• Published 15th Mar 2015
  • 2,581 Views, 61 Comments

Twilight Sparkle The Pokémon Heroine of White - TwilightXLuna

In the world of Pokémon and Ponies two young fillies will meet at a large castle and become great friends but they will be torn apart by evil. One of them will help to save the world of Ponies and Pokémon from the evil group.

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Chapter 14 - There is Worry All Around (Unedited)

Sweetiebell awoke to the sound of a jingle and shuffling in the room. Everybody was already awake and active. She was aware that she was on a soft bed but hadn't remembered sleeping on a bed that night, if not next to everybody else. The little fox then knew that somebody had moved her, but she didn't mind. Sweetiebell yawned watching Moondancer place the waist bag around Sunset once more. Luna had slipped on her usual attire, not forgetting to put on the unusual necklace and bracelets. She grabbed Twilight's hat, which she had placed on the counter that night. Her Zoroark was currently sitting on the top bunk, ready to leave when they all were.

"All right, my friends, it's time to continue our search, perhaps once more around the Baltmare. If we don't find her here then we head for the next town." Luna told all of them, and they all nodded their heads, knowing very well that they had to find her. Luna was obviously ready and opened the door to leave. Twilight's Pokemon followed behind, Zoroark being the last one out. The door was left open to indicate that nobody occupied the room, and Luna would return the keys that she borrowed from Nurse Sweet Heart. Luna walked quickly through the halls, and entered the lobby going directly to the counter. She held out her keys to Nurse Sweet Heart, and also giving her money. "Thank you." Luna merely said. Soon, all of them left the center and were met with the light of day. The sun greeted them once they came outside, and shined it's warming rays down upon them. Moondancer jumped up giddily, having pondered about something and developing an idea.

"I have an idea!" Moondancer suddenly exclaimed, pointing one vine to the skies. Everyone turned to her, waiting to listen to the medium sized grass snake.

"Yeah? What is it?" Zoroark said, urging her to continue, seeing that the snake was staring at them as if she thought that they would chop her head off for saying anything.

"Well guys, you remember those pictures that we would always see that were posted around cities or towns?" Moondancer said, trying to get them to remember those posters. Suddenly something in their heads clicked, and they remembered them perfectly well. "You remember, right!?" She could tell from the looks on their faces that they recalled them.

"I see where you're getting at, So if we do something like that-" Sunset started saying, the others finishing her sentence.

"Then ponies will see it-" Sweetiebell said.

"And ponies will tell us if they've seen her anywhere!" Scootaloo finished, flapping her wings.

"But the problem being." Spike mumbled. "We don't have a picture of Twilight with us." All of their ideas were for naught, and they all sulked unhappily. Luna stood there, thinking deeply on what to do and how were they going to find her faster. Zoroark in a similar position as his friend.

"Perhaps, Nah, not a good idea. " Zoroark said out loud and to himself. Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound coming from Luna's chest and Luna realized it was her communicator. She raised it to her lips, and spoke into the object.

"Princess Luna speaking." Luna replied into the communicator. All of Twilight's Pokemon were busy developing a plan to hear her conversation.

"My lady." It was Nightmare Moon speaking. Luna's eyes narrowed at the sound of her voice, and then closed them softly. Her free hoof hovered over to her face, pinching the area between her two eyes in frustration.

"What is it Nightmare Moon?" Luna almost growled into the device, but decided against it.

"I wish for you to come to the Castle.There is something important I must show you."

"Can it wait? I'm very busy-" Luna said, almost not happy to be hearing her.

"Oh, I assure you lady It's important, you'll be very interested." She paused for a moment. "Where are you located so I can send the Shadow Triad to escort you back." It would've been a question, if She weren't demanding the answer.

"I am in front of the Pokemon Center in Baltmare." Luna replied, there was another pause, and the Shadow Triad appeared a few feet behind Luna. She knew it was the Shadow Triad but didn't turn around to acknowledge their presence.

"I'll be seeing you soon, my lady." Luna let go of the communicator. The device dangled back around her neck and resting close to her chest. Luna turned around to face the Shadow Triad, who silently watched her; waiting for her command.

"You look worried is anything the matter, Princess Luna?" One of the members asked, still in their ninja suits from before.

"It doesn't matter." Luna replied, turning her body to face Zoroark and the others. "Zoroark I want you to continue helping them while I'm gone. I'll return as soon as I finish speaking to Nightmare Moon. Make sure they don't get into trouble." Luna was about to leave, when she realized she still had Twilight's hat in her magic. She passed it over to the large fox Pokemon, who merely smiled at Luna. "Ah, and take care of this for me."

"Of course, Princess Luna." Zoroark smirked, knowing that Luna didn't like it when her friend called her that. Nonetheless, Luna returned the smirk and then left with the Shadow Triad. Zoroark turned to Twilight's Pokemon, only to see them arguing and jumping on each other. Which of course, was now making a cloud of smoke. Sunset was on the side lines with Applebloom, not even bothering to stop them. "Hey hey hey! Break it up! BREAK IT UP!" They all stopped what they were doing, and looked at Zoroark. He was glaring at them, but realized he had their attention and cleared his throat. "I'm in charge for now! Luna left in order to tend to some important business. It's crucial that you don't fight amongst yourselves! We need to work together to find your trainer!"

"Twilight." They all corrected him, Zoroark coughed loudly. "Right, Twilight, I apologize."

"And how are we going to do that if we don't know where she is? How do we even start looking? She could be anywhere by now." Spike asked.

"You've all tried tracking her scent?" He waved Twilight's hat in the air. They all nodded in response. "OK, You've looked all around this city and asked other Pokémon if they've seen anything?" They all nodded again. "Right nothing worked?" They shook their heads. Zoroark scratched his red hair, his tongue emerging from his mouth in thought. "So let's do what Luna had planned to do, we search this entire village AGAIN! And then we wait to see if Luna comes back, and then head for the next town. Got it?"

"Got it!"


Luna was now in front of Nightmare Moon, a wide smirk plastered over her face. "Welcome back, Princess."

"What is this important object that you had to show me? I've already attained the information I need about the whereabouts of Zekrom"

"No, It has nothing to do with the legendary Zekrom It will pique at your interest my Princess, Come. I shall show you what I speak of." Nightmare Moon led Luna off somewhere, the Shadow Triad following behind. "You'll be surprised at what you see."


But off in a room where there was silence and darkness Twilight was still tied to the despicable column. She was tired from not being able to sleep very comfortable last night. She groaned, pulling on the ropes once again, but to no avail. She was about to cry again, but heard the door creak open. Her head shot up, and from the door was the shadow of something. Twilight didn't dare speak, holding her breath firmly. But instead of the shadow forming into a human, it formed into A Pokémon? Suddenly, the door opened only halfway to reveal a semi-large Pokémon. Twilight was drawn to it's beautiful form. The majestic Pokémon walked over to her on it's four legs, going in front of her and staring at her with it's beautiful forest green eyes. It's purple fur was sleek, almost as if it had been cleaned. It's large tail swished back and forth, and Twilight couldn't help but stare at the golden ring marks on it's body. Twilight's eyes turned back to it's beautiful eyes and the Pokémon meowed. It was definitely some sort of cat But Why was it here? Twilight took one look at the patch of spiky fur on it's head, and found it rather familiar. Suddenly it dawned on her, she didn't know if it was really true But she had to give it a shot.
" Shining Armor?"
The Pokémon that was in front of her responded, giving a long meow before tilting his head. Twilight's eyes widened, her mouth agape. She couldn't believe it was really Shining! "It's really you!?" Twilight shouted, but the cat hissed at her, almost trying to keep her down. "Oh, sorry But I can't believe it. You've evolved!" Twilight was right, since she saw the Liepard nod his head. Shining had definitely evolved. He wasn't that smug kitty that she had set free before. No. This was Shining Armor. A Purrloin when she set him free, and was now a Liepard before her. Twilight was confused as to why he was here, so she asked him. "Shining Armor Why are you here?" He meowed, looking back at the door. He went behind her, and began biting at the ropes around her hooves. Twilight gasped, feeling him tug at the ropes. After a while, he used his claws to cut it. Twilight was relieved to have her hooves free. She sighed, going to look down at her front hooves but gasped loudly when she saw them. They were bruised badly by the tight ropes and all the pulls. They almost looked burned, slightly bloody and red. She hissed just looking at it, and knew it was going to take a few days to heal. Shining Armor went over in front of Twilight, and began licking the wounds on her hooves. Twilight smiled softly at the large feline, taking her free hoof and caressing his head. "Thank you Shining Armor"

".When you're finished showing me what you're going to reveal to me. I shall be returning to Baltmare."

"Of course."

Twilight gasped, looking around for a place to hide. "I have to hide! Somewhere!" Twilight stood up on her hurt hooves moving clumsily, running behind one of the machines that was currently there. She called Shining over, who scurried over and hid with her. There was another creak, but even louder and longer than before. There was silence for a long while. And Twilight took a small peek from where she was hiding, and saw Nightmare's face. She looked extremely shocked. Her face turned red from all the pent up frustration. She ran into the room and over to the place where Twilight was bound up to. She picked up the broken ropes, seeing claw marks over them and just knew she couldn't have broken free on her own. Twilight saw Luna there as well, and swallowed a lump in her throat. She bit her lip to prevent herself from gasping out loud.

"What is it that you wanted to show me? Nightmare?" Luna asked, after seeing that the Sage had nothing to say. The Sage turned to the Shadow Triad with a glare. The two members of the Shadow Triad were astonished, the middle one not even batting an eye. The two stumbled back for a second, nodding before disappearing, leaving the one in the middle alone. Nightmare shook her head in disbelief. She couldn't have escaped! "If you're finished. I shall be going now." Luna obviously ready to leave at once.

"Forgive me, my lord. It seems that I have misplaced the object of importance. It shall not happen again. If you wait just a little longer, it shall be here." Nightmare replied.

"Nightmare. I have no time to play games! I shall be going to Baltmare." Luna snapped, turning to leave the room, but stopped when the other indigo maned mare asked her a question.

"And what pray tell do you have to look for in Baltmare?" Nightmare questioned. Luna turned her head to look at Nightmare with this serious expression. This 'I'm not in the mood' kind of look. Twilight watched them interact with each other, seeing Luna so serious was intimidating.

"You don't need to know what business I have in Baltmare. I'm not in the mood to tolerate anymore distractions, especially after how carelessly you've been wasting my time. I shall be leaving now. There are Pokémon there who are in need of my help, if you really must know." Luna replied sharply. Twilight almost laughed at Nightmare when Luna told her that. She covered her mouth to prevent herself from laughing out loud. The Shadow Triad member that stood there, teleported Luna from the Castle. And the middle aged sage was left there in her frustration. Nightmare slammed her hoof down on the table, and then stormed out of the room.

" Guards!! GUARDS!! " Nightmare boomed, and Twilight knew she had left the room. She walked out slowly from behind the machines, checking to make sure she wasn't there. She could hear her still yelling through the hall way. "YOU IMBECILES!! THAT BRAT HAS ESCAPED!!" She waited for a few minutes before running to the doors, and looked both directions in the halls. She made sure no one was around before exiting the room.

"Come on Shining!" She whispered hurriedly to Shining. They both stumbled out of the room, and without knowing, going the exact way that Nightmare had gone. Twilight looked through her bag to check to see if she found anything in there, but only found potions, rare candies, Ultra Balls, and her other items. Twilight's teeth clenched in defeat. Her X-Transceiver was discharged and she left all of her Pokémon at the Pokémon Center. Both Twilight and Shining ran swiftly through the long halls. Their steps echoed throughout the halls, almost like a cave. Twilight would look back frequently and see if she was being followed somewhere. She came to the end of the hallway, only to realize these were the steps that led up to the next floor. Twilight hissed, turning around sharply running the other direction. Shining groaned, sprinting ahead of her. Twilight followed the large cat, not really knowing the exit to this mysteriously large place. She ran through the shiny beige coloured halls, coming to the other end and following Shining down the stairs. But when she came down, she was met with two Team Plasma members who were lounging. Their eyes widened when they saw her, afterward they grabbed their Poke Balls and sent out their Pokémon. A Watchog, and a Krokorok. Twilight didn't know what to do, she couldn't just let Shining fight two Pokémon at the same time! She grabbed her Pokédex from her bag and held it to her face.

"Pokedex. What are Shining's known moves!?" Twilight asked quickly. The Pokedex scanned the Liepard in front of it, and concluded it's information.

"Shining's known moves are Assist, Torment, Hone Claws and Hyper Beam."

"Hyper Beam?! DAMN!!!" Twilight yelled, putting away the Pokedex afterward. She glared at the Team Plasma Grunts, who were returning the glare back at her.

"Krokorok! Use Sand Tomb!" The Grunt exclaimed. Krokorok's eyes glowed yellow, before raising it's claws in the air. Below it's feet, began to rise tons of sand.

"Krokoooooooo!!!" It yelled before the sand rose up around his opponent and surrounded them in a storm of sand, which prevented them from escaping. Twilight squinted from the attack, feeling the sand storm sting at her skin. Shining yowled again, but this time in frustration, looking back at Twilight to give him a command.

"Shining! --cough-- Use Hone Claws!" Shining meowed loudly, before scratching the floor and sharpening his claws.

"Watchog! Go! Use Confuse Ray!"

"Shining! Dodge and then use Torment!"

"Nyah!" Shining exclaimed, dodging the sinister ray that was about to touch him, and then his eyes glowed red. Watchog froze, now not being able to use the same move twice in a row.

"Shining! Assist!" Twilight commanded. 'By the Moon, I hope this works!'

Shining hissed, his entire body glowing Green. Twilight thought it had failed when Shining did nothing, but then saw through the sand storm leaves come from under Shining. Shining cried out in determination, opening his claws and sending out large storm of leaves. Twilight grinned, realizing the move he used was originally from Moondancer. 'It's Leaf Storm!' Twilight thought, watching as the Leaf Storm had hit both the Watchog and the Krokorok. Both stumbled back, damaged from the move. But Watchog was wall wobbly, and Twilight knew at that moment that the Pokémon was confused. Krokorok looked severely damaged however, since he was weak against grass his energy went completely down.

"Krokorok! Hang in there! Use Crunch!"

"Krokorok!" The Sandy Crocodile exclaimed, running forward into the sand storm that twilight and Shining were trapped in an crunched down on Shining's neck.

"Nyaaaaa!!" Shining cried out, thrashing around in his grip.

"Shining! Hone Claws again!" Shining stopped thrashing taking out his sharp claws and began scratching the Krokorok's face. The Krokorok let go of the large feline, going to touch it's eyes in pain.

"Watchog! Super Fang!" The Watchog ran stumbled forward, and instead of attacking Shining, he attacked the Krokorok. It cried out in pain from the strong bite of it's teeth before falling to the ground, having fainted. The Sand storm cleared away, to reveal what had just happened and Touko couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Grrr." The grunt said, before recalling his fainted Krokorok. He turned to the other grunt and complained. "Your stupid Watchog just fainted my Krokorok! Dumb ass!!"

"He can't help it if he's confused!" The other one yelled. "Nobody told your Krokorok to stay where he was! You're the dumb ass!"

"Shining! Assist!" The Liepard glowed white once more, before running forward to the Watchog. He jumped up in the air, his claws glowing a dark blue and slashed the Watchog. After using Dragon Claw, a move known by Spike, he jumped back to Twilight's side. "Good job Shining! Let's go!" Twilight and Shining ran past the grunts, seeing them arguing with each other. Twilight ran as fast as her hurt hooves could take her, following behind Shining who definitely knew the way out.

"Nyaaaauuuu!" Shining cried, going down the other set of stairs with immense speed. "Nyaaau! Nyaaau!" He called from the bottom of the stairs, almost as if he was telling her to hurry up.

"I can't just jump down the stairs like you do! Are you crazy?" Twilight exclaimed, jumping down the last three steps from the stairs. They continued to run, entering an unusual hall. It was almost maze-like, but Shining led the way, and soon Twilight was in front of a huge door. She was sure this was the exit, when suddenly another Liepard appeared out of nowhere and attacked her. "Ah!" She exclaimed, being tackled by the giant cat. She attempted to push away the feline, but it began scratching at her face and biting her fiercely. "Ow! OW! Hey!" Shining growled, going to tackle the threat. Shining pushed him off of Twilight. The opposing Liepard slid back on the slippery floor, eying Shining with a dark look. She watched as the two Liepards faced each other, hissing and baring their sharp fangs at each other.

Shining hissed, the fur on his back rising. Twilight stood up on her hooves, feeling sore from the tackle, blood now trailing down her cheeks, neck and hooves. Twilight attempted to wipe off the blood, but only got it further on her clothes. Then again, she realized from the sharp stinging pain that the blasted Pokémon gave her a long running gash across her stomach. She held the injury, trying to prevent any more blood spillage. She watched as the Liepard tried going around Shining to attack her again, but Shining didn't have it. He bit down on the Liepard's neck and held it down to the ground. After hearing it cry in pain, he bit down with much more force and threw the Liepard against a nearby column. Shining, seeing that it was trying to get up, ran over to it and bit it again. Using Hone Claws to scratch as it's body and leaving it weak. Shining hissed at it, swishing his tail in an act of dominance. He didn't dare turn his back on the opponent, walking backwards towards Twilight and looking back at her.

Twilight nodded, heading for the large doors. She opened them, and waited for Shining to follow her before slamming the door closed. She limped down the long stairs that awaited her, grunting at every step. She finally arrived to the bottom with Shining, and following him down the large canyon like mountain that they were on. The slopes were slippery for some reason, almost like it had rained. She looked at the skies, hearing very loud sounds. She was right. It had just poured moments ago, and was going to rain once more. Twilight growled in agony from the scratch marks all over the top portion of her body. Aside from that, she felt sore from the force of the tackle and her hooves weren't looking any better than before. She was a total wreck. Twilight felt weak from the injuries, hunger, thirst and lack of sleep. She almost slipped down the mountain rocks, gasping in fear and holding onto the sidelines. She regained her breath, attempting to calm herself down. Shining meowed softly at her, urging her to continue. After minutes of climbing down, she reached the forest beneath her. And was met with a dense, gloomy place. Twilight frowned, she had no option to stop at any moment. She continued forth her trek across the forest with Shining by her side.


Luna had returned to Baltmare. The Shadow Triad member had left hours ago, and Luna was tapping his foot until Zoroark would return with Twilight's friends. She didn't know why she had snapped at Nightmare Moon like that. Could it have been the frustration of not being able to help Twilight's friends find her? But he felt agitated when Nightmare Moon had called her over So was it his desire to find their trainer and end their tears? She didn't want to be disturbed at that moment, but why? Was it because she cared about Twilight? Luna shook her head at that thought, placing a hoof over her face. She couldn't find out the real reason, but felt a little closer to her somehow. Her train of thought was interrupted when Zoroark waved a red-clawed paw over his face.

"Yo. Luna. You were spacing out. Daydreaming again?"

"No. Just thinking deeply about. Their trainer."

"Ohhhhhh. Twilight, eh?" Zoroark smirked suspiciously at Luna, snickering under his breath. "I see what's going on You're starting to LIKE her as a potential mate!"

"What? Of course not" Luna choked, forgetting how to breath for a second. Zoroark grabbed his own long soft hair, taking off his teal bangle and readjusting it further up. Then he swiped off Luna's hat, handing Luna the hat that Twilight wore. Zoroark didn't bother to change his form to look like N, instead deciding to be more creative. He glowed for a millisecond, changing his red hair, to a indigo. Everything that was red on his body before, was now a shade of blue. After Zoroark changed colour, he placed the black and white hat on his head, his hand on his hips and smirking all the while. Luna couldn't help but chuckle lightly, making a rather twisted expression and flushed cheeks. Luna could almost feel a vein just around his forehead. Zoroark chuckled just like Luna, imitating the annoyed young mare. He posed like a model.

"Hello there Twilight" Zoroark huffed, now changing into Luna. " Luna uses Attract. It's super effective! Twilight is infatuated with LOOOOOVE." Zoroark transformed into Twilight, smiling at Luna sweetly. "Oh Luna! You're sooooo Beautiful!" Then transforms back into Luna. Zoroark as Luna, smirked again crossing his arms over his chest. "Naturally. Twilight, darling"

"Zoroark. Enough please." Luna said firmly to his friend, looking extremely embarrassed. The other twin besides him boomed with laughter, changing back to the illusion fox he knew.

"Oh Luna, this is RICH!!" Zoroark cackled. "You should've seen the BLUSH on your face."

"I don't blush We don't have time to play around." Luna whined, covering his cheeks with his hands. "And besides I don't like Twilight that way- I-"

"Oh, don't start with that she's only a friend. I've heard THAT one before! Bwahahahahaha!" Zoroark laughed. Luna frowned, afterward seeing Twilight's Pokémon come their way. They ended their conversation there. Zoroark grinned, placing the teal bangle that held his hair back where it was before and giving Luna back her hat. "Anything out of the ordinary?" They shook their heads in response.

"To Canterlot it is then." Luna said to them, fixing the position of her hat before walking off. Sweetiebell and the others jumped on Sunset's back as Applebloom walked beside her, Sunset didn't mind though.


Twilight was extremely tired. She continued to walk without rest, and stumbled face first to the ground. She had just finished the end of Sun Touch Bridge, falling onto the ground. She'd been walking for hours non-stop. Sparta turned around, realizing she fell to the ground and called her. He ran over to her, seeing her panting heavily.

"Nyaaauuuu...." Shining meowed, he walked over to Twilight, nudging her cheeks softly.

"I can't Shining" Twilight whispered. "I can't go on."

"Nyaaah! Nyah!! Nyah!" Shining yelled, nudging her again. "Nyaauuuu" Almost telling her that she couldn't give up right now.

"I'm exhausted Shining" Twilight whispered, her eyes half closed and still gasping for air. She caressed Shining's head, her hoof falling limply to the ground. "Go on without me."

Shining shook his head stubbornly, meowing softly before looking around. He saw no sign of ANYBODY and was becoming desperate. He meowed questioningly at Twilight, but she didn't respond. Shining's heart suddenly stopped beating. He nudged her, trying to wake her up, but she still had not given a response. Shining's face changed to one of shock and fear. His mouth quivered and his pupils thinned greatly. He took that moment not to panic, but even so his head shot in all directions in an attempt to see if anybody would come. He didn't want to leave her alone, scared that anything else would attack her. So he did the best he could to call someone. Mustering all the air he could, he yowled loudly. He did it continuously, over and over but heard nobody come. The only response he got, was a loud boom in the sky. Shining hissed angrily at the sky. What perfect timing, he thought. Shining walked over to Twilight and began licking the gash on her stomach, but the blood wouldn't stop flowing. He wasn't going to give up though, he would keep hollering until he lost his voice.

A young mare, probably no younger than a twenty year old jaunted along the puddles of what was known as Route 8. Her golden boots clapping against the slippery stones of the wet ground. The mare's expression was serious yet determined, her head high in confidence. Her lips were thin in thought, and her blue eyes narrowed surveying the area around her. She wore a dark-blue top and dark purple shorts. She was intelligent however, knowing it would be slightly chilly, she put on warm black stockings that hugged both her legs naturally. The woman sighed, carrying a golden saddlebag that matched with her boots. The weather was fine, but it was slightly chilly and windy considering the dark clouds that hung over the skies; hiding the usually happy sun. She was walking steadily through Route 8, minding her own business, when she encountered a close friend of hers looking down at the giant puddles by the recent rain fall. "Hey, Sunny Blaze."

The said friend turned to her, and smiled sweetly at her best friend. She wore casual clothes. A white and yellow T-shirt with long black pants. But of course, she also wore clean white sneakers with that. She looked so comfortable, that it made the other best friend kind of envious. But she didn't really care anyway, this was her style of dressing.

"How are you Rarity? I'm just here watching the Pokémon splashing in the puddles. It's amazing how these little guys could love the water so much But then run off the moment it dries up."

"You should join them then. I'm sure they'd love the company." Rarity suggested with a snigger. Sunny shook her head violently, "I'm not the Water Type." Sunny responded. "You know I'm more into fire types."

"Yeah, because apparently, it's your mane colour."

"That's not true!" The immature mare exclaimed with a growing frown on her face.

"Whatever, Sunny. I have somewhere to be."

"Aww. OK. I have to go to Moor of the Moon to do some research, anyway. See yah!" The woman exclaimed before running off and splashing through the puddles. Rarity rolled her eyes as her friend left her. Rarity continued forth in the direction she was headed. Minutes later, she arrived to Sun Touch Bridge when she heard calls of distress. Rarity looked around, finding the sound peculiar. She went on, ignoring the calls when she heard it again. Curiosity hit her like a speeding train and she felt the need to find the source. Rarity's head turned everywhere, when she saw a Pokémon in front of something. Rarity squinted, before walking over to it. Shining was about to run off to get help, when he bumped into a leg. He stumbled back, looking at the thing he bumped into and was surprised to see a mare staring down at him. Shining meowed loudly. "What's a Liepard such as yourself yelling for no reason?" Shining hissed under his breath and ran back to Twilight's body. Rarity frowned, pausing before following the feline over to Twilight. Rarity was shocked to see blood on the ground. She rushed over to the body, turning her body over and realizing it was a young trainer.

"WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled, she turned to the cat and asking him. "Did YOU do this!?" Shining meowed angrily, and then hissed. "Oh, sorry. I can't make assumptions But What happened? Is she your trainer?" Shining nodded quickly. She believed it was some other Pokémon that had attacked this poor girl. She felt bad for the Liepard, seeing the worry in his eyes. Rarity frowned, she couldn't just leave this girl to die here! She bent down and picked Twilight up over her back. "Come on kitty cat! We need to get your trainer to a hospital. A.S.A.P!!" Shining agreed, following the mare that was carrying his friend. She half-ran half-walked back to the City she came from. She couldn't take her to Baltmare, for it was much too far and could waste further time. The three of them headed in the direction of Canterlot.

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas :twilightsmile:

Hear is a new chapter for you all to read.
Sorry it tacks so long to update but when
life gets in the way what can you do.
Hope to have more chapters out soon
Hope you all have a great Christmas :pinkiesmile::twilightsmile:

TwilightXLuna Out