• Published 14th Jan 2015
  • 7,730 Views, 313 Comments

Sunset Shimmer: The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well - Joeycrick

During one fateful Nightmare Night, a last-minute costume choice turns Princess Twilight's student into a hero.

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Chapter 20: Sunset's Recovery

Sparkly raised her eyebrow. "Celestial Amulet?"

Twilight lit up her horn, and one of the books she borrowed from the Canterlot library popped into existence. Grabbing it with her magic, she flipped to one of the pages marked by a sticky note. "Simply put, an ancient artifact that bestows great power to the bearer," she began to explain.

As Twilight told Sparkly about the three Relics that made up the Celestial Amulet, Sunset sat up on her bed, lost in thought. She hadn't said a word since Sparkly Skies finished her story. While Twilight expressed concern and Rainbow Dash almost blew a gasket, she remained silent, her brow furrowed as thoughts raced across her mind.

The events of her last encounter with Star Gazer replayed in her head, the distressed unicorn screaming about how Princess Celestia was responsible for Sparkly's accident. But according to Sparkly herself, all the Princess did was try to protect them from harm after Star Gazer's experiment backfired. Despite her best attempts, she couldn't stop Sparkly's pegasus magic from being zapped right out of her.

If Princess Celestia hadn't stepped in, things might have turned out even worse, she thought to herself. So why, Star Gazer? Why are you blaming Princess Celestia for the accident? Is it because you can't accept that you were the one who paralyzed your friend? Was it the guilt too much for you to handle?

Apparently so.

But something else was bothering her even more.

Star Gazer never visited Sparkly in the hospital, and she did her best to keep her distance from her paralyzed friend. If the two did manage to get within talking distance of each other, Star Gazer would make up an excuse to walk away just to avoid an inevitable conversation about the incident. The final nail on the coffin was Star Gazer vanishing from Canterlot without a trace. No note or any other clue to her whereabouts was left behind, and she didn't tell anypony. Not even her best friend.

What kind of friend just walks away without even saying goodbye? Sunset wondered, looking towards the paralyzed pegasus. Did you even think about how Sparkly might've felt? She misses you... she doesn't even care any more about being unable to fly. She's been trying to tell you there's no reason to feel guilty about what happened, and you never gave her a chance.

"Hey Sunset?"

The sound of Rainbow Dash's voice snapped Sunset out of her thoughts. Blinking a few times and shaking her head, she turned to the pegasus standing beside her. "Huh? What is it?"

"Something's definitely on your mind," Rainbow answered. "You haven't said a word since Sparkly finished her story. You mind telling me what you're thinking about?"

Sunset remained silent for a moment, then she motioned for Rainbow Dash to come closer. "Don't tell Sparkly I said this, okay?" she asked.

"Sure thing," the pegasus replied, making a quick Pinkie Promise gesture with her hooves.

Sunset paused to take a deep breath, then she began whispering. "Sparkly told us that she still believes Star Gazer is her friend."

"And what's bothering you about that?"

Sunset glanced off to the side with a frown. "But from what she's told us, Star Gazer, after the accident... she was trying to avoid Sparkly. She never visited her, she walked away whenever Sparkly tried to talk with her... heck, she even left Canterlot without even so much as a farewell." Sunset lowered her head and sighed. "After all that, Sparkly still considers Star Gazer to be a friend. But I'm not sure why."

"Hey, we gave you a chance, remember?" Rainbow Dash whispered, giving Sunset a wink. "You were being an unbearably arrogant snob when you first arrived here-"

"Ugh, don't remind me." Sunset's frown deepened as she remembered how poorly she had treated Twilight and her friends.

"But that didn't stop us from rescuing you from the Everfree Forest," Rainbow continued. "We never gave up on you, despite what you had done to us. We knew that somewhere deep inside you was a friend. And maybe Sparkly believes that about Star Gazer, too. Her childhood friend is still there, just locked somewhere inside, ready to be freed."

Sunset pondered over Rainbow's words, then she turned towards Princess Twilight and Sparkly, who were discussing the Relic of Flight. "I hope you're right, Rainbow Dash," she murmured.

"So basically, that Flight Relic thing... it could help me fly, right?" Sparkly asked.

"As long as you're wearing it, yes," Twilight confirmed with a nod. "But it could also have the potential to be dangerous. One of our friends, a unicorn, experienced the power of the Earth Relic for a short while, and she managed to kick three ponies right through a solid brick wall. If you were to possess the power of the Relic of Flight... it could be possible that even Rainbow Dash would have trouble keeping up with you."

Rainbow froze for a moment, before narrowing her eyes and zooming up to Twilight. "Is that a challenge, Twi?" she said with a smirk.

Twilight did a double take. "What? No!" she blurted out, waving her forearms. "It's just a guess on what would happen if Sparkly used the Relic of Flight!"

"Please," Rainbow replied smugly. "You think that hunk of junk can keep up with moi?"

"It's just a hypothesis, Rainbow Dash!"

"And they're meant to be tested, aren't they? Bring it!"

"We're trying to keep the Relics hidden from Star Gazer, remember?!"

While Twilight and Rainbow continued bickering, Sunset and Sparkly just took quick glances at each other, before bursting out into laughter.

Two days passed by slowly as Sunset recovered from her injuries. At Twilight's urging, she spent the entire first day in bed, with Fluttershy occasionally stopping by to check on her condition. She was woken up early by Fluttershy the next day, just as Celestia's sun was peeking over the faraway horizon. After a small breakfast, Fluttershy asked Sunset if she was able to get onto her hooves.

"If you're feeling okay, that is," she added.

"Doesn't hurt as bad as it did yesterday," Sunset muttered as she sat up on the edge of the bed. After a small stretch, she took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing," she said as she started to climb off.

When her fetlocks touched the floor, Sunset winced in pain and stumbled, but Fluttershy was there to catch her. "Easy there, Sunset," she told her, hovering in the air as she tried her best to support the unicorn. "Don't push yourself too hard. The more you do, the longer it'll take for you to recover."

"Urgh... thanks for the help, Fluttershy," Sunset grunted as she struggled to stand up straight.

"Can you move?" Fluttershy asked, looking on in concern.

Sunset lifted her forehoof and placed it down in front of her other one, wincing for a moment. She did the same with her other hooves, slowly making her way to the mirror across the room as Fluttershy hovered beside her. "Yeah... I think I've got it." She approached the mirror and took a look at herself, her eyes widening. "Oh my..."

Sunset had caught a glimpse of her face yesterday using a hoof mirror, but there were a few things she had missed. Underneath her disheveled mane, a bandage was wrapped around her head like a bandanna, and upon closer inspection, she spotted another one wrapped around her barrel. However, the bruises on her face had mostly faded, and her eye was looking a bit less swollen.

"You... you were in pretty bad shape when you arrived here with Twilight," Fluttershy murmured, lowering her gaze. "Your costume also took quite a lot of damage."

"Rarity's fixing it up?" Sunset replied, suddenly realizing she hadn't caught a glimpse of her enchanted pendant since waking up.

Fluttershy nodded. "There were so many rips and tears all over it, Rarity almost fainted when I brought it to her. She told me that she and Twilight would try to add more protection to the costume while you recover. Hopefully it'll help keep you from getting hurt when you get back out there."

"Anything happen while I was out?" Sunset asked, inspecting her swollen eye.

"Other than a couple minor crimes, nothing, really," Fluttershy answered. "Night... I mean Star Gazer and her followers haven't shown up the past few days."

"That's good to hear," Sunset said.

"Sunset..." The unicorn turned to her friend, who was looking at her with a mildly stern expression. "No heroics for the time being. In your condition right now, it'll only put more stress on your body and make it more difficult to get better. So please... don't push yourself too much."

Sunset smiled. "Don't worry, Fluttershy," she told her, placing a forehoof on the pegasus's shoulder. "I'm not looking to cause any permanent damage to myself."

"Thank you, Sunset," Fluttershy answered with a small smile. "Now then... Zecora's got something for you downstairs that'll help speed up your recovery."

"Oh jeez..."

Noticing the worried look on Sunset's face, Fluttershy giggled as she led the unicorn out of the bedroom. "Don't worry, Sunset. Zecora's herbal baths are actually quite relaxing."

Several hours later...


"Coming!" Twilight called out, placing the book she was reading onto a nearby table. She approached the door, her horn lighting up as she opened it.

"Hello, how may I help-?" Twilight stopped herself as the door swung open, revealing... nopony. Raising her eyebrow in puzzlement, she leaned out the doorway. "Hello? Is anypony here?" she called out.

*BOOM* "GAH!!!"

Twilight stumbled backwards in shock as an explosion went off in front of her. A giant, azure cloud of smoke rose up, accompanied by a series of fireworks and bright flashes.

"BEHOLD!!!" a loud voice boomed. As Twilight got back onto her hooves, she looked towards the smoke cloud. The flashing lights revealed the silhouette of a mare rearing up on her hind legs, a pointed cap on her head and a cape flowing behind her. Twilight just rolled her eyes in amusement as the figure brought its forelegs down, hitting the ground with a boom. The smoke cloud dispersed to reveal...

"THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!!!" As the showmare announced her name, she stood up proudly on her hind legs, her arms outstretched as more fireworks exploded behind her.

"Yep," Twilight chuckled. "Same as always."

As the smoke cleared away, Trixie lit up her horn, levitating off her star-studded hat and cape until they vanished in a flash of light. "Hello... Twilight Sparkle," she said with a sly grin.

"Haven't seen you in a while, Trixie," Twilight said, stepping aside as Trixie walked through the doorway. "What brings you to Ponyville?"

"Why, this little town is the next stop on Trixie's Showstopping Spectacular Magic Tour!" the unicorn announced, her horn lighting up as a rolled-up flyer popped into existence. Trixie unfurled the flyer and levitated it towards Twilight, who took it and gave it a quick glance. "A massive show that has made The Great And Powerful Trixie a star all across Equestria!" she announced grandly. "Watch in awe, fillies and gentlecolts, as Trixie amazes you with incredible displays of magic from beyond your wildest imaginations!"

"Wow... this looks incredible!" Twilight remarked, her eyes widening as she read about the highlights of Trixie's show. "Your magic performances have come quite a long way in the last few years. I definitely need to see this!"

"Well then, Trixie's got you covered!" With another flash of her horn, Trixie's pointed hat appeared. "Hold out your forehoof, Sparkle," Trixie said with a wink.

"Oh! Uh... okay." Twilight held out one of her forehooves, and Trixie placed her hat on top of it.

"And... voila!" Quick as a flash, Trixie's hat disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Coughing for a bit, Twilight looked down at her forehoof, which now held-

"Complimentary tickets to Trixie's Showstopping Spectacular Magic Tour, on the house!"

"Whoa... eight tickets?!" Twilight exclaimed in surprise as she counted the tickets. "This is a bit much, isn't it?!"

"Nonsense!" Trixie declared boldly, waving her forehoof dismissively. "One ticket for you, five for each of your friends, one for Spike, and one for your disciple! Think of it as a thank-you gift for setting Trixie on the right path after... well, you know." She grinned sheepishly, remembering the incidents with the Ursa Minor and the Alicorn Amulet.

"Gee, thanks Trixie," Twilight said. "But Rainbow Dash is in training at the Wonderbolts Academy, and Applejack... she's in Appaloosa helping Braeburn take care of the apple orchard."

"Hmm... I see. Their loss." With a frown, Trixie took two tickets within her magical grasp.

"Wait!" Twilight blurted out. Trixie paused, the tickets dangling over her hat. "I do have a guest in my castle who might be interested in going," Twilight explained. "Do you think you could spare a ticket for her?"

Thinking it over for a moment, Trixie sighed and nodded. "Just this once, Sparkle," she answered, levitating one of the tickets back onto Twilight's hoof. She then dropped the other one back into her hat, before it vanished with a flash.

"Thanks, Trixie," Twilight said.

"Eh... no big deal," Trixie muttered nonchalantly. "By the way, Sparkle..." she added, a look of curiosity suddenly forming on her face. "You never told Trixie the name of your disciple."

Twilight did a double take. "Huh? Didn't I tell you before you left for the tour?"

"You only told Trixie that the pony you were taking under your wing was a former student of Princess Celestia," Trixie stated. "But you never told Trixie who she was."

"Really? I could've sworn I did," Twilight muttered. Suddenly, something in the corner of her vision caught her attention, and she smiled. "Ooh! Perfect timing!" she exclaimed as she clapped her hooves together and trotted past Trixie.

The showmare turned around and spotted two ponies walking out of a side doorway, wearing bathrobes and chatting with each other. And as she took a good look at one of them, her eyes began to narrow dangerously, unpleasant memories from her fillyhood replaying themselves in her head.

You've got to be joking... SHE'S your apprentice, Sparkle?!

"See, Sunset?" Fluttershy asked with a smile. "What did I tell you?"

"You weren't kidding about that herbal bath," Sunset remarked, stopping to give one of her legs a quick shake. The bruises covering her body had completely faded, and while her eye was still slightly swollen, it wasn't as prominent as before.

"Don't get too carried away, Sunset," Fluttershy told her sternly. "It just speeds up the recovery, it doesn't instantly heal your injuries. Your body still needs some rest, and it'll take some time before you're ready to get back out there."

"Oh... right," Sunset replied sheepishly. "But I'm definitely feeling a lot better now. Body's not aching nearly as badly as it did before."

"And it also helps calm your nerves," Fluttershy added with a satisfied smile. "Nothing like sitting in a warm bath and just letting your troubles soak away."

"Tell me about it," said Sunset. "Never felt that relaxed before. Hey, you know those spa dates you and Rarity have every week? Would you mind if I-?"

"Hey guys!"

Fluttershy and Sunset looked up in surprise as an excited Twilight galloped up to them. "What is it, Twilight?" Sunset asked.

"Sunset, there's an old friend of mine who would really like to meet you," Twilight answered, grinning widely and stepping aside for the reveal. Sunset found herself staring at a familiar light blue unicorn... and she was death glaring right at her.

Uh oh... Sunset gulped, breaking into a cold sweat. Please don't remember me... please don't remember me...

"Trixie, I'd like you to meet my apprentice, Su-"

"YOU!!!" Trixie jabbed a forehoof in Sunset's direction, steam billowing out of her ears as Twilight and Fluttershy jumped back in surprise.

Aw crap, she remembers me... Sunset grinned nervously and gave a small wave. "Heh... long time no see, Trixie... heh heh..."

Author's Note:

Sunset takes a soothing bath meant to both speed up her recovery and calm her nerves... only to come face-to-face with Trixie Lulamoon, a pony from her fillyhood who's clearly not happy to see her again. :twilightoops:

I'll admit, I'm not exactly good at writing Trixie, but hopefully I did okay. :twilightblush: