• Published 14th Jan 2015
  • 7,735 Views, 313 Comments

Sunset Shimmer: The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well - Joeycrick

During one fateful Nightmare Night, a last-minute costume choice turns Princess Twilight's student into a hero.

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Chapter 9: Wayward Sun (Part 1)

Sunset Shimmer had expected many challenges to face when she decided to become the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well.

Unmasking herself in front of three young fillies with a reputation as troublemakers wasn't one of them.

"Sunset Shimmer... you're the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well?!" Sweetie Belle shouted while her fellow Crusaders were still trying to process this fact.

Sunset, still clad in her costume except for the mask and hat, simply nodded.

Apple Bloom snapped out of her trance. "And you're the one who rescued us on Nightmare Night?!" she blurted out.

Sunset nodded again. "Yes, that was me."

Scootaloo continued staring at the unmasked Mare-Do-Well, wide-eyed and utterly speechless. Sweetie Belle waved her hoof in front of her. "Hello? Earth to Scootaloo!"

Sunset covered her mouth with her forehoof as she tried to hold back a grin. "Uh... you okay there?" she asked Scootaloo.

Scootaloo blinked twice before suddenly jumping into the air with her tiny wings flapping. She leaned into Sunset's face with a wide grin.

"That's. So. AWESOME!!!" she squealed as Sunset took a step back in surprise.


"Who'd have guessed it?! Sunset Shimmer, the bad-guy flank kicking Mysterious Mare-Do-Well! THIS IS SO COOL!!!"

Sunset, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom just stared at Scootaloo as she continued jumping around, fangirling over her idol.

"All those sick fighting moves, those amazing leaps and glides! Woosh! BAM! And Sunset Shimmer's the one behind it all!"

Sunset rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. "Not entirely," she told the Crusaders. "My friends are also helping me out with this."

Scootaloo hovered up to Sunset. "Really?! Even Rainbow Dash?!"

"Those 'sick fighting moves' you mentioned? You've got Rainbow Dash to thank for that. And Pinkie Pie's responsible for those 'amazing leaps and glides.'"

"Wait a minute..." Apple Bloom's eyes lit up as a thought occurred to her. "You've been helping Applejack out at Sweet Apple Acres the past couple months... that's for making yourself stronger?"

"And those visits at Carousel Boutique..." Sweetie Belle added. "Rarity's helping you out with your costume, isn't she?"

Sunset confirmed their claims with a nod.

Scootaloo turned to her fellow Crusaders, trying to contain her excitement. "Alright girls!" she said with a wide grin. "You ready to train with Sensei Sunset?"

Sunset's smile faded as she did a double take. "Wait, what?"

"Scootaloo wants to try to get cutie marks in being a superhero, and for some reason, she thinks you're gonna train us," Sweetie Belle explained, looking unamused.

A stern look suddenly appeared on Sunset's face as she walked up to the three fillies. "No," she replied in a firm voice. "I'm not going to do it. And I'm certainly not going to let you three run around fighting bad guys."

"Told ya," Sweetie Belle muttered.

A look of disappointment formed on Scootaloo's face. "What?! Why not?!"

"You are aware of how dangerous being a superhero can be, right?" Sunset answered.

"Aw, come on!"

"No. I'm not going to change my mind."

"Aaaggh!" With a loud groan, Scootaloo flopped onto the ground, pouting.

Sunset knelt down next to Scootaloo, putting her wrapped forehoof over her shoulder. "Listen, Scootaloo," she said in a calm but serious voice. "I don't want to see you three getting hurt because I decided to put you in harm's way. What if something happens to you? I'm not going to take chances with that."

Scootaloo lifted her head and sighed. "I guess you're right," she admitted. "Well, this stinks."

Sunset looked at Scootaloo for a few moments, and an idea came to her. "Well..."

"What is it, Sunset?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Sunset tapped her chin with her forehoof. "I suppose I could teach you three self-defense..."

Scootaloo's eyes lit up. "Seriously?!"

Sunset held her hoof up. "But first, you need to get permission from your sisters, or in Scootaloo's case, Rainbow Dash," she stated.

Apple Bloom cocked her head to the side. "Why's that?" she asked.

"I'm not going to teach you if they're not comfortable with it," Sunset pointed out as her expression got more serious. "Also, I only want you using what I teach you as a last resort if you're in trouble and can't get away. If I find out you're running around picking fights with bad guys, we're done. Got it?"

The Cutie Mark Crusaders nodded. "Got it," they answered in unison.

"Alright then." With a satisfied smirk, Sunset lit up her horn. Her purple fedora floated over to the four ponies and slowly placed itself onto Scootaloo's head. The young pegasus smiled as she lifted the hat with her forehoof.

"Thanks, Sunset," she said.

"No problem," the older unicorn replied. The four ponies sat on the cliff in silence for a couple moments, gazing at the bright orange rays of Celestia's sun as it slowly descended behind the faraway horizon. Sunset closed her eyes and let out a sigh.

"What's wrong, Sunset?" Sweetie Belle piped up.

"Nothing, Sweetie Belle," Sunset told her. "Just... thinking about... things."

"Like what?" Apple Bloom asked.

Sunset remained silent for a few moments, her gaze towards the sunset never wavering. Finally, she spoke up.

"Princess Celestia."

The three Crusaders looked at each other for a few moments, then back at Sunset. "What about the Princess?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Sunset's smile faded as a saddened expression took its place. She sighed heavily. "I... I used to be Princess Celestia's personal student, just like Twilight was."

"Really?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yes, but... during that time, I've done and said things I'm not proud of." Sunset held her mask in her hooves and stared at it, her reflection in the eye lenses gazing back at her. "I became Mare-Do-Well because I wanted to protect others, but... I guess there's another reason why."

"What's that?" Apple Bloom asked.

Sunset paused for a moment before answering. "To make up for those things I did."

The three fillies looked at each other for a few moments, then turned back to Sunset. "What'd you do?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Sunset remained silent as she glanced at the three young fillies beside her, trying to come up with an answer. For a brief moment, she felt jealous of them. Innocence... something young ponies have plenty of... something I absolutely didn't have back then... Suddenly shaking her head, Sunset pushed those thoughts out of her head. "It's nothing," she answered.

Sweetie Belle spoke up. "If something's bothering you, you can tell us," she told her.

Sunset waved her forehoof dismissively. "Thanks for your concerns, but it's something I don't really want to bother you with."

"Sunset." The older unicorn gazed towards the Crusaders, surprised as she noticed that all three of them were looking serious. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo placed their hooves onto Sunset's. "Whatever it is, I'm sure we can handle it, and no matter what you did, we won't hold it against you," Apple Bloom stated firmly.

Sunset hesitated. "You sure?"

Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo nodded confidently. "We're sticking by you, no matter what," Scootaloo declared.

Sunset couldn't help but smile a little. Either they're really good actors, or they're more mature than they seem... she thought.

"Okay, then," she said as she turned towards the sunset. Taking a deep breath, she began her story...

I first met Princess Celestia when my parents were signing me up to be a student at the School of Gifted Unicorns. She saw how skilled at magic I was, and she saw a lot of potential in me. I studied under the regular program at the school for a few months, and everypony was impressed with how well I performed. Eventually, she did take me under her wing and made me her personal student.

You wouldn't believe how ecstatic I was. Me, Sunset Shimmer, receiving private lessons from Princess Celestia! And I get to live in the castle with her! My parents were so proud of me! I still attended regular classes for stuff the Princess couldn't teach me. My life was fantastic...

But at the same time, it began falling apart... and I completely failed to realize it.

I let my status as Princess Celestia's get to my head, and I just became an arrogant snob, bragging about how much better I was, and picking on those that I felt were way below me. I even sent Trixie Lulamoon the wrong way during her first day when she asked me where her classroom was. The other students complained to the faculty about how much of a bigot I was becoming, and Princess Celestia eventually caught wind of it. Needless to say, she wasn't impressed. She gave me a good long lecturing about humility, saying that even though I was at the top of the class, I shouldn't consider myself superior over other ponies. When she finished, she also gave me a suggestion...

"Make some friends."

But I refused to listen to her.

"Pfft! Who needs friends when you're the best?" I thought to myself.

Turns out, everypony needs friends. I needed friends. But I was too stubborn and egotistic to admit it.

Many years went by, and the Princess's frequent talks about humility and relationships were refusing to sink in. I wasn't getting along with other students, only driving them away with my elitist attitude.

Then came... the mirror.

After hearing about how rudely I turned down a fellow student's invitation to hang out, she began lecturing me again about humility. During that, she brought me to an old chamber that contained a giant mirror. She asked me to look into it, and tell her what I saw.

I told her I saw myself as an all-powerful alicorn princess, a ruler of Equestria.

However, something in the mirror caught my eye. But I didn't know what it was, and Princess Celestia escorted me out of the chamber before I could get a good look. I'm not entirely sure, but that thing I saw for a split second... it looked a lot like me, but... different somehow.

During the next few weeks, the mirror was the only thing I could think about. I kept barraging the Princess with questions about it, and she refused to give me an answer, telling me I wasn't ready. It stayed like that for weeks: both Princess Celestia and I were losing our patience, tensions were building up, the two of us slowly drifting apart...

...until it all came crashing down one evening.

I snuck into the dark magic section of the library, trying to dig up some dirt on the mirror. After some searching, I found out that the Crystal Mirror was actually a portal leading to another world, a portal that opens up every thirty moons.

When I turned the page, I saw something else that Princess Celestia didn't tell me about...

She had the power to turn me into an alicorn princess.

My mind filled with rage at that moment. Princess Celestia knew I had the potential to be a great ruler, and she was holding me back! She was worried that I could surpass her, so she was hiding this from me and lying through her teeth! I just couldn't believe it!

Just then, Princess Celestia arrived in the library, two Royal Guards escorting her.

I still remember it like it was yesterday...

Sunset slammed the book shut, a furious glare directed at her mentor. "How dare you keep this kind of magic from me!" she yelled. "You know that I'm ready for this! That I can be great!"

Princess Celestia lowered her head in disappointment. "You could be great," she told Sunset. "I thought I saw compassion and sincerity in you... but it was nothing but ambition. You're being selfish, you need to step back and reflect-"

With a loud yell, Sunset magically flung the tome towards Princess Celestia, only for it to be deflected by a barrier the Princess quickly conjured. "I'M SELFISH?!" Sunset screamed, pointing her hoof at the book between the two of them. "That book right there says I could become as powerful as an alicorn princess! I could rule here! It's selfish of YOU to keep me from my rightful place!"

Sunset approached her mentor, her angry gaze unwavering. "I deserve to stand beside you and be your equal... if not your better," she said.

"Make me a princess."

The two ponies stared each other down for a few moments. Princess Celestia raised her head, an angry, yet disappointed expression on her face as she looked down on her pupil. With a deep breath, she replied to Sunset's demand with one word.


That one word got Sunset's blood boiling. "What did you just say to me?" she growled, her voice filled with rage.

"No," Princess Celestia stated firmly. "Being a princess must be earned. I have been trying to teach you everything you need to know... but you've turned from it. Every time you say you 'deserve' to get something without the effort... it just proves to me that you are not ready."

"Oh... so I'm not ready, huh? Is that it?" Sunset pointed her forehoof at Princess Celestia. "Or maybe you're just worried that I could become more powerful than you, that you'll lose your precious position as ruler of Equestria to me! That's why you're holding me back!"

Princess Celestia sighed deeply, her eyes closing in disappointment. "I'm sorry that it has come to this," she said.

"Sunset Shimmer... I am removing you from the position of my pupil."

That was it. With those words, I was no longer the Princess's personal student.

At that instant, something inside me snapped. You wouldn't believe how downright FURIOUS I was. It was like I had become a vicious beast, thirsting for blood. Right then and there, I wanted to tackle the Princess, just wanted to strangle her and force her to make me a princess. The only thing that held me back was that I knew Celestia could easily overpower me.

Sunset just stood there, her furious gaze intensifying as the princess continued.

"If we cannot get past this, your studies end here. You are welcome to stay in Canterlot, but you are no longer welcome in the castle."

Sunset stomped her hoof in frustration as she approached her now ex-mentor. "We'll never get past this, because you aren't seeing how great I deserve to be," she snarled. "Is that really all you have to say to me?"

Princess Celestia stood back as her guards approached Sunset. "No. The guards will escort you out," she said.

Sunset never took her glare off the Princess as one of the guards nudged her from behind and directed her towards the door. As she stepped out of the chamber, she paused and looked back at Princess Celestia with an intense scowl.

"You'll regret this, Princess," she growled, putting as much malice as she could into the last word. "This is the biggest mistake you'll make in your entire life."

As Sunset and the guards disappeared from view, Princess Celestia's expression saddened as her gaze fell on a tapestry hanging nearby, a reminder of a painful decision she was forced to make nearly a thousand years ago.

"One of many..." she whispered to herself as she closed her eyes, letting a single teardrop fall.

I didn't know it back then, but Princess Celestia was right.

I did have the potential to achieve great things. The two of us could see that clearly.

But the Princess saw something that I was completely blind to: I wasn't ready. I didn't deserve to be a princess, and by lashing out at her like a spoiled brat that night, I had made it perfectly clear.

But at the time, all I felt was pure hatred towards her for denying me something that I felt I deserved.

And I wasn't going to take that lying down.

Using some dark magic spells I picked up while researching the mirror, I knocked out the guards escorting me and escaped. I heard other guards calling for backup, but I had only one thing on my mind: the mirror.

I dashed through the corridors of the castle as fast I could, until I found the chamber where the Crystal Mirror was stored. As I approached, I saw that the portal was open... and it was my ticket out of Canterlot. I braced myself and prepared to dive through...

...but something stopped me.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I saw myself... but as a tall, skinny figure wearing a black jacket, an orange skirt, and a pair of boots. I paused for a few moments, staring at my reflection as a grin formed on her face.

Just then, it happened.

Her skin turned a deep red, and demonic wings sprouted from her backside. Her eyes blackened, and fangs sprouted from her mouth. Her clothes and mane transformed, taking up the appearance of demonic flames. A star-shaped crown appeared on her head, and it was pulsing with dark magic.

As flames erupted around her, she threw her head back... and laughed like a complete maniac.

I didn't know it then, but that image of myself was only the beginning of a nightmare... a nightmare that would haunt me for the next thirty moons. At that moment, however, there was only one thing I could say about it:

It was terrifying.

I knew that the guards were coming: I could hear their hooves and shouts as they closed in on me. But despite that, my legs refused to move. I was frozen in place as I stared at the monster in the mirror, refusing to accept that it was my reflection.

Suddenly, I was struck with a blast of magic from behind. The impact sent me flying from the mirror and crashing into the wall. I tried to stand, but I felt myself getting weaker, and I slumped over, my strength gone and my vision fading. A moment later, I felt myself being lifted into the air by magic.

The last thing I remember before I drifted off into unconsciousness was a familiar voice whispering to me, a voice full of sadness and regret...

"Please forgive me, Sunset Shimmer..."

Author's Note:

The journey into Sunset Shimmer's past begins. :pinkiegasp:

For those wondering, the argument between Sunset and Celestia was taken from the comic "The Fall of Sunset Shimmer," with some extra dialogue thrown in.

What's going to happen to Sunset? :rainbowhuh: Keep an eye out for Part 2!