• Published 25th Dec 2014
  • 23,843 Views, 483 Comments

The Fake Sun - The Tale of a No one that became Princess - ratedoni

If eating too much cake was the worst since I became Celestia I would be happy... but I guess I am not that lucky.

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The Land of the Forgotten 02

She was there, but she wasn’t, at least not like I think she should be; I mean, I have seen her on the television when I was still alive and kicking, although, she wasn’t there for most of the episodes I watched. Most importantly, I saw her reflected countless times on the mirror, every single morning she was there; the same smile and poise -most of the time anyways- that showed how regal and powerful she was as the sole ruler of the Kingdom of Equestria.

Well, those were moments when I needed to be serious and those didn’t come very often. Most of the time, it was just me goofing around and making every pony dance on my tune, thankfully a benevolent tune, but I was guilty of manipulation and trickery; I am pretty good at that by this point and if I ever go back to my world, I’ll go straight to hell for all the things that I have done. Ask me if it was worthy.

So, here she was, right in front of me, the one responsible in part of all that has happened and basically the main reason why things are starting to slowly veer off their normal path. Although, technically speaking I was the one that was mostly in charge of all that chaos to begin with, but when you are thrown back hundreds of years before what you saw on TV; well, things tend to get a little bit complicated.

Trying to stand up showed me also a couple of strange things; mostly that my body reacted particularly well, unlike the last time I was thrown back into my old body. Gone were the aches and bloodied limbs that I had the last time I human, or at least a facsimile of one. It was disorienting to feel pain of that magnitude considering there were plenty of muscles I haven’t felt in a long time due to being a quadruped most of the time.

This time, thankfully, it was pain free, just some minor nausea due to being blasted by what could only be magical feedback; believe me, after spending time with some of the finest minds this kingdom can offer, you tend to know something like that very well. So, no blood or broken bones this time around, so that could mean this is not a dream caused by a nightmare or something similar, which is good; last time was shocking and a little painful. Not physical, it was just that being on a place that looked so much like my home back on Earth hurt more than I could imagine.

Looking down at myself, well, I swear I would have been a lot more confused and panicky if it weren’t for the situation I have been thrown for the last three hundred years. You see, it is one thing to be a big pony; sure, I was female and that brought a couple of things to get used to, but beyond some small things, the whole thing of having a completely alien body was bigger than the fact that I was suddenly female.

You see, the whole thing of becoming a mare was dull in comparison to the whole, ‘oh look, you are a pretty pony princess prancing around’, all with sparkles and what not. This is something else compared to that. It is interesting that after so long, there are still things that can surprise me… that’s good.

It may have something to do with being an immortal pony, because my memory hasn’t deteriorated at all since I woke up in Equestria, so that meant that I could recall most of my life as a human being; so this time, it felt a little weirder to stand up with two legs instead of four. Maybe it was the whole thing of me not being able to see my feet due to the size of my… breasts! I swear this is getting stranger by the second.

Since Sunset went to the human world -mostly to see what kind of effects magic has on a magically-void world- I have tried to never step into the mirror. The whole thing of being a couple of steps away from a human body was too tempting, but I quickly arrived at the conclusion that the human body would be of Celestia, not mine; so with that out of the way, I never thought twice about stepping into the mirror, just put several people in charge of fixing the whole closed thing with help of the journal Sunset and I had. This, well, this is not what I signed for; I was supposed to be an immortal alicorn mare that could fly and do magic while searching for the owner of said body, not… whatever the hell I am right now.

My hands were pale, even paler than I used to be as a human being who was mostly tanned due to having friends and family that loved the outdoors; also, living on the coast didn’t really afford you much in the sense of avoiding the sea and sun. This was basically eastern European kind of pale, which kind of tied around with the whole ‘Princess of the Sun’ thingy Celestia had going on. Luna would probably be more Mediterranean probably, not that I could guess much since even the Luna on the other side of the mirror was as dark blue as the young looking alicorn on this side.

Without a mirror I wasn’t quite capable of seeing all the differences that I had, beyond the size of my hands and… other attributes that I obviously had now, but my inspection was cut short when I heard a voice that I usually only heard when I was talking. She was giggling, probably in response of what was going on. Standing in front of me was the whole reason of why I was in this situation. Or maybe not, that would be too easy.

Staring at me was a regal looking woman, wearing a flowing and almost ethereal gown flowing down her body and spilling down the floor. She looked so out of place considering the abandoned and dilapidated remains of Griffonstone. Her hair was flowing on a non-existent wind and she looked like the real deal, just in human form.

In contrast, even though we probably looked the same in terms of body, I was wearing an off-one shoulder long black shirt with the cutiemark of the sun, accompanied by a jacket very similar to the one Sunset has on the other side, but this one was pure white and was definitely not leather. Some jeans and low heeled boots finished the ensemble. Gotta say, this is not the worst thing I have ever been wearing and I do hope Rarity doesn’t know some of those things or she will kill me.

“I take it the clothes reflect our personality?”

“For what I gather, that’s purpose of this space; in a way, it is to reflect not only the personality, but also the experience and demeanor of those that travel into the mind,” the voice was like the same person talking to herself, although thankfully with minor differences.

So here we are, two minds trapped on a place that looks directly taken from Fallout and we are simply talking about clothes and why we are wearing it. I suppose at this point it is clear that very few things can make me lose composure, unless I want to show some kind of joke or humor to make the others hesitate; sometimes, those few seconds are the seconds that I needed to defeat them in the past.

“So, shall we talk about the day? What about the weather we are having? Crazy, right?”

“Celly, I have to say, it is a treat to hear you deal with petty nobles and wannabe villains; you have a very special way of behaving that makes everything look almost effortless when it comes to manipulation.”

“Manipulation is such an ugly word, like kumquat, never quite liked them since that whole travel to the Heaven Gates, it was a nice adventure, but never got the chance to play the tourist there. Anyway, are we going to ignore the part where I am talking to the number one reason of why am I in this problem?!” I never lost my patience, not even when I was a human boy back on Earth, but this was seriously playing with my reserves of patience.

“Celly, you very well know that is not the case; you have been training and studying for this kind of moment before, you know why I’m here,” Celestia -or at least the part of Celestia that I was talking to- said before walking to a wall that had fallen and sat down on the part of it that was still sticking up; crossing one leg over the other, it was clear how elegant this woman was, because there was no way this Celestia was an alicorn, or at least not completely.

“Yeah, that will be too convenient for me; but no, you are not Celestia… or at least, not the whole package. I guess I can be proud of the fact that I am very well versed on everything magical at this point.”

“It helps when you have the greatest minds working for you.”

“And that we are not afraid to hit the books or work our hooves off; so yeah, I’ve been studying a lot, trying to find you or at least understand what the hell happened that night,” I sigh, having to resist the desire to pace around; it was something of a habit that I developed through the years, but the cracked stone street did not look inviting whatsoever. Instead, I looked around the abandoned town, watching its houses and buildings and how, instead of prosperous or at least habitable buildings, now only dark stone and broken glass remained.

“So, what do you think is happening?”

“Don’t try to play the teacher here Celestia, this is not even happening, this is all in my mind; whatever magic explosion occurred, it must have triggered something on our head, pulling you back from the sub conscious, somewhere so deep inside of me that remained sleeping for all these years, only awakened by a combination of something pulling our sub conscious and memories from the locker and whatever energy we were hit with; tell me, am I getting closer?”

“There is a reason why you became the leader of ponies so fast.”

“Nah, mainly because they get scared out of their wits whenever they see a flying feather thinking it is a bee; I’m not even joking, that happened one time and almost caused a riot.”

“Oh dear, seems our little ponies haven’t changed.”

“Ah, ah, she said it, she said it!” with a huge grin of my face and pointing at her, it was clear that Celestia understood what I was doing, because she just rolled her eyes at that.

“Was that reference even necessary? We are in your mind and we are the only two in it,” Would you look at that; I am capable of annoying Celestia too, this is awesome!

“One, because is funny, two, because people and ponies usually tell more stuff when they are annoyed; is an old trick I picked with the years. So, then it is true, we are inside my mind and you are not the true Celestia, or at least, the complete Celestia.”

“Yeah, I am… an image I suppose, an imprint of an old Alicorn that lives inside of someone that is basically a walking pop reference.”

“Thank you.”

“It wasn’t a compliment.”

“I know.”

“You are doing this just to annoy me, right?”

“Even old dogs can learn new tricks.”

“Did you just call me a bitch?”

“I didn’t say that, you said that.”

“Would you please take this seriously?”

“I am; that doesn’t mean I cannot have some fun with this, still, it was nice to know some part of you survived inside my mind. I guess that explains why I couldn’t really remember much of Celestia, it probably had something to do with you, as in maybe it could just give me so much information because there is not much from where to pull it, and it slowly let me get used to being an Alicorn and magic in general. But that still doesn’t explain why I was pulled inside my mind with you right here.”

“I think you are forgetting the most important thing so far; if I am just a part of Celestia-“

“Then that means there are… other parts? But why wake up now? Why not hundreds of years ago when I was getting used to be Celly?” at this point I just gave up and began to walk back and forth; thankfully, the low heeled boots were rather comfortable so walking was no problem.

“I don’t know, I was asleep, but sometimes I could hear or see something; images and flashes of information, maybe from your past or what is going on with the world right now.”

“So, that’s why you got the reference.”

“Maybe? I don’t know, I don’t think something like this has ever happened before, but I know I feel incomplete, as if I wasn’t myself.”

“Beyond the obvious of having a human body perhaps?”

“Maybe, although that would explain a bit, after all, this is our body now, right? Maybe? This is confusing and neither of us have much experience on something like this; let’s look at this calmly, so far we only know that whatever kind of energy that wave was part of, brought me completely from your sub-conscious into the front.”

“Well, that is obvious, I mean, the only reason it could do that is if it targeted a specific… part of the brain… oh fuck,” was the only thing I could say before the haziness where I have been trapped finally vanished and once more I was on four legs. My body was once more of an Alicorn and at my side, the young griffon was clutching her head, obviously in pain.

That had been a bizarre experience and I am the one that turned from a human, into an alicorn; but whatever kind of mental plane I had, it was related to what was going on and now I had information that was useful to solve all this.

“Gilda, has something like this ever happened before?” shaking her head and sending her feathers flying back and forth with that action, the punk-like griffon recovered quickly, although her eyes looked a little bit less bright this time around.

“Yeah, several times through the last few weeks; they say it is something with a new kind of invention that they are creating, something that will allow the workers work better, but the only thing it does is give me a headache every time. How can anyone get used to something like that?”

“Is easy, it makes you get used to it, that’s the dangerous thing about mind control magic; this one is so subtle that no one would be able to shake it off, since no one would even recognize the effects soon.”

“Wait, what?!”

“Oh Gilda, that’s only the tip of the iceberg, because, if I am right about this, then things will get even more dangerous than ever.”