• Published 25th Dec 2014
  • 23,842 Views, 483 Comments

The Fake Sun - The Tale of a No one that became Princess - ratedoni

If eating too much cake was the worst since I became Celestia I would be happy... but I guess I am not that lucky.

  • ...

The Land of the Rising Sunset Part 02

If you asked Rainbow dash what was the best feeling in the world, her answer would be taking a long nap on top of a cloud after doing your job to perfection. One day she would love to say that it was the day she made it into the wonderbolts, but that would be in the future, for now Rainbow could take a breather and get comfortable in her fluffy and cool cloud and enjoy a moment of silence and peace.

“Hey Rainbow Dash!” if only it were that simple, but no, leave it to one Pinkamina Diane Pie to break that perfect moment.

Looking from the edge of her cloud Rainbow quickly found the owner of the voice, it was very hard not to notice the pony that screamed considering she was completely pink.

“What is it Pinkie Pie?” since they had found the elements of harmony and gained a new addition to the town, Pinkie Pie decided that they were now very close friends, not that Rainbow could see herself more time than it was necessary in the company of someone as prissy as Rarity or as annoying like Pinkie.

Fluttershy could be her childhood friend but she could only take the silence and awkwardness that came with trying to talk with the yellow pegasus; Applejack was okay if she needed a challenge but not to spend a lot of time talking to her and Twilight… she was an egghead, that she wasn’t afraid going into an adventure was one thing but she was a books mare to the core.

“Hey Dashie!” Oh how she hated that nickname, it wasn’t enough that she had to listen to her mother say it constantly when she was a little filly, now she also had to listen others say it, this was definitely pushing all the wrong buttons “I just wanted to know if you wanted to help me with a couple of pranks that I prepared” the pink pony said with a huge smile that the rainbow haired pegasus was sure it was physically impossible due to how wide it was, but well, Pinkie being Pinkie.

“Wait, pranks? You even know how to prank ponies?” Rainbow said with an eyebrow arched that would make Applejack proud.

“Well, duh, of course I know, I’ve been pranking since I was a little wittle Pinkie Pie filly, I have researched the art of pranking almost as much as the art of partying” she said with a completely serious demeanor, it was almost scary.

“Pfft, you, knowing how to prank? I’ll believe that when I see it”

“Really? Wanna make a bet Rainbow?”

“Sure, how 'bout this? If you are capable of pranking me I will wear one of Rarity’s frilly dresses, htta good enough for ya?” to even say something like that it meant that Rainbow had no doubt in her head that it would be an easy gamble to win, she was after all an expert in pranking, she could even smell one coming so there was no way Pinkie Pie could get her… and what was that noise coming from? It sounded like a mosquito, but it was growing stronger as if it where… something getting closer.

rrrrrRRRRRRAINBOW DASH!” oh damn… this was going to hurt, was the last thing that passed through Rainbow’s mind before the force of a storm impacted against her sending her into the floor in a cloud of dust. Pinkie in the meanwhile stood smiling in her place while her mane and tail flew around with the force of the impact.

Once Rainbow could blink away the stars in her eyes she finally found out the culprit of that tackle, none other than a friend she didn’t thought she would see in her town.

“Wait... what? Gilda? What the hell are you doing here?” the face on the gryphon was one she wasn’t used to see, fear and worry all at the same time, and that was enough for Rainbow to also be worried.

“Rainbow, I need your help, I need you to… why do you have talcum powder in your coat?” Rainbow quickly took a look at her usual cyan colored coat just to see that half of it was now completely white, but why? It was as if the cloud she was napping a moment ago was made of… talcum. Looking at her left she saw that Pinkie was still smiling.

“You clever girl” Rainbow could only say at how not-so-innocent Pinkie looked now, that should teach her to open her muzzle.


The smell of wood, paper and ink filtering through the air, the slight breeze from the window, the sight of books put in order on the walls, one quick on his feet drake serving tea and a little purple unicorn about to start hyperventilating.

It means that I did it! The world is safe and everything is right in the world!

Well, almost.

Because everything was screwed up to the limit, really, here I am still Celestia, Luna is back and Twilight living in Ponyville and still the real owner of this body is gone and lost who knows where and the only clue I had was a shadow in my dreams.

Good thing you don’t need to breathe to make a rant in your head.

Either way, things were starting to start… did I really just say? Things had been in movement since the moment I arrived here, but now this… feels important for some reason, maybe because now is Twilight who will be in the middle of it.

If I remember correctly this year nothing out of the ordinary happens, no serious opponents or eldritch abominations suddenly appearing out of nowhere (RKO!)… sorry, couldn’t resist.

“This is the perfect place, don’t you think so Luna?” I said with my soothing smile, or royal smile as Raven use to say, at my side Luna was enjoying the cup of chamomile tea that Spike prepared for us.

“I must say, the place is quaint and full of knowledge, perfect for one of your apprentices, thou can surely find the most appropriate places dear sister” I really have to do something about that speech, if she continues talking like that it will stop being cute and will get annoying at one point.

“I suppose, but now you have a new place to continue your studies Twilight, how do you feel about that?” Start with something small or she will start to panic.

“Oh, is… great, really, I mean… uh… I guess… ugh”


“Yes princess?” I put a hoof on Twilight’s mane, the royal golden shoes back in Canterlot.

“Is me, you don’t need to be like that with me, remember?” Twilight can be so cute when she goes into overdrive or panic mode, but right now I just want to spend some time with Twy, now that I won’t be able to see her every day.

“I… you are right princess, I’m sorry, is just that everything is so new, I guess Spike and I are barely starting to get used to this new place, not to mention a new way of life… but I’m happy too, there is a new form of magic waiting for me, the elements, friendship, all of that is so new and… so wonderful” I swear… my little Twilight can’t be this cute!

“That’s good to know, changes can always be scary, but they sometimes bring us the greatest things in our lives, so don’t be afraid and remember that you have your new friends with you, I’m sure they will love to make you feel better”

“You are right, thank you princess”

“The way you both behave is as if a mother were watching thy daughter open her wings and fly away from home”

“I believe it is a little bit of that too Luna” the nice idyllic moment had to be broken, this time in the way of the library door being opened by two figures, one was Rainbow and the other… that can’t be “Gilda?”

“Princess! Please, you need to help me! If you don’t do something, Gryphon Spire will declare war on the world!” Well… there goes my idea of a calm year.

Author's Note:

Hehehehehe! It didn't take half a year to put this thing in the internet! I'm happy for that!
Anyway, thank you so much for the over a thousand people that favorited this story, I am so grateful for all of you, your comments, likes and everythng else, thank you.
Also, I wanted to tell you that lately I have been writing everyday, hope that continues, I have a couple of surprises for ya! Take care!