• Published 14th Jan 2015
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Sunset Shimmer: The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well - Joeycrick

During one fateful Nightmare Night, a last-minute costume choice turns Princess Twilight's student into a hero.

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Chapter 16: The Wrath of "Night Shade"

Sunset Shimmer was hoping that she would get a chance to encounter Moon Dusk again. However, she imagined bumping into him on the street, or maybe the train. The last place she expected to run into him again was a villain's hideout, with Sunset in her Mare-Do-Well garb, no less.

But as she ran up to her former mentor and hugged him tightly, she decided it didn't matter. She was just happy to see him again.

"Sunset Shimmer..." Moon Dusk murmured, trying to hold back his tears. "It's so great to see you again."

"I've really missed you, Moon Dusk," Sunset replied. "I'm sorry I haven't kept in touch with you."

Dusty Runes walking up beside the two ponies. "So you DO know each other?" she asked.

"I was his apprentice for two years, following an incident between me and Princess Celestia," Sunset told her. "Let's just say it was a dark time for me, and he tried his best to help me through it." She then turned to Moon Dusk, her happy expression turning into one of concern. "But what are you doing here?"

Moon Dusk sighed, his face becoming serious. "I've been kidnapped, I'm afraid," he answered. "These ponies want me to help them locate the Relics that make up the Celestial Amulet. Of course, I refused to offer assistance, and here I am." He lowered his head, and upon closer inspection, Sunset noticed a metal magic-canceling ring around the base of his horn.

"Hold on, just let me get that off you," she said. Lighting up her horn, she focused her magic on the ring, slowly lifting it from the stallion's horn. Moon Dusk grit his teeth as his horn sparked painfully, until Sunset finally got it off. "You okay?" she asked as she levitated the ring into one of the pouches on her belt.

Moon Dusk rubbed his head a few times before replying. "I'm fine, thanks for getting rid of that accursed thing."

"No problem," Sunset replied. "But why you? You were just a professor at the School of Gifted Unicorns. Why would they think you would know where these Relics are?"

"I'm assuming it's because of the vast knowledge of ancient artifacts I've accumulated over the years," Moon Dusk replied, furrowing his brow. "However, I don't know much about the Celestial Amulet, other than that Princess Celestia split up the Amulet into three Relics after another pony tried to use it to overthrow her." He then turned towards Sunset, looking over her facial features closely. He couldn't help but notice a major difference in the look in her eyes.

"Something's clearly changed within you, Sunset," he remarked. "You're not the same unicorn that left my side many months ago. Especially if you've taken up vigilantism, as your outfit suggests," he added, pointing towards the brooch holding Sunset's cape in place.

Sunset chuckled. "Long story short, Princess Twilight taught me about friendship, and I dressed up as a superhero on Nightmare Night, only to wind up actually becoming one."

"Really?" Moon Dusk's eyes widened in surprise. "Well, that's great to hear. I'm really proud of you, Sunset."

"Don't thank me yet," Sunset replied, pulling her mask over her face. "I still need to get you two out of here."

"So what's the plan?" Dusty Runes asked, pounding her hooves together.

"Twilight's near the entrance to the cave, ready to teleport us back to her castle," Sunset replied, leaning out the doorway and peering down the hall. "We just need to get to her and we're free." Seeing that the path was clear, she motioned for the two ponies to follow her.

"But what about the guards?" Moon Dusk whispered as he tailed Mare-Do-Well and Dusty Runes.

"Don't worry," Mare-Do-Well whispered back. "Hopefully the ones I knocked out haven't been found yet. And if they discover us, I've got a few tricks up my cape." She held up her hoof when she reached the corner. Dusty and Moon Dusk waited as the masked mare checked for guards. The hallway was clear, and Mare-Do-Well signaled with her hoof. The three ponies quickly but quietly made their way towards the main hall, Dusty Runes pulling the hood of her cloak over her head.

Upon arriving, Mare-Do-Well crouched down and surveyed the area. She turned to the others and whispered, "Stay low, and stick close to me."

Dusty and Moon Dusk nodded and followed Mare-Do-Well's lead. The trio kept their heads low as they silently made their way towards the entrance. The guards that Mare-Do-Well rendered unconscious apparently remained undiscovered, since she did not see any incoming patrols.

Eventually, without incident, the three made it to the hallway leading to the outer courtyard. Mare-Do-Well quickly leaned against the wall, peering around the corner. Nopony was approaching, so she gestured to the others. With the costumed mare leading the way, they followed the passage, sticking close to each other.

"By the way, Dusty," Mare-Do-Well said as they neared the gate. "Something's been bugging me."

"What is it?" Dusty asked.

"You told that guard you don't know anypony named Night Shade. But that's the name of the pony that locked you guys up here. What's the deal with that?"

Mare-Do-Well, Dusty Runes, and Moon Dusk rounded the corner, only to stop in their tracks. Mare-Do-Well's eyes narrowed dangerously behind her mask as she crouched into a battle stance.

"Why don't you ask me yourself?" Night Shade replied with a smirk. Standing behind her were a dozen guard ponies in cloaks, all of them itching to pound intruders.

"Night Shade," Mare-Do-Well growled.

Dusty Runes stepped up, lowering her hood and directing her own glare at the villain. "Or should I say... Star Gazer?"

A bewildered Mare-Do-Well did a double take. "Wait... Star Gazer?"

"Night Shade is just an alias," Moon Dusk replied, stepping up beside Mare-Do-Well. "The mare's real name... is Star Gazer.

"And she used to study under Princess Celestia."

"Wh... WHAT?!" The realization struck Sunset Shimmer hard. She stared at the villain in shock, watching as she flicked her cloak upwards, revealing her cutie mark of the Big Dipper.

"Are you serious?!" Sunset blurted out, pointing her forehoof at Night Shade... or rather, Star Gazer. "She... she was a student of Princess Celestia?!"

"Better believe it, Miss Mysterious," Star Gazer smirked. "I was personal student of that old hag many years ago, until I decided to ditch her."

Sunset's mind went blank as she tried to process what she just heard. No way... she's just like me! An apprentice of Princess Celestia gone bad! I don't bucking believe this!!!

"Aw, what's the matter?" Star Gazer mocked. "Got your tights in a bunch?"

Sunset snapped out of her trance and turned towards Star Gazer. "This is all because of some stupid grudge against Princess Celestia, isn't it?!" she shouted, her voice shaking slightly as she pointed towards her nemesis. "Probably hungry for power, got mad when she wouldn't give it to you, and you decided to take your anger out on others!"

"Oh please," Star Gazer answered with a roll of her eyes. "You seriously think I'd do all this over something so petty? It goes even deeper than that, trust me."

"You seriously think that Sparkly Skies would be okay with this, Star Gazer?!" Moon Dusk shouted, stepping forward. "When she realizes what's become of her friend?!"

Sunset momentarily forgot about Moon Dusk and Dusty Runes. She turned towards them, her mind going into overdrive. Is this all because of an incident involving Star Gazer, Celestia, and this... Sparkly Skies? As much as I'd like to know what happened... I need to get those two out of here now. I'll just ask Princess Celestia once we're back in Ponyville. Hopefully she can shed some light on the situation.

"Shut your mouth, you old geezer!" Star Gazer snarled angrily, stomping her hoof. "Don't you talk about Sparkly like that!"

"You've been wreaking havoc all over Equestria just for the sake of a friend?" Mare-Do-Well asked, lowering her head. Obscured underneath her hat, her horn lit up. "What kind of friend are you?"

"SHUT UP, MARE-DO-WELL!!!" Star Gazer yelled, tears starting to flow down her face. "You know what it's like to lose your closest friend?! DO YOU?!"

"No..." Mare-Do-Well admitted, slowly levitating a flash bomb from her belt pouch. "But that doesn't give you the right to do what you did."

"Oh yeah?!" Star Gazer shot back. "What if the one who cost me my friend was PRINCESS CELESTIA?!"

Mare-Do-Well faltered for a moment. What...?! Princess Celestia...?! "What do you mean Princess Celestia cost you your friend?!"

"She's the reason why Sparkly can't fly again!!!" Star Gazer screamed. Her eyes were bloodshot and tear-soaked, and she was breathing heavily, a crazed expression on her face. Sunset couldn't help but feel sorry for her, seeing her nemesis break down like this.

"That wretched hag took my best friend's dream away from her!" Star Gazer continued, her horn lighting up. "I'm gonna make her pay! And nopony is going to stop me!"

Mare-Do-Well sighed deeply. "I'm sorry, Star Gazer, I really am," she slowly said, her head hanging low. "But I won't let you harm anypony else." Snapping her head up, she tossed the flash bomb at the group of ponies in front of her. Before they had a chance to react, the resulting flash blinded them.


"Follow me, and stay close!" Mare-Do-Well shouted. She leapt off the walkway, Dusty Runes and Moon Dusk right behind her. The group landed with a thud in front of the gate. Mare-Do-Well jumped to her hooves and waved towards Dusty and Moon Dusk, who were slowly getting up. The trio galloped for the staircase out of the cave.

"DON'T LET THEM ESCAPE!!!" Star Gazer screamed at the top of her lungs. She jumped down into the courtyard, the cloaked unicorns and earth ponies following suit while the pegasi took to the air.

Mare-Do-Well snatched a smoke bomb and threw it over her head, the smoke cloud temporarily disorienting Star Gazer and a couple of her minions. She followed up with several flash bombs to stun them longer.

The guards in the courtyard and the walkways above were relentless in their assault, divebombing and firing magic blasts at Mare-Do-Well, Dusty Runes, and Moon Dusk as they tried to make their escape. Mare-Do-Well fired off her remaining tranquilizer darts to take out the sharpshooters.

A couple guards jumped in front of the group and crouched down, ready to fight. Mare-Do-Well grabbed her last flash bomb and launched it at the group. Reeling back in pain from the sudden flash, they were unable to fight back as they were knocked to the ground by massive spin kicks from the masked mare and Dusty Runes. Followed closely by Moon Dusk, they eventually arrived at the staircase.

"Come on, hurry!" Mare-Do-Well shouted, frantically waving her forehoof. Moon Dusk started climbing up the stairs as quickly as his legs would carry him, while Dusty trailed right behind him.

Just as Mare-Do-Well was about to begin her ascent, she was struck on the side by a powerful magic blast and sent flying into the nearby wall. Dazed from the sudden impact, she shook her head and started to get to her hooves. Unfortunately, she felt herself being lifted into the air, and she was slammed painfully into the wall again.

"Mare-Do-Well!" Dusty shouted as she looked down in shock.

"You're not going anywhere, you freak!" Star Gazer screamed, her horn lit up and a dangerously crazed expression on her face. She grabbed Mare-Do-Well with her telekinesis again and sent her crashing into the ceiling. The masked mare cried out in pain as she fell flat onto the ground, her body aching furiously. She was extremely thankful for the protective padding that Rarity added to her costume: it absorbed most of the impact, but there was no telling how long it would hold out.

She got to her hooves and started to ignite her horn, only to get struck with another magic blast from Star Gazer. The impact knocked her aside, causing her to tumble across the ground painfully. No sooner did she came to a stop than she was telekinetically grabbed again.

"We're coming, Mare-Do-Well!" Dusty shouted as she began galloping down the steps.

"No!" Mare-Do-Well shouted back as she was slammed into the wall again. "Just get yourselves out of here! I'll be fine!"

"But-!" Dusty was about to object, but stopped when she felt a hoof on her shoulder. She turned to Moon Dusk, who was looking at her with a serious expression.

"We have to listen to her," he told her.

"You want us to just leave her?!" Dusty shot back incredulously. "She's in trouble! We have to help her!"

"I'm aware of that. But remember what she told us earlier? She said she had a certain somepony waiting at the cave entrance."

Dusty's eyes lit up. "Of course! Just hang in there, Mare-Do-Well!" Pushing her way past Moon Dusk, she began to climb up the steps at an incredible speed.

Struggling to her hooves, Mare-Do-Well slowly looked up, watching as Dusty Runes and Moon Dusk frantically galloped up the staircase. Please hurry up, guys...

Twilight stood by the mouth of the cave. Her black cloak covered her head and wings, allowing her to blend in easily as she wandered in circles.

"Come on, Sunset," she muttered. "What's taking so long?" She wouldn't have let Sunset enter the cave alone if she didn't think she could handle it. Her student was very resourceful and incredibly skilled in magic, and for a unicorn, she was pretty strong and agile. She had proved herself a capable heroine over the last couple months.

And yet... Twilight couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

She was snapped out of her thoughts as she heard the sound of hoofsteps. Turning quickly towards the cave, she spotted a pair of ponies galloping towards her. She was about to hide, only to stop as she recognized one of the ponies. Wait a minute... is that Moon Dusk? What's he doing here?

The two ponies reached Twilight and screeched to a halt, pausing to catch their breath.

"Moon Dusk?" Twilight said as she lifted her hood, revealing her puzzled expression. "What's a retired Canterlot professor doing in a place like this?"

"Not now, Princess Twilight!" the young cloaked mare blurted out.

Twilight turned to the other pony. "Are you Dusty Runes? Daring Do's assistant?"

"Yes, I am!" Dusty Runes shouted impatiently. "But we need your-"

"Wait a minute..." Twilight peered past the two ponies, glancing into the cave. However, she didn't spot a third pony approaching. "Where's Mare-Do-Well?"

"She's in trouble!" Dusty yelled, her eyes wild as she frantically jabbed her forehoof in the direction of the cave. "Star Gazer-!"

Twilight raised her eyebrow in confusion. "Star Gazer?"

"Night Shade! She's getting beaten really badly by Night Shade!"

Twilight gasped loudly, her eyes widening in shock. "Oh no..."

"You need to go to her aid, Your Highness!" Moon Dusk stated loudly. "Sunset Shimmer needs you!"

Twilight paused for a moment. Sunset Shimmer is in trouble... my friend needs my help...

Suddenly, her worried expression turned into a fierce one. Her eyes narrowed dangerously as she turned to Moon Dusk and Dusty Runes. "I'm going to teleport you two to my castle, to the room where Daring Do is resting. I want you two to wait there until I come back, understand?"

"Understood!" Dusty responded loudly as Moon Dusk nodded.

With a nod of her own, Twilight lit up her horn. In a flash of light, Moon Dusk and Dusty Runes were gone. Flipping the hood back over her head, she galloped into the cave as quickly as she could.

I'm coming for you, Sunset Shimmer... just hang in there...

"GAAAHHH!!!" Mare-Do-Well let out another cry of pain as her body was magically slammed against the wall. Collapsing to the ground, she struggled to get to her hooves. Her costume was starting to show signs of the beating she was taking: tears were forming on her cape, and small rips were starting to appear on her costume and hat. Thankfully, the rips weren't large enough to expose her amber-colored fur underneath. Her belt pouches, however, were torn right off, and her crossbow also suffered from damage, the string snapped and the straps affixing the weapon to her leg starting to come loose.

She wasn't this powerful when I first fought her. And there's no way she has the Relic of Magic since its whereabouts are unknown unless you have the other two Relics. Is... is this some kind of magical surge? Did bringing up Sparkly Skies cause this?

She slowly lifted her head, and her eyes fell on Star Gazer. She was absolutely livid, her body giving off a dark aura as she approached Mare-Do-Well.

"Please..." Mare-Do-Well pleaded as she slowly struggled to her hooves. "You don't have to do this!"

"Oh, is that right?!" With another yell, Star Gazer's horn lit up and she fired off another powerful magic blast. It sent her flying backside first into the wall again, causing her to yell out as she fell to her hooves.

"You expect me to just sit by all happy-pappy while my friend suffers from Celestia's stupidity?!" Star Gazer screamed, tears flowing from her eyes.

Mare-Do-Well coughed and sputtered as she tried to push herself up. "Please... I really want to help your friend, but this isn't the way!" She looked up as Star Gazer stomped over, her body shaking erratically. "Star Gazer... is this really what you believe that Sparkly Skies wants? To find out that her best friend has become a monster?!"

"SHUT UP!!!" Roaring loudly, she lifted Mare-Do-Well into the air, grabbing her by the neck. "I'll make you suffer for talking about Sparkly like that!!!"

"Stop! Please!" Mare-Do-Well cried out, struggling to break free. She tried to light up her horn for a teleport, but thanks to the beating she received, she couldn't concentrate on the spell. Star Gazer tightened her grip, and Mare-Do-Well was beginning to black out as her breathing grew shallow. "Please..." she whispered hoarsely, holding out her forehoof. "Star Gazer..."

But Star Gazer tightened her grip even more. Mare-Do-Well's forehoof fell limply to her side as unconsciousness began to overtake her. Please... don't do this, Star Gazer...

Suddenly, a bright flash of light appeared, sending out a small but powerful shockwave. The force blew Star Gazer back, causing her to lose her grip on Mare-Do-Well. The villain watched as a pony in a black cloak appeared in front of her.

Star Gazer stood up and fired off a magic blast at the new intruder, only to gasp in shock as it bounced harmlessly off her. Instead of retaliating, the cloaked intruder simply turned to Mare-Do-Well, who was lying motionless on the floor nearby.

Without a word, the cloaked mare lit up her horn, a bright flash engulfing the entire courtyard. Star Gazer lifted her forearms and shielded her eyes. By the time the flash died down and her eyes opened, both the cloaked pony and Mare-Do-Well were gone.

"Oh my goodness...!"

"Sunset Shimmer?! Oh no..."

"Holy-! Is she okay?!"

"I don't believe this..."

"No... no no no NO!!! Sunset Shimmer! Please wake up! Please!"

Before she faded into unconsciousness, she only remembered three things: her hat and mask being removed, her tears, and many concerned voices trying to reach out to her.

"Celestia dammit! Please wake up!"

The one that stood out the most was the one belonging to her closest friend, who was sobbing uncontrollably as she knelt beside her, holding her lifeless body close.

"Please... I'm begging you... please wake up, Sunset Shimmer..."

Author's Note:

The truth about Night Shade comes out, and Sunset Shimmer pays a heavy price for it. As Chapter 16 draws to a close, she drifts into unconsciousness while her friends desperately try to reach out to her... :fluttercry: