then thee will be happy once again! For Twilight is thy beautiful rose of my heart, and nothing shall come between us for our love is as strong as the grand ocean that sways with the wind. Just as my heart sways to her lovely voice." Zoroark exclaimed, posing like actors would when portraying Romeo speaking to his fair Juliet. Twilight's Pokémon snickered under their breaths, staring at Luna who looked as embarrassed as ever. She face hoofed, something Twilight would usually do when something ridiculous would be said by somepony. Zoroark laughed loudly, before transforming back. "OK, OK, I'm sorry I couldn't help myself."

"Let's search Canterlot." Luna said quietly, before walking off, waiting for the Pokémon to follow him. But then there was a loud growl, and she turned to all of them questioningly. "What's wrong? I thought all of you wanted to find her as soon as possible?"

"Oh, Sorry That was my stomach." Spike said. "Twilight would give us something to eat at this time."

"Ah, yes. Hunger. Follow me, I believe in the Pokémon Center there is Pokémon Food." Luna smiled heading directly to the Pokémon Center where he was sure they would have some form of nutrition for the hungry creatures.


But over with Twilight, she was almost barely alive from the blood loss and the infection she was getting from the gashes around her body. She was unconscious, barely breathing. Rarity frowned down upon the injured little mare, and clenched her teeth together. She was coming to a nearby city, where the buildings were slightly tall, and the streets were damp from the morning rain. Rarity growled, going through the puddles, the splashes wetting her boots and stockings. Shining Armor ran ahead, every time he did he looked back, waiting for her to catch up. Rarity now entered the bustling city. She received shocked stares, most of them too aghast to look away from the horrifying scene. "Out of my way! Out of my way! This girl's going to die!" Rarity yelled as loud as she could, getting ponies to move out of the way, shoving a few of them aside. Rarity growled when some were just in the way, and brushed passed them. "SOMEBODY! Call the hospital!" She passed a Pokémon Center, and looked at it briefly before bolting inside. Everybody turned, hearing yells of distress and anger. The Nurses and Audino's were rushing over to Rarity like they were on a track team. They looked at Twilight with shock as Rarity's collapsed to the ground, setting Twilight onto the floor with magic. "Please. Help me. She's losing too much blood! Call a hospital!"

Luna turned her head to see all the commotion, her view was blocked by all the Nurses and Audinos. But what really caught his attention was when Zoroark and Sweetiebell responded by smelling the air. They looked at each other, and then their eyes widened. "Twilight!?" Sweetiebell exclaimed, running with immense speed over to the bodies that surrounded the unconscious mare. Sweetiebell squeezed through the crowd, and gasped when she saw Twilight on the floor bleeding and wounded. "Twilight!! Guys!! Twilight's here! It's her!! Hurry!!" Sweetiebell yelled. Twilight's Pokémon gasped, stampeding across the Center. The Nurses and their partners moved aside, all of Twilight's Pokémon were extremely lost for words. Luna couldn't believe it. Twilight? She jogged over to the injured soul, and gasped loudly when she saw it truly was Twilight. But She looked like she had been attacked! Twilight's usually lovely hair was now filled with dirt and with twigs from trees. Luna turned her stare to Rarity, and didn't hesitate to ask her.

"What happened to her?!" Luna asked, demanding the answer with a forceful tone.

"I don't know! I was walking on Sun Touch Bridge, and then I heard this Liepard crying out for help! And that's when I saw this mare just collapsed on the floor." Rarity said. "I'm sure a Pokémon attacked her or something, those scratches are from a Pokémon!" Luna's breathing quickened after seeing the young teen unconscious. She fell to her hooves and lifted Twilight up to rest on her Stomach, shaking her slightly.

"Twilight, Twilight, Wake up Twilight!" Luna exclaimed, tapping Twilight face multiple times and trying to get a reaction from her.

"She's ill, we need to get her to a hospital!" Rarity exclaimed, but stopped when she heard groans of pain. Twilight breathed out a shallow breath, almost gasping for air. Luna froze on the spot, hearing the sound emitting from her dry lips.

"Twilight, Twilight, it's me. Luna. Answer me." Luna snapped, sounding too harsh to his liking. Twilight's eyes fluttered, but didn't dare open, too tired to open them.

"Luna" Twilight breathed, attempting to raise a bloody hoof to reach for her. Luna merely sat there where she was, not moving, just watching her with sad eyes. My Pokémon" As soon as she said that, all of her friends echoed a cry in agony. She heard them, and smiled slowly. "Take care of them." Twilight whispered, her hoof falling limply to her side. Moondancer was the first to react.

'No! Twilight!!' Moondancer yelled.

"The hospital!" Luna yelled frantically, getting up as fast as she could and holding Twilight in her magic. She ran out of there like a mad mare, Twilight's Pokémon, Zoroark and Rarity following right behind Luna. She rushed to the nearest Hospital, which luckily found by running just east of the Pokémon Center. Luna burst inside, not caring that ponies were yelling at her to slow down. Many doctors male and female had appeared in front of Luna, looking rather appalled at Twilights condition. "Doctors! It's she"

"It's an emergency!" Ilyana yelled, running in with the rest of them. The doctors nodded their heads, calling the assistants who pulled a patient transfer cart from a distant room. N placed her softly on the soft white sheets of the hospital cart, looking down on her face before they whisked her away from his view. Zoroark was by his side in an instant, placing his dark-red claws over his shoulder in reassurance. Ilyana and the Pokemon followed the doctors as they rushed to the emergency room to save the young teen's life. N merely stood where he was, dumbfounded and distant. His head lowered and his cap covering up his eyes. His prolonged gaze almost tearing a deep hole onto the floor. Zoroark exhaled sadly, knowing N too well to let this slide.

"Luna She's going to be OK." Zoroark replied. Luna didn't say anything, looking at her blood stained shirt.

"Zoroark." Luna whispered, pausing for a few minutes before finally saying something, but still whispering so only he could hear. "I have never been so concerned for another pony being not this much." Zoroark said nothing, knowing she was going to say more than that. "It hurt To see Twilight so vulnerable."

"Maybe it's because you're starting to care for her?" Zoroark whispered. Luna raised a hoof up to her chest where her heart was, and clutched the fabric of her shirt. "You may not think so, but I can see it in your eyes."

"And to see her dying It frightened me."

"Who wouldn't be scared? I don't even know her that well, and I was scared out of my wits." Zoroark exclaimed. "But seriously, she's going to be OK. You'll see, she'll be running around in no time."

"...." Luna said nothing as she merely stood there. Zoroark walked on ahead, and then stopped to wait for Luna. Luna raised her head to gaze at Zoroark who grinned and motioned for Luna to follow him. Luna walked after Zoroark, and after a few minutes they saw Twilight's Pokémon and Rarity outside of the Emergency room. Everyone turned to Luna and her friend, looking extremely worried.

"Have the doctors?" Luna asked, but instead of Twilight's Pokémon replying, Rarity spoke.

"Yes. They're closing up the gash on her stomach and putting in more blood Luckily her blood Type is A and it was easier for the doctors because they can use the blood that ponies donated." Rarity said, but Luna merely stared at her with her piercing Teal eyes.

"I would like to thank you for helping my" Luna stopped, and then realized what she was going to say. Twilight's Pokémon all looked at her, and were waiting for her to say the word. Some of them smiled, one of them being Scootaloo. "for helping my friend."

"She was dying out there, I couldn't just leave the poor girl. But don't worry kid, she'll be alright. If YOU hadn't rushed her to the hospital, who knows what could've happened. I was too tired to carry her anymore, and everypony else was just standing there like damn idiots." Rarity said, turning to look at the emergency room. There was a brief silence, and Rarity turned to look at Luna once again. "So. You and her look close. Are you special someponys or something?" Zoroark snickered at Luna, nudging her sides again. An annoyed vein appeared on Luna's forehead again, and she ruffled Zoroark's head.

"No. We're only friends." Luna replied. Rarity didn't buy it though, but decided to let it go.

"If you say so." Rarity mumbled, taking a seat by the waiting area. "And I presume all of them are her Pokémon?" Twilight's Pokémon cried out, and then nodded their heads. Shining Armor yawned, walking over to Luna and looking up at her.

'We meet again.' Shining Armor said. Luna sighed, turning towards Shining Armor, seeing that he had evolved.

"I see you have evolved, Shining Armor." Luna smiled. All of Twilight's Pokémon walked over to Shining Armor, interested in the new presence. They stared at Shining Armor, a few of them knowing him.

'Can you tell us what happened?' Moondancer asked, poking the Liepard on the shoulder. Shining Armor nodded his head, going over to the waiting area. All of them followed, sitting down on the long sofa opposite of where the other sofa was. In the middle being a small desk, Shining Armor was on the other side with Rarity. Luna placed Twilight's hat over Sweetiebell's head.

'I'll tell you what happened. But you have to promise you won't get mad at Luna for any reason.' Shining Armor said with the swish of his tail. Twilight's Pokémon looked at Luna, who looked very confused. 'Don't worry. She's not to blame for Twilight state. In fact, she was kidnapped by a group of ponies.'

'See? She was kidnapped.' Spike mumbled.

'And that's not all. Luna, You know Shadow Triad, correct?'

"This doesn't have to do with them, does it?" Luna said, hoping it wasn't true. Rarity merely sat there with her hooves crossed, watching with inquisitive eyes how Luna spoke to them. She didn't want to interrupt the conversation they were having. Shining Armor shook his head sadly, the two long golden streak that ran along his forehead curved downward into a frown.

'No, I'm afraid it does. And that's not all. Nightmare Moon was the one that had her kidnapped, and called you over to show you that she had captured her.' Shining Armor said. Sunset growled, glaring at Luna at that moment, but decided not to assume before Shining Armor finished.

'So, That was when Nightmare Moon called? When we were in Baltmare, Luna?' Zoroark asked, and to that Luna nodded her head, the angriest expression plastered over her face. Everyone looked at Luna, seeing her so angry.

"Then, Why didn't I see her when I arrived?" Luna managed to ask through clenched teeth.

'Well, That's because I helped her escape of course. But both of us were hiding behind the machines, and you two were in the room at the time. I bet she's still looking for her even now.' Shining Armor replied.

'Then, How did she get so scratched up?' Scootaloo asked.

'Another Liepard attacked her while we were escaping. We had to battle a few Plasma members, but I defeated them easily. The Liepard appeared out of nowhere just when we were about to exit the castle. I gave him a good beating, and then we escaped. I assumed they hadn't fed her anything because throughout the walk in the forest she was complaining about them not giving her any water or food. We walked without rest. She had collapsed before we even managed to find anyone. Luckily, this Pony here heard me and took her to this city, or else Twilight would have been a goner.' Luna turned to look at Rarity, who jumped when everyone turned their attention to her. Luna attention went back to the Liepard, knowing that Pokémon wouldn't lie and believed every word he had said. Luna sighed, getting up from the sofa and pacing around the emergency room impatiently. She was just to the peak of exploding with anger, but held it in for Twilight's sake. Luna stared at the emergency room in agony, but all the while thinking what was to become of the young girl.

"So About the young girl"

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" Somebody yelled, running to the emergency doors and jumping up and down. It was Pinkie Pie, and behind her was Rainbow Dash panting like a dog. Surprisingly enough, Applejack was right behind her, walking calmly to the pink's maned pony's side.

"Pinkie Pie, Keep it down. This is a hospital." Applejack growled.

"Twilight!" Pinkie yelled. Rainbow placed a hoof over her mouth, muffling her cries.

"Pinkie, I think that's enough yelling. She's in the emergency room." Rainbow exclaimed.

"Are you two positive that this was Twilight that you saw?" Applejack. The teens beside her nodded their heads.

"Yeah, We're positive! I mean It couldn't have been anypony else." Rainbow said, letting go of Pinkie. She gasped for air, but opened it to say something.

"It was Twilight I tell you!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Or my name isn't Pinkie Pie!" Applejack rolled her eyes, and then caught a glimpse of Luna. Applejack blinked at the tall young mare, not at all knowing who she was.

"And you are?" Applejack said, looking beyond Pinkie to see Luna staring at them with an intense gaze.

"You are Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Applejack. No?" Luna asked. All of them raised an eyebrow, wondering how this mare knew their names. But then Pinkie's eyes lit up like fireworks, gasping and giggling like a child that received candy.

"You're Luna aren't you?!" Pinkie yelled. "Oh my gosh! Twilight has told us about you!" Luna looked down at the three teens with a calm exterior.

"So, You're Luna." Applejack smiled, holding her hoof out for a hoof shake, but Luna didn't even bother to raise a hoof up to this kid. Applejack lost her smile and lowered her hoof, not at all offended by Luna's behaviour.

"Yes, My name is Luna."

"Twilight's in there, isn't she?" Pinkie pouted, to that Luna nodded, staring at the doors. "Ohh Poor Twilight"

"She'll be OK Pinkie. You'll see." Rainbow replied. She turned to Luna, wanting answers. "What happened to her? We saw her bleeding severely."

"She was attacked by a Liepard. A large gash going across her stomach." Luna replied. "If she had not heard Shining Armor call for help when she did, then Twilight would've surely died of blood loss."

"Who's she?" Rainbow frowned.

"That would be me." Rarity spoke form the sofa, listening in on the conversation. "My name is Rarity."

"My name is Applejack."

"Mine is Pinkie Pie."

"Rainbow Dash."

"Nice to meet you all. I presume you're all friends of the girl?"

"I'm her cousin. But yeah, you're right on the dot." Rainbow replied, seeing Twilight's Pokémon sitting on the sofa. "So, You guys have been waiting here?"

"Precisely. I'm pretty concerned. All of us are." Rarity said, crossing her hooves over her chest. "Why don't you all take a seat?" Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash walked inside the waiting area, Twilight's Pokémon made way for the teens. "Anything you'd like to talk about?"

"What is there to talk about?" Applejack frowned, sitting down in a sophisticated manner and took out a book from her pocket.

"Applejack, Don't be rude. Of course there's something to talk about!" Pinkie exclaimed. "You're just being boring again."

"Like how loud and rambunctious you are?" Pinkie was about to open her mouth, but frowned and punched Rainbow's shoulder from that comment. Rainbow could be a real meanie at times! Luna watched as they interacted, Zoroark squinted at all of them before leaving his seat to go to Luna's side.

"What's wrong?" Luna asked her friend.

'It was so peaceful until the pink pony came.' Zoroark groaned, listening to Pinkie's loud gibberish. 'Those are Twilight's buds or something?'

"They are." Luna replied, crossing her hooves over her chest and tapping her back left hoof impatiently. "I should go."

'What? From the hospital? Why?' Zoroark exclaimed, his arms going up in the air. 'But, But What about Twilight?

"I promised them I would help them find Twilight. I have accomplished my promise. I have no reason to be here" Luna turned to leave, but Zoroark placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her.

'But Luna! Don't you care what happens to Twilight?' Luna paused in her tracks, her head turning halfway to look at Zoroark. 'You're seriously going to tell me that you're not a tiny bit worried?' Luna said nothing back, the two of them standing there for almost an eternity.

"Zoroark, Have you taken a liking to Twilight?" Luna asked him. Zoroark growled angrily and walked in front of Luna to confront her, the meanest glare on his face and his fangs bared at his so called best friend.

'Why are you so stubborn!?' Zoroark roared. 'I've talked to them about their trainer, Twilight and you wouldn't believe all the compliments I heard coming from their mouths! They truly do love her. Now, what kind of Pokémon would I be if I didn't care about a pony that was on that kind of relationship with their Pokémon!? You said so yourself that you wished to see ponies treat Pokémon with that kind of affection, love and respect as you do to me and any other Pokémon!' Zoroark was getting angrier now, holding himself back from not choking this stubborn young mare. Zoroark looked at her, with disgust on his face.

'And here you are, a coward who's running away from reality as we know it. Stop being so ignorant! I mean LOOK at them!' Zoroark yelled, pointing at Twilight's Pokémon, who were all crying. 'And then there's Twilight. The only Pony that you've ever met that treats Pokémon exactly the way YOU do! But no, while you mope about there not being enough ponies who are like you, she's on her death bed, and all you can do is just run away like you've always done!!' Zoroark was mad at this point, and the Pokémon are now looking at Zoroark yell at Luna. She merely stood there, saying nothing to Zoroark. Her hat covered her eyes, hiding any visible emotions that she would show. Luna had nothing to say to her best friend and she brushed past him without a word. Zoroark sighed, shaking his head. He walked back to Twilight's Pokémon and sat next to them, not caring that the pink one was as deafening as an Exploud.

Luna walked out of the hospital, taking a breath of fresh air after experiencing so many feelings all at once. Luna walked along the streets of Canterlot, and went onto Route 8 where she saw Pokémon playing in puddles. She bent down, washing her bloodied hooves in the puddle. She then looked down at her reflection, the image in the puddle was undisturbed, with no expression whatsoever on her face. But that didn't look like her at all. She didn't feel peaceful at all, not happy, but confused. Luna was raised as a child with Pokémon, and knew what they were feeling and understood their language. She felt disturbed by the fact that ponies just abused them as they pleased, and it tore her apart to see them in such horrible conditions. Her teal eyes surveyed the area around her. The happy Palpitoad, and Shelmet prancing around and splashing at the water. Seismitoad were watching on the side lines, talking amongst each other. Luna sighed, watching them play and have fun. She had no time for fun and games. The Palpitoads and Shelmets were running towards her and smiling up at her in a greeting. Luna smiled, petting the both of them affectionately. "I'm glad that you are all happy." Luna then sighed, before walking away and leaving them confused at what she had said.


Hours Pass

"Doctor? What of Twilight?" Pinkie exclaimed, everybody flinched. The Doctor attempted cleaning his ear out, and frowning.

"She'll be alright." He finally said, everybody in the room almost jumped in glee if it weren't for Pinkie Pie doing it all for them.

"YAAAAAAAY!" Pinkie Pie hollered.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Everybody hushed.

"Oopsie. Sorry! But Twilight's going to be alright guys! We should cheer! Like, Right now!" Pinkie giggled. Zoroark grinned at the news, if only Luna were here. Zoroark sighed, his grin fading away of the thought. But then, after a few seconds the said individual came in through the hallway, and Zoroark couldn't help but grin widely. Luna looked around, seeing smiles on everybody's faces. All of a sudden Twilight's Pokémon jumped up on Luna and made her fall, sending her tumbling to the floor. "Awww! Twilight's Pokémon are SOOOOO happy! Look at them!"

'Luna! Thank you! Thank you!' They all yelled happily, licking her face and hugging her. Luna was chuckling and smiling at them. 'We've finally found Twilight!'

'Luna keeps her promises till the end!' Zoroark grinned, Luna turned to look at her friend with a smile. He held a clawed paw out to his friend on the ground, Luna took it gratefully and was pulled up.

"Zoroark, my friend. Thank you." Luna smiled, ruffling his hair again.

'Pft. Whatever for?' Zoroark smirked.

"For helping me see it in a different light." Luna replied. Everybody in the room at that moment, couldn't be anymore happier.

Comments ( 5 )

That pic is adorable, I'm sold. Liked and followed. And favourite-d.

I need to see where this goes. Please come back to this

I will hopefully get to finish this soon I've just been very busy with work moving out of home and the lot of other things. Hopefully I can finally get this finished by the end of this year.

I can accept that wait. out of curiosity which Pokémon game is this a ponification of?

Pokemon Black and White

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