• Published 3rd Apr 2015
  • 2,817 Views, 44 Comments

Wolf in Wood - Lord Despair

This is an story about an Timber wolf's adventures in the little town of Ponyville

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Prologue Time

An thousand years in the future

My glowing white eyes stared at the river as the current ran like the ever blowing wind, I simply sat at it's edge just watching the dark water burble and eddy past the outcrop of stones. I sat like that for a few long, silent minutes, lost in remembrance as the cool summer breeze gently brush against my worn rotting wooden frame my long moss mane swing in the said breeze. Voices and faces long since past filled what one would call my ears.... a small smile crack in my wooden muzzle, I close my glowing eyes holding onto the faces so many memories such fond memories they are, even now in my old age I still could recall them clearly Rainbow Dash that old hag was a bitch to the end, Twilight Sparkle she's a fool only just a bigger fool now........that arrogant bastard of an prince, Blueblood better known as Blueballs so many others come to mind.....but there only one face I truly wish to see one last time the face of my love oh how I miss her tis seem only yesterday when we first meet at this very same river how I long to hold her in my thorny paws one more time feel her soft silky fur against my rough wooden hide. I let out a sigh it won't be long now, soon my darling soon I will join you in the great forest in the sky but there's something I must take care of first......

''Come on out tis bad manners to stalk a wolf'' I called out to my 'guest' refusing to turn away from the river. I knew who it was scent is something you can't really mask for an born hunter, if I was younger I would be more aggressive towards her but now in my advance age it did little to bother me. It funny you know if you live long enough things that use to bother you lose that ability in mere years.

No answer

''I know you're there, I been smelling your stinking hind all the way from town, out on out and quit sulking like an changeling '' I said while shaking my head at my guest antics disapprovingly '' speaking of changelings hows your colt? I hear he's married an changeling princess perhaps attempting to unite the ponies with their changeling brethren.''

This time my only answer was an set of hooves clopping unseen the only reason why cause I keep my graze upon the swirling waters.......it would so easy all I had to do was jump and then I would be reunited with my love. Yet in my heart I knew she wouldn't want that, hen she'll probably kick my wooden ass back into the world of living to live my last few seasons. would it be worth it? to see her again by taking my own life............my heart tells me yes while I know that it wasn't the case I still had a few loose ends to tie before I could finally sleep the final sleep.

''Oakfang'' said an familiar feminine voice from behind me '' what are you doing at here? you should be back in Ponyville with the rest of our friends.''

''Your friends you mean Twilight, mine are all gone for I am the only one left.'' I said while taking out my most prized possession an pipe that my love had given to me for our first hearths warming together it was an simple wooden pipe but in it was craved our names........it all I had left to remember her by ''you mind if I smoke?''

''Yes I do mind it's not healthy and destroys the lungs......Oakfang you shouldn't be like to that our friends, they love having you around especially when you tell stories'' said Twilight with an pout

'' Suite yourself my little pony,'' I said nonchalantly while lighting up my pipe for an drag. taking an slow n deep drag from the pipe the smoke leaked out from the cracks in my rotting wood Timber wolves never aged pretty rotting wood, very uncomfortable swelling knots in our wood.......falling apart, think of an very old wooden house and you'll would be close to how an Timber wolves ages. ''Twilight you remember this river?

'' It's called the vanishing river only on truly sunny days the waters could be seen, if not sunny then the river disappears from sight but it's still there........something to do with the natural magics of Equestria '' said Twilight no doubt using the knowledge she had gathered in her library I never understood how she even could live in one dusky old books buried in layers of dust at an time it's not something I would call normal then again it is Ponyville after all and who am I too judge? I am an Timber wolf that left the Everfree, to an town of strange and weird ponies I am the strange one.

''For me it's where I first met her...........'' I tail off falling into silence for an few moments my memory started to grow a bit hazy with an shake of my head I casted off the haziness focusing on my love's violent eyes '' I'm dying Twilight......I know it you know it, I don't have too feel it in my wood to know it .''

''Oakfang.....'' said Twilight in sad tone I didn't need to look at her to know that her head was down in an submission pose if I was an younger wolf this would had been the perfect time to strike but I am not, we both had grew out of the people we were when we were younger. '' it doesn't have to be this way I'm sure that we could find the c-

She stops in mid-sentence when she noticed my glowing white eyes were looking at her '' Twilight stop, just stop this is something that happens no magic is ever going to fix me, you learn that when your friends died nine hundred years ago''

''But'' said Twilight sheepishly her Amethyst eyes failed to met me in the eye '' its not death or age that's taking it's toll on you......it's something else......please Oakfang let me help you''

Taking a couple more drags from the pipe I thought of Twilight's offer......what if she could reverse the damage? it could very well save my life but was it worth it? Death will come for me if not now but just in an few odd years, Twilight wouldn't be left alone yet she still has her family and the other Alicorns to keep her company........I had nothing keeping me here. No it wouldn't be worth living one more year ''I wish to tell you a story Twilight''

Author's Note:

Well here's my first attempt at rewriting Wolf in Wood, so what ya'll think?