• Published 15th Mar 2015
  • 2,581 Views, 61 Comments

Twilight Sparkle The Pokémon Heroine of White - TwilightXLuna

In the world of Pokémon and Ponies two young fillies will meet at a large castle and become great friends but they will be torn apart by evil. One of them will help to save the world of Ponies and Pokémon from the evil group.

  • ...

Chapter 10 - The Growing Tensions (Unedited)

Twilight was now headed toward Las Pegasus. To where she sought out to challenge Daring Do, the "Treasure Hunter". Whatever that meant, none of it mattered. She just wanted to defeat Spitfire and continue training her Pokémon. Moondancer had evolved into a Servine, looking absolutely outstanding! And Scootaloo had not evolved yet. (Even though she's level 26) She still didn't feel like evolving, and when she knew it would happen, it would. She also had another addition to the team. With her, was a little Zorua, given to her by a girl. It was disguised as a filly, but after Twilight had pulled on her unusual tail, she had transformed back into a Pokémon. Much to Twilight's shock. The little Zorua had found her interesting, and had joined her on the spot. She named the little fox, Sweetiebell. She was walking through, when suddenly, she spotted a little Deerling up ahead, munching on some apples that fell down from a apple tree. Twilight was astonished. Out of all the Deerling, it's coat was different! It was sort of light pink-ish instead of dark pink. She was so intrigued, that she sent out her Zorua, and had weakened it, before throwing a Ultra Ball finally catching it.

"Yes! We caught a Deerling!" Twilight exclaimed.

Zorua snickered, jumping on Twilight's shoulder. Twilight picked up the Ultra Ball and sent Deerling out. It looked at her and frowned, it's fur spiking up it was ready to attack.

"Oh! Calm down. It's OK!" Twilight smiled. The Deerling stopped frowning and stood there, confusion on her face. "Umm, Welcome to the team! Applebloom!"

Applebloom now tilted her head, blinking, and then a smile grew on her face, jumping in glee.

"Aahaha!" Twilight said, petting it's warm head. "We're gonna be friends! Very good friends!" She took out her Poke Dex, and it read the information out loud.

"Deerling - The turning of the seasons changes the colour and scent of this Pokémon’s fur. People use it to mark the seasons." It read.

"Got it! I hope we get to know each other more! Even though I can't understand you. I try to understand my friends as best as I can. I'll do the same for you! We're gonna have a good time!" Twilight exclaimed with glee. The Deerling went on it's hind legs and jumped again. "Rest up for now though, I have a Gym Battle first thing in the morning!" She whined silently. "Huh? What is it." Then she heard loud grumbling. "Oh! I'm sorry! You were eating when I caught you! When we get to the Pokémon Center, I'll give you some Pokémon Food. OK?" Twilight returned her into the Ultra Ball and smiled. She now walked through the entrance of Las Pegasus. After she greeted the Woman at the counter, she walked ahead, now finally at Las Pegasus. There were two water fountains on each side. There was a small staircase with four steps, nothing she couldn't jump over. She bounced up the stairs and smiled, seeing everything so colourful. But then what caught her eyes immediately caused her to frown. There were two Team Plasma grunts. She had messed with them before. They had tried to steal this little girl's Pokémon! And even tried to steal Pinkie's Munna! She was crying so much, she was lucky her cousin was there to comfort her at the least. She wouldn't stop crying! But her and Rainbow had dealt with the assholes that had made Pinkie cry, and she was ever so glad. She had even kissed Rainbow on the cheek and gave Rainbow a BIIIIIIIIG hug! She didn't get away with it though, for Ember, the Gym Leader at Dragon Land City; Whenever she saw Rainbow, she would tease her about it.

The Plasma dudes were in front of a bald stallion, who Twilight didn't recognize, but had a bike with him.

"Gramps! We know you run the Day Care! How do we know? Because we're Team Plasma!" The male Plasma said.

"What a lame excuse.." Twilight mumbled.

"We are taking Pokémon away from ponies. And since you work at the Day Care, we figure you must have a lot of Pokémon! Hand 'em over!" The female one said.

"What kind of nonsense is this!?" The Day-Care Man exclaimed, looking frightened. He turned over to look around, seeing Twilight, he ran over to her with his Bike. "Oh! A strong-looking Trainer! Please help me!"

"If you're going to get in our way, we'll take your Pokémon, too!" The male Plasma said, and before he knew it. His ass was kicked By a girl.

"This went downhill fast! So I think we'd better SCRAAAAAAM!! Let's hide out at the amusement park!" The female Plasma exclaimed. They ran away from Touko and into the Amusement Park. The Day-Care Man sighed in relief and turned to Twilight.

"Thank you so much! Please take this as a token of my gratitude. It's a brand-new Bike. I'd always planned on riding around Las Pegasus But I ended up never riding it." He said.

"Oh! Uum No thanks, mister. I'd rather go walking and running!" She said. "But if I need it, I'll come back for it some other time, just not now."

"Oh, very well, I have a Day Care on Route 3! I'll have the Bike there if you ever need it. And if you have any Pokémon you want me to raise, please drop them off! Well, I'll be off! Thank you!" He finally left. Twilight was smiling so much she forgot about Team Plasma. She slapped a hoof over her face, realization hitting her like a frying pan. She ran to the Amusement Park, looking at the Pokémon Center. She looked down at the Ultra Ball in her hand.

"Sorry Applebloom. I hope you can wait just a little longer." She said to her, she could see Appleblooms little form, she was smiling sympathetically and nodded. Twilight put her UltraBall, and looked around the Amusement Park. It was pretty big, the Ferris Wheel was humongous! Around there, she also found a lot of games and rides to ride. She shook her head, she had to find Team Plasma. She turned around, scratching her head, and blinking. She heard someone clearing their throat behind her, turned around, and squeaked in fright. Twilight blushed angrily, crossing her hooves. "What's your excuse now? Luna?"

Luna blinked, looking back into the Amusement Park, where all the ponies were busy having fun. Fillies and colts jumping, wanting to get into the rides eagerly, many eating ice cream, popcorn, cotton candy. She smiled, lifting her hat a little bit, and crossing her hooves over her chest. "I'm merely enjoying the sight seeing, darling. What brings you here?" Twilight blushed at the word that Luna used, she hid herself under her hat. She could've sworn Luna purred when she said the word, 'Darling'. She felt herself shiver, and frown, remembering she was her Rival. Not the friendly rivals, like Pinkie and Applejack. Luna was much different.

"Don't call me DARLING, Alright?" Twilight growled. "You have no right to say that after the way you've been treating me."

"Oh, But Twilight, I have come to realize that you are treating your friends kindly and with much affection I would've been force to take drastic measures on you if you abused Pokémon. However, since you don't, there is no need for me to see you as a threat any longer. I apologize for breaking your Poke Dex, and on behalf of my regret I shall help you." Luna said. "You're looking for Team Plasma, correct?" Twilight nodded quickly, remembering what she was here for.

"Yeah! Have you seen them?" Twilight exclaimed. "Please tell me you have!"

"They ran into the Amusement park. Come with me." Luna said, going ahead, Twilight was walking right behind Luna in pursuit. Twilight looked around, following Luna. She was coming closer to the Ferris Wheel. She was getting nervous, she didn't know why. Luna stopped in front of the empty Ferris Wheel, and looked around, tilting her head in confusion. "Hmmm, They're not here. Let's ride the Ferris wheel and see if we can spot them."

"W-wha-wha-whaaaat!? Me? Ride on THAT huge thing!? No way!" She said.

"Oh come now, you're not afraid. Are you?" Luna said, leaning on the door to the amusement ride with her hooves crossed.

"H-hey! D-D-don't get me wrong! I love Ferris Wheels! I just Don't feel alright riding it with you!" She exclaimed, blushing. Luna raised an eyebrow, and blinked. "OK, OK. Never mind! Let's just get on before I lose Team Plasma!" Twilight got inside first, and then Luna came inside, they both sat down, the doors closing on their own authority. It was slowly rising. Twilight looked out the window, ignoring the fact the Luna was now sitting down, WATCHING her. Luna looked so serious, but innocent at the same time. Twilight would've been friends with her, if she weren't so uptight and moody.

"I love Ferris wheel the circular motion, the mechanics. They're like collections of elegant formulas." Luna said softly, trying to kill the silence. Twilight looked over to her, as Luna's eyes were closed, looking as if she was sleeping. Twilight remembered something, she took out her Ultra Ball. She sent out Applebloom, who was now next to her on her seat, looking around in confusion. Luna glanced up, and stared at the deer. Applebloom stared at Luna for a long time, and looked at Twilight, who pet her on the head, afterwards looking through her bag, taking out a bowl, placing it in front of the eager Deerling.

"You're going to feed her?" Luna asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Twilight replied with a snark in her tone of voice. Luna visible flinched slightly, and looked away slightly, a growing frown on her face. Twilight's face soften a little bit, feeling guilty.

"I'm sorry. It's just you've been so rude to me, I feel like I have to defend myself. I don't mean being, mean. I just hate ponies who jump to conclusions about things and then get angry with ME about it; When there are obviously millions of ponies in this world doing the same thing. Like using the Poke Dex." Luna looked up at the mention of the information collector.

Twilight took out a bag of Pokémon food and emptied some on AB's bowl. She wagged her small tail. Twilight put the food away, and smiled down at AB. She looked up at Twilight and began eating her food hungrily. "It's a Shiny Deerling."

"A what?" Twilight said.

"A shiny Deerling." Luna said. Twilight shook her head, looking at Applebloom. She DID look different. Twilight looked up at Luna, and they stared at each other for a long time. Then she glanced further down, seeing her necklace. It was sort of strange.

"I noticed that thing hanging around you waist for some time now. What is it?" Twilight pointed over to her pants, Luna looked down and back up.

"Um my Pants?" She said slowly.

"No! I know what you're wearing!" Twilight said, flapping her hooves. "I mean, that cubey Rubik's thinga-majigie! What is it exactly? A Rubik's cube?"

"That's a Menger Sponge." Luna spoke, removing it from her belt and holding it in her hooves.

"Aren't sponges supposed to be well Spongey?" Twilight asked, looking rather confused. And for the first time she's met Luna gaze. Luna laughed, not a phony laugh. But a sincere laugh.

"No, it looks like a Rubik's cube, but I assure you, it is not. In mathematics, the Menger sponge is a fractal curve In which that it has a topological dimensional curve, and any other curve is homeomorphic to some subset of it." She explained. Twilight faked being lost.

"What? Speak English! Please! More simpler words if you don't mind?" She chuckled on the inside

"It cannot get simpler that that. It is rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts." Luna said, bouncing it in her hoof.

"Can I borrow it for a second?" Twilight said. Luna had a look of hesitation, but went to put it back around his belt. "Aw, don't be like that."

"I apologize, but I cannot lend this to you." She said.

"I'm not gonna break it." Twilight mumbled, hugging her knees close to her chest and frowning. There was a silence in the ride. Luna rolled her eyes and sighed in defeat. She held the Menger Sponge out to her, and Twilight beamed. She leaned over and grabbed it, holding it like it was gold. "Wow. I've never seen any of these before! I wonder if it's turntable" She tried to turn it like a Rubik's cube, but Luna stopped her right there.

"No! Don't turn it!" She yelled. "I've told you before! It's not a Rubik's cube!"

"But it looked turn-able." Twilight said, she huffed, frowning at the small device. "What the heck does this even do? I don't find any usefulness in this! This is no fun."

"Twilight, give it to me." Luna said, holding her hoof out. Twilight pouted, giving it back to Luna and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Boring piece of junk." Twilight said out loud, this apparently, had offended Luna.

"It's not BORING. It's simply too complicated for you to understand." Luna replied snottily, before chaining it back to her belt.

"What's THAT supposed to mean!?" She was getting angry. Applebloom was done minutes ago, and was watching as both were getting agitated. Applebloom used her hoof to scratch at Twilight's pants.

"Deee?" She was asking a question, tilting her head.

"It's OK, AB. She's not bothering me." Twilight said, taking AB's bowl and putting it back in her bag. Applebloom leaned forward to Twilight's waist, to her set of Poke Balls, and pressed one of them And the Ball opened to reveal Sweetiebell on Twilight's lap.

"Zooo?" Sweetie said, sitting down on Twilight. "Deee!" Luna seemed to have a shocked look on her face, right after seeing the Zorua.

"You have a Zorua?" Luna asked, sounding surprised and shocked. Twilight sweat-dropped, Ab had pressed the wrong button.

"Deee!" Applebloom exclaimed, pointing at the ball.

"You wanna go back inside?" Twilight asked, AB nodded, and she fulfilled AB's wishes, she returned AB back into her UltraBall. Luna flinched when she did so.

"How can Pokémon enjoy being inside Poke Balls? It must be dark and cold in there." Luna said.

"Oh come on. You haven't been in a Poke Ball, so stop saying those things! I didn't command Applebloom to go back into her Poke Ball. She did so on her own, because she likes it in there. You like being inside your Poke Ball too, right Sweetie?"

'Yeah! It's really cosy and warm inside! It gets annoying walking around! One size fits all! Heeheeheehee!' She snickered, nodding happily, agreeing with Twilight.

"I have never seen Pokémon so happy" Luna said, suddenly, the ride moved, coming to a halt. Twilight looked down the window, and noticed there was a jam in the system.

"No! It can't be jammed! Of all the ponies I had to be stuck with it was you!" Twilight exclaimed, pulling on her hair, she glanced at Luna, seeing her raise an eyebrow at Twilight. "Uhh, I mean, Yeah. We're stuck up here, Together." She was now laying comfortably on her side of the cart. Zorua lay down on her stomach as she looked down at her watch.

Luna watched Zorua as she was happily on Twilight. She looked down at the device on his necklace, hearing something.

".... Bzzzzt.... Bzzzt...L.. La......Lady Luna! Are you safe!?" It was coming from the device that was lingering around her neck, and it was whispering. Twilight looked over, hearing someone talking but shrugged. Luna lifted the ball around his neck up to his mouth, quietly.

"This is Lady Luna speaking. There's no problem. Go, quickly, and let this cover your retreat." She whispered back before turning it off. Twilight was confused as she glanced at Luna. Luna knew she was staring and answered her before she even asked. "This is a communicator device, I was speaking to some comrades."

"Hey, Luna." Twilight called.

"Yes, Twilight?"

"Why do you care about Pokémon so much?" She said, playing with the fur on Zorua's face. Luna tightened her grip on her hoof, she looked away from Twilight.

"I've lived with Pokémon for most of my life." She simply said. Twilight was surprised at Luna's answer, and she actually knew the reason. "Do you not care for Pokémon?"

"Don't get me wrong! I love Pokémon as much as you do. But, it's like your relate to them more or something." Twilight said, "It's like you're more comfortable to be around Pokémon than you are with Ponies"

Luna looked at her with another surprised look on her face.

"I'm not as stupid as you think." She said, using the same words Luna had used on her before. Luna looked at her for a while more and then chuckled silently to herself, shaking her head.

"Sometimes, you amaze me." She replied. Twilight stuck her tongue out playfully and scratched her head.

"I have a question then, If you're more comfortable being around Pokémon, Why is it OK to you for us to be in the same Ferris wheel, having this conversation right now?" Twilight said.

"You and I both are affectionate to Pokémon, is that not reason enough?" Luna replied.

"Seems to me it's more than that." Twilight countered. "Any other reasons?" Luna went silent, not really knowing why she was more comfortable with Twilight than with other humans. She finally shrugged, shaking her head.

"I don't really know the reason, But it seems like, We've known each other for a long time." Luna mumbled. Twilight shrugged, then gasped, frantically looking out the window.

"Oh no! Team Plasma is gonna get away!" Twilight said. "Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no-! Noooooo!" Pulling her hair, she turned to look at Luna. "Luna, do you have any flying Pokémon?"

"Not that I know of." She said. "Why don't you have Scootaloo help you?"

"Because, I don't wanna get her tired! Then how are you gonna get down? Oh noooo... They might be running away with smirks on their faces and saying- 'Hahaaa. We got away from that stupid little mare that defeated us earlier when we tried to steal those Pokémon from that Day-Care Stallion!' Oh no! Oh no! I'm freaking out ! I'm freaking out!!!" She paced around like a headless Combusken around the ride. Luna merely watched in her seat. "I'm gonna lose them! I'm gonna lose them! I knew I shouldn't have gone on this ride! I knew it!" Suddenly it began moving again, and Twilight stumbled next to Luna. Almost as if the Ferris wheel ride was telling her to just shut up and sit down. Twilight fixed her hat, sitting up straight and looking at Luna to her left. Then she looked out the window. "Come on Ferris Wheel! Faster! Fasterrr!"

"You yelling in my ear isn't going to make this ride go any faster." Luna said shaking his head in disapproval. Twilight glared at her, and looked back outside. Sweetiebell jumped from the other side and on Twilight's back, looking from her shoulder for Team Plasma. She jumped eagerly in her seat, not wanting to wait a second.

"I can't believe I forgot all about them." Twilight said, sinking back into her seat slowing. "What the hell is wrong with me?"

"That's why we entered the ride in the first place"

"And you didn't remind me I was digressing and doing something OTHER than looking! Those creeps were asking for it when they battled me! I wanted to send their asses to jail for even assaulting and harassing an old Stallion!" Twilight yelled. "Wait till I get outta here, I'm going to toughen up my friends to challenge the gym leader and THEN go and get their asses in jail."

"I'm afraid you won't be doing that." Luna said darkly.


"I can't let you send them to jail." Luna replied. "It is only natural that I protect the ponies who are aiding me."

"Aiding you in what? What are you talking about?"

"You see I am the Queen of Team Plasma." Silence just hung there like a Woobat on a tree. Her eyes widened, she got up from her seat, looking down at Luna. "Nightmare Moon asked me to work with her to save Pokémon. I do wonder how many Pokémon live in this world."

"You're their Queen? But, How, Why?" Twilight started.

"Do you not understand why I brought you here? It wasn't to help you look for Team Plasma, it was to cover their retreat." She said, finally standing up. Twilight's left eye twitched, she began hyperventilating slightly, making the most angriest frown in the world.

"You, You tricked me." Twilight growled, tightening her hoof in anger. "You jerk!" She yelled, holding her hooves over Luna like they were claws and baring her teeth. She held back, looking out the window, seeing as the ride was coming to an end. She didn't wait, she opened the doors and jumped off, landing on her feet. It wasn't that high up in the air anyway. She was going to run off and follow them, but suddenly the Gurrdurr from before stopped her in her tracks with it's Steel Beam. Luna had jumped off as well and was now in front of her. She was trying to get past Luna, but she kept side-stepping her.

"Out of my WAY!" Twilight yelled. "You, You." She didn't know what to say, she was extremely angry with him. "How COULD you!? I should've known! I NEVER should have trusted you!!" Luna held a blank stare.

"Do you follow my logic?" She asked. "Do you understand why I am a part of that group?"

"Perfectly well! You asshole!" Twilight said.

"If true your words please me. Then The future I envision Where Pokémon are liberated at last But for that future." She stepped closer to Twilight, their faces coming very close. She had a glare on her face, Luna had a glare of her own. "I'll defeat the Champion and become unbeatable, unlike any other! I'll make all Trainers free their Pokémon! Just try and stop me! If you want to be together with Pokémon, your only hope is to collect the Badges from each area and head for the Pokémon League! Try and stop me there, if you dare! If your conviction is not strong enough, you will never be able to defeat me." And with that. She left with her Gurrdurr, who growled at Twilight. She just stood their, a tear sliding on her cheek as Luna left. She wiped them away, setting out for the Pokémon Center. She was sitting at the lobby chairs, all her Pokémon eating, AB rubbing her head against Twilight's leg. She shed a few tears from her eyes, wiping them away again. Why did Luna have to be so cruel to her? She tricked her. She felt so betrayed. She was in a rented room in the Pokémon Center, she was now on her bed, all her Pokémon curled around her in her sleep. She looked out the window, and at the Ferris Wheel which was glowing in the night. She sighed, scratching her head, and thinking about Luna.

'Why? Why would She do something like that? I can't believe I had started to trust her! She's my enemy! But I can't help but feeling betrayed for some reason.' She thought, then shook her head in reality. 'No. If I keep my mind on her I'll just be distracted with the gym battle! I have to stop thinking about it, I can't get the ride out of my head!' She fell asleep with that last thought.

It was morning. Scootaloo was chirping in her ear, waking her up like Twilight told him to do. "Scootaloo." Twilight said, sitting up on her bed. "Thanks." She got off of her bed, going to the bathroom and washing up.


She was so distracted. She couldn't stop thinking about Luna's words. "Why am I so scared?" She said. "Maybe I should walk around." She walked around the place.

"Hey! Twilight! Yoo-hoo!" Someone called. Twilight turned around to see Pinkie and Rainbow coming her way. Pinkie skipped over to Twilight. "The Professor told us Las Pegasus has a lot of things to see and do like the amusement park, Big Stadium, Small Court, and the Battle Subway! We're going to the Pokémon Musical, wanna come?"

"Oh, yeah! I need to get my mind off of some things." Twilight agreed. "Wait, Rainbow agreed to this?"

"Yeah. She says I have to come or she's going to drag me by my Main." Rainbow grumbled.

"Heehee! You got that right!" Pinkie giggled.

"And we all know Rainbow would have followed you anyway." Twilight smirked. Her cousin scoffed and crossed her hooves.

"Let's just go already!" Rainbow said looking away from them. They all walked to the Musical and entered the colourful building.

"A Mazing Isn't it?!" Pinkie exclaimed. Suddenly, a Stallion in a suit appeared in front of them, all formal and dressed.

"Hello, you three! How do you do?" He said politely. "I'm the owner of this theatre. Pleasure to meet you! Ooh! I must say that you three seem like phenomenal Trainers! What do we do here? We us Props to make your Pokémon fashionable and glamorous! Do you want to join in and play Dress Up? Here's a Prop Case to get the three of you started!" He handed all three of them a Prop Case. Twilight and Pinkie squealed, but Rainbow glanced at it like a virus.

"It's pink." Rainbow said.

"Oh, my apologies, but we only have the Prop Case in the colour pink. I do apologize." He said.

"Oh goody." Rainbow rolled her eyes. Looking at Pinkie who was laughing at her. "I should've ditched you when I had the chance."

"You wouldn't ditch moi!" Pinkie said. "I mean. This is all I can say! You wouldn't ditch your BESTEST friend in this entire WOOOOOOOOORLD!"

"Not to mention that she just ADORES you! She's not the sweetest pony in the world, but even SHE wouldn't have the heart to be able to do that." Twilight grinned. Rainbow blushed deeply, sending daggers over to her cousin.

"Awwwww! That's so sweeeet Rainbow!" Pinkie giggled.

"As I was saying, This Prop Case lets you store Props for decorating your Pokémon! If you wish to know more, talk to the receptionist and she will explain everything. Let us say a brief farewell. I eagerly anticipate seeing you all on stage!" After saying that, the owner walked away, leaving them to ponder.

"Oh, I don't know what to do!" Pinkie said.

"Doing the musical would be totally cool, but there's stuff I got to do." Twilight said.

"OK. That's it!" Rainbow said, putting away the prop case in her bag and beginning to walk out. "I'm going to see the sights in Las Pegasus! Catch you girls later."

"What happened to you adoring meee? Heeeey! Rainbow." Pinkie whined, both Pinkie and Twilight following after her. When they walked out, they saw Rainbow stop next to the sign, apparently frozen like a Deerling. "What's up Rainbow? Why are you" She stopped and gasped, dropping her Prop Case. Twilight was equally surprised. Standing right in front of them, was Pinkie's Father. Igneous Rock.

"F - F - Father!? W-w-what are you doing here?" Pinkie stuttered. Twilight picked up Pinkie's Prop Case and put away her own without taking her eyes off Igneous.

"I've come to take you back home, young lady!" He said, his hooves were crossed in a stern manner. He didn't look very happy. "When your mother told me that you'd made it all the way out here, I was furious and disappointed in you, Pinkie!"

"But" Pinkie started.

"Haven't you gone far enough?" Igneous said. "Your mother and me have been worried sick!"

"No way!" Pinkie exclaimed, going behind Rainbow and holding onto her hoof. "I'm going to keep traveling with Rainbow and my Pokémon!"

"Absolutely not!" He yelled, taking a step forward while Rainbow took a step back, a glare on her face. "Others do things their way, and we do things ours!"

"Really? Then, how about you do things your way, and I'll do things mine!" Pinkie said bravely.

"No. You are coming straight home! Don't disobey me Pinkie Or"

"Or what?" Rainbow growled.

"Rainbow!" Twilight whispered.

"There are many ponies in this world whose way of thinking is completely different from yours. Sometimes, it means you can get hurt." Rainbow said.

"And you are exactly right! It's because I'm worried about that." Igneous trailed off.

"But it's important to know other ponies' way of thinking. It lets you see things differently that you never thought of before." Rainbow said, her anger disappearing.

"Being different is OK." Twilight smiled. "And you shouldn't worry about that."

"We have Pokémon by our side that we can depend on. To be our friends." Rainbow said. "I know there's gonna be painful stuff like you're worrying about. There's tons of nice ponies out there. And because Pinkie has been traveling with Pokémon, I can tell she's gotten tougher." Pinkie looked at Rainbow with a big smile on her face, something that Igneous has never seen before.

He looked to the ground, and thought about it, frowning afterwards. "Please, sir. Even though I look scrawny, I'm tough too. And no matter what, I'd do anything to protect Pinkie. Even if it means giving up on my adventure too, if she can't travel with me."

"Hmm, I guess. If wanting to continue your journey is selfishness on your part, wanting to stop you is selfishness on mine." He said. "I'm surprised to find I'm the one being childish at my age! Pinkie, what your friend has helped me realize something. I'm sure it's better that you take the path you want to take now, learning new things, but also becoming stronger on the inside. I hope that your journey will be fun, but be sure to be cautious to who you're meeting. If you ever decide to come home, we'll welcome you with open arms. Be sure to call once in a while, just to make sure you're all right. Well, bon voyage." He said his good-byes, but stopped, his back to them.

"And Rainbow?" Igneous said. "Protect my little girl."

Rainbow smiled, and nodded. "I promise."

"Thank you." He finally said, before leaving at last. Pinkie exhaled rapidly, covering her mouth with her hoof. She was so happy, she started to cry. Twilight and Rainbow both turned to her and smiled.

"You did it Rainbow!" Twilight exclaimed. "You convinced him! Pinkie! You can still travel!"

"I can't believe it." Pinkie said, covering her eyes from crying. "He, He actually let me! I was so scared he would take me back!" Rainbow and Twilight both hugged her at the same time. "Thank you so much for standing up for me!"

"Hey. It was no problem." Rainbow said, a hint of a smile on her face. Twilight smirked at her as they both hugged Pinkie.

"Oh, here, Pinkie." Touko smiled, handing her the Prop Case. Pinkie smiled back, taking it and putting it away.

"Thank you." Pinkie said, wiping away her tears and taking deep breaths. "I'm OK now." Rainbow pulled away from her and smiled. "I'm so lucky to have such good friends."

"Hey, You know you always have us!" Twilight said. "Right?"

"Right! Well come ON Rainbow! Let's go already!" Pinkie said, taking Rainbow's hoof and pulling her. "Well! See yah later Twilight! And good luck with the gym challenge!"

"Thanks Pinkie! I need it! See you love birds later!" Twilight said.

"We're not" Rainbow started.

"Be quiet! DASHIE!" Pinkie taunted.

"Hey! You know how much I hate That!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"It's OK Dashie! You don't have to like it for me to use it!" Pinkie said.

"Haah!" Twilight said, and they were gone. Twilight smiled, afterwards sighing, her sad look returning to her face. She walked along the streets, slumping slightly. Feeling depressed. She frowned, a look of anger on her face. 'When I see that bastard again I'm going to No, no violence is not the answer, I have to calm down If I see him again I won't trust her anymore That's it!'

Author's Note:

Sorry it has been so long since my last update I just hope I can get the story done by the end of the year. So I hope you all like this new chapter.

Happy 20 years of Pokémon

TwilightXLuna Out