> Wolf in Wood > by Lord Despair > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An thousand years in the future My glowing white eyes stared at the river as the current ran like the ever blowing wind, I simply sat at it's edge just watching the dark water burble and eddy past the outcrop of stones. I sat like that for a few long, silent minutes, lost in remembrance as the cool summer breeze gently brush against my worn rotting wooden frame my long moss mane swing in the said breeze. Voices and faces long since past filled what one would call my ears.... a small smile crack in my wooden muzzle, I close my glowing eyes holding onto the faces so many memories such fond memories they are, even now in my old age I still could recall them clearly Rainbow Dash that old hag was a bitch to the end, Twilight Sparkle she's a fool only just a bigger fool now........that arrogant bastard of an prince, Blueblood better known as Blueballs so many others come to mind.....but there only one face I truly wish to see one last time the face of my love oh how I miss her tis seem only yesterday when we first meet at this very same river how I long to hold her in my thorny paws one more time feel her soft silky fur against my rough wooden hide. I let out a sigh it won't be long now, soon my darling soon I will join you in the great forest in the sky but there's something I must take care of first...... ''Come on out tis bad manners to stalk a wolf'' I called out to my 'guest' refusing to turn away from the river. I knew who it was scent is something you can't really mask for an born hunter, if I was younger I would be more aggressive towards her but now in my advance age it did little to bother me. It funny you know if you live long enough things that use to bother you lose that ability in mere years. No answer ''I know you're there, I been smelling your stinking hind all the way from town, out on out and quit sulking like an changeling '' I said while shaking my head at my guest antics disapprovingly '' speaking of changelings hows your colt? I hear he's married an changeling princess perhaps attempting to unite the ponies with their changeling brethren.'' This time my only answer was an set of hooves clopping unseen the only reason why cause I keep my graze upon the swirling waters.......it would so easy all I had to do was jump and then I would be reunited with my love. Yet in my heart I knew she wouldn't want that, hen she'll probably kick my wooden ass back into the world of living to live my last few seasons. would it be worth it? to see her again by taking my own life............my heart tells me yes while I know that it wasn't the case I still had a few loose ends to tie before I could finally sleep the final sleep. ''Oakfang'' said an familiar feminine voice from behind me '' what are you doing at here? you should be back in Ponyville with the rest of our friends.'' ''Your friends you mean Twilight, mine are all gone for I am the only one left.'' I said while taking out my most prized possession an pipe that my love had given to me for our first hearths warming together it was an simple wooden pipe but in it was craved our names........it all I had left to remember her by ''you mind if I smoke?'' ''Yes I do mind it's not healthy and destroys the lungs......Oakfang you shouldn't be like to that our friends, they love having you around especially when you tell stories'' said Twilight with an pout '' Suite yourself my little pony,'' I said nonchalantly while lighting up my pipe for an drag. taking an slow n deep drag from the pipe the smoke leaked out from the cracks in my rotting wood Timber wolves never aged pretty rotting wood, very uncomfortable swelling knots in our wood.......falling apart, think of an very old wooden house and you'll would be close to how an Timber wolves ages. ''Twilight you remember this river? '' It's called the vanishing river only on truly sunny days the waters could be seen, if not sunny then the river disappears from sight but it's still there........something to do with the natural magics of Equestria '' said Twilight no doubt using the knowledge she had gathered in her library I never understood how she even could live in one dusky old books buried in layers of dust at an time it's not something I would call normal then again it is Ponyville after all and who am I too judge? I am an Timber wolf that left the Everfree, to an town of strange and weird ponies I am the strange one. ''For me it's where I first met her...........'' I tail off falling into silence for an few moments my memory started to grow a bit hazy with an shake of my head I casted off the haziness focusing on my love's violent eyes '' I'm dying Twilight......I know it you know it, I don't have too feel it in my wood to know it .'' ''Oakfang.....'' said Twilight in sad tone I didn't need to look at her to know that her head was down in an submission pose if I was an younger wolf this would had been the perfect time to strike but I am not, we both had grew out of the people we were when we were younger. '' it doesn't have to be this way I'm sure that we could find the c- She stops in mid-sentence when she noticed my glowing white eyes were looking at her '' Twilight stop, just stop this is something that happens no magic is ever going to fix me, you learn that when your friends died nine hundred years ago'' ''But'' said Twilight sheepishly her Amethyst eyes failed to met me in the eye '' its not death or age that's taking it's toll on you......it's something else......please Oakfang let me help you'' Taking a couple more drags from the pipe I thought of Twilight's offer......what if she could reverse the damage? it could very well save my life but was it worth it? Death will come for me if not now but just in an few odd years, Twilight wouldn't be left alone yet she still has her family and the other Alicorns to keep her company........I had nothing keeping me here. No it wouldn't be worth living one more year ''I wish to tell you a story Twilight'' > Evergreen hearts part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A thousands in the past Look at them my son the blissfully ignorant ponies, Celestia's Chosen. They think that the land is their by right fools that what they are for this lands was ours long before they stole it. They believe the peace they enjoy has no price. They have no idea of the war that was waged, and the sacrifices made, to win these things which they take for granted. Alas that is how it must be. For if they ever learned the truth, everything would be undone. Listen well my son, consider it, and then never speak of it for as long as you live. The memory of my fathers' words echoed in my head as I walked alone in the forest depths, The darken ocean of the trees that surrounded me as if in sad greeting, gently swayed in the midnight breeze, I had always truly loved nights like this, the thick branches of the trees above made the wild trail nearly impossible to see despite the brilliant light of the full moon, my wooden paws guide themselves expertly though the darken path without tripping over any obstacles only those that are of the forest could move like this...... light or no light. The vast large silhouettes of bushes and trees surrounded me, their dark shadows calm my rather fired nerves as I walked silently in the night my path slowly became wider and wider. I couldn't be too far from the edge now. I stopped for an moment to truly think about what I was doing........if my actions were to come to pass then everything would be undone. Everything the ancient wolves wrote thousands of moons ago would be meaningless and the truth would be finally reveled. some of the dark trees were starting to look unfamiliar and unwarped by the ancient magics they stood straight not an twist in the wood.....as the path bent around a large tree, I could see an opening in the ''tamed'' trees. An town could be seen up ahead, a few soft lights dotting the area here and there. Most of the town would have been asleep by now. That is good if I was lucky, I could probably enter it without alerting the pony folk and find a place to rest, to my misfortune there were barely any trees between where the town and where I stood at the forest edge. An quick scan showed no sign of the ponies but there was no telling how large the town was, either. If I were to circumscribe said town, I probably wouldn't have enough time to sneak in safety before the sun rose. My glowing eyes studied the town again, most of the lights in the villages were off. Assuming that meant that the ponies were fast asleep in their homes. sneaking in might be as simple as navigating through the darkened paths I fixed my glowing white eyes on the nearest tree and crept towards it as if it was prey. Even if there weren't any ponies around, I didn't want to take the chance of walking out in the open... just not yet anyways. My wooden form moved from tree to tree, getting closer and closer to the village. At the very last tree I nearly let my guard down until I noticed a single figure up ahead. Offering thanks to the Lords of the Forest for my wooden body, I blend in evenly with the said tree, it hadn't noticed me yet, the dim light of the moon was just bright enough for me to take the moment of advantage and study it or rather her as she walked by. The said female happen to be a pony if the scent of spicy feminine undertone was anything to go by...... I had seen this one in the forest many times standing about half of my size which is about three paws high to my five, orange fur, blond mane with a worn old Stetson, freckles....no those are white markings on her muzzle, green as the spring leaves eyes and of course she had one of those pointless marks on her juicy flanks in the shape of a trio of apples I felt my jaws water insatiably at the sight primal instincts threaten to overwhelm me once again my claws rush out from their sheaths equally lusting after the mare's flesh the need to maul and rip her to shears erupts in my being, I quickly and silently shook my head displacing the thoughts that years of living in wild gifted me with. Now is not the time for the wild to take my mind if my plan to succeed then I must forget what the wilds had taught me and show the true colors of an timber-wolf. To my relief the orange mare failed to notice me as her pass by mere inches from discovering me, kept on trotting on her way. My nose greedily drink in her scent...........Apples and sweat..........Ah she's farmer. An wolfish grin crack in the wood that made up my face ''Where's an farmer there an farm, where there an farm lot's of land meaning for me a well hidden place to rest.'' Sticking to the shadows of the darken path I shadow her, silently as the wind I follow her from afar my innate skills and talents as an predator and former inhabitant of the forest blind the mare to the danger that she was foolishly leading to her home if I was different wolf I would of howl with laughter at the situation a pony leading an wolf into her town and bed.....(I let out a silent chuckle).........oh sweet Lords of the Forest she'll never live it down but then again if I was another wolf then she'll be mauled and ripped to shreds. She doesn't know how lucky she truly is in this moment yet since I don't believe in luck she's either a fool or fortunate I decide to go with the latter of the two. As I followed her pass the darken buildings which with each we past the more outlandish the said buildings become, What is wrong with these ponies I mean who in the right mind builds a four-story, life sized gingerbread house of actual gingerbread ugh it going to take days for my nose to clear out that stale smell ever so often my ears pick on my guide mumbling to herself something about an two timing no good piece of shit or something along the lines probably about an now currently former mate. Anyways there I was shadowing the pony as she leads me though the sleeping town soon we pass an marketplace that strangely still filled with various produce....... Fresh produce where in the name of the forest are the shopkeepers! no wolf leaves their stock out where other wolves could steal it.... these ponies are strange indeed. We leave the market quickly before I got another chance to witness more idiotic pony ways as we walked farther away her mumbling grew louder which I wanted to tune out but I also wanted to know why she was mumbling in the first place. ''I don't get it....I-I thought we had something why he left mah for that two-bit horse ain't Ah mare enough for him'' she mumbles I could hear a sniffle An wolfish frown pasted itself on my muzzle ''I guess I called it....but why did he? You seem like an nice female granted that I don't know the guy and I'm shadowing you so I'm not the wolf to ask'' I thought to myself, my glowing eyes glance that the distort mare for the strangest reason I wanted to tell her something like it will be alright she find another guy I ignore that feeling if I even bother trying to talk to her she would scream once she saw me alerting the other ponies to my present which I didn't need that the moment. The rest of 'our' journey was spent in almost total silence minus my 'guides' sniffles my wooden heart goes out to the young mare it truly does soon, we reach an dusty trail that I believe to lead the outskirts of the town I could see a vast orchard of apples trees surrounded by a white fence and an large homestead in the distance an light breeze sweetly crests my guide's mane as her trot slowed enjoying the breeze before it brush up against my wooden form unlike her I'm almost completely unable to feel the such pleasure on the count of being made out of wood sure there were ways for an Timber-wolf to feel pleasure only if you could stand the agony that came with it. Figuring it was time to break off on my guide I headed for the tree line as she stayed on the path up to what I assure was her home there I waited for her to enter the pony household closing the door behind her after a while I moved deeper into the orchard looking for a place to rest before the sun rose kept on I walking until I had lost sight of the house I lean against an old yet strong tree This is deep enough I suppose I thought gently sliding down the the tree till I was comfortable ''You did it Oakfang you finally left them.... your free'' my tired mind echo as sleep claimed me for the night. > Evergreen hearts part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweet Apple arcs Applejack gave a weak tired groan as her blankets were yanked off her bed exposing her warm fur to the cold morning air, she burrows her head under the pillows hiding from the evil rays of sunlight after the terrible breakup last night the only thing she wanted to do was sleep her life away and perhaps grow fat on apple favored ice cream but in truth it was out her hooves as her bigger in more ways than one brother decide to forgo about waking up her up gently and flip the bed sending her on an morning trip to met Mr.Floor and nearly being crushed by the weight of the bed. From under the said bed Applejack leered at the big red stallion with blood shot eyes. ''Now Applejack ya know that yer have ta git up it's time ta git ta work'' said the big red stallion warping his hoof around one of his sister legs in an attempt to drag the tried farm pony out from under the flipped bed. '' The faster yer git done the faster you get to sleep.'' ''Dangnit Big Mac let meh go ah want ta git some sleep'' shirked Applejack her front hooves gripping the end of the mattress refusing to let go '' let meh go! It was bad night last night and if you don't let me go Ah'll buck ya in square in the plot'' ''Ya should'a thought of that when ya were out all of last night'' grunt the stallion his other hoof gaping his sisters reaming rear hoof ''Don't be stubborn Aj git off ya fat plot- ''Fat plot'' hissed Applejack venom oozing in her tone giving her brother a death glare.''Did you just said ah have a fat plot?!?!'' ''Oh Buck'' whimpered Big Mac realizing just what he had said he immediately let go of Aj's legs, galloping out of the room in the hope of getting away from the anger mare. ''Git Back here'' Screamed the enrage mare galloping after the foolish stallion ''Where's me lasso Ah'm goin ta make ya squeal like a pig'' ''I'm sorry Aj I didn't mean it'' said the stallion running into Granny smiths' room looking of a place to hid before smacking himself in the face at seeing how small everything of Granny's was compared to him. But he had to make do. ''Sorry ain't going to cut it'' yelled the orange mare instantly finding big mac poorly hiding behind the (ancient as Granny Smith) bed but also an means to punish the older stallion laying in an chair ''Oh Big Mac come 'ere~ I got something for ya~" ''No not that'' cried the red stallion in horror trying and failing to hid himself further behind the bed ''Yes that'' giggled Applejack an evil glint in her eyes ''NOOOOOOOOO'' ~One sibling fight involving ropes, bows and an pink filly dress later~ When Granny smith saw what Applejack had done she nearly busted her guts, struggling to keep herself from taking a picture for the next 'Apple Family Reunion' as she tried to hold in her laughter and failed miserably but this was too funny to the old mare. Taking an moment to clean her eyes of happy tears, she gave the hog tied red stallion a real good once over, the poor thing was tied up by old strong ropes and dress up in a pink filly dress, hot pink bows dotted in his straw colored mane much like a young filly with pig tails and the cream of the crop the innocent looking Applejack with a giggle on her lips. Oh boy what the colt did this time thought the old lime green mare, the mare then added to that thought I he'll learn by now ''Do any of ya'll mind telling me *henhahaha* why Big Mac is in my old dress'' ''He said ah had an fat plot'' cried Aj with false tears in eyes her hoof pointing at the stallion ''that's something ya just don't say ta an mare'' ''Is that true Mac? you said that?'' ask the old mare with a tried look mumbling under her breath so low her grand foals couldn't hear ''These young'uns are going ta give me more gray hairs by the end of the day.'' ''Yes Granny but it was a slip, Ah didn't mean it I was trying to git Aj up for work'' explained the embarrass stallion struggling with the rope binding hooves yet fails to break them somehow which caused the stallion to become even more embarrassed he could drag houses of thier foundations but he can't break a silly rope ''would somepony kindly untie me? please? ever since that love potion incident, ropes do me something bad.'' Granny facehoofed '' That is what all this is about,'' the old mare sighs as she whip out her weapon of choice the dreaded wood spoon ''Ya'll got three seconds to git Mac out of meh dress and git ta work, while Mac shouldn't said that but dangnit ya'll ain't foals no more Applejack you need to learn not to be so thin skin! there are plenty of ponies who would say worse things and meant it unlike your brother but I can understand that you had a bad night and whatnot but we're family and you just don't do this kind of stuff to family! since ya wasted daylight with this who-haw yer in the west field '' ''But- ''No flank Applejack now git'' said Granny waving the wooden spoon in the air threatening ''Yes Granny!'' yelp Aj galloping out of the door and completely forgetting about poor Big Mac being tied up and trapped in an too small pink dress with the last pony he wanted to see him in a dress...again. ''Granny why Big mac in a dress? there's ain't a sisterhoof social coming up......or at least ah think'' questioned the filly innocently causing the stallion to wince and groan at that memory. He had to forced himself to go though that poorly thought out ploy just to have his baby sister look up to him again and failed at it.... but it did led to that heart to heart talk under his thinking tree. ''Celestia give meh strength,'' said the old mare looking up to the ceiling ''hold on Big Mac I'll have you out in a jiffy....now where did ah put that camera? Applebloom be a dear help me find my camera.'' ''NO! Applebloom if you love me then DON'T GIVE HER THE CAMERA!!!!!!'' Applejack's pov After dodging Granny's trusty wooden spoon I found a few of my friends waiting for me on the way out of the old house. Twilight Sparkle, a cute Lavender Alicorn with an Librarian mane cut, I smiled at her as the scent of books and papers teased at my nose, she always seem to have no matter what soap she uses most ponies would find the smell to be old and dusty yet I could have her any other way if she had her way she would of been born as a library. On her right was Fluttershy an pale yellow pegasus with an long graceful light pink mane sometimes I found it very annoying that her ma give her a name that fits..... all too well in my opinion, the poor mare was so shy she gave an new meaning to the word but there times when I'm jealous of the girl outside of Rarity she has the best luck with stallions out of our group if they are patient enough to be with her that is. Lastly on Twilight's left was an half asleep Rainbow Dash, an cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane I couldn't but help but to wonder how in Equestria she is not only the captain of the weather team but the fastest pegasus in Equestria, she's lazier then my cousin Lazy Apple! She spends most of the morning sleeping in till noon if not later ( Which I could really go for at the present time) yet you cant find any other pony more loyal then she. ''What are they doing here this early,'' I silently ask myself before trotting up to them wishing them a good morning. ''Morning Applejack'' said Twilight with a smile ''do you remember what today is?'' I rack my mind thinking of what today could be but came up with nothing, last night pretty much ruined my plans for the week ''Sorry Twi but Ah don't 'emember.'' Twilight smile shrinks a bit ''Applejack don't you remember? we're having that picnic you know the one we were going to bring our colt friends too today'' ''Was that today '' I asked dread in my heart the memory of last night cruelly played in my mind I quickly shake my head displacing the unwanted memory of him being with Rosy Jean the town slut, ''Sorry Sugarcubes but Ah'm in the west fields today, they'll take meh all day to clear out some critter been doing something funny with the apples painting 'em pink so I'm booked today,'' I said using my punishment as an excuse not to go while being honest at the same time ''maybe next time.'' ''Is that all? I'll pick the west field in five seconds flat'' boasted Rainbow Dash being her usual cocky self while Fluttershy gave a soft eep at the Cyan mare's boasting. ''What?'' asked Rainbow Dash when she notices the surprised look on Twilight's muzzle ''Rainbow that isn't a bad idea, I'm just surprised you thought of it'' ''Of course I tho............Hey'' said the cyan mare indignantly but Twilight ignores her. '' So how about it Applejack?'' ''About what Twi?'' I asked not getting at what she was getting at. Most would call me simple but I do know a thing or two like never ask Twilight about books but I'll admit I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. ''How about we help you in the west fields? That way you could go to our picnic'' said the lavender Alicorn speaking for the other mares '' after all what are friends for?'' ''Are ya'll sure? '' I asked while happy that I could get to spend time with my friends doing what I loved bucking apples yet at the same time I dreaded it they'll be sure to ask about him and I'll have no choice but to tell em when push comes to shove especially Rarity once she hears something about gossip and/or other ponies relationships she'll chase ya to the ground until she forces you to tell her '' ah could use the help but the west field is mighty big meh and Mac been working on it for years and it still takes us all day to clear it'' ''No problem... right girls? ''said Twilight indicating to others. ''Sure no problems'' said Rainbow a little tick at Twilight for earlier ''....I'll lean an hoof if that okay with you....'' whimpered Fluttershy as she hid behind her mane ''Alright Ah guess but ya'll asked for this'' I said leading them to the fields ''We got a lot of work ahead of us'' In the western fields Oak's pov I had nearly forgotten where I was when I woke up, the rising sun's light warmed the leaves on my wooden frame that made up what an pony would call an mane. My 'ears' instantly picked up an bird's song riding on the air after finally remembering the events of yesterday I gave a small wolfish grin to the singing, silently thanking the unseen bird for the morning performance. I deeply breathe in the cool morning air, happily relishing the feeling of air touching my inner wooden parts while picking up on the scent of apples and of the ponies who take care of the 'tamed' trees. Even now I couldn't understand why outside of the Antel-Anlce (Everfree) nature is controlled by the ponies like some pet, 'nature' by its very nature is wild and unruly like all wolves but still this isn't the woods of Antel-Anlce this is pony lands and this time I am the trespasser not the ponies. Sadly I knew that by choosing this path I could never return to the forest for the path shall forever take me away from the land of my birth. But that was okay with me, it was a fair price and only I would willing pay again, I am my own wolf free from the laws of the wilds. My thoughts of my newly gain outlook of a new life blinded me from noticing that the pony scent was getting stronger till was all too late as the gasps of several ponies alerted me to their present. Slowing I turned towards the said ponies to give them an true Timber wolf welcome only for an blue blur to attempt tackle me only for me to jump out of the way, my unsheathe claws slashing out cutting an large number of feathers from an wing. I smile inwardly at the sound of an yelp and the sound of an hard landing, I let out an powerful growl as I finally faced the group of ponies only to meet the one thing that all wolves fear even greater than fire itself.............An Pony of House Sparkle. Hated burn in my wooden heart like a raging inferno with every breathe I take the disgusting scent of House Sparkle fills me, ''I come here to these ponies offering friendship and they bring an member of that murderous house here to greet me how dare they...........How dare they'' I silently scream at ponies that only sound they will ever hear from me are my fangs ripping into the Sparkle's flesh if the lords of the forest are with me then let this daughter of the Sparkles be the last of the bloodline. It will give me pleasures untold to be the wolf who frees this world from the Sparkles taint but unlike all of the other encounters Timber wolf had with the vile house she does something completely unexpected.............. ''Fluttershy'' she said indicating an pale yellow pegasus mare with a long graceful light pink mane with three butterflies on her flank ''you think you could communicate with it?'' > The mare who cried wolf > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few moments ago The sun broke through the horizon, bathing the world fully into another morning, like the countless mornings before warming everything it's light touches. The birds sing happily ushering the new day the sound of an caravan wheels cracked along the dirt road. A silver mane azure mare stuck her head out the window fondly watching the sunrise happy memories dancing in her mind humming a song that only her family knew till she noticed an very familiar town in the distance both the humming and her good mood came crashing down an sneer made itself known on her muzzle. Her horn flashed with a pink glow halting the caravan. Opening the door with her magic she stepped out and glared at the town, many of a bad memory burned they way across her mind her sneer deeps as she went back inside her mobile home her magic slamming the door behind her. ''Why is Trixie doing back here of all towns'' she asked her as she trotted over to the stove and started to finish cooking her stew ''Celestia must find humor in Trixie's misfortune of having her go back to the one place in all of Equestria that Trixie hates with passion'' she pause at the smell of her stew burning ''No not again! '' she tries to save what little unburnt stew there was in the pot but it was all for not, using her magic she magics the ruin stew out of the window leaving the blacken slop for the animals. Trixie sighs ''What's Trixie going to go do now for food'' she magic's the cabinets open recoiling at the sight of revealed empty cabinets The show pony sighs again ''Trixie's guess that there no way round it Trixie will have to go to town for supplies'' before adding under her breath ''Like Trixie really wants to set hoof in Ponyville again'' magicking an cloak onto her back she quickly step outside again yet this time she notice a nearby lonely river. ''Where did that river came from there was isn't an river here last time'' Trixie thought loud the river's water burble and eddy past an circlet of stoned outcrops. she went to turn away but for the strangest reason she was dawn to the mysterious river waters. ''It just an river Trixie nothing more nothing less '' remanded the mare turning away from the mysterious river only to feel something huge crash into her knocking her into the water the last thing she sees before blackness claimed her was the silhouette of an paw reaching out to her in the waters grasp................................ Oak's POV I cut my glowing eyes at the pale yellow mare... This Fluttershy the Sparkle spoke of, I had heard of this one. There's a story from a few months back that a she-wolf named Thorn-paws was approached by the same pony, the encounter did not end well. According to the reports, Fluttershy tried to talk to her, and by talk I mean the pony attempted to 'tame' Thorn-paws like she was a simple animal naturally Thorn-paws disagreed with the mare’s points, by almost sinking her fangs into the mare, only to be thrown back by a rainbow blur. Come to think of it, I was attacked by the same blur not long ago. Unlike the she wolf, however, I moved and acted faster, Thorn-paws seemed to be rather slow. ''I don't know if I can Twilight,'' said the yellow mare meekly '’I’ve spoken with many of the Everfree animals but I could never manage Timberwolves!'' Of course pony you think of us as animals you have only spoken with the fallen races of Antel Anice, yet those who still have powers of speech, like my race, refuse to speak to you ponies. I let out another low growl at the mare still I refused to say what was on my mind keeping to the age-old notion of silence. I am the first to attempt forging talks, but as long that horse is still here the only answer she’s going to get is my fangs of oak. “’Shy you need ta get that critter outta here, Rainbows hurt!'' Panics the very same mare that lead me here, the pale yellow mare whimpers, hiding behind her mane. ''Applejack calm down,'' ordered Sparkle in a caring tone before jesting towards the shy mare ''you're scaring Fluttershy.'' ''Applejack?'' I thought with an deadpan ‘‘An apple farmer who not only has the scent of apples also has apple in her name...the ponies are strange indeed.'' Sparkle speaks to the scared mare in a gentle tone ''Fluttershy please you have to try to convince the Timber wolf to return to the forest where it belongs.'' The yellow mare nods shyly causing a soft smile to form on Sparkle's muzzle before taking an gingerly step forward while I growl once more, this stops her only for a moment, stepping back she looks to Applejack and Sparkle they called Twilight questioningly. The two mares nod to her encouragingly and Fluttershy begins her canter closing in on me. When she was only a few feet away I too step forward with a warning growl as if telling her that was close enough. ''Hello Mr. Timber wolf, '' she gulps nervously ''um... I was wondering if you could go back to the forest… If that’s okay with you?'' My eyes cut further at the mare, a deep growl rumbled in my throat, lowing my head I prepared to scare her off with a false lunge. ''Oh what was that Mr. Timber wolf?'' said Fluttershy trying to read my movements her face lights ''Are you trying to speak with me?'' I raise a wooden brow ''How did you even get that from a lunging stance?'' ''Oh this is exciting!'' said the yellow mare gleefully before turning towards her friends ''Twilight the timber wolf is trying to communicate with us!'' ''It is?'' said Twilight in a surprise tone. ''What is it trying to say?'' Fluttershy’s face contorts with confusion ''I don't know, it's very unclear perhaps it just seems to unclear to me because I'm not use to the Language of the timber wolves'' ''What in the name of the forest lords is she thinking? In no way am I trying to communicate... This needs to stop.'' I mentally say as my claws unsheathe themselves again the thorn-like claws burying themselves into the earth drawing upon the Magic of the Earth, I could feel the trees, the dew covered grass, everything that was green. I could even feel the Antel Anice in the distance, the forest magic feeding my wooden body while my senses opened tenfold... Once my body was ready I made my move... Like Lighting my thorny claws raked across her barrel, painting her side into a shade of red mixed with yellow, creating a clay like color. I could hear her shriek and cries of pained shock as I sped past the ponies, ignoring their wails at the sight of the bleeding pony. All that mattered to me was the crack of my wooden paws beating across the earth. With each step the Earthen Magic strengthened my legs, I glide past both trees and dancing birds in the wind like a ghost of the past, the sound of thunder echoing in my ears. ''The ponies are giving chase'' I mentally laugh, steadying my pace, a plan well in my mind, one the ponies will not see coming ''Let's see how good their hoof work is.'' Taking a moment to look back, the glance revealing AppleJack with Sparkle bringing up the rear of the group chasing me. I began to zig-zag wildly followed by even more wild bounds, with both my leafy mane and branch-like tail whipping in the wind. ''AHHH'' I heard one of the ponies cry out, tripping over their own hooves, no doubt rolling into the tree line. Judging by the voice it was Twilight who fell ''Ha serves you right you Sparkle Witch!'' I mentally mocked ''Twilight!'' I hear Applejack from behind me, worry filling her voice ''Ya alright Twi? You’ve taken a bad spill!'' ''Gah, I'm going to feel that in the morning'' Shouted Twilight ''Applejack I'm fine, but don't let that Timber wolf get away!'' ''I'm on it Twi.'' Applejack yelled back, conviction in her voice, only for my tail, acting like a club, to slam into her face just hard enough to knock her out. I smile at the sound of dead weight hitting the ground. With the two ponies out of the game I slowed to a canter my glowing eyes nervously studying my new surroundings, or shall I say lack there of. I was so focused on disposing of the engaged mares I had left the safety of the trees, exposing myself out in the open. From cub-hood Timber wolves are taught to never leave the safety of the trees, for its within the trees where we not only have the home field advantage but we can blend into said trees, if we stay still long enough one would think we were a part of the tree. After all, an exposed wolf is a target while the hidden wolf is a hunter. ''Hey Bucker'' an voice in the air called followed by a rainbow trail “Taste the bucking rainbow!'' I didn't have enough time to react before the blur rammed into me. The mere force sent me flying; landing with a bad crack in my wood I felt sap seeping in the creaks. I let out a sap filled growl as I rose from the dirt my white orbs matching the rainbow pony's, glare for glare. The both of us spread our legs entering into lunging stance, she keeps her wings open trying to make herself bigger but that tactic does nothing except making her into a better target. ''Come on you walking fire hazard,'' taunted the mare ''come on and charge me!'' ''Something doesn't smell right'' I thought while holding my stance ''she wants me to charge her... This must be a trap of some sort. There's no other reason for wanting me to charge. Pegasi have very light bones, they can't take a charge from a full grown timber wolf.'' my instincts were telling me to attack but sensing the obvious trap again, I turned and ran, reconnecting with the powers of the Earth and plants allowing the ancient elemental power to take hold over a large section of my mind. I could feel the vibrations in the earth, so it was a trap, I sensed the heavy hoof steps of a very large pony galloping in my direction I couldn't sense Rainbow Dash, which only told me that she had taken to the sky once more... A sudden notion of retaliation hit me hard, the direction was I running led straight into town... Clever girl, tricking me into running into an extremely obvious trap, this has Sparkle’s mischief all over it I'm sure of it. Well two can play at this game, quickly retaking total control of my mind before the elemental power could take me over completely. I hid myself in a bush my form masterfully melting into the plant life. I didn't have to wait long in the bush before Rainbow Dash flew overhead; no doubt scanning the ground below while the biggest pony stallion I’ve ever seen was following the sky-bound mare. I gulp heavily at the sight of the large mass muscles that made that pony... That isn’t natural. No little pony should have that many muscles, I doubt an entire pack could attack him and live, his hooves alone are big enough to crush the thickest of skulls, only an alpha could take him down but even that would be pushing it. ''Dash do ya see em up there?'' shouted the unnatural pony up to the rainbow maned mare. ''Buck'' screams the mare her flying becomes more aggressive than she ''I think we lost him Big Mac'' ''He's a Timber wolf Dash, they can hide just 'bout anywhere the only way ta find one is when they find ya first.'' said Big Mac in simple wisdom. ''Dash we need ta hurry and git the girls to doc’s, Shy's gash doesn't look good'' ''Yeah I know but still I wanna make that walking hunk of driftwood pay for hurting Shy.'' threaten the flying mare ''Eeyup.'' said Big Mac, galloping back to Applejack picking up the knocked out mare like a rag doll ''I got Aj, ya git Twi, she banged up her hoof pretty good'' ''On it Mac'' said Rainbow abandoning the search for me in exchange to help her hurt friend. In the bush I watched the two ponies gather up their kin before leaving together. I dare not to make a move until both were far from my sight. Once I was sure they were gone, I quietly slipped from the bush, using the knowledge that the earth provided me, I set off in a direction that led away from both the Pony town and the apple farm. A part of me thought that the ponies had given up too easily and were setting up another trap, if that would to be the case again I ran...just to be sure. Sometime later Following the early morning sun, I traveled away from the Pony town my paws cracking along the Pony-made trail, trying to put as much distance between the ponies and I as possible. My mind coldly replaying my earlier actions, pointing out each and every error I committed. My actions destroying any chance of befriending those ponies, even if the Sparkle was there I should of acted like a civilized wolf, yet instead I let old hatred take hold over me. I have set back my goals by years with my attack on Fluttershy. I have no doubt that the ponies will tell the entire town about me... I cannot go back to that town; the ponies would be waiting for any wolf to show up, my mind joined bymy very instincts began to debate myself and the wisdom of attacking ponies this early in my plans. Soon the debate grew heated between the three voices in my body I was so focused on the arguing wills, I didn't notice I’d rammed into something until I heard the splash, the sound of the water splashing derailed the arguing wills long enough for me to see a mare sinking into the dark waters. Panic fills my systems at the sight of the mare, as she wasn't moving, I must of knocked her out when I ran into her ''I need to help her!'' I mentally cried thrusting my paws into the water pulling her from the waters grasp. Once freed of the water I drag her far from the river's banks my eyes studding her wet form, her coat was an azure color that went nicely with her silvery mane, she was gorgeous, her fur was like silk to the touch. Taking my eyes off her I noticed a nearby old rundown carriage ''Is that where she came from?'' I mentally asked myself, before noticing her slightly shivering ''She must be cold.'' Being made of wood I don't have to worry about the cold, minus losing my leaves during winter of course, but the wet pony on the other hoof would die. Without any real choice, I crawled up under the unconscious mare, placing her on my back, and set about entering the only nearby shelter. The old carriage. > An Strange Guest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie's Carriage Trixie's pov ...Water.... ...Help.... ....Please somepony help I can't swim.... ...Help me.... ..Why nopony's helping me?... ...I can't swim.. ..I can't breath.. ..I'm sinking... '''Gasp!'' I shoot up spurting for air my hooves failing trying to claw their way to the surface but instead of water they found air.....Air! In a flurry I blinked my eyes, feeling them readjust themselves in the earlier morning light or at least I think it's still morning. I founded myself in my bed what happen? what am I in bed? the last thing I remembered was falling into the river and then cold blackness. was it just dream? Feeling my wet mare plasted against my neck and looking downward on my chest as well the rest of my body I could see and feel the evident of my 'forced swim'. Again I asked myself what happen only to find nothing to explain this mystery excepted for a large shadow reaching for me. Did somepony helped me? why?'' there not a single pony in town that would help me'' I thought bitterly '' those country hicks would probably just watch as I drowned'' But yet somepony saved me...... ''Where am I?'' I thought while panic was rushing though my veins. I didn't know where I was for all I knew those country bums foalnaped me and burned down my carriage while selling off my heirlooms.... well that did happening to my great great great grandmother Rose Red in Gryphon country but that didn't mean that it couldn't happen again! poor me'ma the gryphons sold her off to Changeling Traders to use an broodmare. NOOOO I'm too pretty to to become some overgrown Bug's broodmare!!!! In my panic I felled out of bed meeting an all so familiar floor. Wincing at my busied snot I calmed down at the familiar sight (and the pain) of my families' carriage. The old carriage have been in the Lulamoon clan for seveal generations each had visibly left their mark on the ancient carriage in the form of carving their very names in the wood, sometimes I could almost imagine my ancestors right beside me when my hoof touches the so lovingly cravings in the wood. As I sat there on the floor I reminded the dampness that was me casting a quick heat spell my damped fur instantly dries then rising to my hooves i noticed that who ever saved me had warp me up with mother's think blanket and that it had adsorbed most of the water. Sigh that wouldn't do that blanket will take hours to dry even with magic because of it age I can only use a very weak heating charm on it or risk destroying it. Sighing again I pulled the blanket off the bed over to the corner for later because i had a much more pressing matter at hoof. ''How in Celestia's name did I get here?'' I mentally asked myself in puzzlement please don't let it country bums or changelings anything but Changelings.... I'm just lucky that Me'ma proved to be smarter then the bugs by making a special spiced wine that knocked it out for a week and that was just one drop allowing her to escape into Equestria with a very heavy sag full of gold I might add. Just then as if in reply to my question I head a crash in the kitchen followed by the cursing of an masculine voice with a strange heavy accent and.........slight vibrating sounds? Not a changeling please Celestia no changelings! the Canterlot invasion was a nightmare it took me a year before I was able to sleep at night without bug proofing my carriage several times over and several times again ''Just what was in my kitchen?'' I mentally asked silently as hooves would allowed, I crept my way to the carriage's very small kitchen, a slight humming reached my ears before the sweet smell of fresh fruit and greenly non-too gently hits my nose. The sweet smell of food reminds me that I haven't eaten yet and unfortunately my stomach gives me away before I could get a single glimpse of my 'guest'. ''Ah your awake just in time too, I hope you like flower salad.'' I jump at the sound of the voice with an shriek whilst blasting an storm spell in the diction of the voice only for it to fly out of the window. Leaving the flying spell free to hit an unsuspecting pony in the worst case or fry some animal not that I cared since the only close by town was Ponyville.... if I'm lucky it would hit Sparkle, that would quite funny to see but nonetheless I had other things to worry about. '' You really to work on that aim, you missed the salad some roasted sunflowers sound rather lovey about now.'' said the strange voice My eyes widen at the site of a very large Timberwolf sitting at my kitchen with a large rich salad across from it as if waiting for me. I just stood there frozen in fear even in my many travels I had heard of the wooden wolves of the Everfree and how dangerous they were but more importantly their ravenous hungry for the flesh of ponies.....was I going to die? ''Well... what are you waiting for lassy? dig in the salad ain't going to bite yer.'' said the voice I heard from before coming from the Timberwolf.....what in Luna's name? I knew I shouldn't ever came back to Ponyville! this is a dream yes that it just a bad dream. '' I know yer must be hungry come on now eat.'' He or at least I thought it was a he said '' hmm must never seen a Timber wolf before have ya now?'' ''This is just dream yes that it just a bad dream'' I said trying to convinced myself that this whole situation was a dream any moment I'll awake up then I could put ponyville behind me and never set hoof in that town never again then I magical pinch myself in order to wake me up....ouch.... Sweet Celestia that hurt. okay I'm clearly awake and there's no giggling Lunar mare hiding in the carriage.... What did I ever do to deserved this ''I assure you that I be no dream'' said the Timber wolf with what I noticed an long leafy green mane but even more frighting he was looking straight at me with glowing white eyes. That's a honest to goodness real Timberwolf in my home.... a talking one at that. ''hen hen hen a talking Timber wolf...... a talking Timber wolf ' 'I sheepishly laughed with a twitch as my mind threaten with an emergency shutdown '' please let this be a dream I know that Timber wolves don't talk...... please Princess Luna oh please come on out you had you fun please?'' No midnight Alicorn appears ''Lady Luna? How you know of Lady Luna I thought Celestia had banish her for the rest of time'' said the wolf questioningly rising a wooden brow with a audible crack before changing the subject ''But my dear I can assure you that I am no danger, please sit.'' ''oh um-mm am I dead then? cause you don't suppose to talk. '' I said nervously as I felt my legs buckle. Quickly I took the seat out fear that I was going to collapsed on the hard floor again that and I was really hungry. slowly I nibbled on the flower salad presented before me causing the Timberwolf to smile wolfishly. I hummed at the flavor of the salad, it all was too fresh to be real but given the situation I had little room to argue. ''No your still quite alive thank the Lords of the Forest,'' said the wolf Lords of the Forest? I echoed in my thoughts who are these lords of the forest? I didn't say anything how could I? I was eating breakfast and having a conversation with an Timberwolf of all things. Lou it was my first time having a meal with other being in what several years? ''Oakfang.'' ''What'' I asked pull a way from the salad, I was sure I had on petals on my cheek. ''Oakfang, that be my name Oakfang of the Antel Anice'' said Oakfang with a smile. ''Trixie Lulumoon'' I replied returning said smile. Canterlot castle Blueblood's pov ''Nooooo! y-you.....you can't do this to me! Auntie!!'' I cried for the millionth time as the brutish guards drag me.... ME a Prince!.....to the sky carriage. how dare they! they are not even worthy to shine my royal hooves or lick my chamber pot. Aunt Celestia and Aunt Luna just stood there doing nothing to help me as I was stallion handle by the a brunch of presents never before in all of my life had I been so betrayed by my own family. The family I so dearly loved. Oh why this had to happen to me of all ponies, I was happy with the way I led my life parteis and long trails of broken hearts. I am a heart breaker I am proud of it. Cadance you rut crazed mare I'll have your head this outrage! I know it was you who had put dear Auntie Celestia up to this! You always hatred me so even since you met that pathetic excuse of a captain Shiny Armor or as I like to call him Bug lover. I knew he had taken that bug queen to his bed out of his free will but nopony ever blivied me saying that I was jealous. Bah what did I had to be jealous about I am a free spirit. ''I'm sorry Blueblood'' said my traitorous Aunt Celestia with her ears flat against her head, Ha I hope you feel bad. ''but it's time for you to meet your future wife....please stop make this any hard than it already is, Twilight will take good care of you.'' ''Nephew,'' said Luna my last hope for Celestia to see reason she and I never did got on the right hoof '' While I don't agree with my sister's plan but it is time that you learn to treat other differently, I saw you use Lady Rarity as a shield when that cake was flying towards you back at the gala three years ago your behavior over these three years is unbecoming of a prince you need to relearn what it means to be of royal blood.'' ''PLEASE!!!! Aunties give me another chance don't send me to Ponyville....I-I-I '' I started to sob as the guard began to forcefully put me in the carriage ''I DON'T WANT TO MARRY TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!!!!!!!'' I couldn't get married specifically to the likes of Twilight. She and I was opposites she is all about total control while I lived for pleasures never ending and freedom. while we are both power mages in our own right and were practically raised by the same mare we went along as well of fire and water. As I said I'm a free spirit. ''My dearest nephew please forgive us ''said Celestia with a tear running down her muzzle lighting up her horn with a sleep spell ''but this have to happen'' Luna finishes her sister's sentence. With those words I knew no more. On the sky-road to Ponyville Gilda's pov ''I can't believe that I'm doing this'' I said to myself listening to the calming sound of my wing beats, silently I thought back to what Dash and Pinkie had said back home in Gryphonstone......home that isn't a word to describe the half dead city but dump is too nice a word to call the city. They said that I could come and visit them in Ponyville, I hope that they were right about the town wouldn't hate me for what I did there the last time I was there. In the distance I could see Sweet Apple Arcs Ponyville's old and largest farm...... wasn't that one of Rainbow's favorite napping spots and hang outs? I think it is.......man what an uncool place I mean I could get why she'll like to nap there, Pegasi just like Gryphons like to be up high when roosting but why she hangs there? she hates work maybe one of friends lives there. Angling my wings just right I begin to land nearby the town, I can't wait to see their faces when I surprise them with an visit. I smiled when I seen them on the ground below.. Huh why is Fluttershy all cut up? > Thorns and Hooves part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie's Carriage Oakfang's PoV    “Trixie Lulumoon.” the mare replied with a smile of her own.   “Lulumoon you say?”, “My, what a lovely name.”I said recalling what limited knowledge the pack elders were willing to share of the elder days, “If I recall correctly, the Lulumoon clan were the favored of Lady Luna.” My father was only but a pup himself when Lady Luna was banished from the land she loved so well, yet all wolves remember the kind spirit of the night. She often left out food for us during the time when the winter robbed the trees of their leaves and the hunting was scarce. Though she never knew about us, the pack would never allow us to show ourselves while they sought to drive the ponies out of our forest, they succeeded just days after the banishment. “Even after the lost of the night spirit, the Lulumoons remained loyal to the night throne.”   “How did.... yes, my family always stayed true to the night princess but how do you know that? And you call Princess Luna, lady?” said Trixie with a questioning look about her before massaging her temples with her hooves. “Oh please forgive Trixie but she is having trouble with this... situation, or that fact a timberwolf that shouldn’t be able to speak, can speak and knows about her family’s past.”   “We live in a world of magic not of logic, after all I am made of out wood and vines. The ability to speak is rather mute when compared to what else dwells in this world of ours. We are isolationist race by our nature and well, due of our kind's great age... and some ill business in the past. We don't have relations with those outside of our sacred forest, this always been our way of protecting ourselves even before the time of ponies. Or least until I decided to abandon my pack and have open talks with you ponies, just be speaking to you is enough for the others to end me..” I said tailing off with a crack of wood.  “Oh you poor thing!” said the blue mare placing her hoof on top of my wooden paw, as if trying to comfort me, “You must be so brave, leaving everything behind knowing that if you ever returned meant your death”, “That is something I could never do. This carriage is my home and that of my clan, leaving it behind would be like turning my back on them… (she tails off for an second with a pained expression) or rather what's left of it.”  “What's left of it? What happen? the Lulumoons were one of the largest and most respected family of ponies, the very founders of night guard and the high magic collage.” I said in confuse tone. Some of the elders that manage to spy on the unicorns before Luna’s banishment, often regaled the pack of the wonders they had seen.  “Sparkles” she hissed in hatred, “The Sparkle Clan, my families great enemy and rivals, Celestia’s pets. They stole the greatest of the lulamoons. They ruined us after Luna’s banishment and the series of gryphon invasions that followed Celestia becoming the sole ruler of Equestria.” She then let out a calming breath before her face softens, her hoof then starts playing with the remnants of her salad. “We never recovered from our fall from our grace.. Then what lulamoons of old called ‘the sundering times’ happened, we were attacked by changelings and Sparkles challenging us for what little power we still had… the clan all but died out leaving my branch as the last ones. To this very day only a hoof-full of Lulamoons exist ”  “Sparkles.” I growled, “I should've know that they were behind it… what happen then Trixie.” So I had another that suffered at the hooves of house sparkle.  “Like my mother and her before her, I became a traveling magician and I was good at it. Trixie’s magic shows were beloved and she had fans that came to see her with flowers and other treats in thanks yet again a sparkle ruined me. Now I am a laughing stock of the trade and my audience abandoned, Every town runs her out of town when her carriage appears. Leaving me only with the choice to return to the town that ruined my life in hopes that I could redeem myself.” said Trixie, her hoof stops playing with her salad and the look on her face was one of sorrow, “ it I fail it would be the end of my act.. My life.”   “Is there an opening?” I asked with an crack of a wooden smile, my thorney claws unsheathed themselves in anticipation. I knew what could be done to help Trixie and introduce myself to the ponies at the same time.   “What?” asked Trixie blinking owlishly “I said is there an opening in the show?” I repeated myself   “Yes..”, she said in confusion before said confusion melted away, her eyes sparkling, “you have an idea dontcha.” “Yes I do but it is a risky one.” “I’m all ears Oakfang~” She sanged Ponyville hospital Twilight’s pov   “And that how it happened Gilda.” I said to the gryphon, we all are sitting outside of the of the emergency room, each of us wearing worrisome looks on our faces. Rainbow and Applejack were busy pacing back and forth at the door, while I and Gilda sat in the chairs that the nurse left out for us, “ While Rarity and pinkie couldn’t come to see Fluttershy on the counts of their jobs but I’m sure Fluttershy appreciates your help in bring her here.” However I still couldn’t get that timberwolf out of my mind, it was no wolf that I ever seen, it’s eyes were white instead of yellow. Every wolf I had seen since I first learned about them had yellow eyes, there was something wrong with that wolf… I searched my books and all of them never mention a wolf ever having white eyes if it could founded again I need to capture it to further study it.  “ I… see, what happen with the wolf?” asked cocky Gryphon.   “It disappear right before you showed up, Rainbow Dash and Big Mac couldn’t kept up with it or outsmart, it was like it knew that we were trying to trap it in town.” It didn’t make any sense, how could it known? The books never mention anything about timberwolves being intelligent, they were only magically enchanted hulks of wood and nothing more. They lacked any other notable characteristics, the very idea of timberwolves were rather mute one and they weren’t even officially recognized in the bestiaries till a pony in the Everfree exploration company very unlucky felled straight into one of their dens before being mauled to death ten years after the Nightmare moon incident. Even Celestia didn’t knew about them and there have been no true attempts to study them on the count the timberwolves can be extremely skittish creatures. “Ah if only I’ve shown up sooner.” groaned Gilda with her talons cradling her head. “I could of turned that wolf into firewood, alast I shown up to the fight late. I’ll never heard the end of it from Grandpa Gruff!” “But still you did showed up that should mean something to the Gryphon culture.” I said knowing the rules of gryphon culture, the gryphon people were more of an interesting culture than most ponies gave them for. There was countless books about the one race that was framed for dragon slaying, though I never let Spike read the books for obvious reasons, he was still a baby after all despite living with me for sixteen years. If he was a pony he would’ve be an adult. Gilda sighs “Yeah you're right, it does.” then her eyes narrows at me, “But doesn't mean that I have to like it! By Griffinstone I-” “TWILIGHT!!!!” an sudden scream startled us, causing for the both of our wings to smack against each others, gasps of pleasure squeaked from us as the uber sensitive feathers rubbed against other before falling on to the hospital floor with me on top of Gilda. Heavy blushes graced our cheeks but the redness was more noticeable on the Gryphon thanks to her white facial feathers. I scrambled to get off of her yet the more I moved the more tangled our wings became, and the more so the red on our cheeks. “Holy Giffinstone!” shouts the Gryphon “Quit moving your wings ya pervert!” “TIMBERWOLF!! TIMBERWOLF IN THE TOWN!!!”, “SOMEPONY GET TWILIGHT!!” Gilda tired of my struggling, shoves me off of her causing my shoulder to bash against the hard floor and glared at me with Gryphonian ire in her eyes, “Keep yours hooves/wings to yourself, I’m not some easy laid… buy me dinner first next time!” “What!?” I squeaked with my eyes wide. I could hear giggling in the background but I didn’t dare to look at my friends or their destined teasing. “Come pervert there a wolf in town” she says with a smirk “That can make up for what you just did to me.” her tail flicks my snout before running  out of the emergency room, leaving me there on the floor. “W-was I just… was I just asked out?” I said stunned, I was asked out.. An date, a gryphonian date nonetheless.. Slowing turning to face two of my best friends in the world and their clearly evil treasonous grins, “I not going to hear the end of this am I?” “Eyup” went both Applejack and Rainbow dash. “Go get ‘er ladykiller.”