• Published 14th Jan 2015
  • 7,735 Views, 313 Comments

Sunset Shimmer: The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well - Joeycrick

During one fateful Nightmare Night, a last-minute costume choice turns Princess Twilight's student into a hero.

  • ...

Chapter 12: Wayward Sun (Part 4)

"Sunset Shimmer, are you all right?"

Sunset's mind went blank as her feelings conflicted with each other. She tried to glare at the alicorn princess, but for some reason, she found herself unable to. She wanted to lash out at her, but when she opened her mouth, no words came out.

Instead, without thinking, as if another force was controlling her, Sunset Shimmer slowly raised her forehoof.

With Twilight's help, Sunset slowly got to her hooves. A shot of pain went through her hind leg, causing her to stumble for a moment.

"Sunset!" Twilight gasped as she tried to keep her student upright. She lowered herself under one of Sunset's arms, using her weight to support her. "Come on, we need to get you back to the castle!"

"But..." Sunset turned her head towards Rainbow Dash and Applejack, who were still engaging the injured timberwolf. "W... what about those two?"

"They'll be fine," Twilight assured her.

"We can handle this, sugarcube!" Applejack shouted through her teeth as she continued pulling on her lasso. "We'll catch up with you later, just concentrate on gettin' out of here!"

"Come on, Sunset," Twilight urged, hoisting the injured Sunset onto her back. "Hold on!"

Sunset wrapped her forehooves as tightly as she could around Twilight's barrel, and the alicorn took off, sprinting through the Everfree Forest. Sunset looked behind her, the timberwolf's roaring and Rainbow Dash's taunting growing fainter.

She didn't know what to think.

Twilight and Sunset didn't speak a word to each other as they made their way through the forest. Sunset's mind wandered as she tried to take in what was happening. Twilight didn't slow down until she reached the edge of the forest. Sunset squinted as the last rays of Celestia's sun hit her eyes. Once her vision cleared, she made out Twilight's castle a short distance off, and the long road winding to Ponyville.

Twilight stopped at a nearby oak tree, gently lowering Sunset beside it. Sunset grunted as she rested her back against the trunk. The two ponies remained silent for a few moments, until Twilight spoke.

"Sunset... are you feeling okay?"

Sunset blinked a couple times, slowly nodding her head. "H-how did you find me?" she asked quietly.

"When you didn't come back, we tried searching for you around Ponyville. We asked around, and Lyra Heartstrings said she saw you heading towards the Everfree Forest. Applejack, Rainbow Dash and I went inside to look for you, while Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie remained at the castle in case you came back. We heard some roaring during our search, and decided to follow it. It led us to you, and the rest... you know what happened."

Sunset stared at Twilight as the princess answered her question. After a while, she asked another question: "Why were you looking for me?"

Twilight turned towards Sunset with a small smile. "Because you're our friend, and we care about you."

Sunset couldn't help but scoff. "I'm your friend? After all that crap I did to all of you? After I said I hated you for stealing what was mine? You'd still consider me a friend?" She turned away from Twilight. "You're crazy."

To her surprise, she heard a small chuckle. She turned around and raised an eyebrow at the sight of Twilight's smile.

"Tirek told me the same thing when I demanded him to release Discord," the princess said. "I still considered him a friend even after he betrayed us."

Sunset couldn't help but roll her eyes. "You can't be serious."

"Tirek just misguided him, tricking him into thinking he could offer something better than friendship," Twilight replied. "He even gave him his brother's medallion claiming it was a gift showing gratitude and loyalty, only to backstab him and take his powers once he captured my friends. Tirek twisted the knife further by saying the medallion was worthless, just like his brother."

"Sounds like a real classy fellow," Sunset muttered.

Twilight giggled at Sunset's remark. After a while, Sunset found herself joining her, letting out a small chuckle that gradually evolved into laughter. She didn't know why she was laughing, given that she was injured and in the presence of a pony that she hated, but she didn't care.

Eventually, the laughter died down as silence overtook the two ponies. Twilight let out a small sigh. "Sunset..."

Sunset raised her head. "What is it?"

Twilight slowly turned around. "After you stormed out of the library... Princess Luna came by the castle."

Sunset's smile faded; she knew what was coming up.

"The princess..." Twilight began. "She told me what's been going on in your head. That you've been haunted by-"

"A demon," Sunset finished, closing her eyes as she turned away. I can't believe I'm doing this... I don't even know why I'm doing this... but I might as well let it all out. "A reflection of what I've been turning into. She's been haunting me for the past two years, refusing to leave me alone." She let out a sigh. "My pride and my ego have been turning me into a monster, and I didn't realize it until that night when Princess Celestia dismissed me as her student. That was when I first saw it, when I saw my reflection in the Crystal Mirror.

"But I refused to accept it. I've been trying to push it away... and it only came back, stronger. When I found out that Celestia turned you into a princess... I snapped. I was furious. Furious that something I felt I deserved was given to you instead. I was the top student at the School of Gifted Unicorns... but it wasn't enough to convince Celestia that I was ready. All it took for you was saving Equestria and hanging out with other ponies." With that, Sunset flopped onto the ground, the grass brushing against her muzzle and her leg aching slightly. "And it only made things worse..." she muttered softly, to the point where Twilight almost didn't hear her.

Twilight slowly walked towards Sunset, sitting down beside her. "Sunset... there's more to it than just that. I wouldn't have gotten to where I am today without my friends. All of them have changed my life in wonderful ways. Before, I was just like you: my studies were always a top priority, and I didn't give a thought about making friends. I always thought it was pointless. But today... I can't imagine a life without them. I was supposed to head back to Canterlot after the Summer Sun Festival two years ago when I first arrived in Ponyville, but I couldn't bear to part from my friends so soon after we just met. I begged Princess Celestia to let me stay and continue my studies here...

"And I'm glad I did. My friends have taught me many valuable lessons, and we've faced so much together. The way I see it, it wasn't Princess Celestia that turned me into an alicorn... it was the magic of friendship. And I would like the opportunity to teach you about it."

Sunset opened her eyes and looked at Twilight for a few moments. "Twilight... why are you insisting on this?" she asked. "Is it just because Princess Celestia asked you to?"

Twilight shook her head. "No, I'm not doing this for Princess Celestia's sake," she answered. "For the past couple months, I was unsure about what I was supposed to do as a princess. 'What was my purpose?' I kept asking myself. It wasn't until a month ago that I discovered what it was... to help spread the magic of friendship around Equestria. And that includes you, Sunset Shimmer."

"Yeah... good luck trying to teach a monster about friendship," Sunset snorted.

Twilight gently brushed her forehoof against Sunset's dirty mane. "You're not a monster," she stated firmly. "It doesn't matter what you've done in the past. Don't dwell on it, just continue moving forward. It's not your past that defines you, it's today. Whenever I've looked at you these past two weeks, I didn't see a monster. I saw a pony who desperately needs friends. All of us are willing to give you a chance and pass the lessons we have learned on to you. But that cannot happen unless you stop trying to push us away and instead open yourself up to us. Sunset Shimmer... will you open up and give us a chance to do just that?"

Sunset paused for a moment, taking in Twilight's words. She stared at the alicorn princess in front of her, not saying a word.

Twilight noticed a look of worry across Sunset's face. "Is there something wrong, Sunset?" she asked.

"What... what about your friends?" she said quietly. "I don't think they'll be too keen on trying to become friends with me after what I did to all of you."

Twilight put her hoof around Sunset's shoulder and chuckled. "Don't be ridiculous. Remember what Rainbow Dash and Applejack did earlier?"

Sunset's mind wandered back to her time with Rainbow Dash and Applejack. She grimaced as she remembered how hostile she was acting towards them. "They were extremely furious with me..." she whispered.

"They don't act like a spoiled brat over somethin' so stupid!"

"Come on, Twi! How much longer do we have to put up with that snob?!"

And yet...

"You want her?"

"You'll have to go through us!"

"And yet..." Sunset's eyes began to water as she turned towards Twilight. "And yet they risked their lives to save mine..."

Twilight smiled as she placed her forehoof on Sunset's. "Exactly. Rainbow Dash never turns her back on anypony, especially her friends. And Applejack is one of the most dependable ponies you'll ever meet in Equestria. You can count on those two for anything. They'll have your back, no matter what."

"But... what about Pinkie Pie or Rarity?" Sunset asked, images of her interactions with the party pony and fashionista flashing in her head.

"Seeing smiles on everypony's faces is all it takes to make Pinkie Pie happy, so she does her best to make everypony smile. And I'm sure that after all you've been through, she'd be overjoyed to finally see you happy. Although you have to admit... she can go overboard with it at times. And Rarity may be a highly sophisticated mare obsessed with fashion, as well as a huge drama queen, but behind all that is a generous heart that keeps on giving. Ponies like her don't come across too often."

Sunset paused as she remembered her behavior towards Twilight's last friend. "And..." she said slowly, a hint of worry in her voice. "Fluttershy...? What about her? She's afraid of me because I've been tormenting her for fun. You think she'll give me a chance?"

Twilight chuckled. "Just give her time to warm up to you. She may be incredibly timid and nervous most of the time, but once she opens up, Fluttershy is one of the nicest ponies you'll meet. She has a kind and gentle spirit, almost like she's a reincarnation of an angel. It was actually because of her that we became friends with Discord."

Sunset raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Really? Fluttershy was the one that reformed Discord?"

Twilight nodded. "She took him in and gave him the benefit of the doubt, even when the rest of us weren't," she said. "She helped him discover the magic of friendship, and just as he was about to lose it, along with the only friend he had, he realized that he didn't want to give it up. If she can open herself up to the Spirit of Chaos, I'm confident that she'll open herself up to you."

Sunset remained silent, taking in Twilight's words. She sighed before turning to the alicorn. "You think there's hope for me?"

Twilight nodded confidently. "All of us believe in you. We'll be here by your side the whole way. You'll never be alone."

Sunset closed her eyes, deep in thought.

I've been alone all my life. I mercilessly stomped on ponies I felt were inferior to me, and shut out everypony with my arrogance.

I was denied the role of a princess, a role I felt I was ready for and deserved. Instead, the title was given to the pony sitting next to me. All I've felt towards her was hatred. Hatred for stealing what I thought was rightfully mine.

I was an idiot. I threw two years of my life away, all over a stupid dream.

I was met with nightmares and visions that drove me to insanity.

Twilight and her friends reached out to me, and all I did was try to push them away. I wanted nothing to do with them.

I threw as many insults towards Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie as I could. I tormented and frightened Fluttershy.

And after all that...

They still believe in me.

They still want to be my friends.

...She still wants to be my friend.


...Well played, Celestia. "The Princess of Friendship," indeed.

Sunset opened her eyes. As the sun vanished below the mountains far in the horizon, she turned towards Princess Twilight. She took a deep breath.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle..." I've been alone for too long. No more. "I would like the opportunity to learn about friendship. Could you and your friends teach me about it?"

Twilight nodded with a smile. "Of course we will, Sunset Shimmer," she said. "We would like that very much."

With that, Twilight and Sunset wrapped their forehooves around each other in a hug. Sunset grunted in pain as Twilight's hooves made contact. "Ow... jeez, that hurts..."

Twilight's eyes widened. "Oh! Sorry!" Flustered, she quickly let go of Sunset. "I forgot you were hurt!"

Sunset just shrugged, rubbing her hind leg as it began to throb. "Don't worry about it, Twilight. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Twilight asked, tilting her head anxiously. "If it's too much for you to handle..."

A small smile formed on the unicorn's face as she shook her head. "Nah... if you don't mind, I'd like to just rest here a little bit."

Twilight just shook her head in amusement, chuckling to herself. Sunset turned her head, her eyebrow raised as she watched her new friend. A moment later, she joined her in laughter.

As she laughed, Sunset felt something inside her change. Her ears perking up, she turned her head, spotting an all-too familiar sight in the distance. Sunset watched as her demon's mouth curled into an evil grin, and flames began to build up around her.

This time, however, Sunset didn't close her eyes in fear. Instead, a smile of confidence formed on her face. Though the alicorn wasn't speaking, Twilight's voice rang through Sunset's head.

Sunset Shimmer... you're not alone. You're our friend... and we're here for you.

Sunset's inner demon froze in place and spun around, trying to locate the source of the voice. Suddenly, the flames began to die down, and the demon's eyes widened in fear as her body started to slowly fade away.

Your past is not today... do not dwell on it. Learn from it, and continue moving forward. We'll be here to guide you every step of the way.

Sunset continued watching, her gaze never wavering as the nightmare that haunted her for the past two years continued to vanish. Before completely disappearing, she opened her mouth to scream, but it was not heard over the sound of Twilight's voice in Sunset's head.

You're not a monster, Sunset Shimmer... you're our friend... We will not give up on you, do not give up on yourself.

As Twilight spoke, Sunset heard another set of voices... the ones that were singing to her in her dreams. This time, she could hear them clearly, and as she listened, a ray of hope sparked within her.

"Carry on, you will always remember...
Carry on, nothing equals the splendor..."

"Princess Luna really outdid herself."

The sound of Twilight's voice from next to her snapped Sunset back to reality. She turned to her new friend, lying on her back and gazing towards the night sky.

"The stars are very pretty tonight," Twilight murmured quietly.

"Now your life's no longer empty,
Surely heaven waits for you..."

Turning her head as she looked upwards, something caught Sunset's eye: a group of six familiar constellations, all arranged in a circle.

A seventh constellation slowly appeared, positioned in the center.

"Carry on, my wayward sun...
There'll be peace when you are done..."

As she watched the new member of the group, Sunset Shimmer smiled warmly.

"Yes... yes they are, Twilight."

"Lay your weary head to rest...
Don't you cry no more..."

Underneath the starry skies on the outskirts of Ponyville...
A friendship is born.

Author's Note:

And there we have it! The beginning of Sunset Shimmer's friendship with Twilight Sparkle! :twilightsmile:

The chapter was originally supposed to end in the present day, with Sunset finishing her tale for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. But this ending... I feel that it's too perfect, and returning to the present immediately afterward would just ruin it. Instead, it'll be its own short, separate chapter. It'll be kinda like an epilogue to the "Wayward Sun" arc, this time titled after another song that I think is perfect for Sunset Shimmer:

Don't worry: we'll be getting back to the action soon! :rainbowdetermined2: