• Published 3rd Apr 2015
  • 2,818 Views, 44 Comments

Wolf in Wood - Lord Despair

This is an story about an Timber wolf's adventures in the little town of Ponyville

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Thorns and Hooves part 1

Author's Note:

Short chapter...

Trixie's Carriage
Oakfang's PoV

“Trixie Lulumoon.” the mare replied with a smile of her own.

“Lulumoon you say?”, “My, what a lovely name.”I said recalling what limited knowledge the pack elders were willing to share of the elder days, “If I recall correctly, the Lulumoon clan were the favored of Lady Luna.” My father was only but a pup himself when Lady Luna was banished from the land she loved so well, yet all wolves remember the kind spirit of the night. She often left out food for us during the time when the winter robbed the trees of their leaves and the hunting was scarce. Though she never knew about us, the pack would never allow us to show ourselves while they sought to drive the ponies out of our forest, they succeeded just days after the banishment. “Even after the lost of the night spirit, the Lulumoons remained loyal to the night throne.”

“How did.... yes, my family always stayed true to the night princess but how do you know that? And you call Princess Luna, lady?” said Trixie with a questioning look about her before massaging her temples with her hooves. “Oh please forgive Trixie but she is having trouble with this... situation, or that fact a timberwolf that shouldn’t be able to speak, can speak and knows about her family’s past.”

“We live in a world of magic not of logic, after all I am made of out wood and vines. The ability to speak is rather mute when compared to what else dwells in this world of ours. We are isolationist race by our nature and well, due of our kind's great age... and some ill business in the past. We don't have relations with those outside of our sacred forest, this always been our way of protecting ourselves even before the time of ponies. Or least until I decided to abandon my pack and have open talks with you ponies, just be speaking to you is enough for the others to end me..” I said tailing off with a crack of wood.

“Oh you poor thing!” said the blue mare placing her hoof on top of my wooden paw, as if trying to comfort me, “You must be so brave, leaving everything behind knowing that if you ever returned meant your death”, “That is something I could never do. This carriage is my home and that of my clan, leaving it behind would be like turning my back on them… (she tails off for an second with a pained expression) or rather what's left of it.”

“What's left of it? What happen? the Lulumoons were one of the largest and most respected family of ponies, the very founders of night guard and the high magic collage.” I said in confuse tone. Some of the elders that manage to spy on the unicorns before Luna’s banishment, often regaled the pack of the wonders they had seen.

“Sparkles” she hissed in hatred, “The Sparkle Clan, my families great enemy and rivals, Celestia’s pets. They stole the greatest of the lulamoons. They ruined us after Luna’s banishment and the series of gryphon invasions that followed Celestia becoming the sole ruler of Equestria.” She then let out a calming breath before her face softens, her hoof then starts playing with the remnants of her salad. “We never recovered from our fall from our grace.. Then what lulamoons of old called ‘the sundering times’ happened, we were attacked by changelings and Sparkles challenging us for what little power we still had… the clan all but died out leaving my branch as the last ones. To this very day only a hoof-full of Lulamoons exist ”

“Sparkles.” I growled, “I should've know that they were behind it… what happen then Trixie.” So I had another that suffered at the hooves of house sparkle.

“Like my mother and her before her, I became a traveling magician and I was good at it. Trixie’s magic shows were beloved and she had fans that came to see her with flowers and other treats in thanks yet again a sparkle ruined me. Now I am a laughing stock of the trade and my audience abandoned, Every town runs her out of town when her carriage appears. Leaving me only with the choice to return to the town that ruined my life in hopes that I could redeem myself.” said Trixie, her hoof stops playing with her salad and the look on her face was one of sorrow, “ it I fail it would be the end of my act.. My life.”

“Is there an opening?” I asked with an crack of a wooden smile, my thorney claws unsheathed themselves in anticipation. I knew what could be done to help Trixie and introduce myself to the ponies at the same time.

“What?” asked Trixie blinking owlishly

“I said is there an opening in the show?” I repeated myself

“Yes..”, she said in confusion before said confusion melted away, her eyes sparkling, “you have an idea dontcha.”

“Yes I do but it is a risky one.”

“I’m all ears Oakfang~” She sanged

Ponyville hospital
Twilight’s pov

“And that how it happened Gilda.” I said to the gryphon, we all are sitting outside of the of the emergency room, each of us wearing worrisome looks on our faces. Rainbow and Applejack were busy pacing back and forth at the door, while I and Gilda sat in the chairs that the nurse left out for us, “ While Rarity and pinkie couldn’t come to see Fluttershy on the counts of their jobs but I’m sure Fluttershy appreciates your help in bring her here.” However I still couldn’t get that timberwolf out of my mind, it was no wolf that I ever seen, it’s eyes were white instead of yellow. Every wolf I had seen since I first learned about them had yellow eyes, there was something wrong with that wolf… I searched my books and all of them never mention a wolf ever having white eyes if it could founded again I need to capture it to further study it.

“ I… see, what happen with the wolf?” asked cocky Gryphon.

“It disappear right before you showed up, Rainbow Dash and Big Mac couldn’t kept up with it or outsmart, it was like it knew that we were trying to trap it in town.” It didn’t make any sense, how could it known? The books never mention anything about timberwolves being intelligent, they were only magically enchanted hulks of wood and nothing more. They lacked any other notable characteristics, the very idea of timberwolves were rather mute one and they weren’t even officially recognized in the bestiaries till a pony in the Everfree exploration company very unlucky felled straight into one of their dens before being mauled to death ten years after the Nightmare moon incident. Even Celestia didn’t knew about them and there have been no true attempts to study them on the count the timberwolves can be extremely skittish creatures.

“Ah if only I’ve shown up sooner.” groaned Gilda with her talons cradling her head. “I could of turned that wolf into firewood, alast I shown up to the fight late. I’ll never heard the end of it from Grandpa Gruff!”

“But still you did showed up that should mean something to the Gryphon culture.” I said knowing the rules of gryphon culture, the gryphon people were more of an interesting culture than most ponies gave them for. There was countless books about the one race that was framed for dragon slaying, though I never let Spike read the books for obvious reasons, he was still a baby after all despite living with me for sixteen years. If he was a pony he would’ve be an adult.

Gilda sighs “Yeah you're right, it does.” then her eyes narrows at me, “But doesn't mean that I have to like it! By Griffinstone I-”

“TWILIGHT!!!!” an sudden scream startled us, causing for the both of our wings to smack against each others, gasps of pleasure squeaked from us as the uber sensitive feathers rubbed against other before falling on to the hospital floor with me on top of Gilda. Heavy blushes graced our cheeks but the redness was more noticeable on the Gryphon thanks to her white facial feathers. I scrambled to get off of her yet the more I moved the more tangled our wings became, and the more so the red on our cheeks.

“Holy Giffinstone!” shouts the Gryphon “Quit moving your wings ya pervert!”


Gilda tired of my struggling, shoves me off of her causing my shoulder to bash against the hard floor and glared at me with Gryphonian ire in her eyes, “Keep yours hooves/wings to yourself, I’m not some easy laid… buy me dinner first next time!”
“What!?” I squeaked with my eyes wide. I could hear giggling in the background but I didn’t dare to look at my friends or their destined teasing.

“Come pervert there a wolf in town” she says with a smirk “That can make up for what you just did to me.” her tail flicks my snout before running out of the emergency room, leaving me there on the floor.

“W-was I just… was I just asked out?” I said stunned, I was asked out.. An date, a gryphonian date nonetheless.. Slowing turning to face two of my best friends in the world and their clearly evil treasonous grins, “I not going to hear the end of this am I?”

“Eyup” went both Applejack and Rainbow dash. “Go get ‘er ladykiller.”