• Published 3rd Apr 2015
  • 2,818 Views, 44 Comments

Wolf in Wood - Lord Despair

This is an story about an Timber wolf's adventures in the little town of Ponyville

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Evergreen hearts part 2

Sweet Apple arcs

Applejack gave a weak tired groan as her blankets were yanked off her bed exposing her warm fur to the cold morning air, she burrows her head under the pillows hiding from the evil rays of sunlight after the terrible breakup last night the only thing she wanted to do was sleep her life away and perhaps grow fat on apple favored ice cream but in truth it was out her hooves as her bigger in more ways than one brother decide to forgo about waking up her up gently and flip the bed sending her on an morning trip to met Mr.Floor and nearly being crushed by the weight of the bed. From under the said bed Applejack leered at the big red stallion with blood shot eyes.

''Now Applejack ya know that yer have ta git up it's time ta git ta work'' said the big red stallion warping his hoof around one of his sister legs in an attempt to drag the tried farm pony out from under the flipped bed. '' The faster yer git done the faster you get to sleep.''

''Dangnit Big Mac let meh go ah want ta git some sleep'' shirked Applejack her front hooves gripping the end of the mattress refusing to let go '' let meh go! It was bad night last night and if you don't let me go Ah'll buck ya in square in the plot''

''Ya should'a thought of that when ya were out all of last night'' grunt the stallion his other hoof gaping his sisters reaming rear hoof ''Don't be stubborn Aj git off ya fat plot-

''Fat plot'' hissed Applejack venom oozing in her tone giving her brother a death glare.''Did you just said ah have a fat plot?!?!''

''Oh Buck'' whimpered Big Mac realizing just what he had said he immediately let go of Aj's legs, galloping out of the room in the hope of getting away from the anger mare.

''Git Back here'' Screamed the enrage mare galloping after the foolish stallion ''Where's me lasso Ah'm goin ta make ya squeal like a pig''

''I'm sorry Aj I didn't mean it'' said the stallion running into Granny smiths' room looking of a place to hid before smacking himself in the face at seeing how small everything of Granny's was compared to him. But he had to make do.

''Sorry ain't going to cut it'' yelled the orange mare instantly finding big mac poorly hiding behind the (ancient as Granny Smith) bed but also an means to punish the older stallion laying in an chair ''Oh Big Mac come 'ere~ I got something for ya~"

''No not that'' cried the red stallion in horror trying and failing to hid himself further behind the bed

''Yes that'' giggled Applejack an evil glint in her eyes


~One sibling fight involving ropes, bows and an pink filly dress later~

When Granny smith saw what Applejack had done she nearly busted her guts, struggling to keep herself from taking a picture for the next 'Apple Family Reunion' as she tried to hold in her laughter and failed miserably but this was too funny to the old mare. Taking an moment to clean her eyes of happy tears, she gave the hog tied red stallion a real good once over, the poor thing was tied up by old strong ropes and dress up in a pink filly dress, hot pink bows dotted in his straw colored mane much like a young filly with pig tails and the cream of the crop the innocent looking Applejack with a giggle on her lips. Oh boy what the colt did this time thought the old lime green mare, the mare then added to that thought I he'll learn by now ''Do any of ya'll mind telling me *henhahaha* why Big Mac is in my old dress''

''He said ah had an fat plot'' cried Aj with false tears in eyes her hoof pointing at the stallion ''that's something ya just don't say ta an mare''

''Is that true Mac? you said that?'' ask the old mare with a tried look mumbling under her breath so low her grand foals couldn't hear ''These young'uns are going ta give me more gray hairs by the end of the day.''

''Yes Granny but it was a slip, Ah didn't mean it I was trying to git Aj up for work'' explained the embarrass stallion struggling with the rope binding hooves yet fails to break them somehow which caused the stallion to become even more embarrassed he could drag houses of thier foundations but he can't break a silly rope ''would somepony kindly untie me? please? ever since that love potion incident, ropes do me something bad.''

Granny facehoofed '' That is what all this is about,'' the old mare sighs as she whip out her weapon of choice the dreaded wood spoon ''Ya'll got three seconds to git Mac out of meh dress and git ta work, while Mac shouldn't said that but dangnit ya'll ain't foals no more Applejack you need to learn not to be so thin skin! there are plenty of ponies who would say worse things and meant it unlike your brother but I can understand that you had a bad night and whatnot but we're family and you just don't do this kind of stuff to family! since ya wasted daylight with this who-haw yer in the west field ''


''No flank Applejack now git'' said Granny waving the wooden spoon in the air threatening

''Yes Granny!'' yelp Aj galloping out of the door and completely forgetting about poor Big Mac being tied up and trapped in an too small pink dress with the last pony he wanted to see him in a dress...again.

''Granny why Big mac in a dress? there's ain't a sisterhoof social coming up......or at least ah think'' questioned the filly innocently causing the stallion to wince and groan at that memory. He had to forced himself to go though that poorly thought out ploy just to have his baby sister look up to him again and failed at it.... but it did led to that heart to heart talk under his thinking tree.

''Celestia give meh strength,'' said the old mare looking up to the ceiling ''hold on Big Mac I'll have you out in a jiffy....now where did ah put that camera? Applebloom be a dear help me find my camera.''

''NO! Applebloom if you love me then DON'T GIVE HER THE CAMERA!!!!!!''

Applejack's pov

After dodging Granny's trusty wooden spoon I found a few of my friends waiting for me on the way out of the old house. Twilight Sparkle, a cute Lavender Alicorn with an Librarian mane cut, I smiled at her as the scent of books and papers teased at my nose, she always seem to have no matter what soap she uses most ponies would find the smell to be old and dusty yet I could have her any other way if she had her way she would of been born as a library. On her right was Fluttershy an pale yellow pegasus with an long graceful light pink mane sometimes I found it very annoying that her ma give her a name that fits..... all too well in my opinion, the poor mare was so shy she gave an new meaning to the word but there times when I'm jealous of the girl outside of Rarity she has the best luck with stallions out of our group if they are patient enough to be with her that is. Lastly on Twilight's left was an half asleep Rainbow Dash, an cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane I couldn't but help but to wonder how in Equestria she is not only the captain of the weather team but the fastest pegasus in Equestria, she's lazier then my cousin Lazy Apple! She spends most of the morning sleeping in till noon if not later ( Which I could really go for at the present time) yet you cant find any other pony more loyal then she. ''What are they doing here this early,'' I silently ask myself before trotting up to them wishing them a good morning.

''Morning Applejack'' said Twilight with a smile ''do you remember what today is?''

I rack my mind thinking of what today could be but came up with nothing, last night pretty much ruined my plans for the week ''Sorry Twi but Ah don't 'emember.''

Twilight smile shrinks a bit ''Applejack don't you remember? we're having that picnic you know the one we were going to bring our colt friends too today''

''Was that today '' I asked dread in my heart the memory of last night cruelly played in my mind I quickly shake my head displacing the unwanted memory of him being with Rosy Jean the town slut, ''Sorry Sugarcubes but Ah'm in the west fields today, they'll take meh all day to clear out some critter been doing something funny with the apples painting 'em pink so I'm booked today,'' I said using my punishment as an excuse not to go while being honest at the same time ''maybe next time.''

''Is that all? I'll pick the west field in five seconds flat'' boasted Rainbow Dash being her usual cocky self while Fluttershy gave a soft eep at the Cyan mare's boasting.

''What?'' asked Rainbow Dash when she notices the surprised look on Twilight's muzzle

''Rainbow that isn't a bad idea, I'm just surprised you thought of it''

''Of course I tho............Hey'' said the cyan mare indignantly but Twilight ignores her.

'' So how about it Applejack?''

''About what Twi?'' I asked not getting at what she was getting at. Most would call me simple but I do know a thing or two like never ask Twilight about books but I'll admit I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.

''How about we help you in the west fields? That way you could go to our picnic'' said the lavender Alicorn speaking for the other mares '' after all what are friends for?''

''Are ya'll sure? '' I asked while happy that I could get to spend time with my friends doing what I loved bucking apples yet at the same time I dreaded it they'll be sure to ask about him and I'll have no choice but to tell em when push comes to shove especially Rarity once she hears something about gossip and/or other ponies relationships she'll chase ya to the ground until she forces you to tell her '' ah could use the help but the west field is mighty big meh and Mac been working on it for years and it still takes us all day to clear it''

''No problem... right girls? ''said Twilight indicating to others.

''Sure no problems'' said Rainbow a little tick at Twilight for earlier

''....I'll lean an hoof if that okay with you....'' whimpered Fluttershy as she hid behind her mane

''Alright Ah guess but ya'll asked for this'' I said leading them to the fields ''We got a lot of work ahead of us''

In the western fields

Oak's pov

I had nearly forgotten where I was when I woke up, the rising sun's light warmed the leaves on my wooden frame that made up what an pony would call an mane. My 'ears' instantly picked up an bird's song riding on the air after finally remembering the events of yesterday I gave a small wolfish grin to the singing, silently thanking the unseen bird for the morning performance. I deeply breathe in the cool morning air, happily relishing the feeling of air touching my inner wooden parts while picking up on the scent of apples and of the ponies who take care of the 'tamed' trees. Even now I couldn't understand why outside of the Antel-Anlce (Everfree) nature is controlled by the ponies like some pet, 'nature' by its very nature is wild and unruly like all wolves but still this isn't the woods of Antel-Anlce this is pony lands and this time I am the trespasser not the ponies. Sadly I knew that by choosing this path I could never return to the forest for the path shall forever take me away from the land of my birth. But that was okay with me, it was a fair price and only I would willing pay again, I am my own wolf free from the laws of the wilds. My thoughts of my newly gain outlook of a new life blinded me from noticing that the pony scent was getting stronger till was all too late as the gasps of several ponies alerted me to their present.

Slowing I turned towards the said ponies to give them an true Timber wolf welcome only for an blue blur to attempt tackle me only for me to jump out of the way, my unsheathe claws slashing out cutting an large number of feathers from an wing. I smile inwardly at the sound of an yelp and the sound of an hard landing, I let out an powerful growl as I finally faced the group of ponies only to meet the one thing that all wolves fear even greater than fire itself.............An Pony of House Sparkle. Hated burn in my wooden heart like a raging inferno with every breathe I take the disgusting scent of House Sparkle fills me, ''I come here to these ponies offering friendship and they bring an member of that murderous house here to greet me how dare they...........How dare they'' I silently scream at ponies that only sound they will ever hear from me are my fangs ripping into the Sparkle's flesh if the lords of the forest are with me then let this daughter of the Sparkles be the last of the bloodline. It will give me pleasures untold to be the wolf who frees this world from the Sparkles taint but unlike all of the other encounters Timber wolf had with the vile house she does something completely unexpected..............

''Fluttershy'' she said indicating an pale yellow pegasus mare with a long graceful light pink mane with three butterflies on her flank ''you think you could communicate with it?''