• Published 25th Dec 2014
  • 23,837 Views, 483 Comments

The Fake Sun - The Tale of a No one that became Princess - ratedoni

If eating too much cake was the worst since I became Celestia I would be happy... but I guess I am not that lucky.

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The Land of Concerts

Chapter 5: The Land of Concerts

At the beginning of everything, there is always nothing. Only space and silence exist… no sound, no heat, no nothing. A big ball of emptiness really, which obviously makes it very boring, I mean, there is really nothing to see or to talk about, there’s not even light that will work, which makes the day to day a very boring experience.

But I’m taking too long… so like I said, there was nothing in the world, just a big emptiness that was a very bad thing for life considering that life needed things and emptiness wasn’t a thing, imagine a bowl of cereal with no cereal on it, just milk… no, well, almost similar, you know what? Just forget the analogy, I can never nail those for some reason, but no matter, there was no life in the universe, until one second… it was finally morning.

A beautiful morning that blew the darkness away for a time and darkness was intrigued, what could have defeated him in just a moment? And when darkness saw who created morning he felt in love in an instant, a match made in perfection, for she was the fires of life and creation, the perfect soulmate for the void and sleep… and from that union was born the first immortal, the only immortal, a white alicorn with fiery red hair as her mother and the mind of her father, she was creator of all, shaper of pony kind and protector of life, the patron of curiosity and imagination, she was the All-Mother of Equestria… Faust.

And she is the mother of the body I currently live in, not that there is any fear of repercussions, I mean, that mare doesn’t even call to say hello or ask how things are going, would it hurt if she came for a cup of tea at least to check out existence? I would think not, but of course, some things are harder to have; take for instance, one time I wanted to have a Chocolate Museum made from actual chocolate, of course there were a million things that didn’t let me make it a reality, sadly no Pinkie Pie back then so it was just an ephemeral dream.

Going back to Faust, why did I just go and remember the whole story about the All-Mother? I don’t know, I’m in a weird mood today, having to fight in the dreamscape takes a toll on you even if you win so don’t expect me all lucid right now, not that I am, believe me, sometimes I’m even worse.

There’s not much in the list, I mean, I just made morning appear which is cool. I had breakfast alongside Luna; she was really interested in the tea set for some reason, maybe because it is made in blue and silver… yes, that's the regular tea set, it was not for this special occasion specifically, I always take tea in the blue and silver set.

First thing I did when I was good enough to walk and use magic was to get rid of that ridiculous orange tea pot that Celestia used, I mean, it was really horrendous, the only reason she had it was because the color was in vogue at the time, no sentimental reasons, she used it because it was the fashion of that year, do you have any idea of the horror of realizing Celestia was a fashion victim? Enough to make you shiver.

So what else was for breakfast? Great bagels with cream cheese, also fresh milk and apple juice, can never start the day without those two… oatmeal? Do I look like a horse to you?... sorry, old joke, but seriously, I despise that thing, every time I see it I think I am Oliver Twist asking for more.

Besides food, what else? Luna is still chronically tired, she was in stasis on the moon, never really conscious but enough for her body to still be tired and weak, so a lot of sleep and bed time were prescribed, so no picnics, concerts, dinners and parties… I still feel a little guilty, here I am taking care of Luna, having her at my side and Celestia is not here to enjoy it, that would break my heart if it weren’t for the battle last night.

Really, what else could it be? Of course, that woman’s voice was distorted and there is not much in clues or evidence to say it is her but there can be nopony else but Celestia in my head, unless is something completely out of left field and leaves everypony stumped, very low chance of that I believe, also, why left field? Why not Right field… never made much sense.

So, what is new? Beautiful day, perfect weather according to the pegasi schedule that was brought to me a week ago in preparation for the Summer Sun, good breakfast, good company and a bright future can leave you with a smile on your face, so with all that I bid adieu to my usual retinue and decided it was good enough time to visit somepony that I feel I have left unattended for a while.

After making sure that Luna was resting in her room and that Raven would get to work on the report of Clean Vault… and will not spend the rest of her day ogling at the new maids, I was ready to do something that I enjoy, walk on broad light with none knowing that it is me.


So, how do you hide an alicorn that towers over every single pony in the city? You hide it in plain sight, making it look like any other unicorn, a simple resizing charm mixed with an illusion spell that has been a salvation for Celly for several decades now.

Looking at the windows’ reflection, Celly checked her pink hair once more to see that everything was in order; being satisfied with how she looked she once again started to walk in the direction of the Grand Concert Hall of Canterlot, one of her favorite places to simply relax.

With another happy sight she quickly got inside the cavernous building full of red velvet, acoustic halls and calm environment.

This was the feeling she needed after so many events and trouble in the court, something that would get her mind out of problems and what ifs for a while, the angelic sound of a cello in the hooves of a dear friend.


“So is Princess Luna alright?” the earth pony asked before taking a long sip of her coffee, sometimes the black gold was the only thing that made it possible for her to survive long practices. On the other side of the table was the white unicorn; once the disguised princess had offered to bring coffee from the castle to their reunions but the small shop’s merchandise was the only thing that could hit the spot for Octavia.

“Beyond the obvious side effects like being really tired she is perfect, although maybe that crazy party at Ponyville had something to do with it.”

“Please tell me that Pinkie didn’t go overboard this time?”

“She was on her best behavior… although that is like saying I was on my best behavior at a formal party,” Celly’s grin was the only answer that she had for Octavia’s glare at those words.

“I swear that’s one of the reasons why I don’t go to Ponyville… is she doing okay with the Cakes?” she asked, almost sounding insecure.

“She is fine, she is having the best time of her life every day; she found out her calling, just like you did, just like Limestone, Marble and Maud did, you don’t need to feel bad,” by this time it felt like a script, but Octavia still felt those thought nag at her.

“Yes, I know, I just wish I could find enough time to visit Pinkie… and extra days to rest after returning, I swear, that mare gets more hyperactive with the years, she is worse than a filly,” she said shaking her head making the long hair swish around like a curtain before settling her eyes on the deep abyss of the coffee cup “At least she kept her real name, that sister of mine in the other hand… Photo Finish, really? That’s the best she could come up with?”

“And what about you miss Octavia Philharmonic?”

“Octavia Onix Pie may sound normal compared to my dear cousin Pinkamena, but in my job? Not really, besides, everypony changes their names when they start working in the music or movie industry; would I like to change my name back? Sure, but I think I am a little bit late to do that considering most people know me like that.”

“It is never too late, those that love you and cherish your friendship won’t care either way.”

“Thanks, I needed to hear that” said the gray mare. It was weird, here she was talking face to face with the now co-ruler of Equestria but like always, she made it seem as if it was the most normal thing, she still remembered how she freaked out when she found out that her fan was none other than Princess Celestia, she was sure Celly still had the picture of her face.

“No prob dear, that’s what I am here for.”

“So, changing the topic, what are you planning to do now? I mean, you got back your sister; your number one student is now living alongside my cousin (All-Maker, preserve her sanity), so now what?”

“I don’t know, I mean, I still have to get in contact with Sunset… but beyond that? I’m just living day by day; the only thing that seems even remotely interesting is the Great Galloping Gala.”

“Is Blueblood in charge of the preparations? Please tell me it is him.”

“Of course he is, when it comes to high class parties he is the first to start the preparations, sometimes even months in advance, I learned my lesson of trying to give that responsibility to someone else.”

“Thank Celestia… right… forgot who I was talking with, anyway, he is the only one that makes those things bearable, especially when no one knows when the next prank will hit.”

“I know, I’m so proud of Bluey… this year looks like a quiet one Octavia, nothing out of the ordinary will happen.”


Somewhere outside of time and space, pages and books traveled through the air before landing in their exact place, just like the white alicorn wished for; paintings, drawings, letters and stories were meticulously cataloged, rejected and studied before being sent to their places like every day.

The tall alicorn seemed to work like a machine, not one second seemed to be wasted in her job, and not even her blinking was out of rhythm or out of schedule... which made the next second be a complete anomaly in the record books.

A lone scroll had been next to be cataloged, inside two names together, something that caught her attention and made her talk for the first time in what seemed eons.

“Celestia… and Celly… my child, what did you get yourself into this time,” the tall and regal alicorn stopped her work, a first in a long time “maybe I should prepare a visit… it has been such a long time since I was needed in Equestria… the Journey will be required,” the alicorn said in a clear voice before turning to see a small cube made of sapphires in one stand.